Quick Commentary on YouTube Banishment, Once Again on Scriptural Sufficiency


Well, our first live stream on Rumble, which, honestly, surprised me, but hey---I just flap my jaws, Rich does the tech stuff. So explained a little about what happened yesterday, then went into the key issues found today in the New Scholasticism movement and the comments being made about Scriptural sufficiency, authority, tradition, etc. Truly important stuff!

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Greetings and welcome to The Dividing Line. My name is James White. We are trying new stuff today because Yesterday when we began the program
I ran through a few brief notifications at the beginning of the program Wasn't the central aspect of what
I was talking about anything like that at all But I specifically Encouraged people to be making archival copies of all the studies that are coming out right now regarding Excess mortality
Pericarditis myocarditis all of the Athletes lives have been ruined through Vaccines and things like that and I really wasn't thinking much about it
You know back in 2021 we had bifurcated the topics. So if I was gonna be talking about the great reset and Vaccine mandates and stuff like that That I would do that only on Odyssey and We wouldn't post that on YouTube and if I was doing just theological stuff
We'd post that on YouTube and then that would automatically go over to Odyssey and I I don't know
I just forgot about it wasn't really thinking about it anymore And that was a big mistake because someone out there some
Cowardly little Weasley person who would never stand in before me and try to debate any of these issues and they know it
That's why they do the things they do Report us immediately to YouTube and Ten minutes later.
We're gone we're banned for a week strike against our channel blah blah blah blah for medical misinformation and So That's why we are doing something differently today and It's our first shot at it so We'll do our best.
We'll see what happens at the very least hopefully we're getting everything recorded and Be able to post it somewhere at some point if it doesn't work live
We'll we'll do the best that we can I I do thank everyone who yesterday once I looked at my phone
Obviously I silenced my phone Once I looked at my phone I got people from Germany and all over the place saying hey they took you down and well, there you go, that's that's how it is and so we have important stuff to talk about I Will just very very very very very quickly run over what
I said the beginning the program yesterday One was what I just said collect all those papers grab them now because I really believe that if if we have the kind of blatant cowardly leftist communist
Censorship that we're experiencing now We will have we will have it ten times as bad after the elections
Because all those people all those Karen's out there They're just biding their time and Once the election is over and whatever damage that's going to do if it does any at all if we even have free elections
That'll all be in the past and they will be back with a vengeance mark my words mark my words that's where it's going and So grab that stuff now if for no other reason than to remind you of how much you're being lied to Right left and center about all the mandates and and everything else that's going on grab those things
Then I mentioned very quickly one thing I'd forgotten on the program the previous day when
I was talking about firearms guns self -protection and that is that The greatest group that is threatened by the removal of our ability to protect ourselves are women
You have to understand 9 -1 -1 is a state -sponsored prayer line
That's what it is The state sponsors it and somebody there can pray for you as you die because when seconds count the police are only minutes away and That was before 2020 now when seconds count the police may be hours away so Guns are a tremendous equalizer for women to protect themselves protect themselves and their families and their children and So the disarming of the populace
Primarily and well not primarily but in a great way threatens women
As a major group, there's so much anti that the misogyny today is coming from all the people on the left they're they're the true misogynists when you can when you can call
Bruce Jenner a female and Talk about you know women of the year and one of them is
Will the swimmer That's that's true misogyny that's the real anti Woman stuff and that's what we have going on all around us
We have a new Chilean dictator that was just installed down in Chile. What's first thing he's doing disarming the populace disarming the populace
Every tyrant does it there's a reason for it Joe Biden is not
Mentally competent to be a tyrant, but the people pulling Joe Biden strings are tyrants and that's what they want to do and it is
It's it's frightening as and especially frightening are the red flag laws That they want to pass which is basically the minority report being put into operation
Trying to predict what people will do without knowing their heart without knowing the future and We have a now fully secular
Utterly rebellious against God regime in the wet in most Western nations and in the
United States as well certainly in Canada and Australia and you give them that kind of power they're going to identify everything you believe as hate speech and therefore
Use that as not only means to disarm you but also to imprison you keep that in mind one last thing
I did mention yesterday was Dr. Ward on iron sharpens iron.
I Didn't even get I've been so busy. I didn't even get a chance yesterday after the program to see if I've been right
But I think dr. Ward was on for two days in a row with Chris Arnzen Go to iron sharpens iron radio .com.
