FRIDAY NIGHT LIVE ***Christmas Mythbusters***

Your Calvinist iconYour Calvinist


This week, Keith welcomes several of his friends to discuss common Christmas myths. They will also settle the most important question of all: Is Die Hard a Christmas movie? Join us live and hangout together in the comments at 10pm Friday December 20th!
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Live from the Theo Shed in beautiful Callahan, Florida, ladies and gentlemen, it is the
Christmas edition of Friday Night Live with a new intro just for Christmas.
On the twelfth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me twelve drummers drumming.
At our twenty -seven different worship experiences at the Big Eva, Mega Church, Multiplex, and Mini Mall. Eleven growing deacons, ten tongues of speaking, nine lady preachers, eight maids of milking, seven dispensations, sixteen eleven, five points of Calvinism, four weeks of Advent, three forms of unity, two sacraments, and superior theology.
And welcome everybody to Friday Night Live.
I'm your host, Keith Foskey, your Calvinist. Good to see you. Happy to spend this last
Friday night with you before the big celebration of Christmas Day, which will be next
Wednesday night or next Wednesday morning. So looking forward to this holiday.
It's my favorite holiday of the year. We get to enjoy family time, giving of gifts, celebration, of course, of the incarnation of God, the most important event in all of history and the event that split time in half.
Everything before Jesus was B .C., everything after Jesus was
A .D., autodominy in the year of our Lord. And those people who want to call it C .E. and B .C
.E., I tell them, B .C. and you later because I don't need that nonsense in my life. I want it to be before Christ and in the year of our
Lord. And you know what? If you want to call it the common era, why is it the common era? Because Jesus has come and that's why.
So good day, everybody. It is glad. I'm so glad to see you all here with me tonight.
I'm seeing people jump on the live stream right away. And I got a ton of people that I want to remind you or tell you about.
They're here in the studio. Well, not really. They're in the sort of nebulous, you know, cloud studio, but they are here.
We got a whole group of people and it's going to be cool. But before we get there, I want to remind you, we've got some awesome sponsors that are continuing to sponsor the show because they're awesome.
And don't forget, if you're looking for a great Christmas gift, I know it's probably too late to get it there by Christmas, but if you're looking for a great
Christmas gift for like that after Christmas person that you want to give to, maybe you're not going to see him until the new year, order them a tiny
Bible. It's the smallest Bible on the market. Or you can order them a big version of What Do We Believe by Andrew Rappaport.
And guess what? He's here tonight. You can ask him questions about the book because he's going to be here and you can find out about it in the description.
And if you use my name, Keith, you will get a percentage off. Also don't forget about Squirrelly Joe's Coffee. They're giving you free coffee.
If you use my name, you get 20 % off in the store, the whole store. You can buy his store for 20 % less than normal.
It's pretty cool. All right. And we don't want to forget, we also are supported by Private Family Banking and about halfway through this episode,
I'm going to show you a commercial from my friend Chuck who made his own commercial in front of his pool. I think he did it with his phone, but it's still pretty cool.
All right, guys. So tonight I want to welcome all of my guests. I'm going to pull them in all together, but then
I'm going to introduce them one at a time. These are my good friends. These are my podcast pals and one of them who is a not yet Calvinist.
All right. And somebody asked how much, how much coffee have I had, man? None. In fact, guess what's in this cup.
If you guess what's in this cup, you get a free bag of Squirrelly Joe's. You're going to get a free bag of Squirrelly Joe's anyway, but if you can guess what is in this cup,
I'm going to, I'm going to, I'm just going to tell you how to get it. All right. So bringing them in right now, I have to my extreme right,
I have the fetus. Parker Brown. If you wonder why
I call him the fetus is because he's a lot younger than all of us and yet he is still calling us his friends.
I think, I think we're like his old friends and that's cool. So Parker Brown is the host, one of the hosts of Watchwell podcast with his cousin,
Nick Sloan, and they have one of the coolest podcasts around because they talk about movies. One of my favorite ways to pass the time is to enjoy movies.
So I enjoy their podcasts very much. Love those guys. Parker, thanks for coming. Yeah. Thanks for having me, Keith. I'm excited to be here with my best friends.
I wouldn't say just podcast friends. I'd say best friends. Oh, well, I'm thankful. And you know what?
That just shows the youthfulness that you have. You guys got me fooled pretty good.
You guys got me fooled pretty good then, right? Well, it's not that we're not, we're your friends, but I mean. I know
Greg has me fooled. Greg has me fooled down here. I work really hard to be the medium of everything.
I'm not the best at anything. So if I'm your best friend, I feel that feels pretty good. That shirt size is definitely not medium.
Oh! Hey! Your mom just walked by? Oh, wait. I'm sorry. You were talking to me.
I'm sorry. Okay. Next over is
Andrew the Rapaport. This is the head of Striving for Eternity Ministries, the author of What Do We Believe?
And a good friend of the show and a good friend of mine personally, and who's rocking the beard that we were told he was going to have to remove.
So I guess somebody talked his wife into letting him keep it. So I'm awesome. It's a lot.
I'm keeping it at least until February for the Open Air Theology Conference.
So that's what it is. That's what I'm going to keep it till then. All right. I'm looking forward to seeing you.
Who's this guy next to me on the other side that you just introduced? I don't know him. You don't know the fetus?
You know the fetus. Oh, man. That's going to happen all night, isn't it?
Yes, it is. And if you say anything we don't like, you will be delete us, fetus.
All right. Coming down right underneath me, at least on my screen, we have Cody Fields of Westminster Effects.
This is the man. This has got to be by far the coolest guy that I'm friends with.
He's an awesome guitar player. His wife is an awesome musician as well. And seeing them together, it's like rock and roll heaven.
And my man, he is the host of the Westminster Effects podcast. Actually, is that the name of the podcast?
I'm sorry. Cody, tell us about yourself. I remember I just can't think of the name right now. Westminster Effects Doxology Podcast.
Yeah. I own a little guitar effects pedal brand by the name of Westminster Effects. And I would remind you, since you're telling everybody
I'm cool, Revelation 21 .8 says that liars go to hell. You call him cool and he sends you to hell.
Dang. This night's going to be going. I was going to say. I see already, man. I got a pipe this year and I have not had it on the show yet.
So while you guys are talking, I'm going to be nursing this pipe. Anyway. All right. So the next one over is, uh, is
Greg Moore of the dead men walking podcast, who has been officially censored on this episode.
Cause the last time he was on, I'm not saying it. He's not going to say it, but I'm thankful that he's here.
And, uh, Greg, you have, uh, you've been a really good friend since we met almost two years ago.
And, uh, you've been a big part of what we're doing here just as a, as a person, I can bounce ideas off of learn things from.
And you, my friend are more than just a podcaster. You're a politician, podcaster.
You're a public servant. Thank you very much. I don't like the other word. I'm sorry. Yes. Not a public.
And I'm just going to, I'm just going to let you know, I made the medium shirt joke because I can say that. Cause I haven't been in a medium since I was 11 years old.
Uh, and since we can't tell the joke that we told in the last slime stream, we're going a little lighter here. I'm drinking out of my wine.
I'm dying. I'm Romans nine. I'm bug and shameless self plugging. Get that at dmwpodcast .com.
Well, brother, thank you for being here. Next to him is Matthew, the not yet Calvinist Henson.
He and his wife, Aaron, are some of my favorite people in the whole world. They live right here in my hometown. And, uh, just like me, he's a boy.
He's not a boy. He is now an elder. He's a real boy.
It's all right. The wheels are already falling off of this thing. We got one more who just came in.
Mr. Corey wing. He's here.
What's up? Yeah. Are you eating?
Did you, well, at least you brought something to this live pod. Everybody listen better than the beer.
He usually has. Did you bring enough for everyone? I am right there. That right there is called commitment. Fellas, Baptists, Baptists, hide your eyes.
You don't see it. So great. Yeah. Greg, do I do the, uh, the 18 year
Glen finish or the 14 year old bond? Oh, you can't go wrong with Glen finish. Okay.
Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Hold that backup. What are you holding?
This apple juice. This is a nice bottle. This is an 18 year single malt scotch.
See, now you're just showing off. Yeah. Realize this is a Baptist podcast. Oh my goodness. I gotta let the
Presbyterians in here and ruin everything. Yeah. That's right. Corey, your video, man, it looks so good, man.
It's just crispy, bro. I had a friend. Yeah. Yeah.
That's true. Look at that. You're all nice and good and you're, you're getting sloshed.
You're just, you're, you're going to be the entertainment of the evening. Again, as we've already discussed when
I was backstage, a few of us have a few pounds on us. So it takes a little bit to get me there. Yeah. I don't know what that means.
I think we, I think Andrew Rappaport did not like that. We were talking about alcohol. Cause he just, he's out.
Oh man. I like Andrew. I hope he comes back. Yeah. Sorry, Andrew. My bad buddy.
Age stage crusader said real Calvinist drink overpriced imported small batch craft beer because superior theology deserves superior beer.
I just love the fact that superior theology has made its way into the zeitgeist of, of just the way people speak.
Um, and it is part of the vocabulary. In fact, it's so much part of the this week I was on chat
GPT and I, I simply asked chat GPT, can you give me a short synopsis of the prologue of John's gospel included in that?
It said John's gospel. It talked about the prologue and what it said about the deity of Christ. And it said, and it certainly promotes superior theology.
And I said, chat GPT use superior theology. Now, of course it's my chat
GPT. So it's just probably echoing back the things that I am put into it. But that made me so happy. Yeah.
And as I said, curse the Presbyterians, they've now taken John one from us. I guess we don't get to use that anymore now.
Yeah, that's true. Why we keep losing folks who we just lost coding.
Have you named your AI? Is it like named a little Keithie or what? What is it?
Little Keithie? No, no, that's uh, uh, no, I see. See, okay.
Yeah. I mean, I know location. I'm filtering so hard. Yeah. Call the
AI special day. Little. Yeah, that's okay. My passers all hopped up on special K looking up sermons.
I just lost power. So we can just suddenly flashed off and have not normally plug your computer in that thing that comes with it.
It's like it plugs into the wall. Yeah. Computer doesn't lose power. Hey, respect your elders, fetus.
That's right. It's like an Atari. You got to take the plug out and blow it back in.
First of all, that was, that was, uh, Nintendo, the original 64.
