Kathryn Krick Preys Upon Crippled Kids and I've Had Enough

Justin Peters iconJustin Peters


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Is Catherine Crick about to heal this little girl? Or is she about to be exposed as a cruel, deceiving fraud?
Welcome to the program, ladies and gentlemen. My name is Justin Peters. I hope that this finds you and your family doing well today.
I want to thank you so much for joining me. Catherine Crick is a wildly popular and self -professed apostle and demon slayer, and she enjoys enormous popularity nowadays, in large part due to being propped up and promoted by other self -professed apostles and demon slayers who have given her this platform, and I'm going to be addressing a couple of those guys a little bit later in this video, and shame on them.
But I wanted to address Catherine Crick. Now, I may have probably mentioned Catherine Crick briefly on my channel, probably in some interview videos that I've done, but I've not done a standalone video on her before.
Other YouTube channels have, and they've done really, really good work exposing her as the fraud for which she is, but I have yet to do a standalone video on Crick.
But I'm going to today, and it's because of this clip. I stumbled across it just the other day.
I was on YouTube, and it came up in my feed over on the side, and I just saw it, saw the thumbnail, and I clicked on it, and dear friends, it's one thing, and it's bad enough to prey upon sick and desperate adults.
That's bad enough. It is quite another to prey upon desperate and sick and crippled children, and Catherine Crick is doing that in this video, and that few things will raise my ire more quickly than when you go after kids.
So I'm going to do this video. I want to show you, it's pretty short, but a couple of times
I'll interrupt here. But this is Catherine Crick, and she is addressing this little girl who has cerebral palsy.
Now, it was not stated, but I have CP, and I kind of know the look. So this little girl has
CP. So let's watch. Earlier, when you were casting away one of those demons, it was so funny.
I wasn't feeling so safe. Come on. Thank you,
Jesus. Thank you.
I pray for you right now. Thank you, Jesus. I break every generational curse off of her now in Jesus name.
I break. Catherine Crick is telling this little girl that she has demons on the inside of her, and that's why she's crippled, because she's the victim of demonic oppression.
And undoubtedly, this little girl has been to probably several, a number of these meetings.
She has seen the routine. She's seen people go up to Catherine Crick to supposedly have these demons cast out of them, and then they are freed from various addictions or physical ailments, and many of them get slain in the spirit, and they gyrate around, and they scream, and this performance.
In case you think that I'm overstating my case here, that a lot of this is just performance,
I have watched a lot of Catherine, start to say Catherine Kuhlman. That's another heretic. Catherine Crick's videos, and some of the same people at different locations.
If you watch her videos, you'll see some of the same people being delivered at different meetings in different locations, different states, and it's the same person in multiple videos being delivered over and over again.
So yes, a lot of these people are actors. The ones that are not actors, it's just psychosomatic.
There's nothing real going on here at all. Catherine Crick is a complete fraud, but this little girl doesn't know that, and so she has seen this, and she thinks that the reason that she is crippled is because she has demons on the inside of her.
How sick and twisted do you have to be to go up to a crippled child, a little girl, and tell her the reason that she's crippled is because she's the victim of, she has demons on the inside of her.
She's got demonic oppression, and she has to have the generational curses broken, and then
Catherine Crick goes on to supposedly deliver and heal her. Let's see how that goes.
Every curse, every sacrifice that was made upon her life, that she would have sickness. I detach her from every spirit of infirmity.
Every spirit that's keeping her from walking well. And on three, every spirit of infirmity must leave her in Jesus' name.
One, two, three. Now, I want to interrupt here just for a moment.
You heard Catherine Crick say that she was going to break and free her of every spirit of infirmity, and so, of course, the reason this little girl is crippled is because she's got demons on the inside of her, and she does it on the count of three, which demons apparently just, you know, count of three.
That's like kryptonite to demons. They don't like the count of three. That's just, they can't handle that, so they have to flee.
But at any rate, this little girl starts moaning like demons are coming out of her, and you may be wondering, well, why is she doing that?
I know exactly why she's doing that, because the same thing happened to me when
I was a teenager, and this little girl looks to be, what, maybe nine or so, thereabouts.
