Colossians - The Path To True Blessing In Marriage - Andy Cain


Thank you for watching the God Centered Theology Channel! Everything that we have and everything that we are is by the grace of God!


According to an article by Alex Strach on Bible .org, Hurricane Andrew was one of the worst hurricanes that hit the
Caribbean islands and Florida. After the hurricane, news reports witnessed tens of thousands of homes flattened to the ground.
As they were filming, they still saw one house standing. They went to that house and the owner was cleaning up his front yard and asked him, they said, how is it that your house is still standing?
He said, well, I built this house and I followed the
Florida state code for hurricanes. If the code called for 12 inch beams,
I put 12 inch beams. If it called for a metal brace to the beams,
I put a metal brace. I built the house according to the code and the house withstood the hurricane.
The true path to any blessing in any walk of life is to be in submission to God and His Word.
To walk in obedience to God's Word is to bring blessing, growth, success. To ignore, disobey, or think that you have come up with a better plan or way is to bring decline in absence of blessing and destruction.
God's Word is our prescription for life, for marriage, for church, for family, for everything.
God has His blueprint and we would be wise to be in submission to it.
With the intrusion of secular humanistic thought and the satanic rebellion against God's ordained authority,
God's standards and His blueprint for marriage, even the church itself is seen by the world as being outdated, offensive, won't work, just one's interpretation in many cases.
The lack of knowledge and submission to God's blueprint for specific areas of life has caused great sorrow, decline, and destruction for sure.
The divorce rate among Christians is certainly a result of a lack of submission to God's ordained blueprint for marriage that we find in His Word.
But there is a path to blessing and there is a path to success in marriage and we would be wise to heed the call of inspired scripture on the matter.
So many assume that if they stand tall or stand firm in the political arena on God's marriage being between one and the other, they might go home because after all they have done a job well done.
God has said on the subject, so what is God's blueprint? What happens to marriage in other places?
Well, our text this morning is Colossians chapter 3 and in this last section of Colossians chapter 3 you are going to see
God deal with the home in terms of marriage, with children, with the employer -employee relationship before we move into chapter 4.
So after dealing with everything that Paul has on the subject and nature of Christ and His supremacy and His supreme authority, he now looks at how that plays out in certain relationships that we all have.
So for the marriage relationship he says in verse number 18 of chapter 3, wives be subject to your husbands as is fitting in the
Lord. Husband, love your wives and do not be embittered against them. The first thing that we must have in order to have a biblical marriage is the correct foundation.
If you do not have the correct foundation you will surely, surely fail. In Matthew chapter 7 and verse 24 it says, therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and acts on them, and notice that it says not only do you hear the words of Jesus but you act on them, you obey them.
They may be compared to a wise man who built his house on the rock and the rain fell and the floods came and the winds blew and slammed against the house and yet it did not fall.
For it had a house on the sand, the rain fell and the floods came and the winds blew and slammed against the house and it fell.
It's not enough to know what to do if you don't do it.
Love, true love, specifically in a marriage relationship, true love always acts.
The foundation for the true path to blessing in a Christian marriage begins and ends with obedience to God and His Word, just like it does in all areas of Christian life.
Skipping back to Colossians 3 to 18, notice at the end of the verse there it says, Wise be subject to your husbands as is fitting
Ephesians chapter 5. We probably spent a lot of our time this morning but Ephesians chapter 5 and 22 it says something similar, it says,
Wise be subject to your own husbands. As to the 23, it says,
For the husband is the head of the wife, is Christ also the head of the church, he himself being the Savior of the body.
Christ is the head of the church, the church is subject to Christ. We are sola scriptura, the
Bible, the Scripture is the rule of faith for the Christian church. It is the only authority in the Scripture in the
Christian church. Christ is the head of the church, it is His church, it is He who reigns supreme, and it is
Christ who is the ultimate authority. And He says, In like fashion in the home the wife is to be subject to the leadership that looks like in a few minutes.
This all goes back to Genesis chapter 2. In Genesis chapter 2 and verse 21 it says,
So the Lord caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man, and he slept. Then he took one of his ribs and closed up the flesh at that place.
