“Walking with Your Eyes Wide Open”


Ephesians 5:8-17


Come to go your Bibles Ephesians chapter 5 Scripture reading for our text this morning is verses 8 through 17
Ephesians chapter 5 verses 8 through 17 Follow along in your copy of Scripture as I read this passage this morning
Apostle Paul writes for you were sometimes darkness, but now are you light in the
Lord? Walk as children of light For the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness and righteousness and truth
Proving what is acceptable unto the Lord and have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness
But rather reprove them for it is a shame even to speak of those things which are done of them in secret
But all things that are reproved are made manifest by the light for whatsoever doth make manifest is light
Wherefore he saith awake thou that sleepest and arise from the dead and Christ shall give thee light
See then that you walk Circumspectly not as fools, but as wise Redeeming the time because the days are evil
Wherefore be not unwise but understanding what the will of the Lord is
Let's have a brief prayer our Father and our God may we Understand what the will of the
Lord is and in so understanding may we walk Circumspectly we pray in Jesus name.
Amen Steve Adams committed one of two serious mistakes on a journey that must be avoided
Stephen successfully Through hike the Appalachian Trail when he was 61 years old
He had never hiked before in his life never done any backpacking decided he wanted to do that So he got all the equipment got all the stuff the supplies and he headed off on this 2 ,000 almost 200 mile journey from Maine or from Georgia to Maine and he did it he succeeded and That gave him a great boost of confidence as a backpacker as one might understand.
I mean that was a quite a significant achievement So a year or two later he thought well If he did that he could certainly do the
John Muir Trail The John Muir Trail is on the west coast It's in California and it's only one -tenth of the distance of the
Appalachian Trail to about 220 miles The problem is that the
John Muir Trail Begins at an elevation over 4 ,000 feet Steve Adams was now 63 years of age.
He had grown up in England and Lived on most of his life in England in retirement, he moved to the
United States and then into Florida The average elevation in Florida is about six feet above sea level
So he wanted to do this hike on the John Muir Trail which immediately took him to over 4 ,000 feet and the trail goes to greater than 11 ,000 feet within 35 miles
So what Steve Adams failed to take into consideration was that at? 63 years of age having lived most of his life at an elevation below a hundred foot
This was going to be a significant challenge and the result was his body physically could not handle that elevation
Level and in a short time after taking off at that height he had to throw in the towel
So the mistake Steve Adams made was not considering Seriously who he was at that point in his life his general condition of health and physique
Geraldine Largay not only committed that mistake failing to take into consideration who she was
But she also committed the second grave mistake of a hiker
She likewise was hiking on the Appalachian Trail She had started out with her husband and and then also with another friend
Her husband had to get off the trail at one point because of health and then her friend
Also had to leave the trail because of an emergency back home And she was determined that she was going to continue on and go get to the end
What she failed to take into consideration regarding who she was is that she was
Let's say it euphemistically Directionally challenged She had a very hard time keeping straight which direction she was headed and was not very good at Directions at all.
That was one problem The other problem was about 200 miles before the end of the trail and not all that long after her friend left
The trail to go home She was walking through a section of the of the trail in the in Maine through a very very dense
Forest and The trail is a narrow trail at that point and the for the forest all around is extremely dense and she had to go off the trail for a few minutes and Take care of some business and when she did she did not pay careful attention
To the path that she took away from the trail and that forest was so dense
That she turned around to make her way back and she didn't know where to go she completely lost orientation and Completely lost her way
She died 30 days later never finding her way back to the original trail
Her mistake was not walking with focused attention on her surroundings and the route
That she needed to take to get back on the trail Now the Apostle Paul in his letter to the
Ephesians has been talking about the Christian life as a walk I want you to trace this with me again
We've been emphasizing this as long as Paul has I think in this book in in chapter 2
Verse 2 he says after he says you were dead and trespasses and sins He says in verse 2 wherein in time past you walked according to the course of this world in Verse 10.
He says we are his workmanship created in Christ Jesus unto good works Which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them in chapter 4 verse 1
He says I therefore the prisoner of the Lord beseech you that you walk worthy of the calling wherewith you are called
In verse 17, he says this I say therefore and testify in the Lord that you henceforth walk
Not as other Gentiles walk in the vanity of their mind and in chapter 5 verse 2
He says and walk in love as Christ also hath loved us and given himself for us
And now in today's text in verses 8 through 17 this same Metaphor for the
Christian life appears twice it appears at the beginning of our first in verse 8 where he says walk as children of light and In verse and in verse 15 where he says see then that you walk
Circumspectly. So again, he continues this Metaphor of the Christian life being a walk and in today's text.
