James (part 8)


University: James (part 8) John Lasken May 21, 2017


James (part 9)

James (part 9)

All right, so we're going to go ahead and start. We're in James and we had a conversation with Carol this morning.
Sorry to put you on the spot, Carol. But when she heard we were doing James, she figured, oh it's a small book, we're probably done with that by now.
Actually, I believe that between today, next Sunday, we probably will take
Memorial Day weekend off and coming out in January, Pastor Jeff, we'll be teaching a class on apologetics.
So, exciting stuff. James 13. Again, 413.
Thank you. There are not 13 chapters in the book of James. James 413. When did you say we're going to finish?
Next Sunday. Is there a question about that?
No, I was just looking at the dates for Jeff's announcement. Yes, that would be what he's going to take.
So he's going to do an announcement. Great. So we're in the book of James and we know that James, we talked about most likely this is
Jesus' brother. There are many, many James in the Bible. Jesus' half -brother. Jesus' half -brother.
And this book is being written to Jewish believers who are scattered. And when we get into sections like this one again, it's always good to remember that this isn't a book being written to those that are being witnessed to who are outside the kingdom.
This is stuff being written to Jewish believers, very, very relevant to those of us who are already believers.
It starts out, verse 13, with a small phrase that also shows up in chapter 5, verse 1.
Give me just the first couple of words. Now listen. Now listen. Come now.
Yes, and others will say come now. Come now. And others will say go to now. The only thing
I can tell you about that for sure, this is the only two times in the New Testament where this phrase shows up.
This is a turn of the words being used by James. It's in the imperative.
This is a command. Go to. It's in the imperative. Okay, non is how it would be presented.
The direct translation of it is now listen or listen now. I want your attention.
There's something that you need to not just take and let slide by.
There's something here for you. Which to me says that these two passages that we're going to come into now, he's talking about being boastful and arrogant and willful sin.
And then in the next chapter he's talking about greed. This is not something he wants us to say.
It's outside of my wheelhouse. This isn't a problem for me. The turn of this phrase is to say that for all of us, take this into your consideration.
See how it works. See how it applies. It's there for a reason. So we're going to go ahead and get into that.
Eric, would you open us this morning? Yes. Thank you for this morning.
Thank you for the beautiful weather. Thank you for an opportunity to celebrate moms today.
We pray that all moms would feel loved and blessed by their children. And we especially thank you for John for his preparation that's put into this lesson today.
Pray that we would learn much and that we would apply it to our lives. Pray this in Jesus' name. Happy 69th birthday to Israel.
May 14th, 1948. Wow. It's going to be interesting.
I don't know if the world's got 69 more years to go into it. A couple of verses
I'm going to assign. Ralph, you're going to take the James 4 from me. Psalm 10. Okay.
Carol, if you would get this Psalm 10. 1 Samuel 2. Eric, if you would get that in Psalm 12.
I have a couple of other verses I want to have taken out of here. So, Ralph, you're also going to get
John 1. 1 through 5. But you probably know that by memory anyway. Galatians 2, 16 to 18.
Carol, that's not on the sheet, but you're also going to get that. Galatians 2, 16 to 18. The problem with my having done this lesson a week ago and then having had another week to go through it was
I kept on finding more stuff to talk about. 13 to 16, please,
Ralph. Okay. There is only one lawgiver and judge, the one who is able to save and destroy.
Okay, I don't think we're there. Oh, I'm sorry, yeah, you're right. You said 12. Did you mean 13?
Yes. 13, yes. Now listen, you who say, Today or tomorrow we will go to this city or that city, spend a year there, carry on business and make money.
Why do you not even know what will happen tomorrow? What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and vanishes.
Instead you ought to say, If it is the Lord's will, we will live and do this or that. As it is, you boast and brag.
All such boasting is evil. Anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to do and doesn't do it, sins.
Okay, filling in some very simple blanks, just going you who say to you who say.
All right, I'll fill that in for you. To you who say, it's like, I've got it. And what
I've got to say is basically what is to be. You who say. It's interesting that that comes right after the term agena.
It's like, okay, listen to what the Lord's got to say. Okay, listen to what the
Lord's got to say. You're sitting there saying, I've got something to say. What are they basically doing in verse 16?
You who do what? Boast. You boast in? Evil.
