America Won't Be Destroyed? - Responding to Pushback

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All right, so yesterday I read Deuteronomy 28—well, the second three quarters of it.
I read Deuteronomy 28, and basically the case I made is that this is what's happening to the
United States. The United States has completely rejected God from a national perspective.
Our leadership is simply rebelling against God. Many of the people, as well, are rebelling against God.
In our country, our leadership reflects the population. There are many
Christians in this country—don't get me wrong, and I'm not the kind of person that says, well, there's only like 20 real
Christians here. No, no, there's many real Christians in this nation, but as a group, as a body, as a whole, this nation has rejected
Christ. What I did was I read Deuteronomy 28, and all the calamities and curses and just awful things that come to the nation of Israel, God promises that these things will happen to Israel when they reject
God, and he actually predicts that they will reject God and these things are going to happen. The reason that I got thinking in those terms is because I was reading
Deuteronomy 28, and I came across the passage that said that the alien among you will grow higher and higher and higher, but the native among you will go lower and lower and lower.
That just rang so true to me, and I see a lot of people that are very worried about the racism that is rampant in our culture against white men in particular, but just white people in general.
You hear stories all the time of people being fired just because they're white or not hired just because they're white.
I did a funny video on Friday of advertising where white people have all but disappeared in advertising.
I was laughing about it, but it's actually kind of serious. White people are being unpersoned, and I can only see this in our nation, which historically, at least after Columbus and all that kind of stuff, has been primarily
European. That line really stood out to me. The alien will be raised higher and higher and higher.
You will be raised lower and lower and lower. Now, that's not the only thing that matches our nation today.
I mean, there's economic calamity. There's pestilence. There's wars and things of that nature.
I do believe that there's a very good chance that we'll be going to war very soon, and we're going to get our clocks cleaned.
It has nothing to do with military might or hypersonic missiles and things like that. We're going to get our clocks cleaned because we have rejected
God, and God, in his mercy, is going to chastise us, and we will be utterly destroyed.
When I say utterly destroyed, I believe that the nation will probably be destroyed. It'll probably be no more.
I don't believe that God curses or punishes his people. We will be affected by the fall of the
United States, but God's people are shielded. They're protected.
That doesn't mean that bad things won't happen. It doesn't mean you won't die, but at the end of the day, God never leaves himself without a witness, and there will be a remnant, absolutely, here in the
United States of his faithful, of his faithful, and I'm trying to position myself and my family so that we can be part of that remnant.
Now, obviously, my life is in God's hands, and that's it, but the reality is that I—look, I'm not saying there couldn't be a miracle, right?
Like Jonah, when he went to Nineveh, he preached repentance, and Nineveh was like the
United States is now. I mean, pagan to the core, just no hope, if you're thinking in human terms.
These people simply aren't going to care that God's going to destroy them. In fact, they probably would welcome it, and they repented, and it wasn't just a little bit of repentance here and there.
It was top to bottom, king to the lowest man, were like, oh my goodness, God's going to destroy us, let's repent, and then
God relented. He didn't destroy them because of their repentance. Now, a lot of people—and
I don't want to be harsh in this video, because I know you guys think this makes sense, but I promise you it doesn't.
I know you think this makes sense, but I promise you it doesn't. Most people in the comments knew exactly where I was coming from.
They understood, and a lot of people felt an anxiety—not an anxiety so much, but just they felt that this was a heavy, heavy topic to discuss, and I agree, so I believe that this hit you exactly where it should.
We're in a very precarious situation as a nation, and we will be destroyed unless we repent.
But a lot of people also were very upset that I would say this, and basically I was trying to find one, but a lot of people were saying, you know, this passage does not apply to the
United States, this is the old covenant, we're not in covenant with God, the Americans are not a covenant nation, and something like that, saying this list literally only applied to Israel, it doesn't apply to any nation that is not in covenant with God, how dare
I say that, and things like that. Guys, I know you think this makes sense, but I promise you it does not.
Now, there is an element of truth to those pushbacks, right? So Deuteronomy 28 is about Israel.
