AD Analyzes Marcus and Ruslan KD's Interaction

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Alright, well if you follow me on gab, then you already know what time it is. We are going to do a video response
Maybe a couple we'll see how it goes, but we're gonna be talking about this interview that Marcus Pittman did with Ruslan KD, I don't know if I'm pronouncing that right.
Sorry if I'm not I don't not doing it intentionally Sometimes I do mispronounce names intentionally. That's for sure.
But this time I'm not Ruslan I actually posted about him yesterday people were asking me what
I thought about Eric Mason appearing on his on his Podcast or whatever his YouTube channel and to be honest,
I I don't even know who this guy was I had heard the name before but I had no idea what he was known for So I looked him up and he's you know, he's in the music industry and all that kind of thing he professes to be a
Christian and He's a little woke You know what? I mean? So I mean, I guess you know, that's probably why people were asking me to respond to it.
So Anyway, but I thought this conversation with Marcus was interesting. And so I felt like I should respond to it now
I've already listened to this which is which is a little bit not my practice a lot of times.
I'll do live responses Well, I'll listen to it and I'll comment, you know the first time I'm hearing it But I've actually listened to this whole thing essentially already
And so I wanted to I thought it was very interesting and helpful and stuff like that on gab I told
I was I was lifting weights earlier today because you know I'm trying to I'm trying to pump some iron just in case I ever get sent to the gulag
You know what? I mean so I can throw those hands, you know what I'm saying? So Anyway, so I almost dropped the weight on me at one point because I busted out laughing because Ruslan said something absolutely ridiculous
But you know my overall impression of this dude is he seems like a nice guy. He seems like a nice enough guy
I think he's genuine and I don't necessarily think he's got bad motivations
But if you follow my channel long enough, you know that I really don't care about your motivations because if what you're doing is wrong
Then the result for me is the same, you know what I mean? So I might not come hard at you if I don't think you're doing it for bad reasons
But I'm still gonna disagree with you and I'm still gonna take you to task in that regard like Eric Mason For example,
I think he's a bad actor. You know what I mean? I think he's a bad actor and so I'm gonna come hard on against Eric Mason, you know what
I'm saying? But with this guy Ruslan, he doesn't strike me as a bad actor. I think his guy has been misled
Severely and I think he's confused on many things. So let's talk about it I don't know if this is gonna get heated or if this is just gonna be super charitable or whatever
We'll see. So we'll see. So let's get started and I hope you enjoy this by the way I'm putting this at 1 .25
speed just because it's long and I want to get through as much as I can in each session So let's hopefully this works.
Let's say that they learned it from the church I Wouldn't doubt that at all. I've experienced part of that So they're talking about cancel culture because the there's a cancel culture in the church
I agree with that to some degree that too So I would that's what that's our joke is, you know, when we use the term big Eva and all that stuff
It is talking about the gatekeepers in that industry. There's no question about that. That's real But by the way, you know culture is not necessarily bad either.
There's a there's a part of cancel culture that makes sense but Yeah, I hear what they're saying.
So this is kind of fast. So I might just switch it back to regular speed We'll see what happens Find yourself as politically agnostic.
Yes. Yeah. So what what does that mean? So agnostic is like without belief or not knowing knowledge like not having knowledge about something, right?
So people who are agnostic would say hey, I'm not saying there there is no God. I'm not taking a definite position
I don't put it back to regular speed. I'm having a hard time Listening to this So what he just said was Marcus said that that Ruslan defines himself as a political agnostic and he's defining what that means
So let's go. I'm going to switch him back to regular speed. It's just too fast No, if there's a God right so politically is like I'm not saying that Politics doesn't impact us it does and and policies do impact.
I don't have enough of a basis to form a Binary perspective off of any single issue and be like this is the one thing.
This is the one party This is what it is I've supported I voted every aisle every side of the aisle
I've I've been I've supported Andrew Yang and then I turned around and supported major Williams You know
I'm saying and and major Williams is now getting canceled by Brandon Tatum's worth Alright, so so let's stop there for a second
So he's saying that he's a political agnostic and he's presenting this as you know as something that he's happy to be he's maybe he's
Not proud of it, but he's but he's happy about he's just fine being a political agnostic And and what I find so interesting about this is as soon as he said that I was like oh
He's gonna play that scam that the atheists play. I'm not an atheist just means I lack a belief in God I'm not saying there is no
God and as soon as I thought that that's exactly what he did He said that he's saying that you know agnostics.