Arrogance. In your arrogance. What's the attitude
James is confronting with the people? Kind of self -reliance.
Self -reliance. Pride. Basically saying,
I don't need somebody to help me. I don't need somebody else's input on this.
I'm a self -made man. I'm a self -made woman. And I pretty much got it.
We were just kind of half -joking. Carol, I'm not picking on you today, but we were half -joking. She said that she was going to be in the missions person.
I said, I thank you for that. And she said, and we'll be in right afterwards. And I said, actually, you should say, Lord willing, I'll be in afterwards.
And I don't know how far to take that exact turn of phrase. Except that the attitude that he's really driving at is this idea that I'm self -reliant.
I'm proud. I'm self -made. I really don't need. What is that? We're talking
Christians again. I call that the illusion of independence. It's a great turn of words.
Give me a little bit more. How do you mean by that? We're all dependent on someone else.
To think that we can live independently without needing family, doctors, other people in our lives is just a false philosophy.
It just can't work. And I think people kid themselves that they can be independent.
As you said, self -made. I've done all this myself, and so what?
And negligent of their own mortality. I mean, we could be dead tomorrow. Correct. That's what
I said. I mean, here we are saying what we are going to do when we're not in control. You said self -made man.
Arnold Schwarzenegger gave the commencement speech at the University of Houston. And his whole message was,
I only got here because I had help. And this person brought me to America. He said,
I hate it when people say that I'm a self -made man because I'm not. He goes, I only got into bodybuilding because a lifeguard taught me how to do a pull -up on a tree branch in Austria.
And then this other guy showed me how to lift weights. And this person taught me how to speak
English. He just listed all of the people that got him to where he was today.
And he's like, I'm not a self -made man. I had help. And he's like, and you need to, when you leave here, he goes, take down the mirror, stop looking at yourself, and think about how you can help the people in the world because that's why you got a college degree, to help people.
That's amazing. That is amazing. It was a really great speech. I mean, I know it gets knocked for a lot of things. Where did you?
Is it on YouTube? He probably has it up there now. I watched it, the live broadcast.
What's interesting about that, when you started with Arnold Schwarzenegger, my mind went immediately back to the urban legend about Arnold Schwarzenegger, wanted to get into acting and figured the only way he'd get into acting with who he was was to become
Mr. Universe, and so he set out to become Mr. Universe. So when you started with that, I was going down the path of exactly the opposite of what you just said.
That maybe he did these things, but he did them with help. That's... Do you know what his spiritual condition is?
He said in that commencement that he believes in God. I wouldn't say he's a professing
Christian, but I mean, he's... But yeah, he was just talking about all these things, like how the two things that he said were going to be his liabilities were his size and his accent wound up being his strengths.
Really? He said, James Cameron said, the only reason that we can make Terminator is because Arnold's as big as he is, and he sounds like a robot when he talks.
And the same thing with Conan, his first breakout movie. We would have had to have built a person to look like him.
He was exactly what they needed for that character, and it was because of his size. It reminds me of what
Paul says, when I am weak, then I am strong. So what makes a Christian vulnerable to this attitude of self -reliance?
Gunainan, listen now, okay? This is something that should be, it is in the wheelhouse, it should be on your radar.
What makes me vulnerable to this? And I'm not asking, am
I vulnerable? The intended answer to that is yes. I think because we don't want to admit what
Rick said. We don't want to admit that we have to rely on so many people. We want to, I think deep down, each one of us wants to be able to say,
I did whatever by myself. Take a little bit of ownership for our activities. I'm assuming that's the sin nature, but you want to get some credit.
But ultimately it's not. So you just hit on a couple of really big ones. One is the self -value thing, but the other is the idea that who we are becomes validated when other people give us the credit for what we are.
And therefore we're driven to put up this image that other people would want to congratulate or whatever else.
You're right, it's a sin issue. I think part of what happens too when you don't really give credit where credit is due, someone eventually finds out that you really didn't do it.
I see this in the teaching world all the time. Someone will claim, oh I made this game and post it.
And there's a lot of us out there like, no you didn't. This person put this out 15 years ago and now they look foolish.
Or they've marred their name or their ability to affect change because they're assuming...
Anytime I've ever presented a game, it's like going, none of this stuff is mine. It's all modifications.