I Think what he's emphasizing is that as followers of Christ on this journey of the
Christian life he warns us to walk with our eyes wide open and Wide open lest we make the same mistake as these ill -fated hikers taking our eyes off of who we are and our eyes off of The trail and seriously considering where we are on that trail now.
I get the idea of Walking with our eyes wide open from this verse verse 15
Where he says see that you walk Circumspectly that word Circumspectly, it means to walk with detailed exactness to pay careful attention to to be alert to be alert so Going back to verses 8 and through verse 14 walk this
Christian life Being alert to who you are to who you are now if you are a follower of Christ if you come to the place where your
Blind eyes were open where you were where you were once dead in trespasses and sins, but God in his grace made you alive so that you could see yourself as a the sinner that you are and see yourself in need of a
Savior who is Christ Jesus and you by God's grace Repented of your sin and you put your faith and trust in Jesus as your
Savior and you became alive in Christ And you're following Christ well, if that's you you need to be alert to who you are and who you are involves a
Significant change in your identity and you need to recognize that significant change and that change is brought out in verse 18
The change of your identity notice what Paul says in verse 8 he says for you were
Sometimes or in the past you were Darkness You were darkness.
Now. He doesn't say you were in darkness. He says you were darkness and What he's referring to there is that state of being?
that he talked about back in chapter 2 verse 1 where you were dead in trespasses and sins when
The body is dead it is It is total darkness
It is enshrouded in darkness. It is itself Darkness and Paul says you were
Darkness when you were dead in trespasses and sins you were void of the truth and you were void of virtue in Spiritual and moral matters.
Oh physically you were alive and you were walking around with your eyes open and all the rest of that But in terms of your
Ability to connect with God there was no connection with God in terms of your understanding of and living by the the virtues of Spiritual and moral truth that are brought out in God's Word.
That was not your life You were darkness you unknowingly to be sure
Exuded darkness and you did so by what you thought and said
The things you would say the things you would think lacking the true knowledge of God What you had to say you could not communicate the truth that was in Christ Jesus.
You didn't know any better You were in darkness and you were darkness you exuded that darkness not only by what you thought and said
But by what you did your own personal depravity you do understand this do you not that you sin
Because you are a sinner You're not a sinner because you sin you sin
Because you are a sinner you are born in dead in trespasses and sins
You are born a sinner and that's why you sin So from the very earliest stage of life because of your sinfulness
You exuded darkness your own personal depravity brought forth your own personal expressions of sin in what you did and You exuded darkness and how you lived in utter spiritual despondency in Isaiah chapter 42 this prophetic passage regarding the coming of the
Messiah One thing that the Prophet says Messiah would do is he would bring from the prison those who sit in darkness
Bring from the prison those who sit in darkness. He's not talking about a literal jail or prison house
He's talking about our spiritual imprisonment we're all In bondage to sin when we're born into this world and What Christ the
Messiah has done for you who are Christ Jesus you are in Christ Jesus what he has done is he has brought you from that prison of darkness and brought you into light, but that prison of darkness was a place of spiritual despondency
Jim visits the jail a couple of times a week and ministers in the jail, and I think he could probably testify that one of the one of the
Typical characteristics of those who are incarcerated is a certain measure of despondency
Just regular normal old despondency just because of where they are and maybe why they're there
Now that's true for the physical prisoner But take that truth of the physical prisoner and apply it broadly to all who are spiritually imprisoned in the bondage of sin and and and all are in this state of sitting in the prison of darkness and you unknowingly exuded that darkness in your formal in your formal former identity and not only did you
Unknowingly exude that darkness you actually contributed to that darkness again, not knowingly
I mean it wasn't deliberate. You didn't deliberately say. Oh, I'm gonna contribute to the darkness of this world
You didn't need to just by virtue of what you exuded in your fallen condition you were a contributor to the darkness that is this world and therefore you unknowingly
Advanced that darkness by your own personal influence
You advance the darkness of others by your own influence you put it this way sinners train sinners in the fine art of sinning
I Did it you did it and every sinner does it trains sinners in the fine art of sinning
That's who you were you were darkness But listen, here's the good news.
