El Roi - The God Who Sees Me

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Bill Smith; Genesis 16 El Roi - The God Who Sees Me


You are listening to the podcast of Recast Church in Mattawan, Michigan. I'm excited to be able to share a story this morning that has blessed me and has given me a deeper understanding of who
God is, and that's my prayer for all of us today. We live in a crazy world, don't we?
I mean, if you heard the news last night or this morning, what insanity when you look at what's going on in our own country and around the world.
It's depressing, let's face it, and life is a challenge. And I'm going to guess that some of you are facing some big challenges in your life.
And I know in this room, there's some heartache, and there's some pain, and there's some sadness, and there's some depression, because that's part of the human experience.
If you care about anything, you're going to be hurt, right?
You're going to experience pain. I think a deep question that we all ask is, does
God care? Does God know my pain? Does God know what I'm going through?
I meet and get to minister to young people every week who feel like God doesn't care.
And they wonder where God is at. It's amazing that I rarely run into a teenager in my ministry at Youth for Christ who tells me that they're atheist.
That is so rare. They believe that there's a creator God, but they feel like this
God doesn't care about who they are. I get to meet with young people at a place called the
Arc for Youth. It's basically a crisis shelter for teens who go and stay there while they kind of sort things out and try to help that young person in whatever the crisis is that they're going through.
And I asked the kids in my group one week, how much is your life worth?
And it was quiet, and they were thinking about it. How much is your life worth?
So I said, let me put it another way. If you were kidnapped, what would be your ransom price?
And again, it was kind of quiet. They were kind of thinking about that. And one young girl raised her hand, and she said, two thousand dollars.
And it broke my heart. I thought, wow, that's what she thinks she's worth, or that's what someone would pay to set her free.
And I was, I'm so glad I got to tell her that Jesus said, I have come to give my life as a ransom, and that her life was more valuable than all of the riches on this earth, because Jesus bought and paid for her with his precious blood at the cross so that she could become a daughter of God.
So my question to you is, what is your worth as a human being?
Does God know what you're going through? And does he care? And I think most of you would say, yeah, he knows what
I'm going through, and he cares. I want to introduce you to a young lady this morning, who
I am convinced felt like God did not care, and that her life was worth maybe 30 shekels of silver, and that would have been about it, because that would have been the going price probably for her life at that time, in what she grew up in.
And her name is Hagar, and maybe you've read her story before. Turn with me to Genesis chapter 16, and we're going to just read the first part of her story, and then after our worship time, we're going to kind of explore her life and see if this question can be answered as far as, what is our worth to God?
I remember as a teenager feeling like I was a nobody, like my life didn't count for anything, and I believed that God was real, but I didn't think
God could care about me. Who was I, right? I'm so glad at the age of 20,
I learned the gospel, and I learned the price that was paid to set me free. Hagar didn't know this though.
So follow along with me, Genesis chapter 16. It says,
And Abram listened to the voice of Sarai. So after Abram had lived 10 years in the land of Canaan, Sarai, Abram's wife, took
Hagar, the Egyptian, her servant, and gave her to Abram, her husband, as a wife.
And he went in to Hagar, and she conceived. And when she saw that she had conceived, she looked with contempt on her mistress.
And Sarai said to Abram, May the wrong done to me be on you. I gave my servant to your embrace, and when she saw that she had conceived, she looked at me with contempt.
May the Lord judge between you and me. But Abram said to Sarai, Behold, your servant is in your power.
Do to her as you please. Then Sarai dealt harshly with her, and she fled from her.
You think of this young Egyptian maidservant, called a servant here.
And what just happened to her? What even brought her to the place of living with Abram and Sarai?
To kind of put yourself in her shoes. The pain that she is going through at this point, does
God care? So, one thing that I have learned in my 38 years of walking with Christ, is that it's often at our lowest and saddest times that God comes to us and comforts us in the most amazing way.
That it's during those tough times that God can reveal Himself to us, unlike when everything's going just great.
And so, I think God allows those hard tough times in our lives to draw us to Himself.
And I believe that if He didn't bring those to us, most of us would probably just coast through life.
And so, nobody likes those times and that pain, but there's a purpose for it. Hey, let me pray before the band comes up, and then we'll come back and see what happens with Hagar.
Father, just thank You that we can come to Your throne of grace this morning.