I don't know if I've ever come up with an original game in my life, but this is what I do for my class. If you're in the room and you made it, thank you.
So I try to deflect that. I don't want to take... Because I know it's not...
I've just made modifications and maybe tweaked a few things. Give me 14 and 15 again, please.
Why do you not even know what will happen tomorrow? What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes.
Instead, you ought to say, if it is the Lord's will, you will live and do this or that.
Just filling in a little tiny word here. You do not... You do not know.
That can be a really devastating concept. You don't know. In reality, what we do know is limited to what?
Our experience. Our vantage. Our limited viewpoint.
Our limited viewpoint. There's a real famous video that was taken in the height of the war demonstrations in the mid -60s.
It was a staged event. One camera was on the
National Guard and what they were doing. And another camera was on the crowd and what they were doing.
It portrayed two entirely different stories. And the third camera was from up top coming down and it was yet a third story.
What you know, what you experience, is you don't know. And that's... That's okay.
And that's okay. Only God sees everything. Only He's omniscient.
And the thing is, like Eric said, we seek the approval of men more than the approval of God, like the
Pharisees. Then the next simple question is, what is your...
In the passage there, what is your... To us, it is the...
It's the ultimate of experience. It's the ultimate of what we are. But he said, what is your life?
If you take it in the big picture, if you take it in the big context of God's creation, what is your life?
You are not the most important. It's a mist or a vapor.
Didn't Solomon find that out, right? He tried and he tried and he tried. Vanity, vanity, chasing after the wind.
What is your life? We ought to say... Okay, going back to the passage, we ought to say...
Okay. I got to ask the question, practically, how do we apply that?
Practically, how do we... How do we approach tomorrow with this teaching?
We start out with prayer. Lord, I claim to do this, but if your will is different, let me know.
I want to do your will, not mine. One thing that Allison's father,
Bill Plum, used to say is that Christianity, our Christian life can be boiled down to one beggar telling another beggar where to find food.
And I think that's a very good analogy. We have to realize that we have received
God's grace and it's our job just to share that grace with others. I think, too, when you're boasting about tomorrow, you're not focusing on what you need to do now and today.
We see about Jesus coming like a thief in the night and we're to be ready for his coming.
And if we're thinking about tomorrow or what we're going to do in a year from now, we're not being ready and doing...
There are people that need to hear God's word today. There are people that need to see what's being different in our workplace and neighborhoods today, now, not planning our own future.
I mean, it's hard to say because there are... It is Lord willing that we get there, but it is good to not have plans.
This passage goes back to one of the more central teachings of the Old and the New Testament. That's the heart.
It comes down to that. John 1, 1 -5. Who's got that? It's not on the list.
I gave that to somebody extra. Okay, go ahead.
John 1, 1 -5. In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God, and the word was God. He was with God in the beginning.
Through him all things were made. Without him nothing was made. That has been made.
In him was life, and that life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood it.
This is the truth. This is the absolute truth. This isn't our vantage point. God created everything.
Okay, there still is this darkness. There still is this darkness. Who's got Colossians 2, 16 -18?
I gave that as an extra one. Did you say Galatians 2? Colossians 2, 16 -18.
It was one of Jeff's favorite passages, by the way. I thought you originally said Galatians. I may have done that.
Okay, then it's probably mine. All right, Colossians 2, 16 -18. If somebody has it, go ahead.
Okay, I got it. Go ahead. Therefore let no one pass judgment on you in questions of food and drink or with regard to a festival or a new moon or a
Sabbath. Is that 2? 2, 16. 2, 16.
Okay, go ahead. These are a shadow of the things to come, but the substance belongs to Christ.
Okay. Let no one disqualify you insisting on asceticism and worship of angels, going on in detail about visions puffed up without reason by his sensuous mind.
That goes to 18 anyway, if that's what you meant. Okay, this is my first typo of the day.
Chapter 1, 16 -18. Aha. You want to read it?
Yes. For by him all things were created, both in the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities.
All things have been created by him and for him. And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together.
He is also head of the body, the church, and he is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, so that he himself might come to have first place in everything.
Okay. I believe that one of the anecdotes to this issue of prideful, willful, self -control, self -reliant is to submit to the reality of who
God is. Give me a definition of evil.
