The Corona Mask, Transgenderism, Molinistic Soteriology


Played a fun little ditty called “The Corona Mask” (sung to “The Monster Mash”) and then talked a bit about the global panic we are experiencing. Then transitioned into a discussion of transgenderism based upon a brief conversation between Summer Jaeger of Sheologians and a transgender advocate. Then we played a KJVO numerology video with good ol’ Brother Sluder, and finished up with a review of William Lane Craig’s comments on apostasy from a Molinistic perspective, posted yesterday . Visit the store at Visit the store at

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greetings and welcome to the dividing line james like along with you uh we have the well first of all um just a warning uh the internet's not working that's uh according to rich it's really bad and so yeah sorry i don't know what we can do about it some days it's perfect uh and then other days it isn't and we don't know and cox communications for some reason doesn't know either why any of that is so we did the best we can on our end and then you just deal with it from there so we're gonna do the best we can i've already turned twitter off so that i don't see all the i can't it's stopping and starting and i you know hopefully we'll get it all recorded and get it get it posted for you as quickly as possible if that is what is necessary might as well start off with something uh somewhat lighthearted this is what i wanted to play for you uh last time and the tech uh got in our way that time too uh but um i don't know i thought this was well done and it's not actually um sadly it it's any good parody is good because it's truthful and that's it's got at least an element of truth to it and that's what this says so here we go here's uh here's the covid mask i woke into my job late last week when my co -workers all began to freak they started cursing and began to shout and said quite rudely as the boss threw me you need a mask i need a covid mask it seemed a lot to ask to wear a mask to do a simple task i need a covid mask made it mandatory almost every place that we can't be seen unless we hide our face i can't even leave my humble abode without something covering my mouth and nose we need a mask we need a covid mask a covid mask it seems a lot to ask to wear a mask can't even mow my grass without a mask without a covid mask this mask wearing isn't fun and the snitching has now begun my neighbor called the hotline because my dog wasn't wearing one walking through the mall a woman's voice did ring seems she was troubled by just one thing she pointed to the door shook her fist and said what are you trying to do you jerk make everybody sick forgot his mask forgot my covid mask nobody gets a pass that stupid mask can't even pump my without a mask without a covid mask honey i'm home what do you want i need to come in and get my mask don't let daddy in the house mommy he's not wearing his mask no mask no entry sorry but honey you should have taken it with you you're not getting in this house i changed the lock she changed the locks that's the the sad thing is we're seeing videos of of of people to wear it that's what makes it funny is uh the covid mask yes there you go very well done parody lyrics by dale officer uh and gave the original lyrics to monster mash but i those people even still live today that's that's a long time ago but uh yeah there you go the uh the covid mask that's what i wanted to play for you uh last week but uh we didn't get a chance and you have to try to smile but it's hard to um this morning i get up and uh uh new zealand auckland new zealand will move back into alert level three at midday today meaning schools will be shut and most people required to work from home public facilities businesses and restaurants will be closed full closed down in in auckland lockdown the rest of the country moves into level two news was announced by prime minister jacinda ardern late last night after covid19 was confirmed ready after after hundreds of deaths after covid19 was confirmed in the community when four people from one auckland family tested positive no deaths but four positive tests the viruses are going to do that i i mean unless you just i suppose new zealand could just simply uh put its navy out there and um no more no more you know just lock themselves down and put a wall around it and that might work uh for something that's 99 .97
percent survivable um and if you have if you have don't have comorbidity factors um yeah so there auckland mayor phil goff pleaded for calm as people rushed to some supermarkets yeah yeah and then just across the ocean a little bit we have all of the uh amazing uh video coming out of people being manhandled by australian police uh forcibly masked and i mean literally stormtroopers uh kneeling on housewives backs and necks yeah yeah exactly like somebody else that we know um about masking stuff and and i mean you're talking uh checkpoints and the army and i mean people just it must be the walking dead down there right so i thought wow they're taking this so seriously uh let's let's see what the numbers are i mean people just must be fallen like flies and so this was um on the 10th so yesterday yesterday morning here is the um here's the chart that i took from the australian health service of this bar chart shows total number of confirmed deaths of covid 19 australia for each age group and sex since the 22nd of january okay this is the totals folks and if you can't read it the top number here is 60 60 so if you're if you're less than 70 years of age okay there because this is where the comorbidity factors kick in if you're not know don't want a comorbidity factor is you need to know that once you get in these age ranges there's normally other stuff going wrong with