I Got Woke This Weekend! ;)

AD Robles iconAD Robles


Im too woke for Thabiti. Im too woke for Matthew 6:1. #wokechurch


Absolutely courageous, absolutely courageous. I got to be honest with you guys, I wanted to looking forward all weekend to this video because I wanted to tell you that I got woke this weekend.
Me, I really got woke and so one more video for the channel and then I'm probably gonna delete it because it's just done so much harm in this conversation and really or maybe what
I'll do is I'll just I'll change it so that way I'll be able to fight rampant white supremacy and all of this kind of stuff,
Christian supremacy, the whole thing. I'll be able to fight it through my platform and so you know hopefully
I'll be able to undo all the evil that I've done over the last year or so and that that video of Matt Chandler just doing heroic racial reconciliation,
I got to be honest it just that's what woke me. Nah, just kidding, that was great though that was courageous, that was awesome, but really what it was that that got me woke is this tweet from Jim Carrey, this amazing artwork that he did here.
I guess that's Orange Man there and he's very bad and he's eating this I guess it's a this one of the bombs
I think yeah he's eating the bomb I think yeah and anyway he says today they tried to murder two presidents they yeah they did do that as well as public servants and journalists make no mistake these terrorists were encouraged and emboldened by the hate speech of Donald Trump he's so right about that too
Donald Trump was the cause of all of that if you can't see the clear menace of this man's influence by now then you are part of it and you know honestly that made me really introspect and I looked at myself and I you know realized that I was part of all of that I was part and parcel of it because I didn't know that the
Orange Man was really as bad as he is and so therefore I have gotten woke and so I you know with my with my new wokeness
I went on Twitter and I was looking at trying to find some of the leaders and unfortunately I'm blocked by a lot of the
Christian woke leaders the best ones anyway have blocked me but I found
Thabiti he still he hasn't blocked me yet and I just saw this absolutely heroic tweet from Thabiti this is courageous this takes a lot of guts for him to say this because honestly this is what we're all thinking this is what we're all thinking and I'm just very grateful for Pastor Anyabwile to say this because this needs to be said this is speaking truth to power this is speaking truth to power
I think we could all learn something from the good pastor here let's check it out he says this the common thread between the pipe bombs mailed to 13 to 14 persons the
Louisville shooter who attempted to enter a black church before killing two at Kroger and the murder of a
Jewish person and shooting of police officers in Pittsburgh is white supremacy that's right because this but before I read that Jim Carrey tweet
I was a white supremacist I'm repenting of it now and I'm gonna tell you all about it in my
Twitter feed too he goes on he says another commonality and I checked to several timelines to be sure so he checked several timelines he took several of them and now he's positive he can make this declaration
I completely agree with him I think he's a hundred percent right check several timelines to be sure none of the major folks on Twitter so strident in their opposition of social justice had anything to say about any of those events or the white supremacy that undergirds them complete silence is not justice
I would go a step further complete silence is injustice if you're a silent about this you are unjust you're evil you're part of the problem like Jim Carrey said you are part of it you're a part of white supremacy and the last this is the tweet three out of three even though I'll give him a you know look he's he's woke he's got a lot of things on his mind sweet one out of two two out of two and then three out of three he says there's not even a lament or praying for the families end quote and you know
Pete honest he's so right you look at all of these wicked wicked ministers that are against cultural
Marxism and social justice the Marxist hunters out there they don't care about people they don't care about Jews they don't care about black people they don't care about the pipe bombs and the ex -presidents and all that they haven't said a word about it they haven't said anything about it and we can be sure
I mean I checked which I also checked several timelines to be sure with the beauty I checked several timelines and the conclusion that I've read after after all the several timelines that I checked the conclusion that I reached is that they don't they just don't care they just don't care and I had to go back and I had to edit this in here because to be honest like the bees making so much sense
I mean how if you if you don't go on Twitter and let everyone see your lament and everyone see your prayers and things like that how is everyone gonna know how good you are how is everyone gonna know that you're that you're righteous and that you're virtuous and all of this that how is
