Wisdom From Parents (05/09/2004)


Pastor David Mitchell


Turn with me this morning to the book of Proverbs There are two two places we've lost where we seem to be losing the battle in this country and The first place is in the pulpit
Because if men and women don't have a preacher who will tell them the truth from the Word of God Then they don't know how to be men and women the way
God wants them to be they don't know how to be man and wife The Bible way, they don't know how to be mother or father the
Bible way and so the next generation comes up and they're not in the word and then they become the president and the
Senate and the House of Representatives and woe being to us the
Supreme Court justices of the next generation and so the second place that we fail is in the home and Such a large
Responsibility is upon the mother even though the father is the spiritual leader of the home. I Don't believe any it's very difficult let's put it this way for a mom to be what she ought to be if the father is not the spiritual leader in the
Home, and if the men are not the leaders in the church Today we see so many churches that are feminized to the point where the women do everything
Even some churches where the women are doing the preaching Even though the scriptures say very clearly
God himself says I permit not the woman to teach nor usurp authority over the man and then
God links that all the way back to the Garden of Eden and says because the man was Formed first and then the woman and the woman was deceived and not the man
Therefore women are not allowed by scripture to handle the doctrinal issues of the church and yet that's all awry today there even women teaching the
Bible in Bible colleges and There'll be young men right there in the class along with the young women.
So you have the female teaching the male and It's it's ungodly It's actually unclean, but we don't see it that way
But it filters its way back down into the homes and sometimes the man is not the spiritual leader in the home
And it all gets awry but this morning I'm going to assume that the church is in the right place and The home is in the right place and the man is in the right place as a spiritual leader and let's stop for a moment
And look at the mothers and the influence that the mother can have and I want you to see all of the ills of our society
That could be fixed Simply by young people being in a right way in the home disciplined correctly and Listening to their mothers and fathers, but particularly this morning.
We'll talk about the mothers We went to a graduation ceremony yesterday in Longview, Texas at Letourneau University and there were about all goodness
I don't know Well, I know there were 400 graduates, which was their largest graduating class to date and What would you say
Thousands a couple of thousand people There maybe 3 ,000 people. It was outdoors and it was a beautiful day.
The wind was cool and It was kind of cloudy. So the Sun wasn't too hot. It was really a wonderful time and But I noticed in two rows in front of me there was you know families everywhere
But there were there was a family there and they had several children. They had a little girl that was oh
About probably three years old and The mom was holding her and So the child was facing me.
I'm back here the child's over the mom's shoulder Child's facing me and I'm looking at that little girl's eyes
And the first thing I always think when I see a little girl is that's God's greatest creation And I think
I Think that's just my viewpoint and then I think isn't she beautiful just gorgeous little girl
Little curls coming down and then I looked in her eyes and I said, uh -oh Houston we have a problem.
I Could see the devil in this little girl's eyes I Could see that she had never been spanked properly in her life and Here she was and she was smaller than any of the children in this room today
And she something happened, I guess she got tired of having to sit there course It's a while you sit there to graduation and she began to first just kind of go like that to to the mom
Hit it to kind of push her way to mom Then she took a little fist or kind of going like that And I noticed the mom was having to kind of start holding her a little tighter
So she couldn't get out of her lap little girl starts doing she starts going Man, this is better than Muhammad Ali.
I can't wait to see the mom give the little kid an uppercut, you know She never does she just And I almost got out of my chair and slammed the kid down and spanking, you know
And all of a sudden the dad so we're watching all this, you know, he finally gets up and I said, okay
Now we're gonna have some proper action. He gets up and picks her up and she just clings to him like oh
Everything's wonderful. He takes her out the back no spankings and I'm thinking boy.