You know atheists would say I'm not saying there is no God I'm just saying I don't have a belief in God.
I don't hold a belief in God And he's trying to say the same thing about Politics now That's a scam
That's not true. You know what I mean when an atheist says that that's a subterfuge. They actually don't believe in God Actually, they really do believe in God.
They're actually like they're suppressing that truth We understand that from the scripture that That everything the knowledge of God like the fact that God is there is plain to everybody everybody knows
But there's a suppression so they may not feel like they know and so there it's it's not true though because what everything that they
Do is pretending as if God doesn't exist so they do have a belief because they still have to do stuff
They still have to make decisions. They still have to live their lives, and so they live their lives And their lives betray what they actually believe and so there's they live a life that betrays
That they are acting as if God doesn't exist right that's that's what's going on with atheists And it's the same thing with this political agnostic like it might sound good to be like well
I've voted every side of the aisle, and it's like well that might sound good to some people But it's actually not good plus you don't live your life that way
That all you're doing is living your life in a state of confusion Because one minute you have this political belief the next minute you have this political belief
And there's really no foundation for why you're doing what you're doing It's just you know this sounded good at this point in my life this sounded good at this point in my life
And it's like so you have beliefs They're just constantly changing and they're constantly shifting and they're not grounded in anything
We're gonna find that out in just a minute that they're not really grounded in anything So I and this is in contrast to myself now
I have changed political beliefs before and The reason I've done that is because what
I was grounding it in I have a had I came to a different Understanding a better understanding of what the scripture was teaching and so that it's grounded in something doesn't mean you can't change your opinion of Course you can change your opinion on things
But there's a difference between changing your opinion because you understand the scripture to be teaching something differently
Or changing your opinion because you actually have no anchor you're just kind of going with whatever sounds good to you at the time
There's no there's nothing you know there's no there's no pride in that right. There's no there's no you don't get any props for that That's actually a state that you should be very
Uncomfortable in and you should be seeking to get out of that state of confusion where you're just kind of going with whatever sounds
Good, I thought I'll be honest with you I thought the idea of a UBI at the time made sense when you heard him break down Automation and you heard him break down how it was getting cheaper to make things that you can instead of it was almost like a
Like a reverse tax like instead of taxing people you could do a reverse tax and Put that back into the economy with a value -added tax.
It was it was more economic than it was like other ideology I don't really agree with him on on like his gun views.
I don't agree with him on obviously you know pro -life pro -choice I don't rock with him there. So Ruslan supported universal basic income before he doesn't anymore he says and The reason he did it was because it made sense to him at the time
You know, it sounded like a good idea. It sounded like a reverse tax and for the economics of the situation
He thought that that made sense Now Marcus is about to talk about why that that doesn't make sense.
You know what I mean? And so we'll let Marcus answer And I met him and I met him and I hung out with him and I met a lot of people close to him
And I'm not gonna sit here and say like I know him very well but I met a lot of really solid Christians around him that were cosigning him as like a person and And I and I like that I liked the the ideas that he was presenting in terms of where automation potentially was going
How a UBI could potentially work how it would potentially clean up some of our tax issues
This is interesting because you know, and I'll let Marcus finish But he says the other reason he supported
UBI is because the proponent that he was that was it was, you know proposing it was
Andrew Yang and he had met him and He had met nice Christians that were around him and then later we're gonna find out that one of the reasons why he supports
Eric Mason, even though Eric Mason believes some abhorrent evil doctrines is Because he knows him and he knows that he's a good gospel witness and a gospel minister and all of that kind of thing
And I find that to be just amazing You know what? I mean? Like like that that's not a good reason to support something you met the guy
He's got Christians around him. It sounded good to you at the time Like those are all legitimate reasons that that someone would give like I'm sure that's legitimately how he felt
Ruslan felt, you know, he's a nice seems like a nice guy, you know, it's got Christians around him and it sounds right
I'm sure that's what he thinks but all of those are terrible reasons to support something and Marcus is about to you know, attack that right now
But I just find that so interesting because there's a there's a lot of people that operate in this way where it's like Well, you know,
I like him and it sounds right and this and that and and we don't have to do that as Christians We've got a scripture.
We've got a word from the Lord on every issue. We've got a word from the Lord This is important on every issue that matters and This is not just my opinion.
