Nick Cannon Said Nothing Wrong*

AD Robles iconAD Robles


*(At least when you compare it to the #wokechurch cult working in evangelicalism) Ekemini Uwan's Video


Look, I've become somewhat known for my unusual takes, but this might be the most unusual one you've ever seen.
I know it's a little risky, but I gotta come to Nick Cannon's defense here, because I don't think he really did anything all that wrong.
Well, that's actually not true. He did do something slightly wrong, but it's only slightly different than pretty much mainstream beliefs.
I mean, Nick Cannon, I think, personally, just had enough guts to say what he really thinks, whereas most people kind of beat around the bush, including many
Christians. And so, I want to play this clip, but before I do, let me just say this.
I had no opinion of Nick Cannon before I saw this clip. In fact, I don't think I'd ever heard him speak before.
I knew his name, but I don't know what he's known for. Either a singer or an actor or something like that, but I don't really know.
I don't think I've ever heard a song of his. I don't think I've ever seen a show of his. I don't know. I mean, so,
I know he's popular, but I don't know anything about him. So, this is good, because I'm not biased one way or the other towards him as a person.
So, let's play this clip, and I'll start and stop it, and then I'll tell you why I got to come to Nick's defense a little bit here.
I'm here for you, buddy. I'm here for you. Let's go to what it really is, then, when we talk about the power of melanated people, when we talk about who we really are.
Melanated. I like that. I like that. We do have power. You know, melanated people do have some extra power.
I would agree. We have the power to not get as burnt by the sun when we're out in the sun.
That is a special – that's like a superpower. I would have to agree with him on that. Guys and understanding that melanin is so power, and it connects us in a way that the reason why they fear black, the reason why they fear is because the lack that they have of it.
So, then when you see what, you know, Dr. – Maybe that's why I don't fear black people because I have at least some melanin.
Melanated. Melaninin. I have a little bit of melanin in my skin. So, maybe that's why I fear black people less than, like, a typical white person.
Maybe that's what's going on. I don't know. I mean, I'm not a scientist or anything. But Nick Cannon seems to think that it's the melanatedness that I've got.
Francis C. Wellesley talked about is that fear in that – Just genetic annihilation.
Efficiency of when you have a person that has the lack of pigment, the lack of melanin.
Right. That they know that they will be annihilated. So, therefore, however they got the power, they have the lack of compassion.
Melanin comes with compassion. Melanin comes with soul, that we call it. We soul brothers and sisters.
That's the melanin that connects us. I honestly thought he was talking about the sun for a while because he said that if you don't have the melanin, you'll be annihilated.
And I thought maybe this was some kind of, like, sun worship thing. Well, you'll be annihilated by the sun if you don't have the melanin.
But actually he's not talking about that. He's talking about soul. You know, like soul food, soul brother, soldier, sister soldier, stuff like that.
I'm a little confused, but let's keep going. Don't have it, have, are, are, and I'm going to say this carefully, are a little less.
And where the term actually comes from, because I'm bringing it all the way back around to Minister Farrakhan, to where they may not have the compassion or the, when they were sent to the mountains of Caucasus, when they, when they didn't have the power of the sun, that was, that the sun then started to deteriorate.
So then they're acting. He is talking about the sun. What's going on here?
What is this? This is some kind of weird, this is some kind of weird paganism. I don't know.
I, you know, for a while when I, when I, when I was listening to that, I thought he was talking about the sun because, you know, the melanin protects you, you'll get annihilated otherwise.
And that's true. I mean, you'll get more burnt by the sun if you don't have the melanin. But then he was talking about soul, so there's like a spiritual aspect to this as well.
But he's actually talking about the sun, so maybe he's kind of combining sun worship and melanatedness.
But that's not what I wanted to talk about. These are side issues, but let's hear him out because he did say that those without the melanatedness, they're a little less, they're a little less.
Let's see, let's see if he explains what he means by that. Out of fear, they're acting out of low self -esteem.