That is amazing I can't wait to see this one walk the aisle when she graduates She's gonna be holy terror
And that mom didn't understand the thing about what the Bible says about raising children Do you know the
Bible doesn't mention one thing about sticking their nose in the corner? It doesn't mention timeout
It mentions one thing and one thing only and it's the rod and It says that foolishness is bound in the heart bound up in the heart of a child it says that the rod will drive it from the child and that the rod can even keep the child from hell and That the parent who loves the child
Will properly discipline the child with the rod and then that's about it
Now There are some other issues in the Bible where it says the father is not to provoke the child So there's a right way to give a spanking and But without the spanking you might as well forget the rest
Because a human beings character is pretty well determined by the age of six or seven years old
And if it's a young man in particular, you're gonna have be hard -pressed to change him beyond that Now I know
God can with salvation a good dose of salvation can change a person but character wise
It is set in place. And so the role of that mom at home with the little child
Between the age of infancy and on up to three years old four or five and six years old is the thing that turns nations
Now it may be that if the mom's not sitting in a Bible Church where the preacher Has the guts to preach what the
Bible says about it that she may not know the right way to do it But if she reads what dr.
Spock has written she'll get it all wrong You know what they teach in most of the psychology books on child rearing is reason with the child
Well, that's what this woman was doing She was reasoning with her. Oh, don't do that. That's not gonna make you happy.
Don't hit me in the face. That's not good Doesn't work The only thing that will reason with the child is the rod and it reasons with perfect reason don't do the thing you just did and It really does work.
God has ordained it and it's marvelous if used properly in love And so forth well, let's take a look at chapter 1 in Proverbs starting with about verse 8
Well, let's start with verse 7 but really the message this morning starts with verse 8 And I want you to see the ills of our society that could be corrected
If the moms were properly instructed from the pulpit and Then went home and did exactly what the
Bible says The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge But fools despise wisdom and instruction
Now this passage is not only written to moms to teach them how to teach their children But it's written to children and especially teenagers
To teach them what happens if they don't listen to their moms and dads So you young people this is a message to you too.
So I want you to listen as well Much of it is a warning to teenagers
Now start with verse 8 My son hear the instruction of thy father and forsake not the law of thy mother
Now this is written primarily to the young men to the teenage young men But we have to remember that God is going to include the young ladies as well.
So you young ladies listen as well Hear the instruction of thy father
So this is not just An injunction to the fathers and the mothers to teach properly because it doesn't do one bit of good if you the child don't listen if You put a rebellious ear out there and a rebellious countenance and you decide in your heart
I'm not gonna listen anything. My parents say then whatever they say It's not gonna do you any good
So there is a great responsibility there for the moms to teach properly in the home
But there is a huge responsibility for that child and listen children Let me tell you something someday when you stand before God and you will stand before God someday
You stand before Jesus Christ. He's gonna look you in the eye and you're not gonna be able to look and say well
My mom didn't teach me, right? My teachers at school let me down Or you let this happen in my life and I I didn't like it and it hurt me
So I turned out wrong You won't be able to say one thing like that because at the judgment seat of Christ children and teenagers and adults
There's only one issue and that's you are accountable for what you did while in this body
You were accountable for what you did while in this body No one else will be responsible just you for what you did
So look how it says that my son or children you should hear
The instruction of your father and then forsake not the law of your mother
So as your father and mother teach you things in the home You don't forsake it later in life
Now look what verse 9 says For they that means the instruction of the father and the law of the mother shall be an ornament of grace to your head and Chains about your neck now that doesn't mean you're gonna be chained down That's talking about like a necklace a beautiful necklace that other people can see
Now listen to what the symbolism is in verse 9 the instruction of your father and mother
Will be as an ornament of grace to your head. What's in your head your brains?
Those scrambled egg looking things You got brains in there And as your mother and father teach you that's like Putting things in your mind that teach you how to think right your whole life they teach you how to think right and the
Bible says the instruction of the father and mother will be like an ornament of Grace to your head and that is a picture.
That means that your head will be able to think right You'll be able to know the difference between right and wrong
You'll be able to know how to handle Things such as temptations when another person comes and tempts you to do something or when the world does that?
How about the music you listen to do they sometimes tempt you to be? Rebellious or ungodly.