You blow into the Nintendo. That's what you do. No. Atari. Atari was first, but it was first, but the first one you drew, well,
I don't want to get into it. Yeah. We gotta, all right. Yes, we gotta, we gotta move on for the sake of Greg.
Okay. Yeah. Guys, I know I want to,
I want to, I want to have some fun, but I also, we, we came tonight to bust some myths.
So let's, let's, let's at least talk about, let's talk about what we're going to talk about tonight.
I hope we get Cody back. Somebody knows Cody's. Uh, yeah, here I can get him up here. You could call us myth busters then tonight.
That's what we are. We are tonight. We are Christmas myth busters. As you can tell by the way I look,
I'm taking this utterly seriously. I have, uh, you know, my, my, my thinking cap on and, uh,
I'm just looking to have a good time, but also to have a little bit of a serious conversation with my friends, all of you who are thoughtful men.
We have scholars here. We have elders here. We have Greg here.
Um, who is, who is, uh, who is a, an interviewer of both scholars and elders.
Hey, I got Wikipedia. Like the rest of them ask Andrew can we have a world with Chad, GPT and Grock.
You're going to say Wikipedia. I feel bad for Keith. He's not going to understand a theological position is
Wikipedia. The first place you'd go to the last place you'd go to, or you would never go to, well, if I was 75,
I might go to Wikipedia. Holy cow. You legit just said he's scholar adjacent.
And there's Cody's back. Oh my man. Apologies fellas. Hopefully this works out better here.
The Baptist have to go off camera to drink. I had to fill his coffee cup.
Okay. Um, if, if only, well, uh, Cody, you are also scholar adjacent tonight, but all of you guys are brilliant men in your own right.
You're, you're, you're thinkers, your Bible lovers, you love Jesus and you love your mama.
So, uh, we're, we're in that order. Well, that's how you know, somebody is a good man.
He got to love Jesus and love his mama. All right. So when I, when
I asked you all to bring your favorite Christmas myth, I think, I think there was a little bit of confusion about what
I was asking for. But the reason why I asked for your favorite Christmas myth is because every
December, and especially since I started doing social media ministry and I started doing podcasting every
December, I have run into the same list of, of things that people want to throw out there as if they are fact, but they're actually not facts.
And I'm just over it. I'm so tired of it. I wrote an article this year about why we should not be ashamed to celebrate
Christmas. Why all the, the, the liberal arguments that we hear against celebrating Christmas are usually a heaping steaming pile of reindeer feces.
That was literally the name of the article. And, um, and it was a good article. Clear truth will print it, man.
They love me and I love them. And in fact, the guy who publishes the articles, as soon as I sent him the title, he wrote it back and goes, this is going out.
This is immediately going out. So, um, so the, the, the, the things that I'm talking about are, are the kinds of things that we are familiar with from videos, like the ones that are published by Hans Feeney.
Most of you know, this one, not so fast preacher, man, behold, it is
I Horace Egyptian God of the sun. And while you all believe that you've been celebrating the birth of your
Lord Jesus, you've really been celebrating the birth of me. That's the kind of thing
I'm talking about. People who say, well, you shouldn't celebrate Christmas because actually what you're celebrating is
Saturnalia. What you're really celebrating is Viking celebrations of Yule and you're celebrating all of these other things.
And it really doesn't have anything to do with Jesus and Jesus, you know, wasn't born on December 25th.
They make a huge deal about that. So I asked each of you to bring your favorite
Christmas myth to talk about, and maybe some of you may even disagree.
We've got seven people here on tonight's podcast. There's a good chance that some of us may disagree, but guess what?
At the end of the day, I'm right. So it doesn't matter if you disagree, I'm going to be right. Cause this is my podcast and I can do this.
Bye. So I'm the arbiter.
I'm the bastion of truth. This is your Calvinist podcast with me.
No, I'm not. I'm just kidding. Of course I don't care, but there are certain things that obviously
I think are totally out of the park as far as being incorrect. And the first one is from, and then
I'll start, this is the first myth we're going to discuss, is the issue of Jeremiah and the use of Jeremiah to argue against Christmas trees.
All right, guys, are you familiar with this myth? Have you encountered it? And is this something that you've had to address in real life before we even get to online ministry?
Cause we've all been on online ministry. Have you had to deal with this in your own churches or in your own families?
I'll go, I'll start with whoever wants to go first. Just let me jump in. I'll just say this.
There is no reason that I should have a Christmas tree in my house other than the fact that you guys grew up with one.
Okay. Everyone thinks I need to have one and there's nothing in the Bible or anywhere else that says I have to have a Christmas tree.
You all need menors. You got to sing in Hebrew for great days. No. Now one thing right away,
I'll say this. I'm not, I'm not a person who says you have to have a Christmas tree. My issue with the, the myth goes like this.
Jeremiah wrote in his prophecy about Christmas trees when he talked to, when he, when, when it says the person went out into the field, cut down a tree, brought it in the house, overlaid it with gold and silver, that that was referring to Christmas trees.
And that is, is not what, no. So that's not what's being discussed at all in there.
It's the whole idea of idolatry. Okay. Cause where do they make the idols from? But no, my aim, but I am serious.
Cause a lot of people tell me I have to have a Christmas tree where they use that verse or not. Who's now
I'm curious about this. You say there's people in your life who've told you, you have to have a Christmas tree. Yeah.
But before I got married and even when my wife and I were first married, because we didn't have a Christmas tree, neither one of us grew up as Christians.
And so we, neither one of us celebrated Christmas. And so people would come in our house and be like, where's the
Christmas tree. You need a Christmas tree. And I'd always ask, why do I need one? Other than the fact that you grew up with one and people would be like,
Oh, you're right. It's nostalgia. People are just used to it. Well, since I'm not,
I'm not, I'm not promoting Christmas trees necessarily, but I've never heard you have to do it, but that's, that's interesting.
Like I said, I guess I've always had one. So I've never had somebody tell me I had to. You're not promoting them, but you do have that Christmas tree sale going on right in your front yard.
I noticed the Christmas tree, Christmas tree sale that you have that you, you, you're selling
Christmas trees. So I do whatever I can to make money. I got six kids. Every time I make those 300 children, my,
I mean, you see, I'm sponsored by everybody. I'm trying to keep myself alive. I'm just kidding.
It's covering it up. It says to put your, your proudness that come on.
There's a laugh in a loop track of something or other.
I don't know. He was trying to do a soundboard. I think of a laughter and it backfired real quick,
Keith. I would say this is probably one of the easiest myths to bust. If you go to Jeremiah 10 and you read that entire chapter, and we all love to read scripture in context with correct hermeneutics, right?
We look out and we see that Jeremiah is clearly talking about paganism, clearly talking about the other nations that are worshiping idols.
And he's being a bit facetious here. He's saying, uh, they have to be carried in their wood.
They go out to the field, they cut down a tree, they put gold on it. And that's what you're worshiping. Because then you look in chapter 11 and 12 and he's talking about the true living
God Yahweh. And then you also have to realize Christmas trees weren't even really introduced into, uh, into like the
Christmas mainstream until the 1920s. That's the mainstream. Now, of course, in the 16th, 17th, 1800s, there were
Christmas trees that were used, but I'm talking about accepted as part of the condition. You've got almost 2000 year gap.
And then you clearly have the Bible talking about paganism in, in basically devaluing the gods that they're worshiping is what
Jeremiah is talking about. There's absolutely no correlation between the two. That's actually, thank you.
That's, that's exactly what I was talking about. Uh, he almost sounded like unpacking the myth.
Huh? I found that all on Wikipedia, by the way, he almost just got it from Wikipedia.
Okay. Yeah. Yeah. I was waiting for Andrew to give us the history because he remembers it. I just,
I think Andrew was there to help Martin Luther put the first candles on the tree. I understand Martin Luther decorated his tree with real candles, which doesn't to me seem like a very good idea, but this was before fire codes.
What are you talking about? He only had 12 on his theses. Andrew expanded it to 95 for him. Listen, those are, those are rookie numbers.
We can beat this up. We can pump those numbers up. Now I want to answer a quick question online.
Rusty shackle asked this question. Oh, wrong one. Uh, Rusty asked this question. He agreed with me.
Is that why you removed that one? I just sort of agree with Andrew there. Oh no, no, no. I'll bring it. You have any evidence of that?
No. Rusty asked about my wife. Where is Mrs. Calvinist? Uh, we mentioned last week because Rusty did not watch last week's episode.
That's okay. That's okay. She does do Friday night live with me, but last week she said she wasn't going to be on this week because we have our niece and nephew spending the night.
So she's entertaining, having fun with our niece and nephew and they're having a good time. So she's in the other end of the house.
I'm in the steel shed. So thank you for asking about her. I appreciate that. Now go to the one that said he agreed with Andrew because this is so odd that somebody would agree with you.
I think it's good to mention it. He says, Andrew, I agree. No one should be pressured into celebrating Christmas or adopting traditions that are not your own.
Now, Edward, I agree. Certainly don't think anybody should have to do. And I think that's the blessing of Romans 14 is no one can say to another person that I'm going to bind your conscience over something that's not biblical.
Wait till you get to my myth. And then yes, there, it should be bound. Everyone should have to do it. Well, if there was ever a segue.
Yeah, I was going to say, I think we've handled the Christmas tree thing. And, uh, and I want to get on.
We've got there's, there's six of you, I think. Yeah. I can still count. There's six of you. We keep losing Matthew.
I think, uh, I'm actually his coffee cup with something he doesn't want us to say.
No, no. I'm working. I'm working on something that I think will be relevant. It's hang on. I've almost got it.
I'm, I'm messing with camera settings right now. He's, you know, becoming a Calvinist.
What I was going to say is, you know, it would be really terrible from the people that I've heard that want to talk about,
Oh, you're cutting down a Christmas tree and you're making it an idol. You know, it'd be really awful. I wonder if they have anything like that where they're worshiping that they've cut down and inlaid with gold and put where they're, where they're worshiping.
That would, that would just be terrible. Wouldn't it? What is it? American flag. Oh, I wonder.
I wonder if there's anything else that could match the description from Jeremiah 10 that they've cut down and fashioned out of a tree and then put gold all over it.
Hmm. I want to know that this would be the last time we have a demographic that follows me.