Self -will. Not doing God's will. Okay. Disobeying God at all.
There's a very famous story, it could be nothing more than a story of a professor who chose to prove that God didn't exist.
If God is all -powerful, he creates everything, there is nothing that exists that God didn't create, but yet evil is...
God is all -good, how could he have created evil? Therefore there is no God. And the one student says,
Professor, I'd like to ask you a question. What is darkness? Absence of light.
Absence of light. What is a vacuum? There is no such thing as vacuum. It doesn't exist. Vacuum is the absence of pressure.
What's the definition of cold? Well, there is no such thing as cold. Cold is the absence of heat. There is no such thing as evil.
God didn't create it. Evil is the absence of God. It was Satan's desire to take
God out of the equation, bringing it on down to Eve and to Adam and into mankind. It's the absence of God.
Evil was not created by God. Evil was God taken out of the equation.
If we have these passages, and we can go to Genesis 1, we can go to John 1, we can go to Colossians 1, we can understand the truth of what it is about God.
So what gets in our way? We take God out of the equation. Who's got Psalm 10 through? You do,
I think. For the wicked boasts of his heart's desire, and the greedy man curses and spurns the
Lord. It's taking God out of the equation. It's spurning the Lord. It's taking
God out of the equation. That's when you get stuck in this stuff about saying, I've got control,
I know what's going to happen tomorrow. Instead of acknowledging that, I should be planning for tomorrow, yes,
I should be doing today, yes, but it's still God. It's still God. Spurning Him, taking Him out of the equation.
1 Samuel 2, 3. Have you got that, Rick? I have it.
Okay, talk no more so very proudly that non -arrogance come from your mouth.
For the Lord is a God of knowledge, and like Him, actions are weak. The Lord is the
God of knowledge. We are not the God of knowledge. Keep Him in control.
In Psalm 12. Psalm 12, 4. Those who say with our tongue we will prevail, the tongue that makes great boasts.
Oh, those who say with our tongue we will prevail, our lips are with us.
Who is the master over us? Who is the master over you? It's the Lord. You see, everything about God is true, but man, the issue of sin is taking
God out of the equation. That's the issue of sin. And so those times when we take God out of the equation, we put ourselves back into that realm of knowledge, of control, of everything else, boasting.
Yeah, and this goes along with a verse from Jeremiah. Jeremiah 17, 9.
The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick or wicked.
Who can understand it? Matthew, Mark 8.
I think it's Matthew 16. I think it records a conversation between Peter and the
Lord. And the Lord says, who do men say that I am?
Some say John the Baptist, some say Elijah. And then Jesus looks at him and he says, but who do you say that I am?
That, by the way, that was one of my screensavers at work for years. Who do you say that I am? The question here is who, if the
Lord is the Lord over me, to what extent is the Lord the Lord over me?
That's why this is written to Christians. The question is, is the
Lord the Lord over me, or is the Lord the Lord over only those things that I allow him to be the Lord over?
If you don't allow him to be Lord of you, and that's its entirety, you are going to fall into this kind of arrogant pride, self -reliance in some reign of your life.
And it may be that you've got your professional life under control, or it may be that you've got your friendships under control, so you don't need the
Lord's help in there. Name a part of your life that God shouldn't be under control.
Good answer, none. Which takes us now to verse 17, if you would give me that.
And I'm going to talk to these other passages just for time. Give me a chapter of verse 17. Anyone then who knows the good he ought to do and doesn't do it, sins.
Whoever knows, filling in a really simple blank, whoever knows the good he ought to do, whoever knows the good he ought to do and does not, doesn't do it.
What's the action and the attitude James is addressing here? Self -will.
It's like Nicolette, it's casting aside God. If we see something, and that we can have a situation in the simplest form, someone who needs us, someone who needs something, if we see it and don't respond or don't react to it, we're supposed to, we're told we're supposed to.
Referred to as the sin of omission. If I have an addiction problem to pornography, if I have an addiction problem to abuse, and I know, and I know, and I know, but I go ahead and do it anyway, this willful, defiant disobedience, if I haven't gotten addicted to it yet, but I'm intrigued by it, what's it going to hurt one time?
What's it going to hurt? That willful, defiant disobedience.
You know what you should do. And how do we get down this path? How do we get beyond this path and continue on in life?
