How To Prepare a Sermon or Bible Study
Writing / preparing a sermon or a Bible study can be challenging. Here are some helpful hints.
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- Hello, in this video I'm going to talk about how to prepare a sermon. There is no one correct way to do it, but this is a way, so hopefully someone will find it helpful.
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- The first thing you should understand is the difference between expository preaching and topical sermons.
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- A pastor who can preach week after week, he may go through a book of the Bible, preaching chapter by chapter, verse by verse, explaining the original meaning and context.
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- That is considered expository preaching. If you're not a pastor, if you can't preach again and again, then you're probably going to do a topical sermon, which is fine, but topical sermons are done a little differently.
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- You choose a topic, and then you find different passages in the Bible, all that speak to your subject.
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- So instead of one main topic explaining, going in depth with the original meaning and context, a topical sermon is more a broad survey of different passages.
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- Where do you start? Prayerfully choose a subject or a text.
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- Read the text or multiple texts. Read them many times, become familiar with them.
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- Also study so you know what the text is saying. Ask questions like who, what, when, where, why, and how.
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- Is a doctrine being taught? What doctrine? Who wrote it? Who are they writing to? Why are they writing this?
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- How does this apply to me? Does this apply to me? You can read commentaries, examine study
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- Bibles, search online, BibleHub is a good source for online commentaries, but remain open to the
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- Spirit's leading. You start writing the sermon, and you can do it word for word, or you can write general thoughts, but at least form an outline.
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- When you preach, you need to include, okay, your sermon has to include exhortation, explanation, and application.
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- You can't just read Bible verses. You can't just string passages together.
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- You need to be able to expound upon the text. You need to be able to explain the passage.
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- Tell the people what truth is being taught, and how does it apply to their life. Building the sermon.
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- The introduction should be two to three minutes at the most, but let people know what they should expect to hear.
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- This is common advice. Tell the people what you're going to tell them. Tell it to them, and then at the end, tell them what you told them.
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- People need to know what the sermon is about. After the introduction, read your text of Scripture.
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- Form the body of the sermon. This usually contains three or four points, or one point that is reinforced three or four different ways.
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- The tool of alliteration is not necessary, but it is an effective way to help people remember the points of your sermon.
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- Alliteration is when your points all begin with the same letter or have a similar sound.
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- Be sure to make application during your sermon. I can't stress this enough.
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- For example, James 1 .22 says, but be doers of the word and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves.
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- The application would be if you asked the congregation something like this, are you a doer of the word or are you a hearer only?
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- This way, it makes the text real to them. It's not just words on a page.
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- It applies to them. If you can, it's helpful to build up to one main point in your sermon.
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- These things are not required, but it's helpful. All of the verses, all of your illustrations, it should all be headed in some direction.
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- So one main overarching point. Your sermon should have the climax, what you're building up to.
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- The conclusion, bring it all together. Now that the congregation has heard the sermon, what should they do about it?
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- If you don't make application during the sermon, you absolutely have to make it at the end.
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- Here are some helpful hints. Remember the gospel. This is what it's all about.
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- The gospel should be included in every sermon in some way, shape, or form, because you never know who might be listening.
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- Fine tuning your message. Go over your sermon several times, and as you go, make those changes that need to be made.
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- Prayer. You should pray at least once either before or after your sermon.
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- Before and after is good also. Sermon time. 20 minutes should be the minimum.
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- 45 minutes would probably be the maximum, depending on the setting. So shoot for about a half an hour.
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- After about 35 minutes, most people's minds start to drift. Cross -referencing.
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- The more you are in the word, the more things will come to mind. Consider using a
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- Strong's Concordance. I've also found blueletterbible .org to be very helpful.
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- You can type in any passage using the King James or the New American Standard, and simply click on Strong's and it will give you all the
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- Hebrew and Greek words, their meanings, and where they are found elsewhere in Scripture.
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- Public speaking. Speak loudly and clearly. Do not speak in a monotone voice.
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- Try not to talk too much with your head down. Also, don't read into the expressions on people's faces.
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- If somebody looks bored or angry or confused, we never really think about our resting face until we're up in front of people and then we notice it on them.
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- Don't read into that at all. But if somebody does criticize you, don't take it personally. They criticize
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- Jesus as well. But be willing to accept constructive criticism. Memorization.
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- The more Bible verses you have memorized, the better off you will be. They will often come to mind so that you can better make your point.
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- Be open to the Spirit's leading. God may bring things to your mind that you didn't plan on saying.
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- Don't be afraid to get off topic for a few moments. Just make sure you get back on point afterwards.
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- Illustrations. Try to include illustrations that people can relate to. Throwing in an illustration can sometimes help recapture people's attention.
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- Preach with confidence. Remember, it is not your message. It is God's message.
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- And finally, James 3 .1 says, My brethren, let not many of you become teachers, knowing that we shall receive a stricter judgment.
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- It's true that that verse is referring more to pastors and those who teach in an official capacity.
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- But still, teaching God's Word in any setting must be taken seriously.
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- So in conclusion, when handling the Word of God, we must strive to handle it accurately.