I haven't even had a chance. I'm good Lord willing. I'm gonna get chance to listen tomorrow morning Got a little drive to do that'll be expensive.
Everything's expensive today I've got a little drive to do and So Dr.
Ward's work on this quote -unquote confessional Biblical Bibliology the
TR only movement is Just excellent. It's it's devastating I Honestly think if you just simply read just the one article
I did on it. It's the end of that movement It should be of course, I think the article that I did in response to Jeffrey Riddle should be the end of that movement too
Because there is no there is no consistent methodology that they have to respond to it But it's good to have other voices saying the same things.
And so I would highly recommend that you go do that Let me This isn't where I started yesterday at this point.
I transitioned into Something else but let me Let me start with it with with words of truth
The London Bapst Confession of Faith says these words in Section 1 paragraph 4 chapter 1 paragraph 4 the authority of the
Holy Scripture for which ought to be believed Depends not upon the testimony of any man or church
But holy upon God who is truth itself the author thereof Therefore it is to be received because of the
Word of God. What is the therefore? What you know, whenever you see therefore you got to find out what it's there for right?
Therefore it is to be received because it is the Word of God What is the therefore referring to it's referring to the authorship the scriptures the
Bible is Is absolutely unique in all of God's creation
Because this is God speaking to us in time When you think about this book
It's written over the course of 1 ,500 years 40 different authors three different languages two primary languages one minor language and It spans a tremendous period of development in Human history and yet The one who rose from the dead
Said that this is God's speech and it is so much
God's speech that you can take words recorded in here that were written a millennium and a half before someone was born and Hold them accountable for those words as if God had spoken them directly to that individual
That's chapter 22, so this is by its own testimony they honest us it is
God breathed It is men speaking from God as they're carried along by the Holy Spirit. And so We Believe it's the
Word of God because of its nature it is not dependent upon the testimony of any man or church or Tradition or confession or creed when we understand the supernatural nature of the scriptures and When we in our amazement recognize
That men spoke you can You can tell it's it's it's particularly clear in the
New Testament and maybe my My work in the old is just not sufficient enough to allow me to see it as clearly
But it's particularly clear that this was not dictated this was not automatic writing men spoke but they spoke as they were carried along by the
Holy Spirit and They spoke from God as they were carried along by the
Holy Spirit Which means without question? that what we have in This book is exactly what
God intended us to have It would have it would have been no more accurate no more the result of the intention of God if It had been simply dictated in a mechanical fashion, but that's that's so far beneath what we actually have in Scripture God's so much bigger than that and so the psalmists plural and their experiences
Paul in his experience Mark in his fast brevity of narrating events
The the apocalyptic language of John or Ezekiel These are all very different from one another and it's and it's a it's a beautiful unity
But its author is God The means of its giving is through men, but its author is
God and so it is to be received because it is They are new stops because it is the very breath of God That's why it's to be received
It's not to be received because someone tells you to receive it have any of us received it because we were told to receive it
Yes, but as we grow in the grace and knowledge Lord Jesus Christ as we grow as believers
Any Less optimal basis for our faith is to be replaced by a more consistent and optimal basis for our faith and so you're blessed to grow up in the church, you're blessed to have the testimony of your parents and your grandparents as I did and the church and examples of godliness and All those are wonderful things and in some context people call those traditions
But the but you have to grow up You're called to grow up you're called to mature and Eventually what you recognize is this is
Absolutely unique. It is a gift from God. It's his self -revelation the one who died and rose again testifies to that reality
You need to have Jesus's view of scripture. Not anybody else's and As a result you accept it because of what it is
You recognize its nature you recognize the fact that it was not all given all at once It took time and as a result you're blessed because wow, what a tremendous
Blessing to live in our day You know how few followers of Yahweh God down through history have had all of this in one place
Had exhaustive concordances and everything else. What a blessing But none of that's the basis upon which you are to accept it you accept it based upon its nature and So you can recognize yeah as a kid
You know, I just I just saw my first Bibles in the other room I should have grabbed it I showed it to you but I just happened to notice that I was moving something on a table and there was and I Didn't know
I had not read it yet. It was too young to read a book that big and I was told that it's the
Word of God by my Sunday school teachers and by my pastor and by my parents and That is an acceptable mechanism of communicating truth
But I can't stop there and that's not what makes it what it is
God uses that but that's not what makes scripture what it is. It is not to be believed depending upon the testimony of any man or church
But wholly upon God so Part of sanctification is the purification of the foundations of one's belief, right?