And I was 16. I was 16 when I went to see Nora Lamb, faith healer at the time, and I was fully expecting to be healed.
And I've done a video, if you want to see, hear the full story of what happened when
I was 16 years old, kind of what launched me doing what I'm doing now, at least what first exposed me to this errant theology.
I'll put a link down below in the description. You can watch that video for the full account. But for the purpose of this video, suffice it to say, when
Nora Lamb would come up to sick people and dip her finger in the oil, that was her little stick, you dip her finger in the oil, she would touch people in the forehead and they would fall over backwards.
And I had seen dozens of other people do this. And so when it was my turn, when
I was standing on my crutches and she dipped her finger in the oil and she touched me on the head, well,
I fell backwards too. But looking back on that, there was nothing spiritual about it.
The Holy Spirit had absolutely nothing to do with it. It was just psychosomatic. It was peer pressure, group dynamics, mind over body.
I had seen everyone else do it. And so I was expecting something to happen, wanting something to happen.
And so when it was my turn, I just kind of subconsciously did the same thing.
That's what's going on with this little girl. So no demons are coming out of her. There are no demons inside of her.
Catherine Crick is just a fraud and a charlatan exploiting this child.
But let's continue. Come on,
Jesus! Come on,
Jesus! Jesus! I declare
His legs to straighten now. Right now! Right now! I declare her to walk well.
Right now! I declare healing to His legs now. In Jesus' name.
I declare you to walk well. In Jesus' name. Jesus loves you so much, hon. He's freeing you today.
And He's healing you today. Amen. This little girl wants to walk.
Of course she does. She's crippled. She would rather not be crippled. I get it.
I've been there before. And she's in this room full of people. And all eyes are on her.
And she's trying to walk. I've been there. I remember.
I tried to convince myself when the thing with Nora Lamb was over. I tried to convince myself.
I think I'm walking a little better today. I wanted something to have happened.
And I tried to convince myself. Okay, I'm still crippled. But I'm better.
I'm walking better. And you know, I wanted to do it not just for myself because I wanted to be able to walk.
But so many people knew that I had high hopes for this and that I believed that I was going to be healed.
And I didn't want them to think that there was something wrong with me.
That it was my lack of faith. And so I tried to convince myself and others that something happened.
Yeah, I'm a little better. You know, this girl is doing the same thing.
All eyes are on her. And she's wanting to walk because she knows that that is what is expected.
And that is what everybody is telling her will happen. And Catherine Crick telling that little girl,
Jesus is freeing you today. You're going to walk. Catherine Crick, you abominable fraud.
I always was like, I hope there's nothing inside me.
Dear friends, watch those last few seconds again.
Thank you. I always post your videos and I always was like,
I hope there's nothing inside me. This little girl thanked her.
She thanked Catherine Crick. And then she said,
I always loved your videos and I always hoped there was nothing inside of me.
You know, I, I, I can't even put into words.
I cannot even put into words what that does to me when
I hear that come from a little girl who has just been told the reason she's crippled is she does have something inside of her.
And you know what? When this is over, as we're about to see, that little girl is going to be in the same condition.
Nothing's going to change. How sick, how dark does your heart have to be to exploit a crippled child like her and make her believe the reason she's crippled is she has demons on the inside of her.
And then for that little girl to thank her, say I always loved your videos and hope there was nothing on the inside of me.
Well, guess what? Crick, that little girl is in the same condition.
And so guess what? She is now made to believe that there are demons still on the inside of her.
And that's the reason she's crippled. Because if she had enough faith, those demons would leave.
She's just sitting free today, honey. You're going to feel better and better and better and better. Jesus has healed you today.
Thank you, Jesus. Catherine Crick tells this little girl that Jesus has healed her.
You're going to get better and better and better. Jesus has healed you today. You're not going to need those braces.
You're not going to need that walker anymore. You're going to get better and better and better and better. Well, no, she's not.
No, she's not. Catherine Crick calls herself an apostle. And the demon slayers affirm that, referring to her as an apostle.
Well, let me show you how a real apostle operates. Let's go to Acts chapter 3.