you you're taking medications and you've got you know you're like rich you know everything just starts falling apart and it's just just everything stops working and so you've got all sorts of stuff going on here and there are all sorts of diseases that take advantage of the weaknesses of the body uh pneumonia is the best known uh in taking out older people so yeah but still the numbers are tiny even above 70 but below that i mean there's nothing below the 30 to 39 it looks like one it looks like one between 40 and 49 and then maybe three or four between 50 and 59 probably cancer patients i bet you dollars donuts if you looked at it and by the way if you notice that covid really does not like men um it's it's true uh there there is definitely female privilege going on here i don't know what we can do about it but we need to pass a law burn a cop car do something because that seems to be how you're supposed to protest these things um but there's there's nothing here and yet all these liberties freedoms gone uh businesses destroyed lockdown make everybody depend upon the government ha how did this happen so quickly and all across the globe it's happening huh out of something like this you gotta understand kids um um if this is going on now what's going to happen when the next flu strain comes along because we've already said we'll do it we've already no one's pushing back well a few of us are trying but we've already said so the next flu flu strain that comes along uh any disease at all why haven't we been doing this all along is what i want to know i mean the inconsistency here is astonishing it really is it it's just it's just wow i did see really good news this morning it was an excellent thread that i read from a medical doctor talking about t -cells it made perfect sense because it fits it actually fits the data um because there are some people that this thing is a a nothing burger they they test positive and they're like really um well i guess you know a couple weeks ago i i sneezed once but it's for some people it's an absolute nothing burger it they don't even know they have it why you would think that would be the big question you know you would think that would be the thing that with all the research and stuff like that but it's not because what's all the research about vaccines oh yes you gotta gotta get those recombinant rna dna genetically engineered vaccines out there you know because you gotta produce billions of them and you're gonna have to get them every year and oh yeah you don't think there's somebody just salivating over that oh you bet but this idea of of actually your body an immune system and stuff t -cells all sorts of you would think there would even be more information in this area it's slowly coming out the people who are still working and maybe not getting the government all the government money but are going hey you know it seems that some people actually have a natural immunity to this stuff because they they have t -cells that have responded to other coronaviruses and they seem to fight this stuff off and hey maybe there's a way to do this without quiet that ruins all the political power and money and just follow the money just follow oh it's it's astonishing it really is it's just it's just shocking what we're seeing out there um but anyway uh there's the covid mask song so some of you are going to be some of you folks are going to be bouncing around the house the covid mask you can't you can't help that's that's just what you know i only run 29 days of risk you know that right you only run 29 days of what risk i don't know what that means see see in october i turned 60 oh really and then after november 4th the risk is over that's true so i only run 29 days of risk that's true so i'll probably have to quarantine for all of october yep yep that's true um october surprise coming kamala harris uh the next uh marxist president of the united states um because i'm sorry joe joe biden's not there um so joe biden's handlers chose kamala harris which is fascinating uh really really fascinating but i mentioned on twitter just a few minutes ago that uh i remember i was driving through a beautiful canyon outside of evergreen colorado listening to one of those interminable uh democratic debates last summer i don't know if any of you remember those but they had like what at one point 22 was it 22 23 candidates and so they had to divide it up because you just can't have that many people on the stage at once and i just remember at that time thinking to myself as i was listening i was saying man the worst one of all these people is kamala harris and thank you 2020 it's just it's just that year yeah it's great anyway um i uh i wanted to mention a um a twitter exchange that i did not have actually my daughter did uh most of you know that uh summer jaeger is my daughter and she does sheologians and lots of folks enjoy listening to sheologians so that's a free plug there uh for for sheologians for summer and joy and the hard work they put in i think you know i haven't asked her and i haven't asked luke if they've said anything about it but i i have to wonder if haven't been a few times when both summer and joy have wanted to have a conversation with luke pearson uh one of my fellow pastors at apologia who was the one who not only came up with the name but they're all sitting around along with marcus pitman going y 'all ought to do a webcast years later now sometimes i i wonder if they if they go thanks luke thanks marcus appreciate all this especially with the name because it's identical it's just what it's just what john said about skillet it was that's funny let's go with it and then years later it's like okay for the 147 000 time this is where skillet came from same thing with sheologians you know it was that was