An Angry Man's Rage Against the Almighty

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WARNING EXTREMELY FOUL LANGUAGE Deacon Andrew Soncrant and Ryan McMartin speak with a young man who is extremely angry with God. He says that he read the book of Job as a teen and then made the decision to reject God. Watch An Angry Man's Rage Against the Almighty.


Hi for what I don't want to force these please set aside. No, no, no, I'm just trying to understand what story you're talking about that's all yes to get a story of Job where God came to Job and Let's continue.
Okay. So yeah, no Satan comes to God and says hey, I things go through God Yes, Satan is a lesser being.
Yes, correct. Okay. Yeah, and so he says God says hey Have you ever seen my my servant
Job my servant who loved his God so much he would do anything for Yeah, yeah, what a modest experience of a humankind right would give all for the
Lord. He loved Yes prayed Loved his woman loved his children gave everything he was to what or whom?
To God. Okay. Yes. Yes that that's the story right and that is God's story God uses the devil to take everything from Job his whole family dies
The devil had inclinations of his own to use Job against God, well,
I don't think anything let's get the story Right. Well, no, I don't think well. No, here's the thing. It was it was again. It was again, but who gambles
God? Nobody no one but the devil. Well, no, no So I in Isaiah the book of Isaiah It says that God has declared all things from the end and the beginning that his counsel will stand
So that means he's also omniscient and he already knows what Lucifer is going to do.
He allows it to happen So I don't think it allows it Exactly. You're right. Yep. Yep. Yep something. It's a gamble
I think God actually decreed it right because in the Bible it says God actually creates calamity in Isaiah Okay, before we go further do any of you have children?
Yes, I for you have four you sir No, okay. Let's proceed. Yes, so I do
I have four children and I guess sir, man Imagine the turmoil that Job went through when all of his children were crushed by a house and his woman
No, she was alive Yeah, cuz she actually told him she said a place, you know, never she um, she actually told job
She said how about you curse God and die? And he never did right? So what's what's the issue that you have a job?
The issue that I have a job is not upon Job. No, no, no. Yeah. No, I get that Yeah, it is upon a father who is all loved all knowing all seeing
Don't worry about your Honda Civic. I'm gonna give you a Supra Don't worry about your four cows.
I'm gonna give you 12. Don't worry about the beautiful children your humanity brought upon Your beautiful existence and I designed myself
Don't worry about that. I'm gonna give you four more children divinely more beautiful I Am all loving no, no
You're proving a point to a being you consider lesser For that of the greater good.
I'm sorry my friends if you apply that to any human existence ever What do we render that as we would render that as sin?
egotistical egotistical self -hating Going for a greater point to prove to someone lesser that I am greater than that Good thing we're not talking about any of us.
We're talking about God, right? Isn't it isn't it but we are designed to live by God's Word Hmm so what do you believe now as I say not as I do so, what do you believe now?
Would you do? to that your children Do as I say not as I do for I know better than you
What I say God is totally just in all of the things that he does He's just so he's not only Just a chess match
Okay, when a point comes to the board, you know, oh, this is easy Why don't put some scratch on the table?
You already know they suck You already know they suck. Absolutely does it for his glory?
Hmm does it for the glory for his glory? Yes, he deserves all the good my children designed in my image
So no, no glory for my children Well, what's funny though is this doesn't even happen to you, but it happened to Job yet Job never cursed
God and died and he actually went through it. Yeah, he did go through it and he actually never cursed God Would you do that to your children?
Would I do that to my own would you make your child a pawn in the game you play? Against a lesser being you already know you're gonna beat him.
You know, it's a hundred percent win yet. I will see my child suffer To prove a point to someone who was already lesser than thou so you're angry with God.
Oh, I Never was until I read the story of Job Am I angry with God yeah.