We make Bible study great again. We don't need any of your anti -patriotic nonsense. My dad had an expression, which was
I've been badgered by the best and you don't even make the short list. It's all right. I think you just called me a bad badger.
Ah, you know, whatever floats your boat. So Corey, thank you.
Thank you. Uh, he just does a good job. We're going to throw Corey in here all by himself so he can tell us what his myth is.
I don't know that it's a myth. It's my favorite, bizarre Christmas tradition that I guess started from myth or has myth wrapped into it in the region of Catalonia, Spain, and also
Valencia and some other places over in that part of the world. They have the Christmas pooper.
Um, this is, this is, Oh yeah, this is part of their nativity scenes. How do you know my wife's nickname for me?
You guys been talking. I thought that was a contest that we had at my grandmother's house, but go ahead.
I mean, we got more than one most bizarre Christmas story ever. I really did kind of go looking for, for one that it was either the
Christmas pickle, which is also one of my historical favorites of Christmas oddities or, um, or the
Christmas crapper. But in Catalonia they have, they have their nativity scenes with a, a, always a guy with the little hat, like what
Greg's got on the red kerchief type hat. It would be. And, and he's got his pants pulled down and he's, he's, you know, he's doing the business there.
Obviously he, we see that Greg is not going to be the only one censored on this program. I didn't come up with this too.
Legit just said this. I don't even know why. What do you fruit cake next? Oh man.
Okay. Um, wait, explain this though. So there's, they just put it in the nativity. Well, the nativities in that part of the world are like the whole town of Bethlehem basically.
So it's a much larger nativity scene than what we would have here in, in like America and somewhere in the town is this do.
And nowadays they usually use famous people as the, you know, person that's, that's doing the business.
And it's, they say it's a way to bring the powerful and the, and the famous and things down a little peg and, you know, kind of make fun of them in real time.
And so, yeah, you might have the, the, you know, Donald Trump, one of the Royals or, you know, somebody popping a squat.
I mean, that's, that's what happens. Cody, you have someone handing you drinks from a producer.
Cody was so cool. And now he's got someone who literally did the thing.
Not even like that. You don't know this, but he's up to the table rubbing his feet right now.
He's got a Christmas Abishag. Yeah, my wife's here hanging out with me in the, in the studio.
So, Oh, how sweet. She wanted the water. I don't know if she can hear us. She can.
Yeah. I said you were really cool earlier.
So yeah. She says, thanks. So, so Cody, it's more of a tradition than a myth then.
Right. They don't really think there was a guy pooping at the, at the first, at the birth of our
Lord and Savior. I mean, in fairness, as a guy that, that lives on a little bit of a farm and has cows and goats and things, there probably were things pooping at the nativity.
I don't know that it was deescalated. I don't know that it was a human being, but all right.
Let me try to save this show. There's no saving Andrew's trying to save the show.
We are in a tough spot. We are. We are doomed to nail himself to a crucifix.
I'm going to just pull the pin on this grenade and throw it in because I know that Keith has had this debate before, but diehard is not a
Christmas movie. All right. How do I get you out of here? Hold on.
Goodbye. That's called nonsense up into my house.
That's what happens. Goodbye. Hey, uh, Andrew, I found, um,
I have a stamp here in my office that helps me describe your opinion. I just want you to be able to read it right there.
It says a heretical garbage for research purposes only. Uh, just so you know, put that in some of my books.
Yeah. I would do that to your forehead right now. If we were together just because of that, make your point.
Cause can you watch that at any other time? But Christmas, I mean, just because it happens to occur during Christmas Christmas movie.
Well, use, use your own logic on you with the Christmas tree.
You don't have to have a Christmas tree. You don't have to watch a Christmas movie at Christmas. But is that, is the movie about Christmas or is it just that it happens to take place during Christmas?
It is properly Christmas themed because, because the man kills the villain to save his bride, just like Jesus did for us.
So Cody Fields watches. Well, Cody Fields watches.
Well, man, I need you to, I need you to also run that in the other direction. Is Cody now going to say like,
Hey, you know, and, and that's David and I have a machine gun. You got to show the
Goliath in your life. Does that movie makes, does that movie work at any other time of the year?
No, it doesn't. It has to be a movie as, as Cody just said, it's a, it's about family. It's not about Christmas.
It could be like any other time of the year that he has to fly out and kill the bad guys to, to show his wife that he's the real man.
He did it in the fullness of time. Well, okay. And so, okay.
What about home alone, Andrew? What do you think about that one? No, that one would be harder to do on a different holiday.
Because you don't think that there's any reconciliation that happens in die hard and Christmas would be a time for the family to get together.
The thing with, the thing with home alone is that could happen anytime to two burglars could break in while some people are on vacation or whatever, but we understand it.
I didn't make the case. There was a Christmas movie. No, but I'm saying the same logic on die hard is that the movie doesn't work outside of Christmas.
It none of the imagery really works, but Christmas isn't the main theme in either of the movies you mentioned.
It's not a Christmas movie. I don't know. Hold on. Hold on. This is sounding all sensational to me.
Listen, I have to abstain from this. I have to abstain from this because I have never seen any of the diehards.
Okay. So I'm, I'm going to ask the question then, let's define terms. What makes a
Christmas movie then by definition? Well, when you have the entire setting about Christmas, when you have the entire, you know, maybe not the entire, but the majority of the musical score is
Christmas. You've got a lot of the jokes that are Christmas. He's coming back to see he's visiting his wife at her, at her new job during Christmas.
They're at a Christmas party. When the, when the whole debacle goes down, you have Carl Winslow and he's a gift.
So, okay. Absolutely. Officer in ghostbusters in family matters and in diehard and diehard too, which is also a
Christmas movie. I would say that diehard is more of them. Diehards more of a Christmas movie than a
Christmas story because the Christmas story could happen at any time. It could be the kid's birthday and he just wants the
BB gun. It just happens to be stealing outside story, but I've never actually seen that one. So I don't know what it's about, but I want folks knows
Parker's asked a question of a definition. What does he do? He makes a definition that fits the movie he's trying to argue for.
So now can you use that definition that you did to fit for every other movie you'd say is a Christmas movie?
Greg, I would say, I would say yes. I mean, even, even the cast, anything can be done.
Like, I mean, even the cast is split. So like the directors and producers said that they didn't, they didn't set out for it to be a
Christmas movie, but the joy that the movie brought for the fans resoundingly made it a
Christmas movie. So if that's coming from the directors and the producers and the cast themselves are split on whether it's a
Christmas movie or not, I think that's kind of where you start the debate, right? So Greg asked, what's the definition of a
Christmas movie? And it's got to fit all Christmas. Well, that's my point. Andrew's kind of getting to what I'm saying, because you can call a man, a woman now, but it's still a man.
Just because someone calls something a Christmas movie, if it doesn't definitionally meet the standard of what you're saying, a
Christmas movie is, is it have to talk about the birth of Christ? Does it have to talk about Santa Claus? Does it have to have Christmas music in it?
Like what are the definitions that make a Christmas movie, a Christmas movie across all Christmas movies?
I don't know. I'm not a producer. Any movie that when you remove all of the aspects that directly relate to Christmas, whether that's time of year, theming, music, all that, the movie doesn't work.
That's a Christmas movie. So if you remove, go ahead. Die Hard wouldn't work if you remove all of it?
Nope. You couldn't do that? If you remove all the Christmas elements, the movie would have to be reworked fundamentally.
Yeah. I propose a twofold definition. One, either it identifies itself as a
Christmas movie or or the gospel coalition writes an article about how it's a
Christmas movie. We need that to tell us whether it's a
Christmas movie. I love that. But this isn't even the main, this isn't even the main contention. The main contention is that Die Hard is a better Christmas movie than Lethal Weapon.
Oh, wait a minute. I like how Fetus slipped in here and made this the Watch Well podcast within 30 minutes.
Hey, I just want to let the record show, Cody Fields did the Watch Well podcast first on this live stream.
Nice. There are five great
Christmas action movies. And I think that we can walk down the list of these movies very quickly because the argument is whether or not
Die Hard and Lethal Weapon, which one should be on top. I personally enjoy Lethal Weapon more than Die Hard.
So I'm going to go Lethal Weapon is first. Die Hard is second. Gremlins is third.
Batman Returns, also a Christmas movie, is fourth. Last but not least,
First Blood, Rambo Part One, also a Christmas movie, set at Christmas. Those five, top five action
Christmas movies. I just created a new category. Rambo First Blood.
Rambo First Blood is a Christmas movie. Very first scene is he is walking through town in the winter.
He's cold. He wants to eat. The police officer. There's nothing to do with winter. When he gets arrested and brings him in, he is literally walking by Christmas trees and Christmas decorations.
At the end, he blows up a building that is decorated for Christmas. Tell me
I am wrong. You can't. All right, Andrew, you've got your 15 minutes for a rebuttal.
Too much of your Methodist routine and it's pouring into your thinking there, your
Methodist character. I just gave you a fantastic list of movies you could spend all day tomorrow watching.
You could not have a better day than sit down and watch those movies in that order.
Lethal Weapon, Die Hard, Gremlins. By the way, awesome
Christmas movie. Christmas Horror Comedy. What are you? That's a trifecta of awesome.
No, I'm just going to say for the record, there's another movie you left out. There's a guy,
Chris Honholds, who said he never would watch the movie Elf and James White got a little bit couldn't believe that and started harassing him on his show.
Well, you know, harassing him in the sense that many of us sent him, well, like full size elf cutouts.
So Greg just admitted he never watched Die Hard. I think we need to like all send him copies of the movie or cutouts of Bruce Willis.
Yeah, yeah. I think we should all I think we should all get together and raise the money to buy him a Beretta.
That would be awesome. He's on Wikipedia right now reading what Die Hard is about. He's on Wikipedia right now.
Look at him. He's on his phone reading. I don't know. Look, I'm on the live stream looking at this comment and Bellator Christus has a really good point.
He says Die Hard has more Christmas references than Wonderful Life. And we accept
Wonderful Life as a Christmas. Fair enough. Fair enough. And It's a Wonderful Life is totally not.
It doesn't have to be a Christmas movie. That's my argument is all of these other there's like, well, if there wasn't
Christmas references and Die Hard, then it wouldn't, you know, you could be done at any other time. It's a Wonderful Life could be done at any time.
