Some Quick Thoughts

AD Robles iconAD Robles




So I've been thinking about a lot of things lately. It's kind of been pretty rapid -fire how they come. So I figured I'd just do a video to give you a little bit of a window into my mind and so you can kind of think about some of the same things
I'm thinking about. Item one. I find it interesting that everyone and their mother is like, well, we need to do all the peer -reviewed studies to see if this hydroxycut cleaner thing works.
And we can't we can't prescribe it yet. Even some some governors were even banning prescribing it because we got to do the period.
We got to find out if it works. And so we need like a dissertation on whether or not hydroxycut works.
But when it comes to vaccines, let's full steam ahead on that. It's kind of an interesting little change there.
Vaccines, totally fine. Hydroxycut, totally evil. That's kind of a weird one. Item two.
Lots of people are poo -pooing anecdotal evidence. So like if somebody gets a super dose of vitamin
C or the hydroxycut thing, well, we can't believe that. That's just anecdotal. But we have to believe the mainstream media when so often their evidence is not only anecdotal, but obviously false.
Like that video of that woman who was crying, like I gotta quit being a nurse because it's not safe.
It was like instantly disproven. Like they don't do any vetting whatsoever. At least with anecdotal evidence, you kind of have some kind of an idea of who you're dealing with on Facebook.
And I don't know. It just seems a little bit crazy to me that the same people that are just poo -pooing, you know, your friend on Facebook who says such and such about coronavirus, they'll totally eat up anything the mainstream media says even when it's obviously stupid.
Item three. One of the arguments that I've heard about obeying the government, Romans 13 and all that kind of stuff is basically something, it goes a little something like this.
Look, we have to obey the government no matter what they say unless they command us to sin.
And that's a very simplistic way to understand it. It's actually not entirely accurate. But if I was teaching a child what
Romans 13 meant, I might describe it that way even if it's not completely accurate. Like you oversimplify things for children because children can't be trusted to really understand all of the exceptions to the rules.
But of course, there's an exception to that rule. That's not the proper understanding of Romans 13. There are even biblical examples of this.
Like for example, Jesus, he highly offended the Pharisees. They did not like it because he broke their rule about washing hands.
His disciples broke their rule about washing hands before a meal. Washing your hands before a meal is not a sin.
Yet Jesus didn't do it. So was he breaking Romans 13? Was he disregarding the
Fifth Commandment? Obviously not. That doesn't make any sense at all. The other thing is a lot of people were also saying this, like look, we just obey
Romans 13 unless they're commanded to sin. So here's the question. There's a hidden premise here when it comes to canceling church because the government said so.
So if it's only if they command you to sin, then telling you you can't go to church is not a command to sin.
So therefore were we commanded to meet on the Lord's Day to worship with the brethren? Is that a command or not?
Because I seem to remember a lot of blog posts saying how bad it was that parents were taking their kids to travel soccer games and stuff like that on the
Lord's Day because we were commanded to meet on the Lord's Day. So is it a command or isn't it? There's a hidden premise there, and I know you don't really want to explore that, but that's what needs to be explored.
Is it a command to meet with the brethren on the Lord's Day or not? If it's not, then why are we doing it?
Why do it? I mean, why can't I just go to the NASCAR race on Sunday? You know what I mean? Like obviously it is a command.
Obviously it is a command. And so if the governor says you can't do it, they're telling you to just disregard that command of God.
Now, that doesn't mean that the local assembly doesn't have the authority to take everything into consideration and decide whether or not they meet for health or safety reasons.
But I want to put that authority in the hands of the elders. That's where the ecclesiastical authority comes from.
It's not the civil governing authorities. That's the issue there. There's another one that, you know, it's not a sin to not preach at an abortion clinic or to not preach in a public space.
And so therefore, if a government bans street preaching, do you just go along with it? Or is that a
Romans 13 or is that a not a Romans 13? It's just another interesting thing that I like to think about.
Another thing is, you know, this is if it turns out that coronavirus kills comparably to the flu, like the influenza and stuff like that.
And when I say comparable, I mean, I don't know, within 50 ,000 deaths, right? So within 50 ,000 deaths,
I would say that's comparable to the flu. So if that's the case and we shut it down because, you know, life is more important than the economy.
Life is more important than the local assembly, I guess, for church. I think we should strongly consider having church seasons.
So like basically, you know, probably from May to June through like September to October, that's church season.
And then because we got to love our neighbor as ourselves and part of loving your neighbor as yourself, the second greatest commandment, as we've heard, is to not be a vector for illness for, you know, your neighbor.
Then we shouldn't meet for flu season. So like right around October, we'll shut it down through about May, June.
Of course, we'll look to the experts to tell us when flu season officially starts and when it officially is over.
But I think we should strongly consider having church seasons going forward. And furthermore, I keep reading these articles about how life is definitely going to change, you know, forever after this coronavirus thing.
Like we're going to have, you know, maybe checking antibodies, checking to make sure people get their vaccinations and stuff like that.
I think unless the church wants to bring disrepute on the name of Christ, unless the church wants to look like they don't care about the neighbors, we need to follow suit.
I mean, we might need to start checking vaccination records in our assemblies. We might need to start doing antibody tests. If you're going to participate in communion today,
I want to make sure you've got the antibodies. And again, I think this is where that church season stuff starts to come into play because, you know, when it's flu season and it's going to soon be corona season because we know this is now going to be a seasonal thing, most likely.
Dr. Fauci was saying that. We need to consider our neighbors. We don't want to be the ones that are just being scofflaws.
We're not going to do anything to protect our people. I mean, we need to take that into account.
So I'm a strong advocate going forward for church season starting roughly in May, ending roughly in October, and then we take the winter off.
Finally, I thought you guys might want to hear what I'm doing as far as precautions to so I don't get sick.
So here's what I'm doing. So I'm not going out as much as I normally do. If I need groceries, I'm still going to get groceries.
I need something for the house. I'm still going to get something for the house. I've been wearing the plastic gloves because, you know, the carts and stuff.
I always found that kind of gross. But now especially I'm wearing plastic gloves. I'm not wearing a mask yet. You know,
I live in a very low -density, you know, area. So I'm not wearing a mask yet. And also, I don't have any masks, definitely not.
So don't come to my house, police officers, to commandeer my stuff. Excuse me.
I'm washing my hands and hand sanitizer, stuff like that. And then my health regimen is very similar to what it usually is, although I am adding some doses.
So I'm taking three doses of vitamin C pills a day, two vitamin D pills a day.
I'm exercising every day. Oh, and I also drink apple cider vinegar drinks.
I've been doing that for a few years now, but now I'm making sure to take care of those and all that kind of thing. Although I am going to plan to have a wild turkey tonight.
That should be good. That should be real good. Anyway, that's just it. I thought you might find that interesting.