The Parable of the Sower, Pt. 1 (02/13/2000)

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Pastor David Mitchell


The Parable of the Sower, Pt. 2 (02/20/2000) | NOTE: Incomplete tape

we spend some time before we got into this chapter in the Old Testament talking about the mixed multitude and we're gonna look at chapter 13 of Matthew which talks speaks of the kingdom of The Lord and The fact that it does include at least the way the phrase is used in the
Bible It includes what Jesus called wheat and tares and good fish and bad fish, etc
And we'll get to some of those parables as we go, but we started out here in the first part of the chapter with this parable of the sower and There's a lot to be learned from this parable.
So we'll be in it for today and probably another Sunday at least so let's
Have a word of prayer and we'll get started with chapter 13 Father we ask that you would bless the
Bible study time now and that your Holy Spirit would move among us and Work in our hearts teach us spiritual truths that Maybe we've not seen before That you have for us today that we would need in our lives until you come back so so that we might be better servants for you and As we go into the fields
With the Word of God that we might know what to do with the Word of God and we ask it in Jesus name.
Amen Let's start with verse 1. We'll do just a little bit of review in case you weren't here last
Sunday The same day went Jesus out of the house and sat by the seaside and great multitudes were gathered together unto him
So that he went into a ship and sat and the whole multitude stood on the shore
And he spake many things into them in parables Saying and then this
Begins the first parable and I want to stop just just a moment We're gonna pick right back up there in a minute
But let's talk about what a parable is who can remember from last time what a parable is somebody tell me what a parable
What's a good definition? Doesn't have to be technical. But just what is one? All right.
What what kind though? What is usually used? That's right
Usually it takes something very common to us in life something that's just everyday life that all human beings know about Something that as soon as this story begins to be told your mind just says
I've been there I've seen that before and then Jesus would take that and teach a spiritual truth
With it that the interesting thing about parables is that it didn't always work that way with everybody that was there in the auditorium
On the on the seashore as this case was Let's look down here because they asked him look at verse 10
They were curious about this They said why do you speak to them in parables and Look at his answer in verse 11.
We talked about this last time, but I want to review it a little bit He answered and said unto them because it is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven
But to them it is not given so we have to understand there are two groups of people there's you and there's them and Jesus said to one group these mysteries are given to the other group.
They are not given in verse 12 says for whosoever hath to him shall be given and He shall have in more abundance
But whosoever hath not from him shall be taken away even that what he has and then he talks about the fact that this goes back into the book of Isaiah the prophet
Isaiah and it is a fulfillment of that prophecy because they seeing see not and Hearing they hear not neither.
Do they understand and in them is fulfilled the prophecy of Isaiah Excuse me, which saith by hearing you shall hear and ye shall not understand and seeing you shall see
And you shall not perceive For this people's heart is waxed gross and their ears are dull of hearing and their eyes
They have closed Lest at any time they should see with their eyes and hear with their ears and should understand with their heart and should be
Reconverted and I should heal them But blessed are your eyes now that word but is very important here because it's a contrast
It's like woe be unto those who are in the above group but blessed be you
Because your eyes can see in your ears for they hear Now the interesting thing about verse 11 if you get into some of the very
Greek grammar of this passage It begins to reveal some things that a lot of people in the world.
They do not remember about the Bible and about God in Verse 11.
It says look at the phrase where it says because it is given unto you you see that It is given unto you
In the grammar of that when you look at the verb given it is found in the perfect tense
Now let's remind each other what that means because the only one that usually remembers that is mrs. Rogers and she's not here today because she teaches it every day we forget but the perfect tense means
That the action in this sentence Was not done by you.
It was done by one greater and above you and it was done to you that's what it means when it says it's passive and So when it says it is given unto you it means this is not something you could have done on your own
This is not something that you can make happen. It had to be done to you by God It had to be given to you by God himself.
It is truly speaking of the gift of faith That God gives and who can remember whose faith it is.
God gives us The Bible tells us It says the faith of Jesus Christ Isn't that amazing?