And this is what you want You want to be alert to your identity you were darkness, but now you are light
This is what he says in verse 18 you were darkness, but now you are light in the Lord again notice
He doesn't say you are in the light He says you are light and You are light by virtue
Look at the verse look at the text. You are light by virtue of being in the
Lord and the Lord Jesus Christ himself said in John 8 12 I am the light of the world and if Jesus is the light of the world and you are in Christ Jesus then you are light in fact
Jesus himself said that Matthew 5 14. He says you his followers.
You are light in this world You are the light so by what you think and say
Look at the difference now. Look at the difference. Look at the change Look at the transformation when you were darkness what you thought and said what you did and how you lived it
Exuded darkness now as a follower of Christ as one who is being transformed
By the Word of God into Christ likeness you now as light
Reflecting light you do so by virtue of what you say and do by what you think by how you live and In that exuding of light you then contribute to the light by the character of your walk and Is whereas you used to advance the darkness by your personal influence now you who are light
You have the privilege and the opportunity of advancing the light by your personal influence.
You are light All right. That's who you are But now notice in the last part of verse at the very end of verse 8 that who you are
It limits your walk He says you are light Walk as children of light
Walk as children of light Now earlier in this text in verse 6
He contrasts you with the child of disobedience He says because of these things cometh the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience
He uses that same term back in chapter 2 verse 2 Speaking of you who were dead in trespasses and sins
He says he speaks he talks about that as the Spirit that now works at the end of verse 2 in the children of disobedience.
You are no longer a child of disobedience In chapter 2 verse 3 he speaks of those who were by nature the children of wrath you were a child of disobedience you were a child of wrath, but you are now a child of light a child of light and You are a child of light by virtue of your gracious adoption
You see how Paul keeps taking us back to the doctrinal foundational sections of this book
At the very beginning of the book. He talked about how God in his grace has Chosen us from before the foundation of the world unto the adoption of sons of children
To adopt us as his own children and it is by his gracious Adopting you who are in Christ Jesus as his own children that you are now a child of light but as a child of light
That brings with it some parameters you need to walk as a child of light and we understand this on a understand this on a physical familial level don't we
How many times have you heard and maybe you dads have said this to your own children? You've heard of dads who've told their children.
Maybe you say You know we're heading off to their first day of high school or maybe Dropping them off at college and so forth and the father says to his child his son his daughter
Don't forget your name Remember your name remember who's you are
What what is the father implying in that little exhortation? walk as a
You know, whatever the last name is walk as a bice walk as a as a hem and walk as a
McCann Well, you know you walk by the name and and the dad wants to encourage the child to Have some parameters built around the behavior
Because that behavior will reflect upon the name understand it on that level
I Was a kid that grew up grew up in a pastor's home And there were many times that I was reminded that I had to walk as a
PK And I sympathize with my own kids maybe more now than I did when they were growing up as I reflect back on things but but but there were certain expectations that were placed upon me as A pastor's kid that other kids in the church didn't have
I think I've told you this story before about I was in a Sunday school class in Fifth or sixth grade fifth grade.
I think it was maybe even fourth grade. It was just a just a kid and the the teacher was teaching about some the
Old Testament and I raised my hand and the teacher said yes.
Yes, Brian, and I said Well, he must have been talking about the sacrifices or something
So, well, how are people saved in the Old Testament? That's a good question, isn't it?
I mean there are some adults in this room right now or maybe wonder how are people saved in the Old Testament all the sacrifices and everything and I just asked this question.
How are people saved in the Old Testament and Instead of answering the question, you know what the teacher said
He said well Brian, I'm surprised you're the you're a pastor's son. You should know the answer to that And he went on He went on So I was
I was to live I was to walk as a PK Meaning that I was to know all the biblical answers to any spiritual question that anybody might have
That's absurd, but this is not absurd This is not absurd. Are you a child of the light?
Are you a child of light? Walk as children of light walk within those parameters
Now verse 9 verse 9 shows us that who you are as a child of light determines the character of your walk verse 9 talks about Some of those parameters and and what should come forth from you as a child of light
What should be the character of your walk? verse 9 says the fruit of the Spirit or some translations actually have the fruit of light and That's probably the better Translation the fruit of light is in all goodness and righteousness
And truth in other words what verse 9 is saying is this as a child of light?
