What Do We Do Now? - Looking Beyond the Election

AD Robles iconAD Robles




Alright, so I just got back from the polls and I voted for Donald Trump as I've been planning on doing and I've got a
Bone to pick with every YouTube commercial that I've seen over the last few months I was told that voting would be like a party and I gotta say it was a letdown
Yeah, I didn't feel good or anything I just felt normal I don't know I mean people were making it seem like it was like the coolest thing ever to vote and you just would feel so good about It I don't even understand that there's there's been a lot of creepy commercials
I've been seeing I saw one commercial that said make sure you vote because you know whether or not you vote is a matter of Public record and your parents are gonna be able to see if you voted or not
It's just like so creepy man. Like why don't you mind your own business? How about that? But anyway, I wanted to talk about sort of the results of the election and things of that nature
Obviously, it's in the morning still. I don't know what's gonna happen. I think Trump is gonna win, but he might not
There's no question about that and he might not fair and square and he might not you know Because of a lot of voter fraud who knows nobody will ever know probably
But that's the reality and I think that you know One of the things that I've I haven't really commented on this too much in my youtube channel
But I think it's just so amazing. Is this this idea that you see with Big Eva goons, you know, they're they're like well political
Idolatry is rampant on both the right and the left and that people will say how it's all horrible You know King Jesus not
King Trump. Not King Biden. It's not it's not the the donkey or the elephant It's the lamb and they'll say stupid things like that that they're true but like nobody denies it right but the the the impression that a lot of that stuff gives is that political idolatry is
Definitely like an even problem and let's just face it guys Like nobody's boarding up their windows today
Because they're afraid that the Republicans are gonna freak out if they lose like nobody's doing that right now
Everyone who's boarding up their windows is pretty sure that if Trump wins, there's going to be riots
Like like the political idolatry in this country. Yeah, I'm sure you can find idolaters on either side, but let's face it
It's not an even problem. This is the this is the problem that the Democrats have the pagan this is the problem that the
Secular folks have where they freak out and lose their mind when they when things don't go their way
I honestly like watch Cenk Uygur from from the the new The Young Turks last last time around when him and his little posse was just like it looked like their lives were over when
Donald Trump was lost and honestly, like I'm not gonna be pleased if Donald Trump loses this time, but But like, you know,
I'm not gonna Did I get that wrong? No It looked like their lives were over when Donald Trump won and they lost but like let's just face it like nobody on the right is gonna be like having a
Tantrum if if Trump loses this time around there might be some people that are angry, especially if there's voter fraud
Allegations and things of that nature But it's not gonna be like it is like no one's gonna be rioting and burning down their neighborhoods if Donald Trump loses
Let's face that right? Like can we just face reality? That's the thing like Big Eva is like operated in fantasy land
We all know that and yeah And and let's just let's just be honest like conservatives tend to operate more in reality than liberals do
It's just that simple. So but here's the thing though. Like I'm not looking at Trump As some kind of a savior some kind of like a perfect candidate that's gonna make everything
Okay, I happen to really like Trump. I think he's hilarious number one I think he's actually a really good president in general number two but there are things about Trump that and his policies that I just I cannot for the life of me understand because he seems to Understand the right thing to do but he buys into a lot of the liberal nonsense
I'll give you a perfect example in the beginning of the pandemic He cut the payroll taxes or something like that or it was some kind of tax that he meant that he intended to Stimulate hiring and the economy and stuff like that and I remember saying at the time like okay
So, you know that this is good for the economy Why don't you just do it all the time? Like why is there why is it like reserved for when we're in trouble like it doesn't make any sense
Why don't you go all the way? Well, the reason he doesn't go all the way is because he's bought into a lot of the upside -down worldview
His worldview is not upside down like like like that like the pagans like the liberals like the Democrats worldview is it's totally upside -down
Trump's is tilted like his worldview is skewed by a lot of liberal nonsense, which is way better than having an upside -down
Opposite land Antichrist worldview. That's way worse to have a worldview like that, but it's not good
And so I look at a Trump victory. I think he's gonna win to me. That's a that's a reprieve
That's like an extra four years that normal people like you and me have to prepare for the eventual, you know
Upside -down universe that is coming our way. I think that nothing can stop the liberals they will do anything and everything in their power including violence in order to maintain their their
Fantasyland Antichrist worldview Psalm 2 tells us why do the Gentiles plot in vain?
Well, they're constantly plotting all the time because they hate the Lord and they hate the
Lord's anointed and they hate the Lord's people That's the thing. So they'll never stop. They'll never stop until you know, they
Try to burn everything down. That's how that's how the pagan mind works. That's how the Antichrist mind works
So I look at the next four years if Trump were to win as a reprieve and I would encourage you that if he wins
You take the next four years and you plan and strategize how we're going to survive the next 4050 years and I think this is this is all this is including everything, right?
Like you need to get your financial house in order, right? You need to not be dependent on a paycheck every week coming in because the reality is like a lot of Christians are gonna end up losing their jobs or They're gonna capitulate to the mob like this hate crime legislation that's coming our way this hate crime legislation and then the kinds of documents you're gonna have to sign about how
LGBT is the greatest thing since sliced bread and all of that stuff. It's going to put your income in jeopardy
There's no question about that. And so you you need to see that coming right and plan accordingly I'm doing it and things are having more or less success.
