Synoptic Gospels: John 14:6-8


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routine, we spent a fair amount of time in verse 6, for obvious reasons, given the necessary application in the day in which we live, the dislike of that particular text and what it says.
Obviously, there is a part of me highly tempted to make reference to events this week and make application there.
I did that on Wednesday on the dividing line. If you do not listen to the program, maybe you might find that one particularly interesting in light of the fact that of the papal elections and the amazing comments that came out at that time, and then even more so since then, some very, very interesting comments that have been made that once again demonstrate that if you believe that the gospel is definitive of the faith, that is, if you do not have the gospel, that you do not have the
Christian faith, if that is a non -negotiable, then you are in a small minority today.
In fact, I would say that the majority of non -Roman
Catholics in the Western world, non -Roman Catholics who claim to be Christians, okay, we need to define these things because there's all sorts of people who would fit into the realm of non -Roman
Catholics, but non -Roman Catholics who claim to be Christians, I would say that the large majority of those today would in no way make an objection to the inclusion of Roman Catholicism, its entire sacramental system, even the office of the
Pope within the bounds of the Christian faith. If you say otherwise, you're a radical.
In other words, everything that the Reformation had to say, pretty much unknown by the vast majority or rejected by the vast majority today.
Certainly, we have seen that the large portion of those who are not Roman Catholics today are not
Roman Catholic solely by tradition and taste, not by conviction. They don't know what
Rome teaches. They just don't happen to like the, you know, I don't like candles, therefore
I'm going to go someplace with a band, you know, that kind of a thing. That's what we're facing these days.
But I'm going to resist the further temptation to go down that road, as interesting as it might be.
I will, on Tuesday, be addressing three evangelicals who have made comments since that time.
One is Evangelist Luis Palau. Another is
Gary Bauer, former Republican candidate for the presidency and very involved in family organizations.
And then last night, I'm going to be asking for a little more clarification from Dr.
John Piper, who said something I didn't quite follow on the subject of the centrality of justification.
And Dr. Piper has written an entire book against N .T. Wright. And yet, it would seem to me that between N .T.
Wright and Roman Catholicism, there's a pretty large difference as to which one is at least somewhat closer than the other one.
And yet he made some comments that were meant as clarification, but all they did was make me want more clarification.
So we'll be addressing those things on Tuesday. Going back to John chapter 14, once again,
I believe what I had mentioned last time we were together, we had started talking a little bit about what oneness theology teaches.
And I had mentioned at that time that unfortunately, in my opinion, a large portion of the
Christian world, broadly conceived, if you were to give them somewhat of a quiz on the doctrine of the
Trinity, would end up default falling into a oneness or a modalistic perspective.
I don't think I told you the story of the time back in the, I think it was 99.
It was prior to YouTube. You say, wow, we're starting to mark time by YouTube.
That's a sad commentary on modern life. But what I mean by that is prior to YouTube, I could do things
I can't do anymore. So I believe it was 1999,
I was speaking at a large Southern Baptist church in Florida. And I went into the junior high class for Sunday school and I role played with the junior high leader.
I guess he was a youth pastor, whatever that means. And what that means is he was a
Bible college student who, because he's young, can run with the kids and therefore you call him a youth pastor and that's what you make him do.
And it's part of the hazing ritual in Southern Baptist churches, just in case you're wondering. But I went, isn't it?
I mean, that's exactly what it is. You know, every senior pastor starts twitching when you start talking about his days as a youth pastor.
So it's just how that works. But anyway, I went in and I played a
Jehovah's Witness. They had been studying, quote unquote, cults and so they introduced me as Jehovah's Witness. And that's why I say this before YouTube.
I couldn't get away with this now. YouTube sort of has ruined all my role playing opportunities because if anybody knows me outside of us, it's because of YouTube.
So and within 45 seconds, I had this kid, this youth pastor spouting heresy.
Went straight to John 1 1 and immediately had him saying that Jesus is the same person as the
Father. And then once I had him there, then I could just tie him up a nice little bow and and the rest was simple from that point.
You could go to most evangelicals and it's just how you phrase the question. Well, you believe
Jesus is God, right? Well, yeah. So he's one person with the Father. Well, yeah.
No, no, he's not one person with the Father. That's confounding the divine persons.
And the reality is that was an earlier heresy than Arianism. The denial of the deity of Christ in the 4th century.
It was the 3rd century when they dealt with the concept of modalism.
There are different forms of it. There are different forms of it today. Even within the major denomination that you deal with, the
United Pentecostal Church International, you'll find different spins on the subject.