What about the movies and TV shows? What about other friends that are not born again, or they may claim to be
Christians, but their fruit denies it Always be a fruit inspector if they tell you they're a
Christian and they're going to church But in their life, they're saying words to you and doing things that you know
Jesus wouldn't do you have to question their salvation and there's a lot that a mom can talk teach a daughter or a son
That will teach them how to avoid ungodly temptations and Those things are supposed to be as an ornament of grace in your head now teenagers
I don't want you talking to each other. I want you listening up here to me This is God's Word This message is for you and your parents.
Listen to me this morning. I Don't normally do that, but I want you listening
You remember how it started out it says my son hear the instruction when a preacher is preaching
God's Word If you're not given an ear that hears you might as well stay home now listen all of you
You two adults But Especially you young people do not let this hour pass and not hear
God's Word God is going to give you some protection here. If you will take it and if you don't you're an absolute fool now
An ornament to your head. That means your mind will learn to think right
Now look what the second one is Change about my neck doesn't mean your parents are going to put a leash on you and carry you around What it does mean is
That you will have an ornate necklace around your neck that the world can see the beauty of it now the thing that's great about that is because if you've listened to your mother and father and they've taught you in righteousness
Your actions your life Your words from your mouth the things that the other people around you can see
Will be like an ornament a beautiful necklace that shows them then that you've been raised in a godly home you've been raised by a godly mother and father and They've taught you the words from this book right here
And that's the only way you know how to act because this world is not going to teach you the right way to act It's like a beautiful necklace around your neck that the world can see that shows them one of two things either it shows them that you've had an ear that hears and you have listened under the tutoring of your parents and the discipline of their hand and You're being raised up in the ways of God or it shows them
It's going to be a perverted looking necklace the thing they can see that shows them You're of the world you're of the flesh and you're of the devil
One of two things they're gonna see around your neck and you know what it's evident to people you can't hide it
People can see it in your eyes They can see it in the countenance of your face. They can see it in your body language
That's what verse 9 means you didn't see all that in there did you but it's there now let's go to verse 10
My son if sinners entice thee consent thou not Now we're going to go into a series of teachings that will correct all of the ills of our society
If this were done in the home if the mom taught this and the dad taught this and the child had an ear that would
Hear this and a heart that's soft and not rebellious Then look at the first teaching my son or daughter if sinners entice thee consent thou not
You know what? That means the very first lesson. Oh Let me stop a minute I meant to do this and I forgot
I want some of you to participate Tell me what you think three or four of the worst ills in our society are
What are they somebody give me one Abortion Okay Let me be more specific though.
I'm talking about I'm talking about Acts that people do I'm not talking about what you know, something like abortion necessarily, but Things that people do such as disobedience, but what do we see in our society?
Disrespect What are some others? Selfishness, what are some things we see in our inner cities that the young people are doing?
What is that Violence in what form is it usually in? Think about the young people
How Do they run Gangs, that's what I'm looking for. Now. Look at this.
Look at this first one My son if sinners entice thee consent thou not you know what that's talking about We're gonna get to the gangs in a minute, but that's talking about peer pressure
Do you know what the most difficult thing for a teenager is? What teenager can tell me?
What's the hardest thing for you? Okay, I'll be the teenager.
All right You don't want to look different or be different or act different or have anyone think you're different than the crowd
You want to be cool and you want to be in what's the word for it now? It's probably not cool anymore. What is it? Groovy that's it
That's it You want to be cool and you want to be in and you don't want to stand out as weird or different That's peer pressure do adults have that on the workplace at the workplace sometimes how about in church you ever been in a
Independent Baptist Church where everybody dresses the same way they all dress like the preacher and the women dress like preachers wife
That's peer pressure It's not natural Those are laws that men make
I Mean there are some religious groups where they absolutely dress the same Like you see a couple of three nuns going across the street.
Look at whoa, nice dress. They're all the same Peer pressure is an amazing thing.
Well, look what this says though There's a thing called negative peer pressure where people will try to put pressure on you to do a wrong thing
And I'll say well everybody's doing this How many you adults ever heard that when you were a teenager?
