Assuming Bad Motivations?

AD Robles iconAD Robles



All right. Well, I just wanted to do a live stream and the topic is about motivations because in my last video or the video
I did earlier this morning, I talked about, I was talking to a big Eva person and one of his big problems with me is that, that I impugned his motivations.
And the thing is like, I can't know his motivations perfectly, obviously,
I mean, every person has layers to, you know, why they do the things they do. So I'm not saying that you can know a person's heart perfectly, only
God can do that, right? That's obvious. But I think that sometimes we try to,
I think we make too much of this whole thing about, about knowing someone's motivations. Like we can generally have a good sense as to whether someone doing something for a certain reason or another based on what they're doing and why they're doing it and their activities and their inconsistencies and stuff like that.
I don't think that's really that controversial. I mean, you know, finding a motive in a criminal court is, is pretty common.
I mean, you, you figure like, like, like someone, someone murdered somebody else and then you find out they had a insurance policy at, well, you know, the motivation was money.
Like, you don't have to discern the heart too much to, to be able to do that right now. Why did they need that money?
Were they just greedy? Were they, was there another reason? Were they trying to, you know, you know, get enough money to, to, to, to run off with their mistress?
These are things that are harder to discern a lot of the time. But I think that the bare bones motivations are a lot easier to determine sometimes than we, we like to make it out to be.
But the other thing is that one of the things I was thinking as I was getting some of this feedback for that video earlier about the motivations thing, and people message me privately about that, is that it, it, it oftentimes like, does it really matter if, like, like, like a lot of these big
Eva goons, right. They're carrying water for the state, you know, I've, I've called them state sponsored religionists.
Are they getting paid by the state or are they just doing it because they want to do it like, okay.
Does it really matter though, really why they're doing it if the result is the same, right? So if we've got a whole bunch of big evil leaders that are basically, you know, parodying the propaganda of CNN, does it matter if they're doing it intentionally or they think they're doing the right thing or if they know they're doing the wrong thing?
It doesn't really matter because the result is the same. I think of this oftentimes outside of the big
Eva context, too. Like a lot of people I listen to a lot of like economists and people talking about the economy.
A lot of times people will be criticizing the Fed and they'll say something like, well, the Federal Reserve got this one wrong.
And then other people will say, well, no, they didn't get it wrong. They're just lying. Right. And I tend to fall on that side.
The Federal Reserve, the people that run it, they're not idiots. They know exactly what they're doing and they're just lying to you about what they're trying to do there.
They're trying to create inflation. That's what they're attempting to do. They tell you that they're doing it and they are trying.
I think they're trying to inflate the currency into oblivion so that the debt is is is something that doesn't matter anymore.
So like I think they're just lying. Other people think they're just incompetent. But what does it really matter if the result is the same?
Right. So why why argue about it? Right. But I actually do think there's a good reason to argue about it, because if you think they're incompetent and they're sometimes they get it right, sometimes they get it wrong.
I think you'll actually be at a disadvantage a lot of the time, because if they're actually because this is the thing that me and Matt Williams are talking about on my show.
It's like, are they evil or are they just stupid? And like Doug Wilson, I think one of his things is why not just assume that they're incompetent rather than evil?
And I think you should actually assume the opposite, because if you think that the Federal Reserve is actually trying to do the right thing,
I think you'll be at a disadvantage with how you allocate your investments. I think that's naive.
I think that's naive to think they're trying to do the right thing when they so often do the exact opposite of what they should do.
If you assume that they're they're evil, I think you'll actually be in a better position a lot of the time.
And I think it's the same with these big Eva people. It's like, you know, are these big Eva people, you know, just getting it wrong again and again and again and again just on accident?
I think if you think that you're going to be at a disadvantage because you're still going to be looking at their writings and their stupid podcasts and stuff as if maybe this time they'll be telling me the truth and you'll always be in this state of confusion.
I think if someone's wrong again and again and again and again and again, at some point you got to stop listening to them.
It's like it's like the Federal Reserve, you know, they, you know, don't think they're trying to fight.
They're not. They don't care. And so if you order your life with the assumption that they're doing something that they're not doing,
I think you're going to be at a disadvantage. I think likewise, if you're wasting time thinking that these big
Eva goons, maybe they're actually benevolent and but they're just wrong all the time. I think, you know, you're going to spend your time, too much time trying to spit out bones when there's hardly any meat there.
It's like trying to eat a little bluegill, like, you know, me and my kids will catch bluegill like this big all the time. You could eat them and they taste pretty good.
But the problem is that you spend all your time trying to pick through the little tiny bones to get to the minuscule amount of meat that's there.
Like that's a waste of time. Why not go fish where there's bigger fish, where you don't have to waste all your time digging through bones to get some meat?
Like, I don't know. I just I don't really see the point of the argument at all. Like if they're if if what they're doing has the same result, whether they intentionally do it or not, who cares?
But if you're going to believe one of these things, whether they're doing it, you know, out of evil intentions or or good intentions, they're just confused.
Why not set yourself up for success? Right. Like, I don't know. I just don't get it. Like, like, why why go read a big
Eva book on government for wisdom if you're going to have to spend half your time, you know, spitting out the bones?