Yeah. Yeah. How is God angry with me? Does he not use me as his pawn? Yeah, I mean you're his call and that that makes me separate right that makes me separate if I die my energy
Transmutes back to whatever the fuck I've come from or whatever the fuck I'm going to Now I'm lesser
You're a creature. I'm lesser too. I mean, it's okay. It's okay. It's okay for us to be lesser
However, it is not okay for the loving father of mine to use me
To make a fucking point to the devil That's not Oh fucking K.
Well, he's just in all that he does the fuck he is How is that just when your child gave everything they had?
Everything they were to be a part of yours and you sit on them to prove a fucking point
Well, everybody tell me now how that may oh, no. No, I know the answer. I know the answer
It's in God's ways. It's in God's hands. No, you not what you not know. That's not what
I was gonna say No, I get it I get the defense because I was Born into an
LDS family. I was born to a Christian hood. However No loving father that I would ever claim as father cares of me in any direction
I go So sit here and tell me I will give you boils on your skin. I will allow the devil to attack you
Because guess what you got a fucking civic I'll give you a fucking Bentley fuck you and Everything you come from to prove your ego to someone you already consider lesser
Fuck you. Okay, so let me you're no no, no. No, you're no loving father of mine. You're a man of a man's descent
You were trying to prove your ego That is not love. No, man has ever loved you
Would use you Okay, name one name one your grandfather your father.
Maybe your great -grandfather Yeah, name one. Oh, no, but it's all in God's great image.
Yeah, so Who would But it's it's
God's great image you you're not supposed to know you're not supposed to know love until you get back to where order
You came from So what the fuck is the point of here What is the point of here if your love is only supposed to be determined by where you were and where you're going?
Why are we here to glorify God and join forever? Fuck that you don't like God.
You're angry with it. No, no. No, I want to know the meaning of God Okay, if it is supposed to be all directing where the fuck do
I go when I know a father who loves me would betray me Would betray me.
I don't think he betrayed you. He sent his son to die for you. Fuck He wouldn't if he's done her job, what saves you Jesus saves you what?
Jesus does yeah, but what have he already did his own and before that You want no suffering you will no suffering.
Yep, just to get into my kingdom No, no, that's a father that loves you. No, that's a misrepresentation of what how the fuck is it?
No, he didn't say you how is he? No, just look. Can I say something? Please? Yeah. Yeah. No, no, you're okay
You're okay. What like how is that? Listen, listen, well, I know you're not angry with me. Okay, so Yeah, yeah,
I don't take it aggravated with the arrogance that we know what the fuck happens when we die just Okay, so So Jesus when he talks about suffering, he doesn't say your suffering gets you into the kingdom of heaven
He says you're gonna be hated because they hated me and you're gonna suffer because of that But that's not what gets you into heaven.
It's purely through the suffering of Jesus Christ on the cross We're free Jesus here
Well, Jesus is God. So that's that's my that's that's fine. That's fine. That's fine. Yeah, but before God came to you
There was a God. Oh There was God demanding all things. Hold on expecting all things.
Help me. Help me understand what you're saying real quick Just so I can understand before God came to me as in Jesus. Yeah, Jesus was already there
The end of joke, yes, let's get it Yeah, all the things he gave back no no new family, yeah, yeah, well
I don't will already knows why that's what he doesn't like No, no, how how what's your name?
William William how how yours you're speaking like you're you're this
Like you're God, but I'm God's creation. You're you're like, so are you are you you are this number the next step next to God?
Or then why did he create you should read read what God says about you and I in Joe, okay
That's what I'm gonna say that you'll never be adequate No, no, no, I have it. I haven't versed this over entirely.
No. Yeah, tell me something. I don't know about Joe, please Because this was the reason I walked away from Christianity, please.
Tell me something about this verse. I don't fucking know I Know it's beside the point.
I just couldn't know this. No, no, you're right. No, no, you're right for the sake of being, right? I hope that makes you get on with your day. It kind of does a little bit.
Well, I'm good So while he's looking that up,
I just asked you a question real quick Since that's what made you want to deny God Father who would use me as a pawn to prove a point.