Home Alone could be done at any time. That doesn't make it a Christmas movie. Miracle on 30 Die Hard has a ton of Christmas references, but it's also about a man who goes to his wife's hometown to reconcile with her, and he goes out of his way and above and beyond to show his love for her.
And at the end, she accepts him as he is. And they love one another. It's not only a Christmas movie. It's a
Hallmark Christmas movie. Yeah. Down here in the comments to DK Banana says, so are any of the
Hallmark Christmas movies they're all set at Christmas, but basically just romantic comedies that could happen any time.
And then the one I agree with Hot Wheels Chaplain says no run DMC Christmas music. Not a Christmas movie.
Yeah, I thought anything. I just want to say this. I don't know who DK Banana is, but his profile picture looks like he's mad at all of us.
It looks very unhappy. DK, I love you, man. He just your profile. This looks very upset.
So please don't be mad at us. All right. I don't think we're going to get to the bottom of.
I don't either, but I have a really great one. This might divide us and I might be the only one with the dissenting opinion here.
So I'm going to throw this question up. This was a question that came up earlier. I know you guys brought your own myths and I want to get to them in a second, but I enjoyed jumping in with the people asking questions to keeps everybody engaged.
Somebody asked this question earlier. Oh, I got to find it. You can star the comments as they go by so you can save them for later.
I did, but I didn't do this one because I'm just I'm not smart enough yet. Basically, they ask.
Oh, here it is. This wasn't a question. This was a comment. Santa Claus is blasphemous.
All right. I want to go around the room. I want to give everybody a 30 to 30 second to one minute opportunity.
Are you for or against the whole and I'm not talking about, you know, St. Nicholas of Mira.
I'm talking about the red fat elf in a suit coming to your house, leaving presents. Do you do that with your kids?
Do you not do that with your kids? Do you think it's blasphemous to do with your kids? Do you think it's wrong? Right? Indifferent.
We may disagree on this. It doesn't matter. We're going to be friends. I mean, if we are friends, if you may not like me, but you're here, so we'll say we're going to be the same way we were when we're done.
Um, so, uh, let's start with the fetus fetus has got kids. Uh, what you're doing with Santa Claus fetus.
So Santa Claus is a big deal in our house. We, we go all out. Like I actually get like, like, um, like flour and boots and I like sprinkle flour for boot tracks and, and yeah, we, you know, eat the cookies and leave letters.
I type up letters and we, we, we, we go all out anything that I can think of that does the Santa Claus thing.
We do it. It's, it's, it's a good time. It's a lot of fun for me and my wife. And there's, there's a spirit about it.
Um, you know, believing in something that you can't see. And, um, there's a spirit.
All right. It's called demonic. I want you to know that I'm, I'm thankful you were honest and, and, and, and it's going to surprise you.
I probably agree with you more, but there are going to be some guys on here who super disagree with you. I can, I don't care. Dude, I don't care.
Wait to disagree. What do you mean? Yeah, I don't care. I heard Andrew's top button pop.
Cause yeah, his chest hair began to tingle.
It's all good, man. He's the closest one that looks like Santa Claus here between his chin and his sternum started to just started to, started to shake.
And just for clarity, before I get raked over the coals, uh, the spirit about it is like the joyous giving spirit is what
I'm, is what I'm just to clarify. Nope. She, she's there. Alex said a spirit of lies, spirit of lies.
Sorry. Was that your wife that we saw sneaking in to give you a drink? Yes. Well, no, she was just sneaking in to do something.
Yeah. Yeah. Everybody else's wife, my wife, what is she sneaking in to do?
I have an empty cup now and no wife to bring me anything. Again, it wasn't
Greg getting censored on this episode. I'm being good. Yes, he is. Greg, I want you to tell us your thoughts.
I have to be good or Santa won't bring me gifts. I mean, that's what I teach my kids in my house. I mean, that's pronounced
Jeff. No. So, uh, yeah, we don't, you know, um, we don't do
Santa Claus. We don't do Easter bunny. We don't do tooth fairy. We don't do any of that stuff because I don't like to lie to my kids.
I expect them to tell the truth. Um, I tell the truth to them and I don't think lying to them and, and, and saying, oh, there's this guy that exists that brings presents or there's this bunny that brings chocolate, weird pervert that leaves you money.
If you leave him his teeth or leave your teeth, it's all just, it's all just very, he's not a pervert.
I'm sorry. It's all very weird to me. I'm not calling Parker that you can do whatever you want with your family. But, um,
I, you know, when my kids were old enough, uh, five and I think six, the two girls, um, we had a discussion of who
St. Nicholas was, where these rumors come from. Why, you know, why in Germany, Santa Claus popped up in the 1800s and just kind of gave them a history lesson on it.
I think it was much more beneficial. We really like to try to keep the focus on Christ, the joy of Christ's victory at his birth.
And, um, I don't think my kids miss out on it at all. They're, they're no less joyous or don't have any less excitement because there's a fat, chubby white guy in a red suit that eats their cookies and milk.
Um, that's just my opinion, but I don't judge anyone, uh, who wants to do that. I just don't understand you.
Listen, I wear, I wear a blue and eat your kids' cookies. Don't you, Greg? They don't need
Santa. I am Santa at my house. Yes. All right, Matthew, uh, your thoughts on this issue?
You're an elder in your church. Tell us, tell us how you, uh, guide the people in your church. If they ask you this question,
I'd be curious what you would say. Uh, Romans 14, I don't know. And I don't care. Um, basically is where I mean, like there's a, there's a whole category of issues that as an elder pastor in your church, you can't do that on, right?
Like you have to care about some stuff. I just don't on this one. I see people getting all spooled up about it.
I don't, the one, the one thing I would say is anyone who says be good. So Santa will bring you presents.
I would not say that. Um, and I would actually counsel people to not do that. Um, because what that does is it says that, uh, the supernatural reward will come if you're good enough.
Um, and that is an anti gospel message that you then have to take apart. And especially if you're going to try and connect it in with the season of Christmas, like I perfectly understand parents saying, if you do all your chores and you do this, you do this, then we'll, we'll do something nice later.
You know, having reward is a form of raising and disciplining your kids. That's fine. But this sort of Christmas adjacent force person will just come into your house and give you nice things.
If you're good enough, we should be teaching our kids that, Hey, you should be good because God requires it. And that's, you know, how your morality should flow and all that.
And that takes place at a very early age. But as far as the rest of it goes, if we don't want, if people are really mad or whatever about how one particular family talks about the quote unquote, the spirit of Christmas, thank you,
Zesterhouse media. If they, if they want to talk about it in a particular way,
I think honestly, in most cases, my sphere, my sphere sovereignty ends and that's the parent's job to decide how they want to do that.
Again, the only thing I would push against is any kind of replacement gospel messaging in there. Awesome.
By the way, Zesterhouse media, I think that's my wife. That is a, that's a, that's a channel that I created based on Caddyshack two, which is one of my favorite movies ever.
If you've never seen Caddyshack two, it's incredibly bad, but it's so bad. It's awesome.
And there's a point at which the bad guy identifies himself as Mr. Zesterhouse and Mr.
Zesterhouse. So that's where that name comes from. So there we go. So my wife actually is here. Well, she's here.
I think that I'm 90 % sure. I don't think anybody else has Zesterhouse media. That's, that's mine. She's here in spirit, just like Santa Claus.
Is that the same spirit Eliza? She just said Caddyshack is not a Christmas movie. Oh dear. That's her.
Yep. That's it. Cody, do you, uh, Santa or no
Santa? Uh, so I'll, I'm the guy here with no kids. So that makes me the perfect parent, right?
Not the only one, Cody. High five. Oh, Hey, how about that? Uh, so, uh,
I don't understand why anybody would lie to their kids. I just don't get,
I don't, I don't understand why you would do that. Uh, especially, uh, with Jesus's warning that if you cause little ones to stumble, it would be better for you to just throw yourself into the ocean.
So I don't get it. Yeah. Fee is the ocean. I know. You got a millstone, bro.
Need to yeet myself, don't I? He needs to yeet us the fetus.
Even in the Alex saying yes, fetus. Yes. Like even the commenters are calling him fetus.
This is a poor guy. Can I defend Parker really quick though? Because what we just said sounds harsh when we say,
I don't know why you'd lie to your kids. Look, I know exactly what he's doing. He's doing it in the spirit of, of joy and giving.
And this kids are young and, and it's, it's a part of that fun expectation. That's why
I think it's a Christian conscious issue. I just say, I don't understand that. I'm not thinking he's doing anything of malice or evil or replacing the gospel.
Like Matthew said, cause I know Parker, I feel like we've had two guys like, I don't know why you would lie to your children.
I'm just saying, let's give Parker some grace. I'm going to come in in a minute and defend it too.
So, so I mean, I, but I want to hear, like I said, I wanted to hear everybody's opinion before I gave mine. No, I've already consigned
Keith to the pits of hell. So now I have to consign fetus to the pits of hell. So Greg is next and then
Matthew. And then we're through. Hey, I'm on my show thing. I'm a heretic. So we'll go ahead,
Cody. Yeah. KG's calm down. Okay. I just, I, I just wanted to point something out though. A little bit up in the comments.
Somebody, uh, uh, jumped on Greg for saying all that stuff. Santa's bad, all this stuff in a
Santa hat. This hat was around long before the
German Santa was around. It seems a little self -refuting to me to say all of this stuff about Santa's bad. Well, you don't know your history of Christmas, Gar.
And then, you know, in the Santa hat. Yeah, this, this, this style of hat was around 200 years before German Santa.
All right. Look at that Gar, at the age of accountability. This is so much fun when we have people commenting.
This is, this is pretty great. Well, did you see the one, uh, the, the one where it said that, uh, from Cindy, Cindy Monk, you guys are as giddy as a 12 year old girl slumber party.
And that's what this was supposed to be. This is the best I get to, I never had a sleepover as a child.
I didn't have any friends. This is my, this is my attempt to recapture my head.
Hey, uh, just as we are being patient with Matthew and his Arminian ism, we must be patient with fetus too.
Wow. I've never heard that one before. All right. I got it.
These are good, man. I got to get to Corey and then to Andrew. Corey, give me your, uh, your, your pro or con on the, uh, on the, on the chubby red suited elf.
