Art 33-34 The Blessings of Church



We are going to look at for my time tonight article 33 and 34 34 is rather short, so And they and they really do flow well together So it shouldn't be a problem for us to be able to get through both of them But before we even read the article I want to ask a question Have you ever heard someone say I? I Love Jesus, but I just don't like the church I mean, I know there's only like six of us here tonight, but do you think yes, you've heard that yeah People will say that a lot as if it's not a big deal you know Jackie is Jackie is is in our Sovereign Grace Academy class and so is Bobby and And we've been in ecclesiology, which is this doctrine of the church now for a few weeks Really digging into some things that I didn't get to get into in our systematic theology study like last week We talked about missionaries.
That was one of the things we Sort of knew and different that we hadn't really discussed before But one of the things I talked about in the very first class of the ecclesiology class is The the way people see the church is often very wrong some people see the church like a country club you know, I'm joining a country club to be part of some people see the church as a social awareness club or a social Social work club or group, you know I'm joining it to to help others or feed the hungry or do whatever and And as good as that may be to do those things that those are really all byproducts of what the church is And when someone says I love Jesus but hate the church to me that is a Real misunderstanding of what the church is Because the Bible tells us Christ came to build his church Matthew 16 18.
He said I will build my church In fact, we talked about that in the class because some people I've heard people say Christ didn't come to build a church Christ came to make the way to God and the Apostles came along later and they were the ones who had the bright idea to start the church or the 2nd century 3rd century Followers of Jesus.
They were the ones who created the model of the church and that was not something that That Jesus ever really had in mind in fact there there are those who argue that Paul didn't write the pastoral epistles Now that's a sort of an argument I don't want to get into tonight about historical reliability and authorship and things but they will one of the arguments They'll say Paul didn't write the pastoral epistles because that type of structure didn't exist in the early church That's one of the arguments is is that that those had to have been late first century or second century writings It couldn't have been from the pen of somebody as early as Paul And and so all of these arguments are simply to say that the church is an afterthought the church wasn't the purpose of Christ and when somebody says I love Jesus, but I hate the church or they say I love God but I hate organized religion, which to me is a Just a big bag of nonsense is you know when people say I hate organized religion I say well, do you prefer disorganized because I've seen a lot of cult groups that'll just drive you crazy That's what you're looking for is disorganized religion.
There's a lot of nuts out there But you know the idea of the church having a place in God's plan and Actually being the focus of Christ's plan is is Often not understood even by Christians They don't see the church as being Vital in the plan of Christ and yet what is the Bible tells tell us doesn't only tell us that Christ Said he will build his church, but it also says that he that it says husbands love your wives as Christ loved The church and gave himself up for her, you know making the church the bride of Christ So when we look at articles 33 and 34 we're going and the way that as brother Andy's already indicated to us They have titles that are given to them Later, the title of 33 is the church.
The title of 34 is blessings to the church And so that's what we're going to look at.
We're going to read the articles I'm going to give you my understanding of what I believe the brothers are saying here for our Lesson and then we're going to look at some of the scripture that they provide for us and one of the things that's been really interesting for me in my Studying to prepare for these lessons Is to look at the passages they choose because sometimes it just seems like they choose passages that you almost have to Yeah, you have to have a degree in cryptology or something To be able to decipher what it is there You know, why are they using this verse? It seems like there would be five other verses that would be better But a lot of times they're nailing in on one specific aspect of the verse that we don't even notice so I try to do that when I'm When I'm reading so let's read article 33 Jesus Christ hath here on earth a manifestation of his spiritual kingdom Which is his church? Just stop right there I mean we're gonna read the whole thing, but I just that that that is a powerful thought that the church is the manifestation of Christ's kingdom on earth What a wonderful truth But it goes on Jesus Christ hath here on earth a manifestation of his spiritual kingdom, which is his church Oh Mine is in parentheses and I did draw this from an online source.
So that No, no, you're not cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs Let's so I'll read it without the parentheses the parentheses must have been added on the online where I drew this from Let me read it without it.
