F4F | Prophecy Bingo September 2022


New Bingo Cards HERE: http://0352182.netsolhost.com/prophecy-bingo Special Guest: A Word Fitly Spoken Be sure to visit their website: https://awordfitlyspoken.life Support Fighting for the Faith Join Our Crew: http://www.piratechristian.com/join-our-crew Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/PirateChristian Merchandise: https://www.moteefe.com/store/pirate-christian-merch/ Fighting for the Faith Radio Program: http://fightingforthefaith.com Social Media Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/piratechristian Twitter: https://twitter.com/piratechristian Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/piratechristian/ Video Sermons https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3F7uxFcG5dgyk4--OYgwPQ Sermons http://www.kongsvingerchurch.org/sermons Sunday Schools http://www.kongsvingerchurch.org/bible-teaching Bible Software Used in this Video: https://www.accordancebible.com Video Editing Software: https://adobe.ly/2W9lyNa Video Recording Software: https://www.ecamm.com Scripture quotations are from The ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.


Welcome to another installment of Fighting for the Faith. My name is Chris Rosebro. I am your servant in Jesus Christ.
This is the channel that compares what people are saying in the name of God to the Word of God. Alright, from time to time we do this thing here at Fighting for the
Faith. Dealing with heresy can be a little bit, well, depressing. And so we try to lighten things up again, which means only one thing.
It's time for Prophecy Makers! And today I have invited on to the program
Amy Screamin and Michelle Leslie. Thank you for joining us today, ladies. And Josh, of course, glad to have you.
So real quick, tell me about your podcast and the efforts that you're making to kind of proclaim
Christ and address some of the the glaring issues within Christianity today. Amy, you want to go first?
Yeah, we started this in 2019. Michelle and I met at a conference for women and we just got to talking and said, why don't we have a podcast?
Because the state of women's Bible studies, where they're not actually studying the
Bible, they're studying YouTube channels and prophets and all sorts of weird things and people's feelings.
And so we decided to point people to Christ. All right, very good.
And so what exactly is the state of affairs when it comes to women's ministry?
How would you describe it? Abysmal. Just not good.
I will say that it's very encouraging. I travel around the country and speak at women's events, you know, in a lot of little small churches.
And there are lots of great faithful churches out there. You just never hear about them.
But what's in the headlines these days is terrible. You know, you hear a lot about, like Amy was saying, the terrible state of women's
Bible study. We put a Bible study in quotes there. Just, you know, it's all about feelings.
It's all about, you know, celebrity worship. It's all about hearing personal stories and anecdotes of the author of the
Bible study instead of hearing scripture actually exegeted and learning scripture.
So and then it just goes on from there. Most of the, as you know, the celebrity, particularly women's
Bible study celebrities, are false teachers and teach false doctrine.
And so it's really hard for women to even find sound doctrine if they wanted to.
So. Right. So you're saying that you and Beth Moore aren't really close friends? No, she blocked me on Twitter a long time ago.
Actually, she hasn't blocked me yet. We're still chums. Okay. All right.
And so let me, let's see here. Let me let me ask you, in a sea of Kay Nash's.
Oh, no. Yeah. Yeah. Kay Nash will be somebody you don't want to. I can't believe that she is still a thing.
All right. So Amy, now it's been a while since you and I have worked together, at least on Fighting for the
Faith. You and I, the last time we were together, we did a pirate gang conversation with Kozar.
And it's been a while since we've done our pirate gang conversations, at least on Fighting for the Faith. But you and I were in Ohio recently, and we are we worked together on the next installment of the
American Gospel documentary. And and so we actually did a pirate gang conversation per se.
You know, if you really want to think about that, but the the next American Gospel is going to be coming out and I think
Brandon is hoping for by the end of this year. And, and a little bit of a note,
I'll tell you guys, this is it's not going to be a single documentary, it's probably going to be a docuseries, like, you know, multiple episodes, and it should be really interesting and really good.
Looking forward to that. So and, and so Amy, you kind of ran our roundtable, you know, you are the you are the lady in charge.
I wasn't in charge, I promise. No, I was, I was kind of holding the pirate gang guys together, because there were so many tangents, but so many good ones.
So yeah, to help facilitate. Yeah, very good. All right. So looking forward to that coming out.
So look forward to the next installment of the American Gospel series coming out end of the year.
And it's gonna be a docuseries multi episode should be great. All right. Now, I would need to warn you guys, we're going to dive into the into the cliffs of insanity, we're going to just do a, you know, a swan dive into bizarreness.
And I nothing can truly prepare you for what it is that we are going to experience. Now, I got to say this as a heads up, no true prophecies or true prophets are harmed in this installment of prophecy bingo, because none of them are actually hearing from God, not a single one of them.
In fact, if I want to be blunt, every one of these people are a fulfillment to kind of together as a group of one of the prophecies of Jesus from Matthew 24, that in the days before his return, there would be many false prophets.
And so you'll note that finding false prophets today, it's like shooting fish in a barrel. You know, true prophets,
I haven't seen a single one yet, not not one. And so with all of that,
I recommend that you stretch put on your proper safety gear. And I'm going to go ahead and start by putting on my free my free space here with the sneaky squid.
And we are going to we're just going to jump right into the deep end today. And in fact, let me let me let me just refresh this a little bit here.
This is a prophecy from glory of Zion, Chuck Pierce, it's called bubble up and see your path bubble up and see your path.
Here we go. And I would say to you this morning, I am reforming paths right now.
I'm causing paths to be anointed and I'm causing paths to be confined.
And I am causing paths to be rebounded, say of the
Lord. Wow. Rebounded? Is that a word? Rebounded? Rebounded?
How many tuning forks am I going to need for that rebound? You haven't you haven't seen our video where he takes a tuning fork to readjust the realign the border, realign the border with a tuning fork.
That was one of the most bizarre things. But Amy, I got to have you had your path rebounded a couple of times.
Yeah, it was really sad, but I just noticed that I have anointing.
Didn't he say anointing? There we go. Nice. We're off to the races here.
I forgot. Oh, I have anointing, too. I'm glad you guys brought that up. Hang on. All right.
All right. Let's keep going. Amy drew first blood. Yeah, I think she got it first.
All right. Here we go. Know that your path is now changing. And because of that, you must learn to stay in a way that you have never gone before.
My cross must be applied to you so that you know the center of that path to walk in.
I say to you, know this, you'll be driving in a new way in days ahead.
Wait, wait. That's good, because my husband doesn't like the old way
I drive. So right. Prophecy might actually come true. Yeah, there we go.
You know, look at the look at the plus side here. Improvement in driving.
OK. You'll be moving down a stretch you have never moved down before.
So watch me as I lead you. Gates are already open.
But how you secure the battle at the gate is how I have battle.
All right. Yeah. Yeah. It's on there. All right.
Let's keep going. Take the land in days ahead. They say enemy. Would you ask?
Did he say enemy? I don't remember. I don't remember.
When Chuck Lee said, I will say all I can see was jockeys and all I can see with the horses kicking, kicking, kicking, kicking, and then the jockeys.
What? What was that? She went to the racetrack.
Yeah. We know what she does in her spare time. OK. But they took off with such a fierce speed.
And I said, Lord, what are you doing? He said just what Chuck said. He said, you're going to run this race, but you're going to run it at such a speed and such fierceness that the enemy won't be able to keep up with you in this season.
He said. Yeah. So you're going to be able to outrun your enemy.
Yeah. So, you know, OK. All right. You want to be able to keep up with you even outrun my dogs. Right. Running could probably kill me at this age.
OK, let's keep going. Run and then run again because I've already cleared the path.
If you have yelling on your card, I think she's yelling. Oh, yeah. Yelling.
Yeah. And I say don't kick against the pricks on your new pad for.
My new path has pricks. What? Don't kick against them. OK. Already have positioned myself to meet you in a new way.
And when I meet you, you will start transforming your thoughts in ways that you have struggled in the past.
I say it will be an instant transformation. But then vision will come.
No, now I have vision. Yeah. So do
I. Wow. Word salad extraordinary is probably a good way to describe what we're listening to at this point.
Those are all actually I heard a position. I have position. I believe he said.
Yeah, I think he said. Did he say did he say powerful? No, no, no,
I didn't. I didn't hear that. It's a shotgun. Yeah. Yeah. He is. He is doing that at the moment.
Let's get the swaying that the girls are doing back there. Is that dancing or should we wait for real dancing?
Just hang on it. They're warming up at this point. And I should check here.
So I'm sure there will be much more dancing in the right. And I will say this.
We know from somebody who used to it, who actually attended Chuck Pierce's church, that they don't actually have sermon time anymore.
This prophecy, you know, open mic thing. That's their that's their where they hear from God.
They're not not from the Bible. So it's terrifying. Worry about the vision at the end of your path.
But I am giving you a path and you will see as you go along this path, take a step and then get ready.
