Update: Moving From Blue to Red


People all over the country are moving from blue areas to red areas. Are they thinking through why they are making the move though? laststandstudios.org


Hey everyone, why don't just give a quick little update I am in New York right now It is a crisp clear beautiful absolutely gorgeous fall day and it almost makes communism worth it.
Let me let me show you New York is a heavily blue state But this is right down the street from my house
It's just absolutely gorgeous here and You I don't you know people you move away from an area come back
They sometimes realize all the things they took for granted or you know Enjoyed that they didn't have and and I'm no exception to that It's been about four and a half years almost since I was in this area.
And now that I'm back I'm realizing just how beautiful it is. So Almost makes being in a blue state worth it.
Not quite almost New York is of course heavily blue and one of the things that I've noticed
I wanted to just let you know about a little project we're doing and some of the things I'm thinking about it As I've gone across the country
I have seen just massive demographic shifts the deck is being reshuffled not just in churches but in Geography, so you have people coming from blue areas to red areas blue states to red states people moving from California to Tennessee or to Idaho or to Oklahoma as the case may be
You have people in the Northeast moving down to South Carolina, North Carolina, Florida Virginia and the reason that they're doing that is
Sometimes financial sometimes they're following family that's down there I mean they have their little things in their box, you know
They're their little box they live in that in their minds are the reasons they're doing what they're doing But I think there's obviously
I think it's obvious actually there's way more to this in the area. I live in now It was heavily red up until very recently both the counties the county
I live in now and across the bridge where I grew up That county heavily red.
It's apple country where I am now There's in fact my first job growing up.
It kind of went from rural to suburban to now almost semi urban ish Just in my lifetime
But my first job was on a farm down the street picking apples and it was a heavily red county for the most well
Not heavily, but it was red. It was definitely red And so it's blue now and so is the county
I currently live in and this really only happened within the last year or two And and it's happened because people have moved out of New York City in droves.
They're just trying to escape It's escape from New York and they're going up of course down south but a lot of them are coming upstate where it's more rural and Why are they doing that?
Why are they fleeing these heavily blue areas for a place that they actually made blue, but it was red
So when they moved it was a red area, why are they doing this and I think that people are not probably thinking through this that deeply
Why why was it so terrible in the place? They lived that they felt like they had to move and if they really think through it
They probably will come to the conclusion There are policies that they voted on that they approved that actually became part of the reason they actually fled the area that they lived in The power that they gave to the central authority in that area
The the control that the government had over their lives, I mean, that's the main reason people are leaving New York City for other places
What happened last year was devastating? What happened last year in regards to both kovat and the reaction to kovat and the
BLM? Nonsense and how the police stood down so often. These are the things that are contributing to people leaving and So here's a project
I'll just tell you real briefly there's a project that we're working on It's like I don't know two minute three minute little piece not it's not like PragerU It's kind of like it really is like a commercial, but it's trying to just Grab people's attention and show them.
Hey, why did you do what you did? Think about it for a minute, you know was it that you came from a blue place to a red place because of policies that maybe you were part of you know you voted for and If we can do this if we can get people to maybe see the big picture outside of their box then maybe we can
Kind of kind of give them some red pills to think about maybe they can start realizing. Wait a minute Yeah, you know
I did move out because it was becoming too progressive and I did vote for the Democrats or You know, even if it was a
Republican I did vote for that big government Republican and you know Why did I do that? And so that's kind of what we're hoping to evoke and obviously that is not the gospel message, but there's the relationship is that When people start getting more and I've seen this when people start realizing more and more that progressive policies don't work
What those progressive policies are built on ultimately is this idea? that the problems that plague man are external and not internal and Conservatives really believe that actually no the problems are within man
Themselves man has an evil heart and that's why actually even consolidating power
For a man for men because government doesn't get an exception here government. Of course is there's no angels to govern us, right?
So it's men Consolidating that power can create great evil. And so we need a police force.
We need laws. We need enforcement but we also don't want to consolidate power too much in a central authority where it can be abused and So man is evil and and these are in my opinion when it comes to Anthropology the way that we view man the assumptions behind progressive policies and conservative policies
Could not be more different. I think that's really the big crux of the issue is what do you think man is?
