Should a Man with a Therapy Animal Be Told to Man Up?

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Join us for a lively discussion on whether men with therapy animals should "man up" on this episode of The Bible Bashed Podcast. Don't miss it! In this episode of The Bible Bashed Podcast, we dive into the controversial topic of men with therapy animals and whether they need to "man up." While many people see therapy animals as a l


So all I hear you saying is you don't think Paul had the Chihuahua Paul definitely didn't have a therapy
Wild, you know dog not not not the Chihuahua that you know Like when you're real stressed out you just you rub its belly and then you get warm fuzzies inside and everything's okay
All right, Tim the question for today's episode is should a man with a therapy animal be told to man up In 1st
Corinthians 16 13 Paul says be watchful stand firm in the faith act like men be strong So I interpret that to mean, you know act like men equals don't have a therapy animal
You couldn't even keep from laughing when you read the Bible I mean, you know, it's it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a it's a Why'd you laugh
Tim There's nothing there's nothing, you know more emasculating the thought of a man having to be dependent upon an animal for Comfort and safety so, you know, obviously, you know act like men has direct application to don't have therapy at all
I mean it couldn't couldn't we guess that maybe Paul had some kind of like Chihuahua or something as he was
You know chained and in prison Maybe that's what the thorn in the side was like the
Chihuahua, you know It was helpful and then eventually it became to you know
He wasn't able to take it outside enough. And so it was peeing and pooping inside and maybe that was the thorn in his side
Yeah, I mean isn't that at least isn't that at least we've got to admit that that's at least a possibility right
Tim No No Mostly at it like a seeing -eye, you know dog or something.
I don't Yeah, no, I did this poll on Twitter and I was basically saying yeah
I was asking about therapy animals like should therapy animals be allowed in church and a lot of people confuse like a therapy animal with a service animal essentially
So like a service animal is like an animal that helps someone with like with a disability So like a like a seeing -eye dog to help a blind person or something along those lines
But then like a therapy animal is like an emotional support animal like it's an animal that a person has to have in order to be okay in order to handle life and they feel like just You know paralyzed with fear like afraid
You know uncomfortable, you know like so like a therapy animal like the problem is that You know
Paul is telling men be be watchful stand firm in the faith act like men be strong And so you're supposed to mean well, what does it mean to act like a man, right?
So be watchful stand firm of the faith act like men be strong Well, one of the things that we talked about in our courage episode is
Isaiah 19 16 So if you want to think about what is the opposite of acting like a man? Well in that day the
Egyptians will be like women and tremble with fear before the hand of the Lord post shakes over them
So to to be a man is like, you know synonymous with having courage to face difficulty or danger and what you're talking about with the therapy animal is an individual who has to Have an animal present in order for them to have the requisite courage necessary Just to face the normal difficult trials of life or just just go anywhere in public
So they just don't feel okay unless they have this animal there with them and really
I mean, you know God's a god of all comfort and you know what you're talking about with a therapy animal is essentially like an idol
I mean, that's what you're talking about So the problem of therapy animal is not just like you're beating up on these men who are so emotionally, you know
Incapable of handling life that they have to have some animal they're present for them to feel okay or feel safe Like yes, that's an utter failure of masculinity
But like the deeper problem is that they've made this turn this animal into an idol essentially So the
Bible says my people committed two evils one, you know They've forsaken me the fount of living waters and then to they hewn for themselves broken sick of cisterns
Which will never hold water which will never satisfy essentially And so, you know instead of worshiping God looking to God to be the god of all comfort
They look to created things to be sources of comfort and safety and security and that's just not how
God's designed the world so you shouldn't look to the creation to do something that God Ultimately is going to do so you should be strong in the
Lord in the strength of his might and stand firm right in The Lord you shouldn't have to have some animal there to help you to you know, basically
Face other people or go out in public or whatever, you know, so this is basically just like yes
It's a failure of masculinity, but it's also like fundamentally about idolatry at that point So all
I hear you saying is you don't think Paul had the Chihuahua Paul definitely didn't have a therapy wild, you know dog
Not the Chihuahua that you know Like when you're real stressed out you just you rub its belly and then you get warm fuzzies inside and everything's okay
I mean, he probably ate a few dogs on his travels It doesn't doesn't the
Bible said, you know, I'm pretty sure the Bible says things like, you know, beware the dogs Mutilation you're right.
Yeah, so Yeah, the idea of having to have a animal, you know a therapeutic animal was
Jeff so so is that even a you know therapy animal is that even like a
Is there even a category of that beyond like ten years ago Yeah, it's a totally new thing.
Yeah, I mean, it's totally new thing that people have, you know developed in order to basically Like as courage in masculinity fails as as men are becoming less and less masculine
You know, this is something that you Started out with like children and cancer patients and things like that But I mean
I counsel young men in college who you know have their therapy animals and so this is just like some this is a new thing that that Has come about and it's definitely coming about in the society where you know men aren't nearly as masculine as they used to be
So so when Paul is saying, you know act like men He's not even thinking in his mind like get rid of the therapy dog because that's not like a thing, right?
That's not even on the radar. Yeah That would be so like embarrassing to any one of that society that there would be you know
This is no brainer, okay fair enough This has been another episode of Bible bashed we hope you have been encouraged and blessed through our discussion
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