Greg Laurie says "Jesus Revolution" fulfilled deathbed prophecy made by Lonnie Frisbee
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- Hello, I just wanted to cover this story on CharismaNews .com. It says that Lonnie Frisbee deathbed prophecy comes to pass.
- 00:10
- So in this article, Greg Laurie claims that Lonnie Frisbee was apparently a true prophet of God despite living a homosexual lifestyle and dying of AIDS.
- 00:21
- Greg Laurie thinks that Lonnie Frisbee was a true prophet of God and that he gave a deathbed prophecy that was fulfilled in the film,
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- Jesus Revolution. Let me read the article. On his deathbed in 1993,
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- Lonnie Frisbee made a revelation to Pastor Greg Laurie that left Laurie in disbelief.
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- It's something Laurie says he has never told anyone publicly until now. Frisbee, one of the main characters in the smash hit film,
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- Jesus Revolution, told Laurie that God had shown Frisbee that he was going to once again preach to thousands of people.
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- The first thing that came to Greg Laurie's mind was, that's not going to happen. Laurie, who serves as the senior pastor of Harvest Christian Fellowship, blah, blah, blah.
- 01:04
- It says although Frisbee died shortly after his conversation with Laurie, Frisbee's prophecy did indeed come to pass.
- 01:12
- So according to Charisma News and according to Greg Laurie, Lonnie Frisbee's prophecy did indeed come true 30 years later.
- 01:19
- Laurie says Frisbee not only preached to thousands, but he preached to millions. How did he do that?
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- While being deceased. He did it through the film, Jesus Revolution. So three things.
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- Number one, Greg Laurie never told anyone about this until after the supposed prophecy had come to pass.
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- That in and of itself makes the prophecy null and void. Number two, Lonnie Frisbee was a practicing homosexual throughout most of his adult life and he died of AIDS.
- 01:49
- So to say that he is a true prophet of God while he was living that lifestyle, need
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- I say more? And then number three, maybe the obvious point is that Lonnie Frisbee wasn't in the movie.
- 02:06
- Lonnie Frisbee was deceased. Lonnie Frisbee wasn't in the film. Lonnie Frisbee's character was in the film, played by Jonathan Rumi.
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- And Jonathan Rumi is a Roman Catholic who is the star of the TV show,
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- The Chosen. And The Chosen, its founder and creator people working on that show, they think that Mormonism is a legitimate form of Christianity and that the
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- LDS gospel is efficacious for salvation because they say Mormons are true brothers and sisters in Christ.
- 02:36
- So a lot of heretical ties kind of connected to all of this. But if this is what passes for, and I don't, listen,
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- I know there's probably some charismatics who watch this channel and I don't mean to be disrespectful, but you cannot honestly say that this is a true prophecy that has come to pass.
- 02:57
- Number one, nobody ever heard about it until after it supposedly came to pass.
- 03:02
- Number two, he lived a lifestyle inconsistent with that of a servant of God. And number three, yeah, he wasn't in the film.