Jesus Christ hath here on earth a spiritual kingdom, which is his church Is that that what you guys have? Okay, the term manifestation of is a is obviously was was something that was included by the By the online source, all right Well, no No I'm glad you mentioned it because I don't always double-check with the book because I Do a lot of my stuff on the computer, so I apologize for that Whom he hath purchased and redeemed to himself as a peculiar inheritance Which church is a company of visible Saints called and separated from the world by the word and spirit of God to the visible profession of faith of the gospel being baptized into that faith and Joined to the Lord and each other by mutual agreement in the practical enjoyment of the ordinances commanded by Christ their head and King now for a moment, I want to Write the there's one word that occurs twice in this in this article and it is the word visible and You know me anytime I see Repetition in Scripture or even in lessons like this.
I think that there's a reason for it you'll notice it says it says the church is a company of visible Saints called and Separated from the world by the word in the Spirit of God to the visible profession of faith So the focus here is what is the church in the world? It's the physical and this goes back to why I think they added the word manifestation.
It's the it's the visible manifestation of the kingdom It's the visible manifestation of the kingdom of God here on the earth Um Quick quick little side note When you see the word kingdom of God and you see the word kingdom of heaven Right, you know the both of those phrases exist But did you know only one gospel writer uses the term kingdom of heaven? No Matthew Matthew is the only one who uses the term kingdom of heaven all the other gospel writers use kingdom of God and It's an interesting Dynamic I had a professor in seminary who made a huge deal about the difference between the kingdom of God and the kingdom of heaven He believed that there was Jesus was talking about two different things I don't necessarily think so because they're often used interchangeably Especially when we see in the in the other Gospels where Jesus is telling the same.
It's the same narrative Obviously, the only one who's going to use kingdom of heaven is Matthew because he's the only one who references that but we see the Term kingdom of God and Mark and Luke and John and and the point that I'm simply making is when Jesus talks about the kingdom What's he talking about? He's talking about His people his people make up his kingdom.
And what did he say? My kingdom is not of This world when we become Christians, what do we become citizens of? Another world right? We are citizens of the kingdom.
We're citizens of the New heaven and the new earth as brother Andy was talking about perseverance.
Our citizenship is already purchased We we were not born citizens.
We weren't naturalized citizens of the kingdom of God, but we were purchased By Christ we were adopted into the family and just like if I went over to China and I adopted a child and I brought that child back to here to be my child He would become a citizen of the United States by virtue of adoption into my family He would become a citizen and we having been adopted into the family of God now are made citizens of the kingdom of God Citizens of the kingdom of heaven we are that's who we are.
But what's the visible picture of that is the church This is why when people say I don't want to be part of the church I said, but this is the picture of the kingdom This is a this is this is the this is the visible manifestation of the kingdom of God on the earth now And I could go Real crazy into church history, so I'm going to be very careful here.
But you know, there was a time where especially in the Roman Empire the church attempted to to Gain power and prestige for itself.
One of the arguments was we're the manifestation of the kingdom therefore we should have palaces and and and this is why the Pope would wear tiaras and Crowns and jewelry and all kinds of things because they are manifestation of the kingdom that's superficial and and really meaningless because how we demonstrate our Citizenship in the kingdom is by loving Christ and loving one another By this all men will know you are my disciples what? If you love one another right not that you have the biggest church building or the most beautiful tiara or the most beautiful rings or necklaces or any of those things you'll demonstrate the picture of the kingdom by Your love for one another and your obedience to Christ said if you love me, you'll do what you keep my commandments so I Four things from this article that I that I pulled out is just my four points one The church is Christ spiritual kingdom on earth.
We've already talked about that.
He is the head and King it says it says That's actually the last line it says Christ their head and King The word head is Kefale and Greek literally means the head of something that the top What you know when we think of our head Christ is the head of the church and he's also the king I love the term captain of our salvation.
That was in our Andy's article tonight I use that term a lot in fact I find myself using it more and more people say we talk about who what is our obedience look like obedience is being Faithful to our captain Christ is the captain of our salvation, but he's also the head of the church and the king of the kingdom And So it says the church the church is Christ spiritual kingdom on earth number two the church is purchased and redeemed to be his inheritance I Mentioned this before but I'll say it again.
Do we understand that we are? We are Christ's gift from the Father We are his inheritance, that's what it says Christ did the work of redemption thereby earning for us what we could not earn for ourselves and he Receives the reward of bringing many sons to glory the Bible says that's that's his reward is bringing many sons to glory And this is why it says all the Father gives me will come to me We are a gift from the Father to the Son.