Now Peter and John were going up to the temple at the ninth hour, the hour of prayer. And a man who had been lame from his mother's womb was being carried, whom they used to set down daily at the gate of the temple, which is called
Beautiful, in order to beg alms of those who were entering the temple. When he saw Peter and John about to go into the temple, he began asking to receive alms.
But when Peter, along with John, fixed his gaze on him, he said, Look at us.
And he began to give them his attention, expecting to receive something from them. But Peter said, I do not possess silver and gold, but what
I do have I give to you. In the name of Jesus Christ the Nazarene, walk.
And seizing him by the right hand, he raised him up, and immediately his feet and his ankles were strengthened.
And leaping up, he stood upright and began to walk. And he entered the temple with them, walking and leaping and praising
God. And all the people saw him walking and praising God. And they were recognizing him, that he was the one who used to sit at the beautiful gate of the temple to beg alms.
And they were filled with wonder and amazement at what had happened to him.
That's how real apostles operated. There's no gradual healing.
There's no, oh, you're going to get better and better and better, and one of these days you're going to be free from your crippled status.
One of these days you'll just, you know, you'll just gradually get better and better and better.
Oh, no. No, that's not how real apostles operated. Real apostles actually healed people.
They commanded them to be healed, and they were healed. No psychosomatic healings.
No, I think I'm a little bit better. Yeah, I move a little bit better than I did the day before.
Yeah, that bursitis in my shoulder, I think it's a little bit better. No, the apostles did real healings because they were real apostles.
Instant. Verifiable. Undeniable. Even to the enemies of the gospel.
Even the enemies of Christ recognized that a true miracle had taken place.
It was undeniable. Far cry from what you see from today's so -called apostles.
Self -proclaimed apostles. You ain't no apostle, Catherine Crick. And neither is anybody else.
You're not an apostle, Alexander Pagani, Vlad Savchuk, any of these people.
Greg Locke. You're no apostles. To be a true apostle of Christ, to hold that office, you had to be a first -person eyewitness of the risen
Lord Jesus Christ. None of you yahoos has ever seen Jesus. Nobody has ever since he ascended into heaven.
A true apostle of Christ was directly appointed by Christ to be an apostle. You didn't just decide to become an apostle.
Jesus appointed you as an apostle. And you had to have the ability to perform the signs and wonders of an apostle.
Heal the sick. Cast out demons. Like, actually cast out demons.
Not this Hollywood psychosomatic clown show that you people do.
And on occasion, raise the dead. That's what real apostles did.
Real signs and wonders. There's not a person alive on the planet today who meets even one of the requirements to be a true apostle of Christ, much less all three of them.
You're no apostle, Catherine Crick. Neither is anyone else today. And now this little girl, now, not only does she have her illness with which to deal, but now she also has to struggle with, it's her fault.
It can't be Catherine Crick's fault. Can't be the apostle's fault. No, it's her fault.
It's her lack of faith. It's her sin. That's the reason she's crippled.
One day, Catherine Crick, you and all of your fake apostle friends will stand before a thrice holy
God. And I tremble for you. I absolutely tremble for you.
But Catherine Crick didn't get to where she is today without a lot of help. Looking at her
YouTube channels now, she has over 900 ,000 subscribers to her
YouTube channel. She's had a lot of help getting where she is today. One of the men that gave her a lot of help and gave her a lot of credibility that she does not have, not that he has any either, but is
Isaiah Saldivar, one of the demon slayers. One of the participants in the
Come Out in Jesus Name movie. Friend of Greg Locke's and Vlad Savchuk.
Greg Locke and Vlad Savchuk both, by the way, heartily endorse Benny Hinn. So that tells me all
I need to know about them. That's a subject for another video. But yeah,
Greg Locke, Isaiah Saldivar, Mike Signorelli, all these self -professed demon slayers.
Well, Isaiah Saldivar interviewed her for his YouTube channel. 930 ,000 subscribers.
He's knocking on the door of one million subscribers. Let's watch just a little bit of his interview with Catherine Crick.
About five years ago, a prophet prophesied to me when I went to a conference, you are called to be an apostle of Jesus Christ.