There's sort of an Orthodox position from their viewpoint. But you'll still find people who emphasize this over that and stuff like that.
But there's still a lot of different ways in which it is expressed even even today. But. Having said all of that, hopefully we understand that the doctrine, the
Trinity states that within the one being that is God, there eternally exists three co -equal and co -eternal persons, the
Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit. This is not something that came into existence at the time of the incarnation.
This is not something that has changed in the sense that, you know, the
Father was active in the Old Testament and then the Son became active in during his lifetime.
And now the Spirit that's active amongst all this type of stuff. No, the relationships between Father, Son, Holy Spirit are eternal.
They take different roles in redemption and what's called the economy of salvation.
It is not the Father who became incarnate. It is not the Spirit who became incarnate. It was the
Son who became incarnate. The Father and the Son send the Spirit. That's going to be the promise of John 14 and 16 in particular is that Jesus has here said,
I'm going away and I am not going to leave you alone. I'm not going to leave you as orphans.
I'm going to send you another parakletos, a paraclete, a comforter.
And that comforter is the Holy Spirit. Now, that comforter is a comforter of the same kind.
He's personal. He's not an it. He's not like the Jehovah's Witnesses. I was doing a ride yesterday morning and I was waiting for my riding partner to arrive.
And I happened to look across the street and here were the Jehovah's Witnesses. They were out hitting this neighborhood.
And if I had not been on the other side of the street, I would have chased one of them down. But there they were going door to door and they believe the
Holy Spirit is an it. God's impersonal active force. That is not, of course, what we believe.
We believe that the Holy Spirit is personal, always has been personal. But obviously it takes a completely different role in redemption than that of the
Father or the Son. And hence, that's one of the ways we can distinguish between them. John chapter 14, the
Gospel of John up to this point and during this text as well and all the way to the end of the book, makes clear distinctions between the
Father, Son and the Spirit. Makes clear distinctions. But if you're going to go someplace to try to blur the distinctions, if you're going to go someplace to try to get rid of the distinctions, you'd want to go to John chapter 14 because that's where the
Oneness folks go. Yeah, they also go to John chapter 10, verse 30.
I and the Father are one. And they understand that to mean I am the
Father. And as we've pointed out, you could accurately translate that verse as I and the
Father, we are one because it's a plural verb in the original language. So even there, the distinction is maintained.
But what you have in John chapter 14 is a presentation as you had in John chapter 5.
Remember in John chapter 5, we've emphasized this a number of times. You have the Jews saying you're making yourself equal with God.
And in Jesus' response, he does not deny his equality with the Father, but he denies that his equality with the
Father is something that would cause confusion, competition or anything like that. There is a relationship the
Son bears to the Father. He's always born to the Father. As a result, he gives life. He is honored.
He is the Father's as honored. But it's the Father who is the fountainhead and source of the work of salvation.
The Son is working that out. The Spirit will come to make application. The gospel itself is Trinitarian.
The unity between the Father and the Son is emphasized, but the distinction of the Father and the
Son is also emphasized. Now in John chapter 14 and in a number of texts in the book of Revelation where you have the
Father and the Son sitting upon the throne and things like that, if you approach scripture with an external authority, and I would argue that in the
United Pentecostal Church International, the external authority is the tradition and the fact that in essence, because of their very strong Pentecostal leanings, their belief of the necessity of speaking in tongues to be saved, etc.,
etc., this all goes back to that early period where these especially godly men said these things by the
Holy Spirit. It also almost becomes an external authority outside of scripture. But if you don't interpret the
Bible as a whole, this will be one of the texts you want to sit on to try to destroy the distinctions because the emphasis here, you know,
Philip says to Jesus in verse 8, Lord, show us the Father and it is enough for us.
Now what has been one of the themes all through the gospel of John from the prologue of John, the 18th verse, the prologue, no one has seen
God at any time, the monogamous theos, the unique God, the one who in verse 1, in the beginning was the
Word, was with God, the Word was God, the Word is as to his nature, deity, that one has made him known.
The fact that the Son is divine is what allows the Son to be the perfect revelation of the
Father. And so when Jesus says in verse 7, if you had known me, you would have known my father also from now on, you know him and have seen him.
Philip's answer is, Lord, show us the Father and it is enough for us. And Jesus' response is, have
I been so long with you and yet you have not come to know me, Philip. Now, if you come to this with the idea that Jesus is two persons,
Jesus is two persons, not one person with two natures, but Jesus is actually two persons. His physical being is the
Son who came into existence at his birth in Bethlehem, but then he is indwelt by the
Father. So that John chapter 17 is going to end up being a conversation between one half of Jesus and the other half of Jesus.