The Lord God fashioned into a woman the rib which He had taken from the man, and brought her to the man.
And the man said, This is now bone of my bones, flesh of my flesh. She shall be called woman, because she was taken out of man.
For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother, and be joined, or cleaved. Remember a couple of weeks back we talked about the word cleaved, the word meaning glue, cemented, and we talked about gorilla glue.
Same concept here, you are to be cleaved, you are to be glued, you are to be cemented to your wife, and they shall become one flesh.
So we see that the foundation for marriage, the foundation for God's marriage, and the foundation upon which we are to build our marriages, is not only starts and ends with God, but it starts and ends with His Word.
And He not only defines it, He commands it. He commands the way in which it must be entered, and how all aspects of marriage are to be viewed.
And it is at the bottom line of it all, as to the Lord. So you must have the correct foundation.
Number two, you must have the correct roles, the correct roles in marriage. Now we are going to start in Galatians chapter 3, because we need to start with this concept.
Galatians chapter 3 in verse 28 says, There is neither Jew nor Greek, neither slave nor free man, neither male nor female in Christ Jesus.
The ground is level at the foot of the cross. Spiritually among Christians, we are all in Christ.
There are no distinctions spiritually among the brethren. We are all adopted into the same family.
We all have the same Savior. We all have the same access to that Savior. You don't need a priest or a pastor, although some people enjoy to have their pastor pray for them.
You don't need your pastor to pray to have direct access to the throne of grace.
Hebrews chapter 4, and you can take all of your worries, all of your doubts, and all of your fears, everything that is a trial for you, and you can take it straight to God.
That dividing wall is broken down. You don't need your mommy. You don't need your daddy. You don't need your husband.
You don't need your pastor. You don't need anybody. Now we certainly partake in those relationships with each other.
We obviously would want to come along one another and pray with one another. That goes without saying. But fundamentally we all have the same access to God, because we have the same
Savior. We all, husbands and wives alike, that have placed their faith and trust in Jesus Christ, have the same justification.
We all have the same standing. We have the same righteousness, because Christ has imputed
His righteousness to every single one. We all have the same adoption.
We also have the same future promises of our inheritance. We're all going to inherit it all.
What may trouble us in this life, what may bring us trial in this life, those things are hard and they are difficult.
And if you want to do some study, I suggest you go to the book of James and study what our response to trial should be.
And while we should be growing in patience and steadfastness to a mature man, a mature self, a mature
Christian in handling these things well, it doesn't mean these things don't happen. It doesn't mean they aren't hard.
But we need to recognize they are for this life and not for the next. Our future inheritance is set.
If we get a chance at some point this year I hope to preach something to the effect of what exactly the resurrection of Jesus Christ established for the believer.
There are so many things that are settled that cannot be changed. They cannot be altered.
And every single person that is in Christ partakes of these spiritual blessings. So there should never be a time where a husband looks at himself as being superior to his wife.
You're not. A wife should never look to her husband as being superior to her husband.
You're not. In certain situations and in certain relationships in the
Word of God, inspired Scripture, God has prescribed certain roles and certain functions that are being performed, in certain cases submitted to.
These distinctions in roles and function and authority, they do not negate or erase our equal standing before God as Christians, that is
His children and His elect. But they do show He has structure.
He has a blueprint of how certain things are supposed to operate. And God expects and commands
His people to operate and obey His instruction. To obey
God in these areas brings great blessing. Obedience always brings blessing in the life of the believer.
So if you're ever sitting there saying, I want to experience the blessings of God. I want to see God's blessing on my life.
Obey Him. See what He's told you in His Word and obey. To not obey will not bring blessing, for God always blesses obedience and does not bless disobedience.
So God has blueprint, He has roles. Some examples of this, God has ordained the structure as how government authority or jurisdiction.
And we're commanded to obey and submit to those that have the rule Romans 13, 1 -3.
The only time we're allowed to disobey a governmental authority is if they instruct us to do something as against God's Word, or contrary to God's Word.