I've come to understand that the faith that I have that saved me was not
David Mitchell's belief It was Jesus's faith that God gave me
And I've even studied this year and I've looked through the entire Bible and I've not found one human being
Other than Jesus who ever believed that what God said was right No one ever believed
God except Jesus and Those to whom God gave Jesus's faith
Now when God gives you the gift of faith as it says here He answered and said of them because it is given unto you to know
The mysteries of the kingdom of God to understand the mind of God to understand the things of God It's been given to you.
It is a gift of faith. It's the same faith Jesus had and He gives it to us and then we can respond with belief for the first time in our life a lot of people get the
Cart before the horse, I think a lot of people think that the man chooses to believe and so then
God saves him and The fact is God gives you Jesus's faith
So that you can believe for the first time the light comes on That's why Jesus called it being born again, can you imagine
When Matthew would I'll use my family. I love to use them. May I could use Katie? No, I'll use
Matthew Can you imagine when Matthew was in his mommy's tummy still?
And he calls out to her and says now mommy I Will be a good boy if you'll let me be born
In fact, I'll start being good right now and I'll believe in you. I believe you can give me everything.
I need in life. If you'll let me be born. Does that make sense? That's not how it happened.
Was it? He couldn't do that because he didn't have at least physical life in this world yet But you know what, you know what happened the moment
I mean, I was there when he came forth into the world when he was given birth
You know what? The first thing he wanted was He wanted his mama
All of a sudden I'll promise you he had great faith in her He believed in her.
He said Lay me right there on top of her close to her and that's the same way.
It is spiritually I don't know why we think it's different. Jesus said you must be born again. He used it as the perfect example
It has to be a gift faith has to be given to you you have to be born before you can live
You have to be born again before you can ever believe in God or obey God or love God You have to have that light come on just like Paul did on the
Damascus Road when he looked up and said Oh Lord What would you have me to do? He wasn't saying that before he saw
Jesus was it? It all happens instantaneously and we have trouble understanding it, but I'll promise you that this gift
He answered and sent of them because it is given unto you This gift has to be given before you can respond with belief or love or faith or good works or any of it
It comes from God first. God is always the one who initiates
It's used in another example in the Bible where it speaks of Jesus as the bridegroom and us is the bride
Now the way it used to be in the world Young people you teenagers in case you don't know how it's supposed to be
Used to the way it was it was always the young man who initiated the relationship
It was not the young girls who were calling the guys on the telephone Don't do that.
It's inappropriate. Let the guy call you and Only if dad allows it
But the the young bridegroom would see the one that he thought was his and he would then pursue her and begin to woo her
And she could care less about him at first But she finally responded with love because he first loved her and there's another example
So it always is initiated with God and that's why this is in the perfect tense. It is something that is given to you
It's not something you can do on your own It's passive now look at verse 14 and Endem is fulfilled the prophecy of Isaiah of which saith
By hearing you shall hear and shall not understand and now this is going to be very important to understand the parable.
We're about to study They heard but they did not understand and they saw but they did not perceive
Now this word understand in other words, it was striking their ear. So they were hearing the message
But that's as far as it went with some people But then there were other people that it went beyond that and they understood now the
Greek word for understand if you remember from last Time it comes from two little Greek words soon, which means together and a may e which means
What does that mean Oh to put to place So it means to place together
So to understand literally means to be able to put it all together where you understand it It's far more than just hearing something
It's hearing it with a heart that understands it and then this word perceive where he says some people could see
Jesus standing there teaching they could see but they couldn't perceive and This word perceive is
I do in in the Greek language And it means to behold in the sense of knowing and being aware of something
So it's interesting that he uses the senses the eye and the ear and he said everybody there
Saw it and heard it But not everyone heard with understanding or saw with perception
But some did Now, why is it that some didn't though? Look at verse 15.
It tells us why remember all of this is answering their question Why do you teach in parables Jesus said because it's not given for some people understand this stuff
Now, what does that mean? That's an awesome statement. It goes against everything. We've been taught in modern theology
That's exactly what Jesus taught over and over again Why is it that some did not have this ability to understand and perceive even though they heard and they saw?
Because this people's heart is waxed to gross Now that waxed gross is passive That's kind of interesting because it means the heart did not do this on its own
Have you ever studied about Pharaoh in in the book of Exodus? How many of you studied that recently anybody fairly recently?
