Jemar Tisby, Sam Heath, And Woke NONSENSE!

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Hey guys, Colin here, and welcome back to Fight for Truth, the channel where we bring you Christian commentary about the things that matter.
In today's video, we're going to be talking about a clip from Jamar Tisby and Sam Heath. Jamar Tisby has a
Ph .D. in history and received his Master's of Divinity from Reformed Theological Seminary.
He is one of the wokest voices that you'll find in the Reformed world. Sam Heath is the manager of Equal Justice USA Evangelical Network, which is, according to their website, a platform for faith leaders across the political spectrum who seek to transform the justice system by promoting responses to violence that are rooted in the values of racial equity, redemption, and healing.
These are themes that you'll find throughout the conversation between Jamar and Sam. And the main premise of this video is rather simple.
Jamar Tisby and Sam Heath have a view of justice that is fundamentally unbiblical.
And there are three clips from a recent podcast that they recorded together that demonstrate this definitively.
By the way, subscribe to Woke Preacher Clips and thank them for all the great work they do here on YouTube. Here's the first clip.
Watch this. Our current criminal legal system believes that when harm happens, the scales of justice are in balance.
I believe that too, absolutely. But what I believe brings back that balance isn't conviction, isn't execution, isn't life without parole.
So first, in that clip, notice that Jamar Tisby is nodding with what certainly looks like approval as he listens to Sam Heath.
But nodding isn't the only affirmation offered by Jamar Tisby. Watch how he introduces Sam at the beginning of the podcast.
Watch this. The latest episode of Footnotes. I'm your host, Dr. Jamar Tisby, historian, author, and speaker.
And y 'all, we've got a special treat today. You are going to be informed. You are going to be enlightened.
You are going to be challenged by my guest, Sam Heath. Welcome to Footnotes. So here,
Jamar introduces Sam Heath, saying that he will be, quote, a special treat for the viewers, who, as a result of his excellent teaching, will be, quote, informed, enlightened, and challenged.
That's high praise. And more than this, after Sam Heath said what she watched in the first clip, Jamar doesn't respond with any direct pushback, at least not that I saw.
Go ahead and watch the whole podcast, link in description, and see for yourself. The point I want you to see here is that Sam Heath told us that the only way to carry out justice is not conviction and not execution.
And Jamar Tisby, at the very least, gave us no reason to believe that he disagrees with that statement.
And by contrast, he gave every reason to believe that he holds the same view. But just for a moment, let's focus in on Sam's actual statement and compare it to Scripture, shall we?
He said that when harm is done to someone, the scales of justice are, quote, out of balance.
And then he said that the way to restore the balance of justice, quote, isn't conviction, isn't execution.
He directly told us that execution is not a just penalty. And here's the only problem with that.
Every word that Sam Heath just spoke contradicts what the Bible says about justice completely.
Now here's what you might be thinking. Come on, you're probably going to bring up some Old Testament command in favor of stoning people.
Don't you know we're not under the Old Covenant? But let me stop you right there, because that's not the case. Let's turn to the
New Testament and see what it says about justice. Romans 13, 1, quote, let every person be subject to the governing authorities.
This is talking about official governing officers, those who have political power validly over the state.
Then Paul goes on, saying in Romans 13, 4, quote, for he, the governing authority, is
God's servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword in vain, for he is the servant of God, an avenger who carries out
God's wrath on the wrongdoer, end quote. You see, the Bible is saying here that the government should be a terror to evildoers by bearing the sword against them.
That's literally what it says. And what is a sword primarily used to do? Well, you can use it to cut your steak, and you can use it to open your letters.
But that doesn't change the facts. A sword is fundamentally an instrument of killing. The passage is talking about violently opposing those who do evil.
Not only should a government do this, but they are actually serving God when they do, according to the biblical standard.
Contrast this with Sam Heath and Jamar Tisby. Remember that Sam said it's unjust for the government to execute an evildoer.
But the Apostle Paul says that the government is supposed to do just that, within biblical parameters, of course.
This demonstrates that our point in the video is correct. Jamar and Sam have inadequate and unbiblical ideas of justice, but let's watch the second clip and you'll see more of what
I mean. Watch this. Now, there may need to be a season, here's some more specific language, there may need to be a season of separation without harm for an individual.
Someone may need to be removed from a situation, a person, or from society. But the goal of that is ultimately to have that person reintegrated back into a community.
We already believe this as Christians, right? If we did church discipline in the right way, that's exactly what it is, right?
We approach someone, if that's rebuff, we approach with a group, we bring it before the church, and that person is removed.
Excommunication is never meant to be this permanent, lasting punishment. It is meant to be this thing that is done for the safety of the community, because harm is always communal in its effect, and it is done with an invitation to return.
So here Sam says that the goal of justice is reintegration of the criminal back into the community.
It's restorative justice. And according to Sam, we Christians know this to be true because of what the
Bible says about the goal of church discipline. 2 Corinthians records a particular story of this, of redemption to the fellowship of believers despite one's sin.
