Open Air Theology with special guest: Andrew Rappaport


Open Air Theology with special guest: Andrew Rappaport


What are you doing? He never let a cigar that way you use it wouldn't match
Preserves the flavor you see but the worst curse would come upon the one who seduced him
Whose head would be crushed? by the seed of the woman And the punishment was too severe
What's wrong with you people are you ready to get back to work with pleasure
What is this about I Choose to believe the
Bible because it's a reliable collection of historical documents written down by eyewitnesses during the lifetime of other eyewitnesses
They report to us supernatural events that took place in fulfillment of specific prophecies and claimed that their writings are divine rather than human in origin
But because of his own purpose and grace Which he gave us in Christ Jesus before the ages began
I don't know why you're clapping. I'm talking about you. I Didn't come here to get a man.
I didn't come here to be applauded. I'm talking about you Hello.
Hello. Hello. Welcome to open -air theology. It's a great blessing to see everyone here tonight
We'll see how tonight goes. We got some we got some hoodlums on here tonight However before before we begin
I do want to just give a huge shout out and We'll put this on here real fast
Thank you for striving for eternity for helping hope Get your head out of that box Thank you to striving for eternity for helping
Sponsor or to partner with open -air theology and helping us get the word out about our YouTube channel If you are new to this show go check out open -air theology on YouTube and then go also check out striving for eternity if you are on open -air theology
It'd be a great blessing for you to do that and on that note without my introduction because I'll introduce myself later
I'll pass the mic down here to one of our special guests that we have here tonight Who me brother, yeah, go ahead.
Oh, this is a happy from coming to you live from Weezer, Idaho, and I'm the host of R &B studios and Yeah, and I'm gonna pass it
How you do it I'm gonna pass it to this person over here who doesn't exist I Don't exist or what you're just gonna leave that out there.
Oh, well Cody Joe Joe webbing. You don't exist You're a I generated.
All right Call it out
I Guess the thing is, you know the argument that I guess he was making is that ethnic
Jewish people don't exist So therefore I'm not really here But I am
I am Andrew rap report from striving fraternity ministries Do a couple podcasts
Andrew Rappert's rap report and Apologetics live which we do on on these two channels as well
Just had a fun debate What two nights ago on whether ghosts are formal human beings or if they're only demonic?
It's actually a really respectful debate. Would you agree Tom you you saw it? Yeah, I thought it was very well done
As far as the debate goes It was interesting interesting stuff
I'll say yeah, yeah Not something I think about often.
I don't really know. Okay, the only time I think of ghosts being former human beings is in Hollywood Not in the
Bible just that was my view Yeah to come up with they can't what they came up with was was pretty interesting
I matter of fact, I would disagree with both of them. So On the whole ghost thing, so as a matter of fact one of my my comments was boo
As a third debater and you just and we could add a three -way debate that would have been great that would have been good
Well, so that's that's Andrew Rappaport down there. My name is Tom Shepherd I'm a co -host of open -air theology with Braden Patterson and also the new co -host of striving for eternity
Apologetics live we go on on Thursdays. I don't know which one is it is a striving for eternity or well, you
You can you can get to it from striving for you get everything that we do there But the direct link is apologetics live comm that's where people can watch it.
They could join the show You know watch previous shows Yeah, I mean
Nicholas. I like that, right? Yeah, so it's pretty awesome to actually have you and then every anybody who's watching on striving for eternity right now or even if none
Or shoot Braden is your is is the reform ex -war man on it's on there.
Yeah, it's on there I mean, so if you're streaming in one of those other places if you would
Andrew has been kind enough to To help us out. We're trying to get more subscriber to the open -air theology
Podcast or and actually it's gonna become We need to do that Andrew. We need to hook up and Figure out when we're gonna in the works in the works
Work on that. Yep. Yeah. Yes, we do. So let me pass it over to my I had the same problem with haps
There we go. Yeah Yeah, so my name is Braden Patterson, I am the pastor of grace
Bible Church here in Moore Park, California We meet on Sundays at 1030 if you live in Ventura County area or somewhere nearby
Be a great blessing for you to join us on Sunday tomorrow Even that will be in James chapter 1 verses 2 through 7, so it'd be a great great blessing to count all things joy
Blessing to be a part of open -air theology. I think we have a great show tonight before We talk about anything else.
Let me put this on there and block out haps his face because we need to block his face out anyway, yeah Hey So this book right here
Talking about plugs you guys should go and pre -order this book. It's called resist tyrants.
Obey God. It's a It's a book about John Knox. It's written by a brother in Christ named
Jacob Tanner Looks like it's going to be a really really great book. I'm excited to get my hands on it
Definitely go check that out. You can go to founders org and pre -order it there so go go check that book out if you if you like church history and want some insights into the life of John Knox and Now Jacob's gonna be on next week as well, right?
He is. Yeah, so we'll be able to interview him about that book next week So don't miss out on that.
That'll be great. I'm excited expertise on John Knox Hmm, but we we're just talking we had we had we were behind the scenes about to go live and we started talking about haunted
Tom you said that you don't believe in ghosts at all. Is that right? No, not at all
Okay, hold on. Let's you're gonna need to define what you mean by ghost then Do you believe in spirits?
Do do I so do you believe in things like angels? I do Yeah, okay.
So now now we're getting to Do you have to define what a ghost is, right? I Knew I knew
Andrew Rappaport was gonna be pressing me on this now I'm being drilled and I didn't even know we were gonna be talking about I didn't know either
Because house down here below me says that he lit or that he's doing this show tonight
This is haunted. It used to be owned by This is haunted. It used to be owned by the whole town knows.
All right It's haunted I saw my gnome right here and when
I was doing my show and I threw coins down and I went up to Go grab something all of a sudden It was right over here.
I was like Did I do that? I don't know if I did it or not, but So to answer to answer answers question, yeah,
I of course I would believe in angels I do think that they there are Ministering angels that that serve serve us in some way and I think that They probably present themselves in a way that we wouldn't recognize them as angels
What's the scripture of the passage that talks about you know that you're entertaining angels unawares
Hebrews, yep. I don't know the exact chapter and verse but Hebrews Well, you you want to know you want to know when you don't know this is this is if you ever listen to Ray Comfort, this is what he does when he doesn't know the verse that's in here
You'll hear him do it when he'll know the book and I was like, oh that's in Hebrews. Mm -hmm. Yeah People just move on like they it's it's really funny because you think did
I just not hear it, right? And yet he's purposely mumbling like, you know, it is but yeah,
I was here Mm -hmm Yeah, so yeah, so as far as but is actually, you know when to actually think that there are ghosts
Dead people, you know, like the sixth sense type of stuff the movie. I see dead people.
No, I I don't I don't believe in That so let me ask you this if somebody says they saw a ghost
Would you say that it there's a potential of it being a demon that they saw I'm gonna say no you didn't
I Just being honest, I just don't you don't think it could be demonic.