Your walk should be characterized by goodness righteousness and truth
By goodness Good stuff that just comes from you by virtue of who you are for example
You know, you're you're walking down the hallway they'll say back to the to the fellowship hall and You know somebody is in front of you.
That is walking slower than you Goodness would slow down be patient Understanding the
Limitations of the person in front of you Thoughtlessness a lack of that fruit would just try to barrel on by even if you knock them over, you know
It doesn't mean you know, you're just more you're intent on getting back there to the food now goodness goodness is the kind of thing where We have some young people that help out
Some of the older folks in the congregation and pick up them offer valet service for their cars or automobiles
That's those are good things That's the kind of stuff that becomes more and more the norm
For you who are children of light righteousness Righteousness is that is the doing of that which is right by God's standards and then truth
Integrity Reliability honesty the opposite of hypocrisy and a sham these the fruit of light goodness righteousness truth and Who you are as a child of light not only determines the character of your walk
But it influences the goal of your walk. What are you wanting to accomplish as you walk along this journey?
Verse 10 tells us that Proving what is acceptable to the
Lord? There's a kind of a dual goal here that's brought out in verse 10
The first part of the goal is that you want to discern that's what that word proving means
You want to discern how to walk? You want to discern how to walk?
Okay. Here I am on this journey. How do I walk along this journey? Think back of the hikers, you know and and the whole
The whole joy of hiking One thing you want to do is you want to figure out how do
I walk and I talked about this a little bit last Week. Oh, I had a had a mentor that kind of helped me learn how to paste myself
It'll walk over rock small rocks and tree Roots and so forth so as to make the most efficient use of my walking routine
How to walk is an important thing and as you are walking as a child of light
You want to discern? Well, how do I walk along this journey? There's some questions you can ask questions like Is this that I'm doing is this that I'm thinking is this that I'm saying is this?
good Is it good? That is is it
Consistent with God's character. Is it consistent with the character of Christ?
Is it good? I Can ask myself the question. Is this right?
Is this right? Does it conform to the standard of God's Word?
And you can look at the things like the Decalogue the Ten Commandments are the principles in God's Word You can look to the book of Proverbs and the wisdom that is
Shared in the book of Proverbs and so on and through throughout the scripture. Is this good? Is this right?
Does it conform to the standards of God's of God's Word of God's righteousness?
And then I can ask myself the question. Is this really true? Is this true?
Is what I'm thinking? true Are the words I'm saying are they true?
Is the way I'm walking True is it a is it a walk of integrity?
Or am I walking a sham? Sham life the life of a hypocrite.
Is it true? Will this help? Advance or hinder
God's truth in this world among those with whom I walk. I Want to discern how to walk so that I might please my
Lord Jesus Christ. Look at our text Proving or discerning what is acceptable or what is well -pleasing unto the
Lord What is well -pleasing unto the Lord? Now to be sure
There there are a lot of people we want to please I I'm quite sure that those who offer the valet service to some of our folks
They want to please those that they're serving. They bring their car up. They want to be they want to please that person help them out absolutely, and I'm sure that you husbands you want to please your wives you wives you want to please your husbands and you
Parents you want to please your children and children I hope you want to please your parents and so on and so forth in our
Relationships in life. We want to please our employers. We want to please our employees. We want to please our co -workers, but listen
There's there's an overriding There's an overriding goal here
Ultimately ultimately There is an audience of one that we are to please the
Lord Jesus Christ That we may discern what is well -pleasing unto the
Lord And and with that as our goal that we do understand that sometimes
I discern what will please the Lord and In the doing of it.