Do not get against the pricks for I plan to transform you for my future, sayeth the
Lord. Wow.
You know, what is the cash value of anything that he just said here?
All right. Now, I have to at this point announce a tragic development as it relates to a standard person who has appeared many times on Prophecy Bingo.
Those of you familiar with Queen Bola Adelani, you know, from Royal Proclamations dot com, the the lady who is responsible all by herself for creating the prophetic
Macarena. When you go to her website and you click on the link to her, you know, to her
YouTube channel, this is what comes up. This channel is no longer available.
Oh, no. Makes you wonder what she's scamming people out of money.
You know, just the anyway, we we do not know the official reason as to why her channel was deleted from YouTube, but it's gone.
It's no longer there. So we'll have to do that. Maybe she got saved.
She needs to warn everybody and to help take everything down and say everything
I've said in the past was wrong. I repented. And, you know, that's like the best construction, though,
Michelle. I like that. I wish that for her. But alas, I don't think that's really what has happened.
So we'll have to do like a montage memoriam of of of Queen of Queen Ebola Adelante.
See, in the month of September, not only do we lose the Queen Elizabeth the second, we also lost Queen Ebola. So two queens and nobody prophesied about it.
No one saw it coming. Right. Yeah. So, yeah, I will say I haven't seen any of the
September prophecies from a couple of weeks ago saying, oh, I'm hearing from God that the queen is going to die.
I haven't heard anyone say that. So. All right. Let me do this. I let's see here. I know.
Not yet. Oh, my goodness. Yes. We'll come back. I call this particular one the
Nacho Libre of prophecy. So, you know, you need to put a shirt on.
Yeah. But we'll leave it at that for the moment. So what we're going to do is we're going to head over to John Kilpatrick's church.
And and since we haven't done prophecy bingo in a few months, I kind of figure anything from May through September is like fair game at this point.
And so John Kilpatrick of note of the Pensacola so -called
Pensacola revival, the outpouring there, Michael Brown was a part of it. He in let's see,
July 7th of this year, put out a prophecy talking about shifting beginnings. And I will say this.
I have shift on my card. Yeah. If you got shift, go ahead and take it because you're going to hear that. So but listen to this one.
This could this could be like, you know, a prophetic prophecy. Bingo gold. Here we go.
There's going to be a shift. And he said it's going to be something that will set the course for the rest of the year for sure.
Something that's going to if you have something you can take that one, it's going to be something anything.
Yeah, there's going to be a shift. So yeah, the Holy Spirit has shared with me that by the first is this like the soundtrack from Friday the 13th?
What is that? You know, first of July, there's going to be things that's going to shape the rest of the year, both good and bad.
Every year, there's gonna be things in July that there will be weather, the stock market will fluctuate.
There will be wins. Right? Man, if you ever had any doubt as to whether or not john
Kilpatrick was a complete false prophet and somebody who really isn't hearing from God, then this should just cure you right up.
So something has already started shifting the latter part of Jim. So we as a nation, as well as the body of Christ, are witnessing momentous change.
And I want you to know that the Holy Spirit has shown me that this July is gonna be really pivotal.
I didn't know it. Now I'm gonna he said Holy Spirit. So I'm gonna take spirit here.
That's I think that that's gonna work for me. All right. No, not an actual Libra. Let's keep going here. At the time, but later,
I learned that even Chuck Pierce had said, watch July. well, by all means, do whatever
Chuck Pierce. Right, right. Because everybody knows he's known for his lucid prophecies.
Okay, I think we're both on the same page. But I didn't know that whenever I gave this word. Be aware that this change will manifest in evil changes.
This manifest is a prophecy. Bingo will take place, but also very powerful breakthroughs.
Break through. I got it on my guard. Okay, yeah, that's I don't have it, though.
Bummer. Okay, evil changes will result in a tightening. Good change is gonna result in a loosing man.
You know, if I had a tightening of my belt, that would be a good change. So you're talking about muscle relaxants?
I don't know. I don't know. The Lord showed me a vision back a few months ago.
I was asleep, but I woke up and I saw it after I woke up. So it was a vision and I'm not given to vision, but I did see it.
I saw a baseball with the red stitches in a baseball cover come undone and come unraveled, and I saw the baseball cover come off the baseball.
And the Holy Spirit said to me, tell the people that many of the privileges and many of the things that they have enjoyed, freedoms that they have enjoyed, are going to come unraveled for a time for a time.
By the end of this year, that's really going to be evident. I've given you this illustration before, but I want to give it to you again today.
It's important to me because this is the way I think. But I talk a lot down through the years about when you go to a theater, not a movie, but a theater, and you're watching a drama.
When you get there, everybody sits down. They legitimately put this this ominous music in this video in post.
You can tell, you know, what? Yes, right.
You know, yeah, yeah. Like he's trying to create fear, the title of the drama.
They have players. They have furniture. There's a curtain call.
And when you first sit down from the minute the curtain goes up, there's a plot that, okay.
That looks like that background from Joe Biden's speech not long ago. You're not, you're not wrong.
Okay. Josh, are you ready? Yeah, I'm switching it up. Yeah. Yeah.
Here we go. Kate Nash, Women's Ministry extraordinaire here. Your staff, have you?
Where's your staff? All right. You know, I don't have a staff. I can't afford one. I need a staff.
I have a lot of work to get done. And if I have a staff, that would help. Yeah, exactly. A musical staff.
I don't know. You've forgotten the power of God that is in you,
Jesus. This is a new season. This is not season as a prophecy. Old season.
God is moving a new way. He's putting you in new places with new faces, new people, new connections.
Jesus, you can't. If you have Jesus, that, that, it was a short one, but that counts.
Do this the same way you did last time. God is moving. He is changing.
I feel like I need to add a new prophecy bingo word. G -A -W -D. Yeah. She says that weird.
Yeah. Yeah. And prospering the saints of God. I'm Kate Nash and welcome to Prophetic Fuel.
Note it says messenger of the Lord. That's her. I wonder if she has that on her, like, business card. Messenger of the, she used to say messenger of God.
Yeah. So she's rebranded to Prophetic Fuel. Yeah.
Yeah. And you notice how she's, she's got, I've watched her before and she's got that, you know, pink and white background and it's so soft and it's so visually manipulative to women.
It's, it's okay. I'm nice. I'm sweet. I'm, you know, I'm trustworthy. You can believe me.
And it's, it's really subtle, but you're being manipulated just by the, the set and the surroundings that she's got there.
The visual equivalent of Pepto Bismol. She's kind of shooting for that, that Christian influencer on Instagram kind of look, right.
You know? Yeah. Yeah. All right. Let's keep going. If you're new here, I deliver prophetic words.
No, you don't. And deep teachings from God's word. No, no, you do not deliver deep teachings from God's word.
You wouldn't rightly handle a biblical text if I paid you to do it. You couldn't do it. Can I just take Jezebel right now?
I'm kidding. No. You have Jezebel? That was my dream bingo card.
I really wanted that one. All right, let's keep going. Jesus.
All right, you guys, today I have a word from the Lord. No, you don't. No, you don't. Nope. Not at all.
The word is, where is your staff? I was at the Joseph Summit recently and I saw a bunch of you guys there.
It was nice meeting a lot of you guys. The Holy Spirit definitely moved for sure. I got to pray for a lot of you guys.
Some of you fell out in the spirit at my booth. Some of you cried at my booth. I got to hug a lot of you.
And so it was a great time meeting you guys. But while I was there, I had this encounter with the
Lord and I felt like this light shine upon my face. And I heard the Lord say this phrase.
He said, where is the staff? And I knew when I'm the staff of Ra.
Was this at a hotel lobby, like a conference center, and he was looking for some coffee and couldn't find it?
Right. Exactly. That's kind of how I interpret it. He said that because you know how the spirit can just make you know things, that he was referring to the staff of Moses.
Where? Well, where did you put it? You know, we can make an Indiana Jones movie looking for that thing.
The staff. And he kind of began to talk to me about this concept.
Kind of began to talk to me. Uh huh. Kind of how people had forgotten the power that God gave
Moses. And I think that we have powerful. You can have it.
Yeah. Yeah. That'll work. Right. Self -focus sometimes with our power.
This is what I mean by this. Like, you know, we're using our gifts to get healed.
We're using our gifts to get delivered. Yeah, that counts.
Yeah, you got it. Nice. I use our gifts to get debt -free. You know, we're really working on our own lives.
But with the staff, Moses was able to save an entire people group with the staff.
Now, obviously, I know God anointed the staff. So, but I felt like God was talking about this concept.
I felt like God was talking. I felt. Yeah. Yeah. She's using all this soft language.
I kind of heard God say this. I felt it's just feeds into what we were talking about earlier about that emotional draw for women that that the emotions really become your
God. Yeah. Yeah. True. Things like that coming back.
Things like the staff coming back. As we get more into the end times, the devil is really pulling out his stuff, if you will.
