What is Prayer? - For Kids - | GQKidz.org

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Hey kids, do you know what prayer is and how we can use it to communicate with God? In this video, we answer those questions! For lots more, go to: GQkidz.org We hope you enjoy this seventh video in our new series made for kids! Adults will also enjoy these videos and may use them for at home teaching or Sunday school lessons.


So, I was wondering, what is prayer? That's a really good question.
Prayer is an important part of our relationship with God. It's like a really special way of talking to God.
My family and I pray each night before dinner. We thank God for the blessings he's given us.
That's great. Since prayer is a form of worship, it's about so much more than just asking
God for things, it's a way we can get closer to him. Can we talk to God about anything?
Of course, God wants us to share our lives with him. It's like when we have a close friend, we want to talk to them.
Isn't God too busy to listen to me? I mean, he's in charge of the whole universe.
God is never too busy for us. He loves us so much and is always listening. Because he is
God. He's the only one who can listen all the time. That's right.
It makes God happy when we talk to him, worship him, and rely on him for everything we need.
And we can talk to God from anywhere. Anywhere? Think about this walkie -talkie.
We can use it to talk to someone all the way back at the main camp. So, prayer is like sharing walkie -talkies with God.
Only they are the most powerful walkie -talkie that has ever existed. And God is always listening.
Now I understand why prayer is such an important part of my relationship with God. Start praying today and let
Jesus show you how special it is. Oh, hey there.
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