Thank You that You love us. You do love us, Father. I think most of us know the answer to that question, but when it comes to day -to -day,
Father, sometimes, even though we know it in our head, we don't act upon it in our heart,
Father, in trusting You and seeking You. And I just pray that You would teach us something amazing about who
You are through the story of Hagar. Pray, hallowed be Your name in this place this morning, that You would shine forth
Your beauty and Your glory. I thank You that You do know each of our names.
You know our struggles. You know that all that we're going through, and that You do love us, and You do care about us, and You want to see us through it,
Father, and that You have a plan for each one here in this place, just like You did for Hagar.
And so, Father, we all just pray together, come and meet with us in this place.
May Your Spirit work and move in our lives. I pray that You would minister to every individual here, the children in the children's programs, that You would minister to them and help them to know how precious they are in Your sight, that You would speak to us through the songs that we're about to sing and enjoy, that we could sing in the
Spirit and with understanding, and that You would clearly speak to us through Your Word this morning, that You would give us revelation of who
You are. We love You and thank You so much that we can gather together here, Father, this morning for our church family, and that we are
Your sons and daughters, and that You're our perfect, loving, heavenly Father, that You are mighty Lord and Savior Jesus.
We love You, we praise You, and thank You this morning. Amen. Amen. I want to start by thanking
Don for giving me this opportunity, and I'm excited about sharing.
I don't think this is on. I'm lit up. I am?
Oh, okay. That's what happens when you're almost 60, you start losing your hearing, you know.
For me, it felt like it wasn't even on. So, good, good. A little humor to get us going here.
You can laugh at the old guy, okay? So, Don, thank you for giving me this opportunity, and I love
God's Word. We have such a treasure in this revelation that God has given us.
I pray that each of us can realize what an incredible gift this
Word is. It's the revelation of God, and He speaks to us through it, and I'm so thankful for that.
I'm thankful that God has called me to be one of His ambassadors to lost and hurting kids.
I want to thank you for your prayers for Youth for Christ and our ministry. I want to thank
Recast for supporting us as one of your missionaries, and I know someone texted me this morning to say that they were praying for me, and I know this is my almost 30 years now of serving at Youth for Christ, and I know that one of the reasons
I am still there is because of God's people praying for us, and we so desperately need that.
It was a good week at Youth for Christ, and it was a hard week. I saw some kids respond to our message
Thursday night in the Kalamazoo County Juvenile Home who gave their lives to Christ. That's a good week.
Thank you. Yeah, praise God. It was a tough week of meeting
Hagars, meeting young ladies who feel alone and like no one cares, and when you hear their stories, you understand how they could feel that way, and I can understand why they might believe that God does not love them, because why would
God let this happen to me? Sadly, we live in a fallen world, and God gave human beings a free will, and oftentimes we choose our own will, and people get hurt, and we hurt ourselves, and we hurt our loved ones even unintentionally.
Young lady named Caitlin, in one of our ministry areas, threatening to take her own life this week.
The police, of course, we called the police, and they came to her home, and after that she ran.
And it reminds me of Hagar, running, trying to escape. Please remember
Caitlin in your prayers this week. She's hearing about the love of Jesus and what he did for her, but she's having a hard time grasping onto it.
Try to, have you ever tried to put yourself in someone else's shoes, to try to understand what they're going through, what they might be feeling?
That's a really good thing to try to do, and it will help you to understand, and it will help you to have more compassion on people, especially as you begin to learn more of their story, because lots of times we simply do not know their story.
God is so amazing in his word, what he chose to put in there in this book, that he would devote a whole chapter in his word about a runaway slave girl.
That's amazing, I think, because Hagar, in the eyes of the world, she was a nobody.
I kind of want to explore and think about her life a little bit, and you can see,
I love that graphic that Haley chose to put up there. I think that was her idea, because I didn't send that in.
I wonder if anybody can say that name up there, that Hebrew name, properly. So hopefully at the end of this message, you'll know how to say that name, and you'll know what it means, and it's one of the names of God in the
Bible. It's in our chapter today. But I want you to try to put yourself in Hagar's sandals, if you will, okay?
So let's go to Genesis 16, and we'll take this a verse at a time.