We see people walking around with crystals and all sorts of things that are demonic items that have certain energies and things like that.
Yeah, the new age has been around long before you were ever born. So, you know, I remember watching
Shirley MacLaine on ABC documentary. It was a docu -series about her life.
And there she is on the beach in Malibu, crying out to the Pacific Ocean, I am
God, I am God, you know, long before that lady was ever born. Okay, I just know.
Okay, again, it's so sad. We've lost Princess Queen Bola. All right, Jolynn Whittaker. Let's let's tune in with her.
And this one was from hang on a second here. I do believe that this was from yeah, word for September.
So this was a couple of weeks ago. And I didn't hear anything in this regarding the imminent death of Queen Elizabeth.
Just want to make make it clear she Jolynn did not call that one. So, you know, let's let's tune in.
In the month of September, God is getting ready to do a new thing. New thing is a prophecy bingo buzzword.
Hang on a second here. It's getting ready to release some new things to you.
Amen. Release where you have been. It has been good.
It has been useful. It has been appropriate. Where you have been in the last season for many people has been appropriate.
But now there is coming a change. And with that change, I'm talking about the new thing, praise the Lord. With that, not the old thing, the new thing, whatever that thing is.
Yeah, it was last season's new thing. But now it's the old right, right. Yeah, change. There's going to be some significant doors and some sudden opportunities that will come from many of you.
Now if you have suddenly you can she said sudden, but that will give you the the adverb form of you have suddenly you can take that and it will change your it'll change your reality in many cases.
For some of you, it's going to change where you live. For others, it's going to change. What exactly is going to change?
What again? What's doing what's doing the doing in this sentence here? Okay, your your financial bracket.
For some of you, it's going to change the the level of the authority that you have.
I have authority. Hang on a second here. Ding. I noticed that none of these people are talking about the actual like levels of inflation or like no downturns.
No, they're just being really vague. Oh, yeah, your brackets gonna change probably in the downward direction. Yeah. And your level of influence in the area that God has called you to to operate in.
I'm talking about your sphere of influence. As we look around at the world, we see that.
I mean, come on, somebody, let's just be real. The world is going to hell in a handbasket. And many people. Right.
And you're sending them there. That's right. You're kind of a harbinger of that that reality. Oh, wow.
Do not perceive that we are deep into the last days that we are living in Matthew 24 and also that's right.
The time when Christ said lots of false prophets, many three. All they see is that there's a lot of chaos.
But when you and I look at the world, we see all of the signs that Jesus is coming soon.
Yeah. Including false prophets. And so I prophesy over you now that God is getting ready to do a quick work.
He's getting ready to accelerate many of you. Accelerate is a prophecy. Bingo word, man, she's really paying off.
I have a bad card, would you say? I have acceleration. Is that? Yeah, that'll that'll work.
Yeah, that'll do it. I think there I'm pretty sure I'm talking to some people that you have already noticed.
Things seem to be speeding up. Things seem to be speeding up.
So many of you have said, my goodness, where did the summer go? Where does where is the time going? Come on. Right. And it's not just because some of you already have realized as you get a little bit older, time seems to go quicker.
Right. That's not what this is. And pause for a second. Yeah. All right. One of one of my one of my all time favorite insults from, like, say, like British literature is thank you.
We now have a firm grasp of the obvious. Yeah. Yeah. She's she's she's not saying anything.
But then again, I didn't have any high hopes that she would. All right. Now, let me do this. I'm going to go to glory of Zion and I'm in their prophecy center here.
And let's see here. I am preparing an avalanche of flavors. That's the name of this prophecy.
Let's. Oh, good. Yeah. I was hungry. The Baskin Robbins prophecy. Yeah. So here we go.
I've got yelling. Can I take? Yes, you can take yelling and you can take dancing.
I have dancing. OK, so I got dancing here. And here's the thing.
So you'll note that this opens up with a woman screaming and gibberish.
Hang on. Let me back this up just a little bit. Oh, I have that. All right.
So wait a second. I'm getting a download. Hang on. I have download on my card.
I'm taking it down. No, you can't. You can't stop me.
I'm getting a interpretation of said gibberish. OK. And so definitely
I think she was calling. She was talking about an ignition and a calling. OK, so if you have ignite or calling that, that's my interpretation of what this woman is screaming about.
So let's go.
I don't know what she was saying, but man, she was saying it. Now she's like doing keyboards and tongues to that.
She's not playing anything according to any particular key. Hang on. What was that guy spinning in here?
OK. The Lord says you're not just watching for a gravestone here and a gravestone there to roll.
He says I'm sending an avalanche of gravestones, avalanche of gravestones.
Yelling at me. Is that legal? Can you do that to a cemetery? Poltergeist. There's going to be so many gravestones moving down the mountain.
He said an avalanche will cause some destruction in some places, but it'll be things that need to be wiped away.
But God says you watch. There is an avalanche of gravestones right before us.
Yeah, by the way, you can view the transcript of said prophecy because they're at Gloria Zion.
They hold these things dear as actual words from God. And I see the
Lord with him. I see in my mind a mulberry tree and the Lord is saying mulberries take on the flavor of what they're cooked with.
If you cook them with strawberries, they get sweet. If you cook them with rhubarb, they get a little tart. But it's important to know what to cook with them so your flavor comes out.
And he says, I am bringing you together with flavors you are not expecting so that your giftings come out so that your stones roll off of you so that you can impact the world the way you need to impact the world.
So take it on. This is the Prophecy Food Network. Right. So, Michelle, I have to ask you, what flavors do you blend well with?
Oh, I, you know, I just blend well with every flavor. I mean, especially
Cajun flavoring. There you go. That'll work. What's your flavor,
Amy? What on earth am I even asking? This is interesting because we're right in the middle of harvesting canning season.
So I've got a bunch of stuff ready to can and I'm thinking, why didn't I pick up some mulberries, man?
Yeah, right. And I saw it on Mulberry Street. Mulberry, it clearly has identity issues because when it's in the presence of strawberries, it becomes a strawberry.
Mulberry needs to be more confident in its own identity so that it can be its own thing.
Look, it lives on the mulberry spectrum, OK? You bigot. OK. You know, so as long as the mulberry self -identifies as a strawberry, it's
OK. So got it. OK. All right. Let's see here.
Ah, Inez. Yes. All right. She's from Ireland. And you can tell that, like, within the first five seconds of me hitting the play button.
Here we go. Hey, everyone. My name is Inez. Hey, everyone. My name is Inez. You're welcome here to hear the word of the
Lord for the season, September. All right. So Inez put this out
August 30th. Let's see if she says anything about the at that time, the impending death of Queen Elizabeth the second.
And God is doing a new thing. God, a new thing is a prophecy bingo word doing great things in our life.
But God requires life. I have life. All right. Ting. Yeah, I think
I should change it to new ting. At this time, God is a loving
God. He's a just God. And he's speaking. He is always speaking.
So are you ready for this word? I just bless you all. Thank you for being here. All the links that you need to know are below.
All right. I'm going to fast forward just a little bit to see if we can kind of get into the meat of this thing. She's praying at the moment.
Let's see. I'll fast forward to when she opens her eyes. There we go. This is a strong word. Following this ministry, listen to what
God is saying. It's all about preparation. It's all about getting ready.
It's all about keeping your eyes focused on the Lord. It's all about the word of God.
It's all about. Well, rather than talking about it, why don't you just get to it? Loving his people and obeying his word.
But fulfilling your destiny. Destiny is a prophecy. Bingo word. It's very easy. I actually
I have destiny. Hang on. Oh, I do, too. Oh, destiny, destiny.
No escaping that for me. OK, you know, there's different paths. The Bible talks about that.
You can go your own way or you can go God's way. But have you had your path rebounded?
That's my question. Many like the world, many like the things the world offers.
It's easy to get distracted, especially with the wrong friends, especially with the wrong group.
You could be going absolutely fine by yourself. You get with the wrong people, you start acting like them.
So if you've been listening to the previous messages, I pray and I hope that you've been following what
God has been saying. You know, the Bible tells us to resist the devil.
Indeed. Submit to God. Resist the devil. That means say no.
So God requires you and me to do what he says. It's simple.
It's all he says. Just do what I say. Why do you call me Lord if you don't do what
I say? Resist evil. Yeah. And you'll know that God has said in commandment, you shall not take his name in vain.
So, you know, I just, you know, it's just a simple matter of obeying, you know. So if it's so simple, why isn't she doing it?
Right. I know. I know exactly. God didn't send her. God didn't give her these words, you know, so.
That you're struggling with. The grace is already there for you. The work has already been done on the cross.
Yeah. All right. Now I'm going to fast forward a little bit because I feel like she hasn't really gotten into the heart of whatever this prophetic word is.
You know, you can go out for dinner. You can have fun. You can be with. She's still not there.
Okay, let's try. She's talking about going out to dinner. It's not a time to play with God.