So we would naturally, if they told us that we would have to do certain things. And sadly,
I wish this was not the case, but I think there is a day coming where we're going to see not only an allowance for, but a specific direction from governmental authorities that you must, probably very close to what
China does, that you must abort and murder children. And in those cases we would have to disobey the
God ordained against God's Word. But beside that we're commanded to obey and submit to those governmental authorities.
A policeman comes to your house, you obey and submit to that policeman's authority. We obey and submit to that.
That's one aspect of that governmental structure and the roles and functions and the relationships they have.
Because even though we're not of the world, we're in the world, we have a certain relationship to the governmental factors and to the governments and nations of this world.
God has also given and delegated while He is in Heaven authority and oversight over His congregations through eldership and pastoral leadership, according to 1
Timothy 3, Titus 1, 1 Peter 5, several places throughout the book of Acts and other epistles.
God has not prescribed congregational rule or any democratic process. See, what we see specifically in a lot of American churches is they make the mistake of thinking that church is of the people, by the people, and for the people.
It's not biblical. It's of God and for God. That's the only thing we should be concerned about is it's of God, by God, and for God.
What He has said is how we're supposed to dictate our lives, specifically in the church. Churches that are in submission to this leadership have a solid biblical foundation.
They'll see growth, and blessing, success. They'll stand firm when hard times come, much like in Matthew chapter 7 when you saw the guy that built the foundation on the rock, and it stood when the winds and the rain came, and it stood.
Well, churches that are not and are in disobedience to this will see decline, absence of blessing, and eventual death.
God also has roles and functions for employer and employee relationship. We'll see this as we get down to the end of chapter 3 in Colossians here in a couple of weeks.
He has a distinction. If you're in the job, or whether you're a boss, or whether you're an employee, you have certain functions and certain roles you're to play based on the prescription of the
Word of God in that relationship. So if you're an employee, you're to obey and to submit to the leadership and the authority of your boss.
But you will also see when we get to Colossians chapter 4 verse 1, and it's not just there, it's in other places in Scripture, but God has very strong language for those that are in the authority.
We're going to see this very much for husbands here in a moment. But you as masters, as employers, the way you treat your employees, you will be judged, you will be dealt with by God for that.
He will hold you accountable for how you exercise your authority, and how you implement it on your employees.
But there's that relationship there. And God finally also has roles for the family.
He has roles for people to play in marriage. He has roles for children. He gives the authority and the leadership to the husband over the wife, and to parents over the children.
The model and blueprint that God uses in the home largely mirrors a lot of ways in the church as well.
And it's to a degree. But in Colossians chapter 3 verse 18, once again He will tell you, wives be subject to your husbands as is fitting to the
Lord. Husbands love your wives and do not be embittered against them. We see that the roles in marriage are that the husband is to be the leader, have the authority and oversight over the wife, and the wife is to be in subjection to that husband's leadership.
Now if that's where the Bible ended, you'd have fundamentalism where women were treated as servants, they were treated as slaves, they were treated as somebody inferior, and they were not in balance and not in submission to the
Word of God. You had husbands acting like complete, words I can't say properly in a sermon. But they would act in certain ways that they needed to be taken out back to the woodshed and dealt with harshly, to put it as nicely as I can.
But it isn't where it stops because even though God has certain roles and functions that we are to play in certain relationships, it does not do you any good if you don't go to what is number three.
Number three is the correct execution of those roles. Now we obviously can't cover all those things
I've covered today from government relationships, church relationships, pre -tastoral congregation relationships.
We're going to cover children and parents at some point. We're going to cover employee. But we can't cover all of them.
But we are going to cover today the marriage one, the correct execution of those roles. Ephesians chapter 5, and this is where we're going to spend the remainder of our time this morning if you want to park there.
But Ephesians chapter 5 and verse 24 it says, but as the church is subject to Christ, so also the wives ought also to be to their husbands in everything.
This word be subject means to place a rank under. It does not imply inferiority, but it's a willing submission to a rank.
You could look at this in military terms. You'd have certain people that would rank higher than others, and they'd have certain levels of authority and responsibility and leadership, so on and so forth.