Wholly upon God who is truth itself the author thereof. So God is truth. He's the author of this.
Therefore it is true and therefore is received because the fact that God is its author and What God does is true.
Okay, this program is called the dividing line Because I recognized long long ago that the dividing line
Between truth and error is to be found in whether one believes that the Bible is what I just described it to be and Though when we first started
I had not yet had to do all the study at Fuller Theological Seminary that I ended up doing for my first master's degree and therefore exposed to all of the
Quest for the historical Jesus and all that kind of stuff and all the neo -orthodoxy that was to be found at Fuller Seminary even back in the 80s
Significantly more conservative back then than it is now if you can believe that So I hadn't seen
How important that dividing line really is that and everything else that has happened in my life since then has demonstrated yes, that is the dividing and So I think
I think some of the most important work we've done this ministry is in defense of solo scriptura All of the
Roman Catholic debates that we've done down through the decades have again illustrated the vital importance of solo scriptura and the subtlety of Those who seek to in any way diminish the doctrine of solo scriptura
Roman Catholic apologists can be very very subtle in Their argumentation and there aren't there aren't too many
Protestants running around who have already been exposed to discussions of formal and material sufficiency for example
So that upon encountering a well -read Catholic apologist could explain why
The scriptures are both materially and formally sufficient or what that would even mean or or how the sufficiency of scripture would interact with the fact that the
Bible itself says that God has given us a church That God has given the elders in the church authority to teach and preach the
Word of God to discipline to reprove rebuke exhort such etc
Um These are issues that we've been forced to deal with Down through the years first dealing with Mormonism then
Jehovah's Witnesses and then Roman Catholicism and Islam and etc, etc, and So we have been very
Focused upon this reality because I have seen what happens once this becomes degraded in The view and in the functional theology of an individual and not degraded in the sense of oh,
I you know a Conservative Roman Catholic apologist believes that this is the inspired
Word of God. Well, in fact, it would even say it's inerrant But then when you start pushing since this is just the written tradition and over here you have the oral tradition and To know what this says
Requires the magisterium the magisterium can define this infallibly
Both as to what its meaning is as well as to its extent So the infallible magisterium is the lens that interprets and defines the written and the oral
Well at that point You no longer have solo scriptura You have solo ecclesia you have the church as the final authority and So when you have lenses and I was called an arrogant man for saying that I don't have lenses and as we pointed out many many times.
I've never said that Everyone has lenses doing
Meaningful exegesis is the mechanism whereby you seek to correct that lens so that what you're seeing on the page is
What God intends you to see upon that page and to understand that's how you protect the
Objective content of divine revelation from one generation to the next if you allow generational construction of compound lenses
Eventually the actual intended meaning of the original words is completely lost completely lost
Doing meaningful Consistent disciplined exegesis is
How you peel back the layers of those lenses? And that can be very painful for a lot of people so all of this to say that Everything that I said at this point amongst my own tribe of Of Baptists in general, there's always been liberal
Baptists well always Certainly during my lifetime and for the past 150 years there have been liberal
Baptists leftist Baptists That aren't even functionally
Trinitarian so we won't even include them in the conversation, but Baptist believing
Baptists in general and Reform Baptists in particular Everybody would have just simply said amen when we get to the next topic, but things they be a changing things they be a changing
Just earlier today 1135 a .m..
According to this scan. I don't know what time zone that was in this screenshot Josh Sommer a
Reform Baptist pastor Tweeted out we receive scripture
Because it bears the marks of the God we know through nature We receive scripture because It bears the marks of the
God we know through nature Now my experience recently.
I was just watching friend of mine on Twitter attempting to reason with pastor summer and The reaction that he got was sure sophistry it was the essence of sophistry
I Don't even think that it contained much in a way of objective meaning, but it oh it just sounded so wise
But it's sophistry So I'm not gonna bother to ask for a further definition because so far pastor summer has
Demonstrated that that's it's not his intention to really clearly communicate to anybody really
But we receive scripture because it bears the marks the God we know through nature now in a this is a this is a fairly short
English sentence I'm gonna bring it over here so that I can Look at you when I see it at the same time
I want to know what it means to receive scripture. I I know it. I know what that used to mean We receive
Scripture as the Word of God Because it is the Word of God. That's what the Baptist Confession says so we receive it as authoritative
But this is saying we receive scripture Because it bears the marks of the
God we know through nature now The God we know through nature
Romans chapter 1 the revelation of God That we have in what's called general revelation through nature is
Limited For the unregenerate person. It's limited to the fact that he exists.