Okay. I've seen it happen too much. It's like rise, rise, rise, rise.
Oh, and they forget. And they go up here and they're shooting star. Ah, they're up here and then boom.
They love the attention. They love everything. They love to change the promotion, all this new stuff.
And they change. Read your Bible. Look what happens when that happens. So as we come into these new seasons, don't forget.
New season. What God has done for you. Don't forget. I feel like I'm getting a prophetic scolding.
Don't be a hypocrite. I know she says it unironically.
That's the bit. She says it unironically. Get some self -awareness. Read your
Bible and warn me about people like you. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay.
I'm kind of disappointed. But just set up though, Chris, because she'll say some things that are biblical, but then.
And that sets people up. It's like, oh yeah, that's biblical. And then we go in for the kill, which is some false prophecy.
And that's the hook. And unfortunately, we see that all the time. Yeah, that's a good way to put it.
So you'll note that when it comes to false teachers and false prophets, they don't say everything wrong. But what they do say that's correct is like you've described, kind of like the bait on the hook.
But it's, you know, that's the problem. Let me just drop the play head here just a little bit more forward.
See what she does. He does all this in parables. Yeah. She seems a little low energy today.
I don't feel bad. Okay. Let's just take it up a notch. Dr. Alexis. And this one was from September.
So September 1st, she does these prophetic live streams. And let's see where we go with this.
Thank you that you would call forth the right ones to listen to this word. Oh, God, I thank you that you would call them to come up out of a place of despair and step into a place of destiny.
Even step into as a prophecy being right now. Father, I just ask you, hallelujah, to cause this month to super exceed any month that they have formerly been in.
Father, I ask you to blow their minds this month. Father, to blow upon them a fresh wind.
Hallelujah. A fresh weight. Father, I ask you, hallelujah, to send and dispatch your angelic host.
God to be with us, not just in this room where I am, but in each room of each person who is represented here tonight.
Father, that even those who will listen to the replay. Father, that they would step into something new.
Oh, yes. Step into what'd you say? I didn't hear fresh, though. I didn't hear it. Yeah.
But she may have said it. I just this is going by so fast. It's like drinking from a fire hose.
Yeah. You know, what annoys me about these people is that they use these words like hallelujah and Jesus and stuff like that as like filler words, you know, like like we would say, you know, or something like that.
That drives me absolutely bonkers. Yeah. They're using it to kind of fill space so they can kind of figure out the next thing they're going to say.
Yeah. A new perspective, a new point of view, a new paradigm. A new paradigm.
Hallelujah. That this month, God, that you would begin to kill everything inside of them that is not of you.
And God, that you would promote the things that are of you. Hallelujah. Father, I thank you that this month people would begin to cut off relationships that are not of you and they would step into destiny relationships.
Step into destiny relationships. Yeah, I guess I did that back in the 80s when I married my wife.
OK. All right. Glory to God. God, I thank you. Oh, I have glory.
Glory. Yeah, that counts. That counts. Supernatural month. This supernatural month.
Hallelujah. That we are going to begin to see angels on assignment. That we are going to begin to see angels bring us into alignment.
Alignment. I have alignment. Yep. That's right. I thank you. Hallelujah. That you're about to bring us into the place called there.
He's going to bring us to there. He's going to bring us to their castle. Wherever you go, there you are.
Werewolf. Their wolf. Oh, man.
Let's not go to their castle. It's a silly place. In the place called there when he was sent.
God, I thank you that you would begin to send us like Elijah. Glory to God. You would begin to send us like Elijah.
Even as he was at the brook of Cherub God. Even as you sent him to the widow in Zarephath. God, I thank you.
Glory to God. That you would begin to shift us into the place called there.
Even in the month of September. Because we need to get in the place called there. Oh, yeah.
So, Amy, you know, we're halfway through September. Have you been there yet? I'm still waiting to go there.
It doesn't come up on Google Maps. And so, when we press it, it like goes all over the place. I don't know.
Yeah, good answer. We need to get into the place called there.
Supernatural September. Shek -oh -rah -man -deh -kay. Oh, I feel.
That was gibberish. I have a translation of said gibberish.
And I think I'm going to, I think she was talking about a new level. I think that's the right context.
So, ding. We'll just add a level to the mix there. What do you think, Josh? Sure. I can make suggestions, but it's not going to make any difference.
Right, right. Okay. All right. Let's move along. New newcomer. Okay. God is saying 4270.
I don't know what this means. Hey guys, it's Diana with a word from the Lord for the month of September.
And the Lord has been highlighting to me the number 42 and 70.
There you go. 42. That's right. The answer to the meaning of life, the universe, and everything.
The universe and everything, yeah. Yeah. I'm not sure what 70 means though. Yeah. Okay. The Lord woke me up three times.
It was, I think, two or three days ago. August 28th.
It popped up on her thing. Now, several people have mentioned, I woke up. I have the word awakening that would give me bingo.
Is that the same thing? Chris? He's like, nobody's ever been
Christmas throughout this game. Woke up, awakening.
Did I get it? Yeah, I'll give it to you. All right, bingo. All right, Michelle gets the first bingo.
And we are going to need you to prophesy now, Michelle. Oh my goodness.
Do you need some prophetic background music? Well, that depends. Do I actually have to do the dancing or can
I just say the word dancing? You can say the word dancing. We will not make you do that.
Thank you. I think your audience will appreciate that. Right, right, yeah. Our insurance doesn't cover you dancing.
So I will leave the music up to y 'all. You can do what you want to do with that.
All right, hang on a second here. Okay, but I can do the yelling. We'll give you a vibe. We'll give you a vibe.
Oh, can't we? I say to you. Oh, wait, if you're going to be loud,
I got to do a different, continue. Oh, I was just doing the yelling instead of saying the yelling. Ah, okay.
Okay, do you want me to not do that? No, no, no, go ahead. Okay, I say to you, receive the anointing of the awakening and the new vision for the month of September.
And we will all be dancing together. How's that? We'll dance the night away.
Yeah, that's awesome. Okay, all right.
Okay, so stretch for the next part. Now I'm getting multiple bingos in order to save face.
I'll work on this. Okay, let's see here.
Exactly. However, he woke me up in the same night at 2 .42, at 3 .42,
and at 4 .42. And when I saw that, I was like, the Lord is highlighting this number to me.
No, that's called the reading of omens. That is strictly forbidden by scripture. That's the reading of omens.
Wow. It might be a sign she needs to take a sedative before she goes to bed or something.
Yeah, you know, take a sedative and read your Bible more, you know, a lot more. The meaning, and I knew about the number 70, that it means completeness.
So let me read to you what the number 42 means. The number 42 is always associated with suffering.
And the duration of time to suffer. Didn't see that one coming. I had no idea where she was going with that one.
Oh, no, we're all going to suffer in September. Oh, wow. Okay. In fact,
I know that this is true. It's time for the fulfillment of this prophecy. Oh, it is
Joshua August. It's Joshua August. This is the Nacho Libre. Those are some groovy glasses.
Man, here we go. He's in New Orleans, right,
Michelle? I have no idea. He would fit right in in New Orleans. What's up, everybody?
Joshua August here. As you can see, I had a little more budget for my set today.
And I just have a quick prophetic word for you. The word of the Lord is, for those of you who jumped out in faith, stepped out, the
Lord saying, be still and know that I am God. I'm going to provide for you. He promised he's going to take good care of you.
But doesn't God already promised that like every day of the year already?
Why do I need you to say that? That's the prophetic word for July. Okay. It is a time for new beginning.
Some people wait a lifetime for a moment like this. Some of you remove all sharp implements from my general area.
Oh, like I said, we're having lifetime moments this week, stepping into your promised land in certain.
Oh, man. So, Michelle, have you stepped into your promised land this week or in the month of July since this came out in July?
Did you step into that at that time? Well, yes, I did because I stepped into Louisiana and that's the promised land.
All right. Okay. Yeah. So next time I'm down there, I have to visit you and do some
Cajun food. Yeah. Come on down. I'll cook for you. Yeah. So I was in Louisiana last summer.
We went down shortly after the big hurricane in New Orleans and came to a place that when
I looked, we were driving through and I could not pronounce that place to save my, it looked like Natchitoches or something like this.
Natchitoches. Natchitoches, right. And so I had to get a local to explain to me how to pronounce that name.
But in Natchitoches, we had a tire blowout. And so I had to get a tire, a new tire in Natchitoches.
So that's now like a famous place for me. But yeah, there you go. My claim to fame in my time in Louisiana.
So dreams, others, you took the leap of faith, new beginnings, cross country, left jobs, left relationships or whatever else.
You broke bad habits, even those two. But God says he has you and he's moving you forward.
And it's going to be the best time of your life. The best six months in a long, long time. Yeah. Sunshines and rainbows and Care Bears on this prophecy.
Okay. New levels, new jobs, new relationships. Geographical adventure.