It started way back in the garden. What did Adam say? She made me do it.
It's worse than that. It's worse than that. That's true, but it's worse. You gave me God. You gave me her.
She made me fall. It's really reflecting back on that. Oh my goodness, the ultimate blame game. Ultimate, ultimate blame game.
If you go into Proverbs, there's a ton of stuff in Proverbs. If you go to Proverbs 2 .10 through 14, there is a contrast of wisdom and rejoicing in evil.
The insidious rejoicing in evil. We've talked about this before. How it's pleasurable for a season.
Jeremiah 10 talks about the people who wandered, and therefore that God is going to do this.
He's going to do that. The Lord's Prayer has a powerful phrase in it.
Does anybody have a clue which one I'm talking about? Thy will be done. That's true. Okay, thank you.
Lead us not into temptation. Don't even let me go there, but deliver us from the evil one.
Don't even go to the places of weakness. But James 1, 2 through 4 says, what about temptation?
Oh, it's all joy. Ah, hello. Why? Because you don't have the power to resist.
Perfecting our faith. Perfects our faith. We've got no excuse for this verse 17.
There are no excuses for verse 17. We have the ability, because of the
Holy Spirit within us, we have the ability because of His grace to not be in verse 17.
Guneinat. Take heed.
Guneinat. Listen. This is an area for all of us.
Even if we say no. Going into chapter 6. It opens up again.
Chapter 5, I'm sorry. Chapter 5. It opens up again with Guneinat. This time he's going to talk about another area.
Ralph, give me verses 1 through 6, please. Now listen, you rich people.
Weep and wail because of the misery that is coming upon you. Your wealth is rotted, and laws have eaten your goods.
Your gold and silver are corroded. Their corrosion will testify against you and eat your flesh like fire.
You afforded wealth in the last days. Look, the wages you failed to pay the workmen.
And though your fields are crying out against you, the cries of the harvesters have reached your ears and the Lord Almighty.
You have lived on earth in luxury and self -indulgence. You have fattened yourselves in the day of slaughter.
You have condemned and murdered innocent men who were not opposing you. He's going to shift from the issues of pride, the issues of arrogance, the issues of self -reliance, now to the issues of things.
And things drive us to what sin? Greed. Yes, it does. Things drive us to greed.
Gunanan. There it is again. That's the second time it's used there. We have an issue.
We have things, so we have an issue. Now things aren't bad. It's what these things can do to us.
It's what Satan can do to us because of these. This passage reminds me of the commercial where Bill Devane is saying, buy silver and gold, you know.
You're hoarding up silver and gold in the last days, it says here. I'm going to fill in some blanks for you.
We've been this. In verse 3 it says that you have laid up treasures. Matthew 6 says,
Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where you walk among us.
But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven. The thieves cannot break in.
So it's not bad to have treasures if it's the right treasures. And by the way, gold and silver are not bad things.
It's when they become this idol or this become this I have to.
When we're trusting in them, we're not trusting in God. Correct. It's funny, there's a joke, I can't remember it, but there was something about a man who was hoarding gold and silver and God was speaking to the angels and they're like, why does he want so much pavement?
Because this is the street made of gold and heaven. He's like, why is he hoarding pavement for? And you fool today, you're so required.
There you go. The second impact of it is not only does this stuff become its own
I got to have treasure thing, but in verse 4 it says, we keep bad wages.
And so we've become dishonest. This can be applied in a lot of ways. We keep back wages from those who rightfully earned it.
We cheat on our taxes. It can look a lot of different ways.
Corporate exploitation of workers. Or we choose to calculate our 10 % tithe on only part of our earnings.
Whatever. And I'm not telling you how to tithe, but I tell you, if God is telling you what to do, don't play games with God.
He's talking here about keeping back. And eventually it becomes, we live in luxury and self -indulgence.
At the height of his power,
John D. Rockefeller was worth 2 % of the national growth
GDP. 2 % of the national GDP. John D. Rockefeller. And he was asked, how much is enough?
He said, just a little bit more. That's it. I mean, that is just mind -boggling.
Just a little bit more. That's the carrot you never get. A little bit more, a little bit more.
It says in verse 2 that your riches have rotted. Others say corrupted.
