Russell Moore Seems to be Protecting Racists and Criminals

AD Robles iconAD Robles




So there's a criticism that I've received a number of times in my career on YouTube.
And I do take it to heart every time, even if I don't necessarily agree and I don't necessarily change too much about what
I'm doing. But some people have said that I need to be more charitable, right? I need to—they often will use,
I think, more abuse, the scripture that says, love believes all things, right?
And I've often referenced that in my videos. That doesn't mean that love needs to be naive, right?
It doesn't mean that. It doesn't mean that you believe untruths in order to believe the best about someone.
It means that you accept reality. You don't fill in the blanks with evil, right?
That's what I think it really is all about. If there's parts of the story that you don't know, especially with a brother, it doesn't make sense to necessarily fill that with evil intent.
But anyway, I thought that I'd actually accept some of that advice in this video.
Because if I'm going to believe all things and I'm going to be charitable here, I have to assume that Russell Moore is harboring and protecting sexual abusers, racists, and sexists of various stripes.
Yeah, so this is the thing. So last night on ReformJellicle, Matt and I decided to talk about this letter that Dr.
Russell Moore wrote about why he was leaving the SPC and the ERLC. And it's a big poor -me type letter.
I'm so sad. I'm so threatened all the time. It's just one of those letters. And we didn't talk—me and Matt, you know, when we do our show prep, he often will send me the links of what he wants to discuss.
But we don't talk about what our positions are, right? So, you know, we could be surprised about what each other thinks about things.
We don't plan that ahead of time. But not surprisingly, we agree on a lot of things. So it's not one of those debate shows typically.
I mean, every now and then we'll disagree on something, but often we're on the same page. I knew that Matt wouldn't like this letter, so I knew that.
But I didn't know that the reaction that he had to it would be so similar to my reaction.
Because when I read this letter, I was angry. Really, really angry.
And I think that anyone who reads this letter from an objective perspective is going to have to come to a couple of conclusions.
And the reality is that I'm going to be charitable here and assume that—and this is the best -case scenario for Russell Moore, in my opinion.
He's cowardly and sheltering sex abusers and racists in the
SBC. He claims to love the SBC, and he writes this whole letter about all the threats that he got from white supremacists and neo -confederates in the
SBC. In law of believing all things, I guess I'd have to say, okay, he's telling the truth.
There are white supremacists and sexual abusers. I'm talking about sex offenders.
This is no small thing. This is no small accusation, right? Sex offenders, sexual abusers, racists, white supremacists, neo -Nazis, basically everything evil that you can imagine is all over the
SBC. And he knows that they're having secret meetings, and they've said racist things, and they're sheltering sex abusers, and they're covering things up, and all this.
These are some serious accusations. But he's not going to name those names.
Nope, he's not going to name those names. And so he's going to continue to—Russell Moore is going to shelter these people.
He's going to protect them. He's now part of it, because we understand that if there's serious stuff going on out there, then you need to expose it.
We should expose the works of darkness. Now, Russell Moore is sort of doing it, but he's allowing these sex offenders, sexual abusers, racists, white supremacists, neo -Confederates to remain in the
SBC that he claims to love. He's a coward, and he's sheltering criminals.
Let's just face it. It goes beyond racism because racism is not a crime, right? Racism is a sin.
It's a—I take racism very seriously. I can assure you that if I knew of a racist in my church,
I would be confronting them directly. If they didn't repent, I'd take somebody with me. This is all according to the
Scripture. I'd take somebody with me to confront him, and if it didn't work, I'd take it to the elders. And if it didn't work, you best believe that my elders would be kicking him out of the assembly.
And if they weren't, if my elders didn't have the guts to do that, I wouldn't be at that church.
I know my pastor. If there was a known racist who refused to repent of his racism or,
God forbid, a sex abuser who refused to repent of his sex abuse and covered things up, in fact, I know—and listen.
Listen, I'm not in his mind, but I know that my pastor, Jerry, would have no quarter for that.
It would be—he'd be done. And so you can believe that if I knew of such things in my assembly, we would be going at it.
We'd be going for it. There'd be church discipline enacted, and we'd start the steps, and we'd get the authorities involved.
If there were sexual abuse and sex offenders doing sexual abuse in my church,
I'd tell my pastor, and I'd also call the police because the civil governing authority bears the sword for a reason.
And so that's what I would do because I take these things very seriously.
I take these things so seriously that I would support the death penalty for rapists because that's what's required in the law of God, the death penalty for rapists.
I take that very seriously. And so here's the reality. Best case scenario for Dr.