Okay. Well, I guess I get that so I get that so so it Does that God not real? Are you really getting that?
Yeah, like do you know what I'm saying to you? Oh, absolutely. So your father Will just use you
I'm asking you a question. So as a pawn To prove something just listen to me someone else not just listen your experience doesn't matter
His those let's just listen, okay, so the God of the Bible now you really love you
Okay, so yeah, you really don't matter but he loves you. Okay. Well, so he would you reject him now, right?
So no, I don't reject him. Do you think he's there? I reject man's image of God So do you think in any rigorous form of activity?
Okay is the God of the Bible for us to understand? What happens when we die and where we come from and where we're going in this it's arrogant
It's pure fucking it's faith. It has to be faith because you know, there's no it
There's no ignorance or arrogance of faith issues. I fucking hope holy shit.
That would be so fucking good That would be so good Well, I think there's evidence of it not just in my faith
But in general revelation as well through the things that God has created just like you I think you're made in the image of God That's what the
Bible declares. Can I not be so so I'm on the fucking favor of the devil the one that makes us miserable
No, I'm not Fucking not. I just understand what you believe about God. I get what you're angry about.
So, what do you believe about God? God is without gender completely a divine being who understands that you know, they're gonna need to reproduce or I'm gonna create this in this
No, God doesn't have a dick or a fucking pussy in the store He's way too intelligent to need a divisiveness of that kind at all
Beautiful in every form measure loving in all form of measure, however If I believe that I truly fucking do
Whatever that being is because I've known mother I've known father What do you mean, you know mother and you know father
I have known a loving mother will let me suck up from her seat I know like your actual parents. Yes.
Yes. Okay. I know Keep me warm from the winter ice and fend away the wolves.
I understand what the fuck it means To come between the duality and the exist as a child
Nothing about the story of Job tells me that that is correct in any form and fashion at all
It's the only story The only one you would use me me
You made me you made you made me I didn't choose to fucking be you made me here
And you would do this to me after I've done nothing but love That's that's the hard part
No, no, have you done nothing but love him have you ever told I didn't say it was my story.
Oh Joe directed me. Well, it's not perfect either That's part of the the issue that I fuck is there's always gonna be a conscious that there's always gonna be a fucking form
Well, Jesus was perfect. That doesn't agree with you. No, no Yeah, I've read the verses yeah
This is the first verse in response God's response. He says shall a fault finder contend with the
Almighty Do you dare challenge me little boy? Yeah, pretty much
But I've read the fucking Okay Terms I bet
I didn't know his wife wasn't expunged I'm very
I'm very first in this. Okay, but I just that that even if you keep your wife
How she gonna look at you? How's she gonna look at her children knowing your
God? She has watched you pray to every day in and out and same as she Watch you slaughter your fucking children's me boils up on your skin
Slatter your fucking coddle that you only said was capable through you.
I Have a question. Oh, I bet you do Like when a father like a earthly father
Sends out like his child likes his child like just ride a bike and crash it or something and he gets hurt
Is that unloving like that is comparable? To the winter coming and your your cattle have been slaughtered to the
Almighty God it is It's a metaphor, right? Like it's a for fuck's sakes boys. So if there is a
God if there is an eternal Like creator above everything. Holy infinite. There is that right?
So and we are ignorant and if he's interested Oh, oh fucking religions are ignorant to what the fuck.
No. No, not the empty tomb, but not Jesus He proved it John 118 says no one has ever seen
God except the unique and only Son who made him Known so actually historically Jesus died on the cross.
He was God. He rose from the grave There's historically an empty tomb and he sits at the right hand of God. So I think historically
I would disagree with okay So wait, historically, maybe you're accurate. Yeah Maybe I'm not however
Can we agree on the accuracy of the story of Job? Absolutely No, listen,
I'm sorry, well listen I can take it further than Job every single I don't need to take it further. No job. That was the only story
No, no, I think you should and if this is doctrine if this is exactly what the fuck happened
I don't want a part. Okay. I don't want my father to treat me that way ever ever in my fucking life
I understand I get that straight. Oh, then why are you arguing the point? I'm trying to cross -reference with things that make me feel better, but I don't feel better about this story
But what I'm trying to what I'm trying to say is it gets worse Every yeah, yeah, well, I'll take it.