So if you were an investigator, and you only had verse one to go on as far as, who is this
Hagar? Let's see what you could come up with about her life. It says,
So we can learn several things about who Hagar is, simply from this one verse.
Number one, Hagar is a she. So we know what gender she is. She's a female.
Back in this time, and not that far off, and even in some cultures today, women are second -class citizens.
Even in some cultures, people hope for a boy, because they see girls as less valuable.
How crazy is that? She grew up in a culture that was male -dominated, and that males were valued and held more important than females.
And so she had that coming against her, that feeling of,
I'm not valuable, I'm not as important as others. She was
Egyptian. So, I mean, you know your geography, right? Northern Africa, Egypt comes up quite a bit in the
Bible. We actually hear about it in the news, even today. But she was no longer living in Egypt, she was living in Canaan somewhere, because with Abram and Sarai, and we're going to talk about how she came to live with them for a moment, because I think that's really significant to this story, and to kind of discover what's going on in her life, and how she might be feeling.
So she's a foreigner living with foreign people. I don't know if you've ever had that experience where you were in another country, and everybody's talking a language that you don't understand, and all of a sudden they start laughing, and they look at you, you wonder what are they saying, right?
I've only been to Mexico once, and it was only for one day, but I definitely felt like a foreigner. I cannot speak
Spanish, but there's been plenty of places where I felt like a foreigner before, if you can relate, even here in America.
She was called a servant here in our text. The King James Version calls her a handmaid.
I looked this word up in the Strong's Concordance to see what the Hebrew word meant, and it was actually the word that they would use for a female slave.
Now I don't believe that was her status, living with Abram and Sarai, because if you read further in her story, you can go to chapter 21, and you can see where they actually end up leaving the tribe of Abraham.
I think that she was free to leave at any time, if she so choose, but she was a servant.
We know she was Egyptian, so think of how she came to live with Abraham and Sarai. I'm switching back and forth.
Sarai and Abram later become Sarah and Abraham. You guys know the story, right? Yes, okay.
If we were to look up and read the story in Genesis chapter 12, Abram and Sarai, they were nomadic herdsmen, and so they lived in tents, and they went wherever there was grass to feed their livestock, and they had a lot of livestock.
They were very prosperous in their farming, and a famine came into the land of Canaan, and they went down to Egypt because they heard that there was still green grass down there to feed their livestock, and Sarai apparently was a beautiful woman, because Abram said to Sarai, hey, you're really nice to look at, and I'm afraid when we get to Egypt, somebody's going to see how beautiful you are, and they're going to kill me and take you as their wife, so tell everybody that you're my sister, and so that's what they did, and some of the king's counselors saw her out and about, and they went to the king and said, oh, we saw this woman, she is so beautiful, and the king said, go and get her and bring her to my palace, and as far as the king knew, hey, she was
Abram's sister, and it says that the king gave Abram livestock, and silver and gold, and male and female servants, and that word female servant is the same word for slave, and so from that, we can gather that Hagar was most likely a slave in Egypt, that she grew up in slavery, and somehow she served in the king's palace, that she was a piece of property to be given to someone at the king's will, and she is given to Abram and Sarai, well, to Abram, because Sarai is now in the palace, but God comes and helps
Abram in his failure, and warns the king, don't you touch her, she is the wife of one of my prophets, and so the king lets her go and tells
Abram, you better get out of here, you know, and so they come back to Canaan, but they have Hagar with her, she probably couldn't speak
Hebrew, you know, she probably had to learn this new language, these new customs, she was, you know, apparently old enough to have a baby, she could have been a teenager, at this point, we don't know what her age was, growing up in Egypt, she would have learned about the
Egyptian gods, and I did a little research on the gods that they worshipped back in that time, the best they can figure, they had the sun god, the moon god, the river god, the war god, the god of the earth, the god of the rivers, the god of the seas, the god of...
and I didn't, you know, I thought maybe I'll try to pronounce some of their names, are you kidding me?
I'm not even gonna try that, you know, the whole thing confused me, I can't imagine how confused she was about who
God was, right? And apparently none of the gods of Egypt really cared that much about her, because things had not been well for her in her life.
So she comes to live with Abram and Sarai, who worship this god that they call
Elohim, who they say is spirit, this god is invisible, he's the creator of the heavens and the earth, and this god is holy and pure, and this god is loving and merciful.