This is straight from the scripture The scripture says that the Word of God is sufficient for every good work
Every good work that's all encompassing Everything you need to know how to live and to do works
Good works for the Lord and to serve the Lord and in all of your life every good work
We've got a word from God on it Now this doesn't mean that the word from God is easy to understand or easy to extrapolate
Oftentimes it is but it doesn't it's not always easy But it's there and that's where you have to go.
And so when you're deciding, okay this nice Asian guy says that he's a very nice Asian man, and he's got some
Christian friends and he says that UBI makes sense because you know Work is getting automated and we need to support people because the jobs are gonna be replaced whatever
Okay, is this right or not? What you don't do is look in in your heart deep inside and see how it makes you feel
That's what you don't do. That's the opposite of what you should do Now what you should do is crack open that Bible and let's search the scriptures to find out if that is
Something that is just for the government to do and I think that if you do that You definitely will find that it's not just for the government to do such a thing, which is why it doesn't happen very often
Don't know probably not not so much. I don't know if the incentive would be there especially after After all the unemployment stuff, right?
Yeah, like I just went to a restaurant on Mother's Day man, and They were jam -packed
They were jam -packed and they were understaffed Yeah It was like nobody wants to come back to both two restaurants right next to each other
We need to go get sushi man and the sushi place was two and a half hours for takeout a place that on the app and it was a two and a
Half hour wait and I pulled up and I was like, what is this real like two and a half hour? Jam -packed like two or three people working and then on the other side
Fried pizza and they were jam -packed freaking out and and I've been seeing these reports that like people don't want to come back to work
Because they have an employment. So listen to this. So this is amazing. So good on him He's no longer for UBI, you know, that's good because UBI is is sinful and it's a wicked policy
But but notice the why he says not so much anymore Because I tried to get sushi the other day and I had to wait two and a half hours and it's like is
That how we judge whether it's good or not Like the fact that it's hard for you to get sushi the fact that it's hard for for employers to have employees
Like that's actually not how you do it. That's see that's that's judging Pragmatically like we're just gonna do whatever works or whatever, you know makes the most sense for the most people know
Now ironically, of course God's I mean, this is not ironic This should be obvious to any
Christian God's system works the best, right? So we understand God created the world he created to work the way it works
And so of course Whatever God says to do is gonna make the most sense for his creation because he loves his people, right?
And he created the world to work a certain way and then he gives us insight in in his law He gives us insight into how the world works.
And so of course God's law is gonna make the most sense So even if you were judging pragmatically, of course,
God's law is going to work, but we're not judging pragmatically We're saying no no God says this and so we're gonna do this
And so if God says that, you know UBI is not in the purview of the government
Which he definitely does say then regardless of the results We should not do
UBI, but it just so happens that God is good, right? It's great that we worship a good
God He's good to his people. He's good to his creation. He even makes the rain fall on the wicked even
So he's even good to the wicked, you know that kind of thing What a surprise his law works the best, you know what
I mean? So so that's the thing So it's just amazing. Like I'm glad that that Ruslan is not for UBI anymore
And I'm glad there's a lot of things that Ruslan believes that I would also believe But Ruslan is judging by all the wrong principles, right?
He's judging based on the results He's judging based on on how it feels to him and it didn't feel very good
For him to go to the pizza place in the sushi place and have to wait two and a half hours And so he's like, well,
I guess I'm not for UBI. I guess it doesn't work after all and it's like Well, I'm glad you came to that realization because we all have to live in reality
But we could have short -circuited that and just looked at God's law And so yeah, the other side
Donald is trying to pay people to show up for an interview right now. Yeah 1650 is what Chick -fil -a
Pays now. Yeah, I remember with the end with the Andrew Yang stuff My thoughts on that was
I'm all about a universal basic income as long as you just stop taxing people for that amount
That was the that was the that was no that was but that was literally the idea Which is why he was so appealing to like guys to lean more
He wanted to tax other people to give the income as opposed to just not tax people. He wanted to He wanted to tax he want to do a bat tax
Yeah on consumer goods and in clean up some of that and then also bring back some of that Which I think actually
Trump did well in terms of cleaning up some of the corporate tax stuff So folks won't putting money in tax shelters and avoiding
What is it Corporate sex like avoiding corporate sex by putting your money into shelters
Overseas, you know Apple has all their money and like you know how Apple works. It's really it's brilliant from a tax
Yeah, and so I think he was trying to clean up some of that. I don't know He just came out pro
Israel, which is really interesting. I didn't expect that from him He's like staying with Israel and then like Yang genocide was trending on Twitter because he's doing
Which I was like, holy smokes, man. So I don't know. I don't know. That's what I'm saying. Like I don't have Concrete absolute views with these things.