Russell Moore. Best case scenario is he knows of racists, sex abusers, sex offenders, white supremacists, neo -Nazis in the
SBC that he claims to love, but he's not going to name them.
He's going to leave them in those positions. They're going to remain. They're going to be protected. They're going to be sheltered.
And now everybody's a suspect because you don't know who they are because Dr. Russell Moore with a book all about courage.
Let's find the title of that book. Hold on one. Yeah, here it is. Here's his book. This is one of his most recent books.
The Courage to Stand. Facing your fear without something to fall.
Who cares what it's called because obviously this man has none. He has no courage because he's sheltering and protecting sex offenders, sex abusers, racist, white supremacists, neo -Nazis.
I'm sure there's some other things I could add to the list as well. He's protecting all of them. He won't name any of the names.
They're in the SBC right now next to your brothers and sisters. He knows about them, and he's not going to say anything.
They're going to remain, and they're going to be the person in the seat next to you. See, that's the kind of man Russell Moore is.
He's got the courage to do nothing at all. That's the kind of man he is, and that's being charitable because as I've been criticized many times,
I've got to believe all things. So I'm going to take his word that this letter isn't full of lies because my inclination, to be perfectly honest with you, is that this letter is full of lies.
The things that he's saying here are untrue in general. I think that there's probably some truth in here. He talks about shady backroom dealings and guerrilla tactics and stuff like that.
I'm willing to accept that because I understand that there are shady things that happen in some of these denominations.
So I'll give him—the whole letter is not a lie. I don't think so. But I'm going to be charitable and believe all things and say that he's being true here, that he knows of sex offenders, racists, white supremacists, sexual abusers, neo -Nazis, all this kind of—
He knows about them, and he's not going to say anything because he loves the SBC too much to protect the
SBC from these criminals. It's not just sinners. It's criminals. This is beyond all comprehension that this letter—
If I'm going to believe all things, if I'm going to be naïve is essentially what you're trying to get me to do,
I'm going to believe this letter and believe that Russell Moore is harboring, protecting, and sheltering sex abusers, sexual offenders, racists, white supremacists,
Nazis, and the whole thing. See, that's the thing, but that's not my natural inclination. I'll just be honest with you.
My natural inclination here is I think Russell Moore is using the language of his father, and he's lying.
That's what he's doing here. If I'm not going to accept the criticism and change my ways, because I'm going to do that in this video.
I'm going to change my ways. If I'm not going to do that, though, what I would think is he's just trying to smear the
SBC. He's saying, well, they're full of sex abusers. They're full of racists, and they're everywhere, and they were threatening me and my family, and now
I have to leave. And he doesn't name any of them because he's not actually trying to tell the truth.
He's not actually trying to affect change. He doesn't really care about affecting change. He cares about smearing his ex -employer and making himself look like a victim because we all understand in our current culture, victimhood is a currency.
And he can swing that into big, big money from the pagans that are going to pay him to rip the church.
If I was not going to accept the criticism and change my ways, that's what
I would believe. I would believe that, that he's just trying to accuse the church of all manner of evil, most of it not true.
That's if I was going to be the old AD, but the new AD is going to be charitable. The new AD is going to accept his letter at face value, and he wrote.
He probably put a lot of time into it, and he's – what he's saying here is he's aware of sex offenders, sexual abusers, racists, white supremacists, neo -Nazis, neo -Confederates, the whole thing.
And he's going to protect them. He's not going to name names. He's not going to do it because he loves the
SPC, and he loves you so much that he's not going to actually help you enough to get rid of the sex offenders among you, the sexual abusers and the cover -uppers and stuff like that.
And he's not talking – but lest you misunderstand me, he's not talking about people who were sex offenders in the past and have since repented.
No, no. He's talking about people who are currently covering up sex offenses, sexual abuse, current racists.
Not people – he's not talking about neo -Confederates that used to be racist, and now they've repented.
That's not what he's saying because I could understand, okay, you don't want to name names there because they've repented, and that's the old man.
Okay, fine, fine. We could quibble with that. I mean I'm not going to say that that's necessarily the right thing to do.
No, no. He's talking about current racists, current white supremacists.
You see, this is the thing. Like Russell Moore has this squeaky clean reputation amongst some in the
SPC who claim to love Christ, who claim to love the SPC, who claim to love their brothers.
And yet he will be defended for harboring and sheltering and protecting and, let's just face it, empowering sex offenders, sexual abusers, racists, white supremacists, neo -Confederates.
Because, let's face it, by not naming them, he's actually helping them do their dirty deeds.
He's actually helping the spread of racism in the SPC by not naming these people so that we could purge them from our midst.
