Pornography | Season 3 Episode 8

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Are you ready to boom bop or pow? Welcome to the Point Taken Podcast.
This is the Point Taken Podcast. Can you give me a glass of water, please? No. I was asking her a question.
No, thank you. It's the only podcast where we make and take spiritual and biblical questions and we chat them up.
To my right here is Anna Lastname. She did it. And to her right is
Pastor Josiah Shiffman. Yes. How's it going? Life's good, man.
It's great. Guys, we're going to be talking about some stuff today. We're going to be hanging out, having a good conversation about something that's so, so, so, so important.
But before we get into that, I've got a question for you guys, okay? Ready. A little icebreaker.
Let's get this conversation rolling. If you could have one superpower, of all the superpowers, you could pick one.
Now, you know, there obviously have to be some ground rules. You can't, you know...
So no flying? No, no, no. You said ground rules? Okay. Ground rules. I really want to check that joke because that's my job, but I actually appreciated that one.
You can't go crazy. Like, you can't be Superman and have all the powers. You just have to have one power.
You can't have the power of invulnerability. That's what my comic book said when I was a little kid. I'm like, that's the dumbest superpower.
I mean, it's not fair. Well, what do you mean? Invulnerable to all things? It literally, on my book, it said, it had like three pages.
Like, you know, for Hulk, it might have four pages. For like, I was going to say Aquaman because I'm thinking of Frank Caliendo, but it might have like a paragraph.
But it said one of his superpowers was invulnerability. Less cheating. That's the dumbest superpower. That's lame. Okay, okay.
But let me say this. If you have invulnerability, but don't have the super strength to match it, then it's worthless.
I understand what you're saying. Then you're only invulnerable to stuff like fire or whatever. But if anything with force behind it, you're still getting smacked, you know?
All right. So this is a good question. We're talking some real world. Okay. But not real world. You want to go first? Yes. The problem is my analytical line will need plenty of ground rules.
You want me to just give my initial answer? You can give your initial answer, and then I will be like the little kid when you're playing guns, and I'll say,
I'll change the rules. Yeah. It's like you're taking off. I used my shield. No, I have special armor, dude.
Can you not see it? That was me, by the way. I was that kid. You were that kid. Whenever you're found in hide and seek.
I wasn't even playing. So the obvious answer for a family of four, the obvious answer is teleportation.
Oh, yeah. For vehicles, sell them all, gas, all that. So it's a pure financial thing. Okay. But that's a pure financial thing.
And yes, I'm like Nightcrawler. I can touch them, and they can transport with me. Don't try that stuff with me. Okay. But Nightcrawler also can't teleport very far distances.
Yeah. I can't. Okay. And if you remember - He can only go where he can see.
No, he fixed that. Do you not remember X -Men 3? He fixed it. Oh, he did in the movies?
Yeah. She helped him figure it out. Yeah. I guess I don't know about that much. Well, there's only 47
X -Men movies, so I don't know how you can figure it out. Yeah. My bad. That's okay.
I was about to say I was going off the comics, which I was, but I don't know if the comics fixed that or changed that. I don't remember. I don't know.
And I don't know, actually. Don't even comment it. Don't tell me if I'm right. Okay. So that would be my initial one.
Now, as far as what would be the cool ... Reading minds would not be cool to me. That would be -
I do not want to know what people are doing. I wouldn't last. Especially if they're thinking something mean about you, and you're just like, wow, you're
That's what I'm saying. I don't have the strength for mind reading. I don't want to know. But if I could combine one ...
Well, I won't. Flight for the ... If I could fly quickly -
Okay. As opposed to flying slowly? Yeah. Well, yeah. Well, what superhero flies slowly?
Today. Today. Because you see Superman. If I could fly to the top of a mountain, like, today.
Yeah. Oh. If I could - Go really fast. You have super speed with flying. If I could see what
I could ... That would be incredible to me. But teleportation would be number one for me. Flying would be number two.
And we're just ... We're obviously going based off, yeah, if he does flying at high velocities.
That doesn't work in real life, because you would face the - Burn up or freeze. Yeah. You would face a lot of force coming up against you, and your neck, and your spine, and your eyes, and all that.
We're not even thinking about that. Yeah. All the Josiahs in the chat. Be quiet. We're thinking in perfect reality. Okay. What about you,
Anna? Super speed. I love that. Being able to get things done quickly. Man. If I could do all of my day's work in five minutes, and then just be done.
Oh. Big on super speed. Okay. I kind of forgot one. Okay. Super speed. Does that include super reading fast?
You can - I would say speed, yeah. You could do anything quickly. You could retain the information that you - Dude, that would be nice. That's different. I'll tell you this.
I will tell you this. In the comics, currently, starting, I think, right after the new 52 for the nerds, the
Flash comics went into the fact, if you have super speed, you also have super thought. You're processing speed.
Yeah. I want that then. Just as fast in order to keep up with it. Yeah. I would do that. Hers might be better than mine. That's a pretty good one.
Instead of having to wait until I get stuff done, you just do it. Boom, boom, boom, boom. That's pretty cool. Boom, boom, boom. You guys went really practical, and I really, really respect that.
Okay. What is - No, no, no. There's no however. There's no however. Mine's not practical.
Mine's just awesome. Mine is literally just for the enjoyment for me, and y 'all know who
Beast Boy is? Of course. That's - I don't know. Teen Titans? Changeling? Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. If you're an old
Doom Patrol fan. Teen Titans, we have - The green guy? Yes. The little green guy, yeah. The only people who call him the green guy is people who don't appreciate the show.
Yeah. I didn't like the show growing up. Do you agree? My brother did, but I didn't care for it. I was a little -
Garfield Logan. Yeah, he - I like - If you have a son, you need to name him Garfield. No.
Can you do that, please? You have a son. You could have named him Garfield. My son Garfield will love Mondays. No, because you always say, love me, feed me, never leave me.
You can name him Garfield. I do. Oh, yes. I say that all the time. Yeah. Love me, feed me. But I would be -
I could change into any animal, because the experience of being - Okay.
Thank you for catching me. Are you thinking back -
I could leave my persona. Are you thinking back to two weeks ago, the episode? All right, this is a callback to a previous episode by Nate Garland himself.
He did an episode on furries, and this is Hunter explaining his inner darkest thoughts, and he's using
Teen Titans to do it. It's funny. You're going to hold the phone and show me a picture of Hunter.
What's funny is I didn't even plan that, because this actually is what I want to be. I'm just looking at her.
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