You encouraged people. You said, get there. Don't miss out on what God's doing. Yeah, you told people.
You're like the woman at the well, the Samaritan woman. Come on. Don't miss out. And that Sunday, after you were encouraging people, and I was on here, 300 people came.
Come on. Thank you, Lord. Seven days a week before, 300 came. So many were delivered.
So many traveled from afar and received miracles from Jesus. And from that week, there's been hundreds.
Every single week since that day, since that day, people have flown from across the country every single week.
I knew that I knew that I knew that it was God truly speaking through this true prophet of God.
So you just heard Catherine Crick thanking Isaiah Saldivar for having her on his program and platforming her because after he did, hundreds and hundreds of people started coming into her meetings and flying from all over the country to go to Catherine Crick's meetings and you see
Isaiah Saldivar going like, praise the
Lord. That's just so good. Well, you should be so proud, Isaiah Saldivar, for giving such a wolf a platform.
Birds of a feather. Now, in fairness, it is my understanding that Isaiah Saldivar no longer endorses
Catherine Crick, at least in part because of some of her prophetic covering and he is referring to this guy named
Geor Davies. He's an African prosperity preacher who is like the most obvious wolf that has ever disgraced the name of Christ.
I mean, the guy walks around wearing a crown on his head, has his own private helicopter and lives in opulent wealth and is like just I mean, you would have to be, you would have to have an
IQ that would allow you to drink out of the toilet to not see that this guy is a wolf and a complete charlatan.
But Catherine Crick considers this guy to be her prophetic covering and her spiritual daddy.
And so I think because of that Isaiah finally was shamed into backing away a little bit.
But it's interesting because he was asked on a live stream in the chat,
I suppose. Someone asked him, do you believe Catherine Crick is a false prophet or a false teacher?
And this is what he said. Now the volume here is low. I've got it up as high as I can get it. But listen to what he says here.
So Isaiah Saldivar no longer promotes Catherine Crick, but when asked if she's a false teacher, he just can't bring himself to say yes, she is a false teacher.
Never mind all of her false prophecies, and she's had many of them, including not the least of which, that coronavirus would disappear like four years ago.
Never mind that. Never mind her fake exorcisms. Never mind her exploitation of children.
No, that's just not enough for Isaiah Saldivar to call her a false teacher.
It's not the only time, by the way, that Catherine Crick has exploited children. Watch this video as she is supposedly getting ready to deliver a little boy from his demons for a price.
Thank you, Jesus. God is going to free him completely. There are different keys to receive complete freedom, and what happens is the more that we entangle ourselves with witchcraft and psychics and things like that, it's like a more complex deliverance.
So sometimes it's not just about commanding the demons, but there's other keys that need to be unlocked, and one of them is to sow seeds.
Did you pay money to the psychic? Yes. How much? I've been sowing for years because I didn't know, but I've been following him for six years.
It was ongoing for years, so in the spiritual realm, there's laws. Now, I want you to watch that little boy on the ground, and if you need to back it up a little bit, back it up a little bit, but watch him.
When you watch him jerk and shake, and then from time to time, he'll do his hands like, you know, like that.
Friends, that's not real. It's obvious he's acting. My eye is not at that little boy, though.
He's a little boy. He's doing what he's been told to do, but this isn't real.
He's acting. Now, watch real carefully in these next few seconds because even though he's on the ground supposedly full of demons that are making him twitch and shake and do, you know, despite all of that, he has the clarity of thought and politeness to cover his mouth when he coughs.
Here in just a second, watch. ...my hand for the last two years.
Ten percent. God's saying more. Okay. Because ten percent is... ...my hand for the last two years.
Ten percent. God's saying more. Okay. Because ten percent is... ...what's
God's. So now we need to sow specifically for his deliverance.
This is for his deliverance. And a good amount. If there's a good amount given to psychics, it needs to be a good amount because that's the key that needs to unlock his complete freedom.
And it needs to be where his power is. Like, Fightful Church, for example. You can sow here. It doesn't have to be here.
Just where the power of God is. Amen. Hallelujah. So this woman claims to have gone to psychics in the past.