It may not please my child It may not please my co -worker may not please my boss
It may not even please myself On one level But I want to do it
Why because I want to walk in a way that is consistent with who
I am I want to be alert to who I am. I'm a child of light I need to walk as a child of light to walk as a child of light
I need to discern how to walk. I want to discern How it is that I might please the
Lord and I want to walk accordingly and then Who you are as a child of light notice in verses 11 to 14
It affects the manner of your walk the manner of your walk
Paul goes on here and he talks about not having any fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness rather reproving them in the manner the manner of my walk must be one which
I avoid these unfruitful works It's unfruitful works
That is those that are useless that have no real benefit
I'm not just talking about you know, frivolous frittering away my time and in that kind of thing but that which is truly unfruitful works of darkness think back on those
Works of darkness that we talked about earlier where you exuded darkness when you were in darkness and you didn't even know you were doing so and and when you think back on those ways in which you
Exuded darkness by what you thought and said by what you did By your influence and all of that's to that kind of stuff when you get right down to it
All of that was unfruitful. It was not beneficial Now Paul says listen avoid avoid those things those unfruitful works of darkness and In your manner of walking as a child of light
You want to expose instead of Participating in those unfruitful works of darkness you want to expose them that word
That's translated reproved here and our King James could could be translated and better be translated to expose them
It doesn't necessarily mean that you walk around It doesn't mean that you walk around Pointing out everybody else's faults to them and all their sins and all their works of darkness
Doesn't mean that it doesn't mean that you you harangue them and you you batter them and you badger them about all the evil stuff
That they're doing that's not what it's talking about. It's talking about exposing those unfruitful works of darkness, but how how
Notice in verse 12 he says it's a shame to speak of those things which are done of them in secret So one way we don't do it is just by by by talking about them in a favorable way
That's a shameful thing to do But what we do instead to expose those shameful works of darkness is to shine light on them
Shine the light on them see this in verse 13 All things that are reproved or are exposed all the things that are exposed are made manifest by the light
They're made manifest by the light In other words, who are you?
Who are you You're a child of light Which means that you?
Walk as a child of light That means you are going to be emanating light from your life and as you
Life from what you from your light from your life. What you end up doing is you expose?
sin for what it is Now you do that more by your life than you do by your words
We know that because Jesus himself said so in Matthew 5 verse 14, he said you are the light of the world and then in verse 16
He said this Let your light so shine before men They may see your what?
They may see your good works and glorify your Father Who's in heaven?
So also what Paul is what Paul is encouraging us here to do is to so live as children of light
That by our light we expose the darkness for what it really is
And that can have actually have the effect of transforming darkness into light
You say what look look at the rest of the verse verse 13 He says for for whatsoever doth make manifest is light that which that which reveals is
Light you go in a dark room you get this you go in a dark room. I'll tell you what you can do Experiment with it
After the services after the service this morning, we'll close those doors between the foyer and the fell and the auditorium
We'll close the doors. We'll turn all the lights off and Let me encourage you to let me encourage you to try to walk up here and get up on the platform
Without any lights on now You might make it down the center aisle and you might think you've reached the end of the pews
And then when you go to turn right you'd run into one of the pews why because you couldn't see it But you know something all you need to do is just flip on one of those lights in the back and and the light the light
Manifests that which manifests is like that reveals is light whatever reveals is light
But now look at verse 14 Wherefore he saith wherefore it says Awake thou that sleepest and arise from the dead and Christ shall give thee light
Now what's that talking about? Well, this isn't a direct quotation from any passage in the
Old Testament But the idea here is he's pulling together some different places in the
Old Testament And I'm not going to that you can read it and study it for yourself if you want to for your homework
But but what he is saying here is that you as a child of light as You live walk as a child of light
You turn on the light and You're turning on the light of God's truth
Has the capacity not only to expose sin for what it is but also to transform sinners into new creatures how so because What's the first step?
That anybody has to come to before they Come to faith in Christ.
Do you not have to see yourself as a sinner in need of a
Savior? You absolutely do. How do you ever see yourself as a sinner?
when the light comes on and exposes your sinfulness This is what
Paul is getting at here who you are Affects the manner of your work of your walk
So you need to be alert You need to be alert to who you are and the rest of our text verses 15 to 17 is the other point
You need to be alert not only to who you are, but you need to be alert to where you are now
Where are you? Where are you? see yourself as Paul describes ourselves us at the end of verse 16
Recognizing our place in history He says redeeming the time why because the days are evil.
