I Contacted Bethel Church Church: They Are Lying To You (And Here's the Proof)
In a hard-hitting episode, Justin Peters exposes Bethel Church's deceptive practices, particularly its claims about angel feathers appearing in its services. Peters challenges Bethel’s leaders, including Bill Johnson and Kris Vallotton, to provide evidence of these supernatural occurrences.
- 00:00
- Bill Johnson, Chris Vallotton, and the staff at Bethel Church are lying to you and I'm about to prove it.
- 00:14
- Welcome to the program ladies and gentlemen. My name is Justin Peters. I hope that this finds you and your family doing well today.
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- I want to thank you so much for joining me. I know those words are strong, but they are true, and I would ask that you please do watch the entirety of this video.
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- For those of you who may not have seen it, a few months ago, a couple months ago, I did a video on the claim that Bethel Church continues to make that angel feathers are falling out of their services.
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- This is a claim that they have been making for many years, and I showed just a few examples of this.
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- There are others, but I showed a few. So for those of you who did not see my video from a couple months ago, here is a brief recap.
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- Here is Bill Johnson making the claim of angel feathers. And it would be about 15 or maybe 14 years ago, somewhere in that area, 14 years ago probably, the feathers started disappearing and falling in meetings.
- 01:12
- And then they started falling in our homes and in restaurants and things like that. Just unusual things, you know.
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- There are signs that make you wonder. People say, where's that in the Bible? Well, he said he'd cover you with this feather.
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- And I also quoted from an article that Chris Vallotton wrote a few years ago entitled,
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- Raising the Dead, Gold Dust, and Feathers, in which he addressed the claims that they have made and doubled down on, in fact, and affirmed these claims.
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- And one of the quotes that I read to you in the video from a couple months ago, he said, I have witnessed this, the angel feathers falling, a couple hundred times in several different buildings.
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- And then most recently, this is a video from a Bethel Church service that was recorded on Wednesday night,
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- February 21st, in which Ben and Heather Armstrong, two Bethel staff pastors, made the claim that angel feathers fell that night and the previous
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- Sunday night, just a few days before. Here is that. Hey, how is everyone?
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- It's here, the angel feathers are already falling. Oh, come on. Here we go. Thank you,
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- Jesus. Come on, on Sunday night, we had quite a few feathers falling in Sunday night service as well.
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- How many of you were here Sunday night? Come on. Oh, a bunch of you came early. Oh, oh, we have to say hi to the online guests.
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- Yes, why don't you? Hi, online guests. Everybody turn around. Wave to the camera here. We love you.
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- We're so happy you're here. Oh, and also to our overflow. And so then I made this video and I basically said, okay, you have these angel feathers falling in your services.
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- You've been reporting this for over a decade and by Chris Vallotton's own admission, he has seen this at least a couple hundred times in multiple buildings.
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- So being very generous, you should have hundreds of these angel feathers and surely you're not throwing these things away.
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- They are, after all, angel feathers. Of course, I wonder like do angels molt? What's the deal with angel feathers?
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- I guess they molt. But at any rate, they should have hundreds of these feathers.
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- And so I put the video together and I said that being the case, show proof. Let us see one.
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- Put a picture of one of these feathers on your social media and have these feathers tested.
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- You could take them to any number of universities, colleges, California swimming in these institutions.
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- Take them to the California Department of Fish and Wildlife. Have these feathers examined and tested.
- 04:04
- And if it can be demonstrated that these feathers cannot be identified to any specific bird species known to man, if they are truly otherworldly, not of this realm, then
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- I made this pledge, and I make it again, that if you can prove this, that I will completely shut my ministry down.
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- I will make a public statement apologizing to Bethel Church and saying that I was wrong and I will completely shut my ministry down.
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- So I put that video up. I'll put a link, if you have not seen it or want to see it, down below in the description.
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- But since then I have heard absolutely nothing. Bethel Church has not made a statement.
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- Not only that, I actually wrote letters, physical letters, the old -fashioned way, and mailed them to Bethel Church on my own letterhead.
- 05:08
- And I wrote three of these. Well, I printed off three copies, sent the exact same letter, one to Bill Johnson at Bethel Church, one to Chris Vallotton, and then one to Ben and Heather Armstrong.
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- And I want to read this letter to you. This is what I wrote them. Dear Bill, Chris, Ben, and Heather, Hello, my name is
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- Justin Peters, and I am writing in regards to the recent and repeated claims that angel feathers have been appearing in Bethel's church services.
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- All of you have made these claims on video. Ben and Heather, you made the claim that angel feathers appeared in two consecutive services just this past February, one month ago.
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- And of course, I put my video up in March. Chris has said these angel feathers fall right in front of him while he is teaching.
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- You have said you have seen multiple feathers a couple hundred times in several buildings. Doing the most conservative math on this, there must be at least a thousand angel feathers in your possession, at least.
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- Given the very special and supernatural nature of these angel feathers, putting aside the discussion of whether angels even have feathers, you most certainly have not thrown these feathers out with the trash along with the plastic forks and used
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- Dixie cups. Therefore, I am writing with both a request and an offer. First, the request. Provide photos of at least one, preferably several, of these angel feathers.
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- Given that you should have videos of these feathers falling in a service, please provide that as well.
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- Have one or more of the angel feathers tested at either the U .S. Fish and Wildlife Service or the
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- California Department of Fish and Wildlife or any science department in a local college or university to see if the feather belongs to a bird or cannot be identified.
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- I will pay for all expenses, both for the testing and any travel meals, etc. Now the offer.
