Your Responsibility to Culture - Let Us Talk Social Justice



Welcome to another edition of the rap report I'm your host to Andrew rap report the executive director of striving for eternity and the
Christian podcast community of which this Podcast is a proud member Now we are finishing up this week the series that we've been doing which is your responsibility in this world this is from a conference we did in in Upper State, New York and this was a conference the rise up conference and this
Specific message is mine that I delivered called your responsibility To the culture.
Let's talk about social justice That is the purpose of this this is going to be well for some maybe a more controversial message because for some well
Social justice becomes controversial But I encourage you to listen to this whole thing
This was put on by the River of Life Church up in Upper State, New York near the
Watertown area. I hope that this is edifying to you educational to you helpful to you and That you will gain something from it
Also, remember that we are sponsored here by squirrelly Joe's coffee If you want to get yourself a good cup of Joe get a good cup of coffee and at the same time
Sponsor and support I should say a good Christian based company Training his children to learn how to run a business and therefore it is a multi -generational business
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Hope you enjoy this podcast Welcome to the rap report with your host
Andrew Rappaport where we provide biblical interpretation and application This is a ministry of striving for eternity and the
Christian podcast community for more content or to request a speaker for your church Go to strivingforeternity .org
It's a 50 -50 shot now we're on okay time goes quick doesn't it
I mean Sixth session already And unfortunately this session we're gonna have not so much
Scripture So I'm looking forward to tomorrow morning when we actually dive into 2nd
Corinthians chapter 5 Because that'll be getting into stuff I love to talk about a scripture
But what we ended up doing is we've been going through and you've seen the theme that that pastor
George laid out here right, we started with our responsibility to God our Responsibility to Scripture our responsibility to the world to the unbeliever to the church
But now we get into the difficult one our responsibility to culture
So we're gonna talk social justice Now I want to do something a little different with this because when we talk social justice
This is highly It requires proper definition of terms
Okay, and so I know You know like the first night just because there were some questions that came up people were were not understanding me completely with what?
I was focusing on when I said that we heard the scriptures are sufficient for everything and I was I Speak against the idea of people saying that God speaks to me
I'm just talking in the reference to jet to direct revelation in this one If you don't understand the definition, it's gonna be really hard to continue and I don't want to lose anyone
So here's what we're gonna do if I if I'm mentioning something and and you've got a question You know,
I think we're gonna do like a Q &A after but if you have a question with son Stop me right just raise your hand so I can make sure you understand the definition of terms
Okay, because when it comes to this And in fact the thing that kind of makes it hard with this whole social justice movement the terms change for whatever they need and That makes it that Understanding social justice is like trying to nail jello to the wall
Okay, it's we're gonna change it for whatever we want it to say So I'm gonna
I'm gonna give you the thing to understand a whole idea of social justice movement in a nutshell right up front
It's just it's simply this it simply comes down to the thing of you have people trying to push an agenda and they are not really caring how they get there as long as they get there and So they don't mind changing definitions.
They don't mind throwing out common -sense. They don't they'll change everything as Long as they can get to their goal
What they think is their goal and when? We've seen historically when they finally get to the goal that they claim is gonna be, you know,
Nirvana. Oh wait, that's the water We're drinking. Sorry Had to put that in there, right?
So so when they think they're gonna get to that ultimate spot Then they can't figure out why it never worked
Well, there's a very simple reason why social justice Never works. We're gonna end up talking about things like social justice
CRT we're gonna quiz you and see if you know what CRT stands for I can I can pretty much
Guarantee it not a single person in this room is gonna know what CRT really stands for and we'll see you can prove me wrong
But we're gonna talk about CRT. We're gonna talk about intersectionality We're gonna give all these things and and the thing is as we look at this
They're the thing that they are starting with is they ignore the fact that human beings are born in sin
That's an essential thing to all of us the whole thing is if we humans are evolved creatures that could rise up to a superior and ultimate type of form of government where Everything is great and everything's peaceful.
In other words, they think they can create heaven on earth and they can't
Because they ignore the sin nature of human beings. So Let's give a little bit of a definition.
So social justice is also a concept that is used to describe the movement towards a socially just World in other words the global justice movement is what sometimes referred to in this context social justice is based on a concept of human rights and equality and can be defined as quote the way in which human rights are manifested in the everyday lives of people at Every level of society unquote
They're going to try to come up with a way to create human rights Okay, let's just stop at that and ask the question
Where do we get our rights from? Huh God Does government give us our rights
No We actually see that in our founding documents by the way Now When I said the last night that I think that we're coming under a time of persecution.
Let me give you an idea How many of you have heard of the term Christian nationalist?
Okay, how many of you believe that that term came from Christians raise your hand How many of you believe that it came from the media raise your hand?
Yeah Christian nationalist is the derogatory term to basically be a way of attacking
Christians But but seem like you're making a separation. It's like these extremist Christians So what they do is a
Christian nationalists and they've now come out and defined what a Christian nationalist is a Christian nationalist is one who believes that People get their rights from God and not government.
Well, that's like in our founding documents But hey, we could just throw that away now because we don't need that That's what we're up against.
So we're gonna talk about CRT who thinks they know what it stands for.
Oh, you think it's right there What you think that CRT stands for critical race theory?