Why not go to an actually good book? You know what I mean? I don't know. I don't know. It's kind of a bit of a ramble, but I just wanted to I just wanted to say that on a live.
I was going to do one of my little two minute gab videos, but I just figured, hey, this would be more fun.
The other thing is, you know, as Christians, I don't think there's any reason to just assume stupidity.
I mean, yeah, people are pretty stupid. Don't get me wrong. But the stupidity eventually becomes evil in itself, like you can be so stupid that you're evil.
You know what I mean? I don't know. I think I think that stupidity and and wickedness goes hand in hand all the time, like like our our leaders are wicked.
That's true. They're also stupid. I'm not saying that they're like the most brilliant people ever. I mean, how stupid think about how
OK, if you hate Christ, that's the stupidest position you could ever possibly take. Like like, you know,
Jesus Christ is your is is the one who created you. He created you to be who you are. And he's powerful, like he's so powerful he could squash you in an instant and you're spending your time rebelling against him.
That's really stupid. It's also really wicked. So it's like it's the same thing a lot of the time. I don't know.
Let's look through some of these comments and see what's going on. Always assume with the most logical assumption and go from there.
It's good. You know what would help in preventing the assumption of false motivation? Public debate. That's true. So John here, thanks for the comment.
You like that. This is such a good point. He says, you know, it would help us to, you know, think better of your motivations if you would actually, you know, address some of these things.
Right. But this is but what so often happens is one side is like, hey, let's debate this because this is what happened with me.
I used to I used to ask to debate everybody that I talked about, you know, contact, you know, Chandler or contact whoever it was.
You know, what's the other guy? Platt, John Lehman. I contact these guys, you know, all these big eva goons and I would get no response.
And this and it's not just me. Like, this is a consistent story. Like, I try to talk to my professor. I try to talk to the president of the seminary.
I try to talk to my pastor. But and this happened a lot with Chandler. People would tell me to try to talk with him. And but it never they never they refused.
They absolutely refused. And so when you do that and you're not even willing to discuss it and while all of the same time you're calling half your congregation fools, like in the case of Matt Chandler publicly, you know, it's a lot harder to to to be like, oh,
I guess his motivations are pure. Like, no, it doesn't seem like that at all. So John is 100 percent right.
Like, you can't even you don't even have enough respect. You don't treat us like human beings. Like we have these issues and we come to you kindly with good tones and everything.
And you just shut us down. You don't even treat us like brothers. Like like when when a brother comes to you with a problem, what you should do is hear them out.
You don't even do us the respect to like privately confront us with our sin. Instead, you just start talking about how foolish everybody is that doesn't agree with you.
It's like it's very difficult to assume positive motivations with someone like that.
It's just impossible. It's a good comment, John. We're not living in an age where we can get the benefit of the doubt to unbelievers.
Yeah, that's true. That's true. And I think that, you know, sometimes, you know, again, with the way a lot of people who profess faith behave, it's very difficult to give them the benefit of the doubt as well.
Wyman Taylor Bear, God bless you, brother, by the way. I do I do intend to get back to you at some point. He says,
I tend to assume bad motivation at this point. Yeah, I mean, I don't see why not. I don't see why you wouldn't at this point.
You'll recognize them by their fruit. I completely agree. We overcomplicate this. You know, when somebody has terrible, such terrible fruit that they're like, yeah, don't go to church, definitely don't go to church.
And then they're like, yeah, but, you know, you know, George Floyd, go to the George Floyd rally. Yeah, you got me,
George Floyd. It's like when someone has such horrible fruit as that.
I mean, why would we know exactly what's in their heart? You know what I mean? We don't know, like the nuance, but we know the fundamental thing.
Do the popular thing every time because it's popular to not go to church. It's also popular to go to the
George Floyd rally. So whatever's popular, that's what they're saying. Anyway, so isn't a
Christian requirement, OK? Camera is fire. Is it good? Is it good right now?
I don't know. It's the same same camera. You shall know them by their good intentions, but poor results.
You shall. There's a good Bible verse. You shall know them by their good intentions, but poor results.
I like that one. It's just a more complex way of saying don't be mean.
I agree. I completely agree. Let's see what else. Good. Good day, A .D.
Hey, God bless you, brother. I appreciate it. Been good, got the covid spoiler alert, didn't die.
I'm very glad that you didn't die. We we had a bit of a covid scare and I think it was primarily due to you, by the way.
Austin, my wife thought she had it, but she didn't. So there you go.
How do I know it's not Matt Chandler on your account? All right, so we got a couple more things here.
I was commenting the other video and said we better be getting two of the videos make up. No more subway commercials.
Yes. DCD driver, Dave. I think it's pretty sure I will not, unless something crazy happens on a subway commercial,
I will not be commenting on subway commercials anymore. Oh, man.
Well, guys, that's that's all I really wanted to say today, by the way. Sorry for not saying anything about leaving for a couple of weeks.
Not that I have to, but I did get not a lot of messages people worried about my well -being.
And so I should have at least said something. So God bless you guys. And thank you for caring so much to reach out.
But I was fine. A couple more comments here.
You haven't commented on the last video. You haven't called yourself racist yet, so I guess you're still awesome. Yeah. Anyway, well,