They're acting out of a deficiency. So therefore, the only way that they can act is evil.
The only way they can, they have to rob, steal, rape, kill, and fight a flight in order to survive.
Exactly. So then these people who didn't have what we had. And when I say we, I speak of the melanated people, right?
They had to be savages. They had to be barbaric because they're in these
Nordic mountains. They're in these rough, torrential environments, so they're acting as animals.
So they're the ones that are actually closer to animals. They're the ones that are actually the true savages.
And then they built up such this, I don't want to say warrior, but they built up such this conquering, barbaric mentality.
Right, so that's the clip, right? So that's the clip. So he's saying that the argument is, and this is, you know, there's a certain logic to this.
So he's saying, okay, so the sun is trying to annihilate white people constantly.
And because they're not melanated properly, that they're always on the defensive, right? Because the sun, which
I guess is the object of Nick's worship, the sun is trying to annihilate white people. So blacks and Latinos, I mean, it depends on how dark you are,
I guess, they have a natural protection to this sun that's always trying to annihilate you, but whites don't.
And so because of that, they kind of have to lash out and they have to act barbaric because they're always defending themselves from the sun.
And so that kind of carries over into defending themselves from other things as well.
So they act like barbarians. That's what he's saying. It's crazy. I mean, that's insane. This is an insane religion.
But there's a certain logic to it if you agree that the sun is trying to annihilate white people.
I don't agree with that, obviously. But if you do agree with that, you can kind of see the logic there.
Now, Nick is getting canceled right now. And I got to say, I don't understand why. Because Nick Cannon isn't really saying much that's very different than a lot of people say.
A lot of people talk about this sort of natural inclination for white people to be barbarians and to be evil and to act like and to rape and to pillage.
That's what he said, right? He said that white people just kind of have this natural—he said they're kind of like animals, right?
They're kind of like animals in that they rape and pillage and stuff like that. And I think that the only difference between what
Nick Cannon is saying here, between this and some of the woke church stuff, is that Nick is kind of like very obviously pagan.
He doesn't really have a system of salvation. But the woke church people, at the very least
I can say about them, is that they have a system of salvation sort of where you can get saved by divesting of your whiteness.
In fact, that's literally what they say. That how you get saved is you divest from your whiteness.
And so Nick Cannon here, I mean, look, what he's saying is crazy. I don't agree with that. I'm a
Christian. You know what I mean? This is insane. This is insane paganism, right? I'm a Christian, so obviously
I don't agree with it. But when you compare what he's saying to what the woke cult says in the church, he really didn't do anything wrong.
So I don't know why he's getting canceled. Like there's got to be something else going on here when it comes to Nick Cannon.
So let me give you a couple examples because you might be saying, A .D., that's quite a claim that you're making, that Nick Cannon is basically saying what the woke cult says.
Well, I got some receipts. You want to see them? All right. First one is a video
I did where I'm reading from the grandfather, the godfather of woke cult theology,
James Cone. This is a big influence on Jamar Tisby. If you have a pastor that's recommending Jamar Tisby, please understand that he's been influenced by this guy,
James Cone. He's the godfather of woke theology. What I did was I bought this book, and then
I just played roulette with the book. I just turned to a random page, and listen to what I've read here because at least
James Cone has a system of salvation. It's also insane, probably even more insane than Nick Cannon's system of salvation because at least when you look at Nick Cannon, it's like you don't expect anything from him.
He's a pagan, obviously. But James Cone, he went to seminary. He's a minister.
You might expect a little more from him. Let's listen to James Cone's system of salvation, shall we? He says, quote,
Of course white theologians today have a better way of putting it, but what difference does that make? It means the same thing to black people.
Sure, as the so -called radicals would say, God is concerned about black people. Then they go on to talk about God and secularization or some other white problem unrelated to emancipation of black people.
This style is a contemporary white way of saying that Christianity does not make the least alteration in civil property.
