Watch This Video at Your Own Risk - Bizarre Racial Foot Ritual

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I Had to take my inhaler because your boy Might not make it through this video.
I watched About a I don't know 45 seconds of this video. It's like four minutes long
And I was laughing so hard. I can't even believe it I just I figured
I turn it off and get it look we'll get a live reaction and Wow, this is way worse
Than I thought it would be I can't even talk right now. I can't even know I don't even to say about it just we're gonna watch it together and Hopefully I I could survive.
Let's let's let's listen to this. I need a young black man Would you come up here on the stage? There's a rick.
I mean, I need a young Young black man,
I need a young black man, would you come up here on the stage? There's a reason. I want a young black man up here. He represents some things that I'm gonna talk to you about This young man doesn't just represent black
America this young man represents all minorities for this moment, right? This young man represents the boy ad that's what he's saying.
This this young man. This young black man Represents old ad
Robles as well all minorities all minorities around the world This young man is represented in this young man taking off his shoes and socks right now
Let's let's continue. My race has a hard time Getting what's wrong in America.
We have a challenge. When was America great for you? When was there a season of time in the last two hundred and forty something years?
Talking about man No, I know this is a cut so he probably was talking in between but When was
America great for you, I don't know since I was born I guess I don't know I Mean he did say he represents all minorities and men
I gotta be honest I had a pretty good life as a child, you know, my father and mother, you know when I was first born they didn't have a lot but you know because of the
The hard work of my father and the many many opportunities in the United States available to him
Over time he he increased his income and he increased his his situation and my my childhood was pretty good
I mean since you're asking I Gotta watch the whole video.
I want to see what this guy asked that America was great for you We brought a lot of people like this young man from Africa between 17 and 60 million died in that transition
Way bigger than the Holocaust and we all know about the Holocaust But for some
Preacher clips is a freaking maniac. We all know about the
Holocaust This has never been really advertised too much because my race
We don't want to feel guilty and yeah slavery in the Middle Passage Nobody talks about that Nobody because because you white people these don't like feeling guilty
I'm not saying you should feel guilty because you didn't do that, but your race did the only
We don't like feeling I'm not saying you should feel guilty, but you race your race should feel guilty because you're guilty you're guilty
Like I wish this was over People that could honestly say maybe
America was great would be me my race We had a lot of folks Like this young man and other people serving us.
So what Jesus would do and We had a lot of these guys these young black men.
They're serving us. What what is he talking? How many white people? How many black servants has this pastor had
I mean The middle of all this is he would take a person this is what
Jesus would do This a young black man In an old white man
Sorry get interrupted there, but Hey What Jesus would do is that he would take a young black man and an old white man with a freaking creepy smile and then he'd get on his knees let's
We probably don't have a lot of things in common I don't worry about Being treated unjustly in society like you do don't have those concerns
But I have them for you He looks he looks like he's not kidding look at his face
I have I don't we don't have anything in common Nothing I don't worry about anything
I'm taking care of but I worry about you I care about you
And when I got born again God did something in my heart Towards people like you what who in their right mind would want to wash
Somebody else's feet you see how I'm putting my hands on your feet I'm trying to see something you are just as valuable as I am.
I know society hasn't told you that and I know Circumstances in life haven't told you that but God says that about you and you deserve the right as a young black man to grow up without fear
You don't He's the great what This is so weird
This is so weird. I Got nothing.
I got nothing An equalizer when he came to the cross he came to equalize everybody to take slaves and make them equal to the free and make the woman and the man equal to make the poor and the white
This guy still thinks blacks are slaves. I think So we're gonna help this guy I'm the poor and the rich equal and the free and make the woman and the man equal to make the poor and the white equal
I'm the poor and the rich equal and the gospel takes white people and keeps them from really getting their identity from their place
In society and it takes poor people and it keeps them from taking their identity out of their place
That's been assigned to them in society and that helps destroy the power of the system. You're my brother I can't believe it.
I'm sweating. I'm sweating You know a lot of times people like this on the screen and Tim Keller and and Matt Chandler and We're not
Matt Chandler the one from Matt Hall Matt Hall you know, they'll they very proud they get that way they get this weird smile on their face like this guy and they talk about how
I'm a racist and what they're trying to get you to believe is the thing about how all white people are complicit in racism
But I've said this before and and I'll say it again I Think they're just old -school racists like the kind that actually think that they're more they're greater than than than Latinos and blacks like he really thinks that he's the master and so he's gonna wash the slaves feet
That's what he's this is what he thinks is happening here And you can see he kind of puts himself in the master's position and he puts the the young black man with that when he gets that weird smile on his face when he says that why does he get that grin on his
When he says that's so creepy and he gets down there and he puts this young black man in the place of the slave and This is how it is in his mind.
I think when they tell you that they're racist They're actually being truthful like in the old -school sense the original sense of the word
I'm just from now on don't hear me ever not accepting that at face value
I believe that Tim Keller is an actual run -of -the -mill Straightforward racist he doesn't want to be at least that's what he claims, but this is creepy guys.
I got nothing I'm your brother We're bros
What if we had a small group one night, and we just all got down here real low And looked up to you what
I didn't do it myself personally, but I take responsibility for my own race because Jesus Can't even believe this
I knew it would be bad because I've seen these things before this is the worst one by far that I've ever seen
I've got 50 seconds left. I don't know. I don't know if I could do it
I'm gonna do it Didn't do anything to hurt people, but he took responsibility for He took responsibility when he went to the cross you're a good representation not just a black
America You're a good representation of all people That maybe haven't been treated with value from this point on my life is about making sure that you understand that That you grow up in an
America where there are people that value you from another race Is he looking at his he's like looking at his his chest and he often is looking down as well
Even look the man in the eyes. What is happening here? I love you, bro I need a young black.
No I Can never watch that again? I? Feel like I need to take a shower or I Need to wash my eyes out with chlorine.
I Can't believe it. I honestly can't believe it woke preacher clips Good job on the edit, but I I can't say
I can't thank you for it. I mean I Wish I had never seen it. I wish