Isn't it interesting as you go in there and you read about that? that one verse that'll say and Pharaoh's heart was hardened
By the Lord, it'll say God hardened. Hey Pharaoh's heart you go down read a couple of verses below that It'll say and Pharaoh hardened his heart
Then you go down to three verses later. I'll say and his heart was hardened by the Lord That's amazing, isn't it?
Well this group of people that could not perceive and understand this thing It says their heart was waxed gross and it's passive.
It means the heart didn't do it on its own It was acted upon by a higher force Now I will admit that it could mean in this sentence that the heart was acted upon by the people themselves
That they just grew hardened and did not want to listen and for several generations
They hadn't listened these Pharisees hadn't But it could also easily mean that the heart was made that way by God himself to fulfill his purposes just like he did
Pharaoh But I'll tell you one thing They were not given this gift to understand these mysteries
Why? God and his purposes did not choose to give it to these people but look what else it says in verse 15 and Their eyes
They have closed circle the word they because this is not passive.
This is active Which means they did it themselves What does that tell you that tells you they did exactly what they wanted to do?
Their will was coming into play God has given man a will God has allowed man to make choices and These people made a choice and they chose to close their eyes now you answer this.
Are they responsible for that? Will they answer for that someday? If they close their eyes
To being able to behold Jesus Yes, they certainly will They'll be judged for that very action
And so this is what Jesus answered when he said why do you teach in parables? I mean, it's you can't just read over that you have to study that it teaches both the sovereignty of God and the responsibility of man in the same phrase
Now wait, that's just a little bit of review. It's interesting according to Criswell Approximately 35 % of all of Jesus's teachings were in parables.
That's quite a large amount He often spoke in parables Last week we discussed the fact that Jesus gave his answer to why do you teach in parables?
And we just hit on it a little bit this morning. Let me tell you what Ryrie says How many of you have a Ryrie study
Bible anybody got one? This is what Ryrie says about this Concerning why did
Jesus teach in parables and I quote he taught in parables So that the only ones who could understand and be saved were quote
Those who are properly related to him In that interest, what do you mean by that?
You'd have to ask Ryrie what he meant But he says it fairly well, doesn't he?
Now Ryrie is interesting because he has a way of saying that where it doesn't offend anybody You know what
I'm saying? It really today we live in a day where it would be offensive to people if you said God chooses who he wants to I mean that would offend people
And then you know now we as parents it's okay for us to Choose to have children and You know to choose to spend probably more time with our children and we do other people's children because these are our children
It's okay for us to favor our children, but it's not okay for God to Anymore because God has to love everybody now because we're in a day where everybody's preached
God loves everybody But my Bible teaches he loves his own and he has set his love upon his own all the way back from Deuteronomy Chapter 7 which takes it all the way back to before you can wherever far back you can go and pick a time
It's before that He already loved you Now don't get mad about that be glad about it.
Imagine it It will if you go home when you think about it It'll make you fall on your face and praise
God because he chose you because he didn't have to in theory
But you know what, you know, I didn't have to because he never made the decision He's always loved you now, that's deep, isn't it?
But that ought to make your heart happy even when things aren't going well, even when the circumstances aren't right you can't stop that love he set that love upon you before anything was made that is made and He certainly set it upon you before you did good or bad
Just like the little babies born before death. I mean Matthew couldn't get born by promising to be good He was born
His mom and dad took care of all that and he was brought into this world with nothing to do with himself
But once he was here all of a sudden he could respond to us and we can respond back and he can respond back and and so It's interesting here that Ryrie says he taught in parables
Because only those who had who were properly related to Jesus would be saved By that he meant the elect
I'll put it in plain English What does Matthew Henry say about this? This is beautiful.
Matthew Henry says a parable like the pillar of cloud and fire
Turns a dark side towards the Egyptian which confounds them but a bright side towards the
Israelites which comforts them a Parable is a shell that keeps good fruit for the diligent, but it keeps it from the slothful in that something and Then Matthew Henry went on to say the hearing ear and the seeing eye are
God's work It's a fact folks it's not popular today and when
Jesus taught about the sovereignty of God they would always pick up stones They would always have the stones in their hand ready to cast them at him
Now let's go into Matthew 13 19 and take a look at this parable. We were at We were at verse 4.
