Our sin cannot outweigh the cross | The Whole Counsel

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There is a lie the enemy whispers that our sins have outweighed the atonement of Jesus' death. But Scripture is clear: Jesus' perfectly obedient life and submissive death atones for every sin of every believer. God the Father is pleased to accept this sacrifice on our behalf.


His first argument here is that there's such virtue in the blood of Christ because Jesus did actually
Suffer the legal and full curse of the offended and the broken law And he does this in his body in a real physical death where he he actually suffers
He gives a quote Where he says God was not angry with Christ for taking his office upon him
But for our sins his anger was directed toward our sin not because he took the office God's wrath burned against him
God looked on him as if he were the guilty person God looked upon him as the object of his vindictive justice and Jesus was pursued by divine vengeance for our sins
The second argument he gives for why there is such a virtue to cleanse our sins in the death of Christ Is that Jesus suffered as the eternal
Son of God and not just as the sinless man? And he gives a couple of verses here 1st
Corinthians 2 8 they crucified the Lord of glory Acts 3 15 they killed the
Prince of life This one really answers the objection that comes to our minds when we look at the magnitude of our sins
So we look at the frequency perhaps of a heinous sin We you know the repetitive nature in our life and we wonder have
I sinned against God one too many times you know has the pile grown so high and so it's good to contrast that the
Size of our sin, which is terrible with the infinite Dignity and magnitude of the sin -bearer.
He is the Prince of life He is the Lord of glory and there is no reason to fear that our sin is is too great for that cross
I do think it's important to make some distinctions here We have the
God -man with two natures and if we're not careful we can come up with some really bad ideas We understand it and Stoddard mentions this that Christ suffered in his humanity the deity cannot suffer pain
Christ died in his humanity the deity cannot die God is eternal and Yet we can say that Jesus the
God -man suffered and died because there is one person with two natures and he endured all of that and his deity lent such
Dignity to his humanity that this this sacrifice becomes of infinite value.
Mm -hmm. Yeah. Yeah, that's really Important to keep one person two natures not two persons with a mingled nature yeah, and if you you can go too far one way and think that the deity of Christ died somehow which is is
Problematic, but you could also go too far the other way and think because The deity cannot be touched with that we could say that the humanity somehow
Was lessened and the sacrifice was lessened and it does not bear the dignity that it actually does
He mentions also that the suffering was of a perfectly holy sacrifice and we see that foreshadowed in the
Old Testament the spotless lamb We see that clearly described in the New Testament John 14
At the end of that chapter when he's with his disciples the night of his crucifixion He tells them that they need to get up and leave the room.
They're gonna go out to Gethsemane and He says to them it's time for us to get up and leave because the evil one has no nothing in me
I'm not going to go and be taken and crucified because of anything wrong in me But because there's nothing wrong in me, you know
He can be the sacrifice and I think that that applies in a second way to the objections of the heart
Not just the bigness of my sin, but the the shamefulness this stain The dirtiness of every sin and when we see them as God sees them, you know as we begin to see them more clearly
Then there might be that feeling that nothing nothing could ever make me right with God now
And so we must contrast the horrible stain of every sin with the infinitely
Beautiful holiness of the sacrifice and find all of our confidence there
Yeah, I think this is probably to me one of the sweetest points and one of the most astounding to think about too you know that Christ wholly not just in lack of original sin, but actual sin that he does not
Commit any deeds that are sinful but thoughts and attitudes and no sin not only of commission but of omission