I you know, I I I just can't I can't even conceive of there being a a ghost in the room like a a and actually thinking that there is
Like something moving around You'd find it hard to believe that a demon could be in a room
By The way y 'all this was not prepared it was not Tom has a whole bunch of difficult difficult questions for us
So I think I think really what is happening Braden said well to prevent that I'm gonna he's gonna do a latent flowers like like latent flowers when we were at the
Calvinist conference He came to breakfast instead of us asking him a bunch of questions
He just decided to turn his sights on something that you know to get everyone else Here's my answer
Hey demon I gotta say about that Well, we do have a good show tonight
Tom has some more AI generated questions We're just gonna let This is okay.
Let me ask this question is AI Demonic. Ooh, that's a good question.
It was the image that we gave it power to or whatever in Revelation. Yeah No AI is
Definitely going to always have a bias Okay, because someone programmed it someone gave it
Rules I mean, here's the set of things for you to do right so yeah, it's it's going to always have it's gonna be hard to Unless they're going to just let
You know, okay. Here it is. We're gonna whatever you asked for go grab it and but once they start saying, okay We can't talk politics.
We can't talk this can't it once they decide to put any kind of filters on there. Those filters are biased
I would agree with you on that for sure. Well, not only that but I think the more you use it the same way
You know, it's it's funny My wife will be looking up stuff on you know to buy on Amazon or whatever and then the next thing, you know
I'll get these ads on Facebook for the exact same thing. She's looking for because of the what do they call it the cookies or whatever and So I'm getting all these in the same way
I think that chat GPT or anything like that you ask questions and stuff like that For example, it knows that I'll ask questions regarding 1689
London Baptist Confession of Faith And so the other day true story the other day The other day
I asked that GPT In one sentence, what would or in one word, what would you say that would that would disprove dispensationalism?
No, the answer according to GPT was divided Maybe is rightly dividing the
Word of God it does You don't know it's so funny because actually
Ryan didn't actually ask something very similar you know if you could if you can identify what theological system would be the the best one or the most accurate and And in two words, it said
Presbyterian And I asked the exact same thing on Twitter, which was a reply and said 1689
London Baptist Confession of Faith So it's it's geared toward what you use it for right and give you answers what you know what you want to use it for seems to be
Divided well We have a
I generated questions tonight we do are these questions from a demon or not Your demons are real, dude
Yeah, it's just Tom that doesn't agree I mean I haven't seen any Keep evangelizing go to go to a really bad neighborhood.
I mean I've seen some I've seen some Have you have you you know seen who's in the
White House just say I mean I have I mean Joe Biden is president Is a pretty demonic
Actually a reptile He might be yeah, that was Queen Elizabeth. I Hear all the conspiracies.
I know no no and all in all seriousness. You know I've seen some pretty evil stuff
Yeah, I've seen some I've seen some some Manifestations of evil from people
Vicious Look like they were possessed type of thing don't talk about me in that way.
I wouldn't do that And all right, so here's a question. Yeah, if you could sit down with any biblical figure
For an hour of conversation Who would it be and why are you asking me or everybody?
No, I'm asking everyone, but it was your question you were gonna ask us so I figured I'd ask it of you first Okay, so to be nice and take the hot spot off you right now.
That is fantastic You know what you know what so I was thinking about this and I'll and I'll answer it real quick I would so yeah besides Jesus Michelle was talking about Jesus Besides Jesus because Jesus would be my answer.
Yeah. Yeah, but that's this Sunday school answer. Come on, man Yeah, so no really honestly Jonah. I would
I would want to talk with him I want to know what it would be like you know what just everything how how everything worked out for him
How he saw the grace of God how he ran away from God how he was in the belly of the fish I would I'd really like to talk to him about that.
What was it like? Going out in preaching against Nineveh to repent
Definitely would would want to talk with Jonah. Mm -hmm. That would be cool. What about you guys?
Oh well Joel webbing, you know because he's a person in the Trinity.
Yeah He wrote the Bible So far Trying to be serious and you leave it to have see you had to throw it to have said there you go in the trash
Honestly, I would Honestly, I'd want to hear by the way. Joe Webber is very thankful that you called him part of you know, biblical
You know, he's a poor person in the Trinity. I can't you know, I Mean of course, why wouldn't
I Joseph Smith already has that spot? Thank you very much Am I wrong does he not basically say that yeah
There was a BYU professor. I want to say and I quote if Jesus is the door
Joseph Smith is the door hinge. Ooh, we Does is it not
Trinity and Joseph Smith who? Mormons would think judge us Yeah Yeah, that's another that is another one that no one there's another quote
I can't remember what prophet said it but or what figure but No one can go to heaven without the permission
And Joe went and Joe weapon and Joe You just have you know, we keep trying to steer this in a good direction educational direction
So I I would you know to be honest like I look at every
Person that's in the Bible as a character in the Bible, you know and so I would really want to hear from one of the eyewitnesses to the feeding of the 5 ,000
You know and and just sit there and ask like what was I mean wasn't baked fish wasn't raw fish
I mean was I mean just I'd have just so many questions, you know Did it come down cooked or not, you know, it was a poached salmon
Well, no, I mean, you know I mean, I mean, what was that like?
I mean what was I mean, what was that experience like watching? The Son of God and the father just fill up these baskets, you know
You know, it's funny because John MacArthur was was asked the question one time He was talking about how when how when
Peter jumped off the boat After he had betrayed him and he was running towards Jesus and John said
I think that's the Lord You know He jumps off the boat and he swims out there and he goes, you know And Jesus was over there making breakfast.
He goes, you know how Jesus makes breakfast I mean
John that was a John MacArthur show, but it was true. It's a I mean you think about he's cooking up fish and everything and breakfast
Okay, so how would you explain the gospel in a single sentence to someone who has never heard of Christ I Would have to have a lot of commas on that one.
Yeah So, you know a lot of us can go to first Corinthians 15 3 & 4 and summarize it
But after yeah, I think oh I Think that it's gonna take a lot longer than one sentence to actually communicate and to make to make a person wise into salvation
I think there's gonna be a lot more than just one sentence Well, see I think Jesse Heller had my verse there right there first Corinthians 521
He who knew no sin became sin that you may become the righteousness of God done one sentence
Well, I mean, but that does that does that show you but you asked this question.
Sure Like I said, I like you said you you would have to unpack that I mean if I'm gonna if I'm not gonna have that one then
I'll just go with it's appointed unto man once to die and then the judgment Yeah But again, does that?
Asking the questions right now in that one sentence does that communicate is there enough there to communicate somebody to where they're gonna be wise into salvation to where they can understand their condition their their their heart condition the need for a substitute
I Think it would be very hard to do in one sentence. Could I just say go read the
Bible and that's my single sentence Go read the Bible Yeah So, I guess there is the question can it be done can a person be made wise unto salvation
Without understanding certain things Yes Yeah, they could do that, right?
You know, let me say it this way. There's people who say well you have to you you can't be saved without understanding the
Trinity I'll disagree. I would disagree. I I was saved Believing Jesus was
God But I didn't Understand the Trinity. I never heard the word before Right.
I actually didn't hear the word for years after so But I but I believe Jesus was
God Couldn't explain how Jesus could be God on the cross and yet The father was controlling fit like I couldn't explain that but I hadn't thought it through enough
Right, I would say that somebody can't deny the Trinity though. Correct. I mean by yeah
Understand Exactly so like that's where like the theme on the cross probably couldn't talk about in full detail the
Working the inner working of the Trinity and how all that works out Well, yeah, if he was being the crucifix he's being crucified next to Jesus and you're asking him questions
I'm sure you'd be like, yeah, there's only one God you'd be like, yep. Yeah, okay Exactly.
