Show Me: Faith and Works

AD Robles iconAD Robles


Some people believe in Christ....others "believe." How to tell the difference.


well hello good morning it is Columbus Day which isn't really a holiday anymore
I don't I don't remember the last time I got Columbus Day off of work and I do work for myself so I guess
I could take it off if I wanted to but all my customers are in business so they're in business I got to be in business
I suppose but anyway I wanted to I saw you always see this right around Columbus Day you always see a few social justice warriors out there saying
I don't I refuse to celebrate murderers rapists and colonizers and then then they'll say happy indigenous people's day and I always found that so stupid it kind of presents this idea that before Christopher Columbus got here everything was like a utopia over here
I mean people were nice to each other and kind and just lending to each other they make it seem like it was you ever see
Pocahontas in the beginning when everyone's so lovely and they're singing everyone's sharing everything's great and then the white people show up and then everything goes to hell and that's not how it is at all
I mean these people were barbarians let's just be honest about that the natives were barbarians and this is
I'm saying this as someone who has indigenous blood in his veins right now they would eat each other they would cut each other's hearts off sacrifice each other to the gods the wars constantly
I mean if you're not gonna celebrate Columbus for being a bad guy why are you celebrating indigenous peoples for being bad guys
I know why because you're racist that's why you're a racist look the history of all peoples is bad the
Europeans used to be barbarians they were bad Africans used to be barbarians they were bad natives used to be barbarians they were bad and guess what makes you civil guess what civilizes things
Christianity that's right Christian culture is superior to any culture even those kindly little natives that lived here in the
United States before Columbus got here even them Christian culture is far superior to whatever pagan nonsense they had praying to the spirit gods and all kinds of nonsense and things like that how's that for a little a little hot take it shouldn't be a hot take this should be obvious obviously
Christian culture is superior to all this pagan nonsense obviously but I guess if you're racist you gotta can put that into your calculations and stuff like that anyway that's not what
I want to talk about today that is not what I wanted to talk about today oh before I get into my real topic I wanted to say
I hope you guys have have a good church to go to you I hope you have a good church family to go to you
I gotta tell you right now I have a great church and I just want to just I want to brag a little bit about about my church
I the Sunday found out what the men's breakfast the men's Bible not Bible study the bit the men's kind of study group is gonna be talking about for the next few months and I have to say we're gonna be reading the
Tim Bailey book daddy tried and it wasn't even my idea I am super blessed to be part of this church
I'm so grateful for it all the stuff that happened this past year with me and my own church and stuff like that and now that we're in this new church it's all worked out for good and I'm just so blessed thank you for your prayers
I know a lot of you guys were praying for me during that whole kind of tumultuous time but huge stuff huge stuff the patriarchy has come to Vermont anyway believing and believing what's the difference between believing something and believing something you know here's the thing and many have said this is nothing new this is nothing new but if you want to know what a man believes you should look at what they do how they act what they act on you shouldn't really necessarily only listen to what they say now obviously what they say is important because that's part of your actions right so if you say you believe something we take that into consideration but the only way to really know if somebody believes something is to see how they act they act on what they say they believe and I'll give you a perfect example of this you know in last few weeks we've been talking a lot about climate change right and how the world's gonna end in you know a matter of decades if we don't do something about this climate change and we're gonna control the weather so what we're gonna do is if we don't do anything what's gonna happen is that all the coastlines and stuff like that they're all gonna be underwater because you see what's gonna happen is the world keeps heating up and up and up and it melts the ice caps and then the ice caps go to the water in the ocean and it raises the sea level and eventually it's gonna raise the sea level to such a point where the shorelines all the places we love to hang out with our families and have ice cream and all that kind of stuff it's all gonna be underwater because of climate change so if you don't do something about climate change all the coastlines are going to be underwater and and a lot of people will even say we're past the point of no return you cannot save the coastlines anymore and that and they they you they act like they believe it they say it loudly they make a lot of noise they want you to support their politics and all that stuff and if you don't it is literally the end of the world for the coastlines so that's what people say to you but the question is do they actually believe this doomsday scenario that's the question do you believe this doomsday scenario liberal