What is Revival? | Season 3 Finale

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Good morning, all right everybody, boom bop pal. Welcome back to the
Point Taken Podcast. It's the only podcast where we make and take spiritual and biblical questions and chat it up.
My name is Hunter, the host of this podcast. With me as always is my faithful friend and pastor,
Josiah Shipp. That's me. Oh man, happy to have you back, man. Dude, she did it. Oh yes.
She said chat it up. The first time through. She sure did. I had no warning last week. I'm not hearing pastor.
Yeah, well I'll talk louder. What's up everybody? Did I unplug it? I probably did. He might be totally unplugged.
Whatever it is, I don't want this edited out. I want this. Pastor Josiah Shippley. What up everybody? What up? Dude, she did it this time.
And she actually did do it this time. She said chat it up. I mean, it's great. Good job. Thank you. It didn't take long. No one warned me last time, so I was just kinda here.
Yeah, if you had been a faithful listener of the podcast, continue Hunter. And joining us once again,
Miss Elena. Hi. That was it?
Yeah, well that's not it. We must talk about her middle name. Yeah, let's go ahead and get into that pastor because last week we were stressing very hard about trying to figure out her middle name and she was playing this whole game about it and not telling us and everything we said was wrong and what did you find out pastor?
Yeah, no problem. I found that out that night with some help. Everyone may remember one of our primary guesses was
Sherry in fact that we guessed the same one admittedly maybe 12 times at least.
Because I would say it and then Dalton would say it and then - Sharon? Sherry? Yeah. Have we tried Sherry?
How do you spell Sherry? Now, the name is not Sherry. Sherry. Sherry.
Roll that back one more time. Yeah, double click the left side of your screen.
It backs it up 10 seconds and you will hear that again. Again, not Sherry, but Sherry. How would you spell
Sherry? How would you like to let me finish? How does Sherry spell it? Like C -H -E -R?
I was about to be mean, I couldn't do it because I love her so much, I couldn't even mean. Okay, spelled
S -H -E -R -E -E. Chim, chim, chim,
Sherry. And she said we were wrong. Is she correct? No.
By the letter of the law, yes, but by the spirit of the law, no, she's not correct.
She's not. Yeah, she couldn't expect us to go all Pepe Le Pew. Yeah, exactly.
It's like we guessed the American Sherry and she said, no, say it French, Sherry.
What is that one scene in Harry Potter where she's correcting,
Hermione, is that her name, is correcting someone how to pronounce? It's not Leviosa. It's Leviosa.
It's Leviosa. That's you, not Sherry, Sherry. I think I should know if my middle name is being said correctly.
I think you should know that too, but unfortunately. Okay, when you say you had a little help, what do you mean by that?
There were like eight of us trying to think of it in the sanctuary right before Bible study, right after Bible study.
I specifically told Jake, my brother, not to say anything. Okay. Oh, you just got him in trouble.
Well, hold on, hold on. If you told him, excuse me, not to say anything, then yes, he did.
No, I said do not tell them my middle name. He did not do that. Okay, then he's clear.
Letter of the law, not spirit of the law. Two can play that game, but he did not do that. All right, so Pastor, you said that you had something that you wanted to share with us today.
He did not, he did not. I do, I do, I do. I love you. Love you too.
I wasn't gonna stay mean to you. Okay, I shared this with somebody the other day, and it really spoke to me, and I just wanted to share it with everybody else before we get on whatever else we're gonna do.
Proverbs 31, a familiar passage to some. There have been whole
Bibles dedicated to this chapter of the Bible, which is a little strange, but that's okay. Most people think of this as the passage of the ideal, excellent wife, which it is definitely a good example of that.
And speaking of this excellent wife, the heart of her husband trusts in her. That's always one of my favorite verses.
There is a character trait of hers that I think we could all learn from, men and women. We know that verse 30 says, charm is deceitful and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the
Lord, a woman who fears Yahweh, will be praised. So she is praised for fearing
Yahweh. We know the Bible says the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom.