It would be like that Also, you know, you know like when a gospel presentation is made
It says that like Lydia that said that she was a devout worshiper a temple works for basically
And then God had to open up her heart to understand the gospel, you know So but I heard this right here, man.
I I just looked it up real fast and You know just and I saw this and it's one sentence, you know
It says the God who made us sent his son Jesus to live a perfect life
Die in our place and rise again so that we could be forgiven of our sins and know
God perfectly forever through faith in him I Like that. Yeah Yeah I'm almost thinking
I would may maybe I think maybe quoting a verse from Romans.
I might do like Romans 5 518 or Romans 6 23 Romans 6 23 is pretty dang good for communicating the gospel in some degree
You can say for the wages of sin is death But the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our
Lord. So repent and believe in him. Yeah, that's also the If you go to where is it?
acts I think Jesus said it the best and And not not acts
Luke 24 Is that it and he opened up their minds to understand the scriptures and said to them?
Thus it is written that the Christ should suffer and on the third day rise from the dead and that repentance for the forgiveness of sins
Should be proclaimed in his name to all nations beginning with Jerusalem. Yeah, that's a perfect one -liner from our
King But I think all of us would also agree here that nobody here would just give them give a one -line
Sentence. Okay, this is it and walk away. I mean, obviously you would you would dive deeper into conversation talk about who
Jesus was If you have if you're doing open -air, oh sure
That's why is doing open -air evangelism. You have to be ready for quick gospel
Presentations that we drink you we change them, you know, we call it stoplight preaching. Yeah while they're sitting at a red light
Can you get a gospel message and you got 30 seconds? Can you do it? And we there's a reason for training that Yeah, because when you're doing open -air and and when
I would do open -air in New York It's it's a little bit different because you get it large crowds. You get people that are always taking video
I've I found I have found myself on a bunch of atheists, you know blog sites
In the gospel in New York, and that's why you know, I don't whatever I'm talking about Like if we're talking evolution and I'm debunking evolution
But I see someone put a camera and they start recording I just like look into the camera share the gospel really quick like it mid -sentence
I'll just go because I know they're gonna put that online right want the gospel there, right?
That's a really good point to Andrew. I mean and it's it's actually true if anybody's actually done open -air preaching
I think everybody here has you know, and you're at a stoplight you have you know Three minutes to get the gospel out three minutes.
Where are you living man? Well, I mean three minutes roughly yeah right in Fredericksburg we have about three minutes
Yeah, I mean, but you have you know, even with people walking by, you know, you'll have 75 yards
They're coming they could probably hear and you have You know, you have a very short time to be able to communicate the gospel
So I hear exactly what you're saying and you're doing it on the fly and then you're also looping it Because those people are gone and now you got to start all over.
Okay, so Tom do you ever get? This is I know a bad way to say this
But do you ever get bored hearing yourself saying the same like because you're saying in a loop It's like when
I'm doing open -air and I'm up there for like three hours There are certain things I am set. I've said like three dozen times like yeah
Judgment, I I'll recite that at least three dozen times, you know, and you feel awkward
But you have to realize that the audience that heard it once isn't there anymore
And yeah, you're saying it again to the new brand new audience audience So yeah, but it does feel weird because you just said it five minutes ago
I know I'm repeating myself and I'm like, oh my gosh, okay, and I'm sure my wife is like you just went over that Well, you know, it's just like, you know
I've been with some people that just get up and and start reading scripture and everything
You know as the cars are driving by and everything like that and and then I get the mic
You know, it's just like for instance, you know like like we were just saying, you know get given the gospel the gospel the gospel and it just it's just so I like when you you're really relying on the
Holy Spirit to you know, really I know a lot of people don't believe in like an unction like what?
Evangelists get you know like just this function to to preach and and know who to preach to and in all this type of stuff, but it it's
It just comes natural I think for some people, you know And it just doesn't matter if you're stream fishing pond fishing lake fishing deep -sea fishing
It might be all different but it's like I said at the conference the same real same rod
Yeah, you know same gospel Michelle said yeah,
I was gonna ask you to put that up again. Yeah, so it should be up right now Says but it's still utterly important.
Yeah As fast as possible and not only that Not only to get to the cross but to stay there
To stay at the cross, you know, let's not get distracted and pulled away by meaningless arguments that aren't gonna make
Any difference in the world? Let's stick with christ and him crucified Melissa can you put melissa's owens comment back up there?
she says um Short response and then you just okay short response, uh to the gospel is also
Good in dire situations say, uh Say someone in an accident or something.
Now, here's the thing part of this and I want to expand on this because part of this is in preparation
You know, are you prepared? For a situation like that.
Are you thinking how can I transition to the gospel? I Remember seeing a car accident
And I watched it happen. I pulled over I checked to make sure the person was okay And I sat there knowing
I wanted to share the gospel, but I was like Okay, how do I transition from what just happened?
The person's all shaken up You know, that would have been a wasted opportunity had I not gone home and thought about it
And the next time I saw an accident I was prepared with four or five different ways to transition
So as soon as I I got over I made sure the person was okay you you're safe Yes, you know and and they're there you can see it visibly
I was like, you know, man, you you could have lost your life there in a split second She's like I know like everything just happened so quickly.
I said, you know, our life is that short I mean we could we could just be gone that quickly and you know, most people don't think what's going to happen after they die yeah, no,
I was prepared for that because I Because I didn't have an answer the first time
I thought about it So if I ever was in that situation, I would have an answer and I've used that maybe three times since then
So don't don't don't tell nobody but definitely when I was working as a firefighter,
I had a lot of conversations with people in the back of the ambulance and Or on scenes or anything like that.
One thing I I found was very successful is in time of Distress almost no one will say no to a prayer
Guess what? When you pray you can say whatever you want No one's going to interrupt you and gospel writing a prayer preach the gospel writing a prayer to people love it
And so I do that. I did that frequently with people I did it. I did it frequently
Uh, not just prayer, but man, it was uh, there was a lot of really good serious serious calls that It was pretty neat.
It was a good Isn't it a grace? Isn't it amazing how god works in those those? Yeah events too where he he puts some of those things to make you realize.
Oh, wait a minute listen I'm not in control of my life. Yeah I have speed and we
I had this, uh, I was down in florida and this pastor one of one of the
Attendees of his church. She was for like 30 years a secretary Of this very very wealthy jewish guy
That he owned like in orlando he owns most of the hotels in orlando okay, that whole area he's got like like dozens and dozens if not a hundred hotels right and so This this pastor got an opportunity to have a meeting with him
And he really wanted to share the gospel. So the church had a guy that does jewish ministry
So he brought that guy And he Purpose was the two of them were going to meet to share the gospel with him and and since I happen to be in town
He's like, hey, do you want to tag along? Okay, right? So It was it was really funny because i'm sitting quiet because i'm just a tag along And the pastor starts talking and this guy just shuts him down The jewish evangelist, you know starts talking shuts him down now
I'm used to seeing that because I grew up jewish. I know my dad is you know, he he's he's
Well to do and and so I just know the behavior I know that you know And so I just took a totally different tact with him turns out that he actually knows who my father is
He's my father's on the other side of the state, but he knows of my father And so that made an instant connection.