You see, that's the reality. If I knew of racists and sex offenders in my church,
I love my church and I love Christ. And I understand that because I love Christ, I have to obey
Christ. And what I do is I talk to the person. And, of course, if it's a criminal offense,
I get the police involved immediately. And we go through the steps of church discipline. Eventually, that leads to public denunciation, public rebukes, because that's the steps of church discipline.
That's how it works. Because I actually love Christ, and I want to do what he says. At least I want to attempt to do what he says.
That's what my life is about, right? Obviously, I fail sometimes. But I attempt to do what he says.
And so the reality, you best believe that that's what I would do if I knew of this kind of thing in my church or in my congregation or in my assembly or in my denomination.
And so if I'm going to believe all things, because, again, my instinct tells me this is just a big lie because he's a liar.
And he's trying to make himself look good and trying to angle for some ex -evangelical cash and stuff like that.
Washington Post will write an article about it. Maybe he'll get to visit Biden a few times. That's what my brain says that is going on here.
This is just a smear. And it's the perfect smear, too. Because if you think about it, he can smear the church, not naming any names.
Therefore, the church cannot defend itself because there's no actual accusation being made here.
It's just a vague general accusation that there's no facts on. He's not going to release any of the facts, of course.
And so you can't actually even answer to it. There's no way to defend yourself. It's just a general, vague accusation.
And so what this serves to do is elevate Russell Moore as this victim using the currency of victimhood and then denigrating the
Church of Jesus Christ, dragging it through the mud because you don't give two rips about the
Church of Jesus Christ. You don't care. So it doesn't matter if the church is in a position to defend itself.
You see, in the law of God, we understand that you have to bring an actual accusation. And there actually has to be witnesses.
And so what that means is that the evidence has to be presented. It has to be plain for all to see. And even in the days of Christ, if you remember, the
Pharisees were plotting to arrest Jesus. And then they were just talking about, you know, we've got to get him.
We've got to get him. And then Nicodemus is like, well, hold on a second. He was one of the Pharisees. This is one of the Pharisees that converted to Christ.
He said, well, hold on a second, guys. Like, you know, we all know the law here. We're Pharisees. We read it all the time. You know, we memorized it.
Our law doesn't really allow us to just arrest somebody. We have to actually see what they do, right?
We have to actually have the evidence. We have to weigh it out and make sure that it's correct. And you know what their response was?
It was like, well, you must be one of those enemies too. That's what they thought because he was bringing the law of God to bear on the situation, which says that you actually have to do what
I say. You know what I mean? You have to do what God says to do. You have to have evidence. But Russell Moore, if I was being uncharitable,
I would say he's just lying. And he's just trying to drag the name of Christ and his church through the mud to elevate his platform and to serve his massive ego.
But I'm being charitable today. Today's a day of charity. And the charitable thing to believe when you read this article is to say, okay, he wrote a letter.
It must be true. I mean, he's not obviously not speaking. Of course, he's not speaking the language of his father, the devil.
So he's obviously telling the truth here, which means he's harboring, sheltering, defending, protecting, and helping sex offenders, sexual assault cover -uppers, racists, white supremacists, and neoconfederates.
I mean, what other conclusion can we reach? Because he's too much of a coward, he's sheltering and protecting these villains, not only villains, but criminals.
Criminals. He claims to know of the cover -ups. He claims to know of these comments that were made.
And yet, nothing has happened. He's not saying he's not going to name names. He's not going to reveal the situation.
He's not going to do the work. That is, it does take a modicum of courage to obey the
Lord and protect the Lord's flock. He doesn't care about the
Lord's flock as much as he cares about his own skin. You see, the Dr.
Russell Moore who wrote The Courage to Stand, Facing Your Fear Without Losing Your Soul, is actually a coward and doesn't care about whether or not he loses his soul.
He wants to save his own skin. And that's being charitable. Because so many of you have said, it's time to be charitable,
A .D. Try to believe all things. Okay, let's play that game. You want to play dumb games?
Let's play a dumb game. Because my brain says he's just a liar. But if you want to believe his letter, then what you've got to believe is that he's too cowardly to protect sexual assault victims.
He's too cowardly to protect the beloved SBC that he claims to love from racists, white supremacists, and neo -confederates.
In fact, he's going to help them by defending them by not naming names. By the way, not naming names if you know of a crime is a sin.
I'm talking about real crimes, not fake crimes. I'm talking about things like sexual abuse, sexual assault.
If a call for names comes out and you refuse to give them, that's another sin. Listen, we're going to believe all things, right?
Russell Moore, it's time to show the receipts. I think now would be a good time.