You can't even start to understand wisdom until you first have a rightful fear of God. Well, I think there's something in here that many people like me may have missed, because three verses before that, it says, strength and dignity are her clothing, and she laughs at the time to come.
She can laugh at the time to come without fear because she has a respectful fear of the
Lord. So in other words, she fears what she's supposed to fear and doesn't fear what she's not supposed to.
She fears God, obeys God. She laughs at the time to come because the time to come is governed and controlled by the sovereign of the universe, who's the only one she is to fear.
And in that fear, she gets acceptance from him so that, as God says in Romans, if God is for us, who or what can be against us?
So I just wanted to encourage somebody with that as that encouraged me. That encouraged me, me reading this and going over this with somebody else last week.
The excellent wife can laugh at the time to come because she fears
God. Wow. If that doesn't encourage you, go read something else.
But that was, for me, that blew my socks off. That's awesome, man.
I honestly, I needed to hear that because. Me too, that's a hard command to obey, but it's logical.
It's logical. If we have a proper fear of God, and maybe
I could give an analogy to think of that. I think we water it down too much to say, well, that just means respect.
Well, it's more than respect or the word respect would have been used. It's not fears and I have nightmares.
That's not the kind of fear we're talking about either. My daughter fears me.
She also loves to cuddle me and watch rugby with me and fight. It's not that kind of fear.
When I go to the Grizzlies game or the Tigers game and they have those fire torches like in pregame or halftime that shoot up the fire or whatever.
And if you have friends who have seats close, you can feel the heat. I jump sometimes because I feel that heat.
Now, I know that fire over there can't burn me, but I have more than just respect, an all respect of what that can do.
Some of that goes off, you know what I mean? I know God is for me, not against me, but I am aware, acutely aware of his power.
And that's a fearful thing to fall into the hands of an angry God. And I have that fear of God. Now, that's what's so amazing when the
Bible says we can approach the throne of grace with boldness and all that stuff. But fear of the Lord is a deep all respect.
So if we do that, there's no sense in laughing. I mean, there's no sense in fearing the time to come. Yeah, because I think a proper fear of God is also an acceptance of all the things that God says that he is.
Amen, yeah. This is like, if I fear God and I truly do, then I am also acknowledging what
God is and all those things. So it comes with a proper faith in his promises and that, yeah, dude, if he clothes the lilies, if he coats the lilies and he provides for the sparrow, then yeah, he's got me.
So I can laugh at what's to come because it's the same thing as, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is
Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. And believing in your heart that God raised him from the dead is believing that God is capable of doing that and that doing that is enough to actually affect you.
You know what I'm saying? So it's not just believing, like, yeah, he raised him from the dead, but it's also believing that God and Jesus' sacrifice is sufficient to cover a multitude of sins.
That's good stuff, man. Yeah, that's awesome, dude. All right, let's go to a
TikTok that we have to react to today. We might have heard of the revival that is currently going on in Kentucky and we have some film of that.
♪ Lord, praise the Lord ♪ ♪
It is well, it is well, it is well, it is well ♪ They're on day 11 now.
♪ In my soul, in my soul, it is well, it is well, it is well ♪ ♪
With my soul ♪ I love that song. That says 130 hours and I'm wondering if they're just saying 130 hours have passed since they started or if they've actually been rotating day and night.
I mean, yeah, they have 2 a .m., 3 a .m. services. How old is that, what day is it at right now? 11.
11? I think it started on February 8th. It started at the Wednesday. Non -stop. The Wednesday Chapel February 8th from what
I understand is when it started and From there. It was just from the altar call people just started coming and it hadn't stopped and just you know before we get into it
No Prep No planning no showmanship.
