Thabiti Anyabwile is Completely Clueless

AD Robles iconAD Robles



Good morning, everybody. It is Friday, January 31st, Year of Our Lord 2025.
And let me just start off this episode with a very warm and sincere good morning to Mr.
Vice President J .D. Vance. Guys, I don't know if you want to believe this or not.
I don't I fully believe that we got a confirmation yesterday that J .D.
Vance, the Vice President of the United States of America, he follows us, guys. I'm not even joking.
This guy follows our content. I choose to believe that one of the Anons out there that's driving you crazy is the
Vice President of the United States. Or maybe not. Maybe he doesn't comment, but he follows our content.
You know what I mean? I'm not saying me personally, but the content that me and my
Christian nationalist friends are putting out there, there's just no question in my mind that J .D. Vance has not only come across it, but actually follows it and listens to it and believes a lot of the same things that we believe.
And so, hey, I just wanted to put that out there. You know, J .D., if you are watching, you don't have to say anything. You don't have to tell me.
But hats off to you. God bless you. And I hope that the Lord is with you in everything that you do.
And now in that case, we're going to jump into J .D. Vance's statements yesterday, because they were great.
And, you know, there's so much that you could say about them. But before I do that,
I did want to talk about yesterday's video, right? Yesterday's video. And in the video yesterday, if you watched it,
I talked about how, you know, debates are fine, debates have their place, all that kind of thing, but they're just not enough.
And most of the time, it doesn't move the needle one iota in and of themselves. That's just the facts.
You know what I mean? Normal people, regular Joes, you know, the lowbrow people that make up the base of anything, you know, maybe they watch a debate here and there, but it's really not moving the needle.
That's just how it is, right? Moving the needle happens through other means most of the time. You know, you can't be reasoned into a position you were shamed into.
I think I saw one of the YouTube comments say that. You can't be reasoned into a position that you were shamed into holding, but you can be shamed into it.
You know what I mean? So this is the thing, like, you know, Dr. White, he really gets upset about, you know, this kind of stuff.
It's a little lowbrow. He says it's not helping, but the reality is that it is most definitively is helping.
It's necessary, and it moves the needle so much that we just got to keep going.
We just got to keep doing it as simple as that. Now, I did want to say this, though, that I believe that debates have value, and I said that yesterday, but I didn't really explain too much about that.
But I have to say, like, it's amazing to me. I was thinking about this after I posted the video yesterday, that so many of my friends that James White is very disapproving of, you know, thinks we're childish, thinks that we're,
I don't know, boorish or whatever, lowbrow, all this kind of stuff. So many of those people, they've watched so many of James White's debates.
We've watched Doug Wilson's debates. We watched other debates. We've consumed a lot of the actual, like, meaty sort of rational content, not only from people that are alive today, but also from, you know, the founding, not the founding fathers, the church fathers, the founding fathers, the church fathers and people from the past that are long since dead.
We've consumed a lot of that content. And so, you know, this is the thing, like, debates have value in that they help, they help you be, they help you get confidence in your positions, right?
Like, I believed, of course, that homosexuality was an abomination because God said so, right?
But then when you think about it a little bit and you create rational arguments and you, and you take, you do some serious study about it and things like that, all of that extra stuff, like, look,
God, God told me I believe him. But all of that extra stuff, it really kind of gives you a foundation of, of, of just, like, energy almost.
It's like, it's like your confidence grows and grows and grows as you start to unravel, you know,
God said this, but he also wrote it into creation itself. And that's all that stuff that he wrote into creation is there for us to discover.
And so when you have somebody who's an expert in these topics, and they kind of unpack the disgusting nature of homosexuality and the damage that it does, not only to the person engaged in it, but also the people out there and all of that kind of stuff that that's, it gives you so much energy and confidence to go out and boldly do what you got to do, right?
And so, so debates do have value. And they have value for me.
And you might call me childish, you might call, you know, Joel Webb and childish, Andrew Isker childish.
But the thing is, like, we, we, we got the value from the debates, and now we're pushing the ball forward.
So we want you to still do the debates. What would be nice, though, is if you did the debates, and then didn't, you know, you know, turn around and say,
Well, all those people that got so much value for my debates, well, yeah, they're just childish. They're just childish. It's just ridiculous.
You know, whatever you can keep doing if you want. We don't, we don't hold it. Well, I'm not gonna say we don't hold it against you.
I don't hold it against you. You can keep wringing your hands and clutching your pearls and getting all uppity and exasperated.
That's totally fine. But the thing is, we got the value from your debates. And now we're going to push the ball forward.