We're to honor him as God and give. Thanks. That's That's what Romans 1 says and we've and the unregenerate man refuses to do that suppresses that knowledge and Engages in all the forms of rebellion that result in the manifold catalog of sins that is found in Romans chapter 1 so deep is that rebellion that Romans 1 26 27 uses homosexuality as an example of the the twistedness that goes all the way down into the very essence and nature of man which
We celebrate in the United States for an entire month But this says we receive scripture so Let's say that this is referring to Christians referring specifically to confessional
Reformed Christians We receive scripture because it bears the marks of the
God we know through nature. How do we know
God through nature? All Reformed men down through time have recognized there's just all sorts of important definitional aspects of the nature of God We do not know through nature
Well when I say all there have been Reformed men got into the gospel the stars stuff and a few weird odd things like that, but sound balanced folks recognize that everything we talked about in regards to God is triune and and these things this is this is this is given to us in special revelation not a natural revelation or general revelation and Since it's we receive scripture the
God we know we know first and foremost through scripture not through nature and When we look at nature if we're talking about regenerate people we are looking at nature through regenerate eyes and What regenerates us?
So you remember remember the definition a couple weeks ago of the great tradition that I used That I read from Craig Carter it literally
Had presented the idea That by By Accomplishing this spiritual exegesis you bring about regeneration and it's frighteningly
Imbalanced and misleading The priority biblically is is the
Word of God Being born again by what? not by your contemplation of nature but by the
Word of God by the scriptures by the presentation of the gospel and So we know
God because he has revealed himself to us In and through Jesus Christ and we know that through his word and once we experience spiritual life then we can look at the world around us and we see the consistency of Revelation of Scripture in God's world around us, but we see that because of what
God has done in us in regeneration by the work of his spirit and The categories in which we place everything that we see around us are given to us by special revelation
It is prior to Anything else This is why when
Josh Summer put up a video said I'm no longer a presuppositionalist that's because you never were
You never were This is the issue of Presuppositionalism this is the issue of the priority.
Not only the the primacy but the necessary ontological priority of revelatory scripture over any man's
Contemplation of nature It's only scripture that gives us the just the category of regenerate and unregenerate
The only way we can talk about how man can look at nature is whether he's regenerate unregenerate Hopefully nobody is suggesting that unregenerate man can look at nature and Discover the marks of the
God We know through nature what what marks that that's what's going to make you accept this because it does say because we rescribe scripture because It bears the marks of the
God we know through script through nature No, I reject that 100 ,000 % that's not what the confession says.
That's not even confessional. I am close to confessional we recognize with spiritual eyes the consistency of What we can see through nature, but it's because we're looking with spiritual eyes
Given to us in the categories of what's in here So we receive this because this is our shepherd and the sheep here is voice
Not because we are looking at nature and why would anyone even want to go that direction?
I Don't understand any of this. Why why give up? What we've always had
For this kind of stuff. I don't know. I don't I'm trying to warn folks.
We're trying to This is this is getting this getting scary because yesterday
Yesterday We had this tweet and it wasn't from Josh Summer It was from Steve Meister Steve Meister is one of the pastors at Emmanuel Baptist Church up in Sacramento He's associated with IRBS.
His co -pastor is one of the board members, I believe IRBS and So he posted these words
You know solo scriptura in scare quotes is
Not explicitly biblical language Expresses a doctrine that is logically deduced from scriptures words and Has been received in the church by tradition now
Thankfully there was some follow -up because as As is
What Rich is letting me know he's still there. I guess he just doesn't want to feel like he's Being completely left out today
So he changed the camera angle, but I'll be looking over here after this anyways there was some follow -up because What's been happening since December so is that you'll get this back and forth going between Steve Meister and Richard Brassellus who also is with IRBS and so He posts this now
Before I read some of the follow -up, which is helpful and We need to look at it.