Well, everybody's doing it. How many have you ever told your parents? Well, can I go do that? Everybody else is doing that See they won't raise their hands, but they're all going like this
My son if sinners entice you that means if a person tries to get you to do something that you know
And your heart is wrong Consent thou not that means don't do it. But let me tell you something young people consent happens in the mind first Don't consent with your mind
Don't let your mind agree with what they're doing because if you let your mind agree with it You'll let your body agree with it
If you let your mind agree that what they're doing is okay because everybody's doing it But your heart tells you the
Lord wouldn't do it And you go ahead and you let your mind consent to it. In other words say well everybody's doing it.
It must be okay You've already done the sin. You're just a step away from being involved with what they're doing.
That's wrong so the first thing the moms and dads are to teach the young people is That there is going to be a thing called peer pressure where all the other children are doing this and talking this way
They're using this kind of language saying this kind of words And it may not even sound like what normal adults say or what normal humans say
It's a weird kind of language that comes from either the rock music or the rock culture I don't know why
I pick on the rock culture. It may come from TV. It may come from cartoons But it's some kind of weird language that the world is putting out there trying to get you to pick up So that you'll be different than your parents
One of the things Satan has always tried to do is create a generation gap in the Bible. There's no such thing
Between the fathers and the sons they're the same but in America The Satan tried in all over the world today.
Satan tries to make the kids think well, we're cool and we're different Those are old fuddy -duddies. No, they're everybody.
We're all the same. We're all on the same team You're gonna be just like us This little attitude thing that lasts for just a flash time you walk that that I'll like Jenny did
I'm thinking about the aisle can't get my mind off that aisle in July but across the stage like Jenny did
All of a sudden she's one of us you can't be cool anymore You're an adult now. So it only lasts a few years
And what Satan tries to do is to drive a wedge between the parents and the children by making that the kids think the parents
Aren't aren't in and cool What's worse is if the parents don't think you're right?
and really As the world comes to you and entices you to do these things to be like the rebellious youth of the world or whatever
Don't consent to it in your heart say no. I don't have to be that way I don't have to have one kid think
I'm cool. I'll never forget. Dr. Rocky Freeman my mentor What is one of the greatest strengths he had was teaching teenagers.
He could get in front of youth and he was awesome He was just it's like he just That was his gift almost there's one of the best preachers
I've ever heard. But when he got in front of youth, I Love to watch him, but I'll never forget one time
He was with a bunch of teenagers and he probably picked out one or two that had a rebellious look He was why he'd watch him.
He'd make eye contact with him the whole time Just melt them right down into that seat by the time it was over But he would he would get so intense.
He said I can't believe That you would dishonor God dishonor your parents and All and he said it a lot more eloquently than this, but I can't remember how he did it all but he said it in the
All to impress a pimply faced idiot of a teenage boy That's how he said it so he had pegged some girl in the crowd just saw that rebellious look he was nailing that he said
How would you do why are you trying to impress a pimply faced teenage boy? He then he'd go and say
I came for the life me see why you girls are attracted to any of them But but Peer pressure is a problem and you have to learn how to deal with it
And the way you deal with it is when they entice you who give me a plain word for that. What does entice mean?
A Lure you. All right. What's a plain word for that? They tempt you They try to dress it up and make everything look really good
Like it's really the best thing there is and they're enticing you then you with your heart and mind
You don't consent to it. You say no, but I know Jesus wouldn't do that. I just know he wouldn't have any part
He wouldn't even hang out with this crowd So I'm not going to All right.
That's the first one we see How to handle peer pressure now look at verse 11 if they say who is it it's the same group
It's the group from the world The group that is energized by Satan himself, but they don't know it
They think they're doing everything on their own, but they're not they're energized by Satan because anything that is not
God is the opposite It's of Satan If your speech if in your speech you use words
That you would not use if Jesus Christ physically walked in that door and sat down beside you today
At any time in your life around the house or in the car anywhere you go you use words You wouldn't use with him sitting there.