Simple as that not going to stop. Simple as that end of story. Now, excuse me. Let's get to the
Vice President of the United States. This is Thabiti Anyabwile. Thabiti Anyabwile.
He's back with another brain dead take. And so Thabiti didn't like what
JD Vance had to say at all. And he says, This may be an old school concept, but it's not very
Christian concept. He's describing natural affection, a fleshly notion of love. He's describing self -love spread over a wider area.
He's not describing Christian or supernatural love. Sounds so good, right? Sounds so good.
Let's listen to what the vice president had to say. But there's this old school and I think it's a very Christian concept, by the way, that you love your family and then you love your neighbor and then you love your community and then you love your fellow citizens in your own country.
And then after that, you can focus and prioritize the rest of the world. A lot of the far left has completely inverted that.
They seem to hate the citizens of their own country and care more about people outside their own borders. That is no way to run a society.
And I think the profound difference that Donald Trump brings to the leadership of this country is that the simple concept,
America first, it doesn't mean you hate anybody else. It means that you have leadership. And President Trump has been very clear about this.
That puts the interests of American citizens first in the same way that the British prime minister should care about Brits and the
French should care about the French. We have an American president who cares primarily about Americans, and that's a very welcome change.
What is President Xi doing? What is Vladimir Putin looking after the Chinese? Putin is looking after the Russians that they're entitled to do that.
Thank God we now have an American president who's looking after the citizens of his own country. Amen. I mean, it's so basic.
Listen, this is so basic that if you don't get it and you disagree with it, it is very difficult for me to believe that you understand even the first thing about Christianity.
Even the first thing. I'm not saying you don't, but I'm saying it's very difficult for me to believe that you understand anything about Christianity, anything at all.
So it's very difficult for me to believe that Thabiti Anyabwile understands the first thing about Christianity, the gospel, whatever you want to call it, whatever the foundations of the faith are, you know, the close handed beliefs and all of that kind of thing.
You know, you want to do your theological triage, whatever, whatever little thing you want to call it.
Thabiti has no clue and it's bottom line. This is so basic. It's everybody knows this and everybody acts this way.
Sometimes, at least on the micro, because we all get it, right?
We all get that the days of my life, my concerns, my affections, my efforts, my, you know, everything, everything for the most part is consumed by taking care of and providing for and teaching and training and protecting my family.
Look, guys, I love you guys. You watch this channel, man, I'm very grateful for that and all of that kind of thing.
But the reality is, I don't care about your family in the same way I care about my family.
That doesn't mean I don't care about your family. And Janie Vance was very thorough in his explanation here.
He says it doesn't mean that you don't, you don't care at all. But you've got to order this, you've got to order your affections, you've got to order how you you know, organize your days, you know, how you divide up your time and your care and your affections and your emotions and your energy, how you do that appropriately as a
Christian. And it is very obvious and clear that I as a father, as a husband, spend the majority of my energy, the majority of my time focused on my own family.
And then you go out and you go out to your own little communities and stuff like that. And obviously, the more time should be spent on your communities than on, you know, the nation and you know, then more time should be spent concerned with your nation than you know, another nation and all this kind of thing.
And if there was if we had interplanetary civilizations, and that would be a very far down the list kind of concern for us.
So So here's the thing, like this is obvious. And it's obviously taught in the Bible as well, obviously.
And if it's not that obvious to you, I suggest you do a little research. In fact, later, you know,
J .D. Vance said, hey, you should probably Google this. Maybe just let's see if I can find that tweet. Hold on one second.
Here we go. He says, just Google Ordo Amoris. Aside from that, the idea that there isn't a hierarchy of obligations violates basic common sense.
Does Rory really believe that his moral duties to his own children are the same as his duties to a stranger who lives thousands of miles away?
Does anyone? Nobody really believes this. And this is the thing because people will say they don't believe this.
In fact, we're going to see one in just a minute, a completely brain dead person brain dead.
We're going to see someone who believe who says he doesn't believe this, but he does believe it because here's what you do when you want to know what someone really believes.
Look at how they act. Look at how they act. And I don't know this man. So maybe he is just, you know, acting like a complete degenerate evil person in his life.
I doubt it though. I highly doubt it. J .D. Vance is saying, look, this is something that Christians have talked about for years, the
Ordo Amoris, and it's just common sense. Obviously, there's
Joe Ash Thomas. I've got a great video of Joe Ash Thomas talking about how he blocks people as a sign of grace.
Pretty funny. Uh, it also features Beth Moore and that, um, who's that, that, that devil woman.
Who's that? What's that devil woman's name? I forget her name. The witch, you know, the witch and a pretty funny video.