That's a problem That's a problem because because the scripture reveals to us the answers for these things now
I'm not gonna judge somebody for not having you understood the scriptures in a certain way
Maybe they haven't gotten around to it. Maybe they were mistaught and that's what I think is going on with Ruslan I think he probably he obviously seems very well informed on a lot of things
So I'm not gonna say he hasn't studied these things, but he's obviously been mistaught because we should not be
Proudly saying I don't have concrete Beliefs political beliefs we need to have concrete political beliefs and that doesn't mean that we should have concrete partisan beliefs
I think it's totally fine to be to not be a Republican. In fact, I think these days that's almost what you should do
You know what I mean But you know, it's not it's not a good thing to not have, you know binary kind of Concrete beliefs on many of these issues.
There's a lot of issues where you need to have concrete beliefs Which is gonna get explored more in this debate.
Yeah, that sounds like a good idea. Oh, and then we go through 2020 Oh, maybe that's not such a good idea
That's the thing we don't have to do that as Christians see that's the thing we don't have to do that as Christians We've got a word from the
Lord And if there's nothing else you take away from these videos is it's that we have to take the Word of God Way more seriously than we do when
I hear something like politically agnostic my thought is You're unstable in all your ways
Okay, tell me more okay, cuz I cuz I would say I'm for sure I mean Republican Party Putting up Jenner Putting up the tweet they did about you know one of the bad things about they said one of the bad things about kovat is that All these working moms now have to stay home and watch their kids and it's like well, what what's that bad?
your kids family of conservative values and you're propping up a Transgendered person to run for office and then you're saying that you know
We need to get moms to give their kids in government schools and stuff like that And so like I would I wouldn't consider myself conservative, so if they just mean well
I'm not liberal or conservative, but when you say well sometimes I'm liberal or sometimes
I'm conservative or I go back and forth that to me seems like I guess my question is like How do you?
Root your politics like where does your political theory that the standards from which you vote where does that come that has to be?
The question you know what I mean Why do you believe the things that you believe why do you act the way that you act and Sometimes there can be a contradiction there.
We all understand that we all you know Christians anyway war against the flesh, right? And so there are certain things that we do that are in contradiction to what we profess
And that's that's a problem. That's a lack of faith. That's that's that that's a sin issue, right?
We get that but when it comes to politics the things that you support the things that you say You're for and the people you vote for and stuff like that.
You've got to ground that in something There's got to be a reason for it, and so we need to understand what that reason is let's see how
Ruslan response And how do you prioritize? Yeah, that's a good question.
I don't have a Again, I don't have a primary party. I belong to I'm registered as an independent last two elections.
I voted Libertarian right I don't like governor Newsom. I'm trying to help get major Williams Elected yeah, you know
I'm saying so it's like I don't have a Central political ideology if I had to put a label on it,
I would probably label myself a libertarian I don't know. Yeah, so would I? but the question is like Theologically, what is the what is the filter?
I'm looking at things through. Yeah, where do you base your your politic from like? I could say like like libertarian like most libertarians say well libertarian
Libertarianism economically it works That's why I'm a libertarian But I would say I would I would gather my libertarianism from God's law and scripture
And that's the basis of my libertarianism, which is sure immovable yeah, and and so I don't disagree
Yeah, okay, so so I like I like libertarianism, but I don't like that most libertarians of pro -choice
Yeah, no way that makes that makes me uncomfortable right well. That's why if I have to pick a libertarian or Trump I'm not picking
Trump be just because he's pro -life This is another interesting point that I noticed so Marcus asks
Ruslan You know where are you grounding this like what where are you deriving these beliefs from right and and?
Instantly Ruslan's mind goes. I'm not a Republican or a Democrat, and it's like and even there
He's like I'm you know I'm probably kind of a libertarian But I'm not just gonna vote for Trump because he's pro -life like his mind instantly goes to the parties, right
And so Ruslan doesn't have a category for what Marcus is asking. He's like Marcus is saying okay, okay?
I get it, but where where are you grounding this where do your beliefs come from and and Ruslan's?
Just like I'm not a Republican or Democrat Marcus, and it's like I Don't think he has a category for this and again.