Sorry Does anyone anyone else think they know what it means? That's the wrong answer That's what they what they say it is, but that's not actually what it stands for Let me tell you what it actually stands for CRT stands for cultural racism training
Once you understand that you understand exactly what CRT is So they talk about it as critical race theory which is born out of this thing called race theory
But it is the idea that racism is in the fabric of our society and we cannot separate ourselves from it that's quite interesting because There when they talk about this as being in the fabric of America Just recently they had
Boston Boston black churches that are demanding reparations from the white churches Not the white people just the white churches, huh?
With slavery legal in Boston ever no
So what were the black churches asking for money for for a slavery that existed somewhere else
You see it doesn't actually have to be an issue where there actually is slaver or that there was slavery to argue for racism
They just redefine it see racism used to be when you show preferential treatment to someone because of the color of their skin or the race that they are or you
Give someone lack of treatment you you discriminate against them because of their race or Color of their skin or whatever it may be
However, that definition is not the definition you use today Why because you have people who are black that are called racist against blacks?
Because it has nothing to do anymore With color of skin it has to do with your politics with your economics
Okay, so you'll hear a term white privilege Okay It's kind of interesting.
Do you know we live in a generation where boys can say they're girls But whites can't say they're blacks
We were just talking with a couple of All the guys that teach in school in in a school in our district where I live
They have a room for kitty litters because some of the kids think they're cats
So you could be a cat But a white person can't be black, how do we know that?
Oh because the person that used to run the DNC or the you know, I forgot her name now, but she was white and They blackballed her.
Oh, we can't say blackball anymore. Sorry. I guess they white balled her Because you're not allowed to to that but by doing that you're you're
Appropriating someone's culture. So so you see I have all these rules and these limits and there's no definition to these things
They blur the lines where they want something as clear as male and female By the way
Do you know how I know that the people who claim that there's? Gender fluidity that there's multiple genders and and gender could be fluid.
You know how I know they don't believe it. I'll tell you how because every one of them that's born a biological male
Who claims that they are fluid in their gender and They are now transitioned to a there.
They identify as a female. You know what they do they dress and act and do things that are stereotypical for women and vice versa and They talk about it
They talk about how they had to learn how to put makeup on because they didn't grow up with girlfriends doing that Well, if you were born this way and it's all fluid you wouldn't need to dress any different or act any different or be the stereotypical opposite sex
Unless of course, there's only two sexes Right if there's two sexes two genders, then you try to be the opposite because you're trying to say well
I'm a girl so I'm fitting in as a girl. So I have to act like what a girl actually typically is and the same for a guy
Why do they do that? I mean if it's really fluid If you believe it's fluid you wouldn't need to do that.
So if they don't believe it, why should I? The idea of CRT is to margin
I marginalize Everybody that doesn't fit in with their system so in other words, they the claim is that the reason that America is a inherently racist country is because it's in the fabric of our country and Because of that every decision is racist because we used to have slavery
Did we have slavery everywhere Nope we didn't
Northern states were free Now now the argument is well, you know, you have to understand that me being white.
I you know, I benefited from From that slavery really because my family is from Russia and Romania We weren't part of the
African slave trade You know when people come to me with the argument that you know this whole thing of well
You have to understand you have white privilege because of because of the way blacks were treated in America Really cuz you know, like I don't know if you realize this anyway, does anyone know who was the first?
slave owner in America Let me ask it this way. What color was his skin?
He was black First slave over in America was a black man when they had the slave trade
Who is it that did the kidnappings of all the people in the inner part of Africa was it the white man or the
Africans It's the Africans So see when they when they talk about these things they want a selected branch of history
Where everything is anything a white man does well that we're gonna take into account anything a black man did we're gonna ignore that It's kind of like global warming right we say okay, we got this global warming thing, so let's just ignore like the
Sun You know which gives off solar flares which kind of warms that that actually gets to earth and warms us so we'll ignore that we'll ignore the
Magnetic force of the earth which which actually reverses every several decades Which actually explains why there's warming and then cooling and if you don't know we're going into a cooling cycle
Some of us when we were kids in the 80s. We were looking forward to a global what? ice age
Remember that what was the solution for the global ice age by the way? government control
They must have done such a great job because then we went into a global warming And we were heating up and we were gonna all melt and what was what was the solution for that?
Government control, so we're now going into the cooling again hmm guess government doesn't have control
But the reality is they ignore everything let's ignore solar flares. Let's ignore volcanoes
Let's ignore the the magnetic force of the earth. Let's ignore everything, but humans and then say
It's humans fault a friend of mine was in LA detective.
He's as an author He's known as J. Warren Wallace, but Jim Wallace He puts it this way he comes to a crime scene if someone wants to say okay
His captain says okay, we got to find out who did it, but we know it wasn't a black man find out who did it Well now what is he gonna?
Do he's got to eliminate? Anyone who's black because he's being told a black man didn't do it so you you now take the evidence and say how can we get the evidence to fit this the crime and To find the person right if you said okay?
We know that this was done by someone inside the room well, then you're not gonna look at anyone outside the room
Right and so this is what we end up having they end up taking this to try to make a case to say we want certain parameters and those parameters are can shift for whatever we need it to and We don't want to use things the real bad things like logic and common sense
Because if you apply those things oh Well, then you know then you don't understand that you're doing that because that's your white privilege
See it's it's a beautiful argument if you think about in a sense if You prove a way that you don't have white privilege that is your white privilege speaking
That's the proof of your white privilege and so when we look at critical rate cultural racism training
What they're doing is exactly that They're taking the culture to train the culture to be racists
To look for race in everything one of our podcasters.
He does a prescribed truth He has some videos. He used to do that are just absolutely hilarious.