And that's what gave the demons an entrance into her little boy. And Catherine Crick says, in order to deliver those demons out, you need to give at least what you gave to the psychic and more would help.
You know, a good amount. Sow that seed. A good amount of money will certainly free your little boy from his demonic oppression.
And will extricate those demonic miscreants from your little kid. Well, how convenient that she says that publicly with a microphone.
And you can sow it online. You can sow it right here to our church so everybody there can hear it.
You know, give the money wherever the power is. And of course, there's nowhere where there's more power than at Catherine Crick's meetings, conveniently.
Well, let's take a little journey, shall we, to Acts chapter 8. Acts chapter 8, 13 -24.
Even Simon himself believed, Simon the sorcerer, as we often refer to him. And after being baptized, he continued on with Philip.
And as he observed signs and great miracles taking place, he was constantly astounded.
Now when the apostles in Jerusalem heard that Samaria had received the word of God, they sent them Peter and John, who came down and prayed for them that they might receive the
Holy Spirit. For he had not yet fallen upon any of them. They had simply been baptized in the name of the
Lord Jesus. Then they began laying their hands on them, and they were receiving the Holy Spirit.
Now when Simon saw that the Spirit had been bestowed through the laying on of the apostles' hands, he offered them money, saying,
Give this authority to me as well, so that everyone on whom I lay my hands may receive the
Holy Spirit. But Peter said to him, May your silver perish with you, because you suppose you could obtain the gift of God with money.
You have no part or portion in this matter, for your heart is not right before God.
Therefore repent of this wickedness of yours and pray earnestly to the Lord that, if possible, the intention of your heart may be forgiven you.
For I see that you are in the gall of bitterness and in the bondage of unrighteousness. But Simon answered and said,
Pray earnestly to the Lord for me yourselves, so that nothing of what you have said may come upon me.
Simon the sorcerer thought that he could purchase the power of God with money, offered
Peter and John money. Did the apostles receive it? Oh, no.
Peter rebuked him, said, May your silver perish with you. Now there's another contrast between true apostles,
Peter and John, and false apostles like Catherine Crick. False apostles like Catherine Crick tell people that they can purchase the power of God with money.
Real apostles rebuke such a notion. May your silver perish with you.
You and all your false apostle friends, Mrs. Crick, or Miss Crick, should probably ponder that text for a little while.
So Catherine Crick tells this woman, You can sow right now. Sow that seed right now. You can do it online.
And that woman dutifully pulls out her cell phone and opens it up and starts to at least pretend like she's making a donation to Catherine Crick right there on her cell phone.
And she does this again conveniently in the seeing of everyone else who is there and all the other people there.
They are wanting freedom from various addictions and diseases and all that kind of stuff.
So this woman is kind of a template, a model for everybody else to follow suit. This is a shtick.
This is intentional deception. That little boy doesn't have a demon. You can obviously tell that he's acting.
He's just doing what he's been told to do. And I've seen enough of Catherine Crick's videos that you see some of the same people in different videos, in different locations, different states being delivered over and over and over.
So a lot of these people are actors. Catherine Crick is a fraud. An obvious fraud.
But that's not enough, you see, for Isaiah Saldivar to call her a false teacher.
No, no, no, no. So she's been propped up by Isaiah Saldivar. She's also been propped up by Sean Bowles.
Bowles is one of the staff members at Bethel. He's got a very close relationship with Bill Johnson, Chris Vallotton.
And Sean Bowles kind of has his own thing now. And Sean Bowles is known for getting words of knowledge about people in his audience.
Very specific words of knowledge. And I want to show you a video clip of Sean Bowles and watch him in action.
God speaks to Sean Bowles so clearly that God even gives him like usernames and addresses of people in his audience.
Now as you watch this clip, this is on the Sid Roth show by the way. Good close personal friend with Michael Brown. Now there's a clue in this clip as to just how exactly
Sean Bowles just might be hearing from God. And see if you can pick up on the clue as to how
God just might be speaking to Sean Bowles. I had one more username. I never get usernames but I ask
God for new information that I never get. TerryBishop911. Terry Bishop you're working on the show and we're getting you.
That is my username TerryBishop911. The word says you live in a pleasant place.