Well, well everybody dies Everybody dies. It's appointed for all men to die once and then comes the judgment.
Why because the wages of sin is death So, let me tell you Joe Job God and his prerogative can do whatever he wants to whoever he wants and be totally just can't fuck your daughter
See God God didn't do that. No, but you you're all over your daughter. Can you fuck your daughter? He never did that Doesn't matter he fucked over Joe pretty good, but he didn't do that.
Can you fuck your daughter? No What what if the Bible said he could it doesn't though? What if I'm just saying?
No, like you're not gonna just take something written by man Translated by man from thousands of years ago.
If it says fuck your daughter hardcore, you're gonna be like Yeah, maybe I disagree with that part.
I like the other bits just like I do All the other bits except for Joe how fucking dare you
I Don't care if you're my creator. I don't care if I burn in hell if I meet you at the gates, bitch
We're fucking scrapping. How dare you do that to your son, dude You're gonna see him one day and you're gonna leave we're knocking the fuck up.
I don't care if I get smashed Well, we're gonna mean I'm gonna ask why the fuck
Would you do that to your child you fucking twisted fuck? Why would you do that?
He had everything Loved you and yet you punish him because the devil gave you a bet you piece of shit
No, no one's convincing me. Otherwise, this is despicable.
It is everything according to vine power maybe Everything in human even you would not do that to a child.
You would not you would not if you consider yourself Christians I I'm trying to figure out if you reject the
God of the Bible how you can account for morality and bad things to begin with Because I wouldn't do that to my fucking time.
Is that just your opinion though? Absolutely. Oh, so it doesn't really matter because No, it doesn't matter because what the fuck do we know about for life or afterlife?
Well, you don't know shit We're hoping we're reading these shit. Oh, no, I know No, no, we've been trained by certain people that we love to believe this is good
What's wrong the fuck about this story? I just gave you in black and white is good How the fuck is murdering your child's salvation you explain that to me right look me in the eyes
What the fuck about murdering your child? Torturing he didn't lose life.
I like had no no, no, they got four cows. He killed them all he gives boils Now you got eight cows and no boils
You don't get your kids back. No, no, you don't get your kids back You still got the same wife.
You can fuck good for you, but it led him to repentance What repentance do you need it?
How evil was Joe? That's what we wanted to read the end of the book Well, how the worst things in my life have been the main things that have led me to repentance because it shows you're not entitled
You know a good life No one is no one is except that's their promise all jokes.
No, no, no here what I just said unless they're promised Yeah, all jokes. We're all here what
I said unless they're promised right You're promised yes, if you believe in Christ you go to heaven if you believe in God and all his divine wisdom you go to heaven
From nothing that I've done. I don't deserve heaven though. I don't it's been promised. You don't deserve breath in your lungs
Well, that's the problem. You're defying the Holy God, but I'm here yet the same exactly by his grace.
Oh Was it you or you or you that divined me fucking in presence What was that say that again for me real quick?
Was it you or you or you that divined me presence here? Oh, no, God made you.
Oh, okay, so I'm trying to understand though.
If you reject the God of the Bible where you even Define what love is because you're kind of borrowing from the the
Christian worldview in order to try to tell his raised LDS Okay, so we're not LDS We're not
LDS Christian LDS aren't actually I complete this taste the teachings of So, so what are you now?