That's what's in picture here. It's the willing submission of oneself under that leadership. We see this in the church, and we see this in the home.
The wife is not commanded, and we'll note this too, the wife is not commanded to obey the husband in the same way children are commanded to obey their parents, because the husband and the wife are spiritually equal.
They're equal in the eyes of God. So the husband is not to treat his wife as a servant, or someone to obey his every command.
Kindly suggest for me to take the trash out. I would suggest it would be well in your home if you did so. A wife is someone that deserves your love and your respect, your provision and your protection.
You see, the Bible tells the wife in verses 22 -24 of Ephesians chapter 5 to be subject to the leadership of her husband.
It goes on to explain what that leadership looks like. So ma 'am, you've had roughly 12 -15 minutes to get yourself ready.
If you're not ready yet, God help you, because now it's your turn. Ephesians 5 chapter 25.
A husband's love is not a suggestion if you get around to it, or if she cleaned up and made you a good meal.
No, it says, love them today, tomorrow, the next day, next week, next month, next year, next decade.
Submission, because in marriage there's a mutual submission. There's not wives just simply being subject to husbands, and the submission is only on her part.
Same thing in the church. There's a mutual submission. There's a submission of the congregation to the pastor of leadership, but there's certain things that the pastor is in submission to his congregation.
There's a mutual submission. There's a mutual submission in marriage. Wife is to be subject to the leadership of the husband, but the husband's primary submission to his wife is to love her as his wife.
And Jesus Christ is the ultimate and the divine. The husband is to love his wife.
So husbands, study what Jesus Christ did. Study how
Jesus Christ loved the church. Notice He says, husbands love your wives just as Christ loved the church, and gave
Himself up. You know what that means, husbands? Everything's on the table.
Up to and including. I would submit to you, if you're thinking about getting married, willing to, up and to and including, the
Bible tells you to love her. Because God says, Jesus Christ, the second person of the Trinity, encased in human flesh, not only loved the church, but He loved it so much
He gave Himself up for it. And it specifically tells us here in Inspired Scripture, husbands love your wives just as Christ also loved the church and gave
Himself up for her. He is our divine and ultimate role. You see, love is action.
You look at the word love in the New Testament, you go and look at the original language, it's verbs, it's action words.
There's feelings, there's emotions, but it doesn't dictate what. It's action.
Whatever is needed. This love that a husband is supposed to have because of his leadership.
But husbands, authority does not mean dictator. There is a way to go about lovingly guiding and leading your wife towards what is right and what is best without making her feel like what she wants and what she desires is not important to you.
We're not going to get into this today, but when we get to the part with parents and children, same thing. There is a way to lovingly instruct and correct your children without exasperating them or making them feel like they're not important.
Now some parents can go the other way and this is something I struggle with early and you over -validate.
Everything is the best thing they've ever done. Well that's not going to teach them anything either. But there's a way to handle this.
There's a way to do it. A husband that is correctly loving his wife.
Now let's go on and see what else it says. Verse 28, so husbands ought also to what it said a few verses previous about loving your wife as Christ loved the church.
Now Paul turns his attention and he says, husbands ought also to love their own wives as their own bodies.
Like you would love your own. It says he who loves his own wife loves himself.
For no one ever but nourishes and cherishes it just as Christ also does the church because we are members of his body.
Loving his wife as Christ loved the church will create a covenant where the wife will willingly submit to the husband's leadership because she'll find in that leadership she will find someone that is truly looking out for her needs and nourishing her, cherishing her in a biblical way.
A husband that is loving his wife as if it were his own body, there's not a single woman that would not want to be subject to that kind of leadership and authority.
And see that's where the mutual submission plays in. My pastor back home was preaching a marriage sermon series one time and he came in one time and brought this big old doormat like you would see at the front step of a door and he started off his sermon by walking up, walking with it, and he drops it on the floor.
And he says, wives, you're not a doormat. And he started walking off.
He's like, oh, I got more to preach than that. But he could have stopped right there.
She's not a doormat. She's the being subject to your leadership. But if you're correct leadership all my needs are met.