He's a black guy that he does these parodies about CRT that are so realistic that he actually would get blacks other blacks
Contacting him and saying you know stop putting this out here. You're making us look bad
And he's like I'm trying to make you look bad But he takes real articles that he's seeing about white privilege that the fact that blacks walk slower across the street than whites and Therefore they're more likely to get hit by the car
So he does a skit about them being you know the the whole thing is that you know you whites are you know because you?
Walk faster you got just slow up in your cars because you're your white privilege that you know you're not you're not letting me get across the street in time
He's got ones where he has like blacks are Percent wise you know heavier than whites and he does this thing that always cracks me up every time watch
I watch whenever I need to laugh And he's like so it's not the fact that I'm stuffing my face is your white privilege that I'm fat
And he's doing it as parody But he's taking real articles
That they have out there where they're trying to say and and you look at this go this makes no sense Well, that's because you're using your white privilege
You know that white privilege is defined as being on time if holding down a job
Staying married to the same spouse for your entire life, that's white privilege
That's really strange to me as this was actually being explained to me once I said it's really strange because there are blacks in Africa who are married to the same person their entire life
Do they have white privilege in Africa to which the comment?
I got was you don't understand that you're you have so much white privilege. You can't even see what's going on Okay, and They want you to deal with them reasonably by the way, so here's some of the tenets of critical racism theory that's another word for it by the way, but It's the central tenant is the it's it's this idea of what's called intersectionality
We're gonna get into that in a moment It's the whole thing of it is to challenge what they what is what they call the dominant
Ideology anyone want to guess what what they consider the dominant ideology is Christianity that's the problem
They have it's a commitment to social justice Which is not social nor just by the way
They they take two words that have meanings put them together and radically change both see
Social justice is not social. It's anti -social. It causes divisions
And it's not justice because they're trying to make people who had nothing to do with something pay for something
They had nothing to do for it's basically they want government to steal for them any of you guys remember the
Occupy Movement Occupy Wall Street How many of you believe that that started because of a post on Facebook on a
Thursday afternoon anyone Does anyone know when it started?
I'll give you a little bit of a hint when I know it when I've got involved with it Yes, I was involved with Occupy Movement not as a supporter
But because I did so much ministry at in Washington in Union Square Park They invited me to join them because they wanted some
Spirituality added to it because they figured they could that would help them most of their cause I was involved three months before that Facebook post and I know that it was in in the works three months prior to me
Real interesting thing that happened with that So here everyone is in Zagati Park and they have this these meetings at 10 o 'clock in the morning where everybody is supposed to have a
Say equal say for everybody that sounds good, right? That is their goal in their argument for social justice is to give equal rights to everybody
The only problem that they discovered was that there were a lot of rich kids That were in their tents and all of their iPads and their
MacBooks and their iPhones kept getting stolen Because some people who are homeless just were taking it and selling it so that they could get some drugs so, you know what they did a bunch of the the rich kids got together and here they said we got to figure this out so They they physically move the tents of certain people and they all move their tents together
So that they could protect each other's property I Kept referring to that the as the upper class and lower class
Zagati Park now remember occupy was about the fact that there's these elite people who have everything and They're keeping it from everybody else so you would think if person over here who has an iPad person over here who doesn't you'd think they would be
Happy to allow that person to take the iPad because now there they can go to their parents and get another one now both have an iPad and so they would sit and have these ten o 'clock meetings and They would realize there's a problem because they couldn't
Get their agenda pushed through because there were a bunch of people that weren't really there for anything other than the fact they were homeless and nothing else to do and Their food was being provided, you know by uh, oh,
I just forgot his name now. He's the he's a Guy that runs all the politics behind the scenes
Soros so Soros was providing food So we had a bunch of homeless that were just involved because they were getting free meals every day
All they had to do is stay in Zagati Park So they did But the guys were trying to run this occupy movement just it wasn't working for them
So they decided what they needed to do is have a 9 a .m. Meeting Where was just a group of them to discuss how to push through their agenda at the 10 o 'clock meeting
Now I got I was kicked out of the movement when I showed up to one of the
Saturday morning meetings at 10 o 'clock having been at the 9 o 'clock I Snuck in and I asked the question if the meetings are open to everyone
Why do they have nine o 'clock meetings to push through their agenda for this meeting
Oops, I was a bad person and let the cat out of the bag. I Was then uninvited but it was a great experiment that their goal of making everything equal didn't even work within the
Dozens of people they had there at Zagati Park Here's their movement for equality.
I For her spring break because you want to be part of this movement. She was getting her degree in medicine she she had to keep a straight a
Average because she was getting a full ride scholarship To for her medical degree and I'm asked her what she's doing here.
She said well, it's just not fair I mean, there's people like like Steven Jobs and he just he's got so much money.
He doesn't need all that money He should just give away his products to other people. I Wasn't getting paid for it.
Would he have any incentive to create new products? He should just do it out of the goodness of his heart So do you realize that everywhere that that arguments been tried?
It's never worked, you know, because a people don't have a goodness of their heart until they're
Christian but I'm like, um So I said to her
This is where it's you could bang your head against the wall and actually get more accomplished than talking to some of these people
Okay, but I tried to reason with her I mean, she's got a 4 .0 is met again in medicine degree, right?
You think she's intelligent, correct? Well, she might be but common -sense Non -existent.
I said, you know, do you have any of your fellow students who have to work to pay for their college and She said well, of course.
I said do they get A's? I don't know I mean, do you think they probably get like C's because they're they're not able to spend as much time as you studying
She's like well probably I said don't you think you should give up some of your A's? Take some B's and give their seat that give them there a
B's instead of a C because you don't have to work and they Do and she goes I'd lose my scholarship. I said, but wouldn't that be fair?