What does that mean to you? I live on pleasant hills. Come on. Sid Roth says that Sean Bowles is the most amazingly detailed prophet he has ever known.
He has ministered to thousands from royalty to people on the streets. Now he wants to share with you the secrets he has learned concerning the gift of prophecy and wants to activate you to do the same as he does.
Call now and get Sean Bowles brand new book Translating God and his anointed three part audio CD teaching
Everyone Can Hear God's Voice. Exclusive for our It's Supernatural audience. Yours for a donation of $35.
Did you catch the clue? I bet you did. Sean Bowles is literally staring at his smartphone or his iPad or whatever as he's calling out information, addresses, usernames of people in his audience.
He's looking up their information on his iPhone. He's a
Google prophet. And he's doing this in front of everyone in plain view.
And you may be wondering how could people be so dumb? False teachers are in and of themselves part of God's judgment.
You need to understand that. False teachers are in and of themselves part of God's judgment.
They will not endure sound doctrine, but will heap to themselves teachers who tickle the ears. And so God is giving these people exactly what they want.
Not sound doctrine. Ear ticklers. And it is just astonishing to me.
And yet this goes on in full view. And Sean Bowles has a massive platform.
Sean Bowles just a month or so ago interviewed Catherine Crick for his
YouTube channel. Birds of a feather. So Catherine Crick has been propped up by Isaiah Saldivar, by Sean Bowles, all of their friends, and also
Troy Black. You've probably seen Troy Black. Troy Black has a YouTube channel, very sizable.
And God speaks to him about everything. I mean, my goodness.
God is just this celestial Chatty Cathy doll with Troy Black. God seems to talk to Troy Black all the time.
But God apparently did not give Troy Black a heads up about how Catherine Crick is a false teacher.
Because this is a thumbnail of a video that he did in which he commended her and helped to promote her.
And Catherine Crick herself saw this and responded in a sentiment of gratitude to Troy Black for giving her some kudos and endorsing her and promoting her to all of his followers.
Again, dear friends, Birds of a Feather. Okay, dear ones.
Well, if all of this is not definitive proof enough that Catherine Crick is a liar and a deceiver, then this should seal the deal for you.
The very thumbnail of her video. Let's look at this. Here's the thumbnail. Little Girl Delivered and Gets Out of a
Wheelchair. Now, that little girl wasn't in a wheelchair, but okay, let's go with it. So, here's the thumbnail.
And it shows this little girl standing on her own, arms raised.
Wow, it appears as though she did indeed come out of the quote -unquote wheelchair. Did she, though?
Because here is the scene in the video from which that thumbnail was taken.
This is the exact moment that that thumbnail was taken. And look,
Catherine Crick on one side of the little girl, and the little girl who I presume to be her mother, on the other side, holding her hands, holding her up.
And if those two women weren't there holding up that little girl, she wouldn't be able to stand on her own.
She wouldn't be able to walk on her own. She would fall on her face. That's what would happen.
And yet, for the thumbnail, Little Girl Delivered and Gets Out of a Wheelchair, for the thumbnail, they photoshopped
Catherine Crick and the other woman. They photoshopped those two women out to make it look like she was doing that on her own.
Intentional, blatant deception. Shame on you,
Catherine Crick. And shame on you, Isaiah Saldivar. And shame on you,
Sean Bowles and Troy Black. These men who have propped you up and given Catherine Crick the platform that she now has, helped build that platform.
Shame on all of you. And some of you, well, we didn't know she was doing that.
Well, you claim that God speaks to you regularly. Gives you minute details, insignificant details about people's lives, people you don't even know.
You claim this and yet God somehow neglects to give you a heads up about charlatans and spiritual predators that you're propping up.
As I said, birds of a feather. Dear friends, this is appalling.
It is bad enough that these false teachers prey upon adults.
It is an entirely another thing when they prey upon kids. And if there's anything worse than that, it is the reproach that they are bringing upon the name of Christ.
They are making Christianity a laughing stock. Because of all of this chicanery and absurdity and nonsense that they parade on their channels all day, every day.
In closing, yes, I have gotten worked up in this video. I don't guess
I'm really going to apologize for that because it's raw emotions. But I want to close with this.