And so she, I can imagine that she is trying to learn, could this be real?
Could this god be the true god? Or are the gods of Egypt the ones that I need to try to keep happy?
So I would guess that she was also a very confused young lady. Religion can be so confusing, right?
I mean, I'm gonna guess some of you grew up in the church, and you know, America, they still refer to as a
Christian nation. I don't know if I agree with that definition so much, but even today,
I see kids that are so confused about, you know, is Allah God? What about Buddha, you know?
What about Confucius? All these, you know, I'm a Wiccan, you know? Kids are more confused than ever about who
God is, and they're not, it's not like generations past where they're actually learning who
God is from a young age. I mean, literally meet kids who have never really learned who
Jesus is. They don't, they don't even know that he once walked this earth. Very sad.
So there's a problem brewing here, and it comes down, this statement in verse one, where it says
Sarai, Abram's wife, had born him no children. About 10 years prior to this,
God had made a promise to Abram and Sarai that they were going to have a son, and that their descendants would number more than the stars in the sky, and so they expected to have a son.
They expected to have children, and day after day after day after day, time was ticking, and they were growing older, and no child was coming, and Sarai gets impatient, waiting on God, and she comes up with her own plan.
And you know, when we take our own plan, often things don't turn out so well.
Sarai is taking charge here, and I looked up her name,
I wasn't even sure how to say it, the best I can figure is it's Sarai, but I did,
I looked it up in my Strong's Concordance again, and the definition of Sarai says it comes from a word sar, and I know
I'm pronouncing that right, and sar means ruler, master, chief, lord, someone in charge.
She's kind of living up to her name, isn't she? Made me think of kind of this struggle that we have as believers, like we have two natures.
We have the old earthly nature, and then we have the born again nature,
God's spirit living in us. We're a new creation in Christ Jesus, and yet we struggle, are we going to function out of the old realm, and out of the natural man, or are we going to function out of the spirit, and the spiritual?
When we function out of the natural, and we're not seeking to be led by the spirit, oftentimes it turns out badly.
Fortunately, Sarai learned her lesson eventually, and God changed her name to Sarah, which means princess.
You think about what a princess means. Princess is royalty, but a princess is under the authority of the king, right?
When she learned to trust God, and recognize him as lord of her life, and king,
God changed her name to Sarah. I think that's significant, and ladies, you are princesses.
How about that? You're a daughter of the king. That's pretty amazing. So men, treat your wives like princess, all right?
So Sarai has this plan. She's like, Abram, I want you to take Hagar as your wife, sleep with her, and you know, hopefully she'll get pregnant.
She'll have a baby, and then that baby will become my child, and will become our heir.
They had a custom in their day, and you know, I looked in a couple study
Bibles to see if they had any notes on this verse to help us understand it a little bit, and there was a note in the
Life Application Study Bible, and it said this. It said, Sarai gave
Hagar to Abram as a substitute wife, a common practice of the time. A married woman who could not have children was shamed by her peers, and was often required to give a female servant to her husband in order to produce an heir.
The children born to the servant woman were considered the children of the wife.
So this was, you know, an accepted custom of their day. Did that make it right?
If something is a custom, and it's seen okay in the eyes of our culture, does that necessarily mean that it's good, and right, and true?
It can even be legal. I could stop at the party store on my way home, and I could buy a fifth of whiskey, and I could go home, and I could drink that whole bottle, and I could get drunk.
There's no law against it, right? But would that be good? Just because our culture says something is okay, or there's no law against it in our land, does that make it okay?
Or do we, as the people of God, have a different standard that we seek to live our lives by? We do, don't we?
We have a different standard. It's the Word of God, and it's the
Spirit of God. It's the will of God that we want to seek. That is the safe and true path, is seeking
God's will and God's plan. I think Jesus was very wise when He gave us the pattern of prayer, that the third prayer request
He said that we should pray is, your will be done. And that should be a prayer that we are constantly praying.
Well, let's look and see how Abram responds. Verse 2 through 4.
So after Abram had lived 10 years in the land of Canaan, Sarai, Abram's wife took
Hagar, the Egyptian, her servant, and gave her to Abram, her husband, as wife.
And he went into Hagar, and she conceded. So how did
Abram do? He do good? He should have been a man of God.
