Teen Arrested for Preaching the Gospel at Drag Show for Kids

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Cops arrest the Christian while adult men in drag dance provocatively in front of little kids. Article from The Dissenter: https://disntr.com/2023/08/02/teen-ar...


This is a headline from the dissenter says teen arrested while preaching on public sidewalk as Drag queens do sex dances in front of children now the
America that I grew up in Let's just say 30 years ago 35 years ago if it 20 years ago.
I think if a group of adult men dressed in Scantily clad outfits and started gyrating in front of little kids
They would be the ones who were arrested no doubt about it, but in Today's liberal progressive socialist
America. No, it's the Christian preacher Who is arrested the article states anyone who argues that drag shows are just entertainment and not?
Sexualized is by definition what God calls those who justify the wicked that's
Proverbs 17 verse 15 The article continues to compare the drag queen phenomenon to the cult of Dionysus Which you can read this for yourself?
There are many parallels, but this week in Watertown, Wisconsin a young teenager named
Marcus Was arrested for preaching the gospel near a drag show and this is taken social media by storm
It's gone viral The article says a teen was preaching on a public sidewalk outside of a drag event where men dressed as scantily clad caricatures of women
They danced in a sexual manner in front of young children Something that is illegal according to Wisconsin law yet instead of arresting these men who are subjecting young kids to their sexual perversion the cops decided to forcefully arrest the teen on the sidewalk and charge him with unlawfully using
Amplification and resisting arrest. I mean what a terrible thing we can't allow this he's
Unlawfully using an amplifier. I mean, can you believe this? meanwhile these men are
Sexualizing little kids trying to draw them into their sex cult So it says while the ordinance in Wisconsin does not state that or it does state that one needs a permit to use
Amplification one can generally not be arrested for the offense and I think we all know what's going on here
People are not arrested for this. The cops are not worried about Amplification that's not what's happening
They are working the police and some of the police I'm sure are totally on board with this
Some of them might offer the excuse. Hey, I'm just following orders Well that doesn't absolve you of guilt
But the police they are doing the bidding of the liberal progressives at City Hall who tell them what to do so clearly this was an unconstitutional act against a
Christian voice Who is clearly targeted for his faith. Let's watch the video
But through love serve one another For all the law is fulfilled in one word even in this you shall love your neighbor as yourself
But if you bite and devour one another Beware lest you be consumed by one another
They say we can have because they say we can speak out here in the sidewalk freely nobody told us that This is how come there's no amplification
And you guys are acting like thugs man. They're like faded straight -up thugs. Hey, you're taking away my he has every right to be out here engaging in speech
He has every right to be out here engaging in speech There's cars driving by with their radios
So Why was the Christian teen targeted according to the Republic sentinel Jason Storms who filmed the viral video and also serves as the minister of Evangelism at Mercy Seek Christian Church He said that over 200 protesters including youth from Mercy Seek Christian Church in Wisconsin They gathered to protest this drag show the police directed by city leaders they arrested several young people three were detained and later released with warnings for praying and talking in the park and Schroeder that's
Marcus Schroeder the young preacher He was charged with unlawful use of sound amplification and resisting arrest for preaching outside the venue
And of course, this is resisting arrest because he didn't hold out his hands and say Priya, please arrest me He questioned what the officer was doing so notice that they were warned the police were warning these kids about praying
So I think it's safe to say that if a drag queen was outside using amplification without a permit
No way, the police would have arrested them They wouldn't have dared because the police are doing the bidding of their overlords the progressives at City Hall So this is a whatever you want to call it
Christian persecution certainly discrimination and this will continue to get worse and worse as long as churches remain silent on the issue and As long as the backlash against this stuff remains minor now, the backlash is growing
That's true, but it's still not enough people are just shrugging their shoulders and saying hey, you know
What can you do most of the liberal mainline denominations support drag shows?
I mean there are local churches or you know buildings with a steeple on top that call themselves churches
They actually hold drag queen story hour for kids at their church
While many of the evangelical churches, you know people that we would normally think are saved and they believe the
Bible Yeah, a lot of those churches though. They don't dare say peep about it The scripture says that judgment starts in the house of God So we need to address this head -on
So that means we need to talk about it. We need to Preach what the scripture says
Deuteronomy 22 verse 5 clearly forbids this many other verses on modesty and homosexuality things that we could
Certainly talk about we have to tell people what the Bible says speak about it and really for you that say well
What can I do as an individual the best thing you can do is to strengthen the good churches?
Not the apostate churches that are doing the drag shows obviously and not even the evangelical churches that are staying silent
The former president of the Southern Baptist Convention JD Greer I mean the guys this is the way a lot of evangelicals are especially the well -known ones
Andy Stanley JD Greer I mean JD Greer's totally compromised He said in a sermon from Romans 1 that Christians actually should support be the fiercest supporters of LGBT rights
Well, what rights do they want? They want the right to do this kind of thing. So don't support churches like that as an individual you can pray and you can support and strengthen the good churches that are actually
Taking a stand and speaking out against this and we just need to trust the
Lord that he will protect the children of this generation Protect them from this progressive agenda this demonic agenda that seeks to sexualize children at a very
Early age. So if you have kids and grandkids bring them to church raise them in the nurture and admonition of the
Lord So that they will grow up and hopefully be like this young preacher. Otherwise if we send them to the public schools, they're going to get
Indoctrinated they're gonna think that this drag queen story hour sexualizing children
This is just fine because that's all they've ever known They're just brought up with it and I fully expect stories to start coming out
Real soon about how schools and kindergarten first grade are bringing in drag queens to dance in front of the little kids
In fact, I'm sure that it's already happening So here are some things you can do support the good churches strengthen the good churches that are taking a stand
Because God will use those ministries To accomplish his will thanks for listening.