I mean then you all have the same grade In fact, you should give up some of your scholarship so they don't have to work as hard and you should take a part -time job
They take a part -time job and then you could all not only have the same grade, but you can have the same workload
She could not put the connection together what I was asking. She's just like but I would lose my scholarship
Yes, and Steve at jobs would lose his incentive Just like you have an incentive
You see they end up starting with this ideology that somehow they can produce a world where everything is fair If you haven't learned this at this stage of life, let me just not surprise you and let you know life's not fair Get over it.
Do you really want fair? Okay, so here's fair the other part of that word justice
You know what fairness would be The moment you sinned
God struck you down That's fair as that evangelizing with a friend of mine
Mark Mark Spence and someone asked him he's like, you know God's not just he goes. Do you want justice?
He goes. Yes, really? Okay, let me ask you a question if God gave justice at 1110 after 11 today, where would you be at 11 after 11 today?
Yeah, the answer is hell You really want justice? No, what we want is mercy
So so social justice is not social and it's not just it's based on a system of unfairness it's a based on a system of stealing but it's
Government told stealing so it's okay. It's someone else giving you permission to steal Humans are very interesting when given permission
I forget the name of the town offhand But in Poland when the Nazis came in there was a town where Jewish and non -jewish people
Neighbors got along just fine But when the Germans came in and said that you could just take your
Jewish neighbors properties their homes and anything you could do anything You want to them? Overnight people that were
Friends and neighbors were killing each other and just robbing and looting houses Because they're given permission almost sounds like black lives matter riots, but Fortunately for you guys, you're far enough away.
I hope from that You know, you got some advantages of being far away from New York, right? It's the city
I should say yeah I Did like this so black lives matter tried to do a protest out in in Boise, Idaho because they're trying to do all the cities and So friends of mine that live out in Boise, if you don't know
Boise, well we're kind of convinced that the state is shaped like a gun if you turn it sideways for a reason, but black lives matter showed up with 50 people to do a protest and The Second Amendment guys showed up with about three or four hundred
And so they stood fully armed on the steps of the Capitol and the black lives matter figured this isn't gonna work, so they orchestrated a couple weeks later and they bust people in from from Seattle and Portland and Got all these people and say got 300 people on buses to come in and they got out of the buses and there stood over 3 ,000 armed men on the
Capitol steps So what did they do? they went to a local I forget if it was a high school or college and they filmed a protest there as if they were at the
Capitol and the news is all reporting their protest and then then
Photoshopped in the Capitol Yeah Didn't quite work for them.
So well Boise. So so the thing is as we look at this Let's talk about I want to write intersectionality
Marxism, they're just gonna cover a couple of those today So what is intersectionality?
This is it might be a new term for some of you Intersectionality is this idea that there are different disadvantaged people and when we look at these groups, we define them as being they're either oppressed or oppressors and Everyone is supposed to fit into those camps
Now it's I Realized that with a talk like this it it it's hard not to get political in some ways because this whole movement is political
But you end up seeing recently October 7th, and then maybe it's just more personal for me.
But October 7th you ended up having basically a government
Kidnap people who were doing nothing more than listening to music at a music festival And take them as hostages killing people
And supposedly the people that were kidnapped are the oppressors And the people who did the kidnapping
Are oppressed Now if anyone disagrees with some of the views i'd be happy to talk about the whole israeli and palestinian issue
It's really the issue of israel versus hamas Is the issue it's hamas that is the government there for all the arguments being made there israel has not governed that area for many years in fact
Israel did forcibly remove people from gaza Removed the jewish people out of there when they gave it over to the palestinian to the people of gaza
That they call themselves palestinians By the way, does anyone know what jewish people that lived in that land were called before?
1948 Nope, they're called palestinian
Yeah, jewish people are called palestinians And then israel became a state And they were it was called israel
Who owned that land before israel? the united kingdom There was never a palestinian state
But somehow that has become the way of because israel Is very prosperous and has uses technology.
That is what defines them as an oppressor What is it that defines whites as oppressors?
Because whites overall in their argument are more successful They ignore the fact that whether you're white or black
If you are in a broken home, you are less likely to be successful That is a simple fact that the breakdown of the family
Is the issue? But again, if you ignore all the things that you need ignored
Right, we ignore the breakdown of the family we ignore anything like that and just say nope
It's only because so we look at the numbers and say well see there's more blacks that are in jail that therefore it must be based on racism
Not based on the on the percentage of crimes That are done. So what intersectionality is is this idea that we have different ways of identifying
Remember I said this social justice is antisocial it is a divisionary system
So you divide everyone up into their racial identity their gender identity their national identity their disability identity
Their sexual identity and you get to choose all these things Except race,
I guess Because you have to have white privilege And so what you have is you have these different categories
Now here's the interesting thing Um, if you have someone who's black They get one extra point for being black in this intersectionality system
If they're black and female Well females are oppressed and therefore they get two points if they're black and female
And say african. Well now they got a third one If they're black female african and disabled
They get a third one for a fourth one Now if they are black female african disabled and transgender
They get another one This is how this works You can keep getting the more points you have the more oppressed you are and the more you should have a right to speak in the culture
So the irony or the way they argue it is that if you as a if you're a white male
You don't have the right to speak To the issues of our culture because you're the cause of the problems
So this black woman african Transgender disabled person should have more right to speak than you do
There's one special category though. Do you know there's one category that erases all of these
Intersectionality points You could be black. You could be a woman. You could be african and you could be disabled
But if you're a christian zero points for you There are christians that are trying to marry social justice with the gospel
You cannot do that It is a different gospel And this is the stuff our culture is buying into that the the idea that somehow
We can create a world that's completely fair And ignore everything about human nature
It is based in marxist philosophy Which would argue that the the best system of government is going to be one that is completely equal equal distribution of wealth
That you have you heard the the difference in the terms of equality and equity Let me kind of give an illustration equality
Would be if you were to run a race Which aaron should do? I would love to take aaron training with me before I before I uh ended up hurting myself
I was running about a half marathon a day for fun um
I wonder why I got injured. No, but If we're running a race and it's aaron and I equality would say
That we start this marathon at the same starting point This is what the american experiment was that there wouldn't be a class system
That everybody should have an ability to get to the same starting line but equality
Is the idea that we should all finish at the same time? So when we run this marathon
And i'm just at the finish line I have to turn around and wait five hours for aaron to kind of finally get over so we can cross at the same time
Now equality can never work You know why? How many presidents do we have?