He should have said, no, God promised us a son, and I know this is not how
He intended it to come to pass. We're not going to do this, Sarai. And I'm sure he must have thought of the promise, but I wonder what happened.
I think he looked at Sarai, and he thought, she's pretty, she's young, not a bad idea.
And he followed the flesh instead of the Spirit. Men, how are we doing?
Are we following the Spirit? Are we letting our flesh rule? Are we seeking holiness?
Do you think Abram prayed about this? Like, Father, what should
I do? This is Sarai's plan. Is this how you have planned it?
Show me the way. Do you think he would have known the way? I think he would have known it very clearly, that God would have whispered through his spirit in Abram's spirit.
No, Abram, I'm going to have Sarai give birth to a child for you.
Be patient and wait for my promise. But he went the way of the flesh.
Look at verse 5. So, well, let's finish verse 4.
And he went to Hagar, and she conceived. And when she saw she had conceived, she looked with contempt on her mistress.
Why? Because Sarai, or Hagar at this point, had been living with them long enough that she understood what was going on.
And she knew that Sarai was going to take her baby from her and make it her own.
And moms, how would that go over? If somebody, you got pregnant, and somebody said, that child is mine.
You're going to give birth to it, and then that child's going to call me mom, not you. You're going to just continue to serve in the house.
That would not be good, would it? That would be very bad. So you can understand how
Hagar is feeling. And she already felt like nobody loved her, nobody cared about her.
The gods don't care about her. Now she's being used. She's just a piece of property.
She was given to Abram and Sarai as a servant. She was a slave in Egypt. Now she's given to Abram.
Does she have much choice in the whole matter? And now she's pregnant, and she knows what's up.
It's no wonder that she begins to despise Sarai. Look at verse 6,
But Abram said to Sarai, Behold, your servant is in your power.
Do with her as you please. And Sarai dealt harshly with her, and she fled away.
Notice how selfishness brings conflict, right? The first time
I read this story, I'm like, now wait a minute. She's mad at Abram. Whose plan was it to begin with, right?
It was Sarai's plan. Now Abram should have been a man of God and said no, but he didn't.
And now there's consequences. You see our human tendency to always shift blame and not take responsibility, right?
Goes all the way back to our first parents in the Garden of Eden. When they disobeyed
God and they ate the forbidden fruit, and God came to Abram, or Abram, wow, okay, came to Adam and said,
Adam, what have you done? What did Adam do? Eve gave it to me, and I ate.
So he blames Eve. God comes to Eve. What, Eve, what have you done? Who's she blaming on?
Adam blames Eve, Eve blames the serpent, and the serpent has no legs to stand on.
There's my one joke for today. And we've been shifting blame ever since, haven't we?
We need to take responsibility for our own actions, and humble ourselves, and confess, and make things right when we know we have done wrong.
And I'm so glad for the atoning sacrifice that has taken away the sins of the world, that when we sin we can confess it to God, and He promises to forgive us and take it away.
I'm so thankful for that promise. Oh, what a mess sin makes of our world.
Oh, what a mess sin can make of our families. What a broken world we live in because of disobedience.
If only we could follow the will and the plan and the word of God, what a transformation could take place in our world.
Amen. Oh, please pray for our nation.
Pray for our world. Pray that God would sweep this globe with a revival because I believe that He can still do it, and I think that the nations are ripe for it.
I think our nation is ripe for it. So many people complain about our leaders.
If we spent half the time praying for our leaders that we do complaining, I think we could see some change in our nation.
And I just challenge you, family, I know you pray. Don't neglect to pray for our nation and the surrounding nations of the world, and that the gospel will continue to spread because He is still saving and rescuing lost souls.
Well, things get so bad for Hagar, look what happens. Verse 6, she fled from her.
She ran away. For Hagar, this was like suicide.
They lived out in the wilderness. They didn't live in town. She couldn't call anybody down in Egypt, hey, can you send me some money for a bus ticket?
I mean, to get, and when we read the story, we see she was trying to head back to Egypt, and why would she even want to go back there?
I don't know, but where is she going to go? She's pregnant, probably a teenager, probably hurting.
She heads out into the wilderness, and from where they were to Egypt, deserts, wild animals, evil and wicked men who would hide out and prey on caravans coming through.
Can you imagine what her fate is going to be? She's carrying what supply she can, that's it. She's going to die, and she probably is so hurting that at that point she doesn't care.
