Speaking with other tongues - What the Bible actually says happened on the day of Pentecost

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Ever since the Pentecostal Movement began in 1901 there has been a renewed interest in the practice known as Glossolalia. Today most people call it "speaking in tongues". The Bible indicates this is one of the gifts of the Holy Spirit. The early Pentecostals taught that you must do this in order to be saved, but ever since the Charismatic Movement started in the 1960's a modified view says speaking in a tongues is simply a heavenly prayer lan


Hello, in this video we're going to be talking about tongue speaking, and let me start out by telling a little story.
Years ago, a Pentecostal woman, or Charismatic, I don't know if she was technically
Pentecostal, but she started attending our church. And by the way, if you're Pentecostal or Charismatic, I'm glad you're watching the channel and you are welcome at Morris Corner Church.
Now, would you agree with everything I say? Probably not, and I probably wouldn't agree with you, but that's okay.
We don't always have to agree on everything, and that's fine. But a
Charismatic woman started attending our church, and she said to someone, you know, I really like Morris Corner Church, and I like Pastor Grant's teaching style, but she said,
I just don't understand why he doesn't believe in speaking in tongues. And finally, she approached me and she asked me that.
She said, I just don't understand, because it's in the Bible, she said, I just don't understand why you don't believe in speaking in tongues.
And of course, I told her, I said, that's not true. I believe in speaking with other tongues.
There are people out there who will say, I don't believe in prophecy, I don't believe in healing, I don't believe,
Pastor Grant doesn't believe in those things, he doesn't believe in speaking in tongues. I mean, that's totally false. I believe in prophecy.
As a matter of fact, I'm willing to bet, I'm not a betting guy, you know,
I'm not a gambler, but I'm willing to bet, so to speak, that I preach more about Bible prophecy than any other pastor in the valley.
I mean, maybe there's one or two guys who preach, you know, about prophecy and talk about prophecy as much or more than me, but considering many pastors don't preach about it at all.
I talk about Bible prophecy and believe Bible prophecy and preach Bible prophecy. I do that more than most.
I believe in miracles. I believe that Moses is part of the Red Sea. I believe that Jesus healed the lepers, gave sight to the blind.
I believe that Paul, you know, there are those special, unique miracles where the handkerchief that touched
Paul came in contact with someone else and they were healed. I believe all of that. So I believe in prophecy,
I believe in healing, and I most certainly believe in speaking with other tongues.
I mean, people usually say speaking in tongues, I think the Bible describes it more, the proper way is speak with other tongues.
So I believe that, but here's what I don't believe. I don't believe that this is tongue speaking watch.
So what was that?
That was Kenneth Copeland, probably the most famous or one of the most famous Pentecostal charismatic preachers in all of the country, if not in all of the world.
And he was supposedly speaking in tongues, but you heard what he was doing.
That's gibberish. Okay. Now I realize some people might be offended that I call it gibberish, but it's not tongues because it's not a language.
Nobody could understand what Kenneth Copeland was saying because he wasn't saying anything.
It was gibberish. Now what is tongues? I said, that's not tongues.
Well, think about it. The Pentecostal movement, it's named after the day of Pentecost.
That's the book of Acts chapter two. And here's what Acts chapter two says. Speaking about the apostles, it says, and they were all filled,
Acts two verse four, they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and they began to speak with other languages.
In the Greek, that's what it says. Now it's translated into English as tongues.
And it's, to be honest, it's kind of unfortunate that it's translated that way because it actually means either, the
Greek word glossa either means the, refers to the literal organ in your mouth, you know, your tongue, or it refers to a human language.
Now some people say, well, no, tongues is a, it's an angelic language.
Yeah, well, every time angels speak in the Bible, they're speaking, you know, a language that, you know, the apostle
John or whoever could understand. So I mean, I, whatever, I realize there's a thousand different arguments, but here's what the
Bible actually says. The word glossa in Greek, it refers to a knowable human language, another dialect.
So the Bible clearly states, let me just read Acts two, four through eight.
And this proves that the speaking in tongues that the apostles were doing, they were speaking in languages that other people could understand.
Acts two, starting in verse four, and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues as the spirit gave them utterance.
And there were dwelling in Jerusalem, Jews, devout men from every nation under heaven. So people who live different countries and spoke different languages.
And verse six, it says, when this sound occurred, the multitude came together and were confused because they heard them speak in his own language.
And it says, they were all amazed and marveled, saying to one another, look, are not all these who speak
Galileans? And yet, how is it that we hear each in our own language in which we were born?
So these people were like, the apostles are Galileans. They don't know our language. And yet here they are speaking or preaching in all these different languages and we can understand them.
See, that's what tongues is. Now you can jump to first Corinthians chapter 14 and try to make different arguments that, hey, you know,
Paul seems to indicate that, you know, tongues is something that, you know, is done in the spirit and people don't always understand what's being said, or you need an interpreter.
But I would just point out that first Corinthians 14 is not a clear passage. Acts chapter two, four through eight is crystal clear in what's being said.
And besides in first Corinthians 14, uh, the apostle Paul is rebuking them.
So whatever the Corinthians were doing, Paul was admonishing them saying, hey, don't do that.
So I just don't think that's a great argument. So in conclusion, uh, whatever
Kenneth Copeland was doing there, uh, yeah, it's not tongues, it's gibberish.
And I don't do this to intentionally make, you know, a charismatic viewer or someone upset.
I mean, I really believe firmly. I know this is what the Bible is saying. I mean, it's very clear.
Just read Acts chapter two yourself. It flat out says that the apostle spoke in other languages, in other tongues, and the people said, hey, we each hear them in our own language.