No lights. No fog machine No lyrics on the screen No, you know any of that and things are still happening
So just for the church leaders that get real stressed out about your oh, oh s that's a good word
Yeah, that's a good word man. You get real stressed out about your stuff. I mean God can do things with anything
Someone asked me this morning about that About not that tick -tock but about what
I thought about that whole thing and you just found out about it Like just today. Yeah, I think
I heard about it a couple days ago And obviously you've been at it for a minute because you knew okay. My mom sent it to me on day four or five
So I'm thinking about how do we respond that I think the right answer would be Cautiously but optimistic right
I think would be the right answer that that sounds like a great thing you know,
I think The Best way to tell if revival is general genuine is the first understand what revival is.
Well revival is not a
Change of the culture first a Revival revive live again is the church being revitalized and renewed to repentance to God's Word The Bible says that judgment starts in the house of God Well in the same way the revival of a nation begins in the house of God Has from the get every nation you see, okay when the church falls and Faithful commitment to God the nation will soon reap the consequences of that when the church rises up The nation's will reap the blessings of that.
That's a constant theme. We see throughout world history So I think that's an optimistic point you made about there's not fog machines and Lights and stereos.
It's just people getting together worshiping God. That's a beautiful thing We would know the genuineness of it and we will continue to Based on the fruits that come of that and here's what
I mean by that now. I hope First off that's a beautiful song. I hope that I'm sure this is happening
That someone is getting up and preaching God's Word during those 11 days six days, whatever
I hope that's happening too. That would be a key part of revival. You have to have something to turn to so I'd hope that That though the singing and the worshiping is an outpouring of a desire to obey
God and his word So I would hope that's happening, too It wasn't on that video, but who knows
I once went street witnessing with somebody And we went to apartment complex
Here in Memphis, I won't say which one this was years ago and we went there to evangelize which
I was game with it was not in a Collierville area of town. Let's just say right and We went he goes yeah, we were here last year 500 people got saved
I said, okay There was only like 700 people that lived in these apartment companies and so my brain immediately went to Did anything change and he told me no same crime reports same amount of police visits
Same lifestyle nothing about the complex has changed Well This may be where I'm seen as negative, but I would question the genuineness of that Yeah, it sounds like 500 people got you out of their faces exactly
And here's why there's no such thing as revival without a changing of hearts, which
I'd always start with our own by the way That can't be every time we see a
Salvation in the Bible or salvation of magnitude. We see a change of attitude
Nineveh the people of Jerusalem Antioch Ephesus when a mass amount of people get saved there's a change in that community
So we'll be able to see the genuineness of that more as weeks go on so, uh is
Revival a biblical or extra biblical term It is a biblical term
Kind of so Salvation is the biblical term is regeneration.
I'm trying to think revival Before I speak too quickly I'm trying to think cuz
I'm partially I'm wondering I don't cuz I don't know like I said I found out about this when this video was
I'm questioning All right, when the video was sent and I was just like, you know, I don't know what they claim it is
I don't know if they're claiming its revival or other people are but I'm you know I'm looking it up and I'm seeing Articles like is this a real revival?
I'm and I was just getting flowers like man. What's it? All right, what's it matter whether or not it's a real revival?
I feel like in my opinion it it matters more that they're doing something and that they are being You know obedient to God in their worship.
So I guess if we were gonna get on the terms, right? revive Means live again, right, you know in Revelation 3 when he tells the dead church.
What is it Sardis? To live again. Yeah, I guess that would be our
English counterpart there live again That's about the only example I can think of on top of my head though yeah, cuz
I was thinking just like what is what does it mean to be a Revival then you said something about you know
Preaching the Word of God so that people can have something to turn to so and that I got thinking like oh man
Is is this is revival a biblical practice or is this something that?
churches have done to try to initiate repentance and You know rejuvenation of the
Spirit Honestly, I for me. I just kind of think of Jonathan Edwards Mm -hmm, and you know
It's not that he was a good necessarily a good preacher But he could just read and people were you know afraid that they were gonna fall into hell at any moment
So, I mean for our country at that point he was You know that kind of start up with the revival stuff so that that's kind of what what
I picture when someone says revival is that whole I I need
Jesus and Their hearts are changing and you know coming to life whether You know revival the word is actually biblical or not.