Do you think he's good? Do you think he's bad? Do you think it's good to consolidate power because you know
We can do this kind of we're in this together and this whole cooperative effort will bring about some kind of utopia
Or do you think that there is no utopia and if there is one it's going to be after this life
It's not in this life. And so we need to do our best to just live within the confines that we experience which means that man is sinful and We we need to try to temper that as much as possible knowing that we'll never solve it.
So Anyway, that's that's kind of just a little update on one of the projects we're doing and the reason
I made this video though is to let you know about another project and I'd love for you to please go because I'm not posting it on conversations that matter
I'm posting it on last stand studios If you go to last stand studios org, or you can just go to YouTube and type in last stand studios
We're also on rumble. You can find the documentary released yesterday American monument.
It is out It is live. It's almost two hours long and it is an education for people who have
Basically, the long and short of it is a few of us thought people aren't really defending monuments too.
Well conservatives Especially they're doing a terrible job of it for the most part and They're in fact, they're handing the left the logic.
They need to rip down everything without realizing it sometimes so We decided on kind of a shoestring budget which many of you contributed to and I thank you so much for that I mean,
I'm just been overwhelmed by your generosity. I've been overwhelmed on the road last week
I've been overwhelmed with the generosity of people. I mean it is truly the layman the common people who are
Really fighting and I've realized that on the local level. I have lost just about most of any Hope I had for a consolidated effort on a national level among, you know, traditional conventional institutions and leaders in those institutions
They're the vast vast vast majority of people in those institutions are basically either handcuffed or corrupt they can't do what they want to do or they feel like they can't and they don't have the the ability in their minds at least to go ahead and do it or They are just corrupt and they they don't actually have the intention of Fighting the left in the way that the left needs to be fought
So it's gonna be the layman and I realize that it's gonna be the local communities and I've said it over and over please get
Involved in your local community support the people that are helping you on a local level that that's been my intention this whole time is
Let me give you some resources on the local level You can go to your school board town hall church and you can understand this issue and you can fight it
And of course I'm talking about the social justice issue and kind of a wide umbrella that you know Everything that fits within that all of those those different things so So this is one of the the areas in which we thought you know what the
Founding Fathers are coming down We just saw what Thomas Jefferson last week come down. I think it was from New York somewhere.
It's just it's happening It's it and it's happened Over and over and over it's it's ramping up speed and look it's gonna be the next
George Floyd type moment Will be the next push and it's not gonna be the Confederate monuments as much as it is gonna be monuments to the founders and to others in our history and so We just felt that we needed to put a resource together that connected with people that really
Made the issue more understandable because we think that there's been so much misrepresentation around this and so we made
American Monument and you can go Out there. There's so many intelligent people And and and just common people to both
Some some people in academia who are retired now that don't have anything to lose and they're very smart and then there's also people who are also smart, but they're more on that layman level and local government and you know kind of You know, they just they've taken it upon themselves to try to defend these historical artifacts
And so go check that out American Monument I think it will at least give you some food for thought and hopefully
Change the way that you view this whole debate and if not, you know, it'll encourage you at least that hey There's some other people that see the issues that you're seeing if you're someone who already gets this so Last Dance Studios American Monument, you can type it in on YouTube and go to lastdancestudios .org
and if you like it I just encourage you, you know Feel free go to lastdancestudios .org and we have a donate tab there and you can give to Last Dance Studios And I've heavily subsidized
What we've been doing and It's but but so many of you have given as well. This has been a group effort and so I'm just really really happy that we can create things like this and we have so many more things we want to create and So anyway, there's that educational resource
Be great for homeschooling, by the way If you have kids that are being homeschooled or maybe a homeschool group
This would be a great thing to show and and maybe some of the people that are interviewed would be people you want to look Into more.
Hey, maybe that's someone that either has a podcast or has books they've written or resources available somewhere that you can go check out because we tried to interview some people that That would have some good resources on some of these topics.
So Anyway, hey god bless. Thank you so much. Once again for your support I look forward to seeing everyone this weekend in Nebraska.
You can go to worldviewconversation .com and There's a tab upper right -hand corner that shows where I am and where I'll be and so you can find out all the info
On where I'll be in Nebraska, but I will be in Nebraska this weekend talking about Christianity and social justice religions and conflict
And I hope that will bless you for those who can come out to that. It's a whole seminar I think I'm talking like four or five times.
So Looking forward to it and more coming. Hopefully later this week. I have a lot to do on my house
But I got a whole backlog of things I need to talk about so I'm looking forward to it and we'll connect so Bye now.