Let me read that and then we're gonna jump forward to verse 19 verse 4 says Well, let's we got to do verse 3 and he spake many things and to them in parables saying and now he's gonna begin the parable behold a sower went forth to sow and When he sowed some seeds fell
And he's going to talk about four different places the seed falls four different types of soil
But the thing we want to start with this morning is that the sower went forth to sow
Why? Because that was part of God's purpose This is picturing a farmer who goes out and just scatters the seeds throughout the fields
The seed represents the Word of God The field represents the world in the sense of the earth and all of the people in the world
It does include it includes every human being on the face of the earth
Now what's interesting about it is God tells us right there what our job is our job is to sow the seeds everywhere
It does not tell us we can tell immediately whether the soil that it hits is
Right for the seed or not. He never said that was our job. Our job is to throw the seeds everywhere
Now, let me tell you what a hyper Calvinist is in case someone ever tries to accuse you of being one since you believe
God's in Control now all of a sudden you're gonna be called a hyper Calvinist someday a hyper
Calvinist is someone who believes you don't have to sow the seed a Hyper Calvinist is someone who believes
God does that too? He sows the seed and you don't have to sow any and God never told you to sow any and that of course is false
The very first statement in this study is that you have to sow the seed we call that witnessing don't we?
Now sometimes our idea what witnessing is a little off depending on what we've been taught Witnessing just means to sow the
Word of God So the Word of God, it doesn't mean to sow the Romans Road or the
Isaiah Road I used to know roads in just about every book It means just give the
Word of God out where you go. You could be sitting at a coffee table Speaking with a friend and you could have another person walk up an acquaintance that recognizes you and walks over to the table
And they're talking about, you know the Dallas Cowboys and how sorry they are and all of this stuff in the world and and all of a sudden you could just you could just throw out some little phrase that comes from the
Bible and It doesn't wouldn't really necessarily matter what it is But it I'm sure that the
Holy Spirit would put it in your mind or you wouldn't even thought to say it But you just might say something like well tell you what though Lord sure is good, isn't he?
That'd be kind of a weak thing to say But I mean if you said that You know what that person's gonna respond in one way or another when you say that all you got to do is watch his eyes
And you start to seeing soil a little bit you start to see soil. I Mean you might see some rocks
Or you might see some thorns and thistles around this person Are you might see you might not see anything really?
But you might see their eyes brighten up and say what you know, he is good, isn't he? And all of a sudden they respond in a positive way.
You might throw another seed, you know, the farmer doesn't How many of you have done some gardening?
All right, when you want to plant if you wanted to have Watermelon come up.
Would you just put one watermelon seed there? Or would you put several?
So when you're sowing seed, don't you want to get it you want to get an abundance of seed out there? You want to if any if you want to air air on the side throw a little bit too much right
Throw the seeds. So we start this study by understanding that our place in all of God's work is
Simply to witness to put the Word of God out there where we are where if you go to the grocery store the beauty shop barbershop
Wherever you go or Put it out there You don't have to give them the
Roman road. Just say something about the Lord say something about the word Throw out a
Bible principle that God places in your heart. If all of a sudden it comes in your heart. Don't let it go away
That's probably the Holy Spirit saying, you know, I'm putting this here because this person over here needs to hear this So work it into the conversation somehow
In a natural way if you can Sow the seed your job is to go forth sowing seed.
Do we have that we can move on now that was deep wasn't it? Now as we get into some of this we find out what our job is not
But we do know what our job is is to sow the seed So he goes out to make a long story a little bit shorter.
He sows the seed It hits four different kinds of soil it hits the pathway. There used to be a pathway in between where they could walk through The crops some of the seed hit that pathway
It was hard almost like cement and the seed lay there and all of a sudden the birds would come and eat the seed
Some soil would hit a place that looked pretty good but if you got closer and examined it it had rocks all under it and the soil was just very thin on top of rocks and That seed would stay there and because it could easily take
Get a start It would spring up and The farmer might think well, this is growing faster than anything else and all of a sudden though When the height of the
Sun comes up, it's scorched it and it just falls over and dies because it's on top of a rock and they can't take root and Then there's some that falls over here on some ground that just have to be kind of close to the edge of the property
Gets up under there and there's thorns and thistles and it's just gnarly in there and it grows and it comes up in there
But all of a sudden it's just choked out by the weeds and thorns and thistles and then one fourth of the seed
Falls in place that he calls good soil good ground and it comes up and it always does one thing
What's that? What does it do It always yields fruit now, it doesn't always yield the same amount
Some 30 fold some 60 some 100 that's the story that Jesus told and they said why did you tell that like that?