We started talking so I was able to talk to him But then like you said we go to leave and I could tell he's just He's he wants the conversation to end.
He wants it. He's like, hey, I gave you the time. Hey, that's nice It's time for you to leave Yeah, and as we get up and leave
I just turned to him and I just said hey you mind if we pray for you? And you're right. He's like he wanted he just he wanted the gospel conversation to end
Yeah, but he's like sure that would be nice. Would you i'm telling you? It's an expert level move on anybody that it works and it's sincere too you like and seriously,
I mean you Lord I pray so and so that you would bless them lord that you would look over them God may they turn and keep their eyes upon you
Dying for their sins rising from the grave like and you're just preaching this to them. Yeah, and they're not gonna interrupt you right
Ministry tool, um, they're not cheap but a friend of mine in new york. Uh, he's not in new york now I think he's in ohio.
He would make a thing called a prayer stand And you could go look it up Uh, you know, maybe i'll look it up and I could show you in in I could share the the picture but basically what he does is
He would set up in new york this prayer stand and I would it was really amazing because I would be doing open air and watching and so many people
Would come up to him to you know just to be able to you know sit there and and um
Let me see if my people. Yeah, let me let me try to share this and i'll show you what the what it looks like but what what
What he would do is he'd have this? This prayer stand that he would set up and that's sort of if you can see in the picture there.
I'm just gonna add that There you go. So it's a little bit small, but that's that's basically what it looks like.
Yeah Um, if I can I can make it bigger now, okay But it basically he would set it up and it's it just has this big prayer thing that sticks up so everyone sees it has this little carousel with that has you could put your tracks in and it's
It's it's weather protected and that the big red thing at the bottom is just to block the wind and you'd lock it down and the neat thing with it is
Everyone would come up to him and ask for prayer he would probably speak to more people than I did doing open air where i'm just You know speaking out but he has all these people coming up and it's like they're just sharing all their different needs
He shares the gospel gives them a track praise the gospel to them And and they're coming up to him
Right. I mean tom when you do open air, how many people are just coming up because they they want to talk to you?
So yeah, so that matter of fact that wouldn't even be the the point so um What we do is we're getting the gospel out in the open air brayden is gonna come with us and we actually have
Something similar to the the prayer stand there a whiteboard that actually says are you going to heaven and we'll put the pen in people's hands
And they'll mark either yes. No, or I don't know and we'll find out where they stand, you know What are they trusting in for eternal life?
And then a lot of what did brayden do you said? So brayden did I think we did all three so we had and then we have besides that the whiteboard
We also have people with tracks that are walking around handing out tracks and so So you're you're hitting it from all sides.
You're hitting people in open air You're hitting people with the one -on -one conversations with the whiteboard. You're hitting people with one -on -one conversation
As they're walking up and down the streets um, just trying to find Multiple ways to be able to get to get the gospel out
David i'm trying to figure out how did brandon answer the question on the whiteboard? That's that's what i'm trying to figure.
Oh Well, how did you how did you answer that question? Did he think he was going to heaven
I said maybe Yeah, you know, you know what we used to do, um out in california
Is you know like I think but the evangelism, you know I've always been used to was not really like the uh out in front of a market but behind one
And uh, you know not like out in front of a baseball stadium But in the the gutters behind it or you know
In underpasses and stuff like that And I many uh many people
I have found Uh that were odine And it was by the grace of god.
I was able many times dude uh, um Or in septic shock or you know something like from you know, drinking too much alcohol not uh, and um
And I got to go down the call the hospital The ambulance go down sit with them and then when they woke up and able to give them the gospel of jesus christ, you know
Yeah, yeah, and uh, let them know that that is by the grace of god. They just uh, they they almost went to hell but um
Uh in in in those same areas we'd put up these uh these tents And we'd call them prayer tents and man we'd have me and this guy david hernandez
Pastor david hernandez the hotel dealers ministry used to do that And man, so many people would come in and get prayer.
It was a real blessing Yeah, isn't it interesting andrew and you brought up the fact, you know when you you had an opportunity
Or actually a tragic opportunity when you witness an accident and stuff like that, but what about When you don't witness those accidents we all know that that people are
Going through things how and I know you've taught on this. How do you? In your experience be able to turn
A conversation that can make make it a gospel conversation because that seems pretty hard for a lot of people
Yeah, I think you're right. I think for most people that i've seen When it comes to evangelism, the hardest thing is the transition from the natural world to the spiritual world
And that's why I I made a game of it Is to practice it and so I call it the spiritual transition game
So you just you sit around with a bunch of people just give some object And whatever the object is
They have to get to a gospel conversation From whatever you give them
And you know, it's something where the more you practice it you start to realize you could take any anything
Get to the gospel It's it takes practice and the more you do it the better you get the faster you get
You start to see ways that you can Transition You know these are
I'm, sorry. Yeah, so these are conversations that are organic conversations. It's not a it's not a a set play by play
Do this answer that do this you're just having a natural conversation with people, you know, so This uh this monday they they were gonna they're gonna have the inauguration for donald trump
You know, it was they decided to move it indoors because it it's going to be 10 degrees
Outside It's that's going to be cold and they they have to get people out there for you know
By like eight o 'clock or earlier because of all the security even though it's not going to happen till noon and and the concern people had is something like cold weather and we don't often think about that because You know when you think about we we have
Most of us are nice heated houses but Being out in the elements.
It could be dangerous I mean it is something that we take for granted the heat in our homes but you remove that and put yourself in a position where you are at the the mercy of the elements and suddenly many people realize
All the things they think they're in control of and you realize how little control you actually are
Of your own life. I mean one of the things most people think they're they're in control of and maybe you feel this way
But you know a lot of people think they're in control of their life But Do you know when you're gonna die?
Right? Do any of us have any any idea like How we're gonna die when we're gonna know we have no idea.
We're not in control of that, right? How much less are we in control what's gonna happen after we die?
Yeah, have you ever thought about that? Yeah, that's good stuff Yeah, really good You know,
I uh, I I andrew I like how you do that because that's that's exactly how I do evangelism Often often often often
I think it's it's one of those practices that if you can It brings people it's it's not
Disassociated it's actually personal It's actually building a rapport with somebody as you're you're you're taking them along through this conversation
And it's something that's engaging them where they're actually listening to you versus closing off their ears Because you're you're saying a very blunt message, which blunt messages are great.
Sometimes i'm not saying don't use blunt messages I'm, just saying that we should have a multitude of tools in our toolbox to be able to draw from I think those
I know like for me Backing up a little bit. So one of the one of the really cool things on the firefighting side of things is i've been a tragedy
Somebody dying overdose or whatever the the situation is Being able to have that ability to have a personal real conversation with somebody that's mourning the loss of their loved one in the other room
What some of the most impactful times of evangelism that i've ever been able to partake in Is literally doing chest compressions on a person
Getting up telling the family member that they're dead and then telling them about christ. Oh, yeah, and and um
Surreal moments surreal moments and so I I think it's just one of those practices that you as the christian need to be prepared and Desirous not just prepared but desire
To tell people about christ for I think there's a multitude of reasons, but I think the two chief reasons is
One because you love christ who saved you And number two, you love your neighbor that's around you
So that's that's kind of what I wanted to hit on next when when I was I was thinking about haps And you know when you go to a homeless shelter when you go under the bridge, like you had said you were talking to people
Um to actually when we communicate the gospel to communicate it when philip went to the eunuch
You know, he invited him up into the to the chariot with him Why? Because he knew that he had a genuine care for his soul.