There's just no question about it. It's a law given to Israel, and God promises blessings and curses, he promises sanctions, in other words, based on what they do as a nation, and he'll either bless the nation or destroy the nation based on what they do, and that was for Israel.
In fact, there are some things in the curses about, you know, eating your own children and things like that, which is something that the
Jews did, by the way. They ate their own children when they needed food.
So yes, there are some prophecies and things that specifically apply to Israel, but again, like, there's so many
Reform people that they like to pay lip service to the general equity of the law, like the Westminster Confession says, like the
London Baptist Confession says, but they really don't actually apply it anywhere, because obviously, yes, this is for Israel, but there's a general equity here.
God still operates according to these kinds of sanctions to nations besides Israel, and the thing is, like, think about it for a few seconds, right?
Like, you have really only a few options when it comes to sanctions in history, right? What does
God do to nations based on if the nation's serving him or if they're rejecting him, right?
You really only have a handful of options here, so let's think this through for a moment. Let's do a thought experiment.
So he can do it like he says in Deuteronomy, so in other words, if you reject God and disobey him and engage in all kinds of immorality and stuff like that, he punishes that nation according to what it says in Deuteronomy, roughly,
I mean, not the specifics necessarily, but, you know, bad economics will happen, natural disasters will happen, famine, you know, things like that, wars, he'll come in, he'll bring another nation in to destroy you, you know, sexual disasters and things like that, all that kind of thing, like, yeah, like he could do it that way and then bless you if you obey him as a nation, you know, prosper the nation, things like that, so that's one option.
He can do it roughly like he says in Deuteronomy, the general equity of what he says in Deuteronomy, so that's one option.
The second option is that it can be just totally random, like God can bless or curse a nation, he can rise a nation up or he can make the nation fall just however he wants, like it doesn't make any sense anymore, like sometimes nations reject him and he's going to bless them in response, sometimes nations follow him and he's going to destroy them in response, like, you know, just kind of willy -nilly from our perspective, now we understand that God has reasons for everything he does, so it wouldn't be willy -nilly for him, but from our perspective, it wouldn't be predictable, like it's very possible, like according to this theory, this nation, as we reject
Christ more and more and more, we could actually be blessed more and more and more and that's what we could predict and we don't really know how to predict it anymore, it's just from our perspective, sort of random, so that's another option.
Or he can do it the opposite, like he'll always, always prosper nations that reject him or always, always destroy nations that follow him, that would be like the perverse logic of Deuteronomy 28.
So those are really only your three options, he can either do it essentially according to Romans 28, blessings for obedience, curses for disobedience, or he can do it sort of random, sometimes blessings, sometimes curses kind of thing, or he can do it opposite, which would be an upside down blessings and curses kind of thing, so you get curses for obedience and blessings for disobedience.
So think that through for a second, how do you think God operates now? Can we not predict these things, like if a nation disobeys
God, is it out of the realm of our knowledge to be able to predict destruction for that nation?
I don't think so guys, I really don't think so at all. And one thing we need to keep in mind, so first of all, just basic logic,
I don't think that your perspective really makes a whole lot of sense, but the other thing to keep in mind is that when
God destroys a nation, sometimes I feel like we think, well, God's going to judge our nation, and what we think in our minds is it's going to be like a special, it's going to be like the
Starkiller base, the Death Star, he's going to shoot the nation, it's going to explode, and it's going to be obviously a work of God.
Guys, I don't really think that's how it works, guys, we're going to be punished, and we're going to be given the due penalty of our error, the way the world works,
God works through the world that he created, he doesn't create nature in such a way that will allow us to prosper when we're rejecting him.
He's created the world in natural order and things in such a way that it obeys him, he's actively involved in the natural order, right?
And so when a people just totally disregards God, they hate their parents, they do whatever they want to do, sexually immoral, the land spits them out, the land itself destroys them.
Natural disasters, famines, things like that, this is all part and parcel of how God created the world, it bends to his will, he uses it the way he wants, he even uses pagan nations to do his bidding.