politicians and the answer is most of the time you can clearly see that they do not and one way to know this is to see how many of these people that say that we're at the end of the world is coming due to climate change and the rising sea levels and all this how many of these people own beachfront property lots of them do in fact lots of them are buying beachfront property right now and you would think that if they really believed that the beachfronts were going to be underwater that there's no way they would spend millions upon millions of dollars to buy beachfront property you see they don't actually believe what they're saying if they actually believe that there's no way that they would invest in that way there's no way that they would waste money in that way you just wouldn't do it if you actually believe that the glaciers are going to cause the sea level to rise to such a degree that all the coastlines are going to be underwater you wouldn't do it you just wouldn't do it doesn't doesn't work that way that's not a good long -term investment unless you're insane
I guess you could believe it and be insane but you know I don't know which is better the fact that they're saying something they don't believe or the fact that they're insane
I don't know but you see how you act and how you and how you believe they're connected right so you you might say one thing but if you act contrary then you're either crazy or you actually don't believe what you're saying you actually don't believe what you're saying now this is actually a biblical principle this is actually a biblical principle in fact we've talked about this recently with a with a chapter in James about faith and works right you show me your faith apart from works
I'll show you my faith by my works of what James is challenging you is say look if you say you believe
God you say you believe in Christ well you should have works because you should act like you believe in Christ you know a confession isn't really worth much without actions that's what he's saying and the thing is
God can see the heart right God can see where you're putting your faith he can see it perfectly so he knows if you have a true faith or not but human beings see we we can only we can only look at what you do and so we can see okay this guy over here he's acting like he believes
Christ he says he believes Christ so we believe that he believes Christ then we have another person over here he says he believes
Christ but he doesn't do anything that Christ says and so that faith seems like it's dead now we don't know for sure but according to James that's one way we can tell
I'll show you my faith by my works and so when you when you look at the climate change you know hucksters and they don't act like they believe what they say we can say
I'll I mean show me your faith by your works you obviously don't believe this climate change stuff you obviously don't believe it you're jet -setting around the world telling us that we have to get rid of fossil fuels and stop flying in planes but yet you're flying everywhere obviously you don't believe it obviously you don't believe it and so show me your faith without works
I'll show you my faith by my works that's what James is talking about here that's what James is talking about here good works are necessary when it comes to faith because otherwise how do we even know it's a true faith again
God can see the heart we cannot God saw the man on the cross that died with with faith and he didn't have any good works after he confessed
Christ right God saw the true heart there so he could say definitively you'll be with me in paradise today you see we can't see the heart how we see your faith is by your works that's how we see it you can tell me all day long you love
Christ but if you don't do the things that he wants you to do the things that he's told you to do do you really love him and see this is also a biblical principle to this comes from the book of John Jesus himself says this we've talked about this before John chapter 14 verse 15 if you love me you will keep my commandments that's what
Christ says if you love me you will keep my commandments in other words if you love me you will have works good works it doesn't say if you love me you'll have all the feels it doesn't say if you love me you'll put a kissy face on your tweets a heart symbol next to my name on your tweets it doesn't say that it doesn't say if you love me you'll wear a
WWJD bracelet doesn't say that it says if you love me you will keep my commandments you'll have good works in other words and so this is the reality the difference between believing something and believing something is how you act it's how you act if you believe the economy is going to crash in the next year
I would hope that your activities are different than someone who believes the economy is gonna boom in the next year you have different things to prepare for and depending on how you act
I can know if you really believe it or if you're just blowing hot air if you're just blowing hot air so the reality is if you're truly
Orthodox and you believe the right things about Christ and you really believe them right I'm not talking about just understanding orthodoxy in your head
I'm talking about believing you know what I mean have you faith in Christ if you really have faith in Christ then your orthopraxy is going to be right on I'm not talking about perfection you don't need to have perfection
I'm not saying that but we are saying is that you should practice good works right you should be practicing righteousness if you say you have faith and if you don't nobody's nobody should believe that you have faith and this is why this is why the other day when