Where are you? You are in history in Days that are evil
You said boy, I sure know that I read the news and I see what's going on in this world
And boy, these are evil days. Yeah, they are but guess what Paul was writing a couple thousand years ago and Paul said a couple thousand years ago
The days are evil because here's the thing the days of Eden paradise our past their ancient history and the days of paradise restored
Eden restored are sometime in the undisclosed future and From the time of paradise lost in ancient history until the time of paradise restored at some unknown time in the future
We're living in evil days days That are evil
Recognize your place in history recognize that reality recognize that where you are is in this time frame of evil days
And where you are if you understand that and recognize that will determine the character of your walk
Look at verse 15 He says see then that you walk circumspectly how how what should be the character of my walk not as a fool?
but as wise Not being content in ignorance not being apathetic to the danger of walking in evil days but as wise
Do you know the name Chris McCandless? You know who that is? He was a young guy right out of college
I don't remember if he graduated or not, but he finished up one of his years at college and He decided
I wanted to I want to get out I want to get out in an adventure and so he took off on an adventure and and And he found himself
Found himself out west somewhere and he decided he was going to he was gonna hitchhike and get himself up to Alaska He wanted adventure so he got up to Alaska and Then he decided he was going to get
Put a pack on his back and put food in his back and he was going to make his way out into the wilderness of Alaska And he hitched a ride and he got a ride along one of the few roads in Alaska and he got to a certain point
And he said to the guy giving me a ride. He said, okay, you can let me off here I'm gonna head off west and the guy giving rights in man.
Don't do this. You're not ready for this You're not prepared for this. It's dangerous out there now.
I'm ready. I'm gonna I want to go. I'm gonna I gotta go I gotta go. I gotta go You don't have the right equipment to go.
You're not properly equipped for such a thing. I'm ready I'm gonna go and off he went
And he journeyed off into the Alaskan wilderness and he came upon an old an old Bus of all things out in the middle of the wilderness he came upon this bus and it's a good thing
He came upon it because it provided him a little bit of shelter for a while But he eventually died out there in the wilderness.
Why? Because he was ignorant of what to eat and he was not prepared for the journey
He died, you know, it's really silly You say well, that's really foolish of him.
Yeah, it is What's really foolish is there a lot of people who having read about Chris McCandless's?
Experience in a book entitled in the into the wild They've said oh man,
I want to go find that bus and off they went and This year there are a couple other people who have died trying to do this same stupid thing same foolish thing
Now listen Paul says you are to walk Circumspectly not as fools not in ignorance to what's going on in this in these evil times and not
Apathetic to the danger you are to walk as wise following the practical wisdom that you gain from insight into God's will and God's works you walk as children of light not as fools, but as wise and Where you are?
in this place in history in these evil days Also determines the goal of your walk
What is that goal verse 16? Redeeming the time redeeming the time
It's a lot of discussion about what this actually means Does this mean? Does this mean that I have a meticulous?
Daily calendar where I'm I'm watching every hour and how I spend it Well, there's nothing wrong with that and there can be great virtue in that There can also be great slavery in it as well.
I don't think that's what it's talking about Does this mean having a good time management system
It's good to have a good time management system, but I'm not so sure that's what this is talking about Look at the verse that a whole as a whole and understand what?
redeeming means To redeem means to buy back so if you are walking this journey in evil days and You are to redeem the time and the word time here is not talking about, you know
The time on your watch the Kronos the hours it's talking about Kairos a period of time buying back the time
Because the days are evil and I think what Paul is getting at is this as you and I as God's people walk
Circumspectly according to who we are as children of light we
Purchased the time from being marked exclusively by darkness and evil
So there's a little bit of time time that surrounds us as children of light
There's not marked by the evil days in which we live That is marked by light
That time that area that that arena of the era Is light it's been redeemed
This is our goal that we might redeem the time in which we live and Then notice in verse 17 where you are also determines the guidance that you get for this walk
He says wherefore be not unwise but understanding what the will of the
Lord is You look for guidance in this walk
Where you are in these evil days you look for guidance to the Lord Jesus to understand his will his moral purpose
It's very practically very simply. What does that mean? It means
Every day You seek to discover What is
God like? What does God? like and as you discover what
God is like and what God likes You endeavor to apply those truths those discoveries to everyday life
Understanding what the will of the Lord is Right now watch because Steve Adams tried to cut out
Tried to take a path that he wasn't cut out for He had to quit and go home
He did not see clearly who he really was at that point in his life
Because Geraldine Largay took her eyes off of where she was
She strayed from the path and perished Now look if you're a follower of the
Lord Jesus Christ One whom God has graciously adopted as a child into his family
You need to walk with your eyes wide open alert to who you are as a child of light and Alert to where you are as you trek along through these evil days
You need to walk Circumspectly our
Father in our God. I just pray this morning That we would walk with our eyes open
We would walk alert to who we are and where we are and That we would endeavor along this journey to be like Jesus the light of the world
Who always walked with his eyes wide open?