Then you're energized by Satan Because it's not from God So if you're hanging around people that do that all the time it can rub off on you
And that's what this whole passage is about. It's saying don't hang out with them Turn your back to them and run as fast as you can and get away from this crowd if They that is the crowd if they say come with us.
There's the first problem You know what? That means they're saying be like us You don't want to be different.
You don't want to look like a homeschooler You don't want to look or dress like you went to a
Christian school Get that uniform off before you go to town. You wouldn't want to think you're a
Christian Think about it now, isn't that how we think? Well mom, I need to go and get this uniform off.
I can't go to the mall this way. Why not? Well, they'll know I went to it. What are you gonna say a
Christian school? They'll know you follow Jesus. Yeah, it's a problem Why is that a problem because they that's the they here in verse 11.
They don't want you to be like that They want you to be like them Be like the world and they say come with us.
Let us lay wait for blood Let us lurk secretly for the innocent without cause
Let us swallow them up alive as the grave and whole as those that go down to the pit We shall find all precious substance if we shall fill our houses with their spoil
Now, let's stop a minute. You say now that doesn't seem to fit. You know you brother Mitchell You're teaching me not to be a rebellious teenager
Now you're talking about me not following people are gonna go kill people and take their stuff You know, that's one of the biggest problems in America today is gangs and That's exactly what they do.
Do you see how it starts out? It says if they say come with us God says don't go with them
Come with us. We'll take innocent blood and take their stuff. That's a game So this is not foolish
It may be to some of us who were can't we're somewhat sheltered here in our church and our homes In our school, and I'm glad we should be that way
But if we lived in the inner city, this would be very very important to teach to the young boys, especially
The mobs at home they teach them through Proverbs when they're two three, four, five six seven
They'd have a whole lot gangs when they're nine ten eleven twelve and thirteen Don't go with them when they say come with us
Now you get down so you talk about gangs you get down into verses 12 and 13 just talks about stealing things
Just taking things that don't belong to you. Is that a problem in America? Is that a problem with young people going into stores?
Just grab something you want and then hide it and walk out with it and all of a sudden that buzzer goes off and you get Embarrassed get rested maybe
Yeah, it's a problem We should teach the little children. You don't take something. That's not yours
God sees everything you do everywhere you go and everything you think and he writes it in a book You will stand before God someday and he will read from that book everything you did when you're in this body the bad and the good he will name every bad thing and You'll have to be ants.
You'll have to answer for it yourself. You can't blame it on mom dad society school or anything
It's just you Verse 14 cast in thy lot among us they will say
Let us all have one purse. In other words, we'll just all go out and steal stuff Put it all together and then we'll divide it up equally
Look what verse 15 says my son walk not thou in the way of them
Refrain thy foot from their path. So what is the quickest Avenue of escape from these problems young people?
Let's have a teenager. Tell me the answer to that this morning What's the quickest problem?
to handle peer pressure The possibility getting in with a group and going out doing something wrong that you would not have done on your own
But you're influenced by the group. What's the quickest way of escape? Let me read the verse and you give me the answer my son walk not thou in the way of them
Refrain thy foot from their path who can tell me what the easiest route of escape is
That's right When they're over here, then you go be over there If they're down at the gym, then don't go to the gym when they're there
Everybody in this town seems to think the YMCA is a great place to send your kids It is a great place to send your kids if you want them to end up pregnant or in a gang
Because what people don't know is for five bucks a year the underprivileged of our society can go there all year
I think it's about five bucks So what that does is it brings the world system into that place what does
YMCA stand for you can tell What's the third word?
Christian so was it designed for for ungodly lost kids to come in there?