We are his inheritance.
You did this mighty work on the cross Here is your gift and in the picture of this if you remember it's one of my favorite parables is when Jesus said that there Was a king who wanted to have a dinner for his son? And he invited people to dinner No one would come and he says go out and and to the highways and the hedges and compel them to come for what reason? So that my son's banquet Will be filled on The day of the great marriage supper of the Lamb The son's banquet will be filled and It will all be to the praise of his glorious grace and work on the cross and he will receive his inheritance That's the church The Church of all ages the Church of all time will sit at table with Abraham Isaac and Jacob and we will be there as The inheritance given to the son.
This is the blessing of the work that you have done and we will praise him forever Number three the church is a company of Saints called and separated interesting language because the word Saints is anybody You may remember this Jackie.
I don't know how many else remember the word Saints is Comes from the same word as what other very important word that we are familiar with the word holy The word holy in Greek is hagyos and It's the same word that is translated Saints Because the word Saints simply means holy ones Right.
So the holy and the Saints are the same.
This is what they are This is you know in the way we describe them the so holy and sane are the same and so When you are in Christ you are made part of his holy body and that's why it says called and separated you were called before The foundation of the world and in time that calling became real and efficacious in your life And then you were separated from the world.
You became part of his body and now you are a saint even though Many of us would probably have a hard time With the idea of our own sainthood knowing our proclivity for failure and sinfulness but yet and this is why throughout church history the People have identified certain people as Saints because this person was extra special in their faith But again, we everyone who is part of the body of Christ by faith is made holy because of his righteousness his holiness and So we are all Saints Number four and to finish up this article The church is the visible profession of faith Being joined to the Lord and his people by mutual agreement.
Now that let me let me clarify that Because this is what it says It says we were called and separated from the world by the Word and the Spirit of God To the visible profession of faith of the gospel being baptized into that faith and joined to the Lord and each other by mutual agreement Again the word visible.
This is I think key in this article because the idea is Can somebody become a Christian and? No one know it well For for a moment, right Well, what I mean is like let's say for instance My son right now is in Another country and he's not yet profess faith.
I pray that he does Let's say in the middle of the night one night He is struck like I was with the desire to trust in Christ.
He could trust in Christ He could he could fall down to his knees He could believe on the Lord and I pray this would happen that he believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved All right, and and in that moment He would be in Christ But it wouldn't be a visible manifestation Until he went and professed that faith Publicly and what would be the first step? To be baptized right the first step of visible, and that's what it says It says it says profession of faith of the gospel being baptized into that faith and joined to the Lord So there would be the need for the visible Manifestation of his faith and then what would be the natural next step? Becoming part of the church the local body of Christ And and and and I do think that there is a big issue of people who say well I believe in Jesus, but I don't want to get baptized and I don't want to go down and join the church Why I got to do all that I can yeah, I can worship God from the fishing boat or whatever, right? Yeah, the idea is that is not what we're called to do We are called to be the visible picture of the kingdom not the Invisible picture and and oftentimes and even in our class I talked about the distinction between the invisible and the visible church and visible churches all believers everywhere the visible church is the local body there should never be There are but there shouldn't be people who are in the invisible church who are not part of the visible church Because by doing so they are and I said this in class I'll say they're out of the will of God Now it might be a season where there's no church near you or maybe you've moved and you having trouble finding a church I'm not saying that can't happen But a person who says I am in Christ, but I have no desire to be connected to the local church I would say they're outside of God's will because God's will is that we be that visible manifestation of The kingdom of God as part of the local body and So the church is the visible professing believers Who have and I love the term mutually agreed? In the practical enjoyment of the ordinance is commanded by Christ their head and King.
What are the ordinances? Baptism and the Lord's Supper right and we we agree on those we come together in agreement In fact you you may or may not know this What is the what is the most divisive? Thing between local churches that often creates new churches how color the look at you taking a stab at the No, you're not wrong.
But what what what historically divided it would think like the Reformation what divided the Reformers? How How they understood? Communion the Lord's Supper how they understood baptism, right? The Baptist got the name by the virtue of how they viewed baptism the Marburg colloquy with Luther and Zwingli They divided over the Lord's Supper.