What does it mean? Well, isn't it wonderful that his disciples had been given ears to understand and you know
What they not only had ears to understand they had a teacher who would go further with it
They had a teacher that would take it beyond just the words on that paper right there You do too
They heard the story They had ears to hear it But they didn't understand the depth of it.
And so they asked Lord teach us more what you meant by this Did you know you can do that as you study the word?
You can do that. And what happens when you do it is you come down in here in the verse 19 in verse 19 it says
When anyone heareth the word of the kingdom and understandeth it not
Then cometh the wicked one and catcheth away that which was sown in his heart This is he which received seed by the wayside
Verse 18 Jesus said hear ye therefore the parable of the sower That's the
Holy Spirit teaching you the depths of the truth That God gives us
Well, when we look at this first soil This is the pathway
Jesus explained it to him. He said well It's like when that seed hits that hard pathway the bird comes and takes it
He said what that really is that Satan coming and snatching the Word of God out of the mind of this person
Before it ever gets to his heart Is that a frightening? visualization
Jesus taught this so this is exactly what happens You can have a congregation of people you can put the word out there
But there's gonna be somebody out there that before it ever even gets to where they can think about it
Satan comes and snatches that out that information is totally gone from their head it never even got thought about it never was pondered and it certainly never made it down to the heart and so Matthew Henry says this about this group of people
Such mindless careless trifling hearers are an easy prey to Satan Who as he is the great murderer of souls?
So he is the great thief of sermons He plucks them right out of people's head before they ever can take root and Then he goes on to say this the saddest condition that a man can be in is to sit under the most lively Ordinances with a dead stupid untouched heart and yet a full fourth of the people
Will be that way and I don't believe it's meant to be taken strictly mathematically It's probably far more than a fourth a fourth of the people
But we are we're picturing it here that a lot of this seed hits on hard ground
It will never in fact ever produce any fruit and that's sad
But it's for two reasons now, let's go back and review just a moment
Why is it that this seed never produces fruit on this hard pathway
Well, what did Jesus say? When anyone heareth the word of the kingdom and understandeth it not
What do we talk about a little earlier when we review about understanding? What does this word understand me?
Put it together This is a person who hears it with the ear it strikes his ear, but he does not understand it.
He doesn't put it all together Why doesn't he put it all together? You're gonna cross the line here and be hated if you say it
It had not been given to him Now in the Greek language that phrase given to him is in the passive tense
So, can he give it to himself Can he work up within himself and say I will understand this.
I want to understand it. I found Jesus. Can he say that? Can't say that only time he can say that's after he found
Jesus after Jesus found him He has to be born
Before he can live And he has to be alive before he can respond to God with love or faith or works or any of it
We've had the cart in front of the horse for so long We have to go back and relearn it and then when we teach the truth people go that can't be true
That would be awful mean of God to favor his own children more than the devil's You got the both of you got the answer right there.
Why didn't they have this understanding? Why is it that this this Satan was able to come and pluck the seed out of their mind?
Why didn't they have the understanding because it had not been given unto them That's the whole reason he taught in the parable in the first place is what
Jesus said Now that's strange and even Matthew Henry said this is strange
Why did he mean when he says this is strange? He meant in the way that men think this seems strange and it does because in the way that men think men are
God and Only when we understand who's God and who therefore because he's
God determines everything and makes the choices and Chooses who his children will be only then will we start to really know
God as God Because before that we are little gods causing it all to happen and God's up there said oh
Oh, there's one over there I'll save him and God's up there running around responding to what man does.
Oh, there's one I got to save over there because grandma prayed for us. I got to save that one. Well, what if grandma didn't pray for her?
Whoops, can't save that one because grandma decided not to save her Isn't that ridiculous that's what we've been taught for the last 50 years
Especially as Baptists, but you go off in the Methodist some of the others that even farther back than that they've been taught wrong
Well, I am so glad I can stand on the rock That I can stand on one who is not changeable.
