Bethel Church Has Prophetic UNO CARDS?!

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Hey guys, welcome back to Fight for Truth, the channel where we bring you Christian commentary about the things that matter.
In today's video, we're going to be talking about Bethel Church, which is led by Pastor Bill Johnson. Specifically, there is a ministry of Bethel Church called the
Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry. This is, of course, a school that teaches young men and women to conduct the kind of hypercharismatic ministry that has grown the influence of Bethel in the past few decades.
There's a particular practice being done at this school, one that exposes the unbiblical view of prophecy and revelation that is held by the
Church, and really, much of the charismatic movement at large. What you see on your screen now is a screenshot from the official
Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry. In their post, they advocate for what they call Prophetic Uno Cards.
Now Uno is a popular card game which consists of four different colors, red, green, blue, and yellow, in addition to a few action cards.
And according to the Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry, you can use this deck of cards to activate the spiritual gift of prophecy.
Here are their real instructions on how to do this. Get a group of students together, gather around a card deck of Uno in the middle of you.
Then, take turns drawing cards. If you draw a red card, quote, you give a prophetic word to the person on your left about their financial situation.
If you draw a green card, quote, you give a prophetic word to the person on your right about their relationship with someone close to them.
If you draw a blue card, quote, you choose who to give a prophetic word to in the group about something that concerns them.
And if you draw a yellow card, quote, you choose who you give a prophetic word to in the group about their employment.
And perhaps the most insane option of all, if you get a wild card, quote, choose whether you give a prophetic word to someone about their destiny or choose someone else to give you one about your destiny.
These are the rules of the game, and as you may have guessed, this game bears absolutely no resemblance to the kind of prophecy that is given to us in Scripture.
In this video, we're going to give you five reasons why. Number one, Bethel thinks that prophecy at any given moment is really a guarantee.
That is to say, Bethel Church believes that prophecy is something you can activate in any time and place that you desire.
This is not biblical, though, whatsoever. Prophecy is not something you can use a human formula to activate.
Rather, it is something that God is completely sovereign over. First Peter 121, it says this, quote,
For no prophecy was ever produced by the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the
Holy Spirit. One biblical scholar says this about the passage, quote, They spoke only as the influence of the
Holy Ghost was upon them. They were no more self -moved than a vessel at sea that is impelled by the wind.
And as the progress made by the vessel is to be measured by the impulse bearing upon it, so the statements made by the prophets are to be traced to the impulse which bore upon their minds, end quote.
In other words, this commentator is saying in older English that a true prophet is activated and carried along in their prophecy by someone who is not them, meaning
God. Again, the issue is that you cannot internally activate prophecy yourself.
That may be what you see for people's superpowers in a Marvel movie, but that's not what the Bible says about prophecy.
Not at all. This brings us to number two. Bethel thinks that prophecy from any given person is virtually guaranteed.
Notice that this Uno card game does not ask whether or not the individual picking up the card actually has the gift of prophecy.
There is no consideration as to whether or not God has actually gifted this person to speak prophetically.
Instead, it is simply taken as a guarantee. God must speak through whoever is holding the card.
This too is unbiblical. In 1 Corinthians 12 29, Paul asks a series of questions, quote, are all apostles, are all prophets, are all teachers, do all work miracles?
And the implied answer to all of these questions in the text is a resounding no. According to the
Bible, not everyone can prophesy in the same way that not everyone is an apostle. It's self -evidently true.
So the Bible clearly says that there is a variety of gifts and they're given for the good of the whole church, and these gifts are given by the will of God to various different Christians.
Bethel Church, on the other hand, well, they think that they can bestow the gift of prophecy on literally anyone they want so long as they hand them a green
Uno card. These two ideas are completely contradictory. And this brings us to point number three.
Bethel are dictating the content of a prophetic word through human means rather than through godly or spiritual means.
If you recall, depending on the color drawn by the student at Bethel, they are supposed to prophesy about a specific topic, finances, employment, relationships, and even the overall destiny of the people around them.
But what they will prophesy about, that topic, is dictated by the cards they draw. And the rules that govern all of this have ultimately been concocted by a random staff member at the
Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry. We don't even know who they are. Again, we should consult 1 Peter 1 .21,
which says this, No prophecy was ever produced by the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the
Holy Spirit. Does this sound like what Bethel is doing? Of course not.
The content, the message of a true prophecy, should be given by the mind of God, not the mind of man.
This game from Bethel Church demonstrates that they hold the exact opposite position, though. You see, if God truly wanted to tell you something about your financial situation,
He could definitely do it without using arbitrary rules and uno cards. This brings us to number four.
Bethel thinks that God must speak whenever they ask Him to, immediately. This view effectively treats
God as if He can be manipulated into speaking whenever you want Him to. In Ezekiel 34 .1,
Ezekiel begins his prophetic word by saying, The word of the Lord came to me.
This is a very common theme in biblical prophecy. The Lord speaks to people.
He raises up a prophet. He gives them a word. It is not manufactured or activated by Moses or Elijah or Ezekiel.
They are approached by God to speak His words. They don't just start speaking and expect
God to fill in the gaps because they picked up a green card. You see, effectively, Bethel thinks that God has to speak according to their will, but the
Bible says that God speaks according to His will. And this brings us to number five. This prophetic uno game bears a concerning and striking resemblance to occult practices and psychic methods of offering so -called prophecy, such as tarot card reading.
Using these mystical cards, a psychic will claim to tell you your destiny. Notice the similarity, as Bethel's school of supernatural ministry says that if you pick up a wild card in uno, you should tell a random person in your circle about their destiny or ask them to tell you about yours.
This sounds awfully familiar when compared to various methods of divination and occult practices, so it should be deeply troubling to Christians that a seemingly
Christian version of this mystical New Age practice has somehow found its way into something that is called a professing church, specifically
Bethel Church. This prophetic uno game is just one of many examples of false prophecy coming out of Bethel.
And let's remember that in Matthew 7, 15, Jesus tells us to, quote, "...beware of false prophets, who come to us in sheep's clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves."
So beware. Stay away from Bethel Church and their constant false prophecy. I pray that this has been a blessing to you, and please know that this video isn't meant as a sinful attack, but rather as a biblical critique.
And let's pray for Bethel and their followers that they would stop this false prophecy by God's grace and turn to the truth of God's Word.
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