It's a super cut. I'm sure you'd like it, but here's, uh, here's Joe Ash Thomas brain dead because this is completely brain dead.
And actually it's, it's, it's a satanic inversion. This is the inversion of Christianity. So he's actually teaching as good something that is objectively evil.
This is an evil thing. If, if Joe Ash really acts this way in his life, he's worse than an unbeliever.
That's what the Bible says. He's actually worse than an unbeliever and unbelievers pretty bad.
I mean, I listen, I think that's the point of that verse. An unbeliever is pretty bad, but to be worse than an unbeliever.
I mean, you're off the charts at that point. This is Joe Ash Thomas's advice for you. Do not, if you've got half a brain, you cannot take this advice.
Joe Ash Thomas is responding to a non person here and the non says, wait, in Christian thought, if your child is in one hand and a stranger in the other, what are you supposed to do?
He's making it really easy, right? Like it's, it's like the, the, the, the hypothetical example, you know, I've got my child over here.
I've got a stranger over here. I can only save one of them. You know what I mean? The, the train's coming down and I can only have time to save one of them.
Which one am I supposed to do? And this isn't, this isn't a Joe Ash's, this is, this is
God. I hope God willing, he's really not actually like this.
Cause if he is this, then he's, he's a certifiable psychopath. He's a psychopath, but he wants to look good.
So I think he's, I think he's lying here, but if he's not lying, he's a psychopath. It's as simple as that. Joe Ash says in a
Christianity that looks like Jesus of Nazareth, Nazareth, you love the stranger first.
So in that hypothetical example, you got two kids to save one of them. You don't know who he is. The other one is your son.
It's your son or your daughter. You as a Christian, if you want to follow Christ, you have to save the stranger.
That's what he's saying. If he really would do this, which I don't believe, but if you really would, he's a psychopath and he's worse than an unbeliever, worse.
He will be in hell because unbelievers go to hell. So whatever's worse, that's where Joe Ash would be.
If this is his real position, he goes on. He says, if you don't like that, that's okay.
Just be honest that you're not ready to deny yourself, take up your cross and follow Jesus. This man's an idiot.
He's an idiot. And he's an evil person. He's trying to convince you to do evil.
He's trying to convince you to do the wrong thing according to scripture. Now, listen, here's the thing. Here's the thing.
That hypothetical situation, it's a heart -wrenching situation. I don't want to sort of in a weird kind of way be responsible for someone else's death because I didn't go save them.
Obviously, I would know that I wasn't really responsible for his death, but I feel like you would still feel it.
You'd be like, man, I could have saved him. I just didn't. You know what I mean? That kind of thing. Of course, I wouldn't ever even think twice about going to the stranger.
Obviously not. But here's the thing. I don't want that situation. It's not a good situation to have to deal with, right?
But the answer to the question, this is not complex. This is easy to understand. This is easy.
Of course, you have to order your loves. Of course, you have to order your affections.
Of course, you have to order what you put energy into. Of course, you have to do this.
Of course, everybody does do this. If everyone didn't do this, all
I'd have to do is call up Joash and say, hey, Joash, man, I can't buy food today. I can't pay my mortgage.
Give me your money. Give me your money, Joash. I need it. I need it for my family.
We're the stranger. And he'd have to do it. He'd have to do it. But of course, he wouldn't do it, obviously, because he doesn't actually believe this.
He just wants to pretend like he's this pious, above it all, super holy type of person.
Oh, and by the way, he wants to pretend that that's what Jesus taught, right? And it's just not what Jesus taught.
Obviously not. Obviously not. But anyway, this is really, really good news that the vice president of the
United States understands this. This is something that Christians have understood for generations.
And obviously, it's not something that we do as a country. And it's great that the vice president of the
United States of America understands this, because this is how you have society.
This is how you have a civilization. This is how you have a working nation. Working nations, of course, we don't ignore every other nation.
We don't look for their bad, right? But we look out for ourselves and our own people first.
It's the only way to be if you're a leader of a country. And again, J .D. Vance was careful.
He says, it doesn't mean that you try to purposely hurt the other nations or you just ignore them. You don't care.
But obviously, your focus, your energy, your affections, your efforts, it's all about taking care of the people of the
United States of America. That's it. That's simple.
Very simple. In any case, I hope you found this video helpful.
A lot of you guys, I asked you to connect with me on LinkedIn and you did. And man,
I knew this would happen. There are so many extremely talented people that follow the
YouTube channel. A lot of you guys have really cool backgrounds. Thanks for connecting. Let's continue. Guys, if you haven't connected with me on LinkedIn, go right now, type right now, hit me up on LinkedIn, and I'd love to connect with you.