If you come with that kind of an understanding, then what you're going to hear Jesus saying is,
I don't need to show you the Father, Philip, because I am the Father. But if you've actually just allowed
John to speak for John. Then you've come to this point, you're interpreting the book as a whole.
And you've already had repetitive differentiation between the
Father and the Son. You have had the Son repeatedly referring to the
Father using personal pronouns that we would use of another person. You have even in the places where Jesus is claiming deity, such as in John chapter 8 or John chapter 10, you still have,
I mean, John chapter 10, I and the Father, we are one. No one can snatch them out of my hand.
No one can snatch them out of the Father's hand. One in giving and salvation. And yet there's still a distinction being made between the
Father and the Son. When you have that and you come here, then what you hear
Jesus saying is, have you known me so long, Philip? And yet you do not realize that I am the very revelation of the person of the
Father. If you want to know who the Father is, you look at me. I am that one who has made him known.
John 1 .18, I have exegeted him. I have explained him. Of course, most of the time when you have conversations with someone,
I know for me, very frequently these conversations come up while traveling, you know, sitting at the gate, sitting in the plane, sitting on the train, trains, planes and automobiles and so on and so forth, whatever it might be.
And someone sees something you're reading, you see something they're reading and you go and talk to them, whatever it might be.
You generally don't have time to be going back in the context.
And hence, unfortunately, you end up spending a lot of time trying to make heads or tails out of a limited context.
You know, someone says, yeah, but Jesus said the Father is greater than I am in this text. And John 14 .28, if you're talking to a
Jehovah's Witness or something like that. And it can be challenging in a brief period of time to bring the context to bear, but you have to be able to do so.
And it is interesting, by the way, that John chapter 14 is not only where those would go who are trying to assert the deity of Christ while denying the
Trinity, the Modalists, the Lundis folks. At the same time, it contains the favorite text for the people who deny the deity of Christ, period.
That's John 14 .28. Now, of course, most Jehovah's Witnesses can't quote you all of verse 28, but they do know the phrase, the
Father is greater than I am. And so do Mormons, so do Muslims will obviously spend a fair amount of time on verse 28, given the widespread abuse of the text by just about everybody.
It's it is a generally abused text, I guess, is what we shall call it.
So. Jesus is basically intimating in verse 7 that the disciples do not yet have a proper knowledge of who
Jesus is. There's still more that they need to understand. If you had known me.
So then you would understand my relationship with the Father and really, in a sense, that is an area of knowledge of Christ that we grow in continually.
I don't think that any any of us, no matter how mature we might be in the Lord, have fully grasped the entire range of ramifications that come from the fact that in Jesus we have a perfect revelation of the character of the
Father. And certainly we rarely, I think, give much thought to what an incredible grace of gift of grace it is that God has made himself known in this way.
I mean, the vast majority of men's religions, God is pretty much unknown and is exceptionally distant.
And we can only know a small amount about him. I mean, it is a radical thing to actually promote the idea that what we're saying is
God has entered into his own creation. That is a radical thing.
I think sometimes we try to play that down because, well, to be a radical is a bad thing, right?
I mean, radical anything is is bad. And, you know, radical, we don't like radical
Muslims, so I don't want to be a radical Christian, right? So we want to, you know, try to try to make things a little bit safer,
I guess. But the reality is we are literally saying that there was a
God -man and that we can have true knowledge of the character of the
Father because of the perfection of the revelation that is made in Jesus Christ of him to us.
That's an amazing thing to state. And it's understandable why
Machen identified liberalism as another religion, because once you have abandoned, if you don't believe that you can interpret the
Bible as a whole, if you don't believe that what is said in John chapter 14 can be put together with and properly interpreted in light of and as a part of Philippians chapter two, and that is also relevant to Colossians chapter one, which is also relevant to Revelation chapter five.
If you can't do that, then there's no reason to believe in what is called the
Jesus of faith. That's why you have in scholarship today the contrast and the distinction between the
Jesus of faith and the Jesus of history. For the majority of Christian scholarship today, quote unquote,
I use the term guardedly and without making any theological statements there, for the majority of quote unquote
Christian scholarship today, the Jesus of faith is a later evolutionary development that doesn't, for most people, have really almost anything at all to do with the
Jesus of history. And they look at us who happen to think that the Jesus of faith and Jesus of history are one as being hopelessly naive, hopelessly uneducated, and not even worth really dialoguing with us because we're just, you know, we probably just couldn't understand even if they tried to explain it to us.