So it is often the ordinances that do divide and So when you join a church you are in mutual agreement with that body that this is how we're going to practice the ordinances We're going to practice the Lord's Supper this way.
We're going to practice baptism this way This is how we understand this thing.
And that's that's one of the first things that would separate, you know after that Of course, there are other things color the carpet But but certainly there the if you look at if you look down the dividing line of churches Often it's on those ordinances where the dividing line begins again doesn't stop there So it's interesting that they that they put that you're joined to the Lord and to each other by mutual agreement and the practical enjoyment of the ordinances Commanded by Christ the head and King All right.
Let's move to by the way the your book does reference appendix 17 And and I'll read it to you just so that you do hear it because it says this Believers baptized ought to agree and join together in a constant profession of the same doctrine of the gospel and in professed obedience thereunto and also in fellowship and in breaking bread and prayers acts for 242 and a company of baptized believers so agreeing and joining together are a church or Congregation of Christ.
So so what is what is what makes up a church according to Benjamin Cox who wrote the appendix a Group of people that agree to gather together under a mutual faith Beginning with their mutual baptism.
So that's just that that's just an appendix to go along with with that article All right, and I know I'm going quickly, but I do want to look at verse or verse ha article 34 And I could spend all night on this one because it's only one sentence or two sentences But it's such a this is powerful.
Listen to it It says to this church that is the church he was just referencing in 33 to this church He that is Christ has made promises and given the signs of his covenant presence at asset Acceptation it's not exception.
It's Acceptation which is a hard word to say and and basically it means that that he doesn't only accept us he approves of us That's what acceptation is He approves of us and we give we have signs of his covenant his presence his approval his love his blessing and his protection Here are the fountains and springs of his heavenly graces flowing forth to refresh and strengthen them This is what the church does this the church is a spring of Heavenly grace that we get to enjoy on a regular basis Now I want to talk to you about something That is a language term That is that has to be understood and I want and before you close your ears because you're going to hear me say it you Might immediately want to not listen to this.
So let me let me clarify There is a term used Among some reformed folks.
I don't use it, but it's a term.
The term is means of grace.
I've never heard that term Okay, now the term means of grace is Typically applied to the Lord's Supper and baptism and the preaching of the word Because what the Reformers would say was these are means by which the grace of God are passed on or bestowed or grown with the people of God, I Don't use that term a lot Because it's so to me Feels like a holdover from Rome Because in Rome in the Roman Catholic system a means of grace was literally how grace was distributed So like if you wanted to be justified of your sins You had to come receive the mass because the mass was a means by which God Justified you in the mass.
There is a perpetuatory Sacrifice and so because of that I have been a little allergic To the term means of grace just because of its History in the Roman Catholic Church, but as I was reading this article I read that second sentence and I said this is what I've been looking for Because I think this says it much better than the term means of grace and if you use the term means of grace and you Understand what you mean by it and you're not saying it's where God distributes, you know, your salvation or things like that I think that's fine.
But listen to what the brothers wrote Here that is here in the church within the body of Christ as we gather are the fountains and springs of his heavenly grace is flowing forth to refresh and strengthen us What in the world do we gather for for refreshment and strengthening as God's grace is manifest again that word Among us every time we gather together to hear the word to eat the supper to see people Receive the sign of baptism.
All of those things are Manifestations of God's grace among us and we get refreshed By those springs so like so like so in the future brother Andy, I'm gonna say springs of grace Yeah, I just like that use of the term The church is like a spring and every week every Lord's Day we get to come and take a drink Every Lord's Day we get to come and be refreshed by the blessing of Fellowship we get to be refreshed by the blessing of singing and hearing songs sung we get to the be refreshed by the blessing of supping together on the Lord's table and hearing the word proclaimed and it is a spring and a fountain of God's grace and that's the blessing of the church and See if you love the church and you know what the church is for then you get it And that's why when somebody says I'd love Jesus, but I hate the church.
I'm like Oh, you just don't get it.
You just don't get what you're missing It's like the person who's never had a really good steak and they say but hamburgers are better.
No, no No, you need a really good steak and you'll know the difference when I was a kid I said that I said I like hamburgers better because I never had a good steak and I didn't really like steak because I didn't But when I first time I remember having that good stick.