luke i'm pretty sure it was luke uh sheologians and uh you just have to explain it over and over and over again it's just just the way it works anyways summer um had posted a a tweet about big eva and the democrats and basically pandering to the transgender lobby and most of us are well aware of the fact that what we have seen has been a a massive evolution that began at stonewall well it began before that but really exploded the stonewall riots and interestingly enough even though that was primarily associated with homosexuality there was a lot of cross -dressing at that transgenderism i don't even think it was a term at that time um but we have seen a tremendous revolution and we have talked on this program many times before about the reality that after burger fell that was i think i think it was a day after my anniversary so i think it was june 26th when a burger fell came down in 2015 um i was in flagstaff i remember i was speaking at a conference up in at nau and the it's it was like the next day a switch was flipped and it moved from quote unquote homosexual rights to transgenderism transgenderism became the cause celeb homosexuality was almost yesterday's news you you've got your gay marriage rights you've we've you've gone as far as we can go homosexuality by its nature affirms gender categories so if you want to continue the deconstruction of the society of what holds us together and allows us to cooperate together and have morality and law and make advancement to bring about anarchy so that you can then reset everything start everything over and now you're in charge um you've the homosexuality can only take you so far transgenderism destroys it all that that takes it down to the very foundation and so i remember during the uh when elizabeth warren was was talking about uh one thing she was going to do what was it she was going to uh have a assign a young teenage transgender person to her cabinet or something as a to lead in such and such a thing and and you know that kamala harris is gonna say something something similar too because kamala harris can actually speak uh she can actually you know put two or three sentences together before she starts talking about joe biden's hairy legs um and so she will she will be the one out there doing the stuff and she it's going to fall to her to be promoting this stuff and so you're gonna you're gonna be getting the same kind of promises of positions for transgender people so on and so forth coming from uh from kamala harris who is now going to become the mouthpiece for the uh she's not going to hide in a she's not going to hide in her basement and so she i still to this point believe that before the election joe biden will drop out and maybe she'll take the take his place i don't know that that would how that would even work but i just i i'm sorry the the man is non -compass mentis he he that's the legal latin phrase the the he can't pass one of those tests because he he don't function anymore that's just all there is to it and we all know it it it's it's not even it if this was any other situation if if this guy was a used car salesman there would be a 99 universal recognition of what's wrong with him but i think his family should be whipped to the wet noodle that's what my mom used to say uh you know they should be should be whipped to the wet noodle uh which when you think about is some really midi mid midwestern thing to say anyway so summer was having a conversation she she said something about this and evidently someone i do not know had not heard of before charlotte climber c -l -y -m -e -r with the rainbow flag after his name because he is a transgender person and i found it interesting as i looked him up online and he uses a an animated avid not animated in the sense moving but it's not a picture of him uh even dressed as a woman it's a female avatar um and that's that's the fantasy that's what he thinks he is is this petite little girl when he's not petite little girl and it can never be a petite little girl because genetically he's not a little girl he's not a little anything he's a man always will be can't transition it's not possible but charlotte climber uh responded to uh summer and they had a brief exchange and one of the here's what summer had written he he was talking about disrespect so it says she said you and me a you and i may have different views on gender fine but i believe that you are made in the image of god and as such you are worthy of my respect no matter well it's you or i believe because he was talking about oh you're just being disrespectful so on so forth his response and by the way the fact that i am properly recognizing science and the reality of science and the history of this individual is called misgendering today so we've we've we actually we're actually we've actually come up we're 1984 in this it's it's it's brave new world 1984 fahrenheit 42 it's everything smashed into one into one big ugly mess to where we're actually using words the opposite of what their meaning would be so i'll be accused of misgendering him by using the proper pronouns that represent the reality of his genetics his history his birth certificate and everything else uh that's that's orwell to the nth degree completely right there um but he said to summer summer i think you genuinely believe that i think you truly believe you love as god intended and that terrifies me y 'all did the same thing with gay lesbian and bisexual folks notice the t is coming along and recognizes the distinction between the l the g and the b because i've said many times the the whole lgbtq rstub thing is a potpourri of self -contradiction the t is at fundamental odds with the g and the l the b is off by itself someplace but the lgb all assumes gender categories that t destroys and so it's