What Does the Bible Say Counts as Murder?
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- 00:03
- In Exodus 2013, the sixth commandment is, You shall not murder. We all know this one, right?
- 00:09
- If you were to ask someone, can you name one of the Ten Commandments? This is likely the one they'll give you. Even unbelievers know,
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- Thou shalt not murder. So what is murder? It seems like a simple question with a simple answer.
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- Do not kill anyone for any reason ever. But just before God said, Do not kill, he had
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- Israel fight the Amalekites. After giving them the law again, he sent Israel into the promised land to kill the
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- Canaanites. There are occasions when death is just. If a man kills an intruder to defend life or property.
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- If a soldier or police officer has to put someone down. If the state executes a criminal for crimes deserving of the death penalty.
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- These are examples of justice according to the Bible. There is no blood guilt on those who do justice.
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- Therefore, not all killing is murder. So what is being forbidden by the sixth commandment? The sixth commandment absolutely forbids the taking of life, whether your own or your neighbors, unjustly.
- 01:03
- In God's eyes, killing your neighbor is murder. Suicide is murder. Abortion is murder.
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- But capital punishment is not inherently murder, nor is self -defense. How do you keep the sixth commandment?
- 01:15
- By not killing anyone, right? Well, Jesus said if you hate your brother, you've committed murder in your heart.
- 01:21
- You keep the sixth commandment by loving one another. For love is the fulfilling of the law.