I Can stand on one whose love does not depend on me. Are you are anyone but himself?
and that's the father So here we see now in verse 19
Jesus says this person the Satan comes and snatches the seed out of his mind because he did not understand
Why didn't he understand he had not been given the understanding now, let's go and look at this next verse
We move into a different kind of soil now but he that received the seed into the stony places the same as he that heareth the word and Anon with joy receiveth it
Now you would think this person was saved if you were sitting out there and you saw this happen Let me read it to you the same passage from the book of Mark in Mark chapter 4 verse 16
It says and these are they likewise which are sown on the stony ground Who when they have heard the word immediately, that's what anon means by the way
Immediately receive it with gladness But they have no root in themselves and so endure but for a time
Afterward when affliction of persecution arises for the word's sake immediately. They are offended.
I Can think of many many stories of seeing this actually happen in real life through the life of this church
I remember I think I can tell this one because I don't think Anybody would remember it except Deborah and she's not here
Charlotte Charlotte might but there is a young Woman in her early 20s that was going to our church and she was saved and She was out walking for exercise one day and she looked up on the roof and she saw some builders up there building a house
Hammering away at the roof and she saw this young man that caught her eye and he was blonde and tall
And handsome to her anyway And what did I say beauties in the eye of the beholder he wasn't bad -looking and She saw him up there and he looked down and saw her and beauty was in his eye of beholding as well and So he came down off that roof.
She was walking slow. By the way, she was getting her exercise like this And he came down off the roof and went down there and began to chat with her a little bit.
She invited him to church Now she knew this young man was lost But she had an eye for him
So in her thinking she says what I'll do is I'll bring him to church and I'll win him to Christ and then
I'll marry him and so she did bring him to church and he came to church and She had obviously been given him the
Roman Road. Now. I'm not sure what her motive was Did she care for his soul or or what but she gave him the
Romans Road and sure enough about the second Sunday He came down that aisle and prayed a beautiful prayer.
Dear Jesus come in my heart and save me amen, and he got baptized and somebody gave him a new
Schofield Bible And he started reading that Bible. I mean he sprung up quickly.
He was carrying that Bible. He was reading it. He was excited and So was she and They ended up getting married and that was exciting and all of a sudden he came to church one day and one of these old
Fundamentalists came up and said what are you reading there? Let me see your Bible handed him that Bible He looked up the front.
He said new Schofield. Hmm. That's not the Word of God It's not a
KJV That kid never came back to church All he might
I don't think he ever came back, but I know it wasn't two Sundays. He was gone Hadn't been back in church since Now, you know what you would say.
In fact, I have said it for years I blamed the guy that said that to him and rightfully so he should have never said that to that person
But you know what if that person had been truly born again That affliction.
What is it? It says here and when Affliction or persecution arises because of the word
They immediately are offended If he'd have been truly saved it would have hurt his feelings he'd probably had to go and whine to the pastor and get pat on the back a little bit, but he'd have been back and He would have kept growing
Now that does not give the other person excuse to treat him wrong In fact, Jesus said it'd be better if you had a stone tied around your neck
You were cast into the sea then you make one of these little ones stumble but What's interesting about it is as it turned out that person didn't end up to be one of his little ones
Anyway, he was not saved. He was the stony soil You've seen him how many don't raise your hands but how many of you have seen someone come and make a wonderful profession faith give their testimony and bring up all the gory details of their life and how
Jesus saved me all of a sudden a month later you never see him again and They are gone.
They're out of here And you think you don't know what to think about it. Well, Jesus is telling us what to think about it
Don't be surprised because some of the seed when it hits this type of soil It says it springs up and immediately they receive the word with gladness.
So you think they're saved and Yet it says but they have no root Now, what does this mean?
They have no root. Well, let me give you some things. It means in Isaiah 11 9
It says they shall not hurt nor destroy in my all my holy mountain For the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the
Lord as the waters cover the sea When we get into the Millennial Kingdom People will have understanding to understand the things of God because it will be given to them
But then he goes on in verse 10 and in that day there shall be a root of Jesse Which shall stand for an ensign of the people?