That's right. He was being friendly. He was loving him And when we when you go out to the bridges and stuff like that, wow, you're actually taking time out of your day to talk to me
Somebody who lives under a bridge that you're not looking at my my living circumstances or conditions
You're actually wanting to strike up a conversation with me And loving him.
Yeah, and I and I I don't um, it's one thing, you know, like I I know
I say this a lot and everything but I For me, I I could never separate evangelism from discipleship
So my my that is like a big thing for me the first step of discipleship Yes, you can't teach them everything that christ has taught you
Until they're saved. Yeah, no, no, no, I I know um, but Uh, that was the the the thing
I would do is I would go out and find them And give them the gospel of jesus christ uh, um
I would bring them i'm like I want to help you. I want to get you off the streets I want to bring you to my home
Sit you down feed you give you water You know have you have a nice shower and stuff like that and Uh, and then get on then
I get the gospel again, you know after they get sober, you know, um, you know It's one thing to have an emotional response while somebody's under the the um under a drug or alcohol or something
Like everybody has a reason an emotional response. Sure. What is it's it's when it's the next morning
Hmm they're still around. Yeah, they're still around. Yeah, and I give give the gospel and um,
And uh now disciple You know, and I I think that you know, um with you know, proper orthodoxy brings out.
Um, uh, uh a proper orthopraxy So if you got the right orthodoxy, you know the orthodox you can go and do these things but you know
Yeah, hey andrew, what do you when does when do you like mercy ministries? um with with the full intention some are very very well intended to get
To attract people by either giving them food and stuff like that at what point? um
Are those dangerous or are they dangerous? um Not sure what you mean by dangerous or do you mean?
Not effective at what point do you just got to say? Hey, you guys you're just coming in here. Is there is there a point where?
How discerning what does that look like? Yeah. Yeah. Okay. So I think that I think the the
Dividing line on that is are are they sharing the gospel? My uh my kids school when they were in high school, they went to a christian school and every year they do admissions and My son did one where they went into new york.
We went to brian park to To share the gospel They were with a group that was doing as you say mercy missions giving out food and clothing um
The guy who ran it got very upset because we got there early. Yeah And so because we got there early
Uh, some of the students wanted to see open air being done. So We got there before the their little van showed up So I just got up on a bench and started sharing the gospel with all the homeless that were there
And this guy got offended That we shared the gospel
Wow, because they are theirs. He said we're here to give them food And clothing and we don't want them to feel
And that's why we just leave the tracks and if they want to take it they take it
But we don't want to push it on them i've seen that too That's not I don't consider that christian ministry anymore.
Is there do you do you think a lot of uh, Ministries are out there doing that right now.
Are you actually seeing it getting better? Because it's you know, every church that does short -term admissions That's what so I went to church with a guy that he was born in saint lucia
Yeah, and we went back to saint lucia and did some missions And it was very interesting because he had a very very strong opinion about short -term missions
And not doing you know where you're building houses and things like that And I got into discussing it with him because he he was as I am that if you're going to do missions
It's about the gospel. You're sharing the gospel. You're teaching them about christ And the reason he told me he was had such a strong view is he said growing up in saint lucia
Everyone all the locals would purposely let their house Go to to fall apart
Because they knew if their house was in the worst possible condition the americans come in and give them a
And rebuild them a whole new house at no cost to them
All they have to do is have a house that looks worse than everybody else's. Yeah And so he was saying that what the american quote -unquote missions short -term summer missions trips do
In an area like saint lucia is actually train people To let their house go to make it look the worst possible
And they appeal to the groups that are coming in to go. Here's pictures of our house We have great need we can't do anything and the people have the means to take care of their house
They don't because they know the americans will come in and do a better job and provide more things that they don't
And then they go home going. Oh, didn't we pat ourselves on the back? Didn't we do a wonderful thing? You share the gospel.
No Yeah, you know, that's that's really interesting I could only imagine the stories that people are going back or the the motivation that's getting
More money coming in, you know keeping the people in the church busy busy busy and actually doing nothing
That's advancing the kingdom of god and ministry and I I think also I think a lot of the so should we be
Participating in ministry that helps the public in our neighborhood Not not disagree. Yeah at all.
But I do think there's sometimes an over emphasis on The scripture of matthew 25
And james chapter 2 I think is in the context of actually aiding those in the church the bride of christ
Yeah, and so that's where I I think a lot of people take that and they stretch the canvas to be just Inclusive of the whole world and that's not the case.
How are you doing? Caleb? That's not the case. Yeah. Yes. Okay. Caleb says bro. I've been saying this for years short -term missions trips are so often a waste
Yeah, yeah So, let me just give it since If you don't mind i'll just put a shout out if you go to uh, caleb gordon .org
Org Um, he has a conference coming up in february Uh some excellent speakers.
I I heard rumor rumor That tom shepherd is going to come out there because he's going to see his his favorite and my favorite one of my favorite preachers
Uh brandon scoff who's going to be there now. I was going to see you Yeah, well that I wouldn't be your favorite preacher
Brandon would be Yeah, we've seen you preach Okay, look, here's the thing I thought joe levin was gonna be
The chat can let us know what they think but if tom shepherd Comes to the the conference and go to coral caleb gordon .org
to get the details How many people in the chat would like to see tom shepherd go into a cold plunge?
Oh my gosh Challenge is thrown down Just just so you know
Caleb caleb has agreed. He will go into the cold plunge Uh, i'm
I am having a cold See Rapture port did it again?
So Caleb says there are 100 he's going in Uh, wait a minute.
How are you getting your is it portable this tub of yours? Well the mine is but the chiller is kind of hard for me to bring on a flight
But I will I will have a I am having a cold plunge sent to caleb and uh We will figure out how to fill it with some water and ice
And so yeah, we will have a cold plunge there. So so here's a question. I was going to ask you guys So you have you have a choice?
You have a choice perhaps Your choice is To get into a 45 degree cold plunge for five minutes or shave your beard.
Which do you do? Go on and do the plunge Because I just I I had to trim this down so it's in transition still looks bad.
Yeah, I know i'm it's getting there though It's it's coming. Okay. Good. What about you brayden? Oh, no, can you imagine
It would be horrible, I'd do the cold listen andrew i'm joining your cold plunge colt i'm doing it
Hey, dude, it is is you got to think about brandon's hands. How's he gonna get out of the the tub with those little hands?
Yeah So now that we've established now now we just have the thing so tom is either going to caleb
Tom is either going to go in the cold plunge or we're going to hold him down and shave his beard I'll tell you what i'll tell you what
I will get in after brandon's scalp Ha ha ha Yeah, he goes in first and out and then maybe i'll go in but I doubt he's in y 'all are gross
You just want to be bathing in each other's water. This is nasty weird I agree
No bubbles going on No Pick oh ticket sales going through the roof.