I did that video about Jamar Tisby and Kyle Howard that was such a you know for me it was a it was kind of a long time coming but I mean look at the works of these people the works are just divisive they're always divisive no matter what it's always divisive it's always racist it's always prejudice it's always partiality and so you say you have faith
I see the kissy faces I see the heart symbols I see that you say you're a Christian but where are your works do you love
Christ I don't see any reason to think so and so what do you really believe that's the question what do you really believe well
James Cone that's what you really believe and that's the reality right and so that's that's the thing here the difference between believing something and believing something is the works what do you do you can say anything
I could say I believe anything but what do you actually believe that's the question you know this comes into play as well with some of the politics you know we're seeing a lot of this we're seeing a lot of people saying well
Christ isn't a Republican or Democrat and so there's a third way of the Christian way and okay fine granted
I actually believe that too I'm not a Christian I'm not a Republican or Democrat right and so the question is
I believe that there's a Christian way now but what do you believe though what do you believe what are your works right because I'll tell you that when when
Trump does a bad thing you know I'll tell you that it's bad when Trump does a good thing I'll tell you that it's good and I do it based on the standard of Scripture at least
I try to I mean that's that's my goal right but but when you are on Twitter what do you do when
Trump does a good thing what are you saying anything or are you pretending that it's bad when
Trump does a bad thing what are you saying see a lot of you out there that are saying there's a third way are just all you're doing is anti -Trump anti -Republican that's what you're doing
I'm not saying you're a Democrat but most of what you do is anti -Trump and so when you say well there's a third way we got to love women and we got to love children okay granted okay so are you trying to end abortion are you trying to end abortion or are you ridiculing every effort to end abortion that you can see are you are you trying to criminalize abortion because if you're trying to protect women and children abortion should be criminalized death penalty offense if you kill your child
I can say this definitively based on God's standard because I love Christ and so I'm trying to do and teach what he commands if you kill a child you deserve the death penalty what is your solution because we got to love women right see a lot of y 'all are just saying well we got to love children and women and so social policies welfare and I say to you that's works of a different kind that's a different kind of fruit of a different kind of Bible that's not my
Bible my Bible doesn't say anything like that and so where your works your works are in lockstep with the
Democratic Party in lockstep with the Democratic Party you don't want to criminalize abortion and you want welfare for women that's
Democrats so you say there's a third way the lie detector determines that's a lie your works reveal you're a
Democrat your works reveal you're a liberal your works reveal that you've got another message it's not the message of the scripture because Christ said if you love me you will keep my commandments what were
Christ's commandments see Christ wrote the law of God he wrote it not only did he write it but he did it he accomplished it and he is our example so if you love
Christ you better have works and they better be the right kind of works good works according to his commandments otherwise you might say you believe what do you really believe anyway
I hope this was helpful God bless I was about to upload this video but I wanted to just mention one more verse from the
Bible and this is this is so key because you know if you love me you will keep my commandments how many of us keep his commandments perfectly none of us do none of us do all
Christians are striving to obey Christ but we know we're fighting a war we're fighting a war against our own flesh and guess what a lot of that war is a fight against unbelief because when you disobey
Christ what are you actually saying there what are you actually doing there you know when you sin when you sin you think that you're sinning privately
I mean God is everywhere God is everywhere the other day my my pastor quizzed my four -year -old from the pulpit about the catechism questions and he asked him he asked my four -year -old son where is
God and my son I was sweating bullets oh no he's gonna he's gonna and my son got it right on God is everywhere and so when you sin you think you're privately sinning that's it that's a sign of unbelief right so no one's gonna do this perfectly but we got to look at people's behaviors and their patterns and their practice right and this is why this verse is it when you read this verse you feel it right it's mark 9 23 or 24 the father of the child who wants
Jesus to to cure his child to heal him what does he say he says
I believe help my unbelief I believe help my unbelief so I just want to leave you with that because that's an encouragement man because that this is something that a lot of people feel
I believe but help my unbelief Lord help us to obey your law help us to obey your commandments and so demonstrate that we love you hope this is helpful