So here's the thing, it's not just going to be this is flashy bombastic and it's going to say flashing lights, this is
God's judgment, this is God's—no, it's going to look like earthquakes and famines and pestilence and supply chain disorders and a corruption of the money system and financial collapse and things of that nature, things that we could say are natural, but they're not just natural in the sense of God's not involved in them, he's intimately involved in them, the laws of nature and the way the world works, it's all bending to the will of God.
But the thing is, we don't have to—okay, logically, it wouldn't make sense for God's sanctions on nations to work any other way than the way it's described in Deuteronomy, right?
If Deuteronomy is the way God works as far as blessings and curses, that's the way he works, right?
We can logically kind of make that connection, but it's actually beyond logic. Like, one person commented and said, we're not
Israel, that's for Israel. And I said—or he said, America's not in covenant with God. And God, I know you—guys,
I know you think that makes—it doesn't make sense, though. Because yes, America's not in a special covenant with God like Israel was, but neither was
Nineveh, neither was Babylon, neither was Assyria, neither was Egypt, neither was Rome, and yet all of these nations were judged by God for doing the very things that he refused to allow
Israel to do. In fact, we have a verse in Leviticus that specifically talks about these kinds of sanctions for disobedience.
Leviticus chapter 18, he's talking about sexual immorality. And listen to how he says this.
He describes all this sexual immorality and all this stuff. Listen to what he says. He says, in verse 24,
Do not defile yourself with any of these things, for by all these things nations are defiled, which
I am casting out before you. So he's saying, all the nations, not just the ones
I'm in covenant with, they can defile themselves by breaking my law. Now, obviously, the nations didn't have the sacrificial system, they didn't have the oracles of God, they didn't have the special revelation, yet he still expected them not to be sexually immoral.
He still expected them not to disobey his moral law, essentially. And when they did, they defiled themselves.
They made themselves unclean. And God is not randomly assigning sanctions or blessings based on what they do.
No, he's saying, look, they're doing these wicked, evil things. They're rejecting me, even though I never revealed myself to them the way
I revealed myself to you. They're rejecting me. They're giving their kids to Moloch. They know that they shouldn't be giving their kids to Moloch.
And therefore, I am going to get rid of these people. I'm casting them out before you.
The land is defiled, therefore, listen, the land is defiled, therefore,
I visit the punishment of its iniquity upon it and the land vomits out its inhabitants.
And so God's sanctions work the same for all of the nations that God was kicking out of the land and giving to Israel.
And then he predicts, Israel, you're going to leave me too. And guess what? You're going to be kicked out of the land in the same way.
You're going to be kicked out of the land in the same way because the sanctions work the same. Whether or not
I give you the special revelation, you're in a special covenant with me, or if you just need to obey the natural law, the law of God, the moral law that I've given inside of all men, they know they shouldn't be given their kids to Moloch.
They don't need special revelation to know they shouldn't be giving their kids to Moloch. And yet they did it anyway.
And so I am visiting the punishment of their iniquity upon it, a nation he was never in covenant with.
And then listen to how he follows this up. You therefore, he says, you therefore keep my statutes, my judgments, and shall not commit any of these abominations, either any of your own nation or stranger who dwells among you for all of these abominations the men of the land have done who were before you.
And thus the land is the defile, lest the land vomit you out also when you defile it as it vomited out the nations that were before you.
So you see, here's the reality. The nations, whether or not they're in a special covenant with God, are being judged by the same moral law and the land is treating them the same way.
If you do it, you will be vomited out. Just like the people that I'm about to vomit out of the land that I'm giving to you.
And you see, here's how we, we, we, we fix this, right? Like there's only one solution, repentance and obedience.
We want the blessings, not the curses as a nation, though, therefore we must obey what
God says. Now, every person is not going to necessarily obey what God says. God knows this and he gives them a, a way forward, right?
Listen to what he says next. For whoever commits any of these abomination, the person who commits them shall be cut off from among their people.
