

Pastor David Mitchell



Let's review just a little bit, before we do though I have one item of business I need to talk about.
We have several families now that have sent in, filled out a form telling us about them, their salvation experience and so forth and their children and their experience and so forth and we need to select a date on our calendar and we will do this from home via Zoom but it will probably be on a
Wednesday evening or something when we can meet via Zoom with our new prospective families and allow them to be able to get on Zoom and give their testimonies.
To me that's the best way to join is by testimony rather than letters. That doesn't work so well anymore because churches are all different so you might receive a letter from another church saying yeah they're great members but we don't know what the other church believes.
So the best way to me is through testimony and if we have any of our families where we have particularly bashful people then their spouse can share for them or if it's a child that doesn't want to do it the parent can share for them and so forth but we need to have a get together on Zoom, a time of fellowship to get to know these folks a little bit, let them give us their testimony and then we can have a formal decision to bring them in as members or not.
So for you guys that are out there if that's you we'll be getting you an email soon with a date and also we want feedback from you if it's a good date because we'll only do it on a date you guys can all be with us and also any of you guys out there that would like to think about joining or pray about joining if you go to parkmeadowschurch .com
on one of the top tabs across the top you'll see one there that's a form you can click on it fill it out it'll come to us and and we will get back with you on that so that'll be a fun time of fellowship on an evening sometime soon.
Isn't it nice to know that by the time we do it it will literally be fall weather because we're going from like a hundred degrees today and tomorrow to maybe 70 by Wednesday is it or is it
Tuesday night so that's going to be nice and so all right well let's get into the scripture together let's review just a little bit
I hope we click there you know what we didn't click the right one let me go back in here and fix this now
I may mess you up again Ben let's see this is the right one right here now that's got today's date on it
I don't want to go back and review so far that we never get to where we're going today here's where we go all right so we're in Romans chapter 8 verse 30 and really we've already gone all the way the end of Romans chapter 8 but we've gone back into verses 29 and 30 and we're hitting on the timeline of salvation you might want to put it that way it goes all the way from eternity into time and then out the other side into eternity again and that's how saved you are when you're saved and we've already covered the part about for whom he did for know he also did predestinate those two things happen before time began so they're not even in sequence they just are one did not cause the other they just both are because God is and he's always known you as his own child
I was thinking about your teaching this morning Bill it always hits on the sermon because the Holy Spirit makes it do that but there was a verse
I believe it was verse 29 if I remember right in Luke chapter 16 really one of the most amazing election verses and nobody gets that they don't see that as an election verse
I may not have the verse right but it's the one where it says those who those who have made they be given more in abundance and those who have not made what they have be taken away and that people don't understand that teaching of Jesus very well because today 95 % of the people believe that it's
Arminianism all right and 5 % believe that God's in control if you go back just to the 1600 1700s flip -flop 90 to 95 % of the people understood
God was in control only 5 % believed like an Arminian at that point at least among Protestant people so that's flip -flopped in the wrong direction in these end times that's because we have so many false teachers
I believe but the point is what that verse means Bill is so beautiful you're talking about it today those who have will be given more abundantly that means you have the calling you have you have the namesake of being part of the family of God and before the foundation of the world you had it
God knew you already and it means he knew you with love as part of his family before he created anything you already had that namesake you were part of that family
God's family not Satan's family and so that's those who have in other words who have that namesake will be given more abundantly even in this life and after this life but those who don't have the non -elect even what they have will be taken away and what is that that's their physical life their life will be taken away and their eternal life is non -existent they'll live eternally but they'll be separated from God eternally that's not life that's called eternal death so what they have even will be taken away they have a little bit of life now on this earth this is their heaven if you can say it that way wouldn't you hate for this to be your heaven you know there are some heavenly things when
I look at my grandbabies in the face and they smile at me I mean there's a little touch of heaven right there you see
God's love and you feel it and it's there and it's real so we have part of heaven as Christians we can live a heavenly life here and we do and we try harder every day to be more and more holy as he is holy that's the part of our responsibility that's the difficult part for me