I mean I run my own business So I'm relatively insulated from some of this stuff, but I'm not completely insulated
And so I'm trying to you know Generate and and develop different streams of income in case one of them gets taken away for whatever reason
I have other Alternatives and some of these ventures are going to be successful and some of them are not going to be successful but you think is you need to start thinking about that because if you are
Reliant on the one paycheck that you get from the big corporation that every you know Year does the
LGBT cookie type thing where they make a rainbow colored cream and stuff like that eventually, you're gonna have to choose sign on this dotted line and keep your job or Hold on to your
Christian integrity and lose your job That's gonna be a decision that a lot of people are gonna have to make in the next decade or so a lot of people
Have already had to make that decision and you need to be ready for that You need to be able to have a defense for that a fortress
Proverbs 10 Chapter of Proverbs chapter 10 verse 15 says this The rich man's wealth is his strong city the destruction of the poor is their poverty
So you see it's actually good to have your financial house in order It's actually good to have wealth in many respects because number one, it's a blessing from God But number two, it helps you insulate yourself from all of this chaos
That is coming our way having a little bit of extra money having property that you can use You know for your purposes and things like that.
This is not something that we should shun It's actually something that is a good thing. It's a blessing from God material blessings from God These are things that are good and they actually can help you if you're if used wisely but when you're in a situation of poverty or like a lack of wealth or things like that even a small problem can be a
Disaster even a small problem can be a destruction You always see the the statistics that say that a lot of people can't cover even a two hundred five hundred dollar
Emergency in their savings account. That's a problem And I'm not saying that you know, you're bad or something like that if that's your situation
But if that's your situation the time to strategize out of that situation is right now
It's you want to have a fortress around you and financial stability is part of that So if Trump wins or even if he doesn't like we're still gonna have a little bit of a reprieve like it's not gonna be chaos
Overnight, but it'll be chaos a lot sooner So I'm hoping for four years to plan and strategize and plot and maybe build up my war chest a little bit and things of that Nature, but if we don't get it, you still have to think about it and strategize and stuff like that Financial stability is one of those things you might have known.
I mean I talk about all the time. I've got chickens, right? I've got a small operation I've got ten chickens that provide me about nine eggs a day
And I've got a small garden right and I started small because I don't know what the heck I'm doing But my intention is to probably expand this a little bit and so hopefully grow my own meat grow my own chicken grow my own
Vegetables and things of that nature. So if something happens and the supply chains get disrupted, which we all know can happen
I've got at least a window, right? I'm not gonna say I can feed my family for a year, but at least I've got a little bit of a reprieve
I don't have to worry immediately and I can strategize and plan and stuff like that See, I'm just looking for some extra time here, right?
And so, you know, that's one of the things that I've chosen to do I'm strategically trying to increase my income streams and stuff like that So I have a few different options in case
I lose one of them I'm also trying to grow my own food so that we can survive on our own if necessary And if it's never necessary, that's fine.
At least I'm prepared so get your financial house in order, you know build up build up your war chest if you have to you don't be in a
Situation where your poverty is your destruction and by the way help others too. That's the other thing
See God commands his people to have charity and to have love for poor people, right? if you have food share with someone who doesn't if you have
A cloak share with someone who doesn't and by the way if you have the skills to develop Multiple streams of income and you have the skills to develop
Businesses and stuff like that by the way share those skills with poor people who don't have them Like that's actually the best thing that you could do
You could actually help them understand that yeah You need to make more money than you spend and you need to figure out a way to generate more money from the money
That you have like these are skills that not everybody has growing up and that not everybody thinks about things in that way this is something this is the way we need to start strategizing and thinking about for the future because the future of the church in The United States is uncertain
There's no question about it I think that there's a very high likelihood that the church is gonna have to go At least the at least the true church, right?
At least the conservative sort of like I actually believe the Bible Church kind of thing the faithful church
There's a large part of that church that's going to have to go underground in the coming decades And I think having plans in place now to do something like that is a good thing
There's one more thing and I don't want to I don't want to scare anybody But I think this is worth thinking about I think you need to plan with you and your family and your friends and stuff like that what are the things that That could happen in the next decade next two decades or things like that That would signal to me that it's time to cut loose and run
Right because fleeing is an option for a Christian and the reality is that there are certain things that I think about That would signal to me that it's time to go
So in other words, let me give you an example if the United States banned homeschooling and said you have to send your kids to government schools because you know
They'd probably say well, we want to make sure they're not abused or they want we want to make sure they're not this or that They're not learning. Hey, that's probably the excuse they would use
And I could see this happening sooner rather than later, but maybe I'm wrong about that But but my thought is if that's the case
If they're willing to take your kids and pretend like they have ownership over your kids in that regard
That's probably a big warning sign that it might be time to flee the United States. So that's just an example, right?
You might not agree with me on that one Okay fine But the thing is you need to start thinking about that kind of stuff because it's not out of the realm of possibility
Right now you see The proverb about the rich man's wealth being his strong city what that's about.
It's about real wealth. It's about material wealth So let's not over spiritualize it But it's really about wealth of all kinds and time is one of those things if you have time right now
That's a kind of wealth That that you need to take advantage of right so if we're not in a situation of persecution just yet but we could see it coming the time to use that wealth of reprieve of a time of four more years of Relative, you know peace for yourself and things of that nature.
You got to use that in a very What do you call it? Yeah, you just steward that in an appropriate way
And so honestly the time to plan for this kind of stuff is now I would suggest doing it right away.
I would suggest if Trump wins using the next four years for this kind of thing We're not gonna we're not gonna be wringing our hands.
Woe is me if Trump loses, you know That's not that's not what Christians typically do liberal Christians will do that if Trump wins, of course because they're pagans anyway, right?
But but Christians we have faith in God. We have faith in his promises for his people We have faith in his being a fortress for us
We have faith in the fact that he will bless us doesn't mean times won't be difficult But with God it's always good
And so the time to plan and to strategize and to build up your war chest and to come up with your strategic plans
For the future is right now Anyway, I hope you have a good day. I hope
Trump wins. I'm looking forward to it tomorrow. We'll see what happens I don't think we're gonna have the actual election results, but we'll have a decent idea about what's happened by the end of the day