He says vip tickets. Oh to get into cold play here. Let's put this up with andrew
Oh, I mean, I I think those tickets are only like 50 bucks. I mean if you get a discount on that I agree
I ain't joining no cpc cold plunge colt.
I'm out cold plunge cold you start But really that that is going to cover it.
You have brandon's scalp. I think you have toby sumter you have uh, Who else is there? Caleb's gonna be preaching you're gonna be preaching um
No, toby sumter is not preaching. Who is the water boys preaching? Yeah. Yeah Gabe, uh,
I forget his last name michael staton. He's gonna be there Brett baggett, I think is another one all the guys.
Yep. It's gonna be a good conference. Yeah Well, what's another what's another question?
Here's one. I got one here. This is this sounds good number eight. I'm gonna ask the question Why are you going to eight? I wanted three.
I was right on number three. Wait a minute. This is a neat one I really like this. I want to hear everybody. So if jesus's parable of the prodigal son were made into a movie
What would be the most important scene? What would you what would you like? I like that question
The prodigal son movie what would be the most important scene that you would want to see? I'm gonna go last because I think you're all gonna miss the point so go for it
Brayden patterson. Oh, man, you know pastor brayden I think uh a panoramic conclusion of showing the brother in discontent with the with the prodigal son
Standing outside his father's house unwilling to go in and that like just this beautiful super sad lowly
I mean, it's gonna be drawn out right? It's gonna be sad tears in the eyes But he's not he's unwilling to go into that father's house while maybe in the background you see the house lit up and the prodigal son is being celebrated for his return and he's a part of this feast now and And then you have that that crying brother outside.
It would be it would be beautiful I I listen if you want me to help direct this if any any uh, If any any movie stars are out there that are looking for me to direct
I can I can do that for you I think I got some good ideas for this movie That's what he got, you know,
I I would say the same thing, you know, but just the the the son
Returning to the father You know It just said and I I think that that would you know begin when um
You know like because if you look at the other two parables that came before it talks about um, it's talking about how the
The good shepherd goes out, you know And he's the one that goes against the wandering sheep, you know
And um, and so that that given that gift of repentance, you know that part right there
We're we're in the prodigal son, I think that'd be cool Yeah, I do but I do think part of the prodigal son is it's it's trying to teach
I I really do believe this that the the jews in rejecting christ
And being upset that he was gathering his sheep together And so that's what that I think
I think the point of it. It's building up the 99 sheep And everybody's celebrating the neighbors are celebrating and here is christ who's going to bless both jew and gentile and you have an upsetness that's going on there, so I think where I would go with that and I I think you were heading right the right direction right there that the
That the brother represented the pharisees yep, um and that that uh, you know when he
I the scene that I would like to see they're the most most Glorious scene that I would see is when all the pigs, huh?
Well, no when he puts the robe when he puts the robe on his son Um and makes him righteous, but in his ring in his ring yeah in his ring, but I think what happens in john macarthur preached on this if you guys have ever heard the the the uh tale of two sons
Uh, he talks about what what happened next it's not written in the scripture And what happened next is that the brother?
Killed the dad the brother killed the dad So that's it's conjecture, but it's he's like finishing the story that the that the older brother
Turned out killing his dad who who was the dad? Well, and and it's a conjecture because of what it's about so so brandon made me eat my words because most people would don't get this right, but Because it it's actually wait, wait, wait say that again
Say that again It's recording it's recording it's recording Played in a loop just played
Yeah, I mean jot it down it's the only time in history that brayden was right
You know, it's actually I mean this is why and I think macarthur makes this point it's really not the the prodigal son the prodigal sons
Yeah, because the main part of the story is not the younger brother, but the older brother.
Yeah And and so many people and and as brayden pointed out and so many people forget this
It's that is not one parable all by itself. It is the third of three parables.
That's right one with a hundred sheep Where 99 don't go astray one goes astray as in found and returned and there's rejoicing
Melissa says brayden is right exclamation The same thing the exact same thing within the coin 10 coins.
Yeah Nine that aren't lost one that's lost and is found So then he gets into the prodigal sons
And now you have it where he's one son that goes goes astray where the other doesn't
And the irony is that the whole point of it is The older brother is angry.
Yeah That this straying son would receive the father's blessing and that's why
You know If you were to finish it with conjecture, we know historically. What did you representing the pharisees?
What did they do? Well, they killed the christ which so that's the The the the representation of the the father there in the story so yeah,
I the the main thing if you're going to have the main scene it would be as as Oh brayden said he was
Brayden was In case anyone ever saw, you know happy days
Ponzi who couldn't say the word wrong Say brayden is right
But he is yeah often Oh, no
I'll finish that sentence for you Right, so so the older son The older son was entitled the older son was doing everything right the older son never strayed the older son
Uh never went anywhere. He was always working for the father and all this stuff. How in the world can you go and give grace?
to these to this this son Who squandered everything and I think it shows that the son was never walking in a way that was actually pleasing, right?
and so like that's what you see with the pharisees is Lord lord, am
I I fast twice a week I do x y and z things but i'm and i'm not like this Uh tax collector here.
Look at how good I am You know the modern reading the modern reading of that is i'm not like that brayden over there fair enough
Amen, brother Yeah Sinner yeah
Okay, question number three question number three, yeah, so if if the church today
Peter is gonna answer I'm gonna take tom's tom came up with these questions
But if I could get to them, then then you guys have to answer him and I i'm I will say this has to be the last question.
I have to get off after this. Yeah, I do too You guys started an hour late Now you're at me
Do we get to explain why you were you were throwing your kids out brayden, I mean really my goodness
You're thrashing your kids. It's like, you know, seriously andrew calls me an hour before the show saying where are you at?
My i'm walking my kids out and taking the trash out. He's like, why are you throwing your kids away? Ha ha ha
I'm, like why are you on the show an hour early? Yeah, eight o 'clock.
He wasn't spent. I assumed everything's revolves around new york So, you know you say eight o 'clock, you know new yorkers think everything's revolves around them.
I just figured you know He said eight o 'clock. I figured that was for me. So I showed up at eight o 'clock Yeah Red hot chili peppers the sun rises in the east but it settles in a fun location.
We're we're centered around being fun. Okay Yeah, all right. 6 p .m. All right. So this is this is a good question.
So if you If you could only have one book i'm going to change the question up there tom a little bit
But if you can have only one book i'll word it this way. You're on a desert island You can only get one book of the bible
Hmm Which book do you choose and i'll expand it and give you a choice You could choose one old testament one new testament cool one or the other or both you could you could choose one old one new
So you get so in this case you get two books One from the old one from the new Perhaps what books do you take with you on the deserted island?
genesis and revelation And nothing in between you not not no, you know, no trickery here, no, no, it's just a revelation
You got beginning in the end Yeah, you got no no, no because you got uh creation and then recreation
All right tom isaiah in ephesians Why?