In contrast to this racist view of God, black theology proclaims his blackness. People who want to know who
God is and what he is doing must know who black people are and what they are doing. This does not mean lending a helping hand to the poor and unfortunate blacks of the society.
It does not mean joining the war on poverty. Such acts are sin offerings that represent a white way of assuring themselves that they are basically a good people.
Knowing God means being on the side of the oppressed, becoming one with them and participating in the goal of liberation.
We must become black with God. It is to be expected that white people will have some difficulty with the idea of becoming black.
You see what James Cone, Nick Cannon just kind of throws you out there. He says, look, the sun is trying to annihilate you.
That is why you act like savages. There is really no system of salvation. But at least James Cone throws you a life preserver.
He says, look, there is a way. There is a way out of this, white people. You got to become black with God.
White people need to become black. That is how you get saved. Let's keep listening because he expands on this idea.
When white people become black with God, the experience is not only alien to their existence as they know it to be, it appears to be an impossibility.
How can white people become black, they ask? This question always amuses me because they do not really want to lose their precious white identity as if it is worth saving.
They know, as everyone in this country knows, a black man is anyone who says he is black despite his skin color.
In the literal sense, a black man is anyone who has even one drop of black blood in his veins. But becoming black with God means more than just saying
I am black, if it involves that at all. The question, how can white people become black, is analogous to the
Philippian jailer's question to Paul and Silas. Quote, what must I do to be saved? The implication is that we work hard enough at it, we can reach the goal.
But the misunderstanding here is the failure to see that blackness or salvation, the two are synonymous.
Serenity now. Serenity. Now. I'm going to say this guy on this screen is pretty funny.
At least in my opinion he is. Misunderstanding here is the failure to see that blackness or salvation, the two are synonymous, is the work of God and not of man.
It is not something we accomplish, it is a gift. That is why they say believe in the Lord Jesus and you will be saved.
To believe is to receive the gift and utterly to reorient one's existence on the basis of that gift. The gift is so unlike what humans expect that when it is offered and accepted, we become completely new creatures.
This is what the holy otherness of God means. God comes to us in his blackness, which is wholly unlike whiteness.
And to receive his revelation is to become black with him by joining him in the work of liberation.
Even some black people will find this view of God hard to handle. Having been enslaved by the God of white racism so long, they will have difficulty believing that God is identified with their struggle for freedom.
Becoming one of his disciples means rejecting whiteness and accepting themselves as they are in all of their physical blackness.
This is what the Christian view of God means for black people. So that's the clip.
As you can see, my face, I'm very impressed with this massive intellect of James Cone.
But you see, there's really very little difference between what Nick said and what James Cone said. Because Nick is saying, look, white people are like beasts.
Now he had some weird thing with the sun or whatever. But James is saying, Dr. James Cone is saying, essentially white people are like beasts.
And in order to get saved, at least it gives you this. You can get saved, but it has to be a gift from God. And essentially what has to happen is you have to cease being white and become black.
And obviously that's impossible for you to do yourself. So God has to do it.
And so to be saved is to become black in James Cone's insane system.
So this is nothing new. This is mainstream in many circles. Like I said, Jamar Tisby was influenced by this guy very severely.
And you will see that Jamar Tisby's rhetoric about white people is very similar to Nick Cannon's rhetoric, except he leaves out the fact that the sun is trying to annihilate white people.
He understands that. He can't go full pagan, obviously. So at least Jamar has a veneer of Christianity to him.
But he's not the only one. It's not just Jamar. I'm not picking on Tisby. Here is a video that made the rounds by Ekemeny Uwan.
Ekemeny Uwan is mainstream, man. This woman is promoted by lots of Big Eva members, gospel coalition type people and things like that.
People talk about how helpful this woman is. She calls herself systematic theology or sister theology or whatever.
And this is a whole presentation about whiteness. Basically, in 30 minutes here, she's saying the same thing that Nick Cannon is saying.