I Just want to look at the the tweet itself Solo scriptura is not explicitly biblical language if what you mean by that is the terms sola and scriptura are not found
Immediately adjacent to one another in the scriptura Okay, I I suppose that's that's true
It expresses a doctrine Well, I suppose solo scriptura in a sense is a doctrine, but it's it's it's much more than that It is a recognition of ultimate
Revelational authority it is a recognition of the nature of scripture as being absolutely unique in the possession of the church and Intentionally so on God's part and it's not so much logically deduced from scriptures words
Unless you're going to say well when you exegete 2nd Timothy chapter 3 and it says the man of God Using what is say
Anustos can be complete thoroughly equipped for every good work Well, we deduce from that Okay, if you want to Say that I think it's a it's direct
Teaching it's didactic revelation We're not just deducing something from it
We're not having to put some things here things here and you pull that together and you end up with this but what does it mean it has been received in the church by tradition if that is simply a historical statement that those writers in church history
From the primitive period onward That have embraced and taught this concept
Did so recognizing that people before them likewise Taught and believed that same concept
And hence are calling that tradition Okay, but that's not even what he's gonna say.
He's going to say later on in response to someone named Terry and Cole He says yes, it was obviously addressed in the
Reformation the formal principle and Has been passed down to us equals tradition sense.
So he's not talking about the primitive church He's talking about the post -reformational Church. Hmm So The pre -reformational
Church didn't believe this I mean, obviously there is there is a
Degradation over time as Tradition is elevated to the status of lens
Status of containing A Revelation interpretation not found in Scripture and necessary for the proper interpretation of Scripture, etc, etc, etc you can even see for example a difference between Aquinas and His view on this and Trent even though Trent accepts
Aquinas they have to go beyond Aquinas because the Aquinas because he's not in the midst of a
Reformation battle does not have to develop the authority questions as thoroughly as Trent's gonna have to later on and That's why there are people who have just well, of course
Tried to tried to say that Aquinas taught all sorts of things even calling Aquinas a
Protestant Wow, okay People who otherwise wrote good things
John Gershner did that and it was just It's laughably bad, but there are people that just become that dedicated to the the idea
That they engaged in the same type of hagiolatry that people did in the past all those who made
Thomas Aquinas a quote -unquote Saint But anyway His violations of solo scripture are not as egregious as Trent's Because of the context in which he's in so you can even see a development there
But I'm gonna argue very strongly
That in the early church You have examples of individuals who still understand the yet not only the absolute primacy but priority of Scripture over tradition even if they are not consistent with that they recognize that that is an apostolic teaching and so It concerns me when a
Reformed Baptist would say well, yeah the Reformation formal principle But it's been passed down to us traditioned to us since then
I would definitely Disagree with that because that would fundamentally mean that the
Reformation was the origin of this doctrine or maybe that it was not known before that or Whatever.
I I don't know. I But when you say it has been received in the church by traditional first of all the authority of Scripture and solo scriptura and the authority of Scripture are absolutely absolutely categorically
Peas in a pod twins Intimately connected you cannot separate them and the confession says
That's due to the fact that God's the author not because the church passes it down as a tradition That's not and has been received in the church, that's very specific language
And I'm not sure that that's language that is really helpful at all
In light of the historical background of the Reformation and It's having to deal with the concept of tradition.
So Richard Brassellus responds and says so one The words solo scriptura are not contained explicitly in Scripture to the words whoever express a doctrine in Scripture and three
Someone put them together it indicates something in Scripture and others receive the language and the concept embodied in it
You know where he's going You know Trinity is not explicitly biblical language expresses a doctrine
That's logically reduced from Scripture's words and has been received in the church by tradition. Why are we doing this?
Because the only way to take these This type of rhetoric that's not going to lead us into absolute disaster is
For it to be inane basic observations that have no meaning That that had that there's no reason for us to be observing this
It's a basic given that everybody gets and it doesn't matter and we all know that's not what's going on here
That's not what's going on here Because Steve Meister, Josh Sommer, Richard Brassellus They're all the ones talking about solo scriptura and nuda scriptura and all in an attempt
To say no, no, no. No, we need to we need to recognize that there is this really vital important role of Tradition and you don't want to be guilty of nuda scriptura solo scriptura now again
You can go back Decades to the scriptural scriptural own book to the debates that we've done on these issues back in the 90s and It is a common misrepresentation of Roman Catholics That when we are talking about solo scriptura that that means that Scripture exists
Outside of God's intention for the church outside of God's intention to build the church and the kingdom of God outside of God's Decree To be conforming a people to the image of Christ blah blah blah blah blah and it has nothing to do with any of that what it does say is that there is only one thing in the possession of the church and it's the
Anustos and There there is nothing that is superior to it and that every tradition has to be subject to and correctable by Scripture itself and what that means is the
Nicene dogmas Are not the lens through which you interpret Scripture the Nicene dogmas are dependent for their authority upon Scripture That's where the dividing line is going to be because I've already seen people in this group saying the way you do solid
Interpretation of Scripture is you recognize that the Nicene dogmas are the lens that is necessary Now they go back to Irenaeus to try to use
Scopus again. I addressed all this stuff in the 90s and Demonstrated that what
Irenaeus was talking about is sub biblical It's basic biblical revelation and had to specifically do with the context of the beginning place of Gnosticism Completely different worldview.
