Progressive Christian’s Argument Gets DESTROYED!

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Hey guys, Colin here, and welcome back to the channel where the Bible and critical thinking meet to give you real
Christian commentary about the things that matter. Thanks so much for watching, let's get into the video. So today we'll be watching and reviewing another
TikTok from Reverend Brandon Robertson. He is the fake pastor who masquerades as a servant of Jesus Christ under the banner of heretical progressive
Christianity. If Brandon does not repent, unfortunately, he will soon enough hear those dreaded words
Depart from me, I never knew you. And let's pray earnestly that he would repent and turn to Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of his sins.
That is our hope. Let us never forget that. Now with that said, Brandon puts out a lot of content, and just to offer a disclaimer, all of it is horrible.
His perspective on Scripture, for instance, is hopelessly inaccurate and can be dismantled in just a few seconds.
So in this video, let's watch his TikTok and respond to it by doing exactly what 2 Corinthians 10 says as we, quote, destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God and take every thought captive to obey
Christ, end quote. So without any further ado, watch this video. So there are a number of claims being made in the clip, all of which are dreadfully wrong, and we're going to demonstrate that here point by point.
The methodology behind my critique here is based in the truth of 2 Timothy 3 .16, which says, quote, all
Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, end quote.
Brandon talks about the things that he believes God does not care about. And my approach here is really simple, that God has told us exactly what
He cares about in His Holy Scriptures. And if Brandon disagrees with me that God's Word is the ultimate standard of what
God cares about, then he really has no business telling us what God cares about, because he, well, he has no idea.
He's merely making a not -so -educated guess based in his own fallen human feelings. So with all that said, let's talk about this list of things that fake
Reverend Brandon Robertson believes that God does not care about. First on his list is, quote, your right beliefs, end quote.
This is so self -contradictory that it boggles the mind. So God doesn't care about your right beliefs, according to Brandon?
Well, here's a follow -up question to that. Is that statement a right belief, and does God care about it?
If it is, then it contradicts the previous statement about God not caring about your right beliefs. If it is not, then it's wrong and it doesn't matter.
Either way, Brandon is hopelessly incorrect. He sits there telling you that God does not care about having right beliefs, and then at the end of the video, he proceeds to offer you a whole list of what he thinks are right beliefs.
You can't have it both ways. If God doesn't care about you having right beliefs, then you shouldn't make any claims about what would constitute right beliefs.
It simply makes no sense. But of course, the things that Brandon believes to be right beliefs, well, these are spread all over the video.
And that is because he is full of deceit, just like his father, and he is using his illogical arguments to excuse
Christians from their real duty to obey Christ. So stay away from this man's false teaching. The passage
I read in 2 Corinthians earlier, well, it really demonstrates how unbiblical this claim is. It's said to, quote, "...destroy
arguments raised against the knowledge of God." Now, I have a question. If God does not care about us having right beliefs, why would he ask us to destroy certain wrong beliefs?
Doesn't the destruction of evil beliefs highlight the need, the necessity, for righteous beliefs? Obviously, it does.
So yes, God indeed cares about your beliefs being right. The next claim Brandon makes is that God does not care about the, quote, "...gender
of your lover." This is manifestly false. Romans 1 .27 says, quote, "...the
men likewise gave up natural relations with women, and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men, and receiving in themselves the due penalty for their error."
End quote. Surely, if God was willing to call out homosexuality as unnatural in his Word, and even call it a dreadful error, that indicates that he does indeed care about the gender of your lover.
Additionally, consider Genesis 1 .28 and Genesis 9 .7, for instance. In these passages,
God commands Adam and Eve, and then later Noah and his family, to be fruitful and multiply. This obviously indicates that God cared about the gender of their lovers, because only lovers who are of the opposite gender can be fruitful and multiply.
So to suggest that God has never cared about the gender of your lover, well, that's just to deny the clear testimony of Scripture.
Now, Brandon Robertson may very well respond to this, if he wanted to, by saying, God doesn't oppose homosexuality.
If you look at those passages you quoted in their historical context, he's only opposing temple prostitution, and that's the type of homosexual behavior that he's referring to.
And my response to that would simply be, Brandon, why are you offering me your right beliefs? According to you,
God doesn't care about them. Moving forward, Brandon says that God doesn't care about your, quote, church attendance.
