Progressives Attack Christian School / Accuse Them of Having a "White Supremacist Agenda"

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Article published in the Greenfield Recorder 8/18/2023 -


Hello, in this episode of the Testing the Spirits podcast, I'm going to be discussing the new persecution against Christianity in America, how progressives are trying to label
Christians as a bunch of white supremacists. Now, I'm going to be responding to an article in our local newspaper where a left -wing progressive lawyer wrote in and accused the local
Christian school of supporting a white supremacist agenda, even though there's zero evidence of that.
And really, she didn't even try to make a case that there's actual racism going on.
Instead, what is very clear to me, if you're a Christian and you actually believe the
Bible, if you hold to traditional values, then you're just going to get smeared as some sort of white supremacist.
Now, this line of attack, honestly, for many of us, it's just getting old.
It's like, is anyone really buying into this? But some people are. And there's also some people who are still sort of taken aback by this.
They hear white supremacy and they don't know what to make of it. Why are people saying this?
So I'm going to read the article, try to explain, and then end with an encouragement and what we should do about it.
Let me just start out this way. The first time I heard this white supremacy nonsense was back sometime around the 2016 election.
So that's 2015, 2016. There were people walking around Shelburne Falls with a clipboard and they stopped me and they asked if I would sign a petition or it was something from the
Southern Poverty Law Center warning about the new rise of white supremacy in America.
Now at the time, I thought they meant real old fashioned white supremacy like the
KKK, but that's not what they were talking about. What I quickly discovered is that they were trying to paint all of their political opponents as Nazis and white supremacists.
Now I'm not going to get into the politics of it all, but to make a long story short, we are living through what many believe to be a
Marxist revolution. So Christianity, you have to understand this because this is what is going on, at least on their side of things.
Christianity has been seen as the bedrock of Western civilization, but now
Marxism is taking root. So before they can usher in their new socialist utopia, they must first vilify and destroy the old system.
So the line of attack that has been most effective for them is that the old system, which was connected to a
Christian worldview, the old system was racist, white supremacists. So you need to tear down the old to bring in the new.
So if you don't support the new agenda, if you don't support LGBT, abortion,
Black Lives Matter, the climate change initiative, or if you have traditional values, you don't want to go along with that stuff, therefore, if that's you, you're part of the old system, therefore you must be racist, you must be a white supremacist.
So it doesn't matter if that's not true, that's the narrative, right? So the Bible is very clear on some of these issues, and yet in this article, this lawyer, this woman, she basically labels
Christian beliefs as white supremacy. Unreal, but it's very common.
And Bible -believing Christians do have traditional values, right? Therefore, we are standing in their way.
So that's just the way it is. They feel like they need to vilify us, marginalize us, because in order to get their laws passed and get their government that they want, we're just kind of in the way, so they need to take us out.
The article in the Greenfield Recorder newspaper says, this white supremacist agenda is hardly a genuine education.
This article is written by Susan Shoger. She says, kudos to the Greenfield School Committee for having reservations about approving the application of Providence Christian Academy to open a school in the
Greenfield area, where a white supremacist agenda will be advanced. What happens in a private
Christian school should be everybody's business. The ABECA curriculum proposed to the school committee originated in Florida at the
Pensacola Christian Academy in 1954 for use in homeschooling. The curriculum was further advanced and published in Texas beginning in 1972 for use in Christian schools that proliferated after the
U .S. Supreme Court ended segregation. She says, I have difficulty visualizing
Jesus advocating for segregation. In the article, she puts Christian schools in quotation marks.
She's saying that these are not Christian schools, and this is what a lot of leftists will do.
They try to redefine Jesus, redefine Christianity, that Jesus really would support
LGBT and Jesus would be a socialist. And then she says, I have a hard time visualizing
Jesus advocating for segregation. Of course, that's a strawman argument, since nobody is saying that Jesus would advocate for segregation.