I I mean out of the Thousands of people that are going to ash at Asbury I mean there are people that are driving from all different states.
I know that there's also several different colleges that have started on Their campuses like Lee University.
I think has kind of started doing that too. I don't know if that's Still a thing or not. It was a few days ago along with a couple others, but the genuineness of The entirety
May not stick but who's to say that There aren't going to be certain people that are there that will actually come out of it going
God changed my life Sure, I think sure a
Hunter clarify what I meant earlier about so they have something to stick to mm -hmm So that I think
Jonathan Edwards, it's a good example so that when they leave that room it's not just The words it is well with my soul
But the belief that's actually true That the belief that's actually true and that belief is founded that faith that is actually true by hearing the
Word of God Yeah, lasting faith comes from hearing and hearing the
Word of God Romans 10 17, right? Yeah So literally your faith increases faith comes by hearing and hearing the
Word of God from the Word of God So you have something? when
What song was that we sang this morning that the first song? I've been trying to remember it because I was like the dream talk we had before we started dude.
I know I've actually been thinking about this Sherry oh
Because uh, okay think of I'm thinking about the passage That brother Christian right love endures forever love endures forever
But that was the verse oh, why would they do that? But that was the version now
No, cuz now we got it. Let's ask our camera people. They all pay attention. What was it? Oh People from every generation and tongue from generation, yeah, we worship you
Hallelujah for you are and you are good all the time and all the time. Yeah, okay Beautiful song
But if I don't understand the truth of what those words mean Found by the truths found in the
Word of God It's only gonna last so long But instead you and I can sing that song because we know those words are true, right
We know those words are true. I hope and I believe that revival
Revival is not the fact That people have have stood singing for ten days.
So that's a beautiful thing All right. Revival is the fact that people believe that and it's demonstrable and a change in their life
Okay, can I can I read something? Yeah. Okay. I was looking at I don't know someone had posted something about the
Asbury thing until I was looking through the comments because a lot of people we're talking about, you know, is this real all that and Somebody that was actually there
Commented and said there's no preaching by his hysterical pastors or brothers loves brother loves
Salvation show what is happening is a drawing of the Holy Spirit of believers of The lost and the hurting who are seeking the face of God people are reading scripture some students some attendees
Whoever chooses to read there's prayer time corporate and individually large groups small groups praise and worship songs
No, let's see. No words projected anywhere. Just spontaneous offerings of worship There are confessions repentances or repentance and Testimonies.
I'm sorry. I don't have my glasses on this is really difficult and Testimonies of how God is moving in their lives people kneeling standing prostrate whatever they choose to do
There have been healings People have accepted Christ renewed their faith
The group is ethnically diverse ages from elderly to babies and People come from across the country and around the world
God is drawing his people It's what is what they continue. It just goes on from there.
Of course, we don't know who said that but I would say the Livestreamed it like you can yeah,
I would say the overwhelming majority of that. Our response should be Yeah, optimistically.
Amen, right? Yeah, and We should hope but that is true not all of that But the overwhelming majority of that we should hope that all that's true and say amen.
Hallelujah. Praise God Yeah, I think that should be our reaction to it the ethnically diverse comment made me giggle a little bit only because That is a result of Preaching the gospel that people of every tribe nation language.
That is a result because the same gospel goes out the whole world From generation
That's the song we sang this morning, yeah, that's what we just did Yeah, that's we worship you
That's not Okay, you just did it right well he did it right but that's not the song we were talking about before yes
You are good. Elena Yes Elena You're messing up cuz
Elena understood that early. Yeah, sherry sharia law. See that's what she's doing here
Okay, it's a little silly that we gotta do we have to Put throw in there.
Oh also also also, it's not just white people. We swear. We swear. It's not just I know
It's a rich Christian college bed. Yeah, my point in saying that is So Yeah, I will have more in common with cultural differences included
I'll have more in common with a genuine believer in Cambodia then
I will an unbeliever in my as my next -door neighbor. Our lives will look more similar. Yeah But I don't have to seek that out.