Really? Colossians 3 .16 says, quote, Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God.
End quote. So these are our goals in fellowship, and in what weekly gathering of believers do we normatively collect to accomplish these goals?
Obviously, the way we do this is through weekly church gatherings. We can do it through more gatherings, but we certainly shouldn't do it through less.
Now, Brandon may yet respond to this argument by saying, but the Bible doesn't explicitly say that you must attend church every week.
It doesn't give a specific interval that you must attend within. That's just the frequency that we've decided in our own human tradition.
And if he did say that, my response to that would be this, Brandon, why are you telling other people what you believe about church?
According to what you said, God doesn't care about your right beliefs. Now moving on to his next statement, he says that God doesn't care about, quote, how many people you convert.
And on this, I have a slight agreement in a technical sense. I don't believe that there is an exact number of converts that you must make in order to make
God care, but it certainly is the case that God cares about whether or not you aim to make converts at all in the first place.
In Matthew 28, 19 through 20, Jesus says, quote, Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the
Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.
And behold, I am with you always, even to the end of the age, end quote. So yes, Jesus does indeed care that we have a heart to spread his gospel.
But no, he does not give an exact number, an exact quota to each disciple. Notably, Jesus also says that we should teach converts to follow everything he commanded.
By contrast, Brandon's evil ministry actively encourages people to disobey the word of God.
This is the very word of which Jesus said in Matthew 4, 4, quote, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God, end quote.
So yes, God cares about converts. And yes, he also cares about what we teach them. Then Brandon says that God does not care about what you wear.
On the other hand, First Timothy 2, 9 through 10 says, quote, Women should adorn themselves in respectable apparel, with modesty and with self -control, not with braided hair or gold or pearls or costly attire, but with what is proper for women who profess godliness, with good works, end quote.
So if God does not care about what people wear at all, then why on earth does he give here explicit directions in Scripture as to what people should wear?
The answer is, of course, that Brandon Robertson has no idea what he's talking about, and you really shouldn't listen to him in any kind of serious way.
That's why he says that God doesn't care about having right beliefs, because that's a really convenient statement to make from someone who has no right beliefs.
The next thing Brandon says is that God doesn't care about how many times you've read your Bible. Again, God does not offer an exact number in Scripture, an exact amount of times you must do this, but God certainly does tell us that he cares about whether or not we read his
Word and believe it consistently. Joshua 1, 8 says, quote, Keep this book of the law always on your lips.
Meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it, end quote.
So again, there's no emphasis as to the exact number, but there is a tremendous emphasis on understanding and applying the
Word of God by being well -acquainted with it. The next thing that God apparently doesn't care about, according to Brandon, is, quote, how much you give to your church.
Again, perhaps the exact number isn't what we should talk about here, but God most definitely tells us to support the church financially.
In 1 Corinthians 9, 10, Paul says that pastors, church leaders, have a right to be paid for their spiritual labor.
How exactly are these people going to be paid in the church if no one's there to give them money with which to pay them?
Again, the exact amount of money is not my point. Rather, the necessity of contributing money to the church is.
The Bible clearly indicates that. Then Brandon says that God doesn't care if we, quote, worship the right way.
By contrast, Hebrews 12, 28 says, quote, Therefore let us be grateful for receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, and thus let us offer to God acceptable worship with reverence and awe, end quote.
The passage here clearly says that there is a distinct difference between acceptable and unacceptable worship before God.
The passage also tells us, the readers, as Christians, that we must offer acceptable worship to God.
It's a moral imperative. It's a command. So yes, God definitely does care about how we worship him.
If he didn't, then he wouldn't tell us how we're supposed to worship him. So I hope this showed you how morally and logically bankrupt
Brandon Robertson and really the whole progressive Christian movement truly are. And Brandon, if you disagree with any part of this video, just remember that you said
God doesn't care about your right beliefs. So please stop forcing your supposed right beliefs on others.
Repent and turn to Christ, who can forgive you for this in his mercy. And in all seriousness, let's pray for Brandon that he would repent of this wicked deceitfulness and turn to the truth of God's Word.
And until next time, fight for truth, never surrender, and keep your eyes open.