Spiritual Transition to the Gospel from a Quilt

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One of the most difficult things for people when witnessing is the transition from the natural to the spiritual. The Spiritual Transition Game is a game we created to help sharpen those skills. This game is a fun game to people with adults or youth groups. To play the game, you call out a person and name something for them to transition from, and they have to transition from that to either a spiritual conversation or the gospel.


Alright, this is the time in that we are striving for Eternity Academy those who watch live
Monday nights 8 o 'clock Eastern time They get to give me something to do a transition to the gospel from whatever they give me
I have to transition from whatever I'm given to the gospel and I have no idea what it is yet when my phone buzzes.
I will know what I have to do a transition to a Quilt. Alright, so do you think you would be able to transition if you're in a conversation about a quilt?
to the gospel The reason we play this game is so that you can practice and learn to get better at transitioning from the natural world to the spiritual
World, I don't know a whole lot about quilts other than the fact that they keep you warm You know
But there is one that I do remember watching a program very interesting program in a community
Where they had about 20 or 30 people working on one huge quilt it would be a team effort and there was one individual and He was there and his job
Was just to look at the quilt He would step back and move forward and step back and move forward and his job was to find where somebody made a mistake
Where there was something that was? Someone did a wrong stitch or some because they would they would sew these or I don't know what would be the right term
But they put these all together I'm gonna say sewing because I don't know much of quilting. Would that be quilting?
Maybe they would quilt it together and his job was to fix different things that people would do is they would put these different pieces together and his job was to take things that were mistakes and Would be flaws and to correct them to take it and make it look
Like either you wouldn't notice it or to make it into a pattern so that it would look like it was Part of the quilt and part of a pattern as if it was planned in other words his job was to take something that was would normally be seen as a mistake and make it purposeful and You know that reminds me of Something we often don't think about there's an actual in in theology a doctrine called doctrine of concurrence
I'm sure you probably never heard of it But what the doctrine of concurrence says is that God can use even sinful acts to bring himself glory
One of the example of that is when we saw in the life of Joseph Joseph his brothers cast him into slavery
And he ends up saying at the end of after his father dies that they meant it for evil
But God meant it for good And this is something that we often don't see we don't think about the fact that there's bad things that happen in life and yet God can turn those things that we would see as bad and flaws and mistakes and he could turn them for good for his glory
You know, one of the biggest things is that we sin we keep we're at basically those are mistakes those are
Criminal acts we make against the God which doesn't sound too good But he can make that into glory and the way he did that was that God himself came to earth
He died on a cross that we could be set free God himself paid the fine that you and I owe that we could be forgiven
We did bad things the mistakes and trust me sin is far more than just a mistake.
It's bad We're breaking God's law, but he could turn that around into something good and glorifying and so as we look at a quilt though, it takes many pieces of Different in that example different people putting it to work.
It came out with one quilt one product The reality is you and I have many things in life
That form us and make us into who we are even those bad things in life that we want to avoid
We can look at that and we just try to rebel against it or we can accept that this God can use this to bring
Good in our life and to teach us things and even the harmful things can be used
To bring God glory That's how I would transition from a quilt To the gospel, maybe not as good as you would have but how would you go about doing that?