In 2 Corinthians 2, 5 -8, Paul says this, Now if anyone has caused pain, he has caused it not to me, but in some measure, not to put it too severely, to all of you.
For such a one this punishment by the majority is enough. So you should rather turn and forgive and comfort him.
Or he may be overwhelmed by excessive sorrow. So I beg you to reaffirm your love for him.
If someone has received church discipline, to varying degrees, and they turn from their sin, with godly sorrow and repentance, we are told to reaffirm them and bring them back lovingly.
The problem is that this passage, and all passages talking about church discipline, by the way, are not about criminal justice systems.
They are for the church. By the same standards Sam uses here, we should be baptizing everyone who commits a crime, or giving them communion.
After all, that's what we're supposed to do in the church, right? But obviously, we recognize it's not the job of a police officer to baptize people when they arrest them, or serve them communion in the back of a cop car.
Why? Well, because God has ordained the sphere of government and the sphere of the church.
The church is a minister of grace. According to Romans 13, the government is the minister of justice.
They're not the same thing, and they don't do the same thing. In fact, they're not supposed to. Sam Heath and Jamar Tisby have gotten this completely backwards, and it leads to disastrous results.
Using the Bible's standard of church discipline as a guideline for your entire criminal justice system is fallacious and, frankly, absurd.
And again, you can see in that video that Jamar Tisby is nodding his head in complete agreement. And again, there is no direct contradiction afterwards, at least not that I saw.
So here's something to ponder. Jamar Tisby and Sam Heath are both proponents of woke racial justice.
That's the word they use, racial justice. It seems only fair, then, that we would approach Jamar and Sam's teachings about racial justice with extreme caution.
Why should we do that? Well, because they've demonstrated that their overarching view of justice is totally unbiblical and out of step with Scripture.
And this brings us to the third clip. Watch this. Right. Ultimately, we're talking about justice not being punishment, but justice being safety, healing, and accountability.
What I want is when harm happens, for someone's knee -jerk reaction not to be, what was the crime and who should be punished, but who was harmed, and who is it that needs healing.
So it doesn't get more obvious than that. Sam Heath is telling you what their overarching view of justice really is.
The only problem is that, again, it's not biblical at all. Not even close. He says that, quote, ultimately, we're talking about justice not being punishment, but justice being safety, healing, and accountability.
This is absolutely unfaithful to Scripture, and dishonoring to the biblical standard by its very implication.
If you say that justice is not punishment, you're effectively accusing God of being unjust, because He commands people to be punished in His Word.
Proverbs 11, 21 says, quote, Be assured an evil person will not go unpunished, but the offspring of the righteous will be delivered.
If punishment isn't supposed to be in our view of justice, then why does the Bible say the exact opposite thing?
And remember, again, Romans 13 advocates for the government punishing with the sword.
What else would they do with it? Is that standard unjust too? Well, according to Sam Heath and apparently
Jamar Tisby, that's exactly what it is. It's wrong. Unjust. Effectively, they're implying that the
Word of God is lacking in justice. And that should be deeply concerning to Christians. In fact, we should call it out publicly.
The law of the Lord, recorded by Moses, advocates for all sorts of punishments, depending on the crime.
You can't get around this stuff. It's all over Scripture. Execution, fines, floggings, etc.
And keep in mind that execution is directly reaffirmed in Romans chapter 13, as we've already covered.
Again, you can't get around this. Psalm 9, 7 says, quote, The law of the Lord is perfect.
So here's a question. If Jamar Tisby and Sam Heath are proponents of justice in America, what exactly will their standard of justice be?
Because they've demonstrated that it will most definitely not be Scripture. At every turn, they have contradicted the standard of justice given to us in the
Scriptures. Here are the facts. The Bible says that execution can be justice. Sam says that it's not justice.
The Bible says that governing officers execute justice by punishing evildoers. Sam says that punishment isn't justice at all.
You cannot hold the view of the Bible and the view of Sam and Jamar at the same time. You must pick one or the other.
And this brings us back to the question at hand. If the Bible will not be the standard of these men when it comes to justice, then what will be?
Well, my assumption is that Jamar and Sam will design their standard of justice based on their own feelings.
That's certainly what happened in the video. And the point is this. The Bible's standard of justice is objective, perfect, and true.
By contrast, the modern woke standard of justice is subjective, inconsistent, and false.
Jamar Tisby and Sam Heath are both dangerous woke teachers who are actively contradicting the worldview of Scripture.
And this video has demonstrated that their view of justice is both unbiblical and utterly unhelpful.
It is a huge problem that two people who promote racial justice seem to have no idea what biblical justice looks like.
And I wouldn't recommend any of their teaching on the subject. I pray that this has been a blessing to you, and please know that this video isn't meant as a sinful attack, but rather as a biblical critique.
And let's pray for Jamar and Sam that they would stop this unbiblical teaching by God's grace and turn to the truth of God's Word.
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