But you know what? God often comes to us at our lowest, desperate times, and this is a desperate time for Hagar.
I have to say that it's been, you know, when
I go through struggles and pains in life, that's often when God moves in my life the most, and I realize my greatest dependence for Him.
And so let your sorrows, let your pain, drive you to God, not away from God. But Hagar, she just didn't know.
She didn't know Jesus who says, come to me all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.
She did not know Jesus. She did not know Yahweh, who Jesus is,
Yahweh. She didn't know Him. She's alone out there thinking nobody cares.
Hagar's in for a big, big surprise. This is the best part of the story. All right, look at verse 7.
The angel of the Lord found her by a spring of water in the wilderness, a spring on the way to shore.
Who found her? The angel of the Lord. This is very significant.
If you look at your Bible, Lord is in capital letters. That does not mean Master. It does not mean
Lord. It means Yahweh. Some might call that name Jehovah or Jehovah.
Scholars aren't even sure how it's pronounced because in the Hebrew it's YHWH and there's no vowels in it.
And the Jews wouldn't say it because it was too sacred. And so from generation to generation, they would substitute the word
Adonai, Lord, for it. And so the translators of almost all of our
English Bibles have chosen to follow that same. But anytime you see that in capital letters, that's
Yahweh. That's the self -existent one. That's what that word means.
And this is the first time in the Bible, so that's significant too, that you see this phrase, the angel of the
Lord. You know, angel basically means messenger. In fact, it's translated 98 times in the
Old Testament, this word for angel, as messenger. It's translated 111 times angel.
But this was just no ordinary angel of the Lord, as we're going to find out.
But even if it was, if it was just an angel, right? Angels only come to important people like kings and prophets and the mother of the
Son of God. Why would an angel come to this lowly, nobody, servant girl?
But if we jump ahead and look at verse 13, we would clearly see she spoke to the one who had been speaking to her, and she recognizes being as God himself.
The John MacArthur Study Bible had a good note on this, this phrase, the angel of the
Lord. It says, this special individual spoke as though he was distinct from Yahweh, yet also spoke in the first person as though he were indeed to be identified as Yahweh himself.
With Hagar recognizing that in seeing this angel, she had seen God, verse 13.
Others had the same experience and came to the same conclusion. The angel of the
Lord, this phrase does not appear again after the birth of Christ. And so this phrase, and in this context, this angel of the
Lord is identified as the pre -incarnate Christ. That this was
Jesus coming to her. This was Yahweh himself coming to this nobody, servant girl.
And I love this part of the story, because we have so many, we're all
Hagars when it comes right down to it. We often feel lost and alone, and where is
God? Does He care about me? And God puts this story in the
Word for us, and He wants us to get it that this wasn't a queen or a prophet, or this was a runaway former slave girl, pregnant and lost and alone.
And He comes to rescue her. He knew what was going on with her, just like He knows what's going on with us.
I love Psalm 139, and I would really encourage you to read that today.
It says, when I sit, you see me. When I stand, you see me.
Before I even say a word, behold, O Lord, you know it all together. You understand my thoughts.
You hedged me in behind and before. You laid your hand upon me. Where can I go from your spirit?
Where can I flee from your presence? And then He names all of these places, and He says, even if I go over the farthest seas, even there your hand shall lead me.
Because the reality is, is that the presence of God, it surrounds us wherever we go.
He is the ever -present One. Hebrews 4 .13 says that there is no creature hidden from His sight, but all things are naked and open to the eyes of Him, to who we belong.
He sees you. He knows what you're going through. He knows your pain. He knows your situation, and He loves you, and He's waiting.
He waits for us to come to Him in our heartache. He loves us with an everlasting love.
The cross cries out His love. The shed blood that Jesus poured out for us cries out
His love. He loves you with an everlasting love.
And He comes to Hagar. He comes to her with counsel and revelation.
Those are two things that God wants to bring to us every day, counsel and revelation.
He wants to bring guidance and direction into our lives, because He loves us so much, and He is the best parent ever, and He is the best shepherd ever, and He wants to lead and guide us, and He wants us to walk with Him in a close relationship.
And so His counsel to Hagar starts in verse 8. He said,
Hagar, servant of Sarai, where are you going from, and where have you come from, and where are you going?