It's taking all these scriptures and ripping them out of the worldview in which they were written and put him someplace else
So you can't do real exegesis within Gnosticism because of that That's not what we're talking about here.
And that's not what's going on when we talk with Rome Aureus and Orthodoxy for that matter. So the dividing line is going to be when you hear people saying well, yeah
If you don't have the Nicene dogmas as your framework Then you're not going to get to because look if you're gonna say as Craig Carter has said
That the final Orthodox form of the Trinity does not come about until Thomas So you got
Nicaea you've got calcine You've got all the developments in medieval period all the way through Thomas and then you get to what
God wants us to have If you're going there, you do not believe in sola scriptura you do not practice sola scriptura and you will never be able to defend it and that's why
I said yesterday you start going down this road and People look at this stuff and they the
Catholic Roman Catholic apologists out there and they're sharp They're sharp guys, that's that's one of the reasons
I'll be honest with you because a bunch of them are watching right now You're sharp guys, and that's why you're even more responsible right now because you know what your
Pope is all about and You know your current Pope doesn't believe with the Pope before and believed or the
Pope before that and especially the Popes a hundred years ago, you know it because you're sharp and that means you're accountable for it and That I don't understand
God have mercy on you, but they're sharp guys and I specifically stated
I said they're sitting back and they're grinning They're grinning at this because they know what that language is about.
They know where it's being borrowed from Yeah, it's been received in the church by tradition and the
Roman Catholic apologist sits there going. Oh I'd love to debate this guy
Because he'll turn you into a pretzel He'll have you stand on your head so fast
You won't know what happened to you. So, please don't do it It don't they may be contacting you right now.
Hey, you know, you sound pretty academic. You're probably a lot nicer than that James White Let's let's debate.
Oh, no, don't do it You don't know what's gonna happen
So There's also a I think a dangerous confusion here in what
Brassellus says Because the doctrine of the
Trinity is A Biblical doctrine in the way that Warfield I think very rightly identified it as being biblical because it expresses the essence of the meaning of the scriptures as they are interpreted accurately and Accurately not in the sense of tradition accurately but accurately as in this is what the words meant in their original context written to the original audiences and Therefore there is a consistency across all the scripture
That's what the doctrine of Trinity is about I can't tell you how many times Roman Catholics have taken
The doctrine of the Trinity and said yeah, we agree that it's true But you
Protestants don't really have the solid basis for it because the Bible is not clear enough You need to have the magisterium.
You need to have the clarification of Tradition and if you're sitting there playing footsie with the idea that the
Nicene dogmas have an existential existence
Apart from their consistency to scripture that becomes the lens necessary to the right
Interpretation of scripture you have no way of defending that against those
Roman Catholic apologists none Nada niched They'll take you apart and they know it because they know you're not being consistent
They know you are you have you have sold the farm You may not know that Because you have got this you have gotten this idea in your head
That Wow over the past decade. We have we have found what all the
Reformed Baptists before us Are our forefathers knew it but then we forgot it and now we we are the smart ones we've figured it out and so we're gonna run with it and we're and you're just like Okay Guys yo guys, there's there's more to it here.
Have you thought and it's just like nope. Nope, not gonna not gonna go there
So Terry and Cole had said to Steve Meister.
So this is an attempt at clever No, theologian biblical or systematic has argued soul scripture. It means tradition is flushed
That is the ultimate Catholic straw man what it means is all tradition received wisdom and theology biblical biblical systematic or natural is subordinate that is subordinate in the sense of must be examined by passed the test of and is not the lens through which you must be looking to accurately look at scripture and Meister's response is
I agree, but Unfortunately many Christians and pastors do dismiss tradition on that basis
Having confused solo scriptura with nuda scriptura and unaware of what they assume
Well, I've certainly been accused of that. We've refuted it. I've not seen anyone even get close to rehabilitating those accusations, but That's the that's the the claims being made.