Right now in the white house Good answer zero.
Yeah, he's the guy really running things isn't in the white house Right we only have one president
That's that's currently president Equality says all of us
Should have the right ability if we follow if we're fit to definitions Unlike obama that we were born in america
Uh, but if if we all have the fit the definition we can all become president
We we can actually go through the steps and there's nothing that should stop us Equity should say that we're all president
How come the president the current one is not arguing that way?
When he pushes for equality equity, sorry Right, because if you really take it to its logical conclusion, we're all president.
We're all the garbage man. We're all teachers We're all everything Because there's no division at all
There's no male. There's no female Is that even possible?
No Basic common sense tells us that But see they don't like to hear that.
They just like to have this language That's the high plateaus so they could just use these things to spur up the masses.
That's exactly what marx did argued against things like private property
So that the government just has everything and that way what the government can do is just Take from someone who has more and give to that person who has less
That's the idea of it And so the goal of this is to it sounds really good to the person on the bottom
The person who doesn't have anything That's why the one thing I noticed when I was involved with the occupation movement the people that loved it the most
Were the homeless who had nothing The others said they liked it until the homeless started taking their stuff
Kind of interesting how that worked out It's based on on a deconstructionism and one of the things they want to deconstruct is america
I mean, that's what they're doing here But they want to construct everything everywhere. They want to eliminate christianity
And this is why it is impossible when you really understand their goals. It is impossible to marry social justice with the gospel
There is a document you can you can go read and if you care to even sign Um that I had partaken in it is called the statement on social justice and the gospel
Back after I guess this was after the the uh They they had the martha luther king jr 50th anniversary and there was churches that were starting to push social justice and You know in different ministries and many of us got together and saw this as a major problem on the gospel
And many of us got together And said we need to do something about this to warn the church of what social justice is and the danger it is to the gospel and so what we did was we we ended up realizing that the
We were kind of like the little peons and so no one's going to take our voice and really hear it. So There was about 75 of us that that wrote a letter to john mcarthur
Granted we didn't all know john, but we knew people that knew john and so um We wrote a letter to john mccarthur because he's got a big voice and he has been one that Before that, you know would stand on on these issues of of the gospel
And so we wrote a letter and and out of that about 19 guys got together and drafted the statement
They gave it to the rest of us to review and then we put it out on the internet And it's I you just search for a statement on social justice and the gospel you'll find it
But I think that's actually I think that I think it's statement on social justice Dot com or social justice and gospel .com
But just do the the search and you can see then all the thousands of people who signed it because it to warn people um, we actually thought at the time that that was going to be john mccarthur's last hurrah of a fight for for And then then this thing called kovid.
Any of you guys hear that thing? Did it make its way up here, I don't know But what we end up seeing is they want to deconstruct everything and and this ended up leading to this view of liberation theology
It started mostly in the black churches known as black liberation theology where they wanted to to liberate blacks from the oppression and and so the the idea that they start to do is to start to look at they they find ways to say that christianity oppresses
You you see this in egalitarianism You'll see this where the the goal is to to to argue that there should be
Equality for all in all these different areas But what do you end up seeing you end up seeing the big thing where the people have a problem?
Is that god says that there's certain functions for men and certain functions for women? There's certain roles that a man could do in the church.
In fact, there's only one that he says women can't do If you
I don't have the time to do this, but i'll encourage you to do this go in your bibles Look at genesis chapter one And then genesis chapter three
Here's what I want you to do. I want you to notice something and i'm i'm I don't have time to read it all but i'll tell you what it is and you go look
Tonight and you can see genesis chapter one you have you have god giving a command But i'm going to see you guys are probably pretty astute and probably know the answers how many trees
Was adam told he cannot eat from? One so how many trees could he eat from?
all but one right So there's only one tree. He can't eat from what did the serpent come to eve with?
He says did god really say you can't eat of any Tree in the garden
Now she gets it right and says no We can eat of all the trees but one But what is it satan does if god says there's one thing we can't do satan says
That's everything So it's saying says if god says you can't eat of this tree, then that's like saying you can't eat of any tree
That is what this movement teaches If a woman can't do one thing then she's not allowed to do anything
Really So basically i'm trying to say if you want to know where social justice comes from satan
I think it's satanic And so what you end up seeing is that the argument that they have
Is that if you if you have something this is why you have men claiming that they have to be able to be able to give birth they they're
Which boggles my mind but At fortune 500 companies i'm being told that they have like these rooms for birthing mothers to be able to to You know pump out milk
And they have to allow the men in there to do the same thing what yeah,
I just I mean, it's just you sit and you're listening and Reasoning people think the world has lost their mind.