well known that transgender females who are just males um are constantly in cat fights with feminists who recognize that there are such things as women so martina navratilova recognizes that male athletes pretending they're female is cheating and it is no rational person can argue that i'm sorry you try to argue that and and it's just so easy to tie you into into a knot with with almost not even having to bring the facts into the matter but anyway um so there is there is this huge amount of tension within that context he says that terrifies me y 'all do the same thing with gay lesbian and bisexual folks love the sinner hate the sin right god does not think my authenticity is a sin or shameful so here what this revealed to me is what is really absolutely central in the thinking of the trans individual who is pretending to be something that they're not uh god does not think my authenticity is a sin or shameful so you can share all the violently anti -trans propaganda nonsense you want that tells trans and non -binary people they're not real but i know better i pray to a loving god who created me this way and you will never invalidate god's promise to me now listen to those words this is a person desperately seeking to convince themselves about a reality they know is not real this this is a self -deluded person this is a person desperate to maintain a personal delusion that they have invested their entire identity into so god does not think my authenticity is a sinner shameful now do you think this person actually has any foundation whatsoever any foundation whatsoever ever for even beginning to provide some kind of objective foundation from scripture for this kind of i mean these are theological statements he is pretending to know what god does and does not think so either he receives personal revelation or he's arguing that there is something in scripture somebody's scripture that provides a foundation for this there isn't anything i mean let's be honest there's there's no discussion of transsexual individuals in all scripture and if you're going to follow jesus you could claim to be a christian um then jesus would have known about transsexuals right because he was god in human flesh so why didn't he say anything about them why why would the spirit of god who gives not have said anything about all that um so the reality is that scripture identifies male and female as creative categories made by god not determined by man and says they're good says they're important they're vital and it's obvious that any person that he creates as a and we're not talking here we're not talking here about people who have a genetic disorder 99 .9
percent of quote -unquote transsexuals have no genetic ambiguity whatsoever it is a choice on their part it's not like they there are serious identifiable chromosomally based um disorders we're not talking about that we're talking about people who are genetically male or genetically female just simply rebelling against the reality of their own created nature so notice the words that he uses my authenticity they're not real god created me this way do you hear what's do you hear what's going on here do you hear you see why this is having to happen do you see what what the motivation here is because the reality is even if this individual has poisoned their body with foreign substances hormone treatments and things like that which are not treatments they are it's poison it is the long -term medical effect of introducing unnatural hormonal substances into the body is universally recognized in medical science as deleterious to lifespan and to health and to everything else that that's that's not that's not questionable either that is a good way to destroy yourself and maybe this individual has been mutilated has chosen to voluntarily mutilate their bodies and make themselves non -functional in being able to father children bear children whichever side of that natural divide you're on um none of that makes you a man or a woman and that's why the suicide rate is so astronomically high for post -operational transgender deceived persons because it doesn't do what they hoped it would do it doesn't change things they have to get up every morning and convince themselves of the deception that they had to convince themselves of the day before as well and so you can hear this in the very words that are being spoken now everybody in this audience knows right now this could be the last dividing line you'll ever see on youtube if you dare say what is obviously true speaking obvious truths is not really legal anymore as far as the the tech our our new tech overlords are concerned and so you can't it's the the censor who finally gets us will sit there and we'll hear what i'm saying and say that's it they're gone but know in their heart of hearts i can't refute it i can't argue with it but that's offensive or that's not safe that's the new religion safism uh you got to make everybody feel safe which means no one is actually safe at all because if you don't speak the truth there's no safety anyways so the question i had was how do you approach someone like this who is in essence demanding that you as a christian respect the fundamental perversion and violation of god's created order well you have to distinguish and when here's the part here here see the answer is that you distinguish between them and their sin as it was even brought out love the sinner hate the sin but you see for this kind of sexual sin whether it's homosexuality or transgenderism for this kind of sexual sin the defense mechanism is to make it a part of your identity so if you do what we're called to do which is to recognize the individuals being made the image of god and therefore on that basis call them to repentance because god has revealed what is right and