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- If you provide proof that these feathers are of unknown origin and do not belong to any known bird species, anywhere in the world,
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- I will make a very public confession and apologize to you and to Bethel. I will also immediately and permanently shut down my ministry.
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- As you know, I am one of your most vocal critics and have a sizable YouTube platform. I first made this request and offer on YouTube, but have not received a reply, so I am sending this to you in writing on my official letterhead.
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- This same letter is being sent to each of you. If you can prove your claims and thereby prove me wrong, this will be a spectacular public relations bonanza for you.
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- It will silence me and be immeasurably beneficial to you. It will explode your ranks and bring in huge numbers of people and untold millions of dollars.
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- It is truly a win -win for you. My email address is and all other contact information there as well.
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- I look forward to your replies most sincerely, Justin Peters.
- 08:05
- So, three physical letters mailed the old -fashioned way.
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- I am recording this on the afternoon of May the 28th, and it has now been
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- March to April to May. It has been now two and a half months since I mailed these letters.
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- I have heard nothing in reply. I have received no email reply, no phone call, even though I gave them all of my contact information.
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- Not only that, I had a friend of mine email
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- Bethel Church. I called Bethel and got all the pertinent email contact information that goes to Bill Johnson's office, that goes to Chris Vallotton's office, as well as Ben and Heather Armstrong's office.
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- All three of those emails, I got my friend to email from his own email address, just on the case, on the chance that Bethel would receive something from me and automatically delete it.
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- So, I asked my friend, who they do not know, never heard of, to email Bethel asking them some of these same questions.
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- Where are the angel feathers? If you have them, please provide proof. All the same questions.
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- He has heard nothing in reply. So, dear friends, it has been months.
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- I did my video. I wrote these physical letters. I emailed them and have called the church.
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- Nothing. They have nothing to say in reply.
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- Therefore, Bethel is lying to you. If they really had these angel feathers, they would most certainly provide proof.
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- Show a picture. Have them tested. I mean, this would be as I said in the letter, an absolute public relations bonanza.
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- It would be a win -win situation for them. They would validate their own theology.
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- They would validate their claims. And they would shut me down. One of their most vocal critics, not only would they shut me down, but a number of other
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- YouTube channels as well, who also have the same critiques and make the observations and concerns about Bethel and the charismatic movement at large and the claims that they make.
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- By extension, they would shut them down too. I mean, all these other channels would also have to give an accounting for this.
- 10:49
- Crickets. Dear friends, they are lying to you.
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- They're lying to you. I make an appeal to every person who attends
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- Bethel Church, every person who is considering attending Bethel Church, every student at Bethel School of Supernatural Ministries.
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- In fact, if you're there now, if you're a member there now, or if you're a student at BSSM now, ask the leadership, where are these feathers?
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- You've made these claims. By your own admission, you should have easily a thousand of these angel feathers.
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- Where are they? Ask them to show you one. They won't be able to do it.
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- They're lying to you. Dear friends, they're lying to you. They're lying to God.
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- They are misrepresenting God. They are making claims about God and who
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- He is and what He is supposedly doing that they know are not true. So there is no fear of God before their eyes.
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- It does not bother them at all to lie about the creator of the universe, to lie about their own creator.
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- So don't believe it when they say they love God. No, they don't. They do not love
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- God. They do not love Jesus. They have created a false God and a false Jesus after their own image.
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- They're lying to you. And if they're lying to you about this, then ask yourself the question, how can
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- I trust them? How can I trust them? You can't. Preachers are held to a very, very high standard.
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- This is the thing with the gold dust. And by the way, the gold dust, that's also fake.
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- More on that soon. That's also fake. If they're lying about these things, you can't trust them.
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- And if they're lying to God and they're lying to you, not only do they not care about God, but guess who else they do not care about?
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- They do not care about you. They are exploiting you.
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- Please flee this church. This is not a true church. This is not a church by the biblical definition of the term.
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- And all you defenders of Bethel out there, all the remnant radio guys, yeah,
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- I know you defend Bethel too. Shame on you. Shame on anyone who would defend
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- Bethel church. This is not a church. This is a false church. So dear friends,
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- I take no joy in this, but I care about God.
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- I care about the picture that people are putting forth to the world about Christianity and who
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- Christ is and these false churches that misrepresent God, misrepresent Christ, and quite honestly make
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- Christianity a laughing stock before a watching world. And I do care about you.
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- I care about the people who are being deceived by these wolves. Your soul is in peril.
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- Leave this church. They're lying to you. They cannot be trusted. Preachers and teachers of God's word are held to a higher standard.
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- James 3 .1. They are held to a higher standard. And the fact that they would so readily lie to you repeatedly over many, many years shows that they cannot be trusted.
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- These are false teachers, hirelings, wolves in sheep's clothing. So flee this church.
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- Flee the word faith NAR movement. Flee all of this stuff. Seek out a true biblical church, a church that is marked by sound doctrine, a church that is marked by expositional preaching, that is led by a plurality of elders, biblically qualified men, a church that practices church discipline per Matthew 18, the way it's supposed to be exercised, not the caricature of it.
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- So seek out a church like this. There's nothing more important than having a good church home.
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- Nothing more important than that. Seek it out. They are out there. They're not a dime a dozen, but they are out there.
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- So I do care about you. And folks who are watching this who may be attending
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- Bethel right now or current BSSM students, please know
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- I do this out of care and concern for you. I really do care about you. I go to word of faith conferences and conventions and all this kind of stuff, and I talk to people.
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- I plead with them. I get in the trenches because I do care about them. I care about you. All right.
- 15:53
- Thank you so very much for watching, dear ones. Until our next time together, may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the fellowship of His Holy Spirit be with you all.