Isaiah because it's it's talking about our need our whole condition our it's it's prophetic uh
Ephesians goes into doctrine heavily doctrine finding out uh who god is
How he saves man How we ought to live through the the last three chapters so doctrine and practice basically
All right brayden I was gonna joke and say revelation earlier, but then hap said it and he started to joke a little bit
But I was gonna I was joking because I was like man I I if Listen anybody that's stranded on an island and they start reading that they're gonna start
So they're gonna be an all meal quick because that's what john the apostle He was stranded on an island
Folks that that's how brayden, you know develops his amillennialism just go ahead and say brayden is right.
Go ahead Look at his interpretation style john's on an island all meals, right?
I mean I mean it just speaks for itself the uh, no, I I probably
The old testament I think is gonna be a little bit hard for some reason in my mind. I'm i'm thinking I'm thinking galatians for some reason right now
I'm sure that maybe it would change daily if you ask me maybe john maybe john I'd probably take john now that I think about it
Oh, I know. Are you allowed to go other than the gospels or was that the question? Well, yeah, you are allowed other than the gospels.
Okay, you can change your you want to change your answer with the gospel Yeah, no any book any new testament book and any old testament book.
I'd probably you want to change your answer No, i'll stick with mine I would probably go john.
Oh, hey, can we put up melissa's last comment there? No lame No, no, not the lame one the one where she says brayden is
Wrong she says Wrong I knew
I liked melissa Sorry, I meant I meant to say john the apostle as a 1689
Uh optimistic ah milf, what would your old testament book be brayden i'm trying to think here. I um
You're acting like post -millennial because you're taking so much time I'm trying to develop a good answer for you guys
Genesis or exodus We'll go down time time is just a figurative thing for him as an omelette
So that's right. And you're going with let me time stand on it. Let me think a minute I'm, not meaning a literal 60 seconds.
Give me a give me an undefined time to think about this Yeah, you know what a figure of speech is kind of like if I said a thousand years
You're going you're going with uh, well, that's a literal thousand years compared to a literal day just saying
That's the comparison so What limitations and which uh, genesis, uh, genesis
But go ahead why genesis and john, uh genesis, I think really kind of Develops.
I I really enjoyed a seminary book that I just read recently where sin abounds and I really like how it develops uh, the the the
What is the outcome of sinful behavior and how man is just continually? Delving deeper in this and the repercussions of sin
And then with john, uh, I think it just focuses a lot on the deity of christ the fulfillments of those old testament prophecies
And how those things are reconciled in christ. And so that's why I think genesis and john Yeah, I would go with psalms
Because the psalms have the most theology in the old testament and that's why you see it's quoted more than any other book um, and so that's what people would do they put they'd put theology to song so you you get the range of Theology and emotion from the the sorrows if you're on a desert deserted island all by yourself.
You're gonna have some of that To the highs views of god and his glory so you get all that range within the book of psalms um
In the new testament. Oh, go ahead. I was gonna say I I I don't ever get signed. I'm i'm an omil um
So Uh new testament i'm gonna go with hebrews
And the reason for hebrews is because it has such a high view of christ so You know you as you keep reading through it you're going to meditate more and more on who christ is now
Choosing hebrews if I had to be pressed and could not choose psalms The other old testament book
I would choose and this would shock people but hosea deuteronomy Hosea The reason being is people don't often understand leviticus
Is the gospels present you have to understand the biggest understand hebrews long gospel, but it's so much of leviticus
When and if you want if you want just go and search, uh, leviticus andrew rapaport You'll see a couple places where I teach through leviticus in one hour looking at the repetitive words that you have throughout the book
And the gospel is laid out. So the the whole thing of leviticus is you have the the way hebrews
Would write you have it's not like western thinking where you build point upon point in your conclusions at the end
What you have is the conclusions in the middle? So on one side of the leviticus, it's working its way up to chapter 17
Where it's building up to the climax and then after 17 you're coming down from the climax.
What is the climax the day of atonement? Working your way up to that you see all the talk about cleanliness impurity uncleanliness
Unpure the fact that we that atonement has to be made there has to be a sacrifice this sacrifice has to be pure has to be
Unblemished all of that is like god's standard Correct. That's working all the way up to the day of atonement
When now there's atonement and what do you have and I challenge those listening to go open to leviticus
Chapter 18 and start reading what and look for a common theme that you're going to see right after the day of atonement
You're going to see a phrase Repeated dozens and dozens of dozens of times right after starting in chapter 18, and it is very simply
That god is or the lord is god Okay, so when you look at leviticus 18
Let me just really quickly go there Um, and i'm not going to repeat anything
Okay, these are not repeats Verse two. I am the lord your god verse four.
I am the lord your god Verse five. I am the lord verse six. I am the lord
You're seeing a pattern Yeah, okay Verse 21. I am the lord um
Let's see verse 30. I am the lord your god chapter 19 verse 3
I am the lord your god verse 4. I am the lord your god anyone picking up what he's throwing down there
Yeah right after atonement It's all about god because he was the atonement
And then you start to see as you you move out from there that the work of salvation
So I would if I had to Couldn't have the book of psalms.
I would go with leviticus, which would seem strange to folks I like it to go check out the message.
Yeah, that's yummy Yeah, that was great brother. Yeah I think you see a similar thing that takes place in the book of job as far as the how climax is in the middle and I think you see the same thing.
I think that's a that's a common, uh, literature style. It's it's a very common uh eastern style of Which is what so so paul is a more western thinking style so Uh, we would end up being you know, so you have to understand that when you come to the the the bible
Yeah that there is a different styles of writing to get to what the main point is. So Yep, people get bogged down in leviticus.
Like it's all these laws Well, why do you have all the laws? Yeah, because they're pointing to something. Yeah And so when you recognize that it it's all pointing to the middle chapter chapter 17 the day of atonement
Good stuff andrew Awesome Hey pretty good show here guys not not to show we only did what three or four questions on ai
Four we we get you know, there's time for more. We don't need brayden. No Brayden is right.
So I don't know what you guys would do without me. So Uh, that's not what melissa said. She said brayden is wrong
I don't I don't remember her earlier comment. You guys mind if I do a quick plug with everything
No, go ahead All right, two channels wherever you were watching this at, uh, please go check out
Open air theology on youtube and go subscribe to that Also go check out andrew rapaport striving for eternity go check out his books.
Of course Uh go subscribe to those channels support him in those ways and then also
Again, we talked about this at the beginning of the show go check out jacob. Tanner's new book pre -order. It's on founders .org
it is a uh I'm, just looking here. It says lessons learned from the life
And times of john knox, so it's going into the life of john knox I think you're going to be greatly blessed by this book.
Go check it out and go make a pre -order for it Um, it should be a great addition to your library and something that you should go and read again
Go subscribe to open air theology and i'll say I don't should I say should we start should we start doing goodbyes and And hugs and kisses and all that right now right now
Yeah, go ahead go ahead and start below you and move to haps on didn't mean and you could close this out Don't give me that look andrew.