So where does that come from? Well, obviously, once you no longer believe that the Bible is a revelation from God, that it's harmonious, that it can be read as a whole, that there are these themes that go with it, once you become a naturalist and try to deal with a supernatural canon of scripture, the results could be a mess.
And so you see in liberal denominations today, on the scholarly side,
Jesus of history, Jesus of faith, they're not the same thing. It all evolved over time. And yet still in the liturgy, you have the creeds being repeated.
And they're stuck in this weird world where they have to reinterpret everything in the creeds, sort of like, well, you know, we do this because it sort of connects us to preceding generations.
But we realize that those were pre -critical folks. And, you know, they thought the sun circled around the earth.
So they weren't all that smart, you know. So we just do this because it makes us feel good.
And it's what we've always done, type of a thing. That's not where we are and by God's grace never will be.
And it all comes back to whether you really believe this is scripture and whether you can interpret it in light of itself or whether you have to just cut up into pieces and say, it's a hopeless mass and jumble of self -contradictory human thoughts.
And I'm just going to piece together what I like, which, by the way, is why every time you read some new liberal interpretation of Jesus, and I made mention of this to John Dominic Croson a number of years ago when we debated in Seattle.
I forget what the exact quote was, but someone had well said that when the liberal
Reconstructionist, who's trying to come up with this view of Jesus, looks deeply into the well of the historical
Jesus, shock of all shocks, what they always see is themselves looking back. In other words, the
Jesus they find is amazingly much like them. So if their primary concern is some kind of concept of social justice, then
Jesus becomes a champion of social justice. And if their concern is the rejection of Roman imperialism and the power of the state, then all of a sudden
Jesus becomes a rebel against Roman imperialism and the power of the state and blah, blah, blah, blah. That's all you can do because you become the filter.
You look at all this stuff in the Bible and you go, well, it contradicts itself. And so I'm going to pick and choose what
I think actually represents Jesus. Well, it's just natural that as a human being, you're going to pick and choose those things that make
Jesus look like the Jesus you'd like him to be. You're not going to create a Jesus who's unlike how you'd like him to be.
And in fact, I just ordered it. I haven't looked at it yet. I'd heard of it a couple weeks ago, but now it's available.
There's a new publication out called A New New Testament. A New New Testament.
It's not N -U -N -U or NANU -NANU, for those of you who are old enough to remember that.
It's not that, but you're getting too much oxygen to your brain right now.
That's what's going on with you, but it's changing it. It's something you've got to adjust to slowly.
It takes a little time for your brain to use that. But the New New Testament is 19 scholars got together.
Now, they weren't churchmen. None of them are churchmen, interestingly enough. But 19 scholars got together and decided to expand the canon of the
New Testament. And 27 books. Who needs 27 books?
40 is a much better number, don't you think? 40 is a good number. And so they have expanded the canon of the
New Testament, mainly with a bunch of 2nd, 3rd and 4th century
Gnostic writings, though somehow they actually stuck one in that may even be pre -Christian.
That's really weird. But they just thought that it would be a good thing to do.
Now, of course, part of me wants to sit back and go, who do you people think you are? I mean, the level of arrogance that is implicit in such an activity is amazing.
But then I realize I look at these guys. None of them are churchmen. They don't they're not believers.
So unbelievers do dumb things. I mean, when it comes to I mean, really, when it comes to spiritual stuff,
I mean, are we really all that shocked that unbelievers will act like unbelievers?
Yeah, that's that's how they do it. You know, and when you realize unbelievers act like unbelievers, then it's sort of like, oh,
OK, all right. But this is going to be out there now. And I'm sure already some enterprising religious studies professor over at Glendale Community or something is going to be assigning it for their for their fall semester classes once it comes out, that kind of stuff.
But that kind of stuff is out there all over the place. What laid the foundation for that? Fundamentally, looking at the
Bible as if it's just a collection of human thoughts. And you're just not going to understand what
Jesus is saying here. And of course, I think I've mentioned before. If you were to mention to a majority of Christian scholars today that, well.
Jesus said to Philip, he who has seen me has seen the father, how can you say, show us the father?
Now, those are incredible words to think about it. What what what prophet?
Could ever make a statement like that when Isaiah saw
God, the first thought across his mind was, woe is me, I am a man of unclean lips. But Jesus says,
Philip, he who has seen me has seen the father. How can you say, show us the father?
I mean, any one of us, we want people to be able to see Jesus in us. But we know that in this life.
There is always going to be. A distortion of that image, there's always going to be some part of me in the way, right?
I mean, we know that. And every prophet has known that. Jesus didn't know that.
Jesus said, see me, you've seen the father.
Now, that's an amazing statement, and it would have massive ramifications.