No For five bucks they can come in all sudden. They pay the five now. They're a Christian No, ladies and gentlemen, let me just tell you what it's like If you send your kid to that gym and you don't go with them they're gonna come back with ways of the world and language of the world and It will evolve to deeds of the world within a matter of weeks or months
And you know what's worse if you have a young lady If you have a daughter and you let her go there the the young men of Satan The men of Cain the men young men of this world are putting their eyes all up and down your daughter and And looking at her as an object to play with and to use and then to throw away and You're letting them do that because you're letting your daughter go there without you going with them now if you go with them
It's different because if you're like me, you'll bring a baseball bat after him in a second not think twice about it
I've done that on more than one occasion But I've raised two daughters right over here and gotten them to college safe But it took a baseball bat to do it
We don't have men with guts anymore, I'm supposed to be talking about the mom so let me get off that's a rabbit trail
But how can a woman be what she is if she looks at the man and sees a wimp? You know, she can't stop all of this.
The man's got to get in there, too Let's get back on the mom's been what do you say? We'll get off the man get on the mom What should the moms be doing?
Well mom, how about you go down to that gym and look around see what you see and see if You like it Don't just send them down there go down there and look at it
I'm picking on that because it's a problem in this city, but there's other places. I mean, maybe it's not always the gym
Maybe it's the roller skating rink bowling alley or the movie or wherever You know the drag is or whatever
You better know where your children are going because I'm gonna guarantee you Satan's gonna try to get to them through the world system
And children, let me tell you what what if your parents mess up and they let you go somewhere and you get there and you find
Out who or if they knew it was like this. They wouldn't let me be here What should you do you say? Well, I'm here and I got away with it and the parents don't know it
So I don't think I'll just kind of look around and see what I can partake of There was a young lady that did that in the
Bible once called one at Dinah She went out to see what the women of the world did or the girls of the world did
She ended up with us destroyed life Don't look around too much
So what if you get there and you see it's not the right environment your parents hadn't even figured that out yet What should you do?
We'll look at verse 15 my son that's speaking to the child You don't always have to have your parents watching over you saying you can't do that You don't have to have that if you've got the
Lord in your life at all because the Holy Spirit will come to you and Say hey, Jesus wouldn't hang out here Jesus would not be with these people unless he was witnessing to him, but you're not strong enough to witness to him
So you don't need to be hanging out here. That's what he would probably tell you my son walk Not thou in the way of them.
So look at me young people look here if they're here You're right there with them the
Bible always says flee youthful temptation It doesn't say you face it as if you're a strong person.
Well, I can handle this, you know Okay, I'm such a good Christian. I've been baptized right here in this water I'm strong I can do this.
It won't work. You'll fall every time sooner or later You'll fall every the best of you will fall sooner or later if you keep putting yourself in that way
In that path. So what does God say flee from it? So what does that mean young people if if these bad kind of kids are hanging out right here, where are you supposed to be?
Tell me Ben, where should you be? Over there
Miss B. Hang out with them They you put up a basketball thing on your garage, wouldn't you?
Maybe protect him. He's good. I'm not sure about that You don't want to hang out where they are
Verse 16 or the end of verse 15 refrain your foot from their path You can't go where they are because you'll fall
Now the parents should have taught you this parents should always teach your young people this teach them this till they can quote it back to you
But young people your parents will not always watch you 24 hours a day But God God will
God watches you Everywhere you go and takes note of everything you do and say and who you hang out with and the whole thing
So you've got to have some ability in your own heart to stand for right say no, I'm not gonna do that I'm not gonna do this.
I'm going somewhere else Verse 16 for their feet run to evil and make haste to shed blood surely in vain
The net is spread in the sight of any bird You don't let the bird see you're setting a trap for him that teaches us
Satan is not gonna let you see. This is bad Listen to me young people. I mean Look at look at this
It's using nature as an example surely in vain. The net is spread in the sight of earth.
Can you see this? You probably prompt to catch up a chicken So you can have lunch today
Baptist lunch that's fried chicken So you're gonna catch this chicken. So the chicken sit right there and said chicken watch me you go over here
You dig this hole with the shovel And you put some things sticking up with poison on them or whatever
No, too many boobies, right? You see these things sticking up and you put a little some leaves over there where the chicken can't see it
But you're doing all right for the chicken. I Mean my chickens not that stupid. They're pretty stupid, but he's okay from this way
That's not how you catch a chicken or any kind of animal. You don't set the trap while they're watching now
What does that teach us? Did you know that the devil? Never sets a trap for you that looks like a trap
And included in traffic They think you're out the whole place My tissue
And that's this trap and he gets everybody kind of involved maybe even the church holds Let's get standard down a little other
Christian school. Let's step that way. We're comfortable. I've been doing well You know, maybe be all right if we do this and the trap is set but it all was beautiful It all was fun.