what is wrong and how they're supposed to behave that is considered just as horrible and unloving an action as anything else could be and that's and and that's purposeful that that's the that's that's the way that this has been designed to try to shut down any kind of meaningful communication with this person because if you try to say i honor you as my fellow creature and as my fellow creature i call you to recognize the truth of who you really are in light of what god has said is automatically interpreted through their grid as i deny to you the authenticity that you live every day to try to obtain the only other option and this is an option many people have chosen to take is to say well at least temporarily i'll go ahead and go along and i will use the pronouns and i will use the names and i will i will treat this man as if he's a woman in the hopes of somehow getting through but the problem is by doing so you have reaffirmed the initial first strongest level of defense of the delusion the identity and in the process have abandoned the one foundation from which you can call to them as an image bearer it is strange isn't it i mean obviously there are all sorts of completely secular homosexuals transgenders they've got no interest in religion god nothing lots of them but we always end up running into the religious ones i'm not sure if this guy is religious or not i mean he said some things here um but it is so inconsistent to on the one hand affirm the existence of god and on the other hand and in fact say uh you will never invalidate god's promise to me now again what is what's that supposed to mean uh i don't know what kind of claims this guy's makes for himself um but on the one hand to say that god exists and even to claim that god has promised something to you but then you put yourself in the position of determining your own reality god doesn't do that then again i've known i know a few christians the same type of thing too it's just in a different area so but there is there is one of the the pitfalls the difficulties that you face tough things you try to deal with um is because of the element of um the element of identity that is part and parcel of of what we have there now real quickly to go from the serious to the not so serious before we go back to the serious throw some non -serious stuff in here um did y 'all see the king jame the kjv the andrew sleuter numerology video that uh that came out i just thought it was worth taking a look at because it's well it's a kjv numerology video it's just they're just so much fun um this came out a couple days ago uh let's just what's this guy's name chad reese chad reese is is on with brother sleuter and brother sleuter is in his uh uh now put it put it up on the on the bottom here because i want i want to point something out because i didn't do this before but i want you to see right there see that see where my i'm right in the middle there you know who that is do you recognize it as rich peter ruckman that is that is peter ruckman the same peter ruckman that sent me all those nasty letters and sent me that racist book called black is beautiful with all the uh cartoons of black people in it and stuff like that that's peter ruckman so that gives you an idea of um uh we've got a proud ruckmanite uh here in uh in uh andrew sleuter so let's let's check some of the uh some of the stuff you and i've been missing just reading our bibles and doing stuff like that we we need to we need to get the whole picture here so let's let's listen in this book is amazing i mean thank god for salvation thank god what jesus christ did on the cross of calvary but now that i'm saved man this book is so rich and so deep and uh so when we study this you just start seeing amazing things like for instance the sixth commandment is thou shall not kill well we know in the new testament jesus defines this as thou shall not murder well murder has six letters in it and what you're doing is you're taking the life of a man because six is the number of man and by the way according to the old test okay let's remind ourselves to just a couple just little basic things um when the bible was inspired by the spirit of god the english language did not exist even once the english language came into existence there was no standardized spelling for the majority of the existence of the english language and so murder could be written in different ways and was it written in different ways with different numbers of letters um and of course what's fascinating is the king james does not accurately render oof on eusice which is the greek of that commandment in some of the committees for example when in matthew and romans the king james and one has murder the other has kill the two committees both are accurate translations one is more specific than the other but there wasn't a final committee that smoothed that kind of stuff out and so atheists have used that to argue against the validity of scripture uh and things like that so the whole idea that the sixth commandment uh in english the word murder has six letters uh and that's the number of man is completely fortuitous linguistically speaking and historically speaking but not for these guys if you killed someone by accident god appointed six cities that you could flee to and those six cities were called the cities of refuge and again refuge has six letters in it you say why because six is the number of man and again and again when the cities of refuge were ordained by god the word refuge didn't exist and the vast i mean anybody who has studied hebrew for example knows that hebrew verbs almost all hebrew verbs are tri -literal so they have three letters so is that the trinity um to flee you know that's going to three letters but then depending on who's fleeing you're going to have