I just preached the gospel to whoever's there Jesus chose 12 people of The same gender of the same ethnicity to be as close as companions people today
There are some Christians today that say he would say he's not diverse enough. Oh, man Something you want to tell the
Son of God, but who made all of the diversity, right? Yeah, that's incredible to me.
They would tell me they want it. No, they were I've seen it. Yeah Yeah, I've heard it so but I don't want to over criticize that one comment
I would Jesus the one who created the races Racist So, well, you know and I've noticed something man is that Christians it we have a responsibility to an extent
To be critical and to think and to look and to discern what is true
What is good? What is right? What is lovely was pure all these things We need to look and say is this what it says it is
Whatever but sometimes I feel and this is where the opinion piece comes in sometimes I feel as if Christians are very quick to Seek out the wrong and seek out a way to disprove like because the first thing when
I googled this today after finding out about it all of the Things were is this really revival?
Is this really what it is? You know, like what's what what is all this? Like what
I think I can answer exactly what yeah we as Christians have a tendency to Base truth off tangible things
Hmm things we can see touch and field said the truth was found the eternal truths of the Word of God And we'll do this without knowing it so we place our trust in a
Pastor apologist Movement, whatever so when those pastors apologists or movements fail us or error or say never mind,
I didn't mean any of that or lie cheat steal, whatever It bothers us a little bit because we actually place some of our faith in that person as opposed to God so as a
Result, we don't want to get our hopes up for things that look that way Because we are actually placing some of our validity in those things so that we will am
I making sense We won't get her. So let's not get our hopes up because if this falls on its face I don't want to look bad or I don't want to and I think that's a
I think that's a goofy way of looking at It. Yeah, could just imagine if every time
God moved there were you were just like I Don't know if this is the real deal and you know, you're gonna miss out on all the things
Yeah, I remember, you know what? It made me think of Remember when Kanye first switched up and said that he was a
Christian vaguely Vaguely, you remember that I remember cuz we talked on here and there was a Chick -fil -a song.
I remember that Yeah, yeah, and it was just like one at one of his I remember this now Yeah, and whether or not you believe he is or it and you know,
I'm just saying one of his big things It's it he said, you know when I came out and said that I want to follow
God and follow Christ The people who pushed back against me the most were the Christians And you're just like have you heard of Brian head
Welsh The guitarist of corn. Yes Yes, I watched his he did a video testimony years ago
Yes, he has a book out too crazy anyway, he actually
Went back to corn, I think he went back to the band in the last couple years because Every time he'd go to a church.
They just Didn't want anything to do with him. They'd kind of push him out and he just didn't feel like he was welcome
So he just went back to you know, those two did Yeah, that's the thing is when
I heard that I was just like well, you know despite what I might think and you know I thought when Kanye West first said, you know, hey,
I'm doing this I thought man God does really pick the most interesting people I mean like he would just use anybody and that's so cool
I was and then when he said that I said, I believe that a hundred percent Because the first thing you would see is okay, but it's
Kanye really there's Connie and it's it's an important question You know when people are claiming
Christ, you need to look at the fruits and you need to do a lot But it's just like there's also a line where you also need to accept that God Can do whatever he wants whatever he wants
You know and people Can have issues and people can you know still
Have there are problems in there and be brought out of that. That's right. That's right.
Yeah I just thought so when when I Looked at this revival and all I was seeing was is this really is this this is this really this or it's like what's the
Problem with the Asbury revival and I was just like hey, man, you know, I heard the problem with this website
Yeah, I was like, hey, you know, I'm hearing about these college kids in Kentucky having this, you know
What I thought was apparently we're on day 11. I just saw that you know thought it was new but six -day revival
I was just like dude, that's crazy, right? It's cuz That crap wouldn't happen at my old college, you know
I'm just thinking like that's cool to have a college campus is doing stuff like that And then now we're thinking about I thought about the question.