She also gives you at least an opportunity for salvation. It's not like Nick Cannon where you're just like beasts and that's it.
He's a pagan. Nick Cannon's a pagan. So he doesn't have a system of salvation. Ekemeny's also a pagan, but at least she has a veneer of Christianity.
So she has this kind of like James Cone. You can be saved as a white person.
But step one is to divest yourself from whiteness. And then this is the epic—
I would urge you to listen to this whole presentation. It's 30 minutes. I'll try to remember to put it in the comments section.
I'm sorry, the info section of this video. Check my receipts here. You listen to this, you will say, yeah, why is
Nick Cannon getting canceled? I mean, he was a little more honest than Ekemeny Uwan is. Probably a little more eloquent as well.
But like why is Ekemeny mainstream in Christianity and Nick Cannon is getting canceled in the pagan culture?
There's something else going on here, but I want you to hear this from Ekemeny Uwan. My sanctified imagination,
I believe that God will give you— and my sisters, you know, according to the flesh, will be given their ethnic identities in the new heavens and new earth.
I believe that. Right deep down in my core, I believe that. And I pray to that end.
Because we have to understand something. Whiteness is wicked. It is wicked.
It always means—it's rooted in violence. It's rooted in theft. It's rooted in plunder.
It's rooted in power and privilege, which we just saw two weeks ago with the college scandal.
So, I mean, I have receipts here. So the goal for our white sisters is to rediscover your ethnic heritage.
So I'm not pulling something away from you without telling you to replace it. So the goal for you all is to recover what your ancestors deliberately discarded.
So you see what I'm saying here? I want you to listen to this whole thing. My mood has kind of changed because I just— every time
I hear that again, it just makes me feel like— angry is what it makes me feel like.
Because she's not saying exactly what Nick Cannon is saying. But it's the same rhetoric.
It's the same style. Did you notice how similar it was? It's rooted in violence and pillaging and raping and stuff like that.
This is literally what Nick Cannon said. Now, granted, Nick Cannon went a little further than Akemeny does.
And Akemeny is slightly different than James Cone as well. But this is why
I'm comfortable calling the woke church a cult and paganism.
Because it's a pagan way to look at the world. It is not the message of Christianity. It is not the story of the
Bible. It is a completely separate story, a completely separate system of salvation.
And the reality is that Akemeny Uwan— her beliefs are almost in lockstep with Nick Cannon.
Granted, she doesn't worship the sun. She's not saying that the sun is trying to annihilate white people.
But what she is saying is if you want to get saved, you need to divest from whiteness. Because whiteness is violent, pillaging, raping, stealing.
She didn't say it's like animals. But it's the same thing that Nick Cannon is saying. Except she didn't go quite as far as he did.
You see what I'm saying? Nick Cannon, if you agree with Akemeny Uwan, and you to some degree agree with James Cone, and you to some degree accept this woke church movement in evangelicalism, then to you,
Nick Cannon did nothing wrong. Except be completely honest. That's all he did.
So before you get mad at Nick Cannon, look at yourself in the mirror and consider the sources of what you yourself believe regarding the issue of race in the church and the woke church stuff that you see all over the place.
Eric Mason is very similar to Nick Cannon as well. Again, these guys have a veneer of Christianity to them.
They use Christian lingo. They don't talk about the sun god that's trying to annihilate white people the way
Nick Cannon seems to do in this clip. But the ideas, the foundations are essentially identical.
And you got to ask yourself, take a good look in the mirror. Why is that? Why is that?
Why is this insane pagan sounding so similar to James Cone and so similar to Akemeny Uwan and Jamar Tisby and Eric Mason and Thabiti Anyabwili and all of these people that you for some reason revere and can't wait to sit at their feet and learn about racism from?
Guys, discard it. It's not going to do you any good. And Christ won't put up with it for very long.
Anyway, I hope you found this video helpful. God bless. Plus, you don't want to make me look like this all the time, do you?