Oh boy.
Nothing compares All right, and people who say I don't know About this whole church thing.
I just be alone with Christian.
You don't know what you're missing You don't know what you're giving up.
You don't know.
What is the the blessing and benefit of drinking from the fountain Of the spring every time we come together Now, let me let me finish with this also references the the appendix and I want to reference the appendix For you because there are two things in the appendix.
I want to mention if you want to turn there It's number page or appendix number 18, which I don't know what page it's on if somebody will holler out 41 thank you This is what says as The preaching of the gospel both for the conversion of sinners and the edifying of those that are converted So also the right use of baptism of the Lord's Supper ought to be to the end of the world so the point of our appendix 18 is that we we don't just come together to preach but we also practice the Ordinances and we do this until Christ returns.
There are groups that don't practice the ordinances.
I Said this recently and I'm I'm up for correction anytime.
I say something that is incorrect, but I think I'm right about this Isn't it correct that the Salvation Army doesn't do baptisms, is that right Bobby? I thought so.
Yeah So so they hit they're not there.
So so they don't practice one of the ordinances at least I don't know what they do with the Lord's Supper or not, but but the point is these Christ's go and baptize and And and and lo I'm with you always even till the end of the earth, right? So so in fact, that's that's one of the passages that is cited if you look if you don't have to go back there But on on article 34 the Matthew 28 18, which I think their intention is to go into chat into verse 19 also Where it talks about going and baptizing, but now let's look at appendix 20 because this one is This one is somewhat debated and remember the appendix is not part of the actual article I'm sorry, not part of the actual statement of faith So it's not something we have to affirm every word But I do want you to hear this because I want to make a few comments on it and then we'll draw to a close Though a believer's right to use Excuse me, though a believer's right to the use of the Lord's Supper doth immediately flow from Jesus Christ apprehended and received by faith Yet in as much as all things ought to be done not only decently but also in order and the word holds forth this order that disciples should be baptized and Then be taught to observe all things that is all other things that Christ commanded the Apostles and Accordingly the Apostles first baptized disciples and then admitted them to the use of the supper We therefore do not admit any in the use of the supper nor communicate with any in the use of the ordinances But disciples having once been scripturally baptized lest we should have Fellowship with them in their doing contrary to the order.
So what's it saying? basically, it's saying there is an order to the ordinances and The normal order of the ordinances is that someone would be baptized Before they receive the Lord's Supper.
So for instance, you may wonder why we do baptisms at the beginning of worship and That's why because we have the Lord's Supper every week and it used to be that we would hold it to the end and we Would do baptism at the end of the service because that was just the natural seemingly natural way to do it But it became very obvious to me.
Well, that's one more week.
They don't get to have the supper.
That's one more week They're gonna not do the supper now somebody may have a different conviction on this somebody may see this a little differently and and I would I wouldn't go to the Mat and say it's an absolute necessity But I would say that if a person is willing to receive the supper It should be a sign that they should also be willing to be baptized and and and it would seem That there would have to be some kind of a circumstance where they haven't been baptized for whatever reason That the two would be out of order But the normal order would be that a person would be baptized and then receive the supper one is a one-time ordinance Which as is noted in the article the one-time ordinance is intended for what purpose to make them a disciple But it make disciples how baptizing them right and you say well wait Christ makes disciples in the heart Yes, he does but the outward manifestation the visible manifestation is the baptism.
That's how they come into the Covenant community and then they begin to exercise the rest of the ordinances and one of those Well, the only other ordinance, of course the the Lord's Supper so I just thought that was an important thing to add because it is in the is in the appendix and It just reminds us of the importance of these two activities that we do these two ordinances that we obey in the in the church and they are blessings getting to have the Lord's Supper every week is a blessing and Getting to see people receive the sign of baptism certainly is a blessing now There are many scripture references and the one thing I I just time does not allow it to go through them all but one thing I would Point to you if you do happen to use this as for your own personal devotion and you want to look at these scripture verses Note that under article 33 where it talked about the church Several of the scripture verses simply point to the fact that Paul wrote to churches In fact, these are the verses 2nd Thessalonians 1 1 1st Corinthians 1 2 Ephesians 1 1 Romans 1 7 all of those I looked them up.