Because, I mean. If that's the case, don't you think Jesus' moral and ethical teachings are sort of obligatory for us all?
I mean, if his, if he's right, that he is a perfect revelation of the father, then his moral and ethical teachings perfectly represent the father's intention in the entirety of the law, right?
So he becomes the final interpreter of all of these things. And you would have to bow the knee before this one.
I mean, this would have massive ramifications all across the board. And we look at that and we go, why aren't you,
Mr. Christian Scholar, thinking seriously about what Jesus says here? But what I'm saying to you is, Mr. Christian Scholar doesn't think
Jesus ever said this. Mr. Christian Scholar goes, well, you know, look,
John is so unlike Matthew, Mark and Luke, and comes so much later that clearly this is
John's, if we even know who John was, certainly wasn't anybody associated with Jesus.
He comes many, many, many decades later and he's taken the Jesus stories and they've evolved over time.
And he has a certain Jesus he wants to present. And so he's putting words in Jesus's mouth is what he's doing.
And now you know why they look at this and go, yeah, well, OK, all this tells you is that somebody at the end of the first century wanted other people to think that Jesus was a perfect revelation of the father.
That's really, that's the most you can come up with from this. And in fact, they'll go so far as saying, yeah, and John was sort of cut and paste together from, you know,
John wrote different versions and had different editions and sort of, you know, it's sort of been paced together over time by other redactors later on.
And so, you know, you don't even have to interpret John to be consistent with John. You can just take every little phrase and stick it out on a desert island someplace, disconnected from everything else and play with it that way.
And that's how you write commentaries and get published and do things like that. So that's why in the quote unquote academy today, you generally will find these amazing statements.
You'll find a level of embarrassment. Well, you'll find a level of embarrassment on the part of any
Christian scholar who wishes to be accepted in the broad realm of the quote unquote academy.
Particularly, you'll find embarrassment about the Gospel of John. You just will.
And you say, well, what's the answer to that? Well, I would have to say that Christian scholars who are sound in their scholarship and yet unashamed at the witness of the
Word of God and unashamed to embrace the worldview of the writers of the Word of God, that's part of God's blessings on a church.
And sound teaching and sound churches are a blessing on a nation.
And maybe that's the explanation as to why we don't see that many of them in our land anymore. Oh, it's not that there aren't. I think still we have more than anybody else does.
But in comparison to the past, the numbers are dwindling. And I think it's part of judgment upon a nation that has had massive light.
Massive light. And has done everything in its power and continues to do everything in its power to squint its eyes and hide itself from that light.
So much so that we truly have become the Isaiah 5 generation. Woe to those who call good evil and evil good.
We are fulfilling that day by day in our society. So, I think it's all connected together.
I think God's grace, granting to people the willingness to stand against the flow and to stand for the validity of God's Word, it's a part of God's gift.
And when God's wrath is on a people, well, you see what happens. So, having said all that, very briefly, we will stop in verse 9, and I'll try to make a note to remember that.
Because the very next phrase will even take us beyond, do you not believe that I am in the
Father and the Father is in me? He who has seen me has seen the Father. How can you say, show us the
Father? This is not an identification of Jesus as the Father. But it is an identification of Jesus as the perfect revelation of the
Father. That's what monogamous theos meant back in John 118. That's what it means to be sent, to proceed forth from the
Father. And yet, this is the same one who used a go -I -me of himself in John 8 .24
and John 8 .58 and just in the last chapter, in John chapter 13. So, you have, this is why the doctrine of the
Trinity has always distinguished between the Father and the Son. And has never confused them, because you just can't read the pages of Scripture and confuse the
Father and the Son. And yet, you have the emphasis of one God, and you have the emphasis on the deity of Christ.
How then do you understand that? And really, the history of the codification and defense of the doctrine of the
Trinity is a history of trying to remain balanced in light of all the questions, all the questions that man's mind can dig up in regards to this particular issue.
That's really what it's all about. And so, we will pick up there with Jesus' claims concerning himself whenever it is
I get a chance to be back here again when I'm not preaching at the same time.
It might be a little while. All right, let's close our time in the Word of God. Dear Heavenly Father, we do thank you for your
Word, and we thank you for your Spirit which causes us to believe and trust.
And Lord, we recognize that it is the work of your Spirit and your grace that causes men and women to bow the knee before Jesus Christ and to follow his example in bowing the knee before the
Word of God. We would pray that this day you would bless your churches in this land and every land where your
Word is being preached. May those who stand before the congregations do so with a great love for you and without fear of the face of men.
Indeed, this morning in this place, we would ask that the Word would go forth with power, with the blessings of your