There won't be one part of it. You'll say all that You Think everything's cool all of a sudden you fall in the pit some of those pitch you can't get out of Some you can and you learn from it and so forth, but you can't count on that.
So you've got to avoid these pits Now as you go down through here
The next stage I sees in verse 20 We see that the pick the mom is going to teach how to avoid peer pressure even gangs
How to avoid stealing Taking that which is not yours. Now. Look at verse 20 wisdom crieth without she uttered her voice in the streets
The next thing a good mom is going to teach her children how important education is now you say well wisdom is not education
Well, but if you read the whole passage in the context all the way down to verse 29 look at verse 29
For that they hated knowledge. That's education Knowledge is education.
That's how you gain knowledge and Did not choose the fear of the Lord. So you see that a good mom and a dad
Will let their children know from the earliest age that school is a good thing
The more of it you can get is generally all other things being equal is generally a good thing
Get all the education you can get and when you're off at college
It's okay to have fun. Isn't it Jenny? Did you have fun? Did she have fun you watched her for a year?
Was she having fun? All right, but she graduated with honors. That means she kept her grades up there.
You can do both But you're there to gain knowledge Because look at this wisdom crieth without she utters her voice in the streets
It goes down and it talks about verse 22 that there are people who are simple
That means they don't study. They don't think school is important. They don't care about math English those studies in science
They think it's silly those people and God calls them simple verse 22. You are simple ones
You will love simplicity and the scorners delight in their scorning and fools hate knowledge
You know, what's so funny is a fool will mock the educated person. I've seen it time and time again
I saw a group of men once standing around and I'm not knocking anybody There's a place for everything, but I saw a group of uneducated guys who who?
Had not gone. I don't know that they all had finished high school and here they were mocking the engineer.
That was their boss Now engineering is one of the toughest things you can study It's tough.
You don't just get through there. How do you knew some engineers who graduated were they the dumb kids were they simple?
No, I mean there they study they study hard and yet these guys mocking them now here you got a guy that's you know
Making maybe three hundred thousand dollars or a couple hundred thousand bucks a year And you got over here a guy that's on an hourly wage and he's talking about how stupid the other guy is
You know, what does that tell you? Now, I'm not saying anything either way.
I mean, it's okay Whatever your calling is in life not everyone's meant to go to college But I'm saying don't ever be so stupid that you think that an educated person is the fool all the time now
I'll tell you this there are educated fools You know the the ones who?
Who came up with the theory of evolution were highly educated The fool is the person that doesn't fear
God But there are a lot of uneducated simple people who mock
Righteous men who have educations men who also fear God and have an education. That's not normal. You shouldn't do that Parents listen, you may not have had the opportunity to go to college
But you should instill in the heart of your child and teach them from a young age to get all the education that you can
With the gifts God's given you and if they're not meant to go to college find a good trade school
But get more education there Get as far up in the education as you can get a lot of people would disagree with me
Today a lot of pastors almost preaches if education is sinful And I would say that they're foolish if they say that all other things being equal
Because look at this passage from verse 20 all the way through verse 29 It's talking about the importance now to see the
Jewish person the Jewish mind would never debate with me on this issue The Jews had schools before any other people on the world in the earth did
They taught the children brought them into synagogues and began to teach the children to young age They still believe in education more than any other nation.
