A Word in Season: That was Providential (Ephesians 1:11)

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Subscribe to A Word in Season on Apple Podcast (bit.ly/WISPod) or Spotify (spoti.fi/AWISPod) For this special season of uncertainty, Jeremy Walker, pastor of Maidenbower Baptist Church in Crawley, England, began making short devotions to warm ou


That was providential someone might say or even that was very providential
Well without seeming to be too picky I'd like to point out that to say that something is very providential or even
Providential is what you might call a theological Tautology that is it's something that's true by any definition and you couldn't say anything different It's like saying tomorrow.
It's likely to rain or maybe not to rain It's just as true as it could be
That's because everything is providential now I know what we mean when we say that was providential or very providential
We're perhaps comforting ourselves with the reminder that something that was painful or difficult was still
Under the control of the Lord God or perhaps it's a particular kindness and we're giving thanks for it or rejoicing in it
And we say well that was very providential That was a particular mercy that we hadn't anticipated a signal
Demonstration if you will of the the love and the kindness of God Toward us, but the fact is that everything is providential
Everything is very providential It couldn't be less than providential because Paul tells us in Ephesians chapter 1 and verse 11 concerning specifically now the outworking of salvation
That in Christ we have obtained an inheritance being predestined according to the purpose of him who works all things according to the counsel of his will
There's nothing then that is not providential even very providential
We see it written elsewhere. We're told that all things work together for good to those who love him
We're told that not a sparrow falls to the ground, but behold he knows it all together
The Bible is littered with these little moments or insights in which we are reminded that all things work together all things are being accomplished according to the counsel of his will and in accordance with his holy purpose on the macro level down to the micro level if you're talking about the movement of the the stars in their courses in the planets around them if you're talking about the very hairs of our head or the even
Microscopic things John Newton famously said that there's not one drop of rain that doesn't fall and it's a pointed place all things according to the counsel of his will and then that is a great comfort
It means that especially now with regard to salvation. God is working out his
Purposes there is something that is reassuring Stable and certain about the work of redemption not just accomplished in the death of the
Lord Jesus Christ But now applied to each one of God's chosen ones He is working these things out and he will never fail to do so Now that's true of everyone and everything the world over there is something that is distinctly though the case for God's people because they are the
Objects of a distinct love and so there is a if you will particular
Regard there is something that you could say is very providential about all the ways that God deals with us
From the very moment of conception even before that in terms of the preparation of other things
God has been Working in order that we might at his appointed time come to him
God has been working to equip us with gifts and graces in order that we might serve him
He's been preparing good works that we might walk in those ways all these things are established according to his providential government that purpose worked out in time and space and So it's not in one sense wrong to say that was providential or even that was very providential
But it is a tautology by definition It's true by definition
God is working all things according to the counsel of his will It's very sweet then to notice some of those distinct operations of providence by which
God is pleased to Accomplish his particular purposes in particular lives or particular situations
But let's never forget that all things are working according to the counsel of his will and that that pre -eminently is an assurance to us that Salvation having been accomplished and now being applied will ultimately secure