I have, I have dressed up as him and been caught on camera. Um, you know, and, uh, so our, our daughter turns nine tomorrow.
So I have a child with a Christmas birthday. She's a winter solstice baby. Um, so, so,
I mean, it's like the whole, I mean, you're the perfect Santa. And you already got alcohol on your breath.
Go do it. But no, we, we do it.
Uh, she knows, she knows now for like a year, maybe two years, um, that it's not real.
Uh, but we have a five -year -old and a two -year -old and they're still very much enjoying it. I would agree with Matthew.
I mean, I think it's, I mean, I don't think we need to, you know, go totally crazy on it, but I also agree that we shouldn't like lie about it.
We shouldn't use Santa as like to prove the hypostatic union, you know, or something weird. I mean, we probably shouldn't do that, you know?
So, I mean, I, I think there's a, there's a healthy balance, um, of you can take it into some pretty weird places, but, uh.
So the Trinity is like Santa Claus in the coat represents. Before we get to Andrew, can
I ask a really quick question, Keith? Okay. A second question. Well, that's it.
Dang it. That's gonna be a never ending loop paradox if I keep doing that. Um, do you guys ever fear when your children are young and you're telling them about Santa?
And let's say, I'm not saying you personally, but someone, you know, even if you say Santa is real and then years later, they find out it's not real that that could hinder their faith in any way.
And they go, well, you talked about this Santa guy and he's not real. Who's this Jesus guy that I haven't physically seen?
But let me answer it with, I mean, what I was going to say is you're growing up Jewish.
I did. I obviously didn't have any stories of Santa. I knew he wasn't real. I'm sorry to disappoint you,
Parker. You may not know that yet, but, um, wait, are you sorry to disappoint him for the fact that you grew up Jewish or not?
Yeah. I remember in kindergarten having this young girl who, you know,
Christmas time was coming. She was telling me how excited she was that Santa was going to come to her house and all this stuff, you know, in just a few weeks.
And, and I just not knowing any better as a, you know, five -year -old kid said, Santa's not real. It's like, yes, he is.
He eats my cookies. I don't know. She's playing. I said, it's your parents doing it. They give you the gifts. It's, you know,
I just thought I was being honest with her. The next day she came into school, bawling so upset because she came, she went home and told her parents that some kid in school told her
Santa's not real. And they figured she was now old enough to tell her the truth. And I just remember how upset she was.
And I just said, I never wanted to do that to my kids. So, you know, I do think it is a, you know, a
Romans 14 issue. There's Christian liberty. I'm not going to say you have to have
Santa Claus, obviously, because I could care less, but, but I do to the original question,
Keith about blasphemy. Yes. I think that Santa is blasphemous for this reason.
You look at who, who Santa Claus represents. He knows everything that every child does all around the world that makes his him omniscient.
And so I think that the world has created a replacement for God in Santa Claus when they, when they describe him.
And so I agree. I think it was Matthew who said, you know, like we, we shouldn't be having, you know, like putting someone in it's not like the same reason
I wouldn't, you know, promote them. The movie shack, the shack, right. Because it has a false view of who
God is. Well, Santa Claus is portrayed as if he is everywhere at the same time. He can, he can be at multiple places.
He has omniscience to know what everyone can do. And so at that point, that's why I would agree with whoever put that comment that, yeah,
I think the idea of Santa Claus is blasphemous. That's different than what Parker is saying.
He does with his kids because, you know, I think there's, there's a difference there. So I think he's blasphemous.
Someone in the chat did mention a good book from Justin Peters called Santa Paws. It's also a audio.
If you ever get Justin's flash drives and we have them at our, at Striving Fraternity, if you want, you can contact me, but on those, he actually has the audio for them.
So there's a resource. I think right here, right in your book, chapter 13, Santa is dead. Santa is dead and John McClane from Die Hard killed him.
I would, I would watch that movie. Absolutely. Die Hard 17.
All right. I'm going to give my thought and then we're going to cut to a quick commercial. So, uh, so give me just a second.
I'm going to give, uh, give my thoughts on this. I do think there is room in, in, um, in our raising of our children for certain instances of what, what
I would call pretend play. And that's, that's what I see is the difference between, um,
Santa and how we, how we express our feelings about God and who
God is. Every week we go in and worship God. Every week we devote ourselves to the worship of the triune
God. These are things that are real and tangible in our life that we can show our children.
Daily, we practice prayer weekly, multiple times per week. We have family worship. That's not pretend.
And the kids know that's not pretend, but when we play superheroes, when my kids go outside and we play
X -Men or we play, uh, any other type of pretend play with our children, they even, even at a young age, understand there's a distinction there.
And so in our house, Santa is just another form of pretend play. It's it's, it's, we're not reinforcing in them any type of idea that there's this, this, this reality.
And that's the careful line that we draw. As soon as our kids begin to ask those questions, well, is this real?
When we're talking about Santa, we're talking about this reality. We're very quick to say there was a real man named
St. Nicholas. He really lived at a real period in time. And he was, according to all accounts, very philanthropic.
He loved people and he was generous. And he was a man who this character is based on. And we're going to keep playing this game, remembering this character in the same way that we play.
We put towels on our neck and run around and play like we're Superman. We know it's pretend play. We know it's fictional, but we can still have fun with it without it being blasphemous.
So that's, that's the way we look at it at our house. It's a form of pretend play. And as the kids age out of that pretend play in the same way, they don't put towels around their neck when they're 15 and run around and pretend to fly.
The same thing happens with super, or the same thing that happens with Superman happens with Santa Claus. They realize this is just another fictional character that we can have fun with.
We can watch movies about, we can, we can play with, without, like I said, when I was five years old,
I want to tell you guys something funny. Between the ages of five and seven, between the ages of five and seven,
I really believed that it was possible that I could be Superman. I wanted so badly to have superpowers because at that age and stage in my brain development,
I still thought it was possible. Jerry Seinfeld has the greatest quote on this. He said, when you're a child,
Batman, Spider -Man, and Superman are not fantasies. They're options. This is like, what am I going to be? Right?
And so Santa Claus is not a fantasy when you're, when you're three years old. It's just, it's an idea. It's a reality.
But that ages out very quickly when they get seven, eight, nine, my son's nine years old this year. He's already told me, dad,
I know Santa's not real, but I want to hear about the real Santa Claus. You told me there's a St. Nicholas. Tell me all about this person.
We can still pretend play with my daughter who's younger and my son who's younger. We're still going to pretend play, but I think it ages out naturally.
I don't think it's the same as lying. I don't see it the same way. I see it as playing and we are pretend playing.
So that's, that's how I have understood it. And that's how I justify it in the, in the difference between straight out lying to my children.
So that's, that's my understanding. And again, you're, you're, you're welcome to disagree. You posted on X today.
I think you still think you're Superman. Hey, listen to me. You obviously you've never seen him in a room together.
That's true. You've never done witnessing in New York city, obviously, because there are plenty of people who still run around in capes and think they're
Superman. Yeah, no, no doubt. Not only that, but if you wanted to do kind of a sociological study too, we have a lot of young men who've grown up in the superhero kind of generation who still are immature, not only in their faith, but just in their life in general, because they have consumed themselves with superhero myths instead of turning to Christ.
And I'm not linking Santa Claus to that, but I'm just saying that is a, that can be a starting point for a young, especially a young man to, to basically put himself into superhero kind of world instead of actually looking at the real world and going, what am
I doing? What am I building? Who am I supporting providing for? I mean, that's why Marvel has made billions and billions of dollars because all these young men are in fantasy land.
Oh, I agree. I agree. All right, guys, we're going to cut real quick. This is my friend, Chuck, over at Private Family Banking.
He's one of our supporters. We're going to give him an opportunity to tell you about what he does while we take this minute and a half.
We're going to, all of us guys are going to get a sip of water or whatever it is that Corey's drinking. We're going to come back and finish the last 30 minutes or so talking about the other myths that the guys brought.
So we'll be right back. Hey listeners, this is Chuck with Private Family Banking. Glad to be here with you today.
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or schedule a meeting using the link below. See you soon. God bless. All right, guys, thank you for hanging out with us.
We're going to begin to work our way through the latter part of the show now. I know many of you, I asked you to bring a myth and we've only talked about a couple of them.
Who brought a myth they really, really wanted to talk about tonight? Throw it out there. Let's get moving and work through these final myths for this last half hour or so.
Who brought one they really want to talk about? I got two. You got two?
Well, give me the best one of your two. We'll start with that. Well, we can do the first one in about 10 seconds.
Christmas myth, the immaculate conception. I'm so glad you brought that up because, you know,
Keith, I didn't watch the video you did, but I saw that you put something on that. The myth that so many people have with that is that it's referring to Jesus.
Right. And it is not even Catholics tell me it's referring to Jesus. And it's not.
Immaculate conception is the idea that Mary had to be perfect, sinless, because she gave birth to a sinless being.
Now, just think about that and suddenly realize there's a logical problem, because if Mary had to be sinless to give birth to Jesus as a sinless being, then her mother had to be sinless and her mother and her mother all the way back to Eve.
So suddenly there becomes a problem. And this is what I commented on Keith's post on Facebook, because the issue is if somebody has to have an immaculate conception, wouldn't it be
Jesus, the one that is born without a human father? Because the one thing that this shows the
Catholics don't understand, I think what they're trying to bypass is the sin nature being passed on. Romans chapter 5, 12 and following makes it clear that sin is passed on from the father to the children.
Therefore, three guys, except for Cody and Matthew, don't have kids. When your wives tell you that your kids are misbehaving and it's your fault, she's right.
Theologically, you are the one that passed on sin to your children, according to the
Bible. And so the fact that Jesus was conceived of a virgin, okay, means that he didn't have a human father.
No sin was passed on to him. So if there was something immaculate, it should be to Jesus. Why would
Mary have to be immaculately conceived? All my wife just heard is that you said she has no sin and she's always right.
There you go. She has no sin. She got that from her father. It's just that when the kids misbehave, it's your fault.
The other one I have is, and this is, I'm shamelessly taking a tweet from a fellow at Dells Baptist to save everyone time this year,
I made a biblically correct list of everything mentioned in the song. Mary, did you know that she knew and didn't know in order?
You're welcome. And I quote, no, yes, yes, yes, no, no, no, yes, no, no, no, no, no, yes, yes, no, no.