things at the end of the word beginning of the word pronominal suffixes all that kind of stuff but this has nothing to do with the english language there there was no english language when any of this was originally written and there wouldn't be in the case of moses for almost two and a half millennia yes sir i i feel like i've i've heard this somewhere before i said something about the the titanic and the white star line oh yes oh yes king james very very familiar yeah king james second verse same same as the first yeah oh yeah oh yeah sleuters uh i think sleuters i don't know i could be wrong i don't remember what sleuters view of of gail ripplinger is but anyway you just see these miraculous things over and over and over again about the number six i think about the the battle at jericho where god if you read it in chronological order in joshua chapter six there he tells them the very first command is to march around the walls of jericho six days right now we know they went to seventh day but that comes later that command comes later chronologically he tells them first march around six days because six belongs to man by the way as i said in my the teaching of this nothing happened in that six day they marched around six times nothing happened that's because six belongs unto man and if you want something to happen you need god to be involved in seven belongs to god that's when the walls fall but nevertheless what's back to our so so does that mean that god had nothing to do with the cities of refuge because there were only six cities of refuge so you need to build the seventh city of refuge for god to get him i it's really hard to follow some of this stuff is joshua is the first book named after them a man in the old testament and it's the sixth book of the old testament and again just by coincidence which we don't believe it is joshua has six letters in his name again all now again uh joshua does not have six letters in his name when when written in hebrew because like sh in in english is just one letter in the sheen in hebrew um and there was no english language and of course the order of the canon is different in hebrew than it is in our bibles today and so if you start doing multiples of six of that eventually it's going to fall apart uh as as well but i i i realize that i'm looking for consistency in the midst of this do you think he got together with some of those people doing two plus two equals five we were talking no no no no no no not at all no no the two plus two equals five people are weird uh weirder believe it or not um no no they didn't get no just points to six is the number man all this is significant to understand what the days reveal now when you get into the new testament we know the sixth book of the new testament is the book of romans it's the only book with the word man and it also has six letters in it now just in case you've misunderstood man appears onthropos or on air or whatever andross uh appears in many books of the new testament he's talking about the actual name that we use in english rather than because he says in the new testament but again it ro man roman man is in is in romans um so that's that's where that but i think that that i think he missed something there because if you're jamaican then man appears in philemon hey man hey man i'm sorry and just by coincidence if you go to romans chapter six verse six and you look at the sixth word that also is man that this book is all right okay go ahead and take that that i you got you got that okay um uh romans i i i forgot to i forgot to to to romans six six and of course the new american standards are our old self so it's our old man in the in the king james um i'm so sorry in greek it's actually the seventh word in romans six six and of course the divisions of romans into chapters was done long long long after the time of the apostles and then the verses now here's this is how this is how you completely destroy these poor guys is to point out that the verse division which makes this the sixth verse was done by a calvinist yeah is that is done by robert estienne who was calvin's printer at geneva between 1550 and 1551 so uh that's the only reason right that's right uh so he he he he knew calvin personally so um what's frightening is that there are literally thousands and thousands of people who think that kind of stuff has validity and then when someone absolutely decimates that kind of reasoning they're left with nothing i i don't know if i kept it um i don't think that i did but let me let me just look here really quickly i i took a screenshot of um is this it yes yes did you all see the the king james only um guy i i posted this and i and i said this was the guy that was clapping all the time faith faith faith and and and there's these younger people who are watching all this and he is just it's exhausting watching this video clip this guy burned 1500 calories in this sermon he really really did but i was watching it to see some of the um reactions of the audience because i want to know what who finds this kind of affectation and it's affectation it is it's it's like when reformed baptists young preachers try to pretend that they're pastor martin okay you know you start off really really quiet and then all of a sudden you get really really loud uh let al martin be al martin nobody else can be al martin but man i cannot tell you how many reformed baptists i've heard that try to be al martin and it it just it just doesn't work it's an affectation it's adopting and that's what this guy is doing this is and it was exhausting to listen to you you developed i think i said i developed asthma listening to this because that's what it was but then i happened to be i happened to be watching it and i saw this and i stopped and i did a freeze frame see