What does it mean that we were made in the Image of God? - For Kids - | GQKidz.org


Hey kids, do you know what it means that we were made in the Image of God? In this video, we answer that question! For lots more, go to: GQkidz.org We hope you enjoy this eighth video in our new series made for kids! Adults will also enjoy these videos and may use them for at home teaching or Sunday school lessons.


What does it mean that I was made in the image of God? Of all
God's creations, we're the only one said to be made in his image. Genesis 1 .27
says, so God created human beings in his own likeness. Does that mean we look like God?
Being made in God's image doesn't mean we look like him physically. It means we're meant to be a reflection of his character, his morals, the way he thinks, his creativity, and the way he shares his love and light with the world.
So when I use the brain God gave me to solve a math problem or do something creative like music, art, or writing an epic story, that's showing
I was made in God's image? Absolutely. And when you're honest and show kindness and compassion to others when you make a new friend or help someone in need, you're showing that you have
God's morals built into your character. If we are all made in the image of God, then how come we aren't perfect?
God created us in perfect holiness with his good morals. The problem is sin has polluted our hearts.
Which makes it harder to see God's image reflected in us. But the good news is that once we place our faith in Jesus, he starts restoring us to become the person he made us to be.
And new creations made in the image of God. Oh, hey there.
For more great videos just like this, check out the GQ Kids playlist on our YouTube channel. If you're looking for lots more kids resources, check out gqkids .org.