Is that revival and I thought well is Revival even a biblical term or is revival
Something that we try. I think it's a biblical idea. There we go with from the biblical idea
So why are we trying to define it by is this happening? Is this happening and instead of is the
Holy Spirit of God moving and being obeyed in that area? It's like if we are obeying and glorifying
God Then I'm not really Bothered by what we label it.
I'm bothered by You know sure what they're doing, right? And I think it's really important when it comes to any kind of revival at a school or anything like that because The the high school
I went to actually just had their What's it called where they have the chapel every day like the it's like a worship week kind of thing
But I think it's really important to encourage those who Know that their life has changed to get plugged into their local church and to Continue searching for that because there's a lot of these people that will just go home on this high from the revival
Yeah, and think okay. Well now I'm saved. That's all that's it, right? and that's just the beginning of it if you don't get into the local body of a
Biblical church that teaches truth, that's a good word Then you will not be
Moving on and moving closer and growing in that faith. You will be stagnant and just stay there or maybe it was just a feeling you had one time and it didn't go anywhere from there then
What do you do with that? So I? Mean, especially with this being as big as it is.
There's not going to be enough pastors there or Teachers or whoever they have who are praying over people there to be a
Disciple or for that person, so I think it's just really important And you know in case anyone who is there
Stumbles across this at any point. That's right. The genuine that's right. The genuineness of that will be met out additionally by Pews will be filled right use chairs will be filled whatever
The following Sunday there will be It'll be a what now that's exactly right. It's same on the on the college campus, too
Yeah, I've called that the church camp high It's cuz like yeah when I was a kid
I was playing football with my friends and one of them You know was getting just really heated and they just and they just started acting out and you know
Throwing a fit and you know, we were young and his brother just said we just got back from church camp
And that has stuck with me at all the sense because of just the feeling that I said, what does that matter man?
We just got back from church camp give it two more weeks give it two more weeks before you start going crazy, man
Did you win I mean I Was me
I just got back from church camp Yeah, all right, well we had a one question from a listener today that we're gonna tackle to close out this episode guys, so as far as our sins
That are brought up at church more often Okay, these things that the things that you'll see normally lust lying
Wrath, whatever. It might be that are tackled by churches Quite often quite regularly there are some that are a little bit more, you know neglected sloth and gluttony
And we had a question from our listeners Why is it that we don't hear a whole lot about gluttony and sloth?
From our church leadership. I almost had well
Obesity is a very big problem in our country I think it's one of those things that they don't really want to touch because they don't want to offend people
Sloth I'm not I couldn't answer for that one, but Too lazy to think of something
I think The point made earlier That where the church fails the culture will feel the consequences of it.
Yeah, it is interesting that in our culture
It would be hard I could think of maybe two or three other types of sins that are more prominent than those
Right in our culture Now I Think this is why
We have a problem in the church in our culture and not just ours by the way of using the sin word period
Yeah, okay, and then when we get to using the idea that God hates sin
Hates the Bible says things like Those in sin are
Piling up wrath storing up wrath for the Day of Judgment That God is angry psalm says every day at the wicked
This is not the terminology that most people hear in pulpits in the United States on Sunday mornings, right?
included in the list of those sins We we would like to not think it's easy in a sense
To say stealing is a sin because it's objective It's more easily avoidable
Yeah outwardly to obey that And then it would be something that's an inward
Like laziness Something that more gluttony yeah, that more affect you yourself and When we talk about laziness we live in a society where we are taught that We are the most important thing
Do you whatever makes you happy? May be One of the most damning things you could ever tell somebody hmm.
I mean I mean think about that for a minute Whatever makes you happy well
The Bible teaches that we are to die to ourselves the
Bible teaches that we are to Use our bodies as weapons of righteousness the
Bible says we are to be hospitable the Bible says that we are to Show out do one another and showing honor
These are all things that laziness does not allow for yeah, I Think it's not just those two sins.