That's why they're so powerful It's such a tiny little nation because they use their brains So all the way from 20 to 29 it talks about education and understanding and knowledge
But verse 29 it talks about one of the most important things that a mom has to teach children
For they that hated knowledge and did not choose the fear of the Lord and that is moms
If we don't teach our children Children when you go out there and you do something wrong and mommy's not watching you
God's watching you and There's gonna come a day that you're gonna learn That he can spank harder and worse than the worst spanking
I ever gave you I'd love to talk about my kids a little bit about some of my spanking experiences, but I won't
I'll spare them But the worst spanking you can imagine When you get out there and you pull out of that nest and you get out there on your own
And you're not under your parents hand anymore guess whose hand you're now under God's God's hand and he knows how to spank
So fear him with a healthy fear like a child should fear the father and the mother fear
God that way and ladies Teach your children this above all things teach your children fear the
Lord He is always watching you God's timing is not like mom's and dad when you do something wrong
And I see you almost take you back right now go to the study and that what it is in our house Go meet me in the study
I'll be back there after a while and we're gonna have a meeting and it's usually a spanking God doesn't do it that way.
You know what he does. He takes note of it and he lets time pass And he may take note of the next one and He'll let time pass
And he may take note of the next sin that you do and he may let some time pass
But make no mistake there is a payday someday Teenagers listen to me
Listen up There is never a case in this life that you do something take an action
That before your life is over on this earth. God will make sure that the other action takes place
You will be disciplined if you belong to him if you don't belong to him, you don't need to hear a thing. I'm saying today
Because he won't spank you anyway Sometimes he's not obligated not
God's not obligated to do anything But God says in his word that I will spank my children
He said if you're not getting a spanking and you're especially if you're an adult because when you're a child you get them from your parents But you're an adult.
You're not getting a spanking. God says you're a bastard You're not my child You belong to some other seed the seed of Satan So moms we can teach our children about peer pressure
We can teach them about hanging out with the wrong crowd even as far as severe as gangs We can teach them not to take things that don't belong to them
We're supposed to teach them the importance of education and lastly we're supposed to teach them
The fear of the Lord now, there's a lot more but our time is up We'll save some for next
Mother's Day But can you imagine if these basic simple things taught in one chapter of the
Bible verse 1 through 30 29 first chapter Proverbs just those things were taught in the home from the age of zero up there about the age of eight years old
How it would change an entire nation, but they're not being taught. You know, why is they're not being taught in the pulpit anymore?
Here's what we teach in the pulpit You can be financially successful if you'll to keep these principles 1 2 3 4
This is what God wants for you if God's with you, you'll be rich That's what we're teaching from the pulpit or here's how to be a successful parent if you'll do this.
Here's how you can be a successful Wife or husband you do this. We're teaching all these principles and we're not teaching about God himself
Teaching our children about the person and works of God That's the fear of the
Lord. You can't fear someone you don't know So we're not teaching God in the pulpits then in the homes the mom don't have a chance
They don't know how to teach the fear of God Unless they're in their own Bible But the greatest privilege in the world is to be a mom
I would think It's pretty cool being a dad but to be the one who brought forth in the human level anyway that life into this world and It's connected with that little life in no way that I don't think a man can understand fully
And to be given an owner's manual for that little human you just had
Here's the owner's manual I Mean you won't even buy a dishwasher without reading that well
I guess you might expect your husband to do that But you you've got a human being and here's the owner's manual and the first chapter of Proverbs tells you how to keep them from going awry
And we're just not doing it in the homes. I dare say most Christians homes are not about it anymore
And we're failing And there's a payday someday I'm stealing that line from a great preacher named
RG Lee Who did a whole sermon on that? But God is always watching.
Let's pray father. We ask that you Bless this message with your
Holy Spirit's piercing of the heart That if there's any young person this room that That has a problem with these principles that you would make it right in their life that you would bring them to a point of humility if there any adults who have fallen short as a parent and neglected these very important areas with their children these areas of teaching them the importance of These things we discussed today didn't move in our hearts and help us to take corrective steps today
Lord we ask you to bless our fellowship together We thank you for our moms
And all that they mean to us and to the whole world and in your plan, thank you that you created
Femininity you created the gifts of the heart and the mind and the actions that the mom can do
That the dad has a hard time doing We thank you for that special Part of life that you've created and brought into being our moms and we ask you to bless each one here today