To it shall the Gentiles seek and his rest shall be glorious So one thing we know about this root is it speaks of the root of Jesse, which is
Jesus Christ and The Bible says this stony soil they die away because they have no root
So the first thing they don't have is they don't have Christ when you look in Proverbs 12 3 It says a man shall not be established by wickedness, but the root of the righteous shall not be moved the second thing that this root represents is commitment a
Person who is truly saved has committed his life to Christ forever He had in fact the
Greek word for believe is peace to you Oh, it means to commit to doesn't just mean believe in it means to commit to and so he has no root
He has not Christ nor does he have commitment to Christ and the third thing we see in Proverbs 12 12 the wicked
Desire at the net of the evil men, but the root of rights of the righteous yielded fruit
He does not have any fruit in his life because the Holy Spirit and the
Lord Jesus Christ is the root which conveys The spiritual new nutrients out to the branch and then it bears fruit
Well, he doesn't have this conveyor belt He doesn't have the root to take the fruit and put it out there
So he doesn't bear any and he just falls away and the fourth thing we see about this root
As it talks about in 2nd Kings 1930 and the remnant that is escaped of the house of Judah shall yet again take root downward and bear fruit upward for out of Jerusalem shall go forth a remnant and they that escape out of Mount Zion the zeal of the
Lord of Hosts shall do this It shows God is sovereign and his sovereignty is making this happen.
But the point is they have continuance It says that the root Shall yet again take root downward and bear fruit upwards
Even when we have a situation where there's a person who's saved and maybe he's backslidden and there is no fruit
He shall yet again take root downward and bear fruit upward at some point He's going to bear fruit again if he's really saved because the
Lord of Hosts will do this So we see that when he has no root, he does not have
Christ. He does not have commitment He does not have that which conveys the spiritual nutrients to the branch and he does not have any continuance.
He will fall away and then one other thing about it Luke 8 6 adds a little bit of information in Luke 8 6 where it talks about the same parable it says in some fell upon the rock and As soon as it was sprung up it withered away because it lacked moisture.
Isn't that interesting? So not only do these people have a problem because they don't have root But they lack moisture.
Well, what is moisture picture in the Bible? What is water picture? Ephesians 5 26 that he might be sanctified and cleanse it with the washing of the water of the word
They don't have that Secondly in John 7 38 He that believeth on me as the scripture hath said out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water
But this spake he of the spirit. So the water pictures the Holy Spirit. They don't have the
Holy Spirit They weren't really saved. They made a false profession of faith thirdly, the
Bible speaks in Revelation 22 17 about the water of life and Whosoever will let him take the water of life freely
They don't have the water of life So they don't have the root They don't have
Jesus and they don't have the water. They don't have the word the Holy Spirit Or the water of life.
It's no wonder with that when the Sun comes out it scorches them and they wither away
So now when that happens to someone don't be puzzled about it Certainly, don't let it make you grow weak in faith
I've heard people say it just doesn't work What's it? religion your soul winning method
It just didn't work. Well, that's right. It doesn't religion doesn't work and neither does your soul winning method
God is the one who moves in on the hearts of his people And when they're saved that way,
I'll tell you a little secret they have the root and They have the water and they don't wither away
But when you see one that does that Jesus told you about it. He said it was soil on the rock it came up quickly with much joy and excitement and It fooled you
But then when it withered away you knew why because there was no root there Don't be concerned about it.
That part of this is not your job Your job was to do what? so the seed
You know that young girl she did a job when she witnessed to that young man Only mistake she made she should have married him before she found out whether or not it was good soil
But there wasn't anything she could do about it. She did what she was supposed to do. She sowed the seed
Gave him the Word of God. That is our job young people There's a corollary lesson to be learned about that example.
Don't marry someone think he's gonna change him after you marry him You don't have that power you watch them and you see if they're good soil or not and so next
Sunday, we're going to go in and talk about the Thorns and the thistles and what does that represent?
Let me ask you this before we stop On the first two types of soil where it hits the hard path.
Does that represent a person who got saved? No, in fact, does it represent a person who will be saved
No, now you can't always tell that but God knows Now Second type of soil where it hits the rocky soil with a thin layer of dirt on top of the rock
They spring up gladly. Is that person saved? Was he ever did did he get saved and then lose his salvation?
No He did not get saved because he didn't have who? The root he didn't have
Jesus And so next time we'll talk about this Thorns and thistles off at the edge of the field where some of the seed goes off in there