I think we have a problem with preaching sin in general but I would say
It with those two specifically it gets to the Heart of the matter real quick.
This is not about you indulging yourself Appeasing yourself this is about Everyone else, but you that's a hard message to preach in society where everywhere else says everything is about you
Everything everything is personalized to you everything to the point to where you can pick up this phone and Make it so where you never your eyes never even have to cross something.
You don't like or don't agree with and then incredible I Can literally personalize this why only ever see things
I already agree with Yeah That's a laziness of mind
The Bible has no place for man. It's ingrained in our culture in everything we do.
It's about me Everything is personalized to me individualized to me Okay in Schools, there's something called
IEPs individualized education plans. Okay, and the original idea Was to give
I'm about to make some people mad to give individualized educational plans To kids who needed it because they had conditions
Mental conditions where it had to be Okay I Cite so their
IEP might be must have this font of type on their test. Okay Mental retardation there's there's all sorts of things.
So you have to individualize something for that student Reasonable doesn't require a lot well
Then now you can get IEPs for anger issues For behavioral outbursts in class
So that if this child has an IEP for behavioral outbursts in class
He gets sent to the office and comes back ten minutes later and this kid goes home for five days suspended
Because he has an IEP for it. You follow me on that. Yeah Everything is individualized to us including our sin
Including our sin, I think those two are just examples of that Yeah, I can
I can totally see that and just for clarity's sake Okay, because I think this can help us with the argument here.
How would you? describe or even define gluttony gluttony is in regards to food a
Over indulgence of yourself particularly in the Bible at the expense of others
It's an overindulgence of yourself Not just beyond what you need
And it's probably best to think of this not as a one -time occurrence, but as a lifestyle, right?
Because the Bible uses terms like a glutton okay, so it is a
Style of living like not a one -time thing right an overindulgence of food out of selfishness
Far beyond what you need and typically at the expense of others.
So maybe an example in the Bible Would be at the Lord's Supper in 1st
Corinthians 11 Where we have people about take the
Lord's Supper, but they're eating beforehand and People will
Get drunk off their own wine Instead of sharing with someone who had none
Overindulgence themselves with food and shame those who had none to bring Okay, so it's an overindulgence of yourself beyond what you need typically
I feel like at the expense of others And trying to satisfy it that way.
That's the best I got and is that with food specifically food and drink the
Yes. Now if we want to extend that idea out, I think we can do that Allegorically, right in the book of Proverbs when talks about he hates he's talking about food.
Okay, would you? What about those who use it for comfort over other things or those who
I think that still falls in the Okay Because because you're putting that over God, right?
And if we're talking about enjoyment, that's not what I'm talking. Oh, no I enjoy absolutely you're talking about using it for comfort.
Yeah, I think that's a problem, right? Yeah, I think that's a problem Yeah, anything you put Oh in God's spot.
Yeah. God is the God of all comfort. Yeah, right I think that's most of like people today when you're talking about I think that I think you're right what it's going on about cuz
I mean, yeah, there's starving people all over the country and you know, there's stuff like that, but when it comes to Self indulgence.
It's more now because people are sitting at home And what do they what do you do when you're sitting on the couch not doing anything grab a bag?
You're not careful you eat because you're bored Family -sized bag of chips and suddenly you're a family
So what's what's our responsibility or what's our step as the church in regards to gluttony both with ourselves and with our fellow believers
Well our responsibility, I think So, you know the
Bible does the whole thing where it tells you what not to do and tells you what to do instead, right So like example in Ephesians where it talks about don't steal anymore, but instead share what you have with others
I think focus could be on Instead of get at the heart of the issue
So yeah get some help get some regiment some discipline in your life, right to not do
XYZ some healthy habits I think all that's excellent stuff. I think all that's needed, but I think the root of the issue would be one where are you getting your sense of comfort and worth from and to To instead of focus on on indulging yourself
Help raise someone else up and you'll focus less on yourself. Are you serving? I think that's a that's a key thing
I think that's a key thing for most of the sins and most of the things that we go through because I mean
I struggle with anxiety and depression and The thing that I have found that helps me most is to get outside of myself and I'll text someone hey, how are you doing?
how can I pray for you just getting out of myself and serving someone else is how
I've been able to Better Cope cope, there we go.