Level, I think, did I, did I already? You already, you, yeah, you read that. I love bingo. Are we still playing bingo?
Because I have level. Yeah, we're still playing. We're still playing. Bingo is real bingo. So I used to go with my grandma.
She had the beehive hairdo and the little dauber and all her little charms. And so after somebody got bingo, you kept playing until you get like things like postage stamp or round robin or all of them filled up.
So we could, we could have a field day with this one. I don't remember how many games. Yeah, he's serious about those.
Yeah, we, we, we do have multiple bingos. That does happen here. So, all right. Fantastical.
You know what I'm saying? Oh, you're exactly where God wants you. So you can't lose. God is for you.
He's going to come through. I woke up this morning. I haven't had my fears. I know that's hard to believe, but God said,
I got you. He's got you too. Not you too, but you too. I'm sure he's got you too as well.
I don't try to always do these feel good words all the time. That's good. Why do
I feel like he's trying to take a selfie for like a dating profile app? You know, what on earth?
I'm more of a doom and gloom prophet. No, I'm just kidding. But this is going to be a blessed week. I'm talking the goodness of God this month of July.
It's gonna be awesome. Enjoy. Oh my goodness.
He was talking about all those things that we need to step into at the beginning. He needs to step into a little more masculinity.
Yeah, clearly. Okay. All right. Let's see. All right. This is okay. We haven't covered this couple before.
So Yvonne Atia, I've seen her on the Elijah list. And so that's how
I first heard about her. And so Mina and Yvonne. So I guess
Mina is her husband. And let's listen in as they give a prophecy.
What month was this? Let's see. September 1st. So this is a prophecy. This will happen in September.
Yeah, that's what it says. This will happen. Okay. Does God speak to these people?
Like it has to be like the last day of the month or the first day of the new month for that month.
Why does he, you know, is it a monthly thing? Can't we have weekly? What about they have to reach our monthly quota?
Like cops with arrest. I don't have a sound theological reason for why.
I just noticed that this is the case. And this makes it possible for us to do prophecy. Bingo. That's the best way to put it.
All right. You know what? As my brother just shared, he said the
August word was amazing. My wife and I, even my sister have seen all have seen all have seen all the manifestation.
It is a new world. God is on the move. He's taking us. He is remnant.
He's bright. He's taking us somewhere. And where are we going?
There we go. Here we go. We're going there. We established there. I forgot about that.
That's where we're going. So we're going there. You better catch up. You better be in harmony.
You better be in sync with God's spirit. Always say God has never ceased to speak.
The only problem if you have an old radio and you have the dial on it and you're on the wrong wavelength, you're not going to hear what he's saying.
The old radio analogy. Yeah. God's talking. Can you imagine what a completely inept deity
God has got to be if he's like broadcasting on a channel that you're not listening to? You know,
Vincent is what I call this false Holy Spirit. Hi, this is the
Holy Spirit. Could you please tune to 99 .7?
I'm over at 88 .3 and I'm not broadcasting there right now. Um, this, this, this metaphor for God talking, it just turns
God into a complete doofus, you know, broadcasting on the wrong channel.
I meant for you to hear me, but oops. And so all I have is to raise disciples or our mandate, me and Yvonne's mandate in the time we live on this planet is to raise as many disciples for Jesus in all nations, even when we minister.
Isn't that in the great, you know, great commission, Matthew 28, all authority in heaven on earth has been given to me.
Go, therefore, make disciples of all nations. I mean, I don't need Mina and Yvonne to say this is going to happen in the month of September.
This is what God is saying because that's been in the Bible for 2000 years.
Arabic, we don't minister in Spanish, but we serve with the Spanish church. But in any case, it's all translated.
I think I'm taking too much time. I want Yvonne to start. Otherwise, she's going to kick me off the stream.
Blessings everyone. Okay, by me. Let me tell you, there is a sense of excitement.
There really, really is. And I can just sense everyone literally just placing a demand on the presence of God.
You are sensing. Yeah, that that works. Yeah. Okay.
She says twice. Yep. That works because you want to hear what
God is saying in the month of September. I want to assure you that this is a message that has come fresh.
And I mean, fresh, fresh. I have fresh. Wait, I have. I don't have fresh.
I do have fresh. This isn't a stale word from God like you find in the Bible. I mean, this is this is hot off, you know, hot out of the oven fresh here, you know.
No, it has not reached its expiration date. Right. That's good. It's not a message that was heard from anyone else.
It's a message that God had spoken clearly. And let me tell you something.
It has excited me. It has excited me so much. And there is an excitement when the whole body of Christ receives this word.
So let me tell you, I am so excited. So she's she's talking up the prophecy, but hasn't given it yet.
Because God's going to be doing something fresh. There's a freshness to it. There's a newness to it.
So I want you to begin to share the stream. Help us reach as many people as possible.
I know people are still connecting, but we just want to welcome you, bless you.
And I guess we have blessings. Yeah. Blessing 115 ,000 people have viewed this as of the time we're recording.
Wow. Without any further delay, we will get started on the work. Let's get started.
God has already started. He is saying. And let me take you a step at a time, because God in August, as my brother mentioned in August, he said, you are entering into new beginnings, a world like you have never seen before.
Some in the world, a world like you've never seen before.
I'm going to speed up just a little bit, because you'll note that they're really kind of creating some like prophetic anticipation and kind of dragging this out.
They're waiting for the live stream to populate with more people. Yeah, even work conditions, even health conditions.
Things of the kingdom, which are not you are not accustomed to. Dingo. Yeah. Kingdom is about halfway during August to speak to me personally and Yvonne.
And then I said, you know, Yvonne, you know, I feel such a burden for September. I feel that God is going to manifest.
Manifest. God's going to manifest in September. Okay. It's a big difference between. Wait a second.
I've got manifestation. Hold on a second here. I'm taking that. Ding. Okay, let's see.
Carrying a baby and delivering a baby. It's a big difference between. I have deliveries. Yeah, I think that will work.
There we go. What would he know about carrying a baby and delivering a baby? Come on, Michelle.
Men can. All right. No, he doesn't get to talk about that.
Right. These are prophetic babies here. So, you know, because God's manifesting stuff, you know.
On the inside of you, you're seeing, you're entering new realms, you're entering new experience. Realm. I have realm.
I have realm. Yep. Hang on a second here. Ding. I've got that too. Wow. If I get a flow, that's a double bingo.
Okay. All right. Let's see here. Wait, you know, you don't have a double bingo with flow. Oh, no.
I gotta get to download too. Bummer. Okay. Sorry for the senior moment.
Even with a download, you still need intercessor upper right hand. Oh, I need intercessor too.
Okay. God is taking you into deeper revelations in him. His love is not what you experience for a moment in your day, but you become love because God is love.
And so you just your cup runs over. Your cup runs over is a manifestation of what you're carrying on the inside.
And so God took us on a journey. And we've been teaching our disciples every Wednesday night. Those who connect and our partners and we thank
God for you. And we go on and journey together. And we see Jesus through Middle Eastern eyes, and we go into deep scriptures and prophesy and so forth.
But God has been directing us that you need to declare the manifestation. I have to declare.
I have to declare. Yeah, I got that too. Hang on a second here and declare. You got to declare the manifestation.
All right. This guy's paying off. All right. Let's keep going. Momentum. All right. The promises of God.
And as he called Abraham, the forefathers of faith, the forefather of faith was called from his land, from his all his surroundings and whatever he knew at the time.
And God appeared to him in Genesis 12 and said, leave. And Abraham listened to the voice of God. And yes, he obeyed, but he faced challenges.
And so God had to reappear to him to reconfirm the covenant. I want some of you to write this because some
I know some have written. Oh, wow, this is amazing. But I haven't seen like my brother has seen. Some people have seen the new promises, the new realms, the new world that God is around into that many get the promise.
They receive the prophetic word. They test it. It is good. So according to the gospel, they want to see it manifest in their life. But nothing is new under the sun.
Like Abraham had to wait for the promise to be birthed. As obsessed with birth.
Yeah, I know. So, Michelle, I mean, since you can rightly talk about these things, has your manifestation been birthed yet?
I don't think so today. I have to look. All right. So you're still pregnant with the manifestation then?
Yes. Check under the dust. It might have happened. I don't know. Yeah. Wow. You have to find a heavenly obstetrician.
Right. A good one. Okay. Let's see. Let go of familiarity and embrace the advent.
I have no idea what this is going to do. Hang on a second here. Word salad extraordinaire.
Next one. Here we go. I'm just feeling and hearing and seeing something very definite.
And it is that as we are coming up, we're ascending into a new chapter and into a new season dimension.
And as we are, people... I have dimension. Yeah. The new season dimension?
There's season dimensions now. The multiverse of madness. Like we have spring over here.
North Dakota spring. They're very different things. The familiar is staying down on the lower level.