I'm being nourished and cherished. I'm being taken care of. That's how it works.
Love her as if it's your own body. This means no excuses, men, as we would love her.
You see, God gives us the authority and the leadership that he does. He gives the authority and the leadership to his elders in the church, to governmental authorities, to employees.
Leadership or authority to someone is because he expects certain things out of it. That's why the qualifications for a pastor are so high.
That's why the qualification of what a biblical husband looks like is so high. He doesn't spend all his life as supposed to being subject to the husband's leadership.
He spends the whole time talking about how a husband is supposed to look. Now, sometimes in this life
I try to borrow statements or I try to say things a certain way someone else done.
And sometimes in life there's just better to let people speak for themselves. So, I want to play a three minute, roughly three minute video speaking on this subject.
If you walk away from here this morning, husbands, and you're not convicted after this guy speaks, something's wrong. I look men dead in their eye.
Go home and love your wife. No, you don't understand. We're just not in love anymore.
I didn't ask you to be in love. I said go home and love your wife. The Bible commands you to. Husbands, love your wives.
You're commanded to. Well, no, no, you just, I just, no, I just don't feel like that. Okay, fine.
The Bible says love your neighbor as yourself. Your wife is your closest neighbor. Go love her because she's your closest neighbor.
Yeah, well, she's not even my closest neighbor. I moved out. That's fine. Jesus said, by this all men will know that you're my disciples, that you have love one for another.
So, love her because she's your sister in Christ. Well, I don't even know if she's saved. That's fine.
The Bible says love your enemies. It is absolutely inexcusable for a man who follows
Christ to stop loving his wife. It's a choice. It's an act of the will.
And we walk away because we don't have a biblical worldview. And we say things like, well,
I'm just not happy. And I just don't believe that God would want me to stay in a marriage and be unhappy.
Are you serious? Let me see if I understand this correctly. Jesus Christ, the spotless, sinless lamb of God, was crushed and killed for the glory of the
Father, but you, he wouldn't want unhappy. Gotta suck it up and go home.
It is an act of the will. It is a choice. It is accompanied by emotion, which means, ladies, it's not led by emotion.
That's that teenage girl love. Oh, my God, I love you.
Which ought to always be followed by this week. Amen.
And men, it's not void of emotion. Biblical love is not void of emotion.
And again, I talk to, I hear this from guys all the time, like they can sell that stuff to me. I'm just not an emotional man.
I'm just more of an analytical type. And she wants me to be emotional, and I'm just not a very emotional man.
That's a lie from the pit of hell. Well, what do you mean? I mean, you don't even know me that well, and you're calling me a liar.
And I just said, I'm not a very emotional man. Why are you upset that I called you a liar if you're not emotional? Because here's another one
I know. When you're out on the golf course and you shank one, you don't just stand there and say, I seem to have hit that one poorly.
You watching the ball game and your team getting beat like a tied up goat, you don't just sit there and say, they seem to have far more points than we do at this time.
And if you went to work tomorrow and your stuff was on the sidewalk with a pink slip, you wouldn't stand there and say, well,
I really have enjoyed my tenure. A man who looks at his wife and says he's just not emotional is actually saying to her, you don't matter as much as my golf game, my favorite team, or my job.
He gets straight to the point. So speak for himself. I've come across that and I said, yeah, my feet hurt.
You see, there's a reason why I preached this so strongly because there was a time where I didn't do this, man.
There was a time where I didn't love my wife the way the scripture tells me to. I do now. It doesn't say just like he said, his excuses.
We justify sin so greatly. Well, she, listen, or she's this or she's nagging me at this.
No, it says uses to be in subjection to and lovingly follow your husband's leadership.
You know, I can count on one hand and probably not even use one finger on that hand. The number of times right now and say, this is what we're going for.
God says, love your wives. And if you love her, you'll handle those situations a lot differently than what a dictator would.
And in most cases, most arguments we have, I have to call the next day and tell her how she was right. And I was particularly enjoy those phone conversations, but they happen.
God, she chose you. Blessing in Christian marriage.