You're just talking about jumping in a cold plunge with each other I was not with One at a time
They do have a actually they I could get I could get the the group plunge and we all don't you guys would like that Yeah group plunge
Then you gotta stay until the last one gets out, you know, who's the last Who can survive the longest maybe that would be fun to do andrew any last words, bro
Well, I would just say thanks for having me on it's it's really a privilege to You know be able to join you guys have some fun discussion um, even though haps is here and He's next you forgot he's next
Yeah Yeah, but he's got no teeth, you know Yes, I mean he still don't exist so My comments don't matter
I've been talking to chat g ppi or whatever. It's called all night wearing a purple shirt
That's what ai stands for andrew intelligence Yeah Well, I have actually been writing ai for over 30 years so Yeah Little kid that you probably didn't know but yeah, no,
I do. Thank you guys for for having me on fun discussion. Um, and so I appreciate you you having me on And and then i'm gonna i'm gonna go and i'm selling my off my library
And so i'm gonna go back to uh packaging up books for folks that are buying books anyone interested just go check out my facebook page and You can see all the books that are still left
Brayden needs them for his his nice big office there that he's got. I do listen. I do need some a lot of Box with the bear right there, but then
I got some more books It's a big office over. Yeah, it is and he's got some handlers that the previous pastor must have left because you know
I don't even see any bears there There's your bear, right My bear skull's right there
And then the bear pelt's right there. Oh, is that your cape? That's on a box right now I haven't found a good place to put everybody you guys know that that brayden shot boo boo bear last year boo boo bear
He needed to die baby bear and he tasted very good, too Don't worry everybody any last words perhaps
Uh, oh I got so many things I want to say i'm gonna look right over at him Yeah What are you looking at there's no one there no,
I actually uh, I I uh If you guys want to uh, check out my show r &b studios, it's on facebook.
I'm going to try and get rap report on and uh I don't have a first name
Yeah rapture port boom gone in an instant. No, um Uh and uh matt slick he's gonna be coming on so I want to do these things
It's 20 seconds with matt slick and andrew rap report, dude I would love to see you manage to get
An answer from matt slick in only 20 seconds. It's not gonna happen. I know I know I saw the whole thing is
I wanted you said if you said Matt, what is your name? That would take him longer than 20 seconds
Dude, I want to see him go off just ask him a stupid question and he just flipped out, you know, are there ghosts?
Yeah Are there ghosts? Yes. Um, no, but uh, uh, thanks for having me on and uh, um guys, uh glorify god and enjoy him forever
This is rated in his mink It's messed up boo boo bear look at that that little baby bear he didn't even have to shoot him
He shot him with a bb gun. Yeah. Yeah Threw a rock at him. It's more bear than all you guys have ever shot in your whole lives together put together
You sure about that? You know what i'm hearing jealousy right now We covet your bear first And mama bear's still tracking you down over isn't she she is but don't worry i'm waiting
I'm the one that actually shot mama bear Picture because while he was shooting little babies, have you shot a bear before?
Huh? Have you shot a bear before? I may or may not have shot a bear. You have it. You haven't shot a bear
If you can send a photo Yeah, i'm not gonna believe you because it's probably andrew intelligent created.
Yeah Well, I can I can do a photo if you want i'll do i'll do a photo of me shooting haps and you know
It looks like a bear Do a
I you know Haps dressed as a bear Oh my goodness, this this is a typical open air theology show.
Um, Thank you guys so much for watching. Uh, we really appreciate you guys and and the questions that you guys ask and having uh,
Andrew on and haps as well as well. Um church tomorrow you guys go to church if you guys uh,
Uh have a church close by you if you if you know, hey, we're Getting five inches of snow and one of the my the best email
I got tonight Was from my pastor saying we're still having church. That's right.
There we go Amen, that's awesome. That's right. So go to church tomorrow sing to him.
He's worthy and if you guys uh, You know if you guys walk out your door go out and share the gospel with somebody just tell them about jesus
I mean, that's what we're supposed to do ready to be his witnesses. So go out and do that Thank you guys for being on And i'll give it to that guy
How do I? make Can you have one question? Yes, actually has haps you left
California, right? You fled that country. Yeah Would any would any sane person go from like the freest country in the world known as Idaho and go to that communist country of california with that would a sane person do such a thing happens
Let me ask you this what i'm at what i'm just saying is this That the fire started after he arrived
He was looking at him out man. He was looking for a job buyers It just happened to be ricky in that area, you know yeah
And you know, of course, of course, he's gonna start a fire because who's gonna call and put it out
Yeah, gonna call the firemen or a ghost buster ghostbusters so This is actually
Is that calling? A lot of funny stories to tell you guys. First of all, let me answer you with this andrew.
Do I look like a sane person? No, yeah I got a bear on me right now.
I ain't saying what are you talking? He doesn't live in a in a place with a population That explains everything
It's different, huh brain when we leave a population of like 50. Yeah, man it's actually been so good to actually have like you like Conversations with people throughout the day on the gospel and like that's how they know you're not from there
Hi, what's your name? My name's braeden
I go to church right over there. What did you have for breakfast today? Then they're honking me and giving me the one finger wave
Just Which we just live right over there on the park and everything I just shot a bear what'd you do this weekend?
Listen california's gonna be a red state 2026. Just you wait I'm, no, it's not it's never actually
Maybe right. He may be right. I mean these fires people are getting real upset over them. I'm telling you
But no, I just I just found out tonight that my dad, uh hit me up and he told me that tom that was so funny
Can you imagine that poor guy at in and out boy these in and out burgers are fantastic don't you think they're good
When did you just say wow? They didn't have these in idaho Hey, put up owens last comment up there.
That's funny Hey She said california ran out of water because andrew used it all for his cold
Oh, hey humble clay says this is the last show of the joe biden administration Uh, he said he then says great great show
New president monday. I think he's looking forward to that. I don't know Sounds like it.
Yeah Sounds like it so I was gonna say in our town
What how's what are you gonna be hearing in church tomorrow? Over and over and over and over I don't need this y 'all.
No the uh, so in in hagerman in our small town I started pastoring there and one of the churches in town burnt down So I have a bad track record
Record it was a bad fire too. It was real bad And then
I move here and now there's like you said it really bad No, it was somebody burning weeds next to the building that caught it.
Yeah, it was a whole thing Anyway, they don't burn weeds out there. They just pee on weeds out there and they just pee on them.
Yeah I actually did see a guy peeing on the side of the street the other day. That was new different Welcome to california
Hey guys, I gotta get going. Okay When you get up north in san francisco area
This is no joke. Like I so I was preaching in a church that's up in that area and My bride and I were gonna like walk around San francisco area and the pastor of the church goes.
Well, I got an app you have to get You know, it's the the poop app Anyway, excuse me.
He goes. Yeah, he goes you got to get this app because Basically it tells you where all the homeless are pooping on the street so that you can they report it
They actually have an app for san francisco So that they could report to people to know where to clean up the the feces of human beings
That are just defecating on the street. Welcome to california, my friend Hey, wait, did you see all the needles all over the place right?
Don't say that Yeah. Oh, yeah all over the place, dude I will also say that I hope people don't think i'm too weird
This bear is super warm and I get cold and so it's actually kind of it works You got to make a bible out of it.
I think it would so I have another bear pelt that's getting tanned right now All right, guys, I gotta go great to make a bible
Okay, how they wave up here? Let me say bye to everybody. Okay, say goodbye Thank you guys for for joining us tonight go subscribe to open air theology
Uh go to church tomorrow if you live in ventura county area come check out grace bible church of moore park