Hagar, what's your plan here? Hagar, look at what you're doing. Hagar, have you thought this through?
You're going to die out here. This is not a good plan. I have a plan for you,
Hagar. Look at verse 9. The angel of the Lord said to her, return to your mistress.
Submit to her. I will surely multiply your offspring so that you cannot be numbered for multitude.
Maybe not what Hagar wanted to hear, at least the first part of it. Go back to Sarai. But God is saying,
Hagar, you can trust Me. I'm going to take care of you.
Don't try to run from your problems. I can help you through this.
I will take care of you. I will take care of your child. You're worried about losing...
she didn't at that point know if it's a boy or girl yet. You're a baby. But God says, don't worry.
You're going to be a mom. You're going to be a grandma. You're going to be a great -grandma. And you're going to have lots of descendants.
He put that in there because one of her greatest fears was that she was going to lose her baby.
Now, God knows all things, says in Acts 15 -18.
Known to God from eternity are all His works. And so He gives this word of prophecy and it's significant about Ishmael and his descendants.
Probably maybe not something... oops, I'm jumping ahead of myself. Look at verse 11 before we go there.
And the Lord, the angel of the Lord said to her, behold you are pregnant and you shall bear a son and you shall call his name
Ishmael because the Lord has listened to your affliction.
God says, Hagar, I know what's going on with you. You're pregnant. You're going to have a boy.
How does God know that? They didn't have an ultrasound out there, did they? Does God need one? Listen to this.
For you, this is Psalm 139 -13, for you form my inward parts.
You knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you for I'm fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works and my soul knows it very well.
My frame was not hidden from you when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth.
Your eyes saw my unformed substance. In your book they were written, every one of them, when as yet there was none.
God not only knew about this baby, but God was forming this child in her womb.
God knew what was going on. God gives, this is significant, this is the first baby that God names in the
Bible. The very first baby. Now he named several, not just Ishmael.
But Ishmael is two Hebrew words putting together. The first part, Ishmael, means to hear, okay?
It's the word for hearing. And El is the shortened form of God. This boy's name literally was
God hears. How do you like that name? What's your name? God hears. Excuse me, what'd you say?
I'm asking you what's your name? God hears, yeah. Well, I believe that God hears, yeah. But what's your name? God hears.
My name is God hears. I met a guy from Africa, his name was literally God's love. That was his name.
He said, hi, I'm God's love. Well, God tells her,
I have a special name for your child, name him Ishmael. God hears. Why?
It doesn't say, look at it, it doesn't say because I heard your prayer. Call him
Ishmael because I heard your prayer. Hagar, she didn't pray, otherwise he would have said that.
He says, because the Lord has listened to your affliction. The Lord heard the cry, the pain of her heart.
She wasn't even praying and God heard that pain. He heard her misery.
That's what that word affliction means. That God knew what was going on with this insignificant, in the eyes of the world, young lady.
Oh, there's so many good verses on this. Psalm 56, 8, you number my wanderings.
You put my tears in your Bible, Bible, bottle. There I go. See, I'm trying to, well, the
Bible does have a lot to say about tears, actually. Are they not in your book?
Think about that. Every tear that you have ever shed, God was fully aware of it. Jesus said, a sparrow can't even land on the ground without your
Father. And then he says, don't fear, you're more valuable than many sparrows.
That's what he says. Psalm 9, 12, he does not forget the cry of the afflicted.
1 Peter 5, 7, cast all your cares upon him because he cares about you.
Call him, God hears. Every day for many, many years, she was going to be reminded of this, okay?
God hears, come, dinner time. God hears, wash your hands. God hears, leave your brother alone.
God hears, stop doing that. God hears, I love you. Every day, how many times do you say your child's name when that child is still living under your roof, right?
Constant reminder that God would hear her. He knew her pain and he would hear her prayers.
This was a tremendous revelation of who God is, that he hears our pain.
I am God and there is none like me, declaring the end from the beginning. God knows what's going on.
And that, and so God gives her this prophecy about who Ishmael is going to be. He says, hey, he's going to be, your son's going to be a little bit wild, okay?
He compares him to a what? Verse 12, he shall be a wild donkey of a man as his hand shall be against everyone's hand against him and shall dwell over and against his kinsmen.