He gives you a way out. Here's, we don't need perfect obedience, but the nation has to obey Christ. We don't need perfect obedience down to the man, but the nation has to obey
Christ. They have to be at least trying and we're not even trying. And we've got a lot of Christians out here who are, have made a theology out of not trying out of, out of not obeying
God as a nation, not following him as a nation. And by the way, even if we don't, I mean, there's no sanctions anymore.
There's no curses anymore. Guys, I really think you need to think this through because you hit what you aim for, you hit what you aim for.
And guys, this is, I mean, even if it was just in the old Testament, it would be enough, but it's not just in the old
Testament. Paul, Paul understood this. Paul understood the law of God better than probably anybody of his time, you know, and, and he's talking about this very thing when in Romans one, we all know, all us
Calvinists anyway, really love Romans one, right? All non -Calvinists love it too. I'm just joking, but, but he's talking about the wrath of God.
You know, we, a lot of us have this memorized. The wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, because what may be known of God is manifest in them for God has shown it to them.
He's talking about pagans. They know about God. They know what he requires and they reject him anyway.
And God's revealing his wrath against them because of that rejection. We understand that, right?
We understand that. He says from the creation of the world, his invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power.
And God heads are there without excuse, because although they knew God, they did not glorify him as God nor will thank were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts and their foolish hearts were darkened, professing to be wise.
They'd be talking about pagans here, professing to be wise. It became fools and changed the glory of the incorruptible
God into images like made like corruptible man and birds and forfeited animals and creeping things.
Therefore, God also gave them up to the uncleanness in the lusts of their heart to dishonor their bodies amongst themselves.
And so we see that, that, that God's God's God's wrath, it's being revealed against the nations, not just Israel, but all the nations.
And it's because of the same things that he's judging Israel for. In fact, there's this, this, this verse.
I remember that the, the, the mainstream media freaked out because it was just so anti -gay like, no, no, no.
This is the Bible. Even, even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a debased mind to do those things, which are not fitting being filled with all unrighteousness, sexual immorality, wickedness, covetous, maliciousness, full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, evil mindedness.
They are whisperers, backbiters, haters of God, violent, proud boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, undiscerning, untrustworthy, unloving, unforgiving, unmerciful, who knowing the righteous judgment of God, that those who practice such things are deserving of death.
Not only do they do the same, but they approve of those who practice them. Therefore you are inexcusable.
Oh man, whoever you are judged for whenever you judge another, you condemn yourself because you practice the same things.
And he's talking about judging, not just the nations that are in covenant with him, but also those who are not in covenant with him, it ends like this.
It says this to those who are self -seeking and do not obey the truth, but obey unrighteousness, indignation, and wrath, tribulation, and anguish on every soul of man who does evil of the
Jew first. So the Jew, yeah, but also of the Greek, but glory, honor, and peace to everyone who works what is good to the
Jew first. So the Jews also, and also the Greeks for there is no partiality with God.
There's no partiality with God. And so God judges the nations and he has predictable sanctions, right?
We can understand that if a nation's obeying Christ, they can expect blessings. If a nation's disobeying
Christ, they can expect to be destroyed like our nation. So I just don't understand this impulse.
Well, God doesn't work that way anymore. Okay. So how does he work now? Is it just random? Is it opposite land? I mean, how does he work?
You got to remember the general equity of God's law. Yes, Deuteronomy 28 is written to Israel.
It's written to a special people as covenant nation, but the general equity of that law obviously applies to every nation.
He treated it that way in the old Testament with all the other nations of Syria, Babylon, Nineveh, Egypt, Rome, and even in the new
Testament, Paul's talking about it here. We see it in revelation. We see it over and over and over again.
We can see it in history. And so I know you guys think this makes sense. I'm not trying to ridicule you.
I know you think that that makes sense, but you got to reconsider how you view the general equity of God's law, especially when it comes to Deuteronomy 28, because the only hope of God relenting and not doing what he's going to do to us is if we get on the same page and we repent, and the problem is that even many
Christians are not on the same page and talking about repentance as a way to avoid disaster, which is coming guys, it is coming.
Anyway, I hope you found this video helpful. I got another one coming today about John Piper's article on the vaccine.