You know, why? Because the world has lost his mind Okay But it's like well if a man can't give birth then he can't do anything
Well, there's reasons men can't give birth They're not designed to You see the whole thing they have an issue with is to deconstruct the order that god has created
And so they want to try to argue that there should be equality in every area And how they just well, they'll argue there's a systemic racism
Whether you know it or not you are racist And if you try to prove that you're not racist, that's your white
Your your your white privilege speaking Now it's not based on color of skin
Because blacks could be racist No, it's kind of interesting. See some blacks can't be racist even if they say racist things against whites
Because they're supposedly not of the right economic group but it still gets kind of weird because Jesse jackson and al sharpton make a lot of money millions of money millions of dollars on saying racist things
But somehow their black skin protects them But then someone like a clarence thomas it doesn't was there something different with the color of their skin
No, it's a difference of the agenda By the way, i'll just say this.
Um when it comes to uh, the issues of america politics Um, I know as in running a non -profit you're not supposed to speak about politics
So I won't i'll just i'll just give some facts of history and you can draw whatever conclusions you want There's there were two main parties
Uh, there were well, there were the wigs and the democrats Uh, there was one party of the south that fought for slavery
Anyone know which party that was? Democrats. Okay. Just just want to say there was a party that formed on the on the platform of freeing slaves
On abolishing slavery. What party was that anyone know? The republicans.
Yeah, that was the purpose of their party and they split some of the democrats and the wigs and formed a new party
So, okay, so slave slave we have the emancipation There's no more slavery
There's a party that ends up being the party that where we find the kkk was part of which party was that?
Democrats. Okay. There was a party that fought for the civil rights Which party was that? republican
There was a party that now this is so far you're doing pretty good Let's see how you do on this one
There was a party that supported the u .s. Government getting drugs in from south america and dumping them into the black
Communities which destroyed the black families anyone know which party that was that supported that? That was the democrats carter administration
You want the destruction of the black family? They have there's a party that has kept blacks voting for them
By telling them you need us Because once the family was destroyed and they and women got pregnant they created a welfare system
Which party supports that? So I will let you guys come to the conclusion Which party is trying to keep blacks enslaved and on the plantation which ones aren't that's up for you
But what we end up seeing is that we they'll talk about lgbtq and oh, you notice that plus sign
They keep adding to it. It's the entire alphabet It's all these different rights
Whatever they need to put in there. They just put it in Marriage rights gender rights gender roles right
Here's the thing though This is what our culture is dealing with now as christians.
We have one of two choices We can look at this and we can say
This is not right I mean you think about reparations They keep arguing for reparations
I thought it was hilarious that san francisco pushed a bill for to pay reparations I don't know if you knew that And now they're having problems
Because they can't figure out who's going to pay and who who isn't going to pay Because it really is difficult because are you going to charge the blacks that are here in america who were
Kidnapping other blacks their families were doing that I mean should they have to pay
See now i'll be honest with you. I am completely on board with reparations. I am I fully support it
Because I think that every person who was supportive of slavery Well, okay, they were all dead now
But if we're going to argue as they argue that the generations afterwards should pay for it, then I think every democrat should pay
Every blacks whose family was a slave in america They should pay them
And then I think all those blacks should pay all the republicans who fought for their freedom That would be fine.
I'd be okay with those reparations You see because if they're going to argue for fairness, shouldn't it be the people that actually did it pay for those?
They did it too, but but then maybe you should reward the people that fought to to free you But you know what the reality none of those people are alive today
So who are you really asking to pay someone who had nothing to do with it? How is that fair?
Should should I punish your children for something that my children do
Would that be fair? Let's make it even worse or even different.
Should I punish you? For something that my grandfather did You had nothing to do with it
Right, that's their idea Really what this is is they're using the idea of reparations for nothing more than as we said with the marxism
They want to use it as a way of shifting money from certain people they don't want having money to certain people that do
Because then those people that get that money are going to empower them to steal more from those
And who actually benefits from it The people who have the right to steal
Let me give you a little bit of chinese history And I studied some chinese history before I met my bride.
So it's not just because she's british She is she was born in hong kong
Under british rule. She says she's chinese. I say she's british You guys to help me out.
Her passport is from the uk Is she british or chinese? Come on So when we when we look at it though You know
When Mao came in Mao argued that it was unfair that you had all these wealthy landowners
Owners And you had these peasants who were doing all the work and the landowners didn't have to do anything They just had to you know live life.
Well, that's that's always the picture and yet if you really look at it even in the in this
Type of systems the person who was the landowner had the responsibility to care for all the people that he took care of That did that worked the land.
It wasn't just a you know, he had to he had to manage things properly What what ends up happening is when we look at it is
Mao comes in says this isn't fair What we need to do is take the land from the wealthy and give it to the poor
And so the masses said yes Mao Mao Mao And guess what happened
Mao came in he took all the land gave it to to the people But the people had no clue how to manage it on their own
They only knew how to work it when someone else told him what to do And all of a sudden there started to be poverty and there started to be fights
And somehow said well we got a problem we have to you know, there's there's all this violence We have to take away all the guns because that will end the violence
So he took all the guns away from the people But there was still poverty
So, what did he do? He said well the governor will solve your problem We will take the land from you and you can work for us
And what happened all they did was transfer the land from the landowners to themselves
Because they were given them they gave themselves the right to steal That's what's happening in america right now
What's the supreme authority for the christian? scripture Scripture makes it clear
How many races are there in america One race because there's only one race in the entire world
There's the human race I was telling someone I think at lunch about this when I go to a doctor
Actually, whenever I go anywhere and they I have a form You know sex Gen, you know, sometimes they now say sex gender, but sex they say race
You know, I fill out for race Human I just like to see the responses
I'm part of the human race. That is the race And so what we end up seeing is there is no racism
There are people who who treat others differently based on different factors
So does it is there a racism that exists in the sense where people will mistreat someone because of the way they look?