Catherine Crick and these others that have propped you up, other false teachers, I want you to know
I don't hate you. I do not hate Catherine Crick. I don't hate
Benny Hinn. I don't hate Todd Bentley or Sean Bowles or Bill Johnson or Kenneth Copeland or any of these people.
Many of you have heard me say this. I've said this in many, many other videos on my channel. I don't hate you.
I do hate what you're doing with a passion. I hate what you're doing because you're exploiting people, even children.
And you're bringing reproach upon the name of Christ. I hate that. But I don't hate you.
And I don't want you to go to hell. That's where you're headed right now. I don't want that for you.
I want you to know true freedom from your sin that is found only in the person at work of Jesus Christ.
If you will come before Him empty -handed, if you will cry out to Christ asking
Him for forgiveness, if you will have that godly sorrow over your sin in which you grieve over your sin because you understand that your sin grieves
God, and if you will come to Christ empty handed, trusting Him and Him alone for your salvation and what
He accomplished on the cross, He will save you. You will pass from death to life.
Jesus Christ, the Son of God, laid down His life on the cross willingly. He bore the full undiluted fury of God's wrath that burns against the sins of His people, and He drank in every last drop of it.
Died on the cross three days later, bodily raised from the dead. And if you will come to Christ seeking not only a
Savior from hell, which you deserve, but also a Savior from your sin, He will save you.
And if He grants you faith and repentance, then that repentance will be evidenced by you,
Catherine Crick, and all these other word -faith charismatic false teachers coming out and publicly saying,
I've been lying to you. I've been lying to the people who have been following me. I've been performing fake signs and wonders.
I've been exploiting the poor, the sick, the desperate, the widows, and even kids for my own personal financial gain and my own fame.
I've been exploiting people. And I now realize that I'm not qualified to be in the ministry.
So I'm shutting it down. I'm shutting down my ministry and I'm selling everything that the ministry has down to the last light bulb and C -cushion.
And everything, every penny of it, I will give to doctrinally sound ministries, doctrinally sound churches, and I'm going to find a good doctrinally sound church led by biblically qualified men who are committed to expositional preaching, led by plurality of elders, and I'm going to sit in the pew.
I will no longer ever be behind the pulpit. I'll be in front of the pulpit in the pew, sitting and learning.
That would be repentance. That would be the fruit in keeping with repentance. And I truly do want that for you.
I do not want hell for you. Some people have said before, oh,
Justin's just jealous because these other preachers, they have bigger ministries than he does. I promise you, jealousy is the last emotion
I feel towards any of these folks. I tremble for them, knowing that they will one day, very soon, stand before a risen
Christ and will have to give an account. Alright, dear ones, thank you very much for watching.
I hope this has been enlightening. By the way, Catherine Crick will soon be, as of this recording, probably within a week or so, will be in the
Philippines, exploiting untold thousands of people in the Philippines. If you happen to live in the
Philippines, share this video, especially to your charismatic friends who are thinking about going to see this woman.
Share it. I hope it helps. Thank you very much for watching. Until our next time together, may the grace of our
Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the fellowship of His Holy Spirit be with you all. Thank you.
Um, I always love your videos, and I always was like,
I hope there's nothing inside me. If by chance, the little girl that was in this video happens to watch this video, sweetheart, let me tell you, there's nothing demonic on the inside of you.
One day, if you see this video, I hope you will come to know the truth. And people like Catherine Crick, these are false teachers.
You heard me give the gospel in this video. And darling, if you will come to Christ, if you will trust
Him and Him alone for your salvation, He will save you too. He doesn't promise physical healing.
I have cerebral palsy like you do. He doesn't promise us physical healing, but He does promise us something far, far, far better.
And that is an eternity in Heaven with Him. Christ Himself is our reward.
And if the little girl's mother happens to watch this video, ma 'am, please protect your little girl.
Keep her away from false teachers like Catherine Crick. Seek out a good, doctrinally sound church.
If you need help finding one, email me. Contact me through my website. I would be delighted, delighted to get some good resources in your hand and help y 'all find a good church where you can really be cared for and not exploited.