But the article continues, ABECA's history curriculum is tainted with white supremacist ideas.
In ABECA's and the curricula of similar publishers, slavery is categorized as black immigration.
Okay, so this is the only claim that she makes that racism is even involved and how slavery is characterized according to her.
Not that it was immigration. She's just saying it's characterized as immigration.
She doesn't give any examples. And then is it the ABECA curriculum, because then she mentioned similar publishers.
So she's very vague and there's no way to really fact check this.
So it hardly seems like justification for such a serious accusation as white supremacy.
But now we get into the real issues. She continues in the article, the acceptance of homosexuality in the
United States is referred to in the curriculum as cultural decay and a result of declining
American values. Diversity is neither taught, accepted, nor reflected in the student bodies of these schools.
Too many white people, I guess. The belief in Christian nationalism and white supremacy generates what is taught.
Now that term, Christian nationalism, this is another new term that's come out in the last few years.
It's a new line of attack. Basically, if you love your country, if you vote your conscience and you want to see
Christian values upheld, you are a dangerous Christian nationalist.
Basically, if you're not a globalist, you must be an evil Christian nationalist. Well, what she's really objecting to though, is that they're
Christian and they don't believe like her. You know, this really has nothing to do with racism, has nothing to do with white supremacy.
And this is what we cannot ignore, the spiritual element. This is spiritual warfare against the
Christian church. Notice what she says next. She says, the science curriculum is a total farce since a
Becca's view is that the Bible trumps science. Okay, there it is.
That's the key. That for the Christian, the authority is the word of God. Marxists, atheists, unbelievers, however, they can't stand that.
So that's really what's at stake. This is a spiritual battle that Christians believe and want to follow the
Bible. And we cannot have that. She says, after reviewing a Becca's eighth grade science textbook, science, earth and space, retired environmentalist, geologist,
Daniel Phelps states that any teacher or homeschool parent using this textbook is committing educational malpractice.
So now she seems to be arguing that if you are a Christian and you want to teach your children Christianity, you know, maybe that should be a crime.
I think that's the implication. She goes on and says, each state and local community has the responsibility to educate and not indoctrinate.
You know, and this is the richest statement in the whole article, since we all know that the public schools, they're doing exactly that.
They are indoctrinating students with the whole LGBT diversity, equity, and inclusion agenda.
But again, this is a spiritual battle, right? It is a, a battle of worldviews.
The progressives, they have their religion. We call that secularism and we have our religion,
Christianity. They will claim that secularism is not a religion, but it is.
It's a belief system. We have our creation story in Genesis. They have theirs with evolution and the big bang.
We have our view of the end times with the battle of Armageddon and the book of Revelation. They have their end time scenario, the end of the world with climate change.
You know, we have our teachings and traditional values. They have theirs with LGBT. We have our
God, the Lord Jesus Christ. They look to their God to save them, which is government.
So they depend on government to solve all their problems. So really, even though they deny that they're religious or they don't like the word religion, it's still at the end of the day, two diametrically opposed belief systems.
They may drive around with a bumper sticker that says co -exist, but they don't really want to co -exist.
They want to conquer. And then she goes on to talk about how diversity is our strength. Nevermind the fact that the people opening the school are immigrants.
She didn't mention that fact, but see, they're Moldovians, so they have white skin, so that doesn't count.
You know, they're not real immigrants, I guess. So it's, yeah, it's bigoted towards Christianity, but see, that's okay in our culture.
Being a bigot is the worst thing imaginable unless you're bigoted towards things you don't like and then it's okay.
And I don't really want to read the rest of the article. You can search it for yourself.
Again, it's titled, White Supremacist Agenda is Hardly a Genuine Education, published in the
Greenfield Recorder, which often, the newspaper often discriminates against Christians.
I could tell you stories, how they refuse to print letters and articles that pastors write because they're just too offensive.
But they don't mind printing this, oh no. You see, this is the double standard, right?