It was not coming to me better cope with it and Honestly just by doing that by serving others it has been a blessing to me being able to do that I'll give you one along those lines for me personally.
I Think I've shared this before but I can't remember what was on here. So we're just gonna roll with it Years ago,
I would probably drink three cups of coffee a day years ago, which for some people ain't a big deal
And of course bold black you don't put all the other stuff in it right just black coffee, that's all you want
Like a real man, that's right Heard it here first first Unless you want dessert if you want dessert you go to Starbucks and ask for anything with the word caramel in it
Mmm, it doesn't really matter what it is. It has the word caramel. It's good Anyway, I probably drank three cups of coffee a day well,
I went to fast one day and I Quit by lunchtime
Because I had a severe headache. I Quit I couldn't figure out why
That's cuz I like a caffeine you quit the fast fast. Okay, and I stopped this was years ago
I said this is ridiculous. Yeah, I can't obey God in this way because of coffee
This is stupid a bean. So I went three weeks without drinking any of it.
Yeah I'll have one cup of coffee a day now and every now and then
I'll check myself and Won't have it for two or three days just to make sure everything's still good there Yeah, and that may sound silly or trite to some but I don't want to be brought under control by anything
Particularly if it keeps me from obeying God, man so for example, if you couldn't go on a mission trip because Of eating habits if you couldn't sacrifice
X Y & Z of Budget not for what you need health -wise, but because of eating habits
Or because you're not working enough because you keep calling out and you can't afford it, right?
So You've got to realize every sin in some sense is
Also keeping you from obeying God in another sense And when I thought of it that way that really helped me every sin in at least some sense is
Keeping me from obeying God in another sense since there's always a do not instead do this in the
Bible Yeah Well my brain realized then if I'm doing that probably means I'm not doing this to its fullest extent that helped me a lot so that's where that's where I failed in that and Yeah, you know if you're right -handed
Vincy cut it off type thing Yeah, and I think another good way to look at that is if you're wondering okay, maybe what what is gluttony a part of my life and What can
I do? You know, what are my steps? What am I thinking about solving that? I would point you to Paul where he says everything is permissible.
Not everything is profitable. Yeah Okay, and you've got to ask Okay, so is it wrong for me to buy
Oreos? No and have them in the house Of course, but is it? Profitable for you to you know, binge the double stuff in one day.
No It's not profitable in any way so I think it's just important to look at your biblical wisdom and say
Yeah, while some things may be permissible and is what I am doing profitable to me my family or others
Yeah Yeah, I think that's good. I think it's a good one. Yeah but again,
I think the root of the issue would be That we live in a society that it's all about me
Yeah, and those two sins in particular say the exact opposite that it's not man.
That's not Well, alright guys that's gonna do it for today if you have any more questions about anything or about gluttony sloth
Revival guys drop a comment on the video. You can always email us at listen point Yeah, listen point taken at gmail .com
Send us a question Send us anything if you have a tick tock or a video or YouTube or anything that you want us to Talk about or look at send it on over to that email
Drop a link in the comments You can also find us an Instagram point -taking Christian podcast send us a
DM comment on any one of the pictures on there We always want to hear from you and we want to talk about what you guys want to share for sure until next time deuces like what happens is
I'll be thinking about I'll be thinking about the Federal Reserve Building in DC Yeah, because I am yeah,
I'm thinking that way because when he said it makes no sense I was gonna make a pun about I was gonna make the pun always do and then
I thought not to make it then I Thought about the Federal Reserve and I thought about Rachel nice trip there and how she booked the hotel for one day short
And now we had to find a motel for 120 dollars and how I know so all of that was thought in like half a second