what i put an arrow in and here's this young lady and she's sitting in the back and she is not she ain't listening to nothing and the look on her face is i've heard this my entire life and she's probably 17 just about to leave home and the thing that crossed my mind was this kind of preaching which isn't which is totally focused on the means and not the message provides no solid foundation for anyone and i was just looking at this going that's the poor child i'm concerned about is the one who has been a it's spiritual abuse that's what that's what so many people experience in these types of churches it's just simple spiritual abuse they're never ever challenged to grow in the grace and knowledge of the lord jesus christ they're just screamed at because people think that screaming is preaching and it's not it's not by the way before i go to the molinism stuff which i have promised to do yesterday uh apologia uh previewed not preview premiered uh because we don't we don't go live to youtube we we're on facebook we don't go live to youtube so you have to create a file and get it uploaded and stuff and so you do a watch party type thing and you you put it on youtube and they have comments open and so i saw that it was pre it was premiering so i clicked on it and i started looking at the comments and i was fascinated by how many people are so bored in life that they would see that a sermon on limited atonement was going to be on and so they're going to camp out in the comments just simply to misrepresent represent what's being distracted from what's being said um it was it was amazing it was sad i i kept pointing out you but but you all aren't listening to what i'm saying are you because i was answering almost all their objections just in the sermon itself but the one guy said i already know it's it's evil doctrine i already know it's satanic doctrine i don't need to be listening to what it says and you just wonder who sends these people over um it was um just another reminder of why you know youtube can be a great thing we had people watching from literally around the world and most of the people obviously were appreciative and and the ones that were actually listening weren't participating in the in the back and forth anyways but still at the same time the um it was fascinating to observe that type of stuff and it's the first part of two parts and those of you who are regular listeners this program you've you've heard pretty much everything i was saying before with well with the exception of some of the you know pastoral application exhortation type stuff i suppose might be something a little bit different than i would do here but we we were in romans eight we have dug pretty deep on romans eight uh here um so yeah that's that's the way that is um oh i just remembered what that charge is because i talked to you about it i talked to you about it yep you remember what i talked to you about yeah yeah yeah i just remember exactly i just and i even told you i didn't get an email on it yep sorry uh -huh uh -huh ah sorry we were obviously having a conversation about something uh beforehand and isn't it did baseball didn't baseball close down again it's not i don't know what's going on with all that uh the big ten i gave up today and rolled over and said scratch my belly we want to be safe so yeah anyway all right so um how am i gonna do this um i guess i'm just gonna play it i was directed to a uh answer given by william lane craig to the issue of apostasy now you might think that's that's not really william lane craig's thing is it i mean you know for years and years and years we've been william lane craig has emphasized uh philosophy philosophy philosophy well recently he's been getting into certain theological issues and i find it interesting that that people who have spent their entire lives in one field feel that it's pretty simple to just simply walk into another and have the same level of knowledge in that field that you that you would in the field that you spent most your life in uh have you noticed atheist scientists for example think that it's as simple to become a theologian type thing uh we've seen that from a lot of people anyway but the thing is craig's theology craig's soteriology in light of his mulanism is what i want you to be hearing in the answers that are the answer that is given here because it's an interesting question that is asked of him and it's basically based on his mulanism uh couldn't god keep someone from apostatizing by killing them before they apostatize now remember if you're if you're sitting here going what is mulanism i wish you hadn't asked that question um uh most people once they ask that question once they get an answer they wish they had not asked the question in the first place but since mulanism is so often used as the escape pod the way out of dealing with reform theology in essence uh mulanism is a philosophical theory developed by luis de melina a jesuit scholar some would say that the central elements of it were developed by people before melina maybe by at least some elements by some anabaptists around the same time period but melina was the one who wrote extensively on it and it was used as a mechanism for getting around the reformation and specifically reformed theology and calvinism what it does is it posits a micro management of every aspect of creation and you go well how does that get you around calvinism because you have an exhaustive divine decree as well yes but the exhaustive divine decree is free and flows from god's purpose in every aspect the micromanagement of mulanism is all based upon the autonomy of man i say how can that how do those two fit because of the theory of middle knowledge the theory of middle knowledge now the problem is it's it's a little bit like when we talk