I just got to check my car for something. Okay. All right. Okay. Behind the familiar, we need to look out of our eyes differently and not look at someone and go,
I know who they are. No, we don't know who they are. Not really. We are being... There are new expressions.
And really, it's almost like we're taking off this coat of flesh and we're becoming really who we really are.
So as we're coming up into this dimension and place, let go of preconceived ideas of the former season.
Let go of what you think someone is capable of doing. Let go of what you think you're capable of doing. It's like there's a whole new level of true identity that is...
Identity is a Prophecy Bingo word. ...being revealed as we step up, as the
Lord has invited us up. And as we are stepping up in this season, it's a whole new level of identity.
All right. So, Amy, I mean, have you experienced a whole new level of identity yet?
No, not yet. I'm waiting for my identity to manifest itself. Well, when it does, we can call that an identity breakthrough.
I like Ed Young better. You know, a whole nother level. A whole nother level. Right. Exactly. All right.
Let's see here. I'm going to go backwards just a little bit and we'll throw in another one here.
Let's see. I'm rebuilding your new place of seated... Oh, let's take a look at this one. All right.
Let's see where this one goes. ...he kept a whole show called Rokababaha, she kept a
Bahama. Uh -oh. You know what that means, Jackie? So I have a question about this one.
Did you say that these are closed captioning with transcripts? Because I'd really like to see... Okay.
So it says, view transcript. Okay. So if I click on this and it literally...
We didn't get to the... They didn't put the gibberish bit in. It just says, Kivi Phillips speaking in tongues.
Okay. So this is the transcript. Speaking in tongues. Chuck Pierce. And I would say to you,
I had to make hash out of many of the things that you have had.
But could you imagine being the person tasked with actually punctuating this word salad?
I was going to say, whoever transcribes this, I don't know what they make, but they need a raise.
Right. They probably don't need a raise. Maybe they can make buku bucks for this.
All right, let's see. It's really breathy.
His speaking in tongues is really, I don't know, breathy. Like almost like he's trying to catch his breath or something.
Uh -huh. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. All right. So I definitely felt that he was talking about miracle and intercessor there.
So, yeah, just saying. Okay, that's what I was getting from that.
So, okay. Let's keep going with this one. No, not her, him. There we go.
Yeah, I'll run that through Google Translate.
How many people are going to get saved from that? That's what I want to know. The gift of tongues was to help people understand the gospel in their own language.
And this is just gibberish. It makes me mad. It is absolutely gibberish. In fact, the apostle Paul in 1
Corinthians 14 says that if an outsider comes in and sees you doing this, he's going to think you're out of your minds. That's true.
Yeah. So let's keep going here. What is with the heavy breathing?
What? That's just creepy. And I would say to you, I have had to make.
I would say to you. Would say to you. And I would say to you,
I have had to make hash out of many of the things that you have had.
But I say now I am causing that hash to rise up in a delectable way.
I don't like hash. Usually when food rises up, that's not a good thing. There's going to be vomiting.
Yeah. I don't think recreational marijuana is legal in wherever he's at right now.
In Texas. Oh, he's probably like mad. See, I was thinking, you remember back in the day. Well, maybe when you're a kid, somebody opened a can.
Corned beef hash. Yeah, that's what I was thinking of. That was like a side of goo for your dinner.
Yeah, yeah. My dad would make corned beef hash when I would visit him.
And he would take a fried egg and put it on top of the corned beef hash. And it was like a heart attack on a plate, man.
Did it rise up, though? Because if it rose up, then... No, if it rose up, you had to throw it out because that meant it had botulism.
Chris, you really need to come down here and let me cook for you. You do crawfish?
Yes. All right. I'll take you up on that, Michelle. Next time in Louisiana. So all right.
Let's see here. Let's keep going. I say you are going to taste me in a way you've never tasted me.
God tastes like hash. There's so many jokes I cannot in good conscience make here.
Oh, this is terrible, man. And see me in a way you have never seen me.
I say you thought your house would remain dull. But I say, watch, you will wake up and it will blossom with light.
I say, get ready for things that had a shadow upon them now are going to be uncovered.
And light is coming in. So I say to you, don't look at what had to fall and be crushed in last season.
For I know how to put together that what you are to have at this time.
This will be a time of putting back together all the pieces so that you rise up and say.
If I'm rising up, does that mean I'm the hash? That's this. I don't know. I feel like this is the
Humpty Dumpty prophecy. I don't know what is going on. Even viewing the. You know what
I think it is? It seems to me like it's the verbal equivalent of automatic writing. Yeah, just opening his mind and letting whatever, whatever come out of his mouth.
Just like, you know, with Sarah Young, with Jesus calling the automatic writing thing.
This is automatic. I don't know. Speaking verbal vomit. I don't know. Yeah, yeah. No, I think that's it.
That's a good way of putting it. All right. Now, a little bit of a note here. This particular channel, the
Watchmen on the Wall channel. This guy reads out prophecies that are posted on the
Elijah list. So he actually goes and finds written out prophecies. And Russ Walden is somebody that we've covered in the past.
And if you look him up on YouTube, things have changed. He's moved to his kitchen.
For the flavors, right? I don't know. It's just the strangest thing.
So he does these five minute long prophetic live streams now. Five minute long live stream,
Josh. Think that one through. And we've covered him in the past. And I can legitimately say,
I think Russ got annoyed when we would cover him. He seemed like somebody that the more we covered him, the more angry he got in his subsequent prophecies.
So let's do this version of a Russ Walden prophecy, shall we?
Here we go. Hello and welcome to the Watchmen on the Wall channel. This prophetic word comes from Russ Walden, Saharita, Arizona.
I am training you for reigning. The father says today, I am training you for reigning.
Ruling and reigning begin now and not some far off time. Are you under pressure?
Rejoice for I am training you. I'm sorry, I couldn't help myself.
You're under pressure. The apostle Paul taught that it is through tribulation you enter the kingdom.
Do not feel as though something is amiss when you feel the pains of birth shift. Here we go again.
Birthing is a prophecy being a word. So, you know, it's so shifting. Change is seldom without complication or discomfort.
But oh, oh, the rejoicing when you receive what I am birthing in you. So come forward, says the father.
Don't make me ask twice. Don't be a conscript. Be a volunteer. Don't step back.
Step forward. Volunteer or else I'm going to just give it to you. Make you do it anyway.
I don't know. Seriously, when you talk about birthing inside you, I just I just have visions of the face hugger from Alien.
Yeah. All I want to know is where is my spiritual epidural for all this birthing?
Right. I don't know how I feel about the pain of this one.
Yeah, I always point out I'm a dude. I haven't given birth to anything, you know, so. Run toward the situation and circumstance that you are being pressured by.
Don't be shocked at the instructions I give you. I will never instruct you to live your life according to the dictates of the enemy or those people in your life who are influenced by doubt and unbelief and hate.
I am lighting you up. And yes, that makes you a target. But fret not neither fear for round.
God's lighting you up like a target. I'm going to like he has a laser, a laser sight on your.
No, no. Like in in military terms, when you light something up, you're literally just raining hellfire on it.
Right. Man, I don't like this prophecy.
I feel like I'm birthing violence against myself. OK, that's going to light you up.
That is not a good thing. OK, Josh, while you're giving birth. Now, Josh, again,
Triple Grace 555 has changed it up, and we do not get his image down in the corner anymore.
So darn it, I'm so disappointed. Yeah. So hang on for a very thick
Austrian German accent for this particular prophecy. Hang on a second.
Let me in fact, let me do this. There we go. Welcome, powerful warriors. Welcome to the end time prophetic war.
Every time, every time, every time. Welcome, powerful warriors.
End time prophetic word for Thursday, the 1st of September 2022 is restoration.
I am in the process to restore all sins. For this purpose,
I will shake the heavens and the earth. You came from paradise and you will return to paradise.
Make sure that you will not stand empty handed before my throne.
I have to bring a tithe offering before the throne of God. Oh, no, man. Yeah, heaven is merging with the earth and my glory will be restored fully in the nations.
The restoration of all things is here. The kingdom of God, powerful warriors.
Yes, the Lord is coming with his mighty hand. His mighty hand will be seen.
And the process has started for the restoration of all things. Everything that got lost will be restored.
That was the long pause. Yeah. Okay. Yeah.
This one's wow. That's low energy. All right. Now, I went to make this a lot of votes.
Now, we have we have not had long of Ozeron in a while. So let's let's see what she has to say.
Hello, everybody. Hello. Hello. Now, I got to let her populate her stream. So hold on. So let's do this.
And he spoke. We're feeling this battle wearing it. And I had her on fast. Hang on. Let me let me bring her back down to normal.
Here we go. Joy, but this is a time where God is raising up his people in greater awareness and awakening to who we are in Christ and who he is within us.
And so I'm sure we can all sit here and go, oh, my goodness, Lana, let me tell you about the battle I've been in.
