Biblical Justice vs Social Justice - Where ERLC, TGC and T4G Go Wrong - Group Guilt

AD Robles iconAD Robles


The idea of group guilt, or generational guilt is very common among Christian social justice advocates. There is some truth to what they say, but it's not applied they way they think. Here is a brief summary of the core issue.


Well today I wanted to talk a little bit about this idea that we find in social justice Even in Christianity, but but I think this idea is a little bit more deeply entrenched in sort of a secular approach to to social justice
But it's this idea of like group guilt, right? So there's certain crimes or Sins that we can attribute to one race and so everyone from that race is sort of guilty
Even if they had nothing to do with the actual specific crimes, they're still sort of guilty and There's some truth in this
But the way it's applied is actually very unbiblical and we I think we saw a little bit about this in the
BD His his article that said we we await the repentance for for murdering.
Dr. King and in the article He's awaiting repentance for just white people Murdering. Dr.
King and you know, a lot of people were pushing back and said well, you know white people didn't murder. Dr King certain white people did and certain white people probably supported it but you know you can't just put that on all white people especially white people that are alive today because so many of the white people that are
Alive today had nothing to do with it and they had nothing to do with racism and they aren't racist themselves And so there's this idea of you know people that are
You know descendants of people who did these crimes as slave owners things like that people that are descendants are sort of still guilty
And So that's sort of the idea that's put forward now There's also even some more extreme ideas where people are saying well yet They're not only are white people guilty as a group, but they should pay they should there should be restitution made by white people today
That had nothing to do with the sins of the past but just because of the fact that they have white skin They should pay up and so that's a more serious application.
That would be you know essentially saying well, yeah, we should punish the Sons for the sins of the father and unfortunately the
Bible Says that that's actually not how it works. Let me switch the screen here. This is
Deuteronomy chapter 24 and in verse 16 He says
Father shall not be put to death because of their children Nor shall children put to be put to death because of their fathers each one shall be put to death for his own sin
Now that's very specific the you you pay for that You make restitution for the crimes that you personally do and that would apply to money as well
So if your father stole something in the past We can't say to you because you didn't steal anything.
We can't then say to you now you owe restitution for what your father stole That's not how it works
So your father does this crime and he gets convicted he pays for that crime And if he never gets convicted and then we find out after the fact that he had done a crime, that's it
I mean that that I mean games over there's no one to convict at that point and that's this is to avoid sort of this generational crime
Idea that you know If your fathers were criminals or your fathers were slaveholders if your fathers
Did such and such that we could come after you for that? That's you know, there there might be some instances where we do that today.
Well, that's wrong. That's according to the Bible That's not how we do this We don't go back in time to see what families committed crimes and then the people that are alive today
Even if they had nothing to do with the crime, we don't the Bible says no, that's not justice That's absolutely the opposite of justice
Now you might say well, hold on a second Adam. There are Instances in the Bible of group kill
In fact, I think the BD brings up the idea of in an axe or maybe this is someone who responded to the
BD The book of Acts where where Peter's preaching and he's putting he's he's saying that this generation is guilty of Jesus's blood
There's blood guiltiness there and there's there is a doctrine of blood guiltiness where there's sort of a group
Application of sin where a group is responsible for a sin. So let's let me tell you about kind of where that comes from That's from oops.
Sorry, that's from Exodus chapter 34 and there's other places as well where you can establish this doctrine of blood guiltiness and Here's what it says this is this is the people in the covenant of God and Here's what it says about God after he after the the covenant is made right or rather the covenant is renewed
It says the Lord passed before him and proclaimed the Lord The Lord is a
God merciful and gracious slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness
Keeping steadfast love for thousands forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin But who will by no means clear the guilty
Visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children and the children's children to the third and fourth generation
So that kind of looks like it almost might contradict, right? But what you when you look more carefully at this, this is very a very different application
And on the one hand with Deuteronomy, they're talking about sort of Criminal justice, right?
They're talking about here on earth. What justice looks like. How do we adjudicate things? What is jurisprudence?
What does peneology look like for us when we're? Working as judges and you know in that kind of thing, but in in Exodus It's talking about what
God does and what God does is very different than what we do. So when God decides to judge a
Nation or something like that He does visit the iniquity of the fathers on the children and what he what he means by that is the sins of the father
Have ramifications all the way down the line And so oftentimes the sins of the father become the sins of the sons because they follow their fathers
Into these sins now, not always we can't just assume that that's what's going to happen And so this is very applicable to today because a lot of people say well
America's been racist for so long in the past so we can just assume that everyone is systemically racist today.
No, no, no, no Sometimes that happens and sometimes God God works things out that way where he visits the iniquity of the fathers on to the sons and There's you know generational curses in that way from from God's perspective
But we can't work under that assumption We can't do the same thing that God does just because God visits the iniquity of the fathers on to the sons into the next
Generations the third and fourth generations doesn't mean that we can do that. God doesn't give us that option
So this is more of a statement of what God does how God handles things and so we should repent of our national sins
Because otherwise God will judge the nation for those national sins. One of our national sins is abortion
We're standing by while Thousands upon thousands of children are murdered every single day and we have a blood guiltiness for that We have a blood guiltiness for that.
And so when God judges the United States of America for that sin That's going to be an example of judging, you know children for the sins of the fathers
Now we can't do that, but God can do that. And so that's a very important distinction to make
We can't go and say all white people are white people are guilty for these the sins of a few white people
God might hold certain people accountable in ways that we cannot But it's very different than than justice and I thought we know we're hopefully talking about social justice here justice that we adjudicate to each other
That's what we're talking about So we can't we can't take God's perspective on this and say well we stand in the place of God and so we can assign
Guilt to white people. No, we can't do that. God might do that. We can't do that The other thing that's interesting about this
Deuteronomy passage. This is just kind of a bonus here He talks about oppression here. If you look at this, this is verse 14.
You shall not oppress a hired worker Who is poor and needy it says who is poor and needy. That's very true
The Bible does talk about oppression, but then it defines very specifically what oppression is and it's not what most people are talking about today
Look, you shall not oppress a hired worker who is poor and needy whether he's one of your brothers or one of the sojourners Who are in your land within your towns you shall give him his wages on the same day before the
Sun sets Because he is poor and counts on it lest he cry out to you the Lord and you'd be guilty of sin
This is talking about something very specific Don't don't rob poor people. Don't take advantage of poor people by not giving them their paid promptly.
They need that pay So this is not like oppression. We're like don't don't you know, you know, make sure that everyone has the same income
No, no, no. No, that's not what he's talking about here What he is talking about is don't rob people
You know what I mean? So like oppression has to do with real crimes like robbery like stealing like a murder like adultery.
These are real crimes We're not talking about stuff that like there's no income equality standard and in the