I don't know about you it's difficult but we work at it and the Holy Spirit wonderfully is working at it in each of us and the
Word of God is always working at that mold us more into the image of Christ so anyway as you come from that into time when
Genesis 1 1 God creates everything everything that is and time also as part of that now we have a timeline if you want to call it that I'm not so sure it's a straight line but that's how we view it and in that line two things happen in these passages we're studying in Romans 8 29 and 32 things happen in time the first is called the calling and I think doctrinally you could separate that from regeneration but from the point of view of this study since it's not it doesn't include everything in the whole
Bible it alludes to the calling is the calling but it also alludes to the regeneration because it happens at the same moment as the effectual calling the
Holy Spirit does about 33 things to us one of them is he first thing is he regenerates us he brings us from death to life he does that at the calling and it happens in time on your spiritual birthday and the second thing is those who are called are also what justified right and that's what we're talking about now so these are the two things that happen in time then it goes out the other end into future into eternity and that's called they are also glorified right we'll get to that later so we're on the two things that are in time now we're actually done with the calling now we're on the second one that's justification and that's where we were we kind of started that out last time the word itself means to be rendered righteous notice there's nothing in the word study of the word itself that means you can do it to yourself even the word itself sounds passive to be rendered righteous that's obviously means someone else rendered you right or counted you as if you're righteous and that happens to be the
Father and God the Father counts you as if you're righteous because he has been propitiated by the death of Jesus that means satisfied that his justice is taken care of with regard to you and me because we are the elect we are known by him where his children and Jesus took our sins on his body on the tree and died in our place and removed our sins from us took them upon himself and then he gave us his righteousness and so God is propitiated the
Father is satisfied that your sin debt is paid in full and because of that he sees you as if you're already glorified now
Jesus doesn't he sees us when we sin he's with us in time and so is the Holy Spirit that's why we can grieve the
Holy Spirit we can quench the Holy Spirit you could only do that with God in time the
Father is not grieved nor ever quenched by you isn't that wonderful to know he sees you as glorified why was he rendered you just why by the blood of Jesus he sent his
Holy Spirit at the calling to sprinkle you with that blood individually it's already been sprinkled by Jesus on the mercy seat in heaven turning it from a justice seat to a mercy seat and now he sprinkles it to you on your spiritual birthday that's one of the other 33 things he does he sprinkles you with the blood of Jesus spiritually all over you or you're totally you're totally covered by the blood and the
Father sees that and he is satisfied he is propitiated and his justice has been satisfies and he sees you as if you've never sinned that's what justified means and that's what we're studying right now just as if you'd never sinned he rendered you as righteous love just the word study itself is all we need but we have much more we have this whole passage that we studied last time and within that little passage from verse chat we go back to Romans chapter 3 but from verse 23 to 28 we see seven things that we have to understand if we ever have a hope of understanding justification and what
God has done for us remember that justification is part of what we call the finished work of Jesus Christ it's all based on his work none of our work nothing to do our work doesn't play a role in it doesn't help it it doesn't make it better it doesn't make it last longer has nothing to do with it it's positional it we have it because God rendered us to have it and it's all from the blood of Jesus plus nothing we do we receive it as a gift with joy but we didn't do anything to get it he gave it to us and you need to understand and I need to understand these seven things and we'll be covering those so last time we covered the first one a little bit but it takes more than one time to totally cover that one and that is the depravity of man now let's go back a minute where do we get that from look at verse 23 can you see it up there at the top for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God that's the depravity of man it's taught throughout the scripture this beautiful passage on salvation starts with it and God started with it because he put
Genesis the first few chapters of Genesis is where man fell from the garden into sin right and outside the garden he went and that's where we are today so it starts with the depravity of man in verse 23 and so that's kind of where we were last time now we talked about this
I put those verses up last time and I said where do you think that comes from and it's really interesting because how many people do evil well it's interesting because when you look at Romans 3 23 for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God how many is all so how many human beings do evil all and now you come into verse 20 at the bottom of wherever this is you already know because you were here last
Sunday I'll pop it up there it's in John chapter 3 right in the same context as John 3 16 but you got to take all of it in context you can't just take 16 only so when you look at verse 20 everyone that does evil hates the light now who is the light