It has been horrendous. Yes, it has been an intense season. But one thing
I always say is even in the midst of of crazy warfare and crazy battle
I have warfare. Yeah. Warfare is a word. Let us be people that are looking for what the
Lord is doing. Let us be people that are focused on Jesus. What is
God doing in this moment? Lord, what are you saying? Man does not live by bread alone, but by every word that flows out of the mouth of God.
Proceeds from the mouth of God. And Christ is talking about scripture there. And so over the last year, the
Lord has really continually been speaking to me, especially for those who are feeling this battle weariness, especially for those who are feeling like, you know what,
God, this has been so hard. Like it has been so hard. And Lord, I am holding on and I'm believing and I'm standing on your word and I'm holding to the truth of who you are.
But God, I'm tired. I'm tired. Now, a little bit of a note here. I've noticed that finding
Lorna Woeser prophecies has become more difficult. And I found out why.
She moved most of her prophetic live streams off of Facebook and YouTube and put them on a platform called
Teachable. And you have to pay like $200 a year in order to hear her prophecies now. So she throws one or two out from the
Teachable website onto YouTube for the purpose of kind of whetting people's appetites so that they then join, they then pay the $200 so that they can hear her do this more regularly.
So, yeah. Well, this morning, if that is you, then I believe that the
Holy Spirit has brought me on here to release this word of encouragement to you.
So as he showed me again this morning, many battle weary saints, what I heard was the cry.
Well, I'm birth weary at this point, you know. Done it so many times at this point, yeah.
All this prophetic birthing. Yeah, that's a battle, all right. Coming from the hearts of these battle weary ones.
And they were saying this. I'm going to read it to you because I wrote it down. Oh, Lord, may there be miracles.
Oh, Lord, may there be miracles. And there was this incredible longing in the heart that was saying,
God, I just I'm so tired. May there be miracles. Please, God, please.
May there be miracles. And there was this cry of almost begging God. Like, God, please, please.
I'm desperate. May there be miracles. You know, the sad bit of all of this is that there are people who literally hang on every word this woman puts out as if somehow
God is actually speaking through her and they're not hearing from God at all. In fact, like all of these so -called prophets, she isn't saying anything.
And the weariness was really heavy that I could hear in these heart cries. But then all of a sudden
I heard the voice of the Lord and he spoke so loudly and with such authority.
And he spoke. Authority. Hang on a second here. Oh, I already have it.
Bummer. The only thing God would be saying to you with authority is shut up and repent.
Yeah, repent. I want to say it like this, but I'm going to explain it.
He spoke over the top of the cry. Now, I'm not saying he was dismissing the cry.
He was dismissing this place of desperation. Absolutely not. What it was, was
God was speaking with a decree that was like this. Oh, I have the cleat.
Oh, sorry. Right there. OK, there we go. OK, this card is looking like it has potential here.
You see the potential, Josh? I could go for some momentum. Yeah, I'm sure you could.
All right. Yeah, so could you. All right, let's keep going. This is what I'm saying.
This is the ultimate truth right now. No matter what your circumstances look like, where there are giants all around, where your soul feels weary within you.
Are there a lot of giants down in Louisiana, Michelle? Not since Shaquille left.
No. OK, since Shaquille left. We have quite a few in Wisconsin, though. And I think it's because of the cheese curds, but I could be wrong.
I know that there's more giants in San Francisco. Yeah, but that's the evil kind.
So, you know, that's behind the orange curtain. So, you know, go Dodgers. All right.
Let's keep going here. Right. That God was saying, my voice is going to be louder than what you see in the natural.
My voice is louder than even the internal dialogue and the pain and the stuff that goes on in our soul.
How do I want to say this? The volume to which God spoke. How do
I want to say this? Is it like a clear indicator that you didn't hear this from God? Wouldn't you be like, how did
God say this? You know? Yeah, I don't think Isaiah or Jeremiah ever said, how does one say this?
Right? No. In fact, I always think about Balaam, the son of Baor, the guy whose donkey talked to him.
He was a wicked dude. He was hired by the king of Moab to curse the Israelites. And he was a prophet for profit.
And he went through all the rigmarole of putting on a pretense like he was going to talk to God.
And God actually spoke to him and basically threatened him and said, you will say only the words that I will tell you to say.
Otherwise, I'm going to strike you down with a sword. And so Balaam, he was compelled by God to only say the exact words that God gave him and nothing more, you know, kind of thing.
So you'll note that even a wicked false prophet like Balaam gave a true prophecy regarding Christ and he dared not make up his own stuff because he was compelled with threats of violence from God if he spoke other words.
All right. And he used zero of these weasel words. Yes. Well, that's true.
Yes. This is true. So, all right, let's see here. Getting unstuck from old belief patterns, the sound mind.
Now, wait a second. Chuck Pierce cannot be giving a prophecy called a sound mind. We've got to look at this.
The king in the field of Hawaii. And that just sounds hilarious. All right.
So here we go. This is. Gloria Zayin singing about having a sound mind.
That is wow. I think that's a prayer request, not a prophecy. I am so with you on that one.
Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no. Some lines got crossed.
Wow. Thank you. Thank him right now.
Just like we thanked him for the rain. Thank him that you are going to be sound.
Those thoughts of fear that's invading you. Thank him right now.
They will not attach to you. What?
I am thankful for the sound mind that comes through knowing Christ. Exactly.
And God's word transforms our minds. They will not adhere to your thought processes.
We say go. OK, that one really was way more bizarre than I thought it would be.
OK, let's see here. Let's go with this. Open up link a new tab. This is the pipelines of resources are being extended this morning.
I was reminded of a dream that I had just recently. And in my dream,
I was walking up this mountain. And when I finally got to the top of the mountain,
I was just standing there, just kind of like waiting for a moment.
And then I looked down and I saw just a field just full of wheat. And it was just the biggest field you could ever see.
Just this expanse of just this harvest, just ready, ready to be to be taken up this abundance.
And in that moment, it's very quickly. I had this thought like, oh, my gosh, like, what am I going to do?
How am I going to do this? And I saw the Lord. That's some kind of farm anxiety.
You get a combine, you just go to the John Deere tractor store and get a combine. It'll harvest that right up at the bottom of the mountain.
And he was coming up the mountain, but he was in a tractor. And he was like, see,
I told you. What? God's in a tractor.
Tractor was just like a movie. You know how the tractors harvest and the tractor was just moving.
And he had like this laugh and just this smile on his face. And he just had like this pure delight upon him.
And as I looked upon his face, I realized that everything and anything that I could ever need or want is already right there, just like what we're declaring right now in worship.
And so, you know, as I came in today, that's the word that the Lord gave me. And he basically said, there is a pipeline that's been extended from one side to the other, from the north, south, east and west.
A pipeline. You know, that actually is prophetic, what she said about the
Lord laughing, because what does it say in Psalm 37 about the Lord is in his heavens and he laughs at, you know, people like this.
So why did the nations rage and the people plot in vain?
The Lord laughs from heaven, you know, scoffing at them. Yeah. What is a pipeline of resources?
I'm trying, you know, because so I serve two rural congregations in Minnesota.
And so we got farmers in our churches and I've never seen pipelines of resources during the harvest time.
I mean, you know, but I see these guys out on their combines, you know. I mean, I mean, our country is, you know, was trying to build a pipeline for oil and stuff to going up into Canada, but Biden killed that.
So, yeah, yeah, yeah. Pipelines are very controversial things. You need you need permits and things like that and stuff, you know.
There is a pipeline, not only of this abundance, not only of, you know, the material things and the abundance that we sometimes think we need, but there's an abundance of revelation.
There's a new there's a new anointing that's coming upon my people. There's a fresh grain that's being released and we are all.
I have my people. All right. Yeah, that'll work. Yeah, like the grain.
And God is calling us to really to step into this place where we believe him, where we can see the fullness, where we accept everything that he has for us.
So right now, I just want you to take a moment and say, yes, God, let me enter into the fullness, the abundance and even greater to remove any anything that is stopping my supply line.
God, and you what could be?
It could be a cow that wandered across the pipeline. I know it's dog on cows.
Michelle, I got to ask you, what do you do regarding your spiritual supply line issues? You know,
I opened my Bible and I read it in context, context, context. That is what
I do. Yeah, I didn't even realize I needed to deal with spiritual supply line issues.
Yeah, I didn't. Is this going to be like resource logistics? You know, some kind of a new spirituality class here you got to take.
What on earth? Come in, you come in, Lord, and bring in, bring in the harvest today.
Father, we say to our supply lines, unlock in Jesus name. Yes, just say to your supply line, you need to unlock in Jesus name.
Okay, give us a new vision to see the pipelines that you've already had in the field in Jesus name.
Father, we declare our pipelines and our supply lines are coming forward in Jesus name shall come forward.
Is that a saxophone of the spirit I'm hearing there? Yeah, if you want to call it that.
Okay, the king is in the field of Hawaii. All right, we got to try this one because Josh, you did mention this.