Pete how are they gonna know and honestly it's really sad it's really sad that there are so many white supremacist pastors out there that that support these kinds of things
I mean to be let's just be let's just call it what it is speak truth to power time to do some truth -telling if you didn't say anything about these shootings or these bombings or anything like that then you're part of the problem you're actually a blood on your hands you have blood on your hands and so honestly
I'm with the beauty on this one you know now that I'm woke though I want to try to practice a little bit of this and honestly look
I might make a few mistakes I'm sorry if I do I'm still trying to learn what's really the important issues and what aren't the important issues and so I'm gonna you know
I'm gonna go on online and look for some issues and you know I'm gonna check
I'm gonna check some timelines too yeah I'm gonna check the Beatty's timeline because to be honest there was a there were two arson fires in my town this weekend actually on Saturday two arson fires and I'm not convinced that white supremacy wasn't involved with those as well two people actually died in one of the fires in my town and you know honestly in Vermont there's very few murders and this this was one of them and so you know let's check to beat the
Beatty's timeline and see if he mentioned it yeah cuz this will be a teachable moment for all of those evil
Marxist hunters those evil ministers out there that didn't say anything about this this will be a teachable we'll check the
Beatty's timeline I'm sure that he's talked about this because he knows silence is injustice because yeah there was
I mean I think the Beatty cares about but it was probably drug -related because they were squatting in this house but it was
Saturday so let's look there doesn't seem to be any mention of the fires in Rutland well you know honestly again like I said
I'm working on it I don't really I'm not really that I don't know what the important issues are so you know maybe it doesn't count if it's like a local issue and it's just in it's just in Rutland Vermont I mean
Rutland Vermont is really not it's not really that big of a deal I can give him a pass on that I'll give him a pass on that what about you know
I was I was online earlier and I saw how Christians were being killed in Nigeria there was a another arson fire and I think like 10
Christians were killed in Nigeria let's see that was pretty recently too I'm looking here you know
I don't think he's mentioned it recently I mean maybe he's mentioned it before but to be honest if you're if you're really gonna you gotta mention oh but you know it's
Christians though that that got killed so I guess yeah that's actually not really a woke issue either because let's just be honest Christian supremacy it's not really the same when
Christians get killed it has to be other people I okay well what about you know here's an issue that I think is definitely important to the woke did you hear that far right and when
I say far right I mean anti -communist you know someone who's not a socialist won the election the presidential election in Brazil did you hear that now that's an issue we can get up in arms about that needs to stop that's unchristian on Christ like that a right -wing far right let's just call it as far right -wing leader authoritarian literally
Hitler won in Brazil and I gotta be honest the beady you didn't I was just I didn't said anything about it yet the beady silence is not in is not justice how could you be silent in the face of an authoritarian rising in Brazil that's a native place man how could you the beady
I gotta be honest I'm disillusioned
I'm disillusioned this is unacceptable again we have these fake people that are in the woke movement they're not really woke you know won't give you mention
Brazil here is that the most actually you know that's pretty important let's just be a far right -wing people winning elections that kid
I cannot stand that's an injustice let justice roll down like waters that's not the most important thing
I heard today you know did you hear this that there's a social media website that lets anyone just post whatever they want
I mean even even even even even neo -nazis and white supremacist gab has he mentioned gab is he against gab don't see a bunch of the stuff about the
Jewish people here that's good I mean I'm glad about he hasn't even mentioned gab I gotta be honest the beady you you have to understand that silence is an injustice if you're silent about anything that I care about that's part of injustice and I have to be on it so you haven't mentioned gab so therefore you must be okay with white supremacists having a social media platform you must be okay with far -right wing dictators winning in Brazil you must be okay with that I don't even know what to do anymore
I mean who mark them mark them down because you cannot be okay with white supremacy and be a