Jesus so every human in their natural state hates Jesus and that is total depravity
I have people come up to me meetings around the country when we used to could have them for pre virus
BV I guess you would call it no BC before Corona I like that BC all right now let's call it
BV before the virus before that people come up to me and ask me well you don't really believe that in total depravity do you doesn't mean that doesn't mean you're totally depraved that man can't see
God at all I'm saying well okay so I don't believe John 3 16 either right because John 3 20 is total depravity isn't it does it leave anyone out everyone that does evil hates the light and verse 23 says all have done evil so every human hates the light that is total depravity it gets worse than death though not only does it that they hate the light it says neither cometh to the light that's total depravity not one natural human ever comes to Jesus of their own will and yet that totally knocks out most religion of today because it's based on people choosing
Jesus is it not and yet the Bible says Jesus chooses you by his spirit when he sends him at the calling all have sinned and come short of the glory of God the
Bible says and while we were yet sinners hath he called us has he quickened us that's the regeneration and once he quickened us a lot of effects came from that and we've discussed that so many times we believed we repented we wanted to do good works get baptized we wanted to start going to church one to tithe all the things that different denominations say you have to do to either get saved or stay saved which is blasphemy by the way all the ones that say you got to do that to get saved or stay saved or wrong because those are effects and effect can never be the cause of the cause
Charles Spurgeon said that he was right about it some of us have studied logic like he did it's a perfectly true logical statement that a an effect can never be the cause of the cause all none of those things cause your salvation your salvation is caused by the calling which was caused by the foreknowledge and predestination of God which was caused because of his will his desire to save you so that shows you're special he's known you from the foundation of the world with love he's loved you from the foundation of the world and those who have that will be given in abundance according to Bill's Sunday school lesson and those who don't have it what they have will be taken away now that makes sense all of a sudden doesn't it all of it fits brother
Ron if you understand who's in control verse 29 used to never make sense to me and did
I get it right is it verse 29 and Luke 16 I believe it is well we were in Luke 6 it okay we did both so tell me which one
Matthew 25 point 29 Matthew 25 29 that's the one that says what they have will be given in abundance and what they lack good okay parallel passage you taught on it though so it was awesome well
I mean people people don't understand it but here it is you have the depravity of man how many people do evil all and how many hate the light all and so how do you get saved you have to be called now at the moment you are called you're also justified but the first thing we need to do to understand justification is we need to understand the depravity of man because if we don't understand the depravity of man we think justification is something we do now listen to me if we don't understand the depravity of man then we think justification is something we do we live right and God accepts us and that's a lie from Satan and it's based on Arminianism which is based on humanism which is based on not understanding the total depravity of man in his natural state and in her natural state so we must start there and this is where God didn't start with John 3 16 he started with Genesis 1 chapter 1 2 and 3 let's look at it
Genesis 3 4 and the serpent said unto the woman ye shall not surely die but what have
God told her you will die if you say if you eat the fruit of this one tree which is my tree
God said if you eat that you will die and Satan comes to her as remember what loose for means son of the morning is his name
Satan's name is son of the morning son of light some interpretations call it he comes to her as an angel of light and says that God didn't
God's not gonna kill you he loves you he wants you to know everything he knows you just you're interpreting it wrong so he gives you his interpretation gave her his interpretation you won't surely die for God knows in the day that you eat thereof then your eyes will be open and you shall be
God's knowing good is evil good and evil and surely God would want you to be like him and like me
Satan said and no good and evil right now all you know is good and so what did Eve ask for when she ate that fruit she said well
I'd like to know he I want to not I don't want to just know good I want to know evil too so now from that point till today that's what we get we mentioned earlier you have a bit of heaven here you look in the eyes of your grandbaby and see the love of God and you're in heaven for a moment right but tragic things can happen in this life can they not
I hate to even speak of it I don't like to even speak of it but you know it can right tragic things can happen so we get the good with the bad because we asked for it and Adam and Eve did what they wanted to do that's what all humans do and God held them accountable for it and yet it didn't surprise
God it was part of his divine plan because without sin we wouldn't have had a cross without the cross