about cbgm coherence -based genealogical methodology in textual critical issues um sometimes the terminology is not the most descriptive or it's not just not descriptive it's descriptive of something that's not supposed to be descriptive of so when people think about middle knowledge you have to understand what that knowledge is in the middle of and i guess when the when when the term was initially coined and came into use most people had believe it or not most people had a theological education and hence they they knew uh that there were there was two forms of knowledge in orthodoxy in god the knowledge of himself and then the knowledge of what god does so god knows himself perfectly and that's an eternal reality to god god knows himself perfectly but then god chose to act and create and so he has full knowledge of everything that he has done everything he could have done how he could have done things differently but there is nothing in the created order that he does not have knowledge of because he created all things if it exists it exists because it finds its origin in his will so he had these two kinds of knowledge and middle knowledge is between the two logically why do i say logically because god's knowledge of himself has to come before his knowledge of what he creates because he has to know who he is before he creates and middle knowledge comes before the knowledge god has of creation so it is pre -decree and in mulanism because it comes before the decree it then limits and conditions what god can and cannot do why what is middle knowledge middle knowledge is a special knowledge in fact william lane craig is to describe it here as something with which god is endowed now that's interesting that's a real interesting piece of terminology god is endowed middle knowledge cannot arise from god where does it come from they can't say mulanists don't know it doesn't come from his decree it comes before his decree and hence conditions his decree so normally how you heard described functionally is that god has exhausted knowledge of all counterfactuals well of course god has knowledge of counterfactuals god knows that if he hadn't done x and y would have happened okay that's fine but this is much more specific than that it is the knowledge of what bob smith would do if you placed bob smith in any given circumstance so if you put bob smith into the days of moses as an egyptian overseer probably want to change his name from bob smith probably get a lot of teasing as a kid in egypt if your name is bob smith but what he would do in any given situation is known to god whether bob smith is living 2400 years ago or whether bob smith is living today or in the time of christ or whatever this special middle knowledge tells god what any given individual will do in any given circumstance so the molest idea is that god having this middle knowledge can micromanage he can he can look at all of these possible worlds and say okay if i put bob smith together with tracy jones together with and he can do this with billions of people and i make this person the father this person that person the child of this person and i i do this what would be the outcome well what if i changed this around here what i changed that around there and what he can do is he can go through all of these possible worlds and what he's looking for is the best possible world now how you how do you find best possible world well the moments aren't quite certain about that they really don't know craig is going to argue that it's sort of the best possible world because the most number of people get saved with the least amount of evil but he recognizes that may not that may not be exactly what god's going for but that's a strong possibility basically and so what this means is there's certain people god cannot save because in no possible world will they be saved in light of this middle knowledge but he therefore what god does in his decree in creation is predicated upon what middle knowledge reveals to him and therefore limits what he can and cannot do so the big question obviously is well wait a minute how can there be such a thing as middle knowledge before before god decrees to make bob smith how can you know what bob smith's going to do before you decree to make bob smith because obviously how we are made our level of intelligence our level of athletic ability our everything about us that flows from god's decree is extremely important to how we respond what family we're put in who your parents are whether you have both parents these are all vitally important things and so the very idea that god could have knowledge of non -decreed and created people is absurd on its face but what's more is what's the origin of this knowledge if it if it constrains god's decree but it doesn't come forth from god he is endowed with it who endowed him with it where'd it come from it doesn't come from the being of god it doesn't come from his will and the whole purpose of it is to maintain and protect autonomy the autonomous will of man that's the whole thing that's what it's all about so the idea is then that god creates the best of all possible worlds saves the most people wants everybody to be saved but knows they're not going to be but he actuates the one possible world that's going to have either the most people saved or maximum number of people saved the minimum amount of sin or whatever you can see now why it takes a long why once you start talking about mulanism it's like you it takes up the whole program because just trying to explain it takes forever um so william lynn craig is going to answer a question about apostasy from a mulanist perspective now that should be interesting in and of itself right i simply ask you to listen i'm going to be interacting i'm going to be playing it at 1 .4