Yes I I remember walking in in central park talking to this guy.
This was right after I forget the the guy who uh, There was a black who was shot this back when barack obama was president
He claimed that the the kid looked like his son Or could have looked like his son and you know ignored all the facts
You know like the as we found out afterwards that the I think trayvon martin was his name I believe and and ignore the fact that trayvon told his friend that he was going to go jump the guy
But he was somehow this innocent little guy But what's interesting is
I I was talking to this black couple and they were trying to say we'll see You know, it's just wrong to just judge people immediately just because of the way they look
I said, well, let me ask you a question You get into an elevator because his example was if you get into an elevator with two black guys
Are you immediately nervous? And I said no No It might be the martial arts training But but I said, you know, but I said no i'm not
I said, but let me ask you a question You get into an elevator And you see two guys in biker jackets
Motorcycle gang. Are you nervous? And his girlfriend said yeah, I said why?
She goes because I mean they might hurt me. I said so it's okay for you to stereotype. It's not okay for someone else
So we often don't think about the fact that Everyone has stereotypes It's a question of whether you are going to be conscious of it and overcome that And the way to do that is the gospel
You know why i'm not afraid of someone who's black or in a biker jacket Quite frankly because i'm going to get a better gospel conversation with them than a business a guy in a business suit just being honest
I'm more about sharing the gospel I do not like sharing the gospel with anyone in a jacket and tie
When I when i'm in new york and i'm walking around I do not like talking to because they usually don't they're bad conversations
You give me a biker you give me a guy that looks like he's going to do some damage to me with tattoos and Face piercings all over I love those guys
Because you get great conversations So no, they don't scare me right
Because I have a totally different mindset when I see people I don't see them as black and white
I see people as converted or unconverted And if they're unconverted they need the gospel
So as christians How do we Engage our culture.
What's our responsibility to the culture? Well, I mean the first thing and the purpose of this was all to really give you a background to understand
What our culture is going through right now? I mean people have literally lost their minds
We can't even figure out what a boy and a girl is anymore I mean we have
Justices that sit on the supreme court that tell you they cannot define what a woman is
They say only a biologist can I have a show apologetics live anyone can come in on thursday nights.
I was interviewing someone from answers in genesis and a professor from rutgers called in So at the end of the show because they ended up having an impromptu debate, which was great
And at the end, I just said okay professor. I have a question for you professor dan We're told by supreme court justices
That a supreme court justice can't answer this only a biologist can answer this. What is a woman?
His response was oh, we don't have enough time in the time left for me to answer that I said
So are you telling me that when we look at bones of people and we see their bones? We can't figure out this was a male and that's a female
He's like, oh it's not that easy it would take me a long time I have a whole semester
I have to explain this I said I don't need a whole semester. I said
I can answer what a woman is very simply A woman is what god who created her defined her as?
period He's the creator. He defined it And so we have to look at this culture that's lost its mind and give them the truth of the gospel
Uh, should we get into the battle over social justice and try to point out how they're not being logical
They're being silly. They've lost their minds. I mean we want to kind of bang their head against the wall maybe to get some common sense to them, but Do we do that?
No, it's it's actually kind of a waste of time because the here's the main issue As a christian you are a thinking individual
They are a feeling individual They don't think anymore see we had to get rid of critical thinking in schools so we could talk about evolution
Because you can't have evolution and critical thinking But now once critical thinking is gone anything goes
And so many christians try to reason with people that don't think they feel
So you have to understand that They are a feeling -based mentality So what do
I do? I tell them they're oppressing me I do I do it all the time.
Why are you oppressing me? I feel judged. Are you judging me? I just use their language
And it's funny because they tell me I can't do that That's that's your oppression right there That's proof of your oppression
And they can never seem to see what's happening. But the reality is they need the gospel So let me close this conference with this
Aaron said the hardest thing he may say Is the fact that just because you go to church
Just because you come to this conference does not mean you're a christian. In fact Coming to church every week
Makes you a christian as much as going to mcdonald's will make you a hamburger It doesn't work that way even though Some of these guys think going into the girl's locker room makes them a girl
I haven't noticed any cases of girls wanting to go in the guy's locker room, by the way just Always seems to be the guys that want to go in the girls
But the reality is this We need to understand what the gospel message is
We started off this conference saying there's things that Aaron and I know about all of you And there's things
I know about all of you everyone in this room has broken god's law myself included
We have lied We've stolen We have coveted We have done things
That would be a crime in god's sight Now if you were to threaten my life the police would tell you to stay away from me
If you threaten joe biden's life, they're throwing you in prison for at least 48 hours
And if you want to challenge his the fact of his election you may be in jail still from january 6th but that aside
The reality is what made the difference between me and joe biden his position Well god is infinitely holy and infinitely just and therefore when we break his law it has
An eternal consequence to it. That's why it says in revelation that all
Liars will have their place in a lake of fire which burns or brimstone There is nothing we can hide from god he is all -knowing there is no sin you're going to get away with that god didn't see when we stand before god
He will rightly judge us for every wrongful act we did but god two amazing words that we see in the bible but god
God made a way of escape The infinitely holy god came to earth in human form
Being god He can pay an eternal fine being a human.