God couldn't have shown us the breadth of his love so none of it surprised God but yet man did what he wanted to do and God held him responsible there's the will of man and the sovereignty of God fitting very well together
I learned that from brother Otis and when the woman saw that the tree was good for food and that it was pleasant to the eyes and a tree to be desired to make one wise she took the fruit thereof and did eat and gave also to her husband and he did eat the
Bible goes on elsewhere and tells us that I'm sorry Eve did that because she was deceived she thought she was doing
God's will that should put a shutter through us so every time we see something miraculous can we just assume
God did that every time we see a healing every time we see something grand happen can we just assume
God did it or can Satan do some of those things and that's why the Bible says we must try the spirits
Eve didn't try the spirits at all now elsewhere in Scripture not here but elsewhere the
Bible tells us that Adam knew exactly what he was doing it did not deceive him he knew it and interpreted it correctly and he ate the fruit for an entirely different reason and I you have to have a theory about that one the
Bible doesn't necessarily tell us exactly what he was thinking but I think he was looking at Eve what do you gentlemen think
God I mean God puts her there I don't know they had been together a long time
I think it because think about it well we don't know do we know if Adam named all the animals after he was made
I guess he did some of that before she was made because God later said he still doesn't have a companion right all right so I don't know how long that the two of them had been together but it doesn't really matter
I know this he loved her and he knew instantly she was bound for hell did he not didn't he soon as she ate it wouldn't he know that because he was not deceived and I think he thought maybe if I eat it
God won't destroy all humanity I'm just this is purely David Mitchell theory it's not biblical at all but that's probably what
I'd have been thinking if this happened to my wife I've been thinking well she just lost her life and so I'm going with her and we'll see what
God does with that that's a little bit Arminian don't you think Adam thinking he can change
God but guess what God already had a plan because Jesus was slain before the foundation of the world but Adam didn't know that yet but God showed him very quickly when he killed the first animal and took those fig leaves off of him that did not cover their nakedness at all and he put the animal skins on him because that took blood sacrifice to create that and he taught
God taught them that they caused that death to happen they'd never seen anything killed before they caused that death to happen and that is a picture of a
Messiah that I'm going to send for you who will come from your line and it says that Eve was saved through childbearing remember that verse she had to have children and there would be a lineage and then the
Messiah would be born and this death of this animal pictures the fact that he will die with your sins on his body they knew that from the beginning and taught it one to another orally all the way down to the times of Moses when
Moses pinned it by the inspiration of Holy Spirit before that it was all taught father to son and the father was the priest of the family and taught it to the wife and the kids and they passed it down all that time until Moses but we see here that man left the garden at that point didn't they by their own what choice would you say would you say that it was free will or would you just say it was a choice did they do what they wanted to do when they ate the fruit yeah but was it free will did
Eve decide to eat that fruit on her own or did someone put the thought in her mind Satan put the thought in her mind
Lucifer put the thought in her mind so it was not sovereign will on her part it was influenced will so man doesn't really have free will but he does have a will and let me ask you this was her will important her decision was that an important decision absolutely and God judged her for it because she did what she wanted to do and the rest is history so you know we need to teach our children that even though God's in control the choices you make are extremely important and they all have a reaction everything you do has a reaction in the world in the universe and it can cause
God's blessings it can cause God's chastening it can cause people to die it can cause people to be happy and have abundant life every choice you make does something we need to teach our kids that but here we see that the eyes of both of them were open and they knew that they were naked and they sewed figs fig leaves together and made themselves aprons which
God said that's not sufficient it doesn't cover you well enough man's had a problem with that since that time hasn't he still has a problem with it and they heard the voice of the
Lord walking in the garden and in the cool of day and Adam and his wife hid themselves look at this one most sad verses in the
Bible they were used to spending personal time in God's presence every day in the cool of the day and now they didn't want that anymore now let me ask you this how many times have you had a time maybe when you were under some type of pressure or trouble and you went outside your house and you got alone with the
Lord and you said why won't you just let me see you do something let me know you're there have you ever done that who's not done that everyone's done that right why doesn't he show himself because we chose for him not to that is a really impactful verse in the
Bible all of this came before John 316 the depravity of man where he walked with physical