I don't think this is his fault. I think he's been mistaught He I don't think he understands
You know that that that that that no Marcus isn't asking about your political parties affiliation what he's asking about is
What what's the authority here? How do you know what to believe what's right to believe and I think
Ruslan's honest if he's honest with himself his answer is Whatever sounds good to me at the time and and and he hasn't trying to hide that I mean he's saying
Andrew Yang It sounded good to me at the time And now it doesn't sound so good to me at the time because it took me two hours to get my sushi
And I can see that it didn't work So he's just like out there as if he doesn't have the
Word of God and he does Like he's out there And I feel I feel for Ruslan because it's like that's that's a tough spot to be in like You're trying to figure it all out for you for yourself
And and I'll be I tried to do that myself right before I became a believer That and it's hard.
It's hard. It's impossible to do by the way to try to figure it out for yourself what to do
You know we have to look at you know God's Word And you know we understand that God God gives us a special revelation of course and then he also reveals
You know how the world works to us in general revelation, so we can we can kind of it You know figure some things out from from general revelation, but we need that special revelation
Specifically in a lot of areas we can't only go by general revelation There are a lot of things we can and there are some things we can't so That's that's a not an enviable spot for him to be in but if he's honest with himself
That's that's why he doesn't understand the question. He's like well. You know I've Marcus asked him what's the foundation where you deriving these beliefs from and he's like well, you know
Sometimes I voted Democrat sometimes. I vote a Republican sometimes Libertarian it's like you see like really the ground is himself.
He whatever sounds good to him. That's his ground I don't know if I mean he didn't do that much for the pro -life
I didn't vote for Trump the first time either, and I didn't vote for him the second time Respect, but I thought but it wasn't because it wasn't because of any of that Especially the second time
I thought I thought he did he did I think he did a great job, but he definitely was not I wouldn't consider him a
Christian at all And I think you know the Bible says and it's either Deuteronomy or Exodus.
I think it's Deuteronomy It says choose from among you men who fear God Are trustworthy and and don't take a bribe right so those are like three standards for elections that were given to Moses and Deuteronomy That I base on and I don't know if Trump Would necessarily be one of those men that fear
God I think he he was definitely used in a lot of ways, but he's I think now we're saying he's also on the back end
We're saying okay There's a lot of judgment That we're facing now as a nation as a result of just the outrage that people had from him
And and so I think yeah, so I I would agree with Marcus a lot there So I didn't vote from the first time
I did vote from the second time. I will not be voting for him a third A third time there's just no question about it. I thought that that Trump's term, and this is
I don't know if this is the first time that you guys are hearing this But this is how this is what I think His first term he he it seemed like he was fairly capable and After in the aftermath of the election
It's very clear that he is he is incapable of doing the things that need to be done so that it's just that simple
I don't think that I Think that he fails that though that test of those three things you know fear
God trustworthy not take a bribe I think he might fail all of them at this point now that I've seen how it goes down But anyway, yeah a lot of that outrage is
You know when you hear people like you know whether it's Mason or Jamar Tisby or these guys And they're talking about you know like reparations for example.
It's like well. Yeah, but where do you base reparations in? Scripture because I actually I actually would agree, and I've said this multiple times on my show that I believe they're in Police brutality,
I'm against the corporate prison systems and structures But but but I have my answer to that is not in the liberal messaging my answer to that.
Let's say like prison systems My answer to prison systems is execution or restitution like what does the crime?
Fit and it's creating a whole system of like our speeding tickets Something that is considered just according to scripture like that's where I base these things and so like my concern is when
I see You know I was talking about reparations, or we're talking about systemic racism or any of these sort of things.
It's like well. Yeah, okay So if assuming systemic racism were true like what would you say?
What's a solution to it like what what is the ultimate like how do we solve? We we get repentance we get that we get repentance of faith trust in Christ the gospel
Got it, but practically speaking. We're talking about justice, which is a role of the government So like what is the solution and where is that solution found in Scripture What is well?
So Marcus is I think Marcus is picking up on the same I Think Marcus is picking up on the same thing.
I'm picking up on is that it's that you know He doesn't really understand the question that Marcus is asking about the foundations, right?
Because he keeps going off into left field about I don't vote for a certain political party It's clear he doesn't understand the question so Marcus asks asks it a different way.
He just directly asks Where in Scripture are you grounding this and I think that this is very helpful to you know if somebody's not understanding your question
Reframe it in a way where that's very clear what you're asking so he said where in Scripture. Are you getting this?
