Mother chooses life instead of having an abortion at Planned Parenthood.

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Aleasha had her mindset on having an abortion after learning she was about to become a single mom. Thanks to faithful Christians, Aleasha was provided with the resources and support needed and chose life for her daughter. This testimony, and others like it, are made possible by people like you, who want to see babies saved from the slaughter. We know this is an uphill battle but it is one we cannot afford to lose. We simply cannot do this without the support of our donors and church partners. If you have benefited from our resources, truly want to see the end of abortion, and see children saved from death, then would you consider giving? When you give, you can have the confidence of knowing that, under God, your funds are having an eternal impact. ============== Get a FREE comprehensive guide: 10 answers to common pro-choice objections. Save the lives of babies by supporting us. Shop the official End Abortion Now store: Interested in becoming a church partner? =============== If you liked this video, check out some of your others. Abortion Supporters Argue With Pastor Professing “Christian” Refuted On Abortion Epic Conflict Outside Of Abortion Clinic


My name is Alicia. I'm from Arizona Phoenix, Arizona, and I am 24 years old
Well, what was going through my mind I wasn't financially stable enough to have a child and I didn't feel like I I wanted a child to suffer with me because I I wasn't making enough money
I wasn't in the career that I really wanted to be in and I felt like Abortion was like the only option for me during that time.
I was 23, I believe so I felt like My days are over I didn't feel like I will still have my youth.
So I went there with my mother and I felt like I want to like go through this go through with this process and my mom
Dropped me off and we were in the parking lot. I was like had a lot of mixed emotions.
I was very like scared Nervous sad mostly mostly sad
Throughout that process it was very it was kind of like going to an appointment and it was like seeing other ladies there like ladies that looks like sad and like some of them look kind of like depressed and It was kind of like a you know typical
Abortion clinic and then as Relieving I met with Sherry and Elvis they're from the church and they told me that they that I didn't have to do that and there's plenty other resources out there in Phoenix that I can look after and I had got her number and Elvis number and From then on I felt like I had more support
She helped me Sherry and Elvis helped me out a lot throughout that pregnancy.
They helped me by being there Miss Sherry went to many doctor's appointments
They called and checked on me See how I was doing if I needed anything they were willing to come by to the house and help me
So that really had a that played a nice positive Aspect in the situation that I was in you think you would have gone through with it if they wouldn't have been there or I Probably would have like I probably would have either went back and Continue with it
But I felt like in my head. I honestly didn't want to Go back.
I really didn't want to go back once I once I left But I was kind of figuring like what should
I do next should I go back? Or should I just continue being pregnant? I felt like I did a couple of things in my past and I was like,
I didn't want to commit a murder of a child because of my actions and I think that I should have
Thought about certain things before I had did certain things and I was willing to accept my consequences
So do you regret not having the abortion? Oh, no, I don't regret it at all I'm very grateful for my daughter and I love her a lot and I feel like she makes me better every day and it's like when
I was Before I was pregnant. I didn't really have a lot of I really unsure about my life
I didn't know where I wanted my path to be now since I have her it's like You know a life -changing moment that made me realize that I have life to you know live for So it made me feel very happy to have someone that I can take care of that loves me unconditionally
Yes, she should absolutely take their help
I believe is very Beneficial for you for the mother and for child
Because you don't want to live with regret you don't want to live with Like being sad or depressed about it and you want to continue on living your life