There you go. Okay. Okay. I like this because I went through it in my head earlier. So Mary, did you know that one day he'll walk on water?
She didn't and said she didn't know that. Yep. She wouldn't have known that. Yeah, I don't think so. I, a lot of people don't like Mary.
Did you know? And I don't know. Maybe we could go around and get a quick opinion. Horrible, horrible Christmas song.
Oh, please get out of here. Okay. Tell me why it's horrible, Greg. Just tell me the tune, the words it's theologically incorrect.
It's, uh, it focuses on Mary and not our savior. It's stupid. Okay. What do you mean it's a lot?
What's theologically incorrect about it? Yeah. Did she know this? Did she know that they're implying that she did know this?
They're asking the question. You're not told if she knows that or not. Go read the book of Thomas. Yeah. Jesus was making birds out of clay, whatever.
What bro? I'm so confused. But everything, as far as I'm aware, mentioned in there is stuff that actually happened in scripture.
And it's just asking rhetorically, did Mary understand that at the time? And the answer on some of them is yes.
And on some of them is no. And my point is, is you don't get to ask if she knew or not. Why are we asking rhetorical questions about the word of God?
What? Um, because some of those, I guess we opened it.
Did, did Mary, did Mary know that he was God? He was deity in the flesh.
We don't know that. Why are we asking? So it's fair to ask the question. No, I'm saying, but why is that a good
Christmas song? That's like making a Christmas song up about the Nephilim. I know. I know you're more of a Mariah Carey guy, aren't you?
Oh, good. Let me ask you this again, just asking the question.
Do you think, and Greg, I'm not again, not arguing, just asking for thoughts. Do you think we three
Kings is a good Christmas song? Stupid. There was nothing even say there was three of them.
It was just three gifts. His name's not Greg. It's Grinch. Wait a minute.
He just said, he just said stupid. You know, Keith, it might be easier.
Just ask Greg. What do you think? Good Christmas. The only Christmas song we should ever be singing is joy to the world.
Enjoy to the world. Enjoy the world. Isn't about Christmas. It's about the second coming. Yep. No, it's not even a
Christmas song, bro. You just sat on the mousetrap yourself. It's literally not written about Christmas.
The second verse is about when he's ruling and reigning. The first verse is the savior has come.
He rules. Wait, third verse, third verse, second coming. Yeah. Either way.
So, okay. So we three Kings is the same bad as Mary. Did you know, or is it, I don't really have a hard take on it either way.
I'm just being a little, uh, Grinchy, I guess. But, uh, yeah, I mean, theologically we three
Kings is way off. I don't know why we sing it. Rejoice. Rejoice.
No, wait. Is that, is that way through Kings? No, that's okay. Which we sing.
We don't know how many there were. We don't know if they were Kings. Hey, don't know the time that they visited. It was later.
And, you know, two years later, most people think. So, so that's a good myth.
A good Christmas myth buster thing is, were there three wise men and were their names?
Um, what, what, what, what there there's a traditional name. Melchior. Larry, Nolan, Curly.
Yes. There you go. Somebody in comments will know the answer. What is the traditional names of the three wise men?
It's like, uh, Shadrach, Meshach and, and, and Balthazar or something.
I don't know. It's I I've okay. It's milk, milk, milk, or Chad Hershey gave us one of them.
That's definitely some Lord of the Rings stuff going on right there. All right. They're David. I do have to ask this one, though.
The gifts they brought, were they Christmas gifts or birthday presents? Yes. I want to know what your guys' thoughts are on the
Pentatonix. On their talent as a group. The group.
Yeah. Where'd this come from? Actually, a valid question, because like, is it if they're doing a
Christmas song, are we allowed to listen to it? Because they're not Christians. I mean, people throw that around all the time in churches, you know?
Thank you, Matthew, for validating my question. Right there, buddy. I got you. That's all he wanted was validation.
Had like a, you know, an artist that was well known to be secular and vulgar and all that, and somehow got to sing like amazing grace at a,
I don't know, a football game or something like that in a halftime show. And everyone was like having a stroke about, well, we can't sing amazing grace on Sundays anymore.
I'm like, shut up. That's not how songs work. I do remember two years ago, a member of my church saying that he didn't listen to the
Pentatonix and nobody should because some of the members of the Pentatonix were homosexual.
I don't know if they are or not. I don't know enough about the group to know anything. I assume he's correct, so I'm not correcting him at all.
I just, you know, I don't know. So I don't want to be the right. I don't want to be wrong and identify someone as something they're not.
But does that matter? Is it is it's being secular? OK, but them being homosexual, not
OK. Right, like, like, does that does that add an extra layer of we shouldn't we shouldn't listen to what they sing?
Well, that's like a that's like a slippery slope, because if you say no, then would you be able to apply the same logic to your plumber if you have a leak in your house and you find out on his
Facebook page that he's a homosexual? Now you can't use that plumber and you need to fix the leak. Ain't coming in my house.
I'm just saying. Why did you use a plumber, dude? Yeah, there are way too many jokes that we can't make right now.
Yeah, we can always because it's all we're G rated here. Mostly there is alcohol. So I don't know,
Corey. Thank you. But the point the point's valid, right? Like like if someone's good and excellent at their craft.
Where where is the line? He will say that's what I read. And let's really make it. Let's really make it controversial since you're going that way.
If you're voting for president, does he have a I mean, why don't you just go for what you're going really?
I mean, I won't even I won't even ride in a Trans Am. That a boy, that a boy.
Oh, I wish I had eastbound and down queued up. I'm going to heaven, boy.
You ain't get me in that Trans Am. Was nicotine patches in your mouth there?
Hey, now those are the glory of God. Come on now. I saw a thing. I saw a meme that said, no way that whole
Siberian orchestra was all. Oh, I like that one.
I'm stealing that one. Hey, Keith, to keep us on track, can I tell you one that I grew up with and then
I later found out was a myth and it kind of made me upset. I would love to hear that.
Just real quick. Let me finish a quick thought on the last one so we can transition to a new one. I do think that it's important to consider who we are supporting, and if there is something that is unwholesome, it's hard for me to want to promote these things, like I said, to my children and things like that.
So I think there's a lot that has to go into that conversation. I think there's, we can joke a little, we can joke a lot about it, and we do.
But there's some serious questions on the comments. And I think the answer is, yeah, we have to consider who we're putting in front of our kids, who we're putting in front of our family.
There's enough good and wholesome and godly people out there that we don't have to go into the world to find those things, but it is obviously an issue of conscience.
So that would be my answer. So go ahead, Greg. Yes, I grew up, and maybe it's just my age, but in the generation where I had a lot of Christians say, you shouldn't shorten
Christmas to Xmas because it defiles the name of Christ.
And then you grow up and you realize, well, the first letter of Christ in Greek is X, and also it's like it has nothing to do with that, that it actually, through history, they used in Anglo -Saxon times back to the 12th century to keep
Christ in Christmas in the mass. So that was one that kind of bothered me when
I got a little older and go, why were all these people so worried about, you know, you'd see something on TV and it said, Merry Xmas.
And I'd have people go, oh, they're just trying to, you know, defame the name of Christ by taking
Christ out of Christmas. When, in fact, that had been around for a long, long time and was actually rooted in honoring
Christ. Has everybody experienced that? I actually didn't know any of that.
I think it was more like the 80s and early 90s. There was like this weird fundamental Christian thing going on where it was like every little thing, you know,
ACDC stood for Against Christ, Devil's Companions, you know, all this weird stuff going on.
It was all during that, like,
Tipper Gore, like evil music, rock music stuff. And Jerry Falwell in the religious, what was that called?
Moral majority. And that was one of the ones that went around. I was not allowed to say Xmas when I was younger.
It was dishonoring Christ. I, you know, being that I went to fundamentals seminary, you know, yeah,
I would hear that. And I, someone in the chat said, you know, X is for Christ.
It's a shorthand that when I was reading some of the, like, or even the early church fathers, when you see it in Greek, it's, they did put
X sometimes for Christ. It's a shorthand. Yeah, yeah.
Theta nu to make it, you know, to shorthand it. Yeah. So, you know, where the early church fathers, when they're writing about Christ, trying to get rid of Christ.
Well, you see that in the expansion of titles, right? Like, so the original manuscript might be just Jesus. And then, you know, a later version, you might have the
Lord Jesus and then the Lord Jesus Christ. And then like the, you know, that expands over time and people are like, well, if you don't have the full thing in there, then you're taking away the deity of Christ.
It's like, no, man, it's just the manuscript tradition over time can have these little minor changes. We know what's being talked about here.
It's not that big of a deal. The Nomina Sacra. The only thing that I can think of right now is, is some marketing person gets ahold of this podcast and, uh, and, and uses
X for Christ for the new platform that was formerly known as Twitter. That's it.
That's it. Hey, it's Xmas. It's, it's Twitter mess. It's X yeah. X men
X. Yeah. I just really like to use those big words while wearing that hat.
So I think I use Nomina Sacra, which means the sacred name and, and it's, it's
X and, and the theta theta for God X for Christ. That's right. It's just funny when you're wearing that hat and his genitals will be right about where your nose is at.
That's like the last comment, bro. And the G rating is lost in an
LPG, probably 13. So distracted. You got him to take it off.
He took it off. Oh, man. I'm not gone.
And neither is my hat. In those days, there was no King in Israel and everyone did what was right. All right.
Oh, Greg, Greg is now officially censored by the show host.
All right. I use the proper term scientific. I don't want to hear it again. All right.
So we talked about we talked about the, the Xmas. We talked about, uh, what
Matthew said, which was the, uh, the Mary, did you know? But he also had the other one. What was it? About?
Was it birthday presents? No conception. All right. Cody, uh,
Corey, Andrew, because we did, uh, and I'm not, did we do his weird one about Okay.
All right. So Cody, did you bring one? Uh, we've, we've already debunked, uh, the pagan origin of Christmas trees and all that kind of stuff.
The real reason people shouldn't celebrate Christmas is because Constantine invented it at the council.
That's a good one. Invented Christmas. Yeah, I'm, I'm just. Oh, okay.
Yeah. Okay. Christmas is a Christmas is a pagan invention. Yeah, pretty much. Yeah. Okay.