Scripture doesn't directly talk about issues like I don't police brutality, right And this is where I I have a lot of sympathy for Ruslan here, and I know that he's been mistaught
I don't understand how somebody could say this Scripture does not directly address
Issues of police brutality, and so I know Ruslan's not thinking like this But but but but this is what he's saying to you
You know that place in the Scripture where it says that the Word of God is Sufficient for every good work.
You know where it says that that's actually not true because it doesn't address police brutality and That's that's an issue that's an issue and again
I don't I'm not saying Ruslan is intending to say the Scripture is not sufficient
I'm not saying that but when you say things like police brutality isn't addressed in Scripture That's what you're saying that there's good works out there that we need to do that the
Scripture doesn't address and This is what every social justice warrior says that there's there's issues in in the world that are that are good works that are legitimately good works that Christians ought to be engaged in because a
Christian ought to be engaged in good works that the Scripture is not Sufficient to address and that's a direct contradiction to what
Paul says Paul the Apostle says the opposite And so Ruslan, I think you sound like a nice guy, but I'm gonna go with Paul on this one
And and and say that if you don't think that the Bible addresses police brutality
That you probably need some to do to do a little bit more studying Because the Bible does address police brutality if the police kills somebody
Inappropriately and it's it's a murder. It's not self -defense. It's not Defending the weak or whatever it is.
It's it's a murder. It's just a murder Then the Scripture is very clear what happens to a murderer
They are given the death penalty. Okay, it's life for life That's what the
Scripture says if two men get in a fight and hurt each other We have there's a word from God on how to deal with that kind of thing injuries and stuff like that if if if if if if a person
I mean doesn't have to be even be a cop it could be anybody if somebody comes into my house In the daytime and tries to steal from me
There's a certain way that the Bible tells us to adjudicate that if somebody comes into my house at night and tries to rob me
And I end up killing him There's the by the Scripture gives us how to adjudicate that like like like like Ruslan if you ever hear this the
Bible is way Better than you've been taught it is and that's no knock on your their teachers, by the way
It's way better than all of us have been taught that it is And so that that's just an important issue now
Let's I'll let Ruslan respond to this and then we're gonna end this video here If you like this and you want this to continue, let me know in the comments below.
Give it a like Share it and and we'll see how much play this gets I think this is interesting, but you know,
I'm a little bit of a weirdo I admit so you might not find it quite as interesting, right? and Not every day.
I think there's principles we could extract right and so I appreciate you referencing that verse You said what was that verse again
Deuteronomy? I think it was, someone in the chat can get it It's a choose from choose men from among you who fear
God Are trustworthy and don't accept the bribes So there's principles that we can extract and and and I agree with him sort of but the problem is that he's about to unpack
What he means by principles and it's one of these things where basically what he means is that you get these vague overarching principles and Pretty much anything could fit them because he's gonna offer solutions or things later on and and they're gonna be on biblical solutions
And he says that they fit the overarching principles from the Bible and no they don't in fact They overturn the overarching principles in the
Bible. It's when I'm looking because you know Eric Mason will say that reparations fits the overarching principles of the
Bible, but in my book upcoming book I'm gonna I'll show you how it actually does it.
In fact, it Rejects specific commands in the Bible. See the Pharisees did this too with their
Corban law, right? Everything that I would have given to my parents is given unto God and there's an overarching principle there
It's like well, I'm gonna honor God with my money. That's an overarching principle. Everything I have is God's and it's like That's a good overarching principle, right?
Who could argue? Who could argue? but Jesus says the Corban law is wicked because it actually
Overturns an actual law of God about honoring your father and mother and so that's the thing like you can
I agree with him Yes, there's principles we derive from the Bible, of course But we have to work to make sure that those principles are pretty specific and actually don't overturn other laws in the
Bible Yeah, really? That's really dope. Yeah, so it's Exodus Exodus 1821 18 to select the capable women from all the people who fear
God trustworthy men Yeah, so those are the standards for tens and thousands and hundreds so when they're electing leaders, it is that's pretty much
You know, what is your question? What is the solution to system? It's gonna shift gears into systemic racism, but that is dope
I agree that that law when I when I when I discovered that law, you know, and I didn't discover it obviously
But when I found out what it was actually addressing and how I could have potentially apply that to who I choose to vote for And stuff like that.
I agree that I wouldn't have called it dope I would have called it G Willikers good, you know that kind of thing
Anyway, yeah, let me know if you like this. I I enjoyed this but you know, maybe