I want to understand how you're getting a justification. My name is a fucking like all um,
I Want to know your justification for morality and I'm the gypsy an objective truth dimethyltriptamine
The last neurops the last the last thing that happens your brain is flooded with dimethyltryptamine if you've never experienced it
Let me explain It is the last okay It's hard to put the last neurops you have no no, please please giggle actually
I had a minor in biochem I'm just a little tilted So the last thing that happens to your brain the last neurochemistry that experiences is a flood of dimethyltryptamine
It's called the spirit molecule. It's recognized in every scientific practice a lot of thoughts
Seem to think its origins the pineal gland which is the only seeing their organ in your brain a lot of religious practices considering India the dot in the head, right, all right, so What I'm saying is that we have only started to scratch the surface of what the fuck we think we know about before life and afterlife
So what you know anything that's written by a man and bless believe is written by a man because it had to be translated
Well, we still have the manuscripts that it was written from. Yeah in the original languages in that's not what the Bible says It's a straight man.
Well Hebrew Aramaic and But however, but so you define truth as a feeling so dimethyltryptamine
DMT Through subjective sense experience. How can you trust that your senses are actually more objective than subjective how so so it is catered
It is catered. It's primarily catered to you and all that you are. Yeah, and everyone's different But it still will cater to that subjective truth.
It's feeling no, it's not it is I've done drugs. I've done hallucinogenic That's fine. How many times you talked with the fucking hundred people in a room talking about your experience give or take?
I'd say about 82 % agree with you a hundred percent. They're not feeling the same thing. I feel You might want to look further into that actually,
I mean I lived it that's what that was my teenage years that That's my experience So understand there's
PhDs like like studying this every single day of their life has been when I'm trying to show you though You know what?
I'm trying to show you don't get any respective credit in the scientific community I wonder why that is even though they have studied chemistry their entire lives for 40 years, right?
Okay. So what I'm trying to tell you though point is let's not be so arrogant Or so cowardly what's wrong with their believe that I know what happened before I live or I know what happened
Without the Christian worldview, what is wrong with arrogance give me an objective justification for why arrogance is a bad thing
That's not your opinion. Give me a reason why yeah, I know You can't know
I can't This is divisive in nature it only projects the greater good in oneself.
What does that matter? Because it adds nothing to what the fuck we are
What the fuck we are is us versus the wolves. We are community. We're pack animals. That is exactly why so we're in it matters
So we're animals. Yeah. Okay. We fucking are so you believe we came from apes Yeah from the goo to you now.
No, not from the fucking good. Well, maybe the pros. Oh and shit. Yeah Yeah, okay. So let me understand
Explain this to me. Why is their house cats if they're still lions? What does that why is there that's with the overback gorillas if they're still humans you're still not addressing no
No, how is that not addressing the problem exactly as he stated it what he's asking you
No, no, no, what he said it was like, how does that apply to you? How do chimps apply to you if you believe in evolution?
I'm telling you that how is their house cats if they're still lying? Because there is anyone else here is saying, okay
No, no, I get it So if I were to take an evolutionary product in so there's just nothing but blind pitiless indifference in the evolutionary world
You know, listen, there's I mean, it's we're cosmic broccoli. We're an accident. Our even consciousness is an accident
So you disagree with most evolution? So I disagree with any God format that human beings have made as if they fucking know
No, why tell me why it's wrong because I have why does truth matter? That's not actually something you can now.
Why does logic matter objective rule? No, no, why does logic matter? Well, no, no, can you talk about it and objective?
Defines truth, right? Yeah on what you know, you can't touch it It's like you don't know if you stick your fork into the outlet.
It's gonna shock you Tells you hey, don't do that. That's bad. Well, I guess what how many people still do it?
Well, listen, well, I actually have a just because there's a justification for need of evidence Well, no, listen, so right
I believe that God upholds the universe with the world of his the word of his power What if he does listen, I can't if he does but again, you can't cut well, no, no
No, I can't because there's people starving and then people here have to take in a ceiling.
What's wrong with you? We know where all the food is What's wrong with me know how to communicate with everybody on earth yet, there are still children
Children look me in the eyes. There are children dying tonight. Yes Yes, because of starvation.