Soul Invictus and all that kind of nonsense. Yeah, we've, we've already been through that. So, well, but we, we, we, we didn't really,
I mean, there's a lot that can go into that. I mean, I call this the big bang theory argument because if you ever watch that television show, there's an episode of that where we're, we're,
I'm a Christian. Listen, you're the one that's like two seconds from being kicked out of here.
If they'd have called it young earth creationism, I'd have watched it. That was a good one.
Oh, Cory for the win. Now I'm re -imagining big bang theory, but with young earth creationism,
Jason Lyle playing the Sheldon part and James White playing the
Leonard part. Just got your next hit there, Keith. I think so. I think so. Oh man, young earth creationist.
That's funny. I want 5 % on the back end of that. I interrupted you though,
Keith. Yeah, go on because he's, you're expanding onto like, yeah, there's a bunch of different ways. Well, in the show he was saying, you know,
Saturnalia, solstice, all these things. And this goes back to the whole dating. People say, well,
December 25th is the only reason we celebrate on December 25th is because that was the birthday of Mithras, which is not true.
That's in, that is factually inaccurate. December 25th was actually one of the dates that the early church fathers set for the birth of Christ based upon the annunciation of Mary supposedly happening on March 25th.
And that was based upon Elizabeth's announcement or the announcement to Zachariah about Elizabeth's birth, which happened in the temple.
And they were able to date the time of that based upon when Zachariah was serving in the temple based upon the type of service that he was doing.
So there are at least three early church fathers who all dated the birth of Christ around the end of December, which would put it around December 25th.
So the idea that December 25th is just can't be the day and it was stolen from pagan, that's not accurate.
That's not based on church history. I just finished teaching a course on early church history, and this is one of the things we talked about.
We talked about early church actually argued a lot about dates. The council of Nicaea, one of the things that they canonized at the council of Nicaea was the dating of Easter.
Do we even care anymore? No, but they cared enough to make it part of the first ecumenical council of the church.
They were dealing with Arianism, which was huge, but they were also dealing with the dating of Easter, which all of us would be like, who cares?
They cared enough. So this idea that we just stole it from the pagans is again, it's a reindeer species.
You know, the things Keith, you brought up the Mithras and there's a bunch of those, the ancient Egyptian, you know, gods that they would say the
Christians copied. And if you see the movie Zeitgeist, this is where they all get it from.
I actually did a full episode, you know, looking at every one of the ones that they claim. It's, oh, it's a myth.
Like, look at all this similarity. There's two things that all of them claim in common.
The dating of the birth of these gods supposedly on November 25th and the term son of God.
What's interesting is Christians, majority Christians don't really believe that Jesus was born on December 25th.
So we wouldn't have been copying it from all the others because most Christians don't think that that's actually date.
And the idea of son of God only works in English because the others are referring to the sun in the sky.
And in Egyptian or any other language, pretty much the word son as a, as a offspring of a mother versus the sun in the sky.
It sounds the same in English. It's not spelled the same. It doesn't have the same meaning and doesn't sound that the same way in any other language that I know of.
So it's an argument that they, I found interesting because they had it with every one of those, you know, cities.
Those are the two things that all of them had. There was others where it's like, oh, they have 12 disciples when they didn't, you know, one of them was, was supposedly a virgin born.
But when you actually look into the, the, the claims, she was born of a rock. That's not really virgin born that you come out of a rock.
So it's like they really twisted to get that to fit. So if, if, if people are going to look at, you know,
Zeitgeist is the, the, the, the movie, that's the origin there. It came from a book that was a much later belief system and it's completely bogus.
Yep. It's just as real as this. Gozer the
Gozerian is from Ghostbusters. That's right.
That's about, that's about the level of accuracy. There is no Keith. There is only Zool. That's right.
I am the key master. Yeah. All right, gentlemen, do we have any more myths that we're going to bust?
We're getting close to that hour and a half mark. And that's, that's about the point I was shooting for. So we got about five minutes left.
Let's, let's, let's lay out anything else. Fetus. Did you get to do one? Did I, did you get in there? No, everybody else had better ones than me.
I actually just Google searched it, you know, used AI to find one. And I don't know if you guys will think this is interesting or not, but it's the legend of the
Christmas spider. And it, this is one of the first things that came up in many parts of Eastern Europe, especially in Ukraine.
There's a charming myth involving spiders and Christmas trees. According to the legend, a poor widow lived in a small hut with her children.
They could not afford decorations for their Christmas trees. So they went to bed on Christmas Eve with a bear tree during the night spiders in the house, saw the tree and decided to spin webs and, you know, decorated apparently.
And then, you know, a Christmas, they looked at that as a
Christmas miracle, I guess. So Charlotte's web is now a Christmas myth. Yeah, that's what it sounds like.
But the way you're reading it, it's clearly a myth. Yeah, it's written like a story.
It spit it out like a story. So look, I busted a myth that was just for you, you know, the, what is a
Christmas movie? You know, so I served that myth up for you and we busted it that, you know, Die Hard's not a Christmas movie.
Yeah, but then Corey's myth came into Parker's myth and some guy took a dump in the presents and, you know.
If you want to tie the... The guy was using the bathroom and got bit by a spider. Tie the spider myth into Home Alone where there is a spider.
Oh yeah, very true. I think we should create a cinematic universe. Great point.
So I have a somewhat serious question. So, um, you're finally going to get serious.
We can, we can end on a somewhat serious note. What is, Keith, what are you preaching on Sunday? I know what
I'm preaching on Sunday. Andrew, you know, and any of you other guys, if you know what pastor is preaching on Sunday on Christmas, you know, since it kind of Christmas Sunday, since Christmas falls midweek.
That's a great question. And, uh, in the, in the fortuitous providence of almighty
God, I finished second Corinthians two weeks ago. I had planned to finish a little earlier, but I got slowed down at the end.
And, um, and so what, what I, my, my, my next book to preach is the gospel of John.
So last week I did an introduction to the gospel of John. And this Sunday I'm going to be preaching
John one, one to three, and then verse 14, which connects the word, uh, the, the, the word who was with God and was
God, who is the same word that became flesh and dwelt among us. And so that's my, that's my first official message because the introduction is, well,
I guess the introduction is a message on Dom, but that was an overview of the book. And so, um, one to three, 14, and then that we have a need best.
And in the evening, did I go away? Am I still there? Well, in the evening service,
I'm preaching verses four and five, um, that in, in, uh, in him was life.
And that life was the light of men and the light, uh, the, the darkness has not overcome it. So that's my, that's my evening message is, uh, the
Christ is the light of the world. So, so that, that's it. That's what I'm preaching this week at the, the sake of being battered by all of you.
Uh, when, when I come to holidays, I just preach the next verse in whatever
I'm preaching. Well, that's, I don't care. I mean, that's, that's honestly what I do too. It just so happens that I knew
I was starting John. I'm going to be, it happened where I've hit resurrection Sunday and it's just like,
Oh, pick text, but you can hate me if you want. I just keep preaching because, because I'm not preaching for the loss that are suddenly coming to church.
Um, I'm preaching for the, the church that is gathering. So what are you, are you preaching this
Sunday, Andrew? I am not preaching this Sunday, but if I was preaching, it would be whatever, wherever I left off.
Yeah, I am preaching this Sunday and, um, I am as, as well in the fortuitous providence of God.
I've been months now in first John and I am falling just by God's grace on first John four, one to six.
So test the spirits to see if they be of God. And how do you know if the spirit is from God? Well, if this, that's how you know, this hat is proof that and it's genitalia.
I took a bullet for you, buddy.
But, uh, but yeah, that, that the, uh, the, those that would confess that Jesus Christ was born in the flesh, you know?
So the incarnation, um, uh, the incarnation is the linchpin of our faith. Yeah. I will not be preaching, but if my church sings,
Mary, did you know, I will be staging a walkout. There you go. Or you gotta, you gotta pull a
Santa Claus and go punch whoever areas is in the face. But if they sing Mariah Carey, you'll be in the front row.
Hands up Pentecostal. I'll have my little lemons on. Yeah, that's right. I did.
Um, I'm not up this Sunday. I'm up the 29th and I know it's after Christmas, but a couple of weeks ago,
I preached a sermon to a different group than my normal church. It was a covering for someone else.
And it was the, the essentially the point was Christmas matters because of what happened next.
You know, if it was just a baby boy born in a manger, even if it was a, a virgin birth, that's weird and interesting.
But if nothing else happened beyond that, then it's, it's just an interesting story in the past.
And so it's all really on the subject of faith and how we trace different stories to the old
Testament, where the people should have had every opportunity to have faith, but God keeps promising. He's going to fix this problem for good.
And then eventually fulfills that in Christ. And so I preached that elsewhere, I sent a recording to the elders of my church and they said, you should, you should just do that, do that here.
Cause our people haven't heard it. You've already done the prep for it. Sounds great. Awesome. Anybody else?
Uh, we lost, uh, Cody. So fetus, you're, you're, you're, you're probably not preaching, but who's, uh, do you know what your pastor is preaching?
I do not. All right. But I'll be there. Amen. Now, now that Cody, now that Cody's gone, folks can see at the bottom.
Support the show at buymeacoffee .com slash your Calvinist. Since Keith won't say that,
I will say it for him. If you guys want to support this show, support the work that Keith is doing, keeping you laughing, uh, then go to buymeacoffee .com
slash your Calvinist and show him some love, show him support. Give him a gift, Christmas present of a monthly donation.
Man, that sounds great. I like that. I want to know what backdoor deal is like happening. I need to get in on the cut of that.
Well, that's what's so funny is I had, um, I had, uh, uh, uh,
Hans Feeney on a couple of weeks ago and he saw that same thing. Andrew. And he said, what is meat coffee?
And I was just about to say that I read it first by meat coffee.
Oh no. Okay. I got it. Yeah. And we all agree. That would be awesome though.
Bacon flavored coffee that I think it would ever, it would be awesome. If you're watching.
Yes. Yes. It could be the superior theology blend as the taste of,
Oh, we bet. You know, what's funny is we've actually been talking about doing a superior theology blend because he's a supporter of the show now.
And he's thinking we're thinking about doing something to promote. That would be it. Bacon flavor. That would be awesome.
Minimum. You should do a, a video on how different denominations would drink their coffee.
I did that one already. There's a coffee, but I got to redo it. I got it. I need to redo a little bit.