He could be a substitute for other human beings And when jesus christ died on that cross
He made the full weight of punishment for your sin and my sin back then
He took it all upon himself This is why it is only within christianity.
You have a god that is both just and merciful Because every other man -made religion is based on human works trying to earn heaven
And if you take your human works and compare it to what jesus did on the cross You're diminishing what he did
And saying that what you did should count almighty god left heaven
Where all the angels were singing his praises There was no sin No starvation, no suffering no sickness jesus left there
To come to earth into his own creation To be part of his creation so that he would be crucified
By his very creation so that he
Who knew no sin? Would become sin that we
Might have the righteousness of christ if that does not blow your mind
Maybe you're not a christian If that doesn't make you feel in awe of this god
Who created the universe? And died on a cross for our souls to think about that If you don't know christ
If you've just been going to church, maybe you've been going to church all your life And you've always said well, you know,
I just I I do what christians do but you have never been converted You still love your sin.
You just hide it from others Then maybe I encourage you today to get right with christ
Maybe where you're sitting right now Turn and recognize that you are a sinner who has nothing that can merit eternal life and you plead before god to ask for forgiveness
Turn and trust what he did on that cross as a payment of sin If you have questions about that, you could talk to either of the pastors
Pastor george pastor abel you could talk to aaron or I would be happy to talk to you There is no more important issue to get right
Out of everything we talked about this weekend. That is the most important thing for you to get right if you do not know christ
If you do know christ I hope that this weekend has been encouraging to you.
I hope it has been edifying to you and equipping to you That is what we are seeking to do
Because what we're what we're trying to do Is to disciple people You've heard that throughout the weekend.
That's what we try to do at striving for eternity is to disciple people to help churches so that people will hear the gospel, but then
Those of us who know christ what is our job now? To teach everyone everything christ taught us
We got to get to about doing that It may be a mother who's teaching their children in the in the home
Teaching their children everything christ taught them Maybe you're at your job site doing it, but I hope that we helped give you some some things to help you
Where they're at work in your family even in church to see our responsibility in this world
But we need to rise up We have one of two choices when we look at our responsibility to culture we can sit and complain about it
Or we can rise up and do something about it. My parting challenge to you
Is would you rise up? And make a difference in your community Rise up and share the gospel rise up and disciple people so we have stronger christians
Who know and love the lord more? And are serving the church better I'll tell you as an observation
I haven't been to a church very long. I've just been here since last night You guys have a pastor who does everything maybe you don't see it because you don't see how much he's doing behind the scenes
But i'm watching him run around everywhere You should be doing more
With him don't let him do anything by himself Okay, maybe he's got to do this study of You know, you don't have 40 hours to be studying with him, but you could you wouldn't hurt to do some study
Don't let him do things alone There there should be a lot of people. That's what discipleship is
Living life one -on -one. It's not sitting down at a set time and reading the bible together. It's living life one -on -one
So with that we close out the conference. Let me just give you a last uh Recommendation for stuff we have at the back table.
Um, we have these these different size bags back there these bundle sets Um, there's some sheets that tell us what's what's in each one
Uh, but basically what these are going to have is they they have the both of my books. What do they believe?
What do we believe along with the workbooks which are designed for like sunday schools or I know one
Some people that use them for homeschooling So they they they teach through that, uh, it has our syllabuses we have we have a driving attorney
We have some courses that are available on youtube for free Uh, but we have all the syllabuses that we print and we pay for and so those are all at a bundled set
Cheaper than we've than we do even at at conferences when you get them in the bundled set Aaron has three classes each of the sets have either one two or three of his courses that are involved
Uh, they had also in the sets are different dvds or cds from our past conferences that we used to do
Um, we've thrown some other things in some a discipleship book called growing grace We've uh thrown in some it's different bags have different Either extra cds or some extra books that we had.
So those are all available to you Um, I do know that like I said if you if you get those Uh, make sure you go and see him to sign up for aaron's courses
And also i'll just let you know that as you uh, if you get those We do have some things for the medium and small bags.
We have to ship to you. It's going to be a month Um, but if you do get those uh You know at the end of tomorrow if you come to church here
Uh, we we have a couple of those that we have to ship still available so we could just give those to you possibly so Uh, that is that's the close of this.
I hope this has been helpful I hope you guys have learned a lot But I hope that the greatest encouragement for us as a ministry
Would not be uh, we'd welcome your support. That's fine You know, we're not going to complain about it if you want to support monthly
But here would be the greatest thing you could do that for us Would be to be more active in your local church
To be serving your local church better to take this information That you learn this week and start working with someone maybe from your church that wasn't here
And and teaching them some of the stuff that you learned Taking the materials that we have and using that to work with others to disciple
Because the more discipleship that goes on the stronger the church would be the stronger the church will be the stronger the country will be
Let's pray heavenly father. We are grateful for the fact that we come before you of all the things we learned this weekend about our responsibility and and then tomorrow we
We will look forward to learning about us being an ambassador of yours. We ask lord that You would help us to get out of our comfort zone
Help each and every one of us to rise up to stand for truth Because lord we have no right to stand up Other than the fact that you saved us
May we not keep that to ourselves We ask that you would glorify yourself through our lives