This was a prophecy of the family line of Ishmael, who was going to come from Ishmael.
And when you study this out, Ishmael's descendants became enemies of Israel.
His descendants are the Arabic people. And you think of how much trouble has come upon Israel because of this decision that Abram and Sarai made, right?
So there's consequences when we disobey God. God can still redeem things, but this,
God was just letting Israel know this is what his descendants are going to be like.
So God tells her to go back, tells her she's going to have a son, gives him a special name for her son.
And Hagar is so overwhelmed with this revelation of God that here we come now to what that name means, okay?
Look at verse 13. She called the name of the Lord who spoke to her, you are a
God of seeing. For she said, truly here I have seen him who looks at me.
The new King James puts it this way, you are the God who sees.
This name up there is pronounced El -ra -ee. El -ra -ee.
Say it once. El -ra -ee. Emphasis on the e. So El is
God. It's a shortened form of Elohim. And rahi means to see.
He is the God of seeing. And Hagar makes it personal. She says, you are the
God who sees me. You are the God who knows what's going on in my life.
He sees you. You are always in his sight. Proverbs 15, 13.
The eyes of the Lord are in every place, it says. The God of the universe sees you, and he knows you, and he knows what you're going through.
You are always in his sight, and he looks at you through eyes of compassion. He wants to bring healing and transformation into our lives.
He wants to continue to grow us more and more in the likeness of Jesus.
And so Hagar is so moved by this revelation of El -ra -ee, the
God who sees me, that she names the well in verse 14, and it means the well of the living one who sees me.
And this well became a memorial to the people of God, because God does not want us to forget it.
What an important revelation. If we could realize every moment of our day in our life that the eyes of God are on upon us, and that he is there by our side to help us, and he wants us to walk with him.
And that's the truth, and that's the reality. And so let me finish the story, verses 15 and 16.
And Hagar, so she goes back, and Hagar bore Abram a son, and Abram called the name of his son whom
Hagar bore Ishmael. Abram was 86 years old when
Hagar bore Ishmael to Abram. You see, Hagar obeyed God, and she went back, and she told
Abram and Sarai this story. And Abram believed her. She testified of God to the father of the faith,
Abram. And Abram believed, because Abram did not choose the name for his son.
He named him Ishmael, the name that God had given. You can read more about Hagar's story in chapter 21.
She ends up leaving the tribe of Abram, comes in a real tough situation again. God comes and rescues her and the boy again.
God is amazing. Just a few applications, and then
I'll close in prayer. Number one, realize that God is the God who sees, that he is
El -Rahi, and he sees you every moment. You are in his sight.
Make it personal. Call him El -Rahi. You are the God who sees me.
Realize that he knows. Number two, realize that he knows everything about you and what you're going through. And believe his promise from Romans 8 .28.
And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to his purpose.
Don't give up. Keep praying through. Keep trusting him. God came through, and Abram and Sarai gave birth to their own son.
We know the story. Isaac, bring your needs and burdens to him. He loves you.
Number three, because he is the ever -present one, he knows every thought that you think.
He hears every word that you speak, and he will hear you when you pray. Know that.
He's listening. That makes prayer so meaningful. Like the
God of the universe, I'm meeting with him right now. Number four, realize that you are valued and treasured by God.
He paid for you with his blood so that you could be his child. Trust him.
And then last, number four, seek him daily. Seek him.
He wants to meet with you. He wants to reveal more and more to you and I of who he is.
And that's a lifelong journey. And I just, I so pray for you that you will daily seek
God. That you will take time out of your day to be in his word and to pray.
And it will bring healing and transformation into your life. Okay? Let me pray and then we'll do communion.
Father, just thank you for this revelation that you are El -Ra -I, the
God who sees. That you see us and you know us. You know our struggles,
Lord, our heartaches. And I know there's some heartaches in here. I pray even now they could be lifted up to you.
You already know what they are and we just pray for your will to be done, for strength, for peace in the midst of a storm.
Father, that you would bring healing and transformation into our lives and into our families.
And that we would truly know that you are the God who sees me, who sees each of us.
Thank you that you rescued Hagar and I believe that she is rejoicing with you in your presence, in your kingdom, as your daughter because you cared for her.
We love you and thank you so much for loving us. And I pray that we could think on this story and that you would show us even more from it.