If the left didn't have double standards, they wouldn't have any standards at all. But she goes on in the article to basically say that people in red states are stupid.
In other words, if you don't vote for the people I vote for, you must be an idiot. You know,
I just don't want to read the rest of it. It's vile and it's not true, but this is kind of the situation.
This is what we face every day as Christians. This is the new persecution.
At the moment, they're just talking and hopefully they don't start passing laws where they're going to lock people up, but you know, that could happen, obviously.
It's happened in other places in the world where communism and socialism, Marxism has taken root, so it could happen here.
But whatever happens, God's in control and he will deliver his people from every evil work, the
Bible says. There's no personal guarantee for any of us that everything's going to go well, but in the end, we know who wins.
God wins. So this article, it's really anti -Christian. It's anti -Christ because for those of us who believe the gospel that Jesus died for our sins and rose again on the third day, for those of us who have put our personal trust in Jesus Christ, believing that he has saved us from sin and its penalty, which is death and hell, for those of us who have been given the gift of eternal life, we understand that this whole world, the
Bible says, is under the sway of the wicked one, 1 John 5, 19.
Also, we are not ignorant of Satan's devices, 2 Corinthians 2, 11. So with that said, let's not fall into the trap that some of these other people have fallen into.
To them, we might seem like the enemy, but we're not, and they might seem like the enemy to us.
They are not. This woman who wrote this article is not our enemy. Satan is the enemy of Christians.
She might be deceived, but don't fall into this trap where you begin to hate her or people like her.
Even though it seems like they might hate us, we cannot respond in that same way.
It does seem like many of them hate us, but even if we have a righteous cause, if we begin to hate people, we lose.
We've lost sight of the mission. So be on guard against that. You know, I'm all for standing up for what is right, combating sinful ideas with biblical ideas and even using polemical language at times because that's what we see in the
Bible. But we can never allow personal hatred to get a foothold in our heart because that is one in the same as allowing
Satan to get a foothold. I believe this is what has happened with the modern progressive movement.
They are driven by their contempt for Christianity, which is why they project that on us.
They're driven by hatred. Maybe not all of them, many of them. They're driven by hatred, so they assume we must be.
But this hatred in their heart towards the Lord, this in the end will be their downfall.
So in conclusion, what's the goal? How do we respond? What are we trying to accomplish?
You know, the goal is not to win an argument. The goal is not to cancel anyone or anything like that.
The goal for us is to make disciples. The goal is to teach all nations and baptize them and teach them all that Christ commanded.
That's the commission, the great commission that Jesus gave to the church. Don't get angry at the progressives.
I mean, you can be angry at some of the things that they do, but pray for them. We don't want them to lose as much as we want them to be converted to Christ.
I mean, we do want them to lose, but we also want to see them converted. That's the goal, that people might be saved.
Now it's true, right now they are making more converts than we are. That's just the reality.
And they're picking people off from our churches left and right. In fact, they're actually flipping evangelical churches into liberal rainbow churches, as I've talked about on this podcast before.
But this progressive movement, and it is a movement right now, and it's big, but it will not last forever.
There will either be some sort of backlash against it if the Lord tarries, or you never know, the return of Christ might be right around the corner.
Either way, the kingdom of God will be established, and in fact, it is being established right now spiritually.
True Christians have always been in the minority, and we will always be in the minority until Jesus comes.
So how should we react? What's the solution? The solution for us is to remain steadfast.
The solution is to remain faithful. 1 John 5 verse 4 says,
Whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world, and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith.
Jesus has already overcome the world, the flesh, and the devil, and He has given us,
His church, a mission. And that mission is threefold. No matter what is happening in the world, this is what we must continue to do.
So I'll close with this. Jesus, in Matthew 28, 19 through 20, He gives the
Great Commission. He tells us, Go ye therefore and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the
Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, teaching them to observe all things whatsoever
I have commanded you. And here's the promise for us. If we are faithful,
Jesus says, and lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world.