God which had to be Jesus Christ a theophany it was Jesus Christ because the Father is not in time and space but Jesus was there walking with them and they hid from him right and now we live in that state from now on so there's the fall the subsequent depravity of man and I say subsequent that's how the theologians teach it
I have a problem with that personally myself I happen to think that they had to have already had a nature that would do that or they wouldn't have done it but many theologians teach that the eating of the fruit caused them to be fallen and depraved
I do think it caused them to fall but I don't think it caused them to eat the fruit do you
I think their human nature caused them to do that so you can debate on whether it caused the depravity or whether the depravity came as a result
I mean I can tell you this Adam was created straight from God's hand was he not and he didn't do a whole lot of sinning before that happened did he how much did he do before this happened none and he walked with God in his presence and apparently enjoyed it a great deal all right but nothing had been presented to them yet all they'd ever seen was good and God all of a sudden
Satan shows up now that's debatable too because do you find it interesting that Eve didn't fall back and and gasp and be fearful when that serpent spoke to her she just acted normal like she had heard animals speak before don't you think if you just read it like she said oh hi you know like that would you have done that if a snake talked to you so she was used to it so apparently he was hanging out down around there but I don't think he had tempted him yet at all but as soon as he did what happened their nature responded to the temptation did it not especially the woman no
I'm kidding I'm looking at Pam when I said that man and woman responded to the temptation because they had the equipment to respond with which is a sin nature didn't they and if you want to debate theological then let's don't call it sin nature let's call it human nature they had that didn't they and they fell now that changed everything from man's viewpoint changed nothing from God's viewpoint because he planned it and he was pleased with his plan because it includes him showing us his love in a greater way than he could have ever done in that garden it's a beautiful amazing story no human could have thought it up could they
Romans 11 verse 3 chapter 3 verse 11 there is none that understandeth there is none that seeketh after God total depravity but it started in the early chapters of Genesis are you with me we can't understand grace and we cannot understand justification if we don't understand that's where we are when we meet
God is we're in a place where we don't want to meet God so that proves we don't cause it we don't make the choice by deciding whether we accept
Jesus or not because the decision would 100 % be no I don't want him just like it was three seconds before you got saved and every day before that your whole life you chose to be your own
God and so did I and then something changed us something changed us it's passive from our viewpoint active from the
Holy Spirit's viewpoint he called us he opened our eyes he opened our ears while we were yet in our sin he quickened us he brought us to life and he showed us our
Savior our Shepherd and we were sheep already so we responded because naturally that's what sheep do and we received him as our personal
Lord and Savior because we what wanted to so what did the Holy Spirit have to do to us at our calling in order to be able to justify us he first had to change our want to we never had a want to for Jesus now we do and that's we feel it from our soul to the our very souls and spirit and our body from our head to the bottom of our feet we totally feel it in that moment and we do exactly what we want to do we receive
Jesus as our Lord and Savior and with that and at the same moment some 33 other things happen but one of them is that God justified us at that moment he rendered us to be righteous he took our sins away and had already placed them in Jesus body 2 ,000 years earlier on human time with the father it's just now so he took our sins put them in him took
Jesus's righteousness put that on us and now we stand justified and that's the only way
God could save us because we were totally depraved and didn't want any of it so how special are you that God would do that for you and to you and did he violate your will no he just changed your nature the
Bible says very clearly that we're a new creation does it not we're a new creature we are now gened after the father not our human parents so what do people who are gened after God want they want
God's things did you know your new man will never sin because it does not desire to sin it hates sin your new man first John says cannot sin and will not sin because you've been re -gened so God didn't force you to do something you didn't want to do he just changed your want to because he changed he gave you his nature and that's how salvation has always worked and it's the only way it's ever worked and ever will work no matter what the modern churches say about how it works this is called the pro evangelium and it's found in genesis 3 15 and they call it that in latin because it is the first allusion to the gospel message and to the messiah and the whole bible other than maybe what
