FBC Morning Light – February 6, 2023


Encouragement for the journey from God’s Word. Today's Scripture: Exodus 23-24 / Matthew 26 / Psalm 26 Music credit: "Awaken the Dawn" by Stanton Lanier, https://www.stantonlanier.com/


Well a good Monday morning to you. You know we are in Matthew chapter 26 today and it's a little interchange here between Peter and Jesus and then a little bit of a confrontation between Peter and Jesus that serves as really
I think a cautionary tale. Let's look at that today. In verses 31 to 35 you have this little interchange between Jesus and Peter where Jesus tells all of his
He says all of you are going to be made to stumble because of me this night for as it is written
I will strike the shepherd and the sheep will be slaughtered will be scattered and Jesus knows what's coming very shortly he's going to be betrayed and he's going to be smitten and that the disciples are all going to read they're all gonna run they're gonna flee from him but Peter doesn't like that Peter says no even if everyone else is made to stumble because of you
I will never be made to stumble now we read this and we think wow you know
Peter that's that's that's pretty brazen you know you're you're telling Jesus you're not gonna do this when he said you are gonna do this
Jesus replies to him and surely he says surely I say to you this night before the rooster crows you're gonna deny me three times and Peter said absolutely not even if I have to die with you
I will not deny you and that led all the rest of the disciples said yeah me too me too me too me too focuses of course on Peter Peter is the one who's leading the charge here that he's not going to end up doing what
Jesus said he's going to end up doing shortly thereafter Jesus takes
Peter James and John a little deeper into the Garden of Gethsemane and Jesus goes a little further but before he leaves to go further into the garden and to pray he tells his disciples to pray with him says watch with me for a while and pray and and he goes
Jesus goes into the garden and he prays says you know Lord if father if it's possible let this cup be passed from me but not what
I will but you and then he came back to his disciples he prayed that and he came back to his disciples and he found them sleeping and he said to Peter isn't interesting he singles out
Peter he says to Peter what could you not watch with me for one hour watch and pray lest you enter into temptation the spirit indeed is willing but the flesh is weak and I think that's
I think Jesus has in mind here to bring to Peter's mind what
Peter had just affirmed maybe an hour earlier oh no if everybody else denies you
I'm not going to die you if I have to die with you I will not deny you I I can definitely do those hard things of not denying you and dying with you but I can't do the simple thing of staying awake and and and praying while you're praying as well really
Peter really you think you can handle that and then of course it isn't much longer until in verses 69 to 75 you know
Jesus is arrested he's taken into that court that courtyard area of Caiaphas the high priest and he is confronted
Peter is confronted on three different occasions you're one of his disciples aren't you no no no no no not me surely you're one of his disciples
I'm sure I saw you with him no no no no no not me Peter says third time you know you sound like a
Galilean I think you I'm pretty confident that you're one of his disciples aren't you and he curses and he swears he says
I don't know the man I don't know what you're talking about Peter adamantly forcefully denies that he knows
Jesus exactly as Jesus told him and of course when he was reminded of that here's the rooster crow he was remembered what
Jesus had said and he says so he went out and wept bitterly now of course the cautionary tale here for all of us is that we we really don't understand and realize how easily we can fall you know there are some people who are believers in Christ and they're they're faithful committed believers and I I don't doubt that for a minute but I've heard
I've heard a few along the line through the years who've expressed sentiments like well
I could never do thus and so I could just I could never do thus and so so and so might and they're referring to behaviors of other believers of other
Christians who have fallen and who have shamed their testimony and shamed the cause of Christ and they see that and they reply oh
I would I could never do that I could never do anything like that be careful with that kind of thing as the scripture warns us let him that thinks he stands take heed lest he fall
Peter was quite confident that he stood he was very much and he was very very much sure that if everybody else denied
Jesus he never would deny Jesus if he had to die with Jesus he would die with Jesus rather than deny him well what was the outcome exactly what
Jesus said so we need to be careful about how we boast and and express spiritual pride instead we need to we need to have a certain carefulness about us that says something to the effect that you know there but for the grace of God go
I in my sinful heart I know I am capable of great sin and there but for the grace of God go
I Oh Father in heaven protect me preserve me from denying you preserve me protect me from yielding to such things as that Oh God how
I need you that's better the spirit to have so as we close today let's pray for that spirit the father
I prayed this afternoon that this morning that you would give us that spirit of humility that recognizes the weakness of our own flesh and I pray that we would depend upon you and not ourselves and this we pray in Jesus name and for his sake all right well listen have a good rest of your