Hang on. The Lord would say to you for that as I have taken you out of the land of your nativity, the
Lord says I've had to take you out so the land that you love can start afresh. The land of their nativity.
What? I desire to hit a reset button on the kingdom of Hawaii.
And the Lord says that I desire to revive the. Is Hawaii a kingdom now?
Have you tried turning it off and then on again? Hit alt control delete.
Alt F4. You're right. Apparently, Hawaii has the spinning pinwheel of death and they just need to restart.
Kingly anointing and the priestly anointing of that land. But I had to take the priest out of the land to show the land what it's missing, says the
Lord. The Lord says, not only did you come out just to move here to be a part of us, but I am healing this the mainland because a king has come to the mainland and revive.
Is this guy anointing this fellow is the king of the kingdom of Hawaii? What is happening here?
Are we watching a coronation service? I the mainland with the kingdom anointing that I desire to possess this hour.
You are the king that is in the field and you represent the king of kings.
The Lord says that as you are moving in this mainland in days ahead, you will carry revival on your feet of the kingdom of God that is to be expressed on the mainland of the
United States of America. And the Lord says, as you go back to Hawaii, you are going to remind them that they do not serve a culture.
They serve a king, says the spirit of the Lord. The Lord says you are awakening the warriors.
Awaken spirit of war fighting for the spirit of kings and the
Lord of Lord. The Lord says, I'm coming to war with the spirit of tradition that is hit that land.
And I desire a fruitful relationship with the kingdom of Hawaii as you kingdom of Hawaii.
This kind of reminds me of like, remember when that Eddie Long, the late Eddie Long? Oh yeah, yeah.
Whatever he was anointed as, and they wrapped him in scrolls and they carried him around. That's right. Yeah, we covered the
Eddie Long coronation and he died not too long after that. And boy, did he die a terrible death.
Holy smokes. You know, and he was absolutely duplicitous and not forthright in admitting that he had a terminal, they had terminal cancer.
And they brought him out for like a healing service and declared him healed. He looked like a corpse already by that time.
And he died shortly after that. That was another one of those Mount Carmel moments, you know? Oh yeah,
I do remember that though. All right, let's see here. One more. I think one more. What do you guys think here?
All right. Do you have a preference for which one you would like to see as our final prophecy for this installment of Prophecy Bingo?
We have the don't scratch no matter how bad it itches prophecy. I'm sorry.
Oh no, that sounds gross. All right. Okay, let's go with that.
Here we go. Now something else happened to me Friday morning.
Oh no, he's not going to tell us about a trip to the doctor. Please don't tell us about a trip to the doctor. Don't do that.
Did he get attacked by mosquitoes? What happened? I was getting ready and, you know, the Lord, it's important to know the voice of the
Spirit. See? Yes, it is. Yeah, which you clearly don't. Right.
The Word speaks. The Spirit speaks.
God speaks. Jesus speaks. But Holy Spirit speaks also.
And you have to learn how they're each, even though they're one, communicating to you in a certain way.
He is communicating to you through the written Word of God. And the Spirit of God spoke to me three times, one sentence.
Repent. And it wasn't something
I was even, it was beyond me.
I don't know how to tell you. He said. Yeah, exactly. Don't scratch no matter how bad it itches.
Oh, he had a chicken pox. Don't scratch. An unholy rash.
Oh, this is. I think God would say wrath, maybe not rash. Right. Yeah, this is so.
Scratch no matter how bad it itches. Don't scratch no matter.
Repeating it three times is not going to make this true. How bad it itches.
And, you know, I was a little shocked. I didn't really know what he was saying.
It was a spam call from a demon, dude. You shouldn't have picked up the phone. You know how those scam callers pretend to be
Norton antivirus, man, but they're not. OK, you weren't talking to God.
And so as I sought him and as I began to just seek understanding,
Brian sent me two articles. You seek it with all of your heart. You don't have any, you know.
It's one thing about itching is itching. It's a sign of healing. Or it's a sign of resistance.
And if you itch your skin when you feel it itching, you know, and you've hurt yourself and it's healing.
Did you go to Vegas any time soon? Right. This is just so bad.
By itching it. And so we have this natural longing to scratch what is being healed.
Does he need to wear the coat of shame? Exactly. That'll keep him from scratching.
What on earth is he talking about? Because I cannot see a legitimate spiritual application here, because clearly he's not talking about physical itching.
He's trying to use it as a metaphor for something spiritual. Yeah, I mean,
I just can't help but think that Satan is just sitting wherever he is laughing at this guy.
What a sap that he believes that this is God speaking to him. And he's laughing at all those people who are believing him and eating this up with a spoon.
And that just makes me so angry. I really want those people to get saved and just.
Flee, flee. I mean, it's almost as if the devil, every time I go to the
Glory of Zion website and I pull up their Prophecy Center, it's like the demons are saying, all right, how can
I say something even more outrageously stupid than what we inspired these people to say last week? And it's almost like there's some kind of inside bet among the demons go,
I bet I can make people eat this one up. Don't scratch no matter how hard it is. No, come on.
Watch, I'll do it. And the demon does it and they're exchanging money for the bet.
This is just ridiculous. I'm going to say what it really means. All right, what does it really mean?
Not what hurts, what is being healed? We have this natural.
Note the sappy music in the background actually kind of lends some kind of manipulative credibility to is this somehow this is true, but they're just their emotions are being manipulated.
Longing to help it along. And he's itching himself while doing it.
Because we feel it. He's making me itch. I know. Pass the calamine.
Another thing that it means is when you're perplexed, you scratch your head.
It's a saying, boy, I just scratched my head over there. I'm feeling psychosomatic symptoms.
I'm perplexed at what he's saying. And really, what God is saying is,
I'm not wanting you to understand everything. Woo hoo.
Right. Mission accomplished. I didn't understand a word of any of that.
And you are working to understand everything. And as you strive to understand that situation you're in are the things around you, you are spending so much time that you are getting confused.
I am confused. Every time I hit the play button on one of his so -called prophecies,
I am confused. I am now at the mental limit that I can't go any farther.
All right. All that being said, I think we're gonna have to wind a few things up here. We do have bonus words to hand out.
And the thing is, is that do I want to be generous or do I want to be selfish? That's the question that is now before me.
That's what you want to hear a pastor ask. So Amy Spreeman, how close are you to a bingo?
Um, I needed intercessor and activation. Oh, and visitation.
We didn't have that yet. I also have to apologize. I thought
I had yelling, but I didn't. So yeah, I never had yelling. So that's all right.
Okay. So, okay. So, boy. So you needed an activation.
What else? Let's see. I need a visitation, activation, and intercessor.
You need three for a bingo? Well, either of those three would make it a bingo.
Okay. So one of them will give you a bingo. Right. All right. Okay. All right.
So, all right. So let's do this. We'll throw in activation. If you are a subscriber to our
YouTube channel, you can have the word activation. And if you hit the bell notification, then you can get a download.
That gives me a bingo. And Amy, I'm assuming you have a bingo at this point.
With activation, I do. Yes. Absolutely. Great. So we need to hear you prophesy.
All right. Ready? And put whatever music you want in there, Josh. I'm excited to hear it.
But all right. All righty. I have a download from the spirit.
And I am going to activate. We have activation here.
I'm going to activate that the heavenly hash will be rising to the top.
And we have some holy Alka -Seltzer for you today. What?
Okay. All right. Heavenly hash. Heavenly hash. Okay. All right.
I'm sorry. My organ became defective. I don't know what happened. All right.
Josh, I've got a bingo. And I'm trying to flow with the spirit here.
Okay. All right. Are you ready? All right. Do you have a prophetic itch?
Well, if so, well, then we've got it. We've got a download for you. You can manifest our new level miracle destiny itch cream, which will clear up all of your prophetic itches and make it so that you don't scratch when
God has told you not to scratch. It's a blessing from God. And you'll thrive in your timing and your presence and favor and momentum.
And don't forget to flow in your anointing afterwards. There. I don't want to talk about holy itching anymore.
So wrong. Right, right. All right. So, Michelle, what is the website where people can listen to you and Amy's podcast?
They can go to a word fitly spoken dot life, and they can listen all the way back to episode one.
Now we just got that up and running. And so we would encourage them to do that. All right.
Word fitly spoken dot life, not dot com dot life. We'll put a link down below so that anyone who would like to listen to your podcast, they can do so.
Thank you for coming on Prophecy Bingo. This is an insane thing that we do from time to time.
Great to have you guys. And I reserve the right to have you back in the future.
Just just to see how this works. It's like the Hotel California. You can check out, but you can't leave. So all right.
Great to see you all. And I'm going to I'm going to sign off here. So if you found this entertaining, helpful, all of the above, all the information on how you can share the video is down below.
And until next time, may God richly bless you in the grace and mercy won by Jesus Christ and his vicarious death on the cross for all of your sins.