God told Adam and Eve it's not in not written for us but this is written for us and i will put enmity between thee and the woman and between the seed thy seed and her seed and it shall bruise thy head and thou shalt bruise his heel that speaks of upcoming messiah and the battle between lucifer and jesus christ and how lucifer would bruise his heel by putting him on the cross and they those who know about crucifixion say when they put that thing and it goes and falls down in that hole and and it just jars the body that it bruised the heel of the person that's on the cross but in the same time period jesus destroyed the head of satan so satan bruised his heel but he destroyed he crushed satan's head on that cross and especially in the resurrection in the days to come so that's the first allusion to the coming messiah and adam and eve were taught about this by the father and he also taught them the sacrificial system and the pictures that were in it of their messiah and what he would do for them matthew 13 27 so the servants of the householder came and said unto him sir did not thy did you sow good seed didn't you sow good seed in your field from whence then came the tear so let's let's shift gears just for a few minutes we have seen very clearly that adam and eve made a choice of their will and they chose the flesh and the devil and the world system after being tempted and there was a resulting fall from the garden of eden and yet very soon thereafter the father himself or perhaps we'd say jesus in time and space which is god with us isn't he sacrificed the first animal and gave the first blood offering and said that's a picture of what i'm going to do for you and the woman will be saved through childbearing there will be a messiah that comes and dies in your place and takes your sins away so remember that every time you do this sacrifice remember that's coming in the future and trust that for your salvation and by grace i'm saving you there's nothing you can do to deserve to be saved now that you've eaten that fruit but i'm going to save you by grace by sending a savior who will die in your place so that's being justified by grace and they learned it just moments after they fell i believe or maybe he did like i did my kids and sent them back to the study for a while to think about it didn't you guys do that too was that y 'all somebody else some other parents do the same thing probably a lot of parents do that let them think for a little bit about the sin they had done in the spanking they're about to get but god so god god let them think about a little bit but he very quickly showed them his grace and mercy didn't he so now we have a situation where we see that all men who were born into the world beyond adam and eve now adam was fully man wasn't he but he wasn't born so you don't have to be born of human parents to be fully human are you with me on that because that's going to be important later to understand you don't have to be born of a woman to be fully human because adam was not born of a woman was he and he was fully human now eve was not born of a woman either was she but was she fully human she certainly had a human nature and she was fully human keep that in mind for later but here they are now after that though it says adam knew eve and she conceived and that shows us the bible meaning for the word no in the scripture throughout with no exception always means to know a person with a loving intimate knowledge that's how god knew us his foreknowledge means he knew us as a person doesn't mean he looked out and saw what we were doing because if he saw that he would just see us sinning he would see us choosing ourself day after day after day all the way up to the moment the holy spirit called us we were choosing self choosing self choosing self so he didn't call us because of anything good he saw in us that's not what foreknowledge means he called us because he loved us as his own child before the foundation of the world as we are he loved us he's the one that changes us so the change did not cause the salvation it was a result of it so anyway here we have boys and girls being born into the world and we know the history of the first few that were born don't we all right so what do you think it was like when adam and eve saw that animal killed for the first time and god clothed them and pointed out that the blood was a picture of a coming messiah and of my grace and mercy to take your sins away and it's as if i put your sins on that animal before i killed it and then i covered you with his skin it's a picture of what jesus is going to do how do you think they felt when they saw the first animal killed there'd been no death in the garden right not even plants could die i don't suppose i guess they ate them though but certainly no animals died so now they saw bloodshed for the first time how do you think they felt what do you think what do you think ron what'd that feel like to them it'd be horrifying don't you think yeah okay so let me ask you this ladies i'm going to ask you ladies this how do you think they felt when they saw their first child slain by their other child when kane killed his brother apparently picked up a rock and smashed his skull and showed his brain matter on the ground and it said his blood cried out to heaven so he just he just spilled abundant blood after being killed by his brother and the parents went and saw that ladies how did that feel you can't even imagine it now it's bad now when that happens but we've seen a million people killed on tv right we're we see birth we see death and murder around us all the time we're immune a little bit but they had never seen it and now it's their child and uh wow so now you have babies being born and some of them are elect and some of them are non -elect some of them are sheep some are goats some are wheat and some are tares and we live in a world like that we don't have to do anything but read the news and we know that right now i want us to think about that with a little bit of time we have left today and let's look at this parable in matthew 13.