Yes, people are dying tonight Due to diabetes. Yeah, the wages of sin is death
Sin has entered the world. It's not a good thing Jesus promises. No, no, if all good things come through God, then all bad things must come through God considering that Yeah, nothing goes through God Yeah, that's why
I quoted isaiah earlier. He's creates calamity. Oh, you don't like him. Yeah. Yeah That's someone who loves you.
Yeah, absolutely because he's totally just and righteous He sent his son to die on the cross for my sins So just through belief in him I can have eternal life just like you because the gospel is there for you righteous
Yep, and everybody knew about it. Yeah, jesus would have had to do that. Absolutely That's because no eternal god is angry.
No, we fucking we sinned against the cosmic god Jesus came walking down the fucking street right now, and we all recognized him to be jesus
Well, you wouldn't like him. You know what? Maybe not you wouldn't put him in the fucking square Let's beat the shit out of him and everyone went.
What? You would be the person who'd crucify him will do you not realize that I'd be like no get the fuck back
That's a human being. No, no, no, no peaceful. You said you'd square up with him already He's the one who said no, I said square up with god not his son.
No, jesus is god No, this is where you're wrong. Jesus in all red letters never showed a single sign of egotistical products
Not fucking one. No, he's god. Don't tell me that jesus is god because god said ham is bad
God said shrimp is bad. God came back and was like, oh, sorry. No, I can eat.
I fucked that up No, you're shut the fuck up man. Like you're fucking ridiculous You're ridiculous.
No, no, it is ridiculous. You want to come back sometime when you're sober? Oh, it would make more sense to you because arguments wouldn't be so like satisfactory
No, well first I don't think you even have a justification for truth to begin with but I do I do I completely You're feeling jesus is god.
He is. Yeah, but god came back and was like nah No, you don't understand. But wait, but hold on still practice the old fucking bible
But pork and shrimp is cool now. Yeah, because he's the great high priest and he satisfied the fullness of the law
There's a reason why no, no Do you know why they were there? I know you feel that you're living a fucking noble life and that justice is served
But you're living out of fucking fear. You're living out of you you you both all All living out of fucking fear.
I don't I actually don't have fear happen to me if I say you fucked up Holy shit
No, I love him because he first loved me that's why guess what happens I still go to the pearly gates
Yes, I fucking do. Yes, I do Who else would I be judged by if not peter, no, you'd be judged by jesus
Not before fucking peter who is the guard of the oh my you guys don't know your own doctrine. Okay. Okay So i'm talking.
No, no, no So you're saying this that on this rock? I will build my church in the gates of hell and not prevail against it You're assuming that peter is the rock that jesus is talking about The one who guards the pearly fucking gates.
That's not the one who says. Yeah. I am. I am in notion I am in knowing of jesus. I am in knowing in god.
I've been Chosen to guard these gates. It's not in the bible That's not in the bible man.
If it's not read it again boys where read it again over again, please tell me where Okay.
Okay. All right. Let's say let's say Let's say
I follow it say I die right the fuck now. Yes, who's meeting me at the pearly gates you're gonna stand before god jesus before whom jesus
Says first comes death then comes the judgment hebrews chapter 9 You're gonna stand right before jesus
It's jesus Jesus is before jesus. All right. No, no, you're gonna stand before god who is jesus
Jesus is the one that's not what the old doctrine says at all Jesus is the one who sent satan to job.
Do you not realize that? Do you not know that? That was jesus then jesus is a fucking cunt too see
I know you reject the god Yes, I do. Who the fuck would they do that to if they love them? How can you give me a justification for what's wrong when you deny the god because I am creating god's image that I know
Love, okay, so you borrow my worldview in order to make a truth claim, even though you rejected You got it straight from that bible.
I already told you I was fucking born into an lds church a christian family But you don't believe in them anymore rejected
Yes, a hundred percent, so why are you be consistent parts of that that you want to keep that's not the point
You're trying to make the point you're trying to make. No, you're borrowing from our world. God is real and everything. No, listen
Will you're fucking no will if you didn't borrow from my worldview? You couldn't have an argument if you're consistent in your own worldview.