So it's, it's right there. It's very clear. And I do. So let it be stated for the record.
Pastor Grant does believe in speaking in tongues. I do believe in prophecy. I do believe in healing.
Um, as far as I guess the real question is, is tongues for today, uh, the original
Pentecostal doctrine that tongues was the evidence of salvation.
So basically if you don't speak in tongues, if you don't do the gibberish thing, you're not even saved.
I mean, that's heresy. That's adding to the gospel. Now, if you believe it is an evidence, like it's one piece of evidence that someone is saved.
Okay, fine. If that's what you believe. But again, the people that are doing it are not actually speaking with another language.
It's, it's always gibberish. Could there be maybe a missionary situation where someone is given the gift of tongues is like a one -time thing or a special, uh, event.
Yeah. I mean, that's possible, but what's going on down at your local, you know, assemblies of God churches is what
Kenneth Copeland's doing again. It's not, it's not a language and that's what the Greek word means.
So I do believe in tongues generally. I don't believe it is for today.
It was a sign gift given for a specific purpose. It was assigned to the
Jews. Okay. Because the apostles were speaking the word of God to people, you know, from outside of Judea.
It was a judgment against the Jews and there's a whole argument to be made there. Um, but I, I don't think it's something that's common today, uh, is prophecy still happening today?
Uh, prophecy. If you define prophecy as preaching forth telling, yes, some people have the gift of prophecy in the sense they have the gift of preaching or exhortation.
But is God giving new revelations? This is another disagreement I would have with Pentecostals.
Uh, again, you know, I could play you Kenneth Copeland videos where he claims to hear directly from God.
God speaks directly to one of these TV preachers and God's giving them prophecies.
And there's a whole long list of prophecies that are, uh, well, they, they failed.
Uh, Mike Winger just did a four hour video on Benny Hinn, just documenting all of the false prophecies.
And then Benny Hinn came out and admitted, yeah, I've made false prophecies and I'll probably do it again.
But Hey, I'm just human after all. Well, Deuteronomy 18 has a high standard for prophets.
If somebody prophesies falsely, they say that God said something that doesn't end up coming to pass.
I mean, in Israel they would have been stoned. So I, is prophecy still happening?
I believe the canon of scripture is closed. I believe in sola scriptura, Pentecostals, you know, bless their heart.
They don't believe in sola scriptura. They may say they do, but they believe that God is giving new revelations.
And based on what I've observed, if I know anything, I know that they, as much as they may say they follow the
Bible, they're also following, you know, after these supposed prophecies and words from God.
So I don't believe that's happening today because if God gave a new prophecy today, if it's really from God, if it's really what
God said, we should be able to add it to the Bible. And again, I think the canon of scripture is closed.
So I don't believe that prophecy is happening today. These sign gifts may come back for the tribulation period.
I believe that the two witnesses will work miracles. So I believe maybe the gifts will be restored for the tribulation, potentially, to some degree.
But do I believe in healing? We'll just end on that. Of course I believe in healing. I believe that many people throughout history, the past 2 ,000 years,
I mean, clearly there were miracles recorded, you know, healing miracles recorded in the New Testament.
I believe all of those. Have people prayed to God and received miraculous healing since then, over the past 1 ,900 years?
Yeah, I believe that has happened. Do I believe that one man has been given that power or gift?
Do I believe in the faith healers? Again, on Copeland and Benny Hinn and all these guys on TV. No, I think they are con artists.
I think they know full well that they are not healing anyone. I believe they are con men.
I believe they know they are con men. Some people can't come to terms with that. They think, oh, well no one would ever lie in the name of Jesus and say they hear from God.
Of course people would do that. People have always done that. The Bible talks about it. Like I often point out, false teachers, false prophets, people who say
God spoke to them but He didn't. I mean, it's a major theme straight throughout the whole Bible. So it's no wonder that people have realized there's big money in religion and there's a lot of con men.
So no, I don't believe any one person has the gift of healing. There was a Pentecostal guy that was coming around several years ago and we would argue about this and he sent me a message on Facebook back when
I was on Facebook, which I'm not anymore. But he sent this message and there was a
TV faith healing campaign and there's this lady in a wheelchair and the faith healer went over and kind of like bonked her on the head and she started shaking and she got up and was dancing.
And in the Facebook message he's like, hey, see this proves that this woman was healed. He's like, you admit it now, right?
You admit that God is still healing and working miracles. I'm like, listen, this video doesn't prove anything.
I don't know if this was staged. I don't know anything about this. But I don't believe in faith.
And he basically said I was denying the faith. And this is the thing that many of these people are taught.
If you deny or take a different position or reject any of this, if you don't believe that Benny Hinn is speaking by the word of the
Lord, to deny the anointed preacher is almost like denying
Jesus. It's almost like denying the faith. And that's really dangerous.
So again, I believe in healing. I believe in miracles. I just don't think that gift has been given to any one man or woman.
The idea that there are modern day prophets and apostles, the first question would be, who are they?
Well, Greg Locke. I mean, seriously, Greg Locke and his wife, his adulterous wife, they're apostles.
I mean, give me a break. So, like I said, I know I said I would end the video five minutes ago, but if you're
Pentecostal or you're charismatic, I really honestly do not say these things to take a jab at someone or to offend anyone.
But I have to admit, if you're Pentecostal and you're watching this channel, I am trying to change your mind.
I am trying to convert you and to pull you out of that movement because you're just being taught falsehoods.
That's not what tongues is. So I'll leave you with that clip of Kenneth Copeland and just appeal to your common sense and to a more rational interpretation of the
Bible. Listen to what he says, listen to what he's doing and ask yourself, is this really the gift?