So it's you've confused solo scriptura with nuda scriptura so if you say
That scripture is sufficient in of itself and is to be believed solely because God is its author and that therefore every tradition including all the metaphysics of Thomas Aquinas and everything that came before The New Testament including
Plato Aristotle and everything they said must be subject to corrected by and is under the authority of the scriptures as They were written not as they're interpreted by a great tradition
But as they have had the same meaning the same objective reality has been passed from generation to generation the once -for -all delivered to the
Saints faith Not the we will get it figured out in 1 ,200 years faith that's solo scriptura
Nuda scriptura is I don't have to worry about what God's doing in the world I don't have to even concern myself with anyone who came before me
I all I need is this under a tree with the Holy Spirit and I've got it all figured out
That's new descriptor. Are there people who believe that? Yeah, are they serious people?
No, are They involved in this debate? No, so I'm not sure why you keep bringing them up You guys are doing the straw man thing we all see it we all know it and we're calling your bluff so This is where the line is going to be drawn on this very issue and When you hear anyone mark mark my words listen carefully to the languages being used in regards to tradition in regards to Tridents tridents is a mechanism for the the
Communication of and passing along of the content of tradition All right listen when you start hearing people saying that it's
God's intention that there be a Tradition that provides the context or scripture
That's when you're gonna start seeing the schism opening up Just just watch you'll you'll see it happen.
You'll see it happen It'll it'll take place now.
I have not seen anything by the way. I have I have not Gotten anything here.
We are rumbling. Okay So Evidently rich it's been working and that's
That's a good thing. I'm not I have no way of knowing whether this is how we're gonna do stuff in the future
We are currently For the rest next week. I think banned from posting anything on YouTube I just don't know if I'm smart enough or that if I want to be compliant enough
To run the filter through my mind That you can talk about these true things while you're on YouTube, but you can't talk about these true things when you're on YouTube I'll be honest.
I I don't know as long as it allows for live streaming and works
I'd be happy to let YouTube go and and And fine at the same time a
Lot of people found us through YouTube not nearly as many people are gonna find us through rumble or Odyssey So Who knows
I don't know all these decisions may be made for us Forcibly in in the near in the near future it may no longer that You know, they want us all gone
But right now they're still playing the game that well you gave medical misinformation look
Speaking from Leviticus Will be medical misinformation is already medical at misinformation in the minds of most of the people at at Google It already is
So It could be the inevitable reality in a very short period of time So, there you go once once people
Irrigate to themselves because there's no God any longer. They have no fear of God There is no fear of God at Google They don't believe there's gonna be a day of judgment
They will lie they will censor and Do so while lying about what they're doing because they don't believe they'll ever be judged for doing any of this
There's gonna be no judgment. So when you look at Romans chapter 3 and this the sins of man, there you go
There's no there. What what is it all? What's all that horrible stuff in chapter 3? Come to there is no fear of God before their eyes they don't see themselves as creatures who will be judged by God and People like that will do anything
They will do anything and there's no reasoning with them either There is no reasoning with that kind of person there isn't so we will see
What happens with all of that I I don't know where we're gonna end up being
I'm Thankful that at least for now, it seems we made it through this program One thing
I did not do today, but and I I would If I did not have to figure if I did not have to finish.
I'm sorry recording a Presentation on a completely different topic that has to be done today
I need to do right after this and I need to get home. Um, I Was prepared yesterday to respond to the article from a few weeks ago
James why is teaching heresy? We will we will do that. I don't want that to go too long before we refute its many many errors made by its author
And demonstrate once again that there is a there is a mindset infecting
Reformed Baptists that is just turning us inside out and turning us upon each other and It's coming from the same sources coming from the same sources
What once bound us together is now being used to tear us apart It's it's shame, but I think the one that changed
I'm I'm teaching the same things that I've taught all along and Using the same exegetical methodology
I've used all along I ain't changed Doesn't make me right I'm not saying it makes me right, but I'm not the one that's changed.
I'm not the one that's changed All right. So with that Thank you rich for making this work.
I hope it worked We will see you Lord willing next week,
I don't know whether it's gonna be on rumble or odyssey or It can't be on YouTube, but we'll see you someplace.