I do have a special video I'm working on for tomorrow. That last comment is really funny. Oh, I have a funny story.
I have a funny story. This is so sad, but it's so funny. And I got you, David. And by the way,
I, Cody hasn't come back yet. So I hope he's okay. He did say he had his connection was all right.
I'm going to tell you all this story and this is so sad, but it's funny. Okay. So when
I was younger, I have always been, I've always been heavy. I just,
I'm a big guy. Always been. I've always kind of, that's been my, my, my deal. I've struggled with that.
A lot of people, you know, uh, make mention of that, but we'll talk about it another time.
But my brother, my brother met a deaf girl. Okay.
And he, my brother is sometimes was, was really rough on me growing up. And he wanted to, he wanted to know the, the way to do sign language for the word lard, because he wanted to make fun of me in sign language.
Now that's sad, but that just goes to show you what kind of brother I had. I mean, we were, we were rough on each other and he was older and he was rough on me.
Well, she was deaf. So when she heard him ask, what's the sign language for lard?
She taught him this. Well, if you don't know what that is, that's Lord. That's Lord.
She thought he said, Lord. So for years, my brother would go like that to me and he was calling me
Lord. So you know what, Bobby? I win. I am the king of the
Amillennialists. And I was the king back then. You called me Lord. Well, you know what you're evil.
God meant for good. That's right. Great. The Genesis 50 versus 20 and I won.
So we're going to call this lard coffee. Superior. Hey, I just want to shout out
KJ on the YouTube comments. He just said the grumpy guy with the Santa hat is cool. You finally found the one guy.
You found the one guy. Greg, is that your, is that your other YouTube channel that you commented on?
That's my wife on another YouTube. Well, Mary, Mary put a crown out there.
So I'm just saying, thank you, Mary. Awesome. Well, there's someone else.
I just saw two legit to be quiet. King of Amillennialists and the crown.
So you got both. That's right. Hey, and speaking of that, since I know that I'm an
Amill and Andrew is a dispensational premill, I want to promote something that he and I are going to be doing in less than a month.
If, if the, if, if the Lord so wills it me and Andrew and a couple of professors from a dispensational seminary are going to be doing a bow tie dialogue on dispensationalism where I'm going to have them on asking them questions, uh, hopefully engaging in a really important conversation.
My bow tie dialogues have been one of the most, uh, responded to videos that I've done this year.
I went back and looked over all my material for the year and my bow tie dialogues have had huge response.
So you guys who like those, if you know of another denomination or group, like I said, dispensationalism isn't really a denomination, but a group like that, you want me to interview, send me who you want me to interview.
I'd love to talk to them, but Andrew's helping me put together a group of dispensationalists and, uh, we're looking forward to that.
So thanks Andrew for that. I'm looking forward to doing that hopefully at the beginning of January. And yes, it's a shameless plug.
It's my show. I can plug what I want. That's right. I mean, now, now will you have time to do any ads since it'll be a three and a half minute talk?
What's that? We have time to do any ads on that. It'll be what dispensationalism would be about what?
Three and a half minute talk to disprove. They're going to have charts. It's all you need to do is open your
Bible. And you know, I don't know if you really, if you know this, but R .C. Sproul's a dispensationalist today. Ah, Hey, Billy Graham.
You can talk about anyone you want. Don't you talk about R .C. That way. Well, I would agree with you guys, you know,
Billy Graham's a Calvinist today. If he's in heaven, what'd you say? I would say that Billy Graham, if he, if he's, if he's dead, then you be a
Calvinist. No, that he is. Billy Graham died, didn't he? He's a Calvinist. Yeah.
That's what I said. He's a Calvinist. All right, guys, I am going to give each of you a short bit to do just what
I just did. I did a shameless plug. I want all of you to do a shameless plug for, for whatever it is you're up to.
And then as soon as we're done, we'll go, we'll go Corey, Greg, Andrew, Matthew, I'm I'm sorry, fetus,
Greg, Andrew, Matthew, and Corey, and fetuses, Parker, of course. And so we're going to run through these real quick.
And as soon as we're done, I'm going to bring us out with a song. So go ahead, Parker, let us know.
No, I host the podcast, you know, the
Watchwell podcast. And essentially what we do is we just point out the truths that hold stories together.
So we take a movie and we break it down. And essentially, when you, when you break a movie down and a story down, it has to borrow from the
Christian worldview, regardless of who made the movie. So that's what we do. We just observe what Hollywood steals. So if you're into movies, you're into theology, check us out.
We're on YouTube. You can follow me on X at Real Parker Brown. And yeah, the
Watchwell podcast on YouTube. Very cool. Keith, once again, thanks for having me on.
These are always very fun, very informative. We do have fun, but also talk about some great things.
I'm Greg Moore, host of the Dead Man Walking podcast. You can find out more about me at dmwpodcast .com
or anywhere on socials, Dead Man Walking podcast. Our current episode out right now, William Wolfe, former senior
Trump official came in. He graded every nominee that Trump just made. So we talk about theology, politics, doctrine, culture, all that kind of stuff.
And we've got Kelvin Robinson coming up in a couple of weeks, too, along with some other guys that we just like to chop it up with on the podcast.
So dmwpodcast .com. Thanks again, Keith. Hey, real quick. I wanted to shout out our episode, too. So we did an episode with Will Spencer on Guardians of the
Galaxy volume two. And it's all about father hunger and the importance of fathers. So if you guys are interested in that or, you know, if that sparks any interest, just go check that out.
And then we also have an episode a long time ago that we did on Die Hard. That was really good. So we talked about Die Hard show.
Awesome. Awesome. Andrew. So I am the host of about five podcasts, but I'll just mention them.
So I do weekly the rap report. It's Andrew Rapaport's rap report. It is a basically what we try to do is biblical interpretations and applications for the
Christian life. So that is a weekly pre -recorded show that we do lots of different topics that we'll cover there.
I also do one that you can, if you want to ask questions, if you have any questions about God in the
Bible, I can answer them. Just remember, I don't know is a perfectly good answer. I didn't say
I'd give you a satisfactory one. I just said I can't answer it. But I have a show, Apologetics Live.
It's Thursday nights, 8 to 10 Eastern time. And so anyone can come and ask anything.
We usually have a guest or and have some dialogue on something. And then if people come in, we talk with them. And so I enjoy the fact and I know
I talked to Greg and this is just odd with me, but I like it when someone comes in prepared for a debate that I don't know
I'm having a debate that night. And so that's what happens on Apologetics Live. Sometimes we had a
Catholic that came in too long ago and wanted to argue that Mary was the
Ark of the Covenant. Yeah, because she bore Christ. And so, yeah,
I never heard the argument before, but let's have that debate. OK, so we never know what's going to happen on Apologetics Live, but it's a podcast.
And if you want to join, just go to Apologetics Live dot com. If you want to check out all this, do my books or anything else, just go to striving for eternity dot com.
Thanks for having me, Keith. Yeah. And again, remember, the book is in the description. It's not there now because I got to put it in after the show.
But as soon as if you want the book, go and click on that link and it will take you to it. Use Keith in the coupon code and you'll get a percentage off.
All right. Mr. Matthew, you want to say anything? Sure. I'm Matthew. Hey, guys,
I don't have a platform or a podcast. I'm just friends with Keith, and I'm here to yell at the
Calvinists and that sort of thing. So it's been a fun time. Enjoyed it. Hope you have a very merry
Christmas. And for the Presbyterians in the crowd, I'm sorry that you won't be celebrating it. So, Matthew, this is where you were supposed to say,
Hi, I'm Matthew. I'm not a Calvinist. And yeah, well, that is. But no, no, no.
If it's on this show, I have to say yet. Okay. So that's how this works on this show.
I know where my bread is buttered. Hey, I'm going to butter your bread.
Nope, nope, nope, nope. That was somebody in the comments. Somebody in the comments says,
Guys, you passed PG 13 or PG whatever a long time ago. That's fine. Well, I just quoted
Supertrip. Not all of us, Parker. I think you and I are in the clear. And this button.
Watch. Well, are we going to Super Troopers? We can. Oh, man. What a crazy movie.
Okay. All right. Civically minded. Take us out. Oh, my name is Corey Wing.
I have a podcast called Civically Minded. I do practical theology for everyday life.
I also talk a lot about politics. I'm also a contributor for Eschatology Matters.
Yes, that Eschatology Matters. If you have followed some of the craziness on The Brother Wars and X.
Yeah, sure. Elephant in the room. Let's talk about it. One of my more recent episodes was with the host this evening with my good friend,
Keith Vosky. We talked about the highs and lows of full -time pastoral ministry and what it's like to do full -time pastoral ministry.
So if you want to see a side of Keith that you don't see a whole lot, then you can come to my channel and watch that.
It was a really great episode. I appreciated his vulnerability and his honesty. And Keith, you're a good man.
And all of you guys, I appreciate your friendship. I'm grateful for each of you. And Keith, thank you for inviting me tonight.
That episode was really good. I actually watched it. I would say if you're not a pastor, you should watch that so you can understand what pastors go through.
It was good stuff, guys. Well, I appreciate you all for that. And especially, Corey, for you having me on and facilitating that conversation.
It was difficult, but enjoyable. All right, brothers. Well, again, I want to say to all of our audience tonight,
Merry Christmas. Thank you so much for being with us, especially those of you who've hung out with us for an hour and 45 minutes.
This has been one of our longer Friday night lives. But if you've been here, we appreciate you. And if you're coming in later, watching this later, hopefully you had some enjoyable things.
Hopefully we talked about some stuff that's helpful. If nothing else, we hope we made you laugh a little bit. And if you did like this show, just remember, we got a ton more on the channel.
All you got to do is hit subscribe to find out when we put new stuff on. And if you liked this episode, hit the thumbs up button.
And if you didn't like this episode, make sure you hit that thumbs down button twice. Thanks again for watching your
Calvinist podcast Friday night live. I'm Keith Foskey. And as always, I've been your
Calvinist may God bless you. And I need a friendly voice with some good theology.
So I mix a manly drink. Then I hit the
YouTube link. And I feel my troubles all melt away.
It's your Calvinist podcast with Keith Foskey. It's your
Calvinist podcast with Keith Foskey.
He's not like most Calvinists. He's nice.
Your Calvinist podcast with Keith Foskey, striving for superior theology and denominational unity, one joke at a time.