It says that your gold and silver have corroded. Others say cankered. They are not capable of satisfying you.
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst, for they will be filled.
That's where our, that the problem with things is not things, because God gives us everything.
God gives us every good and blessed thing for us. It's when we turn it into greed and we turn it into love.
This passage says the results of greed is that we have fattened our hearts.
That's what philosopher Blaise Pascal talked about. We have a vacuum in the soul. We try to fill it.
Nothing satisfies it. Only Jesus Christ can fill the vacuum that's in our heart. Things can't.
Money can't. Sex can't. Nothing can, other than God. What kind of strength and endurance,
Eric, what kind of strength and endurance is endemically, exists within fat? Other than we can burn it for energy.
Well, fat has more energy per carbohydrate or protein from a caloric standpoint, but it takes more energy to convert that than simple sugar.
Are you better off with muscle or fat? I think I'm better off with muscle.
You've fattened your heart. You've fattened your heart. I'll give you a heart attack.
I want the muscles in the heart working. The corrosion that we have built up, it says, will be an evidence and witness against us and it will eat up your flesh like fire.
The descriptions of what this stuff, what this stuff can do for you is not real encouraging.
And then it says, the cries of the laborers reach out to the ears. Again, we're talking about believers here.
We're not talking about the hardened criminal, the drug dealer that we would choose to...
We're talking about believers who... Listen. Listen to this.
Listen to this, because there are things... What is the underlying issue behind all of this?
Not seeking first the kingdom of God. Yeah. Yeah. Absolutely right.
It's a vision, probably. It reminds me of Matthew 6, 33. Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and all these other things will be added unto you.
Who's aching? It's the thing I got swallowed up by. Right.
Earth opened up, swallowed up, took the plunder. It wasn't supposed to. Eric got it.
He hid it, yeah. He took the plunder. Why did he take the plunder? It's cool stuff.
Blame. It was. It got his attention. He lusted after it and it was such cool stuff that he took it home and he shared it with his neighbors and he was able to lay it out on display for everybody to see.
He hid it. He buried it. He rotted against his will.
I think what the lesson there is those areas in our life where we fall into this are probably not areas where we would be really proud to share with our care group.
They're probably areas that we would rather not anybody know when we're being talked about.
Matthew 6, 19 -21, It's told, Store up for yourself treasures on earth, for moth and rust destroy, for thieves break in and steal.
But store up for yourself treasures in heaven. Moth and rust do not destroy, for thieves do not break in and steal.
Give me the first part of James 5 -7. We're just going to close with this because this is a downer.
This whole section here is a downer because it's areas, it's areas where we're vulnerable.
He comes out of this with a very short phrase. Go ahead. Be patient then, brothers, until the
Lord's coming. There you go. We're going to talk about this next. Be patient. Get your focus off.
Get your focus off of your reliance. Get your focus off of your abilities. Get your focus off of how good you've got control over life.
Get your focus off of that. Get your focus off of the things that you have that have taken control of your life.
Get your focus off of wanting more. John D. Rockefeller, just a little bit more. Get your focus off of that and be patient and waiting for the day of the
Lord. Get your focus back. It's a vision problem. Get your vision back on track. It is time to close.
Any thoughts before we pray? Rich, would you close us today?
Father, thank you so much, Lord God, that we can come together and study your divine word,
Lord God, and you have gifted John to give us wisdom and how to apply it to our daily lives.
Father, I pray that we would meditate upon it, Lord God, not just let it go in one ear and out the other, but,
Lord God, that you would make it take root in our hearts, Lord, and make it transform our lives more to the image of Jesus Christ.
Lord God, I pray this for every one of my brothers and sisters here and outside of this place,
Lord God. Lord God, I also pray that you protect our suffering brothers and sisters around the world that are undergoing persecution for your name's sake.
Lord God, watch over them. We thank you so much for your love and care for us. And we ask that you bless
Pastor Jeff now to deliver the word under the unction of the Lord God, Holy Spirit. For we ask these things in Jesus' name.
Amen. Amen. Thank you. I guess leave the chairs in here. I guess they use them now for class.
Yeah. So we just need to set the tables up. And somebody want to present? Also, I'm looking through for some
TV